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Reviewer JsirrEsca


Verbalegis non estdecendendum from the words of the law there can be no departure.
Dura lexsedlex the law may be harsh but it is the law.
Ignorantialegisneminemexcusat ignorance of the law excuses no one.
Ignorantiafactiexcusat mistake of fact excuses.
Praeterintentionem different from that which was intended.
Error in personae mistake in identity.
Abberatio Ictus mistake in the blow
Nulumcrimen, nullapoena sine lege there is no crime when there is no law punishing
the same.
Actus non facitreum, nisi mens sit rea the act cannot be criminal where the mind is
not criminal.
Actus mi invictureus, nisi mensfacitreum an act done by me against my will is not my
Mensrea guilty mind.
Actusreus guilty act.
Res ipsaloquitor the thing speaks for itself.
CausaProxima proximate cause which produced the immediate effect.
Prima facie at first glance.
Locus Criminis scene of the crime or crime scene.
Pro Reo principle in Criminal Law which states that where the statute admits of several
interpretations, the one most favorable to the accused shall be adopted.
Res Gestae the thing itself.
Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus false in one part of the statement would render the
entire statement false (note: this maxim is not recognized in our jurisdiction).

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