Angry With A Millionaire Film - Clause

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1.- a.- cover the taj mahal article. Match the two parts of the sentences.
1.- there are lots of indian
a.-which are called the
taj mahal
curry restaurants
2.- indian authorities
b.- that uses the original
building for
Are angry with a
exotic inspiration
Millionaire film maker
3.- there is the taj mahal
c.- who thoughy up the replica
Casino in Atlantic city
2.- what do the second half of the sentences a-c add to the first half 1-3?
Complete 1-4 in the grammar panel
When we join two sentences together in this way, the first part is the main
clause and the other part is the relatice clause
There are lots of indian curry restaurants is _indian authorities are
angry with a Millionaire film _ clause
Which are called the taj mahal. Is the _there are lots of indian
curry restaurants _clause.
We use who, which nd that to link the two clauses. They replace nouns or
pronouns in the original sentences.
This is the photo. Took it the taj mahal -> this is the photo that I took at the
Taj Mahal.
This is the man. He built the casino -> this is the man who built the casino
We use _that_or that to refer to things
We use _who_or that to refer to people

3.- look at the sentences. Replace that with either who or which.
1.- the taj Mahal is one of the building that Id most like to visit in the
the taj Mahal is one of the building which Id most like to visit in the
2.-Ive never met anybody that has been to the Taj Mahal.
Ive never met anybody who has been to the Taj Mahal.

3.- I hate buildings that are just imitation of the original.

I hate buildings which are just imitation of the original
4.-I know the places that most people in the world want to go to.
I know the places which most people in the world want to go to

b.- which ones are true for you? Change the ones which are not true.
the taj Mahal is one of the building which Id most like to visit in the
Ive never met anybody who has been to the Taj Mahal
I dont hate buildings which are just imitation of the original
I dont know the places which most people in the world want to go

Look at the icons a-k and answer the questions.

1.- what do these icons mean and where do you see them?
Internet, messenger, twiter, facebook and save documents
2.- can you think of other icons we use and recognise in different
parts of the world?
Yes, I can. as dangerous or transit
Read the blog post. Which icons is it discussing?

Read the blog post again. Are the sentences true or false?
1,- writer likes some icons used in technology.
2.- the last new computer to use floppy disk were in 2002
3.- children know what a floppy disk is.
4,- the writer wants a new icon for save


A.- Look at the new icons for save. Which do you like best? Why?
Can you think of any others? Draw your own version.
I prefer the current one, because it is something traditional and
already a symbol that everyone is familiar

1.- a.- cover the text complete the sentences with the words in the box


flopy disks

icons x2



1.- there are los of icons used in_ technology _ that are clever and
2.- I like the house icon on the_ internet _ To represent a homepage
3,- it looks just like the houses that_ children _ draw!
4.- I like the_ icons _to thats the place where you put things you
dont want
5.- computers dont use _ flopy disks _anymore
6.-I think they should design a new _ icons _
7.- there must a be an_ Bin _ out there thats more modern
2.- Read the reply to the blog post. Complete it with a/an, the or no article.
I agree with you. an.. icon for save is ridiculous. I have
a..12-years-old child and I asked her if she knew what it was. She
said it was ablue square! If we want to use an..icons, not
a. Words, then we must use an. Icons that everyone
3.- talk about an icon or logo that you like or dislike. Complete the
1.- I like/dont like the icon/logo for


2.- icons are a good form of communication because the symbolism is

easier to interpret
3.- I think tattoos are interesting icons. The most common tattoos are
dragons and graffiti
4.- gestures can also be icons. For example, we have a gesture here
which silence gesture


We use a/an to talk about a person or thing in general way.
We need a new icon (we dont know which specific icons)
I need to create an account
Use a and an with singular countable nouns.
Use a before a consonant sound and an before a vowel sound.
a singer.., an engineer
We use the to talk about a specific person or thing.
The houses that children draw
the movie Friday..
We also use the when there is only one example in ur world or experience.
The moon, the world, the year..
No article
We cant use a/an with uncountable nouns or plural nouns in general way,
we dont use an article.
If we want to talk about uncountable nouns or plural nouns in a general way,
we dont use an article.
There are lots of icons in technology
scores of the song..
1.- a.- complete the phrases with a or an
an unusual icon icon

an.. Interesting icon

international gesture


a.. confusing gesture



an.. Asian icon



2.- look at the phrases again. Complete the rules using a or an

1.- we use a before a consonant sound.
2.- we use an before a vowel sound.
Some woeds that start with a vowel are pronounced with a semivowel sound, e.g. /j/: universal, university, European
3.- we use a.. before a word that start with /j/.

what gestures do you use to indicate these ideas?
How tall someone is
the ground dela

raising his hand palm parallel to


simulating the act with a spoon

I dont kow


Drinking what time is it?

rub your fingers

pointing a finger wrist

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