Th151Finals EssayVersion

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Katherine Anne A.


Th 151 Final Oral Examination


Utilize my passion and love for the medical sciences by becoming a physician in the public
health sector to give primary care to those who need it. With having Magis being with God
I am more able to help those who are in need of medical attention. Because of this my
worth and success is found in the people that I will serve and most especially to God.
Ever since I can remember, I am always fascinated with the world of science. I grew
up reading my brothers books about science and enjoy watching science television shows
such as Sineskwela. In high school, I enjoyed learning science especially Biology. But even
before choosing medicine, I chose engineering out of convenience. It was a careerism point
of view because I was aware that after I graduate college, I already have a job waiting for me
in my uncles company.
My decision on my career path started to change when I visited a family friend in
hospital in 2010 and I saw doctors in their white coats. I admired how they work and the
prestige that they had as doctors. And at that moment, I decided to take Biology in Ateneo as
my pre-med course. After numerous lectures from professors who are experts in their own
biological fields and the core subjects offered by the university, it molded me into the person
that I am now.
Through the practicum program in partnership with The Medical City I was able to
see how doctors do everything in their capabilities to treat the patient even if it means that
one would stay several hours in an operating room or spend and celebrate holidays in the
hospital. On the other hand, I also experienced the other side of the doctor-patient
relationship. This year, my uncle was rushed to the hospital and his case wasnt easy to be
solved. I experienced how challenging it was as a relative to find finances for the increasing
charges and staying strong for my uncle and other relatives.

I realized that the calling doesnt happen in one moment in a persons lifetime but is
introduced slowly and gradually in different moments of a persons life. It can be compared
to a teaser trailer: giving me what things could be if I chose this path. All of these may be part
of the primordial commitment that I have. According to Haughey, a primordial commitment
establishes a horizon in which we gradually discover through our individual acts of freedom.
This primordial commitment may lead us into two directions: self-absorption and selfdonation.
Vocation is Gods call to self-actualization and this is a form of self-donation. There
are many definitions and views about vocation such as the Protestant point of view which
states that vocation is doing everything for God. Beuchner also defines vocation as the place
God calls us is the place where our deep gladness and the worlds deep hunger meet. It is
different from careerism because in this path one usually focuses on ones own progress.
Public health is one of the concerns of our country that shouldnt be ignored. Every
day, thousands of patients who belong to the lower economic class are rushed to the hospital
with few or even without cash on hand for tests and admission that will be done. A significant
amount of people go to the outpatient department to get a free or a more affordable
consultation. If not, some patients would have to pay P500.00 just for a ten-minute checkup.
Patients are now being exploited just to get some profit out of them. This shouldnt be the
relationship that must be established between a doctor and a patient. In this case, the patient
only becomes a means for the other as if the patient wasnt a person. It is because of the
patients why should many aspiring doctors want to finish and excel in their studies in medical
school and not about the income theyll get.
This problem with the health sector cannot only be solved by one person over a short
period of time. It is a collective effort of the government, doctors and even the patients to
improve our healthcare system.
In my own small ways, this is how I want to contribute to the improvement of our
health care system. This is my take on how indwelling can be. In indwelling, there is a
vertical shift in horizon. Before, I wanted to become a doctor because of the prestige and the
money. But through the education that Ive had in Ateneo and the experience I had, I realized
that I can use my love for science in helping other people. Indwelling implies that there is a
standard of Christ that we should follow. This is downward mobility wherein one identifies to

those who are marginalized. We are invited by Christ to not depend ourselves fully only on
material wealth. For me, being a doctor in public health is means for identifying with the
There will be times along my way that will discourage me to go through this path:
failures, death of a patient, doubts, anxiety, etc. And I know that if I do this all for myself and
by myself I might not be able to make it. Magis is not about doing more as what many would
first think. It is having a close and personal relationship with God, the more, who will
become ones strength and with it we begin to realize our true worth. With Magis, one tends
to participate in causes for the betterment of the society and at the same time give glory to
While working for the common good, I also want to share the message of how
wonderful and complex our life is and how it should be taken care of. Every day, our body is
involved in thousands of processes we are unaware of just to keep us alive and well. First,
there are the housekeeping genes that make sure that each of our cell wont turn into a cancer
cell (most of the time). Another example is the hormone adrenaline or also known as
epinephrine that does different functions such as keeping us more aware of our surroundings
in times of distress so that well be away from harm. This message will be translated into a
means of making my future patients take care of their bodies as means of prevention for
different diseases such as atherosclerosis and the like.
In this way, I can contribute in my own ways to help in decreasing the number of
Filipinos struggling to get a proper health care. Im still in my journey in knowing more what
I am called for. There are still many paths to take and struggles to overcome but knowing that
I can help people in the future and with God, I know that every obstacle will be worth it.

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