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Division of Human R.

Crirninal Convietions/Baekground and Fingerprinting Unit (CCBFLI)

Traci Walker
(Contractor's Empl oyee)

Program Administrator
Enlrepreneur S/orks
Based on the information we obtained on the above named individual, the Crirninal
ConvictionslBackground and Fingerpnnting Unit (CCBFU) has made the following decision

Hligible to work at and/or on Detroit Public Schools premises.

trqeligible to '"rork at antj,'or on Detroit Priblic Schools premises

The Crirninal Convictions,{Background and Fingerprintrng Unit (CCBFU) is authorized to make

this decision for Detrait Public Schools based on current District pclicies, Michigan State Poiice

Guidelines and Michigan Law.

If the (Contractor's Employee)

has any concerns regardrng the infarmation rve received, they

can contact the Michigan State Foli{re by email at
or by
telephone at (5I7) 241-06*6


For questions abcut, or corrections to the information we received, please email the Michigan
State Police at L'trSP-CR.D-C&i}, For audit specific questions, ptrease
ernail the Michigan State Police at \t5P-CJiC-ATS@,mlqh1ear'gpy.

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Gwendolyn R. Washinglon
Prrntecl ]rJan'le &. Tltle

Marcl'r 16. 2015

- FIR Consultant

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