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Music Advert Analysis

The One Direction Music Advert uses conventions to distinguish genre in various different ways. Overall, the
pop genre is considered very mainstream and is mainly revolved around happiness, light heartedness and fun.
This is clear in the One Direction Music Advert, for example the advert features very vibrant text colour with
urban text font which resembles graffiti; this distinguishes the Pop genre as the genre is considered to be
dominated by young people and stereotypically young people are associated with graffiti. Also, the artists
wear very mainstream, trendy clothes thus representing young people who are stereotypically associated with
the Pop genre.

The AC DC Music Advert also uses conventions to distinguish genre in multiple ways. In general, the Rock
music genre is very much revolved around emotions, aggression and instrumentals. The genre is very much
about difference and appearing unique. This clear in the use of conventions in this AC DC Music Advert, for
example the advert features a male actor playing an instrument and presumably performing with anger on his
face, this distinguishes the Rock genre as Rock is all about performance and expressing emotions such as
anger. The colour of this advert being almost entirely red connotes the emotion of anger and aggression is
present thus adhering to the conventions of the Rock genre. This advert represents the band and the genre
overall as expressive and hardcore.

The Music Advert for Owl City uses conventions to distinguish genre in many ways. The alternative genre,
or in some cases indie is often labelled as being the compromise between the Rock and Pop genres. The
genre consists of emotions (similarly with Rock) yet there is less aggression and more peaceful emotions.
This is clear in this Owl City Music Advert, for example the use of the lead singer in the advert wearing
relatively basic clothing already distinguishes the Alternative genre as different from the likes of Pop and
Rock due to their not being extravagant or vibrantly coloured costume such as what the likes of Pop
adverts conventionally feature. Also, the inclusion of the subtle blurred colours on the advert could
connote blurred emotions and need to express emotions yet the emotions expressed in the genre are
neither aggression nor anger, this adheres to the genre of Alternative/indie overall. Overall, this particular
advert represents the Alternative/indie as being unique and very different to other genres.

In the Music Advert for G-Eazy, conventions are used to distinguish the genre in various ways. The HipHop/Rap genre is very much revolved around fun, dance, drugs, alcohol, overall urban culture and is
sometimes artistic and relatively personal to the artist. This is apparent in the G-Eazy Music Advert, for
example the advert overall very bold, this is due to the large font and cartoon style. Also, the artists featured
in the advert are edited or illustrated to appear in an almost carton form, this in turn makes the advert seem
fun and interesting which is a convention of the hip-hop/rap genre overall. Also Mise-en-scene is used to
distinguish genre, in this case costume such as sunglasses and a snapback, this reinforces the concepts of
the Hip-Hop/Rap in terms of urban culture being expressed in the genre as a whole. This particular advert
represents the band and genre as being very fun, cool and urban.

Promotional Packages

Overall, in the promotional package for Imagine Dragons and the album Night Visions involving the
website, digipak and music video, synergy is used in various ways to promote the brand of the band
on the whole. First of all, the most evident use of synergy is the font used on the website and the
digipak, the font in both of these being the exact same and presumably being the front for the entire
Imagine Dragons brand. The use of this synergy is effective as the font can be recognised by the
intended audience through the cross-media convergence.

Secondly, synergy is also used in terms of graphology. For example, the graphology used on the
Imagine Dragons website is very similar to the setting in the music video to Imagine Dragons
Radioactive, this being a forested area with a clear in between the trees. Again, this synergy
generally works to form an image of the band due to the fact that the people who visit the website
may notice the imagery from the music video. Graphology is also used to form synergetic links in
regards to the digipak; the image featured on the website contains colours that are also apparent on
a different image that is on the digipak.
Social media is also used to form synergetic links for the Imagine dragons brand, the images
featured on the website are also featured on the official Facebook of Imagine dragons as
profile/cover photos thus representing the brand and again provided a recognisable image for the
intended audience.

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