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‘question 1: What does an electric cirouit mean? Answer: An electric circuit consists of electric devices, switching devices, source of electricity, etc that are connected by conducting wires Question 2: Define the unit of current Answer: The unit of electric current is ampere (A). 1 Ais defined as the flow of 1 C of charge through a wire ints Calculate the number of electrons constituting one coulomb of charge. Answer: ‘One electron possesses @ charge of 1.6 x 107 C, ie, 1.6 * 107 C of charge is contained in 1 electron. 1 1 C of charge is contained in 1.6x10 25x10" = 6x10" electrons Therefore, 6*10" electrons constitute ene coulomb of charge. Question 1: Name a device that helps to maintain a potential difference across a conductor. Answer: A source of electricity such as cell, battery, power supply, etc. helps to maintain a potent Question 3 move It. The amount of work Is given by the expression. Work done Potential difference = Chante Work Done = Potential Difference ~ Charge Potential difference = 6 V Work Done = 61-65 Question 1: (On what factors does the resistance of @ conductor depend? Answer: ‘The resistance of a conductor depends upon the following factors: (@) Length of the conductor (b) Cross-sectional area of the conductor (©) Material of the conductor (2) Temperature of the conductor Question 2: Will current flow more easily through & thick wire or # thin wire of the same mate: when connected to the same source? Why? Answer: ' Resistance of a wire, Renee A Where, P = Resistivity of the material of the wire J = Length of the wire A = Area of cross-section of the wire Resistance Is inversely proportional to the area of cross-section of the wire. Thicker the wire, lower Is the resistance of the wire and vice-versa. Therefore, current can flow mors easily through a thick wire than @ thin wire Let the resistance of an electrical component remains constant while the potentis difference across the two ends of the component decreases to half of its former value The change in the current flowing through the component is given by Ohm's lew as, vauR me where, Resistance of the electrics! component — & , ee a List thie now reitaticetre Fe nie thei fiewr emroubteotaktrerdie | Therefor Fear Oherie law eich tate thre uneuttint raw olmrert v r-Z-2-4(4)-4 RR 2a a2 Therefore the emount of current flowing through the electrical camponent is reduced by half Wigan Soca aL Anewer: ‘The resistivity of an alloy is higher than the pure metal, Worsoven st nig temperatures, the olisve ce net ‘peu ERMA Heticar ae Seana Finatnclaclanc is rons made of an alloy rather then = pure metal? ip iceaprienien (Question 5: Use the dats in Table 12.2 ‘Table 12.2 Electrical resistivity of some sunstances a1 206 answer the following ~ = Material Resistivity (Q m) Conductors | Silver 1.60 x 10> Copper 1.62 = 107° Aluminium 2.63 = 107 Tungsten 5.20 x 107° Nickel 6.84 = 10-* Iron 10.0 x 10-* (alloy of Cu and nip (alley of Cu, Mn ana MD (alloy of NIL Gr, Mn end Fed Paper (irv> ao= (b) Which material is the best conductor? Answer: (a) Resistivity of iron = 10.0x10°2 m Resistivity of mereury = 94-010 "2m Resistivity of mercury is more than that of Iron. This implies that iron is a bette conductor than mercury. (b) It can be observed from Table 12.2 thet the res tivity of silver is the lowest amon, Question 1: Draw a schematic diagram of a circuit consisting of a battery of three cells of 2 V each, a 5 G resistor, an G resistor, and a 12 G resistor, and a plug key, all connected in series. Answer, ‘Three cells of potential 2 V, each connected in series, is equivalent to @ battery of potential 2V + 2V+2V 6Y. The following clrou diagram shows three resistors of resistances 5G, 8 G and 12 G respectively connected in series and a battery of potential 6 V. so #0 ne ‘Question 2: Redraw the circult of question 1. putting in an ammeter 0 measure the current through the resistors and a vohmeter 10 measure potential difference across the 12 G resistor. ‘What would be the readings in the ammeter and the veltmeter? ‘To measure the current flowing through the resistors, an ammeter should be connected in the circuit in series with the resistors. To measure the potential difference across the 12 G resistor, a voltmeter should be connected parallel to this resistor, as shown in the following figure, The resistances are connected in series. Current flowing throug the eu/resistors = 7 I" R25 0200 Therefore, using Ohm's law, we ebtain Vi = Rn 0.24212 = 2.88 Question 2. Judge the equivalent resistance when the following are connected tn parallel — (@) 1.2 and 1082, (b) 1 @and 107A and 10°R. (2) When 1 @ and 10¢@ are connected in paral Let R be the equivalent resistance. Roe Ina or 1 ~ 10" (0) When sity) 107, and! 10 Rare connatied ininanaiiel data ts 1 alot stot el R10 ~ 10 1900000 ge 1000000 _ 9,95 Too ro0r ~ 99? ‘Therefore, equivalent resistance = 0.999 0 Question 2: An electric lamp of 100 2, @ toaster of resistance 50 2, and a water filter of resistance 500 @ are connected in parallel ko 4 220 V source. What is the resietance of an electric iron connected te the same source that takes as much currant as all three appliances, and what is the current through ik? Resistance of electric tamp, & = 1002 Resistance of toaster,» ~ 50:2 Resistance of water filter, Ri ~ S008 Voltage of the source, V ‘hese are connected in par 220 Jl, as shown in the foltawing figure. if — Let R be the cauivalent resistence of the cireuit, According to Ohm's law, site Where, Current flowing through the cireule = 7.04 ® of current is drawn by “Therefore, currant drawn by an electric tron connected to the same source of potential the three given appiiances. Let Abe the resistance of the electric iron. According to Ohm’ lav, vee R= sis a 7 ‘Therefore, the resietance of the electric iron ie31-25 9. and ehe current Mowing through ie ‘Question What are the advantages of connecting instead of connecting them in series? lectrical devices in parallel with the battery There i ne division of voltage ameng the appliances when connected i parallel, The potential difference across each appliance is equal to the supplied voltaae. Question «: resistance of (a) ©, (b) 1 @? (a) The following circule diagram shows the connection of the three resistors: z Ese pe 4a “Therefore, the total resistance of the circuit is! Question 5: What 1 (2) the Wighest, (b) the lowest total resistance that can be secured by combinations of four cells of resistance 4 9, 8.0, 129, 2607 “There are four coils of resistances'4 8, 12 0, and 24 0 respectively (@) If these coils are connected in series, then the equivelent resistance will be th highest, given by the sum 448 +12 +24= 489 (b) If these coils are connected in parallel, then the equivalent resistance will be th lowest, given by 1 24 Tr 6454201 12~ 7? + ats 24 Therefore, 2 9 is the lowest total resistance, Why does the cord of an electric heater not glow while the heating element doce? Answer: The heating clement of an electric heater is a resister The amount of heat procuces by itis eraportional t its resistance. The resistance of the element of an electric heater is very high. As current flows through th heating element, it becomes too het and glows red. On the other hand, the resistence of the cord is low. It dose not become red when current flaws through it, Question 2: Compute the heat generated while transferring 96000 coulomb of charge In one hour through 2 potential difference of 50 V. ‘The amount of heat (HH) produced is given by the Joule’s Have where, Voltage, v= 50.V Time, €=Lh= 1x 60x 60s Amount of charge Time of flow of charae 1 oF heating as Amount of current, 4 50x 59.60% 60=4.8<10°3 3 A104 “Therefor; the fest generated is Question 3: {An electric iron of resistance 20.0 takes a current of 5 A. Calailate the heat developed in 30. Answer: “The amiouine of heat (H) praduiced is given by the joule’s law of heating as Hav Where, Current, 1= 5.4 Time, t = 30s Voltage, V = Current x Resistance = 5 x 20 oo v H = 100%5%30=1.5%10'I What determines the rate at which energy is delivered by 9 current? The rate of consumption of electric eneray in an electric appliance is called elect power. Hence, the rate at which eneray Is delivered by @ current is the power of t) appliance. Question 2 An electric motor takes 5 A from s 220 V line. Determine the power of the motor and © med in 2h. eneray cons Power (P) is given by the expression, vr Where, Voltage, ¥= 220 Current, r= SA P= 220%5= 1100 W Eneray consumed by the motor = Pt Where, Time, ¢= 2 = 2 = 60 x 60 = 7200s P = 2100 = 7200 = 7.92 x 1089 Therefore, power of the motor = 1100 w Eneray consumed by the motor = 7.92 x 10% 3 Question 1 A piece of wire of resistance R cut into five equal parts. These parts are the connected in parallel. If the equivalent resistance of this combination is R’, then the rat RRs — b (ay 25 L wy 5 ws (25 Answer: (d) Resistance of @ piece of wire is propartional to its length. A piece of wire has resistence R. The wire is cut inte five equal parts. k ‘Therefore, resistance of each part = 5 All the five parts are connected in parallel. Hence, equivalent resistance (R’) is given as S_S4Se5e545 = ® Which of the following terms does not represent electrical power in (a) ee (by 1 co) vr = ca ® (6) Electrical power ic given by the expression, P= WF .. (i) According to Ohm's law, Y= IR > Where, Vv = Potential difference 4 = Current R = Resistance Pat From equation (i), PUR} RT LParPR From equation (ii), it can be written can be written Pave rR at Power P cannot be expressed a5 sn? Question 3: An electric bulb ts rated 220 ¥ and 100 W. When it iz operated on 110 v, the pot consumed will bo — (a) 100 w (ey 75 w ce) 50w (ay 25 w (a)Eneroy consumed by an appliance is given by the expression, oe Ee au voltage, v = 220 ¥ 4220)" The resistance of the iulb rémaina constant i the supply voltage is reduced to 110 V. 14 the bulb i= operated on 110 ¥, then the eneray consumed by i Is given by the OF 10) R 7 aRa oe -25.w Therefore, the power consumed will be 25 W. Two conducting wires of the same material and of equal lenoths and equal diameters are firet connected in series and then parallal in a circuit across the same potential difference. The ratio of heat produced in series and parallel combinations would be — cay 4:2 bp 2:2 ced at Cay art Ce) Meat produced in the circuit fs inversely proportional te the resistance R. parallel respectively. Hence, for same potential difference V, the ratio of heat produced the circult te given by He RS Re Hest produced In the series circuit = Ms Heat produced in the parallel circuit = Me Fauivalent resistance, Ra = R + R= 2R ' R Equivalent resistance, Re RR g Sie Hence, ratio Me = BR Therefore, the ratio of heat produced in series and parallel combinations 21:4. How is voltmeter connected in the circuit te measure the potential difference betwe two points? Answer: To measure the potential difference between two points, a voltineter should connected in parallel to the points. Question 6: A copper wire has diameter 0.5 mm and resistivity of 1.6 x 10° @ m. What will be © length of this wire to make its resistance 10 2? How much dees the resistance change the diameter is doubled? Anewer: Resistance (R) of @ copper wire of length / and cross-section A is given by expression, L R=e5 Where, 16x10 Om ee) Resistivity of copper, 7 Area of cross-section of Diameter= 0.5 mm = 0.0005 m Resistance, R = 10 @ wire, A= Hence, lenath of the wire, if the-diameter of tite wine le doubled, new diamever ‘fienddaconcesiecences®° 11.810" a7 (4107) 72 1.610" 122.724 = 2502x107 3.1410 a Therefore, the lenoth of the wire is 122.7 m and the new resistance is 2-5 2 Question 7: The values of current J flowing in a given resistor for the corresponding value potential difference V across the resistor are given below — Tamperes) 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 v (volts) 46 3.4 6.7 10.2 13.2 Plot-a graph between V and J and calculate the resistance of that resistor. Answer: The plot between voltage and current ic called IV characteristic. The voltage iz plotte 2eaxis and current is plotted on y-axis. The values of the current for different valuc the voltage are shown in the given table. ¥ (volts) 1.6] 34/67 | 10.2 ]as2 Ttamperesy [os |so[20[s0 [ao The TY charsctensue of the given Tesistor fe plotted in the fellows Goi The slope of the line gives the value of resistance (R) a9, Question s: When @ 12 V battery is connected across an unknown resistor, there is a current of 2. IMA in the circuit, Find the value of the resistance of the resistor, Answer Resistance (R) of a resistor is given by Ohm's law as, Where, Potential difference, V= 12. V 2.5107 A Current in the eireait, = 2.5 ma =p <4 8x10" =48 Ka S10 Therefore, the resistance of the resistor is 4-8 KR, Question 9: A battery of 9 Vis connected in series with resistors of 0.2 ©, 0.3, 0.4 G, 0.5 0 and 12 , respectively. How much current would flow through the 12 @ resistor? Anower: There is no current division occurring in @ series circuit. Current flow threugh the component is the same, given by Ohm’s tow as are connected In series. Hence. the sum of the resistances will give the value of &. How many 176 @ resisters (in paral 1) are required to carry S Aon @ 220° line? Wexs _176x5 7 220 Question 14: Show how you would connect three resistors, each of resistance 6 @, so that th combination has @ resistance of (i) 9 2, (#1) 4.2. If we connect the resistors in series, then the equivalent resistance will Be the sum ¢ the resistors, i.e, 6 2 + 6 @ + 6 @ = 18 A, which is not desired. IF we connect th resistors in parallel, then the equivalent resistance will be © <3 2, whieh is also not desired, 2 Hence, we should either connect the two resistors 1 series or parallel (0) Tue resistors in parallel Ee ‘Two 6 @ resistors are connected in parallel. Their equivalent re: 166 T1646 o*6 The third 6 @ resistor is In series with 3 @. Hence, the equivalent resistance of the circu is604+30=99, (li) Too cesistors in series, a —(es sa Two 60 resistors are in series. Their equivalent resistance will be the sum OF 6= 12 2 The third 6 © resistor is in parallel with 12 ©. Hence, equivalent resistance will by TT ase 26 -4a Therefore, the total resistance is 4 Question 12: Several electric bulbs designed te be used on = 220 V electric supply line, are rated W. How many lamps can be connected in parallel with each ether across the ewe wire: 220 V line if the maximum allowable current ie 5A? Answer! Resistance R, of the bulb is given by the expression, Supply voltage, Y= 220. Maximum allowable current, 7 = 5A m=10w Rating of an electric bulb Rk, , 220) _ aso is nase ohana one mais; 40 asso “se ‘Therefore, 110 clectric bulbs are connected in parallel. Question 23: A hot plate of an electric oven connected to a 220 V line has two resistance coils. B, each of 24 resistances, which may be used separately, in series, or in parallel ate the currents in the thres cases? =n0 Supply voltage, v= 220.V 4 () Calls are used separately rma, 4 i ig the current flowing through the coll ae O66 Therefore, 9.46 A current will flow through the coll when used separately. (0) Colla ate connected in series Total resistance. Rr = 241424 ane vanR, Where, 4rig the current flowing through the series circuit Therefore, 4.58 A current will flow through the Gi) Coils are connected in parallel reuit when the coils are connected in Total resistance, is given as 24 According to Ohm's law, VeLR, Where, Joie the current flowing through the cireust “Therefore, 18.33 A current wi parallel. Question 14: Compare the power used in the 2 @ resistor in each of the Following circuits: (i) a 6 V Binttens iin aetien With 1 00 arid 2.0 reniateion, and Wilkin 4! Gaioey ir nieiillal With 12-0 flow through the circuit when coils are connected in Answer: @) Potential difference, v= 6 42 and 2 © resistors are connected in series. Therefore, equivalen creut, R= 14 2=3a According to Ohm's law, var Where, 44s the current through the circute pe Bnaan 3 This current will flow through each component of the cireuil because there is no di of current in series circuits. Hence, current flowing through the 2 @ resistor ic Power is given by the expression, PaUY R= x228 Ww (it) Potential difference, V- 4 12 @ and 2 @ resistors are connected in parsllel. The voltage across cach component © 2 parallel circus remains the same. Hence, the veltege across 2 @ resistor will be 4 V. Power consumed by 2 resistor is giver by ME p-Bat-sw Therefore, the pawer used by 2 © resistor is 8 W. Question 15: Two lamps, one rated 100 W at 220 V, and the other 60 W at 220 V, are connected parallel to electric maine supply. what current te drawn from the line if the supp! chem will be 270 V, because no dhuision of volkage occurs in = parallel circuit Current dravin By the Bulls off rating 100 W ts gtven By, Power = Voltage x Current Power _ 100. Vonage ~ 230 Similarly, current draven by the bulb of rating 100 W Is given by. Power = Voltage = Current Power _ 60 Voltage ~ 320 Manes: current aroun trom the tine = 209.4 80 0.727 a Current = Current = Question 15: Tio lamps, one rated 100 Wot 220 v. and the other 60 W at 220 V. are connected in parallel to slectric mains supply. What curcent is drawn from the line if the supply Both the bulbs are commected in paralial. Therefore, potential difference across each of chem will be 220 V, became no dhnsion of volkage occurs Het = parallel circuit Current drawn by the buib of rating 160 Wile given by, Power = VokagexCurrent Currene = Bower 190 Vottage ~ 320 ‘Ginnilerty, current drawn by the bith of rating 100 Wie Power ~ Vohiage~ Current Power 60 Votage ~ 220 Corner = Which Uses more energy, a 250 W TV set in 4 hr, oF @ 1200 W toaster in 10 minutes? Energy consumed by an electrical appliance is given by the expression, ware Power ofthe appliance = Tame = Eneray concumed by TV cet of power 250 Win 1h = 250 ~ 3600 =9 « 10°) Energy consumed by = toaster of power 1200 W in 10 minutes = 1200 = 600 Therefore, the energy consumed by @ 250 W TW set In 4 h is mere than the consumed by a toaster of power 1200 W in 10 minutes. Question 17+ An electric heater of resistance © © draws 15 A from the service mains 2 hour Calculate the rate at which heat ic developed in the heater: ers Rate of heat produced by a device Is given by the expression fer power os, PaPR where, Resistance of the electric heater, @— 8.0 Current drawn, 4= 15.8 P=(S) x8 =1800 Vs Therefore. heat is vroduced by the heater at the rate of 1800 J/s. Explain the following. (a) Why is the tungsten used almost exclusively for filament of electric lamps? (b) Why are the conductors of electric heating devices, such as bread-toasters and electric irons, made of an alloy rather than a pure metal? (c) Why is the series arrangement not used for domestic circuits? (d) How does the resistance of a wire vary with its area of cross-section? (e) Why are copper and aluminium wires usually employed for electricity transmission? Answer: (a) The melting point and resistivity of tungsten are very high. It does not burn readily at a high temperature. The electric lamps glow at very high temperatures. Hence, tungsten is mainly used as heating element of electric bulbs, (b) The conductors of electric heating devices such as bread toasters and electric irons are made of alloy because resistivity of an alloy is more than that of metals. It produces large amount of heat. (c) There is voltage division in series circuits. Each component of a series circuit receives ‘a small voltage for a large supply voltage. As ¢ result, the amount of current decreases and the device becomes hot. Hence, series arrangement is not used in domestic circuits, (d) Resistance (R) of a wire is inversely proportional to its area of cross-section (A), i.e, net A (e) Copper and aluminium wires have low resistivity. They are good conductors of electricity. Hence, they are usually employed for electricity transmission.

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