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INTERMEDIATE 4 fe] = = S 9 = a oO 9° = OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1997 ‘Oxford University Press Great Clarendon Street Oxford OX2 60? Oxford New York Athens “Auckland Bangkok Bogota Bombay ‘Buenos Aires Caleutia Cape Towa Dar es Salaam Delht Florence Hong Kong tanbul Kerachi Kuala Lumpur Madias Madrid Melboure Mexico city Nairobi Paris Singapore Tapeh Tokyo Toronto Warsaw and associated companies in Berlin. badan. (OXFORD and OXFORD ENGLISH are trade marks of Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 433810 X with key ISBN 0 19 433811 8 without key © Oxlord University Press 1997 No unauthorized photocopying. All sights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval system, oF transmitted, in any form or by arty means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying recording or atherwise, without the prior writen permission of ‘Oxford University Press. ‘This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not. by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or bthervvse circulated without the publisher's prior consent in ny form of binding or cover other than that in which itis published and without a similar condition including this ‘onaition beiag imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Designed by Keith shaw ‘Threefold Design Oxford aisted italy ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Mlustrations by: Katherine Baxter ay Galsworthy Jan Jackson “Technical Graphs Dept, OUP Harry Venning Macgare: Wellbank ‘Commissioned photography by: Emily Andersen ‘The author and publishers would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce their photographs: ‘Ardea (London) Lid, Comstock, Robert Harding. David Hotiman, Images Colour Library, impact: Cris Mops, Petri Kofkonen, Jey Lamber, Picor International, Poppetforo, Rex Features, Splah, Tony Stone: Lori Adamsi Peek, David Sewer, Topham ntents String out Introductions revision ~Queions ~ Shor forms 3 Weiting Filing i a form 1 Modem ie Talking about the present ~ voubulany Using a eaionary ~comparsons ~ 6 Iclometc expressions ~Pronancaton he IPAS Commenting — Vocabulary: Pemonalyasectves~ adverb frequency ‘Writing Personal lector 2 Fortine Talking about the past Vocabulary: Dealing with new words Foivdl = wd o~ " $esponcing to news = Vocsbulry han! vets and dons f Writing: Linking words (1) Grammar check a B Your hire Talking about dhe future -Sxpring probly ~Fimt condlonals— 7 Vocabulary the ester Mekingsupgewions~Pronanation he IA; Consonants ~ Conversadons = wifand wont Writing: Linking words 2) but lowe, ihn “FRelaonships Relative dauses Vocabulary seal mal alk Vocabulary: Communicating ~ Quesions wpa 22 Fronuncton: Yow! sound pas = ates Vocabulary Chisteas Wlting: Paragraph organleation 5 he nw “The passive —Vocibulary: Crime ed che ne ~ Modal ess and the pasve = a Questions in he pastivePromunciton: a! Prepostons, Waiting: Linking words Qf sequence inkers Grammar creck 2 z Travel ist conditional Second condlonals— Fit and second condienals- Tine Gases 3 Noeabolry: Patel vets travel Checking i Wein Linking words (4 7 Emesinment Present perfect simple and continuous ~ Vorbuleny Enirainent~ fa) want sontow b= 38 Expressing opinions “Pronunciation Sylabie Wangs A review atmos Questions forms~tndren quesions-Vocabulsne Spon, Compound noups Folic ques 43 por difogues~Asjecvalexpreniora with mutabers-"Yocrbuar: Tinie Waring oral letters Grammar check 3 Pe 3'Allin the mind? ing forms — infor and inter —ing forms and pst panies — frie tag 49 ‘oesbutry srangsectver- Vero ates wit =p Worsley Pars vse ‘Agreing and duoresing ~Pronuneaon: The vow ‘Writing: A ghost story 10 Yourheath Modal verbs — Voalry Meal trns ~ Poss = Voabulary: Researdh A he dovors~ 58 tsi and mehr Poneto: The vowel “— Vocabulary. Th cso eth Weng itter of apology 11 Piories mat, let and get Cause he dead hav someting done Vocabulary: Noun Tonmaion 59 Besting with probes ~ ned ng -Pronancaon te” Empresans ‘Wei Punctuation Grammar check a a 12 News ‘Reported speech ~Reponed queons — Vorobulary: Phrasal verbs = % Intec comrandsreqgent = Vocbay: Reported spat ee tyo tl ronan sen ners ~ vocabulary Nouns used ss adjective, Writing Reference 13 Regrets Third conditional —Vocsbulary: Animals shoulda hve ~ sats sory = 73 Vocabulary Cologual expresions Talking about aolgay Expreing ie Vocabulary Callan. asjectes Weting letter of complaint 14 Sica ‘Verb forms Cavsative he Question fons ~ indie questions ~Pepesions — 8 Vocabulary: Wha is sucess? Responding ~ Dialogues ~ Vocabulary: Synonyms. Verbs Writing: Your personal preface ‘Grammar check 5 Introductions; revision 1 sack Roberts is talking to the people going on the Thrillseekers trip. Complete the text with the verbs in the box. will bring told met ‘re going to have ‘came. décided survive © put « would love had ... wanted has been stolen locked for. sald led ‘re leaving know 've™made ‘won't «be were caught" don't worry # ‘My name's Jack Roberts and I'm from South Aftica, to Britain about eight years ago and co fob was Waring in @ - supermarket for a while, then one day I Marie at a party. 1 She . me that she .. 0 travel and I. to travel, 100, and, well one thing son 10 mother atid We ensennnnns 10S UP Trilscekers, We ns 1» about forty trips now, but we 1 that each trip snan MEW experiences, Mind you, they AT en pleasant expérlences, Our vehide son three times and we soon if 8 War last year. But we always wns $0 You a great time. So, your bags in the van. We -w.v hour. b Find examples of the following veri forms in the text. 4 regular verb inthe past simple dite. an‘iregular verb in the past simple 3 ways of expressing the furure a phrasal verb a verb in the present simple 2 verb in the present continuous 2 verb in the passive ‘a conditional form a positive imperative a negative impere a verb in the present perfect a verb in the past perfect, 1 verb in the past continuous Questions ‘2-Make questions. @_ Match the items from columns A and B. A B 1 Have you ever, | would you most like to tive? 2 Do you type? 3. How long food do you lke best? 4 Who are you doing this evening? 5 Did you thave you known your best friend? 6 Where ‘an e-mail address? 7 What kind of | broken your leg? 8 How many | did you get up this morning? 9 Have you got | enjoy primary school? 40. Can you brothers have you got? 11 Why like to work abroad? 412 What Tike cassical music? 43 Would you | do you want to learn English? 14 When phones you most often? b Write your answers to each question. EXAMPLE 1 esd haveNo, I haven't, Short forms 3 Rewrite the sentences using short forms, 1 Peter is tired but his dog is not, rs tred but his dog sn’ 2. If James does not want to go, 1 ‘would love to. 3. Iwas not sure if Thad seer her before. 4. 140 not think Mark has been to New York, but Iam sure Stephanie has. 5 We have got two cars already, and we have not got room for another. Starting out Writing: Filling in a form 4 Here's an application form from someone who wants to work for Thriliseekers. @ Put the items in the-box in the first column, Useful skits qualifications first names title relevant experience daytime tel no, date of birth sumame., address ‘occupation THRILLSEEKERS b Complete the third column with information about yourself. (You ‘an invent your qualifications, skills, and experience if you want.) Talking about the present 1 Correct the verbs in these sentences. EXAMPLES. 1m not wanting to go out. 1 dot want to go out ‘They're siting in the kitchen. ‘They've sitting inthe kitchen. 2 10 ma teacher for three years. A. Where's David? B He plays tennis. {fm sorry, I'm not understanding what to do. Do you ever have been to, New Zealand? Richard worrys about his work, he never relaxs, and he don’t gets home tll 10.00. She's usually getting up at 7.00, but this week she gets up at 6.00 ‘The government Is cuting VAT, but increaseing income tax. You're seeming very tired —are you having 2 lot ‘of work to do? Complete the interview. Put the verbs into the present simple, the present continuous, or the present perfect. zi Mike Welcome to Travelwise T'm Mike Sawyer. Today ‘mn talking... (talk) 0 ‘Tony Hollands. In the last six years he (be) on ‘cycling trips all over the world. At che ‘moment he - (organize) a journey from Alaska to Mexico. Tell me, why. . (plan) this trip? Tony 1 (not know), really. 1 (love) cycling since Iwas young, and I. son (aay want) {0 g0 to North America, wv (do) a lot of extra cycling at Mike the moment? (cycle) about (do) ‘Tony Well, Cnormally « 30 miles a day, but now 1 about 80. ‘Mike You .» (need) £5,000 for your journey, and you ... on (raise) £3,000 already. How? Tony Well, I (just sell) my car and T (write) to over 100 companies. Twenty of them {Geelde) ro sponsor me so for. AndT ._ {try} £0 sell the story of the {tip to a newspaper at the moment, Mike Tistenets Who on something like this? Tony If you. vw (Ht do) a long bicycle journey before, go on & short one firs. Hyow se (like) i, you in) go anywhere. 1 . (have) any advice for (want) to do w» {have} a wonderful ime for the lst six years 3 a Modern '@ Put the verbs in brackets into the present answer the questions sbout yoursett simple or present continuous tense. 1 A We B Oh, yes. Where .~ (G0) to Patis tomorrow. vn YOU (stay)? A. Ata litte hotel in Montmarsre: We always vows (stay) there. 2. A BIL I'm Ist. 'm from Turkey. B Hello. What sponenmnenee (40) here in England? Are ‘you on holiday? seme YOU Vocabulary: Using a dictionary ANG Devreonnnnn (Study) English at a 5 Use your own dictionary (try to use an language school English-English dictionary if possible). Find Bo Where oon YOU wa this information. (live)? With a family? ANOT on (share) a room at the school with another girl B Where... you (live) in Turkey? An AMR ABT son my parents’ house 3A What ste YOU see (do)? ‘B Well I'm a student actually, but P've got a temporary job for the surnmer. A. Ob, YES. What scan (doy? B I.. (work) at a shoe factory. coon (have) a flat in you 1 What part of speech is mumps? nc! 2. How is the verb wind pronounced? Make questions. Write the words in the correct order. 3. On which syllable does the stress fallin implicate? 1 dodo you what 4 What do Americans call a dustbin? ... Under which entry would you find these expressions? 1 cose shave... fo have an idea 10 be a wet blanket “ 9 pick a fight with 6 Correct this sentence, 4 at raining it the is moment 5 do up what get ime usually you Toi as @ fle 6 are what today you wearing 7 What does skip mean in this sentence? Tim going to skip the nest esto. 7 8 What's the difference between practice and practise? 7 ever anyone you famous liave met Geen fife Comparisons Idiomatic expressions 6 Complete the chart with the comparatives of 9 Complete the sentences with these the adjectives. expressions. adjective | comparative I give you that con the whole What have you wouldn't say i vias unthinkable there's anything wrong cuts both ways wth that fre, can hardly hear ‘Lmust admit, finaly myself hink tice to make out dow to these days informal good 1 “The media lik a.m, shat young people are bad all criminals or drug takers OF » but think that a lot of today's problems are 7 complete these rules for making comparatives. aaa eae ee : 2. Ws so nolsy here; 1 2. Adjectives that end in -: that ies rer ede, a dont 3 Adjectives that end in consonant +9: scene But we have to remember 4 Adjectives with 2 or more syllables (except where sey unrian people are also the second syllable is -y): 5 Some adjectives like good and bad: free to be less considerate if they want. 4 When I was at school, hitting @ teacher .., but you read about it all he «A think 8 Complete the seritences. Use the adjectives in ‘time in the newspapers brackets and one of these forms. things have got Worse vw that Ife is better néw, but i's 5 I. 7 certainly 2 ot faster, Pronunciation: The IPA was two years ago. (fit) ST es cat Gack 10 Write the words. ry bestfriend. (old) 1 Papi! é 2 iva 3. veto! 5) My work this year. - last year. 4. lso'egentfon! (good) : ae 6 Young people a they used to be. (polite eee 7) Manners are... _ they were 20 years ad ago. (bad) 8 pip 8 DOgS a sn EBS C8) 9 ny 9 The sects were - 10 Mok they are now. (clean and tdy) 7 10 The roads are they ‘were when 1 was a child. (ousy and dangerous) 11 Carsare they were then, (fast and powerful) Commenting 11 complete the conversation with appropriate comments and questions, Try to use a different one each time, Wendy Barry Wendy Barry Wendy Barry Wendy Wendy Barry Where do you work, Barry? I work for an airline, I check the planes before they take off, depends. We work shifts, you See, but I like to get the late shift from 5.00 till midnight, if T can. ‘Well, then I have the day free. And anyway, a lot of the other guys have families so they prefer to be at home in the evenings. 1 g0 by car. Well, Ihave to, because the last train goes before I finish, ‘Yes, i's great. And I get cheap travel with the airline, 100. Yes, Igo abroad two or three times a year. Modern life’ 4 Vocabulary: Personality adjectives 12 Write down adjectives to match these descriptions. For some you may be able to give more than one adjective. Someone who: adjectives) 1 Iikes to be with other people talks alot is easily embarrassed doesn't get excited easily ‘aways expects the best wortes a fot doesn't trust people always likes to win Sel likes to work with other people set 10 is very unhappy Adverbs of frequency 18 Make true sentences about your life and ‘opinions. Put adverbs of frequency from the box into the sentences, never hardly ever’ sometimes often usually always 10 I've got a lot of money in the bank, Modern life Writing: Personal letters © imagine you ate living avay fom home for 8 shor time, Write a leterto your parents or 14 Here is a Ictter from Sandra to a friend. partner and tell them: {Wirt these items in the correct places. eee where you're staying what you're doing there what you do every day 11.November Manchester Flat 1 Dear Love Ma 77R 'b Complete Sandra's letter. Use the tapescript on page 134 of the Student's Book to help you. 10 ortune Talking about the past 4 Complete the text. Use these verbs in the past simple or the present perfect tense. 1 Match the grammar items to the correct tenses. ‘ash x2)" do h2)_ be jump get. hasthave ‘not work break (2): have to hot jump fea pat noe Sosa Looomh ae womere er ee past participles: past perfect nn {re ee vega wt dnt 2 Complete these sentences. Put the verb fo go in the correct tense. 1 Susan isn't here. She 39H... to the shops. 21 to the park yesterday, 3. He was only a minute late, but the tain 4 They.. ‘on holiday three times last year. A Where's Matthew? B He » to London for the day. 6. The car broke down'while I swisninst t0 the ‘supermarket. Blaine risks her life almost every day. She's a stunt wornan. She does the dangerous parts in films, v1 Jue en, 3 Complete the questions. 1 A What dita. at 8 o'clock last night? BI was watching TV. Suzanna before? ‘and I suppose that in those ten years 1 ‘met her about five years ago in vw a stunt Woman for ten years now almost everything. I. out of windows, 1 cars, and T 3A 7 B Nov he haan’ He says he-t wre it most of the bones in my body at least tomorrow. once, . $A esnmninaien the accident? ‘But I suppose the most dangerous thing that I B No, 1 didn’, but my son saw cee ee ate paid eee ee called Madines. 1 one sceR€ Farwnn Jump * B_ We was sianding over there by the gate ‘over a wall on a motorbike. Well, unfortunately, I 6A sc nich yex? 7 it wrong and I. soe OVE B_ No, we haven't, Would you lke to join us? the wall, 1 sn Straight into it. I 7 A How long... in India when you ~~ both iy legs and three fingers, 1 met him? , : : B Oh, I think he'd lived there for aver 20 years. a ~ with motorbikes sinee then. " 2 Fortune 5 complete the story with the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets. + Paragraph 1: past simple ‘or past continuous + Paragraph 2: past simple or past perfect + Paragraph 3: past simple ‘or present perfect vqyears ago 1 Tha (have to) make’a big decision. At the time I (work) for a small engineering company. However, things (not go) very well for the company and it (lose) money. One ay while we .. boss. se (Work) as normal, the se (tell) us that the company 1 (be) bankrupt, We on (be) all unemployed. ‘That lunch-time we ‘as usual, We were all very depressed. I {go) to the pub sane (WOT) at the company for over fifteen years and some of the people .. {be) there longer than that. Well, of course we wv (talk) about the problem, Then the landlord of the pub He. (hear) the news. . (say): “Why don’t you buy the (Waugh), but (start) to discuss it properly (know) the problems. The company?’ At first we all .. then we sow (lose) a Tot of customers, (not develop) new products, But finally we .. . (decide) t0 0 for it $0 WE eon (buy) the company. The first few years {be} very difficult, Buc we (work) hard and We nn have} a bit of luck. We finally. the comer three years ago. Since then we sees (Wurm) (do) pretty well, Last year we (Wake on} four‘new people and so far this year We vi ake on) another ten. It (be) a lg gamble six years ago, but 1 (not regret) it for a minute. 42 Vocabulary: Dealing with new words Read the text. Find these things: 1 two Kinds of vehicle uggernant the place where you see a doctor 2 kind of shop 2 3 4 akind of sport 5 apart of the body Find words or expressions that mean: 6 to move toa later time 7 old 8 raninto ce 9 to get better 10 hurried 11 articies 12. looked quickly at 13. dangerous 14 a few days ago ‘The other day Rosy went to the doctor's. She'd hhurt her wrist when she was rollerblading. She'd thought that it would Just heal up, but it hadn't, so here she was for her appointment. She arrived at the surgery about ten ininutes eatly, 30 she sat in the waiting room and flicked through a few of the magazines. They were all out of date, but there were a few interesting pieces. Suddenly. , ‘while she was siting there, the doctor flew out of his room and left the building. The receptionist called Rosy over. ‘I'm afraid the doctor's had to {80 out,’ she said. ‘There's been an accident in the High Street, you know, just in front of the nmonger's” ‘Oh dear, said Rosy, hope it isn’t serious.” “Well, apparently one of those huge juggernauts has collided with a JCB. They shouldn't allow those great big things down the High Street. ‘They're a menace, Anyway, I think it might be best 10 postpone your appointment.’ Vocabulary: ! survived! 7 Put these words into the correct column, Fortune 2. used to 9 Say what Sally used to do or didn’t use to do. feat aeons 1 She save up smoking five yeas ago seatbelt aisle ‘swamp pelvis jungle jaw She anf, spoons SMOKE, tte wow” cock thost wing ‘cow eeiatiiusd eon a cans ankle de plain’. forehead “nose tal 2. She's started learning to play the violi thderarage Sigh mash abu S86 een ne he ln 3 She moved fom Cambridge oEcnburph a pers as yer the body . 4 She,changed her job, too. She’s a chemist now. 5 When she was younger she listened to a lot of. pop music, but she’s lost interest init 6 She's recently bought a cat, She's never had a pet before. & Complete the text with the items in the box. 7 She goes skiing now. She started two years ago. wwe survived hhe was groaning ss eH ne ‘ ‘set off for con holiday ‘on the other side of fastened our seatbelts & She lives in the centre of the city so she doesn't bounced fight drive these days, very excited 90 for the weekend terible turbulence ‘respon « But We got into the = and took ot The fist par ofthe ‘but over the Canyon itself we ew into The little plane rolled and ‘hus vanied everything Then the plo sd; ‘OK- folks, See you 13 Responding to news 40 write the expressions in the correct places in the conversation, it must be nearly ten years. Yes, | suppose so as | recall Tm sure you must be Well, wel, well these things happen this job came along That sounds exciting! Sounds grat! What about you? the band split up {don't believe it Doesnt time fy? what are you up to things didn’t work out It’s great to see you again Charlie Cross: What are you doing here? © Charlie Well I york justround the comes loin ‘Look, do you fancy going for a Chavlie Sure, There's piace near here that hes really good beer. Come on. 14 Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs and idioms 41 Complete the sentences with these verbs in the correct tense. pay off start out give up fall short of talk itover with go for it have a go do for a living 1 Pd never played golf before, but I... fi. 4a and I really enjoyed it. 2. I'm afraid profits last year... ‘we expected, So I think we'll have to sos What the plans for a new office. BA WEL rcrwnteninine? B Well, Ls work for the government. asa teacher but now L 4. Lwasn’t sure about going back to college, but in the end I. and I'm glad to say that 5 A Do you fancy going out for a meal on Friday? B Yes. ll. .» Sally and get back to Writing: Linking words (1) 12 Complete the story with these linking words. one day. cand) while that after soon beemise hen now sim Reid liked diving, While lake on a golf course wv he made a discovery +» Would change his life, he found thousands of golf bas. at them he found that they were in perfect Condition, «mo thinking about it carefully he decided to dive for golf blls full ume... he had his own factory... used all over the world nillionair, he was diving ina In the lake he looked ~ his golf balls were Jim Reid is a 13 Look at the pictures and the information. ‘Write the story of how the Swiss inventor, George de Mestral, invented Velcro. Use Sentence linkers where possible. 1 George de Mestral/ like/ hunting/ 1951/ hunt? small seeds/ stick to trousers 3 get magnifying glass/ look closely! small hooks oon seed 4 seeds/ give! George de Mestral/ idea/ develop Velero Feld] belo ee Vereno 6 Velcro/ be used for thousands of productsy - inventor! very rich tora de Mestal ike Inatng. One day in 1951, while he 15 & mar check 1 4 16 Write the questions and negative sentences. 1 Where! go Whe We aren't aoing to the cinema, 2 Where! George/ be He's been to the doctor’. son dentist's 3. Where? work Tused to work for Clarkson's. wo in a bank, 4. Where/ Claudia/ last week on holiday. 5 What time/ Teave/ the party left at one o'clock. ._at midnight. & Where! sit i 2 ‘We were siting by the door. o sneone BY the window. 7 When Jasont get home He gets home at five. bali past four. 8 What’ watch Tm watching the news. smn see il. Complete the sentences with go, goes, went, ‘going, or gone. 1 Where were you ...22#04... with Simon? Where does Mrs Smart nme on Fridays? home, 2 3. Kate has a 5 we bowling yesterday. Jim always _ to the football match on Saturdays. 6 Are you ‘out with Mary? 3 put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. A Why snl YOU oo ME... (want) 10 Work for South of the Border Expeditions? B Well, I. (love) travelling since 1 (be) a student back in the 1980s, and T snenenine ANWAYS sncnne (Wamt) 10 WORK with, people. ‘A Which countries se YOU wisi? Blin (travel) round most of Europe and Latin America, and 1 vvery well. 1 spend) a year there before 1 (stax) college. A. What languages ne (SBeaK)? B_ Well, my Spanish is pretty good, and I... (study) Portuguese in evening classes at the (know) Mexico you .. ‘moment, [nnn (39) Russian tog for a While, but it... (be) to0 hard so 1 (give up)! A. What's the worst thing that (happen) to you on your travels? B Once! (fly) in a litle she-seater —T never (be) in a small plane before —and a huge storm (bit) us. (think) it-was the end. When we finally 1 (land) We sneonee all (hake) like a leat. A YOU ev wnsnons (Organize) an expedition yoursell? B Yes. Delete the incorrect verb form. While I eaime / was coming home three months ago, 1 found / was finding a wallet {saw / was seeing it as I have walked / was walking through the park. tt twas / has been on a bench. 1 suppose It has / had fallen out of someone's pocket, while they had sat / were siting on, the bench. 1 have looked / looked in the wallet, I: contained / was containing a lot of ‘money but there was no name in it, so 100k / was taking it to the police station. Nobody reported / had reported a lost wallet, so the police station had Kept | kept it. {have phoned / phoned the police station three times since then, but nobody has claimed / ‘dlaimed the wallet yet. If nobody claims it soon, it will be mine. Talking about the future 1 Write the questions and negatives. 1 What time they be here? 4 How long ... They'll be here by 6.00, Til be away for three days, ho, 5 Where 2 When ... ‘We're leaving tomorrow. ‘They're going to live in Australia, 3 CL He's going to study History. She's meeting him at 8.00. sve Geography. 2 A local factory has closed down, Say what plans the workers have, using the information and the most appropriate forms of the future, Jook for something here/ emigrate to Australia 3 Tthink t but if can’t find anything, 1 probably... four days. 7 sv Canada, . Mr Brown? -~ him at 10.00, on Monday. 7 Qe future 3 Choose the most appropriate forms of the First conditionals ES faeure Delete the correct ones : in 5 ‘Match the items in columns A and B. Make 18 What rey dle Jig tl complete sentences wing the rst condtlonal 1B traning / sing to goto a concer : > tendon be you fancy coming ‘A. Maybe ~ I'm going to / ‘lt let you know. the earth's climate/ 1 conflicts: B OK. We're getting J‘ get the train at 5.45. ‘warmer resial-cot 2A Kates seventeen day. orion! younger rough and fain in B Wise ese going tea to dive? es ‘A Yeu shet have [having he fi ving large umbers of people |e f mesic cae! te tenon tomer. ‘noe tnd foo ; hope she pass passing the os fet inci res destojed|more ita and dig time relons 3A Theat receive tha repo yet people have computer nt mat BOK TH/ m going fo fax You 3 copy. tha dcop tale gem ging yous ca when peteum/ rm ot [ear Teed #99 offes reread Rumba ofl peste (ary animals Beam 1s Fe, DI have £m havg neh out 0 mocae ine won't be /"m not being back tll two. "A. That's OK. Twon't finish /‘m not finishing it before then. 4A. What will you / are you going 10 do when you leave school? B-TIE/ ‘m going to go to university. What about you? A Me too; but I'd like to go abroad fist. B Oh yes? Ken will /’s going 10 do that. He'll /'s going to work in Canada for a year. EXAMPLE Like earth's cate ges warmer there will be droughts ‘and famine ine Africa Expressing probability 4. Make some predictions. Complete the Sentences, using these expressions. may wil probably/possibiy °°" > sight probably won't : 1 The Aftican @lephant may, become extinct 2 [pass my next test. : 3 a 4 v» buy a mew computer this year. 5 rite ‘win the Lowery. 6 ‘The power of the United States 7 life on other planets. 8 sunny tomorrow. ° ‘a major war in the next fen years. 10 a party for my next birthday. 3 Vocabulary: The weather 6 Write the words in the correct column. Some may go in more than one. ice bright: sleet fog dull wind dry hall” Warm: Qloudy “stom ‘snow thunder cool. clear frost ran sunshine cold weather | wet weather | fine weather ee 7 Say what will happen to the weather. Use these expressions. ight “(think ie should ie wil probabl Making suggestions & Complete the sentences with appropriate verbs in the correct form. 1 Shall we ....9... for a walk? 2 DO YOU FANCY snow & Video? 3) Do YOu Want -aesnwnea take-away meal? 4 How about en. Sam and Martha for lunch? 5 Would you like nen a.meal? 6 Why don’t. we and watch.TV? 7. We'd better be. ready. 8 What about... bottle of wine? ° a party, Jenny a ring, Pronunciation: The IPA: Consonants 9 Connect the words to the correct symbols. bath, these ty other thin 8 weather which wish Ww wash watch ig station lose noisy we race Kiss hl loose fuselage ‘general i juice measure fy hedge 19 For future Conversations 40 Use the information to make conversations. ‘Try to use different expressions. w> A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B a B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B park? raining brighten up wait half an hour Shall. we go tothe park? sunny plenic/ tomorrow? invite Carol? ‘good idea ing. ‘go home? foggy drive carefully wwait/ brighter to town? ‘arf not working bbus OK! time? wb ob wD b> op PEP ED skid next week? grandparents! come pity week alter? ‘OK/ arrange walk? no! jumper stay at home will and’ would 44 Put in will (1) or would ('4). How } Oh, 1. be sunny tomorrow. dd.. you spend a year our? 0 abroad. 1 you like a’ sandwich? That won be mice, OK. ss make you one. What... Your perfect partner be like? Ob, she snus have to be intelligent most of all. v=» YOU prefer 10 eatin tonight? No, I nnn Father go out OK. snes book a table. How ssn. you spend your ideal day? 1 nw Spent with my family. Writing: Linking words (2): but, however, although ‘12 study these rules, We can use but, however, and altiough to express contrast, But is used in a clause of the same sentence. EXAMPLE John didn’ ike the fl, But I loved it However is used in a new sentence. It can go at the beginning or end of the sentence, of after the subject. It is separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma (,), EXAMPLE ‘The world’s oil will ran out. However, sclentsts will produce ol from sunflowers. Although is used in a clause of the same sentence: Itis usually at the beginning of the sentence, EXAMPLE Although it was raining, we went fora long walk @ Rewrite these sentences using however and although. 1 People will be able to work at home, but they ‘may stil choose to go to work. 2 People care about the rain forest, but iis stil being destroyed, 3. The earth’s climate is getting warmer, but we don’t fully undersand why. 4 Many species are in danger, but we are still destroying natural habitats. Your future. 3 Now write two paragraphs about what you think ‘will happen: In your future. © in the world’s future Use but, however, and although, My future ‘The future of the world 24 Relative clauses 4 Complete the sentences with who or which. 1 The woman 2 3. She has a job. 4 6 He's the kindof person .. ‘The ote! .. caiaght fire has been rebuilt. vnon mest people would hate. ‘Tony works for a company weueuni~ makes Iidges. ‘THiat’s the dog .. tied to bite me. argument, 7. The government was defeated in the elections 8. Did the assistant x 2 22 took place last week. wins served you have blonde hair? : 9. You should choose the clothes your personality. 0 [don’t know the people .. suit sem Hive thete, Complete the descriptions of these things. Use relative clauses. 1 Anurse is £2 2. A digital watch is Spaghettl whe... ives next door is a dentist. 3 Complete these statements with relative clauses. Tike filmis Hat have. happy. ending, I don’t like films {ike people .. People like animals Vm afraid of animals smn AF@ the DESL Days hate days Food don't like food Here are some of the photos that we took. This Is the hotel which we stayed at. ‘These are two peoplé that we tet on the plane. ‘This is the waiter who served at our table. ‘That's the nightclub that we went to “These are the two girls that I told you about, ‘This isthe family that was in the next room. ‘This is the place that was in-te postcard that I sent you. Here's the four guide who met us atthe airport. ‘Would you like to see the video which we made? 5 Combine these sentences uusisig a relative clause with that or no relative pronoun, EXAMPLE ‘The Womian is Hungarian: (She's ¢omhing tomorrow.) ‘The woman that's coming tomorrows és Hiongarian. 1 The man has been sent ta prison. (He robbed a bank.) 3. The man.was a police officer. (He phoned me yesterday.) 4. She stayed in the hotel. I recommended it) 5. The computer isn’t powerful enough, (They ought it.) 6 Lwent to the restaurant. (It has a fixed price menu.) 7. The mountains were covered in snow. (We sew them) 8 They're removing the tree tomorrow. (It fll on my house.) 9 We went to the film. (You told us about Jt.) 10 He wants the house, It has three bedrooms.) Relationships 4 Vocabulary: Successful small talk 6 Complete the text with these words, 50 interested, those..sees looking. .go messages carefully ..way » themselves . secret off...important' on. well herself. asked talk up halr anyone religion allow soon listening where that, obvious known’ “pays” said’ keep — questions "to My aunt is one of fl... people who can talk to .- bout anything. Itshe goes.10.a party she doesn't know any of the people, she Just walks to the first person that she Af MITOGUCES rns ANG Yet she doesn’t Seem 10 vrrnne BOUL deeply She always starts like the vue She's talking as if -» the other person for years. 1 things like politics or. : with something very other person’s job. Very .. she’s. sv her once, what her .: that the most important ing ina conversation was about. = People love to talk them 10 ¢ a conversation sn $0 f you W's very easy to Boing. You have to listen + And you have t0 look: don’t keep «: while you're talking seemed, ask. 1 100. $0 at other things in the room someone, Another thIAg on «People compliments, She says; ‘I like your ve noticed is that she often Which hairdresser do you to? (oF "YoU 100K Very wrunnnes Have You been boliday?” Friendly nn lke this seem to provide an €€5y sernns into a conversation. Gpnvonshis Vocabulary: Communicating 9 what would you say in these situations? Write appropriate questions with question tags. EXAMPLES 7 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box in the correct forms. ‘agree ‘introduce give." follow “speak -niod F listen’ hye talk say “understand send hear “ask tell (2). get” think” ° express 1 Sarah me a very good joke yesterday. 1 hadn't ens It before, 2A Did you Dennis to Mrs Novak at the party? B Yes, [did and they .... conversation. A. Did Re vanonene You What they about? B He. that she wnnee him a lot of ‘questions about the new manager. 3) Thank you for rune your opinions, ladies and gentlemen. I have to all the arguments and I shall ‘you my answer tomorrow. 4A Ydon't think we'll the results that we want IF We wnenu the rules B Well, 'm afraid I can’t _ with you there. I Will... the Wrong message 10 head office. We'll have ta of something else. 3A Can you wetallan? =~ B Not really = neue My head a lot but I don’t actually . much. Question tags 8 ‘Add the question tags. 1 Welast met ten years ago, dt we? Let's have something to eat. You can sing Colin ives in Pais now, James used to havea beard . Fiona isn’t going out with Fred, Tim always late, . You'd like a drink, . Sybil and Phil haven't moved yet, 10 We won't see you for a while, Does the plane leave at ten? (You think it does.) ‘The plane leaves atten, doesn't i? las your friend seen the film? (You don't think he has) . You haven't seen the fl, have you? 1 Hes Paul posted the letter? (You think he has.) Paul. 2. Can Sally drive? (You think she can.) sally . 3 Does your friend still work at the shop? (You don’t think she does.) You .. 4. Isit your turn next? (You think it is.) ws 5. Would your friend want to live in the country? (You don't think he would.) You 6 Does yout friend's sister work in TV? (You think she-does.} Your sister. 8 Are you going out tonight? (You don’t think you are.) we 9. Was your friend born in the States? (You think she was.) You 10 Will the director be at the meeting? (You don't think he will) The director ne Pronunciation: Vowel sound pairs 10 Circle the two words in each line that have the same vowel sound. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 at bin sil pull back full sit hat caught Dates port” have been feel ool bark {ool busy heart short 11 Complete the table. rule seat bath, shot We write 20 June 1 September eee the fith of March 19 December pee persereres the second of February 412 November sn ae ee the tenth of May 23 duly = eee the twenty-fourth of Apri 30 January 12 Write down ten important dates in your year, Say why they are important, EXAMPLES I January New Year's Day ‘February my sister's birthday Relationships 4 Vocabulary: Christmas 13 Complete the crossword, Across > 10 7 18 19 It used to be a stocking, but today this Is more normal. Senta Claus only comes when children ar€ vu. « things that make the room leak bright and colourful He brings the presents, the meat that is normally eaten for Christmas dinner things that contain party hats and jokes People used to put candles on the tree but now they use these. Down J 10 u 2 B 4 15 16 Father Chrisumas lives at the North save « Ald so Syme the day after Christmas Day People put these under the tree. 24 December is Christmas... your chance to buy things more cheaply after Christmas Some people don’t like Chrismas. They're glad when it's Christmas is @ ... celebration, Father Christmas comes down this. the animals that pull the sleigh ‘There isa lot of this on Boxing Day. Some people yo here on Christmas moming. things that you send to friends and relatives something that you put on top of the tree 25 4 lelationships Writing: Paragraph organization 14 Read the paragraph giving advice about how to bea good listener. | Number these items in the correct order to show the structré of the paragraph. DO sevice Cy examples LB generat statement b Number these sentences in the correct order to make a paragraph about visiting someone's house. (1 Flowers, a boule of wine, chocolates, or something from your own country are acceptable gilts 5 People in Britain ‘often invite visitors to their homes. [7] tryou are invited to someone's house, you should take a small gist of some kind. 26 Write some advice for people visiting your country. Write a paragraph about each of these topics © Greetings © Smoking © Topics to talk about The passive 1 Put these sentences into the passive. Keep the same tense. Omit the agent if it is not necessary. 1 The government has published the latest crime figures. “The latest crime fqures have been p 2. Young people commit most crimes. 4 The press had predicted an increase. 3 The figures will worry people. 2 Complete the police inspector’s answers. Put the verbs in brackets into the passive in the appropriate tense. Reporter Can you give us any information about the incidens? Inspector Well; not a lot at the moment. A woman, ed... (murder) at about 6 o'clock last night. She (find) by a cleaner at seven this morning, We... vom (Call) to the scene by ‘a neighbour. The woman... (identify) as Mrs Sarah Parker by the leaner. Reporter What have you done so far? Inspector The room .. (search) for ‘dlues. Some fingerprints... (discover) on a door handle. The body sonnnns (take) 10 the mortuary, A ‘murder weapon .. find) yet Reporter What will happen now? Inspector The BOBY ee. (examine) by a pathologist. The fingerprints svn (feed) into a computer, | (not Witnesses (interview). ‘Moré information (give) to the newspapers as soon as we have it. ‘Thank you, that’s all for now. 27 Spe law SEH 3 Complete these newspaper reports. Put the Vocabulary: Crime and the law verbs into the active or the passive. 4 What are these crimes? @ Say whdt crime the people are charged with. escape tie up find steal enter film put force 1 You deliberately set fire to a factory. A182... 2. You took someone's son and demanded money. 3 You drove at 100 mph where the limit was 60 mph. ‘as 4 You tried to bring heroin into the country. 5 "You stole something from a shop. b Give definitions of these crimes. 1 Burglary...£g.wler someone brea hit call — injure believe Complete the sentences with appropriate verbs In the correct form. 1 The judge will 2. I don’t think the people who were found gullty sentence tomorrow. the crime, How did the deteatve 4 TyOU sown the law, you might be to prison. 5 The witness had to evidence for over two hours. 6 And then he Was... for another two hours. 7. The woman was su. for murder but she was found not guilty. 8 My house Was wnninnnie While Twas on holiday. 6 Complete the text with these words. ‘tips - drug trafickers "more neglected "own USA vandalism afraid rewards better differerice prison hurt, crime looked. year group victim expect treat purpose arrested’ thugs childhood cane fined ‘Vandalized punishment law-abiding * way afford . strict In 1994 an 18>... }88%, old American teenager, ‘Todd Newman was in Singapore, of frends several with a . he had .. (095. FOF thES een NE Kia for two +» £1,400. The case created a lot . Some people felt that the ‘was beaten six times with a Hie was also sent to months and of debate in the sn was 100 hard. They felt it was wrong t0 « people like this. But other people . at the dean streets and .. . society of Singapore and compared It to their own cities where w= control the streets and decent people are w 10 go out after dark. We send young ‘to homes where they have their . televisions, We give thiem ANG swe like computers +» to other countries, which many se « We HEY tO understand them, because they Have been (or abused int thelr nn ‘ordinary families can’t We try to give them a ~ in life, In Singapore, on the other hand, the law is. People are expected to know between right and wrong and criminals . Tough treatment, But which society 12s g0t seneuine ime? And remember that every time has a - More robbery, more assault, ‘means more victims ~ more people Down L 1 Iyou make a reduction, you ... something 2 Chad my fms sa. atthe chemists 4 to impor illegally 3 Martin's had his hair 10 teenage 5 Pleased £0 vn You 12 let go 6 unusual 14 toilet 7 Donna didn’t want to eat her dinner, but her 15-1 got Mary. tell me her seeret. PUM nerfs 16 Asoap Wa kind of TV programme. 8 Trang the an. 17 A Tike animals, 9° if you agree on something you have an B dol 11 Yot wom a border, 19. DE-DE didn't want to leave, she? 13 leave forever 21 When you hurt yoursell you Tea his, 18 Animas are often kept in this 22, Whatdo you spend your money ...? 20 You'llsoon get... t0 your new home. 23. cever 23 The runners recovering trom his 27 beable to replaces this verb in the future tense. 24 My dad... me drive his ear the other day. 28 You! ua tile 25. Could You su. Bary 1 work late this evening? 31 Orangutans ate a kindof... 26 A baby wears ths 32. very last 29. The trousers were too long soT...~ them 33 a-very young person or animal shortened 30 The police aficer stopped the man and made ‘empty his bag. 31 every afiproniies Dealing with problems 7 What would you say in these situations? You should attract attention, state the problem, then'make a request. 1. You've dropped your knife on the floor, You'd like the waiter to get you a dean one. Excuse me, I've dropped my knife on the flac. Could. you get me a 2. You're in a hotel. You've locked your key in your foom, Talk to the feceptionist. 3°-You bought a radio last week but one of the switches is broken. You'd like a new radio. 4. You're on a plane. You've been given a window eat, but you'd prefer an aisle seat: 5. You're in a meeting. You remember yoii've left = your car unlocked. You want to go and see 10 it, 6 You're in'a restauidint, Your glass isn't clean. You'd like a new one. 7. Youve ina restaurant. You aren‘t satisfied with the service. You'd like to speak to the manager. 8” You Were af the Gihenia last night. You think you left your umbrella there. Phone the box office, 62 need + -ing B Look at the pictures and write what needs doing. Use these verbs. comb repair mark ut te test, wash Pronunciation: -ea- © Circle the two words in each line which have era 2 easy heavy leave 3 real read rear 4 carly hear heard 5 weak dean ear 6 earth dead leather 7 seal seat bear 8 bean fear cleat 9 death breath breathe 10 beneath weather east Expressions 10 complete the dialogues with these expressions. workload, inthe first place he can't find the time for'it 7"! We don't want a repeat) ~ he's let us down she's still learning’ the ropes ~ this isthe limit I.think re means i Its holding everything up: Sorry to disturb you has got a good ham the deadiine putting things off “T should have known better advertising manager is getting on, B Well, ae 7 at the moment, but I think she’s doing fine. A Good, . ected of the problems we had with the .. who was doing it before. 1B I don't think thai’s Very likely. Sonja «.. tn her field: 2A. Has Charlie'done that survey yet? We'll never meet fhe doesn’t get it done soon. B_ Yes, know. I spoke to him yesterday, He S095 A What? ol ‘This isthe second time on soniethlig iinporiait. B Well, he Says his too heavy. AOby that’s just ait exeusé fot B Ym niot 80 Sure’ He’s threatened to resign’ again and this time. A. Well, Fdon't belive it than to get him 10 60 1 sn Priorities Writing: Punctuation win cosh 11 Rewrite these sentences with the correct. punctuation and capital letters. EXAMPLe johns been waiting for half an hour said sharon ‘Solin’s beer Waiting for half ai hoi," said Sharon. 1 “Weve released more than’ ify ajes said a Wille smits but theres another two hundred at the wanariset centre ‘2. whats the time Said sally sleepily is yet im hungry itfive odlock is that kens girlfriend asked féna’= yes its said allson shes french you know 4. sandras parents went to italy in june said larissa 5 on the\left you can see:the houses of parliament said the guide and on your rights westminster abbey 6 id like to know he whisperéd what youve done ‘with the childrens money 7 how oiten have you been here before demanded the customs officer 63 Qonar check 4 1 ‘Complete the text with the correct form of these verbs. Thad a strange dream the other night. Twas in @ sitting om chairs. 1 to two doors and I ‘Choose.’ I opened one of the room. There were two women saw one of the women heard her doors and I found myself sven OD tO Of 2 Leould and there was someone tower. There was a strong wind ... hear people very loudly: ‘Wrong door. Wrong door.’ ‘Then I felt myself. .-on the floor. ... When I woke up I was Rewrite the sentences using while, after, or before + -ing. 1 Liam almost fell asleep while he was driving, Liar almost fell asleep white 2. After he stopped he opened his window. 3) He had a rest before he continued his Journey. 4 Butafter he almost fell asleep again, he checked {nto a hotel, 5 Before he went to bed he phoned his wite. ‘Complete the sentences with the -ing form, the infinitive, or the infinitive with 10. 1 Would you like 2 Ohno. I've forgotten the computer. (leave) now? (switeh off) 3. Do you remember ‘when you were younger? « (play) here 4 How do you fancy ... soe (G0 UN}? 5 You ough (take) a break. 6 You must (ook) after yourself 7 She made them _ (wait) for hours. 8 The photocopier’s stopped sone (OTK) 9 Til get the mechanic (fix) the car. 10 The windows need . (clean). oa 4 Agree with these statements. 1 Mark wanks to stay longer. $2.42 2. Tean’t sing very well. 3. Til send her some flowers. 4. Pat worked late yesterday. 5 Disagree with these statements. 1 Thaven't been to Barcelona 2. “Thad a good weekend... 3. wouldn't stay here, 4 5 Ym going to the lecture. L won't be here tomorrow. Rewrite these sentences using the future with will 1 Imust go. 4 Tean see you next week. Write what Teresa must, mustn't, or needn't do. Don’t bring your passport. You won't need it. Don't forget your ticket, Be at the airport by 6.00. You won't need any cash. 1 she need bring. her passport 2 she... | her ticket. 3 she 5 6.00. 4 She any cash. 8 What did these people have done? 1 Harry took his coat to the deanets. He 2. Denise took a key to the key-cutting shop. She a 7 3 Jill and Marle went to the photographers. They 4 Mrs Garratt went to the opticians. She Reported speech 1 Look at the speech bubbles and complete the dialogues. T've passed my driving test. 'm going to buy a car when I can afford it. 111 use my Parents’ car til then 1A Andtea said Hatsle had passed her diving test B That's good news. A. And she said . B What's she going to do A. She said I'm playing tenriis this evening, I didn’t play this Monday because John had broken his racquet, A. Js Tim coming to the cinema? B No, he said .. o A. I thought he played on Mondays B Yes, that's right, but he £810 «nnn Td like to get a new Job. Just don’t enjoy what I'm J doing in my present job. 3. A. Isew Pauline the other day. She didn’t look very happy. She said B Oh, why’s tha? A. She said . Reported questions 2 Report what the people asked. 1 Helena Have you seen my keys, Dad? lo eed er de 2 Fred Had you ever been to Australis before your recent tip, Peter? red asked Peter 3 Sandra Where are you going, Ken? sandra asked 4 Police How lon will you be away Mrs meer Cassidy? The police otncer 5. Mr Hoyle Where have you put the disk, Roberta? 6 Receptionist Would you prefer a double ora single room, Mrs Carluccl? 7 Managing — Why did you leave your last job, Director Mr Walsh? 8 Helen Do you like living in London, Dean? Gpews _ Reported speech 3 Read the dialogues and write the original conversations. ‘@ What did Sam and Prank say? nk, Have yo Frank 1 phoned Sam yesterday. He told me that he and Lena were getting married. Maggie Ob, wonderfull Did he say when? Frank: Well, [asked him when the big day would be, but he said they hadn't fixed the date ‘yet. But he sald we'd be the first o know. b What did Jane and Betty say? Jane Betty Jane Betty | saw Jane yesterday. She told me she'd got a new Job. She said she was working at the Clyde bank now. Debora Did you ask her why she'd left her old job? Betty Yes. She said she had applied for promotion, but she hadn’t got it, so she'd decided to leave. © What did Sandra and Sanjit say? David Where's Peter? Sanjit_ Ob, haven't you heard? Sendra told me that he'd had an accident. David Oh dear. Sanjit 1 asked her whether be was all ight and she said he'd broken his leg and he couldn't walk. David Did you ask her how it had happened? ‘Sanjit Yes, I did, but she said she didn’t know. Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs 4 Complete the dialogues using the verbs in the box. (Some verbs are used more than once.) get tum put kick go pull come pick run grow look head. 1 She 2 St was raining, so she fon her coat and 1 back and out, but up her umbrella 2A Canyou B_ Butts the football match and they're Just ott. itdown then, i's too loud. 3. A. Oh, there isn't anywhere to park. . the TV olf, please? Bi SUSt eccnn 6 MINULE, Tl eerie OME And sernsnone for a parking space. A. Ws all right. That 22S wun Out Think TH be able to win there, an up in a small town and I got very bored. I decided to . for the dity, but I soon away. 1 : back, because my money .. out 5 complete the sentences with these verbs. {getaway with put up with: = get round to Growout of getoutof set off for_ make up for stand up for. get back 1A Have you fixed, that shelf yet? 128 it, 2. Lorgot ou: wedding anniversary, so 1had to book @ holiday t0 sm children . 4 You have to. 1B No, bit don’t worry. It. shoes so quickly. . Your rights: If people ty to push you around, don't let them se Bt 5 The fight’s at 12.40, so what time should we nce UME aiEpOR? 6 Titi0d 10 snnnscne but I still nado go. 7 Tean't afford a new computer, so I'll Just have t6 ‘going to the meeting, my old one for now: 8 Well, it was nice to talk to you, but I suppose I'd DeMEE on rnnsnnenns WOTK. News 12 Indirect commands/requests Vocabulary: Reportéd speech verbs © What did the people ask or tell someone todo? = Here are some things that people said to John Clarke. Report what they said. Use these words. advice “order = beg warn 1 His sister: Please don't join the army. the army. 2. The sergeant: Collect all your equipment. 1m Ross: Please don’t shoot. 5 Wis father: Don’t ty to talk to Ross's wile, 6 His mother: Send the diary back, 7 Mrs Ross: Please give me the diary. 8 The boy: Put your hands up. Vocabulary: say or tell 8 Put in said or told. 1 ORM en 1. he was going out. . you to leave mé alone. Have I... ‘you what happened yesterday? ‘we could all go home, 2 3 4 The manager .. 5 Has Isobel anything to you about the party? 6 The police Officer umm the boys to go home. 7 Sally sumo a Very funny joke yesterday. 8 Frank. 14 finished the job, 9 My father me a story. 10. You should have woo the truth. 7 Tom's grandiather 8 eo Reported speech: A news report 9 Look at what the people said. Complete the news report. Here is the news, There has been a serious earthquake in ‘San Pranciseo, A scientist sald that _ fi earthquake had happened at 4.13 in the morning ‘She said that it. ‘The earthquake has caused major problems for the ‘emergency services. The city’s fre chief said that ‘Transport has been badly hit. A spokesman for the police department said .. He asked people and he advised .. Local hospitals are full. A doctor S81 sense As the elty ties to deal with the damage the Mayor sald that they Pronunciation: Silent letters 10 Write the words in the correct column. Some do not go in any column. talk who. clerk knife comb school cake chemistry blank bomb chimney scientist ‘what calm where walk hour knee doubt want climb ghost half debt nt silent h silent & silent silent w silent b talk Vocabulary: Nouns used as adjectives 14 Change the expressions, using nouns used as adjectives, 1 shoes with highheels alice shoes 2. a shirt with long sleeves, 3. aman with a beard 4 a dog with a short tail 5 a house with five bedrooms 6 paper with lines 7 abat with long ears 8 an envelope with a stamp and an adress on Writing: Reference 12 Look at the text. 1m 1961 Viv Nicholson won £153,000. lot of money Gai), and @ would be worth over £2 mlion today. Gig) announced that she was s0ing to ‘spend, spend, spend’, and what she and Gez)husband did. @heylived elite of luxury, and ater a few years of (Eis) Ge whole Ta) had all goie, The Big winnie had only one regret. “er husband had bought a sports car, and (a) was killed when he crashed). News 42 ‘Who or what do the circled items refer to? ‘That They then this it the whole lot she ‘The big winner that he her it 13 Complete the story with these words and expressions. (Some are used more than once.) 14 Write a newspaper story about a lottery winner, using reference where possible. pean ao Sees ee se ‘Two weeks ago, Monica Wells won £8 milion in the lottery. Now, .. 69 1B eorets Third conditionals 4 Ben and Clara have just got married. 1t all started when Ben overslept one morning. Complete the spaces with these sentences. Ey qenc rons] oe KEEFE Tt 70 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 I Ben Hada ‘teverslept (not oversieep), he euddet have Been, (not be) late for bis appointment. 2 Ihe appointment, he : time to find a parking space. BE rn double'yellow lines if he (ind) a parking space. 4 Thea... vv (not be} late for his, (have) vv (Mot leave) the car on (not be) towed (not leave) it aay Hf Be nen on double yellow Lines. 5. But ifthe car.. towed away, he meet) Clara, 6 Andifhe seemnene (BOE EET) Clara, she... seemeane (Ot give) iim a lift to the pound. fi 7 Ben. woes (OE ASK) Clara out if she (not give) him g lift the pound, BANG they cnn (not start) going ut together If BER srninnn (not ask) her out. 9 So Ben and Clara... (not (not get) tiarried if Ben ... oversleep) one morning. Regrets 18 should/shouldn't have 4 Say what the people should or shouldn't have done. 1 Carol leit her bag in the car and it was stolen. rl 2. The footballer kicked the goalkeeper and he was sent off. 3° Mr Warren didn’t look before he crossed the road and he was knocked down, an didn’t have the car serviced and it broke down. 6 Mrand Mrs Jarvis didn't pay the phone bill and the phone was cut off 7 Mary left her books at school and she couldn't do her homework. 8 Alan didn’t buy a ticket for the train and he was fined, Vocabulary: Animals 3 Write the names of these animal in the correct column, fie bee clon ant mammals | birds fish Insects | reptiles/ | others dog mesquite amphibians ‘dolphin. shake pigeon shark Ward. -éow ty ‘octepus elephant worm. “horsé~ wasp fog pla duck | tiger parrot ostrich “sheep bat eagle. monkey owl bear chicken tuna crocodile tortoise” spider salmon cat buttery wale tout n Geses Jasna's story 5 Complete the story with these words and expressions. Ic was a smnall town. had hardly changed there . people weren't poor. They did their and in the evenings they sat .. talked. But Jasna .... famous, She wanted to be a fashion model like the cones she had seen . . and she decided 10 leave the small town. Her boyfriend, Miro; and her parents swe 10 stay, but she wouldn't listen to them, She wanted to have So oe day she said goodbye to her family and to Miro and went Jasna was an attractive young woman and she soon got some small modelling jobs. Ata fashion show shé met Hans Becker. He became her ‘mianager and soon Jasna had a big house and lots of new friends. .. she had everything. was be photographed wearing beautiful clothes. It seemed lke .. 7 ‘But one day it came Jasna and Becker were involved in a car crash. Jasna was badly injured and Becker died. Then Jasna discovered that Becker had gambled away all her money. There was «She had nothing but éebis and her modelling career was over. And pethaps , but she didn’t seem to have so many friends any more. She was alone. that her only trv friends were back in her home town, but she felt so ashamed that she couldn't go back. Complete these sentences with your own ideas. 1 If Jasna hadn't read the fashion magazines, she would have married Miro, she woulda’t have met Hans Becker. 4 I Becker hadn't become her manager, She wouldn't have been injures. 6 If Becker hadn't gambled, sen 7. It she hadn't been injured, she would have gone back home. Haw would you like the story to end? Write an ending. Vocabulary: Colloquial expressions 8 The underlined expressions in this conversation are wrong. Delete them and write the correct expressions.. ‘A Lorashed my car the ottier day and broke all the lights on the back. treat. B Wsabitroughs Tats A Yes, and when the gafage told me hhow much ie was going o cost, A I'm not, Iphoned the insurance ‘company, but they weren’t many. helps because it was my fault. Boh wel, shay’ the way does! sometimes. A Yes, Leunpasel oe Anyway, [think jes my cise! Do you want the same again? Talking about a holiday 9 Complete the conversation with these expressions. «wasn't in too good a mood Something similar happened + weve been away Did you have a good time? funnly enough .._we wers hanging around atthe alrport ‘hen we finaly got there I can tell you {haven't seen you around for a while. we did in the end Oh dear "hope it didnt spol your holiday too much Nor was my husband A ven ws B for a couple of weeks, in Jamaica, A B A. Why? What was the problem? B The Might was delayed, co... for ages. a simonninnes HOW long did you have to wait? B About seven and a half hours. by the time we took off. 7 ‘We won't be travelling with that company again, A Well, B No, it was OK to my sister’s family last year. ‘They were going to Jamaica, too, B Oh reali, what happened? Expressing interest 10 Write the response to these statements. 1 We're moving house. Where are you moving 12. 2. Simon's had an accident, 3 I saw Bill yesterday. 6 Terry and Brenda have split up. 73 Regrets Vocabulary: Collocations Writing: A letter of complaint 44 Match the verbs in column A with 13 Complete the text of the letter with these expressions. | the nouns in column B. Howéver® Iwas amazed | am writing to complain as a result - 8 I would be grateful if appreciate that and unfortunately feel that While we were on holiday tal a match knit a meat change people Cai jumper 70 Bramble Drive «oo gun claim into tears: Exeter EX3 91Y deceive fie win =| compensation 3 1 February fire wheel si burst a reward we: 2 Turner Street Vocabulary: Adjectives Lene 2 266, 12 Write the negative forms of these adjectives. Dear. Sir or Madam unt . about the insurance cover on our H 1 happy - | 2. honest i es / 3 polite daughter dscided to try snowboarding . 4 careful broke her arm. After taking ber to hospital .. 5. correct 1 tad that our travel insurance did not caver us for 6 natural 5, Snowboarding. The treatment, snstsentsnteeinny COSE US 7 seul ‘oer $2,000. 8 lucky 9 expensive 10 patient 11 important 5S " 12 reliable Sronboarding ad snucnrranurvineninnane SR lasurance should 13. efficient corer people for Ue semmmenenniminannanane YO WOuld explain to 14 sual ‘me why snowboarding is not covered in the policy. - 15 sensitive 16 sattied Yours fatty 17 convenient 18 tolerant 19° dependent a 20. healthy 44 Look at the situation in exercise 9 above. Think of some more details for the story. Write a letter of complaint to the travel company, Suntime, 4 Brook Road, London NW14 7NM. Ask for compensation. Follow the format for a formal letter. 7 Verb forms 1 Delete the incorrect, verb forms. ‘One summer the Grant family — David, Kate, and their three children - Aevedecided / decided to follow their dream and travel round the world, They have sold / sold their house in Scotland, bought a caravan and a horse, and set off/ up. They thought / were thinking that the whole trip will / would take ‘two years. Now, six years later, they have reached / reached the west coast of the USA. ‘Their days are starting / start very early and they are on the road by six o'clock. After travel / travelling for about fifteen miles in the morning. they stop. The children caw’t/ mustn't go to school, so in the afternoons they have lessons from their parents. They doesn’t / don’t watch television in the evenings. They read usually / usually read or play games. ‘They have had / had many adventures on their Journey so far. While they ¢ravelled / were travelling through Italy the caravan broke out / down. Fortunately, a man recognized / has recognized the caravan from an article which David has / had vwaitten for a magazine. He took the family to his house and repaired the caravan. He also helped them when one of the children became il and ‘must had to go to hospital. In Mongolia someone tried stealing / to steal their hhorse and then in China they were arrested / arrested. The authorities said / told them that they Shouldn't have received a visa and made / let ther leave the country, Now they are in Californie and they are getting / get ready to set off across the USA and Canada, For the last few days they have visited / have been visiting San Francisco. Eventually, they are returning / will return to Britain. They are looking / look forward to seeing Britain again, but they aren’t knowing / don't know winat life will be like. The trip hasn't been ‘easy, but the Gramts did / would do i all again i they had / would have the chance, 75 success Causative have 2 say what the Grant family had done. EXAMPLE caravan/ make/ Scotland ‘They had the caravan made in Scotland. 1 caravan! repair/ Italy 2. photographs! take/ Slovenia 3 the horse take/ Americal by plane 4 money! send out/ to different places Question forms 3 Mrs Grant is being interviewed in California, Make questions with the verbs in brackets in appropriate tenses. Interviewer Where 1£"e. ling (live) before you started your journey? Mrs Grant In Scotland. Interviewer How long Gourney/ take) so far? ‘Mrs Grant Six years. Interviewer. How far. (uavel) in a day? ‘Mrs Grant About 15 miles. Interviewer What... (Go) for the last few days? Mrs Grant Visiting San Francisco. Interviewer Sent (get) ready to cross the USA now? ‘Mrs Grant_Yes, we are ~ and Canada. Interviewer erwin (return) to Britain after that? Mrs Grant Yes, eventually. Inbervlewer een (Gook) forward to it? Mrs Grant Yes, but we don’t really know what to expect. Interviewer on. : (do) it all again? Mrs Grant Oh yes, we would 76 Indirect questions 4 Here are some more questions for the Grants, but they don’t know the answers. Complete the sentences. EXAMPLE ‘What will life be like back in Britain? ‘They don’t know what life willbe like back in Britain, 1 Will we feel at home there? They wonder er 2. Whece will we live? ‘They aren't sure 3 Has the place changed much? ‘They have no idea 4 Can we sell our story to a newspaper? ‘They aren't sure 5 What do other pedple think of us? They don't know Prepositions 5 Put in the correct prepositions. 1. Joanne bad tears i! her eyes as she said ‘goodbye «Bric: She knew that she was sai: love vsnn bien 2. ibe wna conference ... London... the ‘weekend, 3 Alot... people like to get married .... church even though they don't go... church regularly 4 don't live ... the country these days. 've got a fat 5. A How did the boss react... the news? BI think he was rather pleased .... me. 6 What are we doing all this work town. s PLcan't see the point .n. it, I sometimes feel that life is passing us 7 Mr Allan was charged ... assault because he fired a gun .... two burglars. He had to pay oie them £2,000 .... compensation ... his “injuries. 8 There was no water... the village so the women. walked... the river .. pots ... their heads Vocabulary: What is success? Find words in the wordsquare to match the definitions. Responding 7 ‘Match the items in A and B to make dialogues. when someone is buried ‘Quiet and unexciting an isolated place the area served by a church numne 2 pries’s house decide reat surprise think full of people 10 goodbye ees aun une {think that hunting should be banned, ‘Ouchi You just hit me in the eye. Right. Shall we make a start on the cleaning? Did you have a nice Christmas? | think I be off now. Shall | post thee letters? Wel it's my round. What would you lke? Do you mind if take some of this paper? Could | possibly speak to Mr Andrews, please? | don'e fee! tied at all | think | might have the day off tomorrow, Shall we have a night cut? Lucky you: | wish | could, Well, thank you very much for coming, See you again, ‘Yes, | suppose so. Mmm that would be nice Oh, tim tenbly sony. Are you alright? Not at all. Help yourset. Certainly. 1m just puting you through. Not so bad. What about you? Me neither. "have a gin and toni please, 1m afraid | have to ‘disagree with you there: Yes please, if you wouldn't mind. 7 Success Dialogues & Make the dialogues. 1A. Suggest going abroad for a holiday this year. B Accept and ask where A would like to go. A. Suggest a place. B Accept - you've always wanted to go there. ‘A. Offer to go to the travel agency anid get some information, > Phone to speak to Harry Brown. ‘Tell A that Harry is not there. Offer to take 9 message. Identify yourself, Ask Harry to call you back. ‘Ask if A will be in all day. Say whether you will, Say that you will pass the message on. wo> oD > o> Sey that you must go because you have a job interview. Wish A luck. ‘Thank B and say how you feel about the interview. Reasstse A and tell him/her not to worry. Thank B. pe > po 78 Vocabulary: Synonyms 9 Replace the’ underlined items with words or expressions from the box. Yur abilities alight sleper was unfair to me messy suits want to avoid pulled it off ‘ery Purictual improving a bully rather iEmannered im very tense 1. Tain’ think we would get that new contract, but we succeeded 2. Sarah's desk is always $0 untidy un and she’s not very polite... 3 Colin ts never Lael on. | 4 Tdon’t like that man, He sated me very badly’ -vwrme Whe first Joined the team. He's always pushing people azound .. 5 You'd better leave now, if you don't want io meei! 6 Tdido’t like this job at frst but things are geiting Bete wn 7 You'll find this job will cenainly tet what you sandal 8 Do you think this colour looks good on/ snes EP 9 Ineed a quiet room. I'm easily woken up/ the director, now. 10 ‘Lon’ fel very axed Vocabulary: Verbs today. 10 complete the sentences with appropriate verbs in the correct form. 1 Fiona didn't .... iY 2 wanted 4 neve ASLEEP, 3. Could you w-me a chance to explain, . the late film on TV, but T mea favour, please? 4 Tean't +. people who are always late, 5 very nervous before my interview yesterday. 6. Jobn down a good job in Hollywood and decided 10 wrnseun. for @ quiet life in his home town, 7 Don't suns the boss too seriously. He . angry very easily, but he never 1a grudge, Success'44 Writing: Your personal preface 14 Imagine you are writing a book setting down your ideas about life. Write a personal preface for the book. Use this format. your childhood and your family life your ambitions as a child how you changed as you grew up any important turning points which made you stop and think about your life © how you feel about your life now Qrimar check 5 4. Report what the people said, Use said, asked, or told, 1. Felicity Are you'going to lunch, Tim? Felciy asked Tim i he was going to lunch, 2. Mr Clapham Could you phone the travel agency, please, Molly? 3 Samantha I really enjoyed my holiday, 4 Mrs Usher T won't be late. 5 Daniel Don't leave the CDs on the floor, Bil. 7 Jenny Please don't leave, Rob. 2 Complete the sentences with said or told. 1 . You to wait outside. 2 Johann he was leaving. 3. Valerie .. soodbye to her friends. 4 Havel you the joke about the dog? 3 Sally she was OK. B “Look at what these people did, What would you say to them? 1 Victoria left the cage open and the bird escaped. 2. Terry put his drink on top of the TV. It was ngcked over. 4) Yan didn’t lock his bike up and it was stolen. 4 Complete the text. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. ——— CoMING HOME

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