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Chapter I

1.1 Introduction

The purpose of being in scout is knowing how to survive in a place where only your
knowledge about the scouting and its relevant skills can be applied but nowadays rising
number of mobile or android phone users takes place almost everything. This is because
of the modernization of the technology, and this is when the scout assistant has been
introduce to make the knowledge of a scout be applied or thought to a normal citizen or
person. Having most of the knowledge of a scout put into an application can be more
helpful more than going to orientation about scouting consumes lot of time.

This android application keeps the user ready for all time with the scout assistant
by their side it will be less worry for them. It is simple to access and very useful for
emergency situation. In this aspect the proposed android application can save lives and
carry out the situation. This will be the new application that will serve as your survival
weapon because every day we dont know what will happen.
Since scout orientation are limited in this country this proposed application can be
the easiest way to know the things needed or thought by the scouts. Improving the
readiness of the citizens or the users to cope with such situations.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The study is conducted to determine the readiness of the users to cope up with the
situation like calamities, accidents, unpredictable scenarios and problems that can be

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resolve by the help of a well knowledge personnel especially a scout because they know
lots of things about survival and first aid

General Problem
How to develop an Android-Based Mobile Application for tutorial on how to
survive and apply first aid?


Specific Problem How to create a system that will help the android users to deal with things
when an unpredictable situation comes?

How to design a tutorial that automatically generates gives tips for survival

and medical situation?

How to develop an application that will save you from suffering more or help

you survive?
How to construct an application that will keep you safe and stay safe?
How to teach android phone users the scouting ability?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.3.1 General Objective
The primary objective of this study is to develop an android application that
will help android phone users to deal with situation like being lost in the wilderness
on an island or stuck along the river and also to teach them how scouts respond

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with different type of calamity or situation. This can also enhance their ability to
survive wherever or whenever its needed.


Specific Objective
Specifically, the proposed study aimed to: To create a system that will help android phone users to develop the
scouting skill needed for unexpected disasters or medical issues. To design a system that automatically generates tutorials on how to
survive situation that a normal person is not oriented. To develop a system that will minimize time or days to know a
scouting ability To construct a system that will teach the users how things are done
by a real scouts. To develop an application that will enhance the ability of the user to
survive outdoors or in the wilderness.

1.4 Significance of the Study

This study is properly conducted to know, to analyze, to choose and to make
solutions for the problems encountered by the locale. It is also to improve the field of
research study in terms of using android application for a new way to deal with
unexpected situations.

1.4.1 Beneficiaries
The study will be beneficial to the android phone users that want to know,
learn, and study about how scouts cope up with unexpected situation when it
comes to survival skills.

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1.4.2 Management
The proposed study will provide a skills of a scout that is organized and fit
for the situation in a certain vicinity or place.

1.4.3 Future Researcher

The proposed study will serve as a guide for the future researcher to obtain
an opportunity for enhancement in their own endeavors.

1.4.4 Researchers
The proposed study will enhance the researchers to learn more about
android application creation and programming. This will also help the researcher to
apply the knowledge and acquired skills through the series of projects that have
been created in the past.
1.4.5 android phone users
The proposed study will serve as a tool that will improve the availability of
the skills needed to survive in case of a disaster of calamity or when its needed.

1.5 Scope and Delimitation

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The General Purpose of this study is to develop an android application that will
serve as guidelines for survival and automatic application that can generate skills needed
for survival thats important for unexpected situations like calamities. The scope covers
everything what the proposed system can do.

1.5.1 Scope
The general purpose of this study is to develop an android application which
will help android phone users to be knowledgeable and aware on things or skills
they still not possess, which is The Scout assistant. The researcher see the need
to clarify and present the scope and delimitation of this study.
The study covers the following: Option for location to verify the need of the user. First aid menu that shows basic first aid treatment for the patient. The Scouting skills menu where the basic needs to survive will
appear. Food preparation menu how to obtain and prepare safe to eat foods. Automatic skills and tutorial generator. The user can use it in any android devices Battery friendly because it can automatically turn off or minimized
the battery usage whenever the application is open but can alter the action if
the user would choose not to. Images that that can help you identify things.

5 | Page The application will show some alternatives if the said equipment is
not available. it can show you some hazards in that specific location. the application can be updated.

1.5.2 Delimitation
The proposed android Application is designed to help users to survive in the
wilderness or in case of a disaster. The proposed system The proposed android application does not cover any GPS
tracking system that will allow the user to get in track. The proposed android application The proposed android application is only gives some of the
things need to know not the whole scouting abilities and activities. It is not capable of teaching medical surgery just the first aid.

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Chapter II
Review of Related Systems
This chapter presents the review of literature and studies, which has relevance to
the study. It presents the compilation of related literature and on previous researches and
recognized by expert, both which have significant relation to the problem under

2.1 Related Literature

2.1.1 Local Literature

According to the HISTORY OF SCOUTING IN THE PHILIPPINES provided by the Scouting in the Philippines is among the oldest in the world, with an allFilipino Boy Scout troop organized in Mindanao as early as 1914. This is early if one
recognizes that Scouting started in England, with Lord Baden-Powell behind it, in 1908 and
was introduced in the United States only in 1910.

The first Boy Scout troop in the Philippines was composed entirely of Filipino Muslims boys. The troop
was organized by Lt. Sherman L. Kiser of the Philippine Scouts, U.S. Army, at an army
barracks in Zamboanga. It was named the Lorillard Spencer Troop, in honor of the son of
Mrs. Caroline Spencer, whose idea and support made the formation of the troop possible.
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On January 1923, the Boy Scouts of America, Philippine Council was formally organized
through the initiative of the Manila Rotary Club. The program of the Boy Scouts of
America was utilized in the Philippines.

Realizing that Scouting had come to stay in the Philippines, Assemblyman Tomas
Confesor of Iloilo sponsored the bill in the National Assembly incorporating the Boy
Scouts of the Philippines, with Col. J.E.H. Stevenot, JudgeManuel Camus, Gen Vicente
Lim, Arsenio N. Luz, Carlos P. Romulo, Jorge B. Vargas and Gabriel Daza
asincorporators and Charter members. This was signed into Law as Commonwealth Act
No. 111 on October 31, 1936 by President Manuel L. Quezon.

Operations of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines was temporarily disrupted during the
Japanese occupation (1942-1945) and resumed on February 24, 1945 when the National
Council of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines was established.
On October 1, 1946, the Boy Scouts of the Philippines was recognized as a member of
the World Scout Movement by the World Scout Conference as an independent national
scout association.
In 1959, in recognition of its leadership in Scouting in Asia, the 10th
World Jamboree was held in Mt. Makiling,Laguna. It was the first time a World Jamboree
was held outside of Europe. The date also marked establishment of the National Scout
Training Center in Makiling.
In 1961, the BSP National Executive Board approved and adopted a Revitalized Scouting
Program. This officially launched on June 19, 1961, the first successful attempt at Filipinization of the
Scout Program.
In 1972, the Boy Scout of the Philippines membership surpassed the million mark,
ranking it as the largest Scout Organization in Asia and largest in the World.
At present the Boy Scouts of the Philippines with its membership of 2.5 million Scouts
ranks second in the Asia-Pacific Region, and is third to the Boy Scouts of America in
World membership is 28 million with 75% of the membership coming from the Asia-Pacific

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To effect changes in its organization charter, Presidential Decree 460 was issued by them
President Ferdinand E.Marcos on May 17, 1974, amending certain provisions of
Commonwealth Act No. 111 and mandating restructuring of the Boy Scout of the Philippines. As
part of the continuing effort to make Scouting relevant to the needs of the Filipino youth
and nation, the BSP National executive Board approved a Scheme for Program
Formation and a Revised Commissioner Setup on May 28, 1986. The program of the Boy
Scouts of the Philippines with its four sections would follow the New Directions Program
(KABScouting) for 1975. Revitalized Boy Scouting Program (Young Scout) for 1961, and
the Service Scouting Section (Senior Scout) of 1975. This became effective until
December, 1991, following the finalization of the New Horizons Program by mid-year of
1991. The Rover Scouting Program has also been readapted with certain modifications
following the revitalized Rover Scouting program on April 23, 1962. A fifth Scout Section,
KID scouting was formally approved by the National Executive Board on February 26,
1990. The rest is more colorful history.

Scouting was first introduced in the Philippines by the United States, around 1914, 4
years after the Boy Scouts of America was founded. The first all Filipino Scout Troop was
organized in Zamboanga by a young lieutenant by the name of Sherman l. Kiser through
the sponsorship of Mrs. Caroline S. Spencer, an American who was in the Philippines
doing Charity work. The troop was composed of 26 Muslim boys. In 1923, the Philippine
Council-BSA was formed through the efforts of the Rotary Club of Manila mainly to launch
scouting as a nationwide movement and to provide guidance to the troops which had
been independently organized throughout the country. 1923 is the official founding of the
Boy Scouts of the Philippines. In October 1936, president Manuel L. Quezon issued an
act which made the Boy Scout movement a public corporation, "to promote through
organization and cooperation with other agencies, the ability of boys to do things for
themselves and others, to train themselves in Scout craft, and to teach them patriotism,
courage, self-reliance and kindred virtues, using the methods which are in common use
by Boy Scouts. The Boy Scouts of the Philippines became a member of the World
Bureau (WOSM), in 1946.There are 2,888,265 registered members in the Boy Scouts
of the Philippines as of January 1998. Scouting history of the Philippines can be traced
back to the American occupation of the islands. The first documented formation of a
Scout troop in the islands was that of the Lorillard Spencer troop of Zamboanga formed in
1914 by a U.S. Navy Lieutenant named Sherman Kiser.Sherman Kiser was initially assigned to
escort American charity worker Caroline Spencer in Sulu. Mrs Spencer saw how Filipino
boys could benefit from Scouting and discussed her ideas with Kiser. This suggestion was
natural for Mrs. Spencer as her son, Lorillard Spencer was quite active in scouting in the
United States, hence the name of the troop. Kiser was reassigned however to

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Zamboanga, but he followed through with Mrs. Spencer's suggestion and formed a Scout
troop composed of young Muslim boys. Upon learning of the formation of a new troop,
Mrs.Spencer sent monetary support to purchase uniform and construct a headquarters

2.1.2 Foreign Literature

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) based on wikipedia is one of the largest youth
organizations in the United States, with more than 2.4 million youth members and nearly
one million adult volunteers. Since its founding in 1910 as part of the international Scout
Movement, more than 110 million Americans have been at some point members of the
The BSA's goal is to train youth in responsible citizenship, character development, and
self-reliance through participation in a wide range of outdoor activities, educational
programs, and, at older age levels, career-oriented programs in partnership with
community organizations. For younger members, the Scout method is part of the program
to inculcate typical Scouting values such as trustworthiness, good citizenship, and
outdoors skills, through a variety of activities such as camping, aquatics, and hiking. The
BSA has several locations in Florida, Minnesota, New Mexico, and West Virginia in the
United States and Manitoba and Ontario in Canada that allow Scouts to participate in the
various aforementioned outdoor activities which are collectively called high-adventure
The BSA is a constituent member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement. The
traditional Scouting divisions are Cub Scouting for boys ages 7 to 10 years, Boy
Scouting for boys ages 10 to 18 and Venturing for young men and women ages 14 (or
13 and having completed the 8th grade) through 21. Learning for Life is a non-traditional
subsidiary that provides in-school and career education. [6][7] The BSA operates traditional
Scouting by chartering local organizations, such as churches, clubs, civic associations, or
educational organization, to implement the scouting program for youth within their
communities. Units are led entirely by volunteers appointed by the chartering
organization, who are supported by local councils using both paid Scouters and
The progressive movement in the United States was at its height during the early 20th
century.[8] With the migration of families from farms to cities, there were concerns among
some people that young men were no longer learning patriotism and individualism.

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The YMCA was an early promoter of reforms for young men with a focus on social
welfare and programs of mental, physical, social and religious development.


Related Studies
2.2.1 Local Studies

The annual practice of troops picking the perfect summer camp just got upgraded to the
smartphone age.
Clear a spot on your home screen for Camp Scout!, a free iPhone app brought to you
by Boys Life magazine and the BSAs Outdoor Adventures team.
Let the iPhone detect your current location or enter an address, place name or ZIP
code and Camp Scout! will show you the nearest BSA-owned properties.
Too many results? The Things to Do filter lets you see only camps with your units
favorite activities. Do your Scouts or Venturers fancy a place that offers boating, fishing
and horseback riding? Tap all three activities, select Find Camps and voila!
Each camps page uses information supplied by the council. Youll see a description, an
activities list, driving directions, contact information and a link to learn more.
Roughly 500 camps are already in the app, and more are being added all the time.
In talking with Brian Gray, outdoor program coordinator for the BSA, I learned that Camp
Scout! does more than just introduce you to camps within your council. Its your key to
unlock a whole nation of awesome Scout camps.
As units are planning their trips either for a full summer camp, or a trip around the
country, they can figure out where they might be able to stay, he said. Units have always
wanted to know what the various camps offered for programs, now they can use Camp
Scout! To find out what fun possibilities are available
Brian shared the example of a Fort Worth, Texas, crew taking a summer trip to
Gettysburg, Pa.

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Camp Scout! Wasnt yet available, and so they had no easy way to find Scout camps
near Gettysburg and along their journey.
If they had this app then, they could say, I want to stay at a local place the day we arrive
and the day we leave. They could put in that ZIP code and find the perfect camp for
them, he said.
Behind the scenes with Camp Scout!
Why iOS instead of Android? Im told that as a nonprofit organization, the BSA had to
choose the platform with the best economic efficiencies. A free app for users isnt free for
the folks creating it.
Still, that doesnt rule out the possibility of an Android version in the future. For now, Im
betting someone in your Scout unit has an iPhone and can pull up the app when its time
to pick a camp.
I also noticed a few of the negative reviews on the app mention missing or wrong
information about a council camp, so I asked Brian about that.
He tells me that your best move when you see errors is to contact your local council,
which can submit an update. Same thing if you notice your favorite camp isnt on there at
all. Your council knows how to get their info added.

2.2.2 Foreign Studies

The purpose of the Guide to Safe Scouting is to prepare members of the
Boy Scouts of America to conduct Scouting activities in a safe and prudent
manner. The policies and guidelines have been established because of the real
need to protect members from known hazards that have been identified through
100 years of experience. Limitations on certain activities should not be viewed as
stumbling blocks; rather, policies and guidelines are best described as steppingstones

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BSA members.

All participants in official Scouting activities should become familiar with the Guide
to Safe Scouting and be aware of state or local government regulations that
supersede Boy Scouts of America policies and guidelines. The Guide to Safe
Scouting provides an overview of Scouting policies and procedures rather than
comprehensive, standalone documentation. For some items, the policy statements
are complete. Unit leaders are expected to review the additional reference material






In situations not specifically covered in this guide, activity planners should evaluate
the risk or potential risk of harm, and respond with action plans based on common
sense, community standards, the Boy Scout motto, and safety policies and
practices commonly prescribed for the activity by experienced providers and

2.3 Research Paradigm or Conceptual Framework

The Research Paradigm or Conceptual Framework represents the steps in
development of the proposed study. The study most characterizes the proposed system,
device and sites the possible problems which may encounter in the development of the
project. When all the process is done, the working plan should be carefully follow and this
lead to the development of the project. Testing and evaluation should be done to

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determine whether the specified goals and objectives are met by the system and doing
necessary modifications if needed.


Knowledge Requirements
Programming languages

Software Requirements
Android SDK
Hardware Requirements

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Integration of
Hardware and


Scout Assistant an
Android application
for outdoor survival

The inputs necessary to the development of the proposed system are basically
divided into three categories namely: knowledge requirements, software requirements
and hardware requirements. In order to accomplish the study, ones should know what
cellphone is all about, internet, different programming languages available, and
communication. The different software requirements should also be completed like the
required operating system, Java, Eclipse Luna, Photoshop, Android SDK. The Hardware
part should also present like Smartphone.

The Process by which the software is to be developed consists of defined

procedures such as requirements analysis, design, coding and testing. Prototyping will be
utilized with the hardware part.

The output referred to this research is the Scout Assistant an android application
for outdoor survival.

2.4 Definition of Terms

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Eclipse - used to develop applications in other programming languages through the use
of plugins


an integrated


environment (IDE).



base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment.
Adobe Photoshop - is a raster graphics editor developed and published by Adobe
Systems for Windows and OS X.
Adobe Photoshop - It can edit and compose raster images in multiple layers.
Android Operating System - typically the most used Operating System for

Android Operating System - created by Google for use on mobile devices, such as
smartphones and tablets.
Android software development is the process by which new applications are created for
the Android operating system
Barcode - used to easily track the data using barcode scanner.
Barcode - a machine-readable code in the form of numbers and a pattern of parallel lines
of varying widths, printed on and identifying a product.

Database - primary storage of data of the proposed system.

Database - A database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can easily
be accessed, managed, and updated.

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Smart Phone a mobile phone that the administrator must use to install the mobile
application to view the information from the system.
Smart Phone - is a mobile phone that suits the requirement of the proposed application

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