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Shilpa Garg


forms one of the most important

tools in pharmaceutical marketing and
There is a subtle difference between plain
communication and detailing. When we
detail, we are actually advertising the product
to a particular targeted customer, to induce
them into buying or prescribing it.
In today's scenario no one would buy a
product until he or she is totally sold to it!


is basically an integral part of

personal selling which is thoroughly
rehearsed, memorized and practiced to an
extent that when it is heard, it sounds as if it
is coming out of one's own talk about the
product. (Exactly as an actor acts on stage or
in films). Even though the script is written by
someone else (usually the Product Manager),
it looks as if it is the MR's own.


Detailing story highlights the relevant points, the

unique selling points of the brand raising the
doctor's interest to an extent that he prescribed. This
slowly creates a brand image.
Detailing has to be perfect and with the ideal mixture
of scientific information, quality of product and the
manufacturing technique used. This will provide
maximum mileage in the shortest possible time.
keeping in view the time constraint that one has in
the doctor's chamber.
Thus, detailing forms an integral part of effective
communication as well as personal selling.

Purpose of Detailing

Advertisement of company's product

walking audio-visual).
To create and arouse interest in the doctors
mind regarding products thus influencing
his prescribing habit.
To emphasize the advantages / benefits
and salient features of products.
To generate more prescriptions.

Purpose of Detailing
This solely depends on how effective the detailing
is or in other words how convincingly one can
Communication is the essence of marketing. It is a
four step process:

MR - the medium

Detailing folder / visual aid - the tool

Voice of the MR - the audio

The matter on the visual aid - the visual.

Thus in total, detailing must produce an "audio-visual" impact

Steps of Effective Detailing

There are 9 commandments of effective detailing
in order of importance.


Handling of Visual Aid
Use of Pointer
Eye to Eye Contact
Body Language
Use of Senses
Time Management

Steps of Effective Detailing

1. Text

Very important as the entire message depends

on text.
Even slight deviation could lead to wrong,
misleading or unclear information.
Small addition or deletion could lead to
Perfection gives confidence and generates

Steps of Effective Detailing

2. Voice: Voice has various aspects, such as :
Clarity of Speech
. Clarity gives a strong impetus to the text and
makes the detailing interesting. It helps others to
pay attention.
Audibility / Loudness
. The volume should be sufficient enough to be
heard clearly in the chamber without being too loud
or too low. that requires extra effort for the doctor to
listen. Audibility should really match the natural

Steps of Effective Detailing



Tone is the feelings in the voice. Words have little meaning
themselves. It is the tone which adds the sentiments to the
message communicated e.g. a friendly tone.
Modulation of Voice and Emphasis
Modulation is the ups and downs of the voice. Modulation of
voice actually brings out the emotions from the message,
without which it sounds dull. It gives additional punch at areas
which need special thrust like brand name, payoff line, opening
sentence etc.
Emphasis give the right connotation to the message. It should
be correctly used. Over or under usage does not bring out the
hidden message. Finally both modulation and emphasis reflect
the confidence level.

Steps of Effective Detailing


Timing and Pause

The speed with which the words are spoken
should be enough that the doctor~ could
listen and understand. High speed makes it
difficult to understand and too slow makes
the detailing dull again. Correct time and
speed give us time to think, to catch the
breath for fresh emphasis and a suitable
pause helps the doctor to digest the

Steps of Effective Detailing

3. Handling of Visual Aid/Folder

Correct handling of visual aid or folder facilitates the

doctor to read and see clearly. Doctor's convenience
should be your prime concern while handling the visual
In a recent study it was revealed that the distance for
effective viewing be minimum three feet between
prospect eye and visual aid. It gives 100% clarity.
Secondly, folder / visual aid should be held at a 90
degree angle to eye, to avoid any reflection of light, this
avoids any distortion in vision.

Steps of Effective Detailing

4. Use of Pointer

Synchronization of speech with pointer helps

doctor to concentrate on what is being shown and
It also helps in reducing distraction and private
planning. Adds up the punches given by
modulation and emphasis.

Steps of Effective Detailing

5. Eye to Eye Contact

Visual contact with the prospect helps to

determine whether doctors are really interested
and bring them back to the main frame.
It also reflects the confidence level of the MR. It
involves lot of human elements as and when
you maintain an eye contact. You arouse
interest in doctors and they start anticipating the
next message.

Steps of Effective Detailing

6. Body Language

Studies in communication have revealed that more than

50% is due to non verbal communication.
Body language or the non verbal communication of your
body speaks volumes. A confident, professional body
language increases the power of detailing.
Body language of the customer is equally important. More
often than not, he/ she is giving feedback through his/her
body language. Recognizing those signals is vital to mould
the detailing.

Steps of Effective Detailing

7. Listening

An often neglected area but a very important

aspect of detailing is listening.
Quite often customers raise objections, make
remarks. The way the objection is handled
would ultimately decide how successful we
have been in winning the confidence of the
doctors. Thus anticipating the prescription. This
is only possible if you actively listen.

Steps of Effective Detailing

8. Use of Senses

God has provided us the five senses viz. sight,

smell, hearing, touch and taste to communicate
Effective use of as many senses as possible
during detailing will enhance the impact. E.g. an
audio-visual presentation, demonstration of an
action (a dispersible tablet), making the doctor
taste the product.

Steps of Effective Detailing

9. Time Management

He/she has to finish his/her work is given time.

Doctors give the kind of time a Medical
Representative deserves and not the kind of
time he requires.

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