The Gods Speak

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Frances Fox

The Gods Speak

Dolphin Wisdom Revealed

Published by Frances Fox Inc, Miami, FL
Books by Frances Fox:
The Gods Speak
Your Matrix Your Electric Body Energetics in the Business World
Cover Design Nicole Gotwols Back Cover photo Mercedes Soler
Second edition copyright 2012 Frances Fox Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written
permission of the publisher.
ISBN: 1453600590
Published by Frances Fox Inc, Miami, Fl
Please God help us to have the wisdom to allow the children to lead.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction............................................... page 9
Chapter 2: Dolphin Wisdom 13
Chapter 3: Chakras, Heart and Love........................ page 24
Chapter 4: Your Physical Body ................................. page 37
Chapter 5: Your Home .............................................. page 45
Chapter 6: Food......................................................... page 57
Chapter 7: Money ...................................................... page 67
Chapter 8: Sex 69
Chapter 9: Your Electric Body .................................. page 79
Chapters 10: 88
Chapter 11: Unseen Factors in Politics ..................... page 97
Chapter 12: 113
Chapter 13: The 119
Chapter 14: Natural Catastrophes........................... page 130
Chapter 15: Evil and Negative 143
Chapter 16: Animal Consciousness......................... page 146


17: Creating Reality, 152

18: Exercises to Create 163
19: Ending Of The World 167
20: The Golden 179
21 Preparing for the Shift.......................... page 184

The Gods Speak

Dolphin Wisdom Revealed
It has been many years since I became aware of the ending of the world. I
used to talk about it until I realized that people did not want to listen. I was
soon corrected by a dear friend who said, the world as we know it is going to
end, and that seemed to make it better.
The subject came up again when I visited my favorite animal friends, the
Dolphins, at the Miami Seaquarium in 1996-1997. In my telepathic exchanges
with them, they wanted to talk endlessly about the process of the ending and
the why of the ending.
At some point I had promised the Dolphins I would spread the word of the
world ending information. I transcribed our conversations and put them in a
book. Anytime I disclosed the fact that I spoke telepathically with Dolphins,
people smiled and their hearts opened but as soon as I let them know what
the Dolphins said, the smiles vanished from their faces, and they shut down
their hearts so I never did anything with the book. At that time I was not
winning over any hearts with my other intuitive information about emotional
dishonesty and how destructive this dishonesty is to our relationships and to
our inner development. I stopped communicating with the Dolphins and I
stopped talking about the world ending.
That was in 1996 1997. Today it is very different. The news is full of dire
warnings from scientists about the ability and certainty of a natural disaster
ending life on Planet Earth. Evangelists are talking non-stop about God,
Judgment Day and people dying by the millions. I then rememberedthe
Dolphins had told me this! I knew I needed to go back to the documentation of
our conversations, conversations I refused to accept as valid information
necessary for an understanding of the future on this planet.

Today there is an excess of information on the variety of ways humans and

nature can extinguish life on Planet Earth. An excess of facts that appear to
indicate that we are headed in the direction the Dolphins foretold years ago.
In reviewing the Dolphin statements, so upsetting in the past, I found that they
were great prophets. Their information corresponded to what others were
saying. Their descriptions of how the ending was going to come about
contained descriptions of events that are also described in the Bible, in the
Book of Revelations, and are also described by the Mayans. It appears that
the Dolphins have access to the same fountain of information about this most
critical point written in human history: the end of the world as we know it.
Hopefully people today will not do what I did years ago. Hopefully with the
additional information science is providing us, we can accept what all our
fountains of information are telling us: Planet Earth is not only due for a
massive change, but that change can be called an ending. I dare to expose
these conversations to the public because the current state of chaos in the
world demands that we think outside of the box. The chaos actually allows
those of us who live outside of the box an opportunity to share this type of
unusual insight.
There is a piece of the puzzle of end times that is missing from the scientific
perspective and perhaps too veiled in the religious prophecies. The missing
piece is why this is happening and what we should be doing to facilitate the
ending of this planetary cycle and the process of entering the next cycle,
often called the Golden Age. The Dolphin conversations offer
recommendations for preparing for the chaos of the ending and a glimpse
into the future.
I hope that this collection of conversations will clarity for you that the end of
life as we know it is inevitable from every point of view, whether it is
scientific or religious, factual or mystical. And most important, that you be
reminded that the ending is the preamble for the next and last stage of human
evolution, the most beautiful stage of human history, usually called the
Golden Age.
Notes on how to read The Gods Speak
There is more than one way to read this book. You can read it cover to cover,

as we usually do with books. Or you can skip around in it, to get a taste of the
different chapters. But most interesting is that you can use this book as a
guide to your life. As with other sacred books, and the quality of the Dolphin
communications is sacred, you can ask an intuitive question about your life
and then simply open the book to a random page to find your answer. Try it
and you will be astounded and then pleased at the wisdom of the response.
The quality of the conversations
Speaking to the Dolphins was a process. It evolved from speaking to them
with a hand held tape recorder while standing at the wall of their tanks in the
Miami Seaquarium, to chatting with them mentally at my desk while
documenting the flow of conversation on my computer.
The earlier conversations will sound stilted because I was too busy assessing
and judging what they just said. The sound of the wind in the tape recordings
also interfered with clear communication. Later I was shocked and then I
became curious, and the flow improved. Now I embrace their information,
though many times it is not till months later that I truly understand it.
My level of disbelief, discomfort, lack of respect and shock shows up in the
earlier conversations. For that reason I have left the dates on most of the
conversations so that you will know why they sound so stilted or why they
sound so clear.
This book concludes with what the Dolphins now reveal weekly. The last
pages have turned into a weekly guide to the process of evolution into the
Golden Age. You can keep up with the Dolphins by logging into for their latest revelations.

Dolphin Prophecies
It will be a rough passage between what is structured now, the destructuring
process and what will be in the future. But the violence that is experienced in
the world today should indicate to all that there is a dramatic need to return to
different values.
Violence as exhibited by human beings is a scream for help and a reaction
against what is not normal, what does not feel well. In that sense people that
are violent are being more true to their internal processes.
Children will save the world. Not necessarily children chronologically, but
people who keep child-like qualities. A child will act out his feelings. If he is
bothered by someone, he will scream at him or hit him, and if he loves
someone, he will touch them and try to be close.
Those are the characteristics that all should adhere to. It is the repressing of
basic, very real emotions that creates the violent outbreaks. People who have
misunderstood emotions do not allow for anger. They put the responsibility of
processing anger on other people. Those who act violently are carrying not

only their inner violence and feeling, but also those of society in general.
We abhor violence but to the extent that it is real, we need to accept it. When
what a person who is called a good person does not act out their true
feelings, they are contributing to violence, not necessarily in their own home but
in society in general. Because of the principal of balance, it is of critical
importance that people become aware of their feelings, acknowledge them,
work through them, and process them.
We understand that these rules that the Planet is living under appear not to be
correct, but they are the rules. If we look at children you will see what human
beings are supposed to be like on the Planet, particularly new-born. When you
look at an adult, what you are seeing is what structures of society have done
to human beings. Children can save the world, but only if we allow them to be
The Breakdown of Society October 8, 1996
The breakdown of society would tremendously benefit the evolution of mankind
because man would have to turn to himself for survival and in turning to himself
he would find himself to be very powerful. He would also find himself closer to
the source of what many of you in physicality call God.
There are so many truths in the universe and in physicality and yet one only
needs to look within to find all of them. No one individual or group has the
ability to know the truth better than any other group. It is in the searching that
these truths are found and they are to be found everywhere.
When you get members of society sublimating their individuality and their wants
and needs for the group process, nature is generally not honored and many
times, particularly in the latter years of written human history, harmed.
We are suggesting a de-structuring of the world as we know it. It is precisely
those structures that are creating havoc in the spiritual development of
The Bondage of Physicality November 13, 1996
In physicality, the values and morals are different. They are based mostly on
self-preservation of the physical body and the attainment of comfort of the

physical body, whether it is in the choices of work or mate or in the choice of

where people live. In non-physicality it is preservation of the soul that is the
ultimate goal. The choices are totally different.
Developmentally, man should have valued physical comforts less as he evolved
and that has not happened. What has happened is that the issues of
preservation of the physical body have been resolved and man has not made
the proper adjustments in his value system. He has continued to act as if the
primary importance were the preservation of his body in supreme comfort.
Most of the issues having to do with the deterioration of the planet have to do
with the rape of the planet so that mans physical body would be more
There are two groups of people that will make the shift. Those who came here
to encourage the shift and to ensure that as many as possible make it, and
those who truly began this reincarnation cycle as part of their plan and will
make the shift because of their choices, facilitated by those who came to
insure that the shift would occur and that many would be able to make the
Those who are left behind are not considered any less divine, in other words, a
part of the source, or God. They are being left behind to provide them with an
opportunity to learn what they needed to learn and did not learn in time.
There will ample opportunities after the earth changes and the polar caps shift
and the mountaintops become valleys and what is dry becomes water. Once
again, when the amenities are cut back to a minimum, the choices are reduced
and there is less to distract the human mind, mankind will again look inward or
to the stars or to Mother Earth for their answers. And in that process they shall
achieve the vibrational frequency necessary for them to be released from the
bondage of physicality.
Earth changes
The earth changes are not a punishment, but an opportunity that is provided for
those who did not make the changes in time, or were not aware that they
needed to make changes.
We recognize the pain of those who will be left behind. But we need to also

see that they have been afforded an opportunity that is more conducive
towards the proper choices. We should not allow their pain and their situation
to detract from the joy of leaving physicality and moving into dimensions that
are more amenable to having an open heart.
Those of you have completed your task will shift and those of who have not,
will stay, but in a world that you will no longer recognize and that for a space of
time, will be a nightmare.
The Nature of Evil November 19, 1996
There is evil in the world and there is evil intent. Evil did not begin in this world;
it came from outside this world. The lack of acceptance of that has created a
lot of the chaos that human beings live. Evil performances and evil acts and
badness do not come from within, but come as a reaction to or as an
imposition of another spirits energies.
Those who do not want to accept the reality of evil or who deny it, have this
position because they are afraid that in confronting evil, from within or without,
they will not win. So they prefer not to deal with it at all. That choice has
allowed evil full rein throughout centuries of human history.
The substitution of the concept of negativity and our dark side has not been
adequate to explain evil intent.
The Ending of the World as We Know it
December 15, 1996
The world will end the way it is going to end and begin the way it is going to
begin, regardless of this information. This information may provide comfort to
those of you who understand that we are in a transition and that the transition
may appear painful for many. This information will not change the ending but
will facilitate it, as it will be a lubricant for the process for those who read of it.
Natural Catastrophes
The ice peaks will become valleys and the valleys will become mountains and
the polar caps will be dislodged and will be flattened and will cause the
disruption of the gravity that the earth operates under. All will be let asunder

and all will be a nightmare except for those who understand that the world that
is being destroyed is a world that was not good for them. The world that they
will be living in is a world where they will be able to understand the nature of
what life is suppose to be on this Planet.
In choosing and accepting the world that will be presented to them forcibly,
they will be able to find their proper place, and they will be able to make the
proper changes so that they too, will be able to vibrate at the proper frequency
and reach the other dimension, where love is the cornerstone, the key, the
quality, the ether, the all. Do not be sorrowful for those who will be left behind,
because they will be left behind because they are not ready.
The earth changes will create a life and lifestyle and living conditions that will
cause people very quickly to find out what is important in life, and to
understand that what they had before is not what life is made of. The
artificiality of it all, the contrariness of it to what man is supposed to be, what
man is supposed to be doing, will be very obvious, and very quickly after the
earth changes start.
Release from the bondage of physicality
The massive world changes will take place over a span of two years and at
that time, there will be an opportunity for people to shift, and if they are
vibrating at a high enough frequency, into another dimension and be released
from physicality. Entire families will shift together, as it is true that soul families
almost always vibrate at the same frequency. And members of the soul
families that do not vibrate quite as high; will be pulled by the strength of those
around them that love them, into the dimensional shift.
The Golden Age
The heralding of a New Age is something that we have not discussed with you
because we needed to break through your resistance to the process prior to
the Golden Age that is to come, and rest assured that it will come. The
decision is made that all are to participate in this Golden Age but too many
have not been ready. So yet again, the physical earth changes are an
opportunity so that those that did not do their work because they are too
entertained by civilizations trappings will be afforded the opportunity by
removing these trappings so that they can look inside themselves and look to
the source for their answers. Then they too will have the dimensional shift and
they too will be participatory in the Golden Age.

As I tell people your messages they react, even as they are smiling, they
react. So I ask you again, to give us more information so that when I insist
that there will be true earth changes, as there are hurricanes and true
volcanoes and true movement of glaciers, that I may answer them and know
that I have not misinterpreted what you have said.
Frances, these changes have been predicted for centuries. The lack of
acceptance of these changes is just an example of humanitys lack of
acceptance of what needs to happen, what has happened and what will be
happening in the future. It is the resistance to any information or any situation
that causes pain.
The reason mankind in contemporary civilization has not looked inward is
because of the level of pain he will face when he finds that he has not resolved
the major issue of living. That issue is very aptly named the existential crisis.
The excuse of self-preservation
The excuse of self-preservation is not longer valid but it has been substituted
by materialism as the reason for being and the reason for living. Those who
continue to feel this pain keep themselves entertained (busy) as they wait to
The fact that no one or very few, are willing to accept the earth changes that
have been predicted since day one, by many different teachers, masters and
prophets, is just yet again another example of mans resistance to learning
what he needs to learn and facing what he needs to face.
Tell me again about those changes, reassure me again, and remind me
We told you that the ice caps would become valleys and the valleys would
become mountains and where there is land there will be water. Atlantis will rise
again from the dead and it will become a part of physicality yet again,
heralding the beginning of the Golden Age. But preceding that Golden Age, as
everyone has predicted, there will be horrors.
Those of you who have done your work, completed your tasks will be lifted
from those horrors as you will have the ability to lift yourselves. Those who
have not completed their tasks or done their work, those who have kept

themselves busy so as not to see their own pain and the pain of others and
consequently do something about it, will be subjected to those horrors,
whether it be because they will have to live without the objects that made life
so comfortable or whether their passing will be so traumatic that the pain will
remain. Whichever the two it might be, these things will be happening.
We are almost there again, where the energies of Atlantis need to be exposed
again. It is to there where we will be returning. Atlantis will rise again and we
will be there again but perhaps having learned what we needed to learn for it
to reach its full glory and remain true to its spirit, the spirit of evolution together
with the vibration of love.

The Heart Chakra

May 29, 2007
The heart chakra is the most important energy center humans have. It is the
Grand Central Station of the flow of energies that constitute a human being.
Without that center fully operational there is no entering into the New Age. The
heart chakra is a conduit into and out of the Planet. It stabilizes the aura by
centering the energies. It is the balance and pivotal point between male and
female, right and left, up and down.
Without the heart chakra life would be robotic. It is the issues of the heart

chakra that create human greatness. It is the issue of love and compassion
that allow humans to grow. Do not underestimate the rapid changes in your life
once you start to heal and open the heart chakra.
The Power of Breath
Breath is everything to the heart chakra. A change in your breath is a change in
the heart chakra. Fuller breath automatically means the petals of the heart
chakra are more open. Shallow breath means the petals are closed.
Interrupted breath, as in some heart conditions, mean that there is a break
between the petals.
Breath will damage the heart chakra but breath will also repair it. Healing the
heart is so easy. It is as simple as breathing. Breath into your heart chakra and
the world will look as if you had put on rose-colored glasses.
The Heart Chakra
There is a sound in the heart chakra when all is at peace.
Peace is not a lack of war. It is when the conflicts have been resolved at the
baseline level. Peace is when two parties hold the same vibration together.
When people agree to disagree or agree to put the disagreements away, in the
name of peace, then there is no true peace, just a game of waiting till the
conflicts start again.
True, true
So conflicts are good when there is a commitment to working things through.
But what is even better is when the conflict is gone because true intentions are
revealed and it is seen that all intend the same thing.
When that happens, the heart chakra makes a sound. The doctors call it a
heart murmur. Mitral valve prolapse is another name for it. We see your
distaste, as you believe this is garbage.
True, true.
Mitral valve prolapse is when the blood in the heart flows in a more systematic
way, contrary to the way it flows in normal conflicted human beings. If you
look at people with that condition you are looking at someone who has not
been happy in life and has expressed that unhappiness. That person has been

willing to be conflictive in order to find true happiness.

The heart chakra has a duality and when that duality is on its way to resolution,
the doctors become nervous because the functioning of the heart is contrary to
what they know to be a healthy heart. Duality and the striking together of two
things, which creates conflicts and also a sound, that is the issue on the planet.
There are varieties on this issue, but it is the opposites that need to be looked
at and fought over. Highlighting similarity and areas of non-conflict delays the
evolution of mankind.
Repairing the Heart Chakra June 28, 2007
The heart chakra is in reality not a chakra but a major central organizing station
for human affairs on the Planet. It is front and center to what a human desires,
as in human intention. When the heart chakra is damaged, the person is
blocked in their intentions.
There are more reasons why the heart chakra is important. It is the ruler of
movement in the physical body as it rules circulation of blood. Blood is life and
the ruling of blood is the ruling of the life of a person.
Off planet
The heart is also a type of phone central station. It rules the communication of
the humans system with off planet energies and beings. If the heart chakra is
damaged, that communication is also blocked.
Having a broken heart easily damages the heart center but it is also easily
repaired. We will help you to understand how to repair it easily.
Repairing the heart chakra
Breath is everything to the heart chakra. If you train yourself to breath into your
heart chakra, everything single disease or condition will eventually repair itself.
It is that simple!
Why that simple and why dont more people know this?
They do know it; they are just not willing to live heart centered. They need
what they need, and they make choices that are not heart centered because
they believe that heart centered choices will leave them bankrupt or behind
what society demands. They do not trust that the heart is wise and will not

take from them.

The skin?
It is intimately connected to the heart circulation. To sooth the skin is to sooth
the heart, to irritate the skin is to irritate the heart.
Mistreatment by a hand is very damaging to the heart chakra. Sensuous
treatment by a hand is very healing to the heart chakra.
Sensuous touch
People should be trained in giving and receiving sensuous touch. It is an art
that should be part of schooling. It would reduce human diseases by half if the
population of the world touched each other. We allow touch via the word via
telephone but we rarely allow a stranger to touch us. That is wrong as it leaves
bad people isolated from human touch.
Calendula for the Heart May 28, 2007
Calendula adds warmth to the heart chakra. It helps to open the petals so that
the rays of the sun, the element of fire, enter the heart and the persons life.
Calendula should be used by all who have suffered the loss of a loved one and
need to open up to love again.
Use Calendula on the heart chakra, front and back of the body, twice daily. Use
the oil or the flower essence or crme.
Teamwork and Community
Teamwork is another word for community. And community is fully supported by
the energies of today. In the past we were very alone but now we are not and
teamwork is more effective than ever. When you work in a team, whether
within family or at work or with a project, the lines of energies between the
individuals create a type of grid that provides a protection and also a safety
If a member of the team falls, he cannot fall far, because he will be held within
the net. Later, when he is better the road to being up to par with the
group/family is not so far. It is like you said, Frances. When a dolphin is sick,
two dolphins sandwich the sick dolphin between them and swim around healing

the sick one. So it is with teamwork, but the teamwork of today, where the
energies are supportive of the group process and community.
The Color Green
The color green and all shades of it are critical for helping to augment the
power of the other colors. Yes, it is the color of the heart center. If you wear
another color, you can wear a pendant with green, you can sit on green grass,
you can wear green eye shadow.
Green is a color to be anchored very firmly, in order for the center of the planet
to be helped in its frequency shift. It has been pretty downtrodden, almost as if
it the heart of mother earth has been stabbed.
Work Versus Play 1996
As you see us playing in our pond, the relationship between work and material
things is almost a complete overlap. Most of you work to achieve material
things and to that extent we think that work should be abolished.
If you ask people who are doing their life work whether they consider their
work fun, you will probably find them saying that they consider what they are
doing is playing. If it is work, then it has to do with achieving, acquiring or
paying off material things and if is life work, its considered playing.
Chakras Have Changed August 8, 2008
First and foremost, your chakra system has changed. It is still important to
keep rooted and grounded so that events, including natural catastrophes and
recessions, do not knock you down. Those issues pertain to your first chakra,
your root chakra. But at this time, during and after the days between the
eclipses and particularly after 8 8 8, it is the throat chakra, the heart chakra
and the high heart chakra located in-between, that are the focal point for
stabilization and prosperity in your life. And this will continue for another 2
years till the end of 2010 at which time the Anja or third eye chakra will
dominate the chakra system.
After 8 8 8 the power of the throat, the power of the word will be the most
powerful asset you have. Unfortunately for many who are blocked in this
chakra, the weakness of that chakra will mean they will not have the power

they had before or the power they desire. And unfortunately for many, sexual
blocks will also diminish their power. Important information about the throat
chakra: 1. It is debilitated by lies, knowing and unknowing. Speaking the truth
from your heart and throat will give you and your projects strength. Speaking
politically or socially correct, instead of being truthful, will cost dearly. Lying will
have almost instant repercussions.
The throat chakra is connected to the sexual chakra. That means that if you
have unresolved sexual issues which include the need for Viagra, you will be
left with very little power after 8 8 8.
Please do address your sexual issues now, as the time is now, it is important
to do it now. Find out what the original injury is that caused you to be impotent,
frigid, uninterested in sex, have prostrate issues, painful menses, needing a
hysterectomy, removal of ovaries, be the victim of sexual abuse, and more. All
these and more indicate a wounded second chakra. Try and address the root
of the issues now.
The Chakras
In the same way that an open wound on the skin is an opportunity for germs to
enter our physical bodies, a hole in the aura, whether it is decades old or one
year old, is an entry point for curses.
The Chakras
Chakras are energy centers, within our bodies that move energy from one
dimension to another. Every one of us has them: seven chakras above the root
chakra and seven chakras below the root chakra. Each deals with
psychological and emotional issues. I strongly suggest that each of you read
up on chakras if you havent already; a misaligned chakra can be an entry point
for evil.
The Wounded Chakra
When you suffer a traumatic experience, whether it is a bankruptcy or parental
abandonment during childhood, the chakra that corresponds to that type of
issue is damaged; the chakra is pulled out of its natural state and is

repositioned in a holding pattern. When your chakras are aligned in their natural
state, they have a positive effect on your aura; however, this new position, or
holding pattern, creates a hole in your aura.
This wound in your aura is an entry point for negative energies and entities,
regardless of how old it may be. As a result, the chakra is unable to protect
you in the area of those emotional or psychological issues to which it
A Gateway for Curses
Simply put, a wound in the aura is a liability. It is a part of your being that has
little or no protection from negative energies and entities which may come in
contact with you either coincidentally or intentionally. For example, if you are
the target of black magic, brujera or a Santeria ritual curse, the curse can
sneak in through this open wound.
The lessened defenses in this area of the aura leave you vulnerable to psychic
attack in ways that you otherwise would not be.
Ancestral Curses
Many years ago, I asked to understand how ancestral curses worked.
Ancestral curses are the intention to curse a persons family for generations. I
was shown an opening in the aura of the Planet and a type of conduit, like a
garden hose, entering the Planet and then entering the aura of the cursed
person. The negative energy is funneled into the persons aura, and his family,
for the duration of the curse, typically six generations. It was not until years
later that I was fortunate enough to see how this hose connects to the
person. I asked again to understand more about curses, and black magic.
When the chakra is damaged, it creates a hole in the energy system of the
person, not just into the aura but, rather deep into the system. The hose
inserts itself into this hole. This is why the condition of the chakras is so
As I witnessed the process of insertion, I saw a black cloud guiding the hose to
the wound in the persons system. The black cloud was a type of Miasma of
depression energies with the conscious intent of binding the energy system of
the person to the energy of curse.

Many people tell me, even today, that because they do not believe in curses,
these cannot affect them. They are under the impression or false belief that
you have to believe in the curse for the negative energies to be effective.
However, if prayer works, and it does, then bad intentions also work. Do not
doubt for a minute that someone who is gifted in managing the spirit world or
who has strong focus, can effectively direct bad intentions to hurt you or your
loved ones.
Intentions Have Power
In this part of the world, there is a type of naivet, or spiritual dysfunction,
which is becoming dangerous. As this society opens up to energy work, energy
medicine, Reiki healings, herbs, meditation and the power of intention, more
people will be tempted to use this newfound influence over the other
dimensions. Many people who feel powerless on the physical dimension will
use this energy power to exercise control over others.
The fundamental rule of the game on Planet Earth is free will, and the number
one law is the Law of Intention, which says that the individual creates his own
reality. As a result, black magic, curses and negative, focused intentions can
and do override the foundations of our ability to be master of our destiny.

Your Fingers
June 9, 2007
Each finger represents a ray of light that God sends. Each finger has the ability
to connect with God and each finger has the ability to block God.
What does that means?
It means that the hands and fingers are very important sources of God like
energy for man. The same as gasoline allows man to move large objects from
one place to another, the energy of the hands allows a flow of Gods light into
the projects or objects that man pursues with his hands.
When it is said that a mothers touch allows a child to flourish and that an
untouched child dies from the lack of touch, that is true. What is not known is
that touch has a magic that does not just apply to babies but to everything that
is touched.
When you touch another human, you bathe that human in your energy but your
energy that is centered in Gods love and light.
When you touch another human being in anger, it is then that your fingers block
the energy of God that could run through them.
Yes it has been known that touch is necessary for babies to thrive but it is also
necessary for projects and relationships to thrive. The expression hands on
applies to a person who gets involved in his projects. This involvement
generally involves a type of touch that may not be physical but is almost
physical. And this hands on attitude brings a lot of good energy to the project.
Each finger has a different type of God energy. The little finger flows with the
power of stones. Stones have the power to heal through crystals that form the
stones. So the little finger has a healing energy that is aligned with stones.
The finger next to the little finger has the energy of sound. It resonates with
sound and transmits sound. If you pay enough attention while you are very still,
you will be able to hear the sound that finger makes. This sound can be used
to locate things. If you are missing an object, and can hear the sound of this
finger, you will notice the sound augments when you get nearer to the object.

The long finger is a finger of malice turned inward. When it is not turned
inward, it has the energy of building up self-esteem. If that finger has an injury
or is misshapen, it means there are self esteem issues. If that finger is pointed
at someone, it is usually pointed in malice.
The pointing finger is a finger of anger or joy, depending on where the energy
flows from. If it flows from God to that finger, it is energy of joy. If it flowing
from the finger outward, it is the energy of anger.
The thumb is the most interesting finger. It is a jack of all trades. It can do all
that the other fingers can do, but it wont unless it is trained and the person is
fully intended on using that finger.
The Importance of Your Hands The Cycle of Giving and Receiving
November 11, 2007
The hands are the beginning and the ending of manifestation. Working with
your hands connects you at a deeper level to whatever you are striving to bring
into fruition.
At this time in written human history, the striving to achieve results only with the
head through technology and the push of a button is a major reason for the
lack of success of society.
In spite of all of its advances, society today is no closer to being happy and
prosperous than previous cultures. Yes there are more amenities for the
physical body but there is a corresponding addiction and need for additional
work and mental time spent on achieving these amenities. That does not lie
within the definition of prosperity.
The Definition of Prosperity
The definition of the energy of prosperity is to have that which you need to be
happy. The definition of happy is to be complete.
The Left Hand
The left hand is the hand of God and sets up the giving and receiving cycle. It
is the hand that needs to be caressed and it needs to caress. It brings to it
what it needs to complete and begin the cycle of manifestation.
The Right Hand

The right hand is the hand of giving and it is secondary to completion of the
energy of prosperity. Humans were set up to receive and in accepting that God
wants to give all to them, their compassion opens their heart to give to others
as their God gave to them.
What happened?
Guilt Blocked Prosperity
The cycle was broken by guilt, the guilt we instill in children when we enforce
the rules of giving to others, give and you shall receive, giving is Godlike,
giving is rewarded all of those are mistaken notions that have put giving and
receiving into a type of bondage.
This bondage ties the hands into knots, and these knots do not allow an open
left hand for receiving unless the person has already givenThe cycle
continues to where the giver does not ever feel he has given enough.
Palm Reading October 27, 2007
Hello people, tell me about palm reading
Reading palms is an age-old custom. It is really a reading of the energies of
the heart. The strings of the heart extend to the palm of the hands and their
configuration is a map to the life of the person.
Give me useful info for the book.
This info will put some people off.
Ok then give me something else to heal the heart.
Mother Earth has a heart that is giving. Taking in Mother Earth energy is very
energizing to the heart. Working in the soil is very healing for the heart.
Working with your hands with natural materials such as clay also heals the
heart chakra.
Talk to me about mindstreams.
Mindstreams are the conduits of consciousness we use to attach to the
physical dimension. That attachment is proper but can be excessive when we
dont let go and flow.

The Tailbone
The tailbone is the ending of the spine and the beginning of being planted on
the earth. For people with tailbone problems, that bone has been under too
much stress. The stress is economic or physical security issues but it means
that the defensive system of the human has been exhausted and the human
being wishes to end it, as in not living any more.
A tailbone that is turned means the person is not aligned with life; a crushed
tailbone means the person took too big a hit emotionally; arthritis of the
tailbone means the person hates themself.
Snoring and Alzheimers
Snoring is the result of congestion of upper nasal passages at the exact spot
where the second third eye is located. It is closed down by a refusal to look
at truth, the truth of ones life. It is worse in people who need to make
decisions so that their life will improve, but wont because of fear of change or
fear of hurting someone.
It is closely related to Alzheimers; when the medical profession addresses the
relationship between diseases, they will find this. When people are willing to
look at their lives, admit what is not working and then doing something about it,
their snoring improves or disappears. They do not necessarily need to do
something about their lives, but yes admit to what is real in their lives. Most of
the time, the pain of what they see and admit to is so painful, they make
changes. It is the emotional honesty issue at its max.
Lets go back to Alzheimers disease. Snoring is a usual precursor to
Alzheimers. The bottom line is the same: an unwillingness to look at ones life,
because the person is unwilling to make changes in their life.
Shamanism January, 2010
Shamanism is a way of life that includes the other dimensions. When a shaman
sees sickness, he knows that the spirit is weak. He seeks to correct the
weakness in the spirit of the person so that the person can heal more quickly.
The shaman knows via instincts what elements the person is lacking. He can
see the imbalances and knows how to correct them. The shaman is not

necessarily a medicine man because he does not need to use herbs or devices
on the physical dimension. The shaman has most of his resources in the other
When the shaman does spirit release work, he also brings back the piece of
the soul that the person lost. That fragmentation creates a hole in the spirit of
the person, allowing a spirit the space to come in.
A good shaman knows when a spirit should be released but he also knows
when not to mess with a spirit. There are times when the person needs to be
bothered by a spirit in order to understand something or be prompted to
change his life.
A shaman often does drugs to go deeper into the other realities than he would
normally. It is here that he gets a lot of his power to heal. The more he
becomes familiar with what is going on in other dimensions, the more powerful
he becomes.

Energetics of the Home

February 19, 2004
You are your home and your home is you. Planet Earth is the home for

humanity, mankind, those that chose to incarnate in the physical vehicle.

Look at the state of Planet Earth, the devastation, the deforestation, the dirty
water, the depleted oceans, the living in little boxes, the lack of contact with the
great Mother, Mother Earth, that is the Feng Shui of the planet, and it indicates
the internal state of human beings.
When it comes to the individual home, the same rules apply, the same
symbolism, the same effectiveness of looking at the condition of the home, the
way it is kept, where the rooms are, what the distribution is, what percentage
of time you spend in the rooms. Those indicate the condition of the persons
The Home and Transformation February 19, 2004
The attention that is being paid to the home is prior to the attention that is
going to be paid towards inner development in this cycle, which has to do with
transformation. Transformation is necessary in order for the Planet not to blow
The condition of the world is pathetic in that it is not what human beings are
looking for, it is not what their heart yearns for but they feel a need to react to
what happens on the physical plane.
Teaching people to remove themselves from the grip of personality is the best
format for getting them to see who they really are, what they really want. The
more people that learn that they are not their personality, the quicker we will be
able to create more of a balance to the confusion thats going on.
How to Heal Your Surroundings June 9, 2005
Jesus came to Earth to teach us to walk the path into the light during our
lifetimes. It is a path that continues after death. But humans remain blocked in
life, and also in death.
We are here to provide you with a technique to use when you feel depressed,
impatient or angry. It is a technique that will help the energies that surround
each of you to heal. This way, they will feel better and so will you.
Yes, we are saying that there are spirits around you and that a lot of what you

feel actually comes from the spiritual world, particularly, depression and anger.
Those begin in the spiritual world, from those who do not have a physical body,
not from the physical world.
We know that you think that this is impossible and that, when you feel
depressed, it is because something in your life that is depressing. And that
when you think back and look for reasons for your depression, you find
something depressing in your lives. So you have your explanations
The problem is that this is not the order of things; things are not the way they
seem. The spirit becomes depressed or angry first. This negative spiritual
energy falls on your shoulders, and so, you look for an explanation as to why
you feel the way you do.
We are bringing this into your awareness because if you work on cleansing
your homes, offices, cars and other surroundings from negative energies, your
emotional and mental states will improve greatly.
How do we clean and heal our spaces?
The elements must always be balanced. Look around, what do you need? Do
you need more water or earth in your home? Do you need more fire at work?
Do you need to heal the spirit of your mother who died of cancer? Do you need
to remove objects that carry negative energy or failures or the energy of a
negative relationship? There are so many things that must be looked at and
that can help to easily clean your surroundings.
Feng Shui exists to teach people to understand their surroundings. You must
learn this art.
Maintaining your surroundings clean and clear is a direct path to joy and
prosperity. We will discuss this at length.
So, we are going to talk about giving more importance to the science of Feng
Shui, but you mentioned some techniques. Is there a simple way to help us
feel better quickly?
Yes. You can heal the spirits that surround you. You will see an immediate
change in the way that you feel.
It sounds simple, but how do we heal these spirits?

Meditation for Healing Your Surroundings

Its simple. Close your eyes; imagine that you are in the ocean, as if you were
dolphins. In other words, imagine yourself as a dolphin swimming in the ocean,
not a person. Now, imagine that there is a net on the floor of the area that you
want to cleanse. With your mind, raise that net, and, with it, catch all of the
negative energies in that space. Visualize this net full of all of the negativity that
it captured, being picked up by your dolphin self and another dolphin. All of the
negative spirits and energies that were harming you are in this net, between
the two dolphins. Picture the two dolphins swimming, yourself and the other,
with the spirits and negativity almost sandwiched between you. Always
breathing deeply and repeating this mantra:
Please God, help us heal these beings.
Simply keep swimming until you feel the desire to stop.
You may not notice a change right away. But a little later, you will notice that
you begin to feel better, or that something that you were doing is now easier to
do. Any time that you feel down, use this method to cleanse your surroundings.
The Energy of Foreclosure March 30, 2009
Foreclosures are one of the biggest issues the country faces today. What
many may not know is that astrologically this country is Cancer, a sign that
venerates the home and the hearth. People from all over the world have come
here to pursue The American Dream, and we were proud that everyone had
the possibility of owning a home. Nowadays, the hope and intention of all is not
to attain but to be able to maintain that American Dream. This reversal of
hope and intention could very well be the underlying cause of the reversal of
fortunes of the people in this country.
For those who are aware of the relationship between their destiny and their
home, this is a time to truly honor that awareness. If you were previously
unaware of this relationship, now is the time to pay attention to each and every
aspect of your home, as that will determine your future.
The vibration of foreclosure is heavy now, and it is spreading. People who
would have continued to struggle to pay their mortgages are giving up more
easily because of the plague of foreclosure energy. And it will continue to

spread even to those who would have never dreamed they could lose their
How do you protect yourself from this spreading plague? How do you ensure
you do not succumb? And, if you just purchased a foreclosure, how do you
clean out the energy of despair left behind by the previous owners?
In addition to making sure your house is clean (even the empty rooms), that
your front door is inviting and warm, that your doorbell is in working order, and
that your yard is well kept up and watered, you must take a closer look at your
home. By look we mean looking into what could be in the other dimensions.
Have you noticed what room you are usually in when talking about the miseries
of the market or the weakness of your bank account? That room needs
clearing and purifying! The words, images and emotions surrounding those
conversations have a type of life to them, and they dont just dissipate into
thin air. They linger in your spaces, creating a type of energetic soup that your
mind feeds off of, long after the problems you were talking about are resolved.
What room in your home is home to your bills and your bank statements?
Where do you write your checks and do all your accounting? Do your emotions
carry the resonance of fear, poverty, and decline? Here again, the vibration
coming off of those objects and activities may be negative and needs to be
cleared, not just from the spaces but also the objects.
What types of people visit your home? Friends who are losing their jobs or
their homes? Acquaintances who are frightened of the future? Relatives who
come to ask for loans or a place to stay? If these types of acquaintances and
activities are often in your home, then yet again you must pay attention to
clearing the spaces of their miseries and their energy.
We are not suggesting you get rid of friends and acquaintances that are in a
bad place, we are suggesting you clean up after them the same way you
clean up muddy prints on the floor or the way you pick up after your children. It
should become routine for you to observe the activities that are going in your
spaces and then cleaning up after them. Sadly, a stick of incense once a week
or even daily is not enough to detox your home of the vibration of financial
woes that is invading lives.

Routine Maintenance
In the past it was customary to ask the spirits of the land if we should live
there. If they did not give their blessings, then we simply looked for another
place to live. Another traditional practice was to have a religious person, a
priest, a rabbi, bless the space when we moved into a new home.
Throughout human history, essential oils and flower essences have been used
to heal, purify and harmonize. Most rituals, whether religious or otherwise,
commence with a purification process. Some use the burning of herbs or the
smell of an essence. Music is often in integral part of the clearing of a space
for a ceremony. Today we need to reintegrate these ancient practices into our
daily routine since having our spiritual advisor coming only once to our home is
just not good enough anymore. We need daily purification and harmonizing
practices in order to offset the energetic plagues that become trapped within
our four walls.
A systematic process of clearing spaces needs to include items that allow you
to release trapped spirits, detoxify negative emotions, clear out traumas and
memories, and add the energy and vibration of what you seek, such as fun, joy
and prosperity.
We suggest flowers essence sprays (without smells) to clear out bad
emotions, fruit sprays to add good vibrations and sound to chase out potential
spirits. Bad energies and spirits cannot exist in places that have light,
movement, good smells and good energy.
Your Land Can Protect You May 18, 2006
Tell your listeners to pay attention to their land. Is it happy? And when they say
how do I know if my property is happy? then that is the answer. They have
not been good to their piece of earth and maybe their piece of earth will not
protect them, out of spite but out of symbiosis, a mutual relationship.
Give me more details.
If the relationship is not symbiotic, then it is a leprous situation, as in the people
being a disease on the land.
How does this apply to people who live in buildings?
Remember, we pair off at the level of our dysfunction? Well, we live with

people like us, you like nature and animals, and you live in a place that is a
natural setting where the people like animals.
So if a building get damaged during a hurricane then, all the people there
were not good to the land?
No, the people were not necessarily bad to the land but they did not have the
courtesy to find out how the land was doing to find out if the land needed
something, like a healing? Or maybe the land needed some activity to stop,
because that activity was bad for the land?
I see, it is like being responsible for something living?
That is exactly right; humans need to be responsible for the living land and the
land will take care of them.
Our land tries to warn us of danger
We want to tell you a story, a good, sweet story. It is not only the animals that
are help to assist humans; the living land is also here to assist humans.
How does the land do that?
It is simple: when bad things are going to happen to land, on land or around
land, the land tries to warn the people by behaving badly.
Give me an example.
Mosquito infestations are a warning as is smog. Do you want to know why
there is so much smog in Los Angeles?
I think I know the answer.
You are correct.
So smog, mosquito infestations, what else?
Mold and mildew, on the ground or in the dwelling is a sign that the dwelling is
not safe from natural disasters.
But there is an easy way to know if you are safe from hurricanes, and that is to
develop a good working relationship with your land, be it a simple home
property or the land under a building. Start by noticing the health of the
vegetation, the quality of the ground and the structures built on the land. Are
they solid, clean, have good activities going on inside?

The World Trade Center was the center of greed in the Western World. The
Pentagon was and is the center of corruption of power. Both were susceptible
to damage and will continue to be susceptible to damage. Los Angeles is a city
build on tears of failure, greed and false illusions. It is in danger.
How is your land? Is it happy, well treated and do the activities on it create a
vibration of health?
We think it is not so hard to answer these questions. People just need to be
educated and they will catch on quick.
Your home and your heart February 8, 2006
Please talk to me about a home the difference between a house and a home.
A home is where your heart feels protected, where the troubles can be left at
the door and love can be exhibited. Many homes feel good physically but do
not fill the needs of the family or people living together. They do not allow the
people to unprotect their hearts so that the love can flow. And in that closing
down there is a restriction of love and years later, heart conditions such as high
or low blood pressure, hypertension, palpitations, and cholesterol can move
into the physical body.
Watch the homes that you enter. Do you feel your heart? Even if your heart
constricts from pain, and your heart feels heavy, that is good, for you are
feeling. It is when you do not feel your heart that it is bad for humans.
Humans are afraid of fighting. They feel that a lack of conflict on the physical
dimension means they are civilized or that they feel love. Two people who love
each other a lot can fight, and will have the tendency to fight. It is how humans
clear lack of common goals or common ways of achieving goals. People do not
fight when they feel they do not stand a chance of winning or getting their
needs met. And people do not fight when they do not care enough. And people
do not fight when they are afraid of what the fight will reveal. Fighting is good
for development of the soul, but not the fighting that eradicates the ability to
continue to evolve, which would be fighting that includes destruction of the
physical body.

Your homes are a map to your life

Your homes are a map to your life. Pay attention and use symbolism. There
are laws and there are Feng Shui rules that have been used after centuries of
observation, but the individual can know their own homes and what it
represents to them.
Computers and the New Age December 1996
The single most important factor in revolutionizing our concept of family is
computers. Boundaries between people are broken down quickly and a lot of
the artificiality of family and family connections are not taken into consideration
when one relates via computers.
Relationships that are being promoted via computer society are actually very
good. It is a way of moving in the New Age where one can be deeply
connected to somebody on the other side of the globe, somebody that you
have never seen, but that you resonate with at a heart or intellectual level.
So computers are actually very good in that they bypass the artificial family unit
and the equally unrealistic units of city, state and country.

Salt, an earth element

September 5, 2009
Salt is from the most profound part of the element of earth. It stabilizes
functions by not allowing an out of control flow. Fire can get out of control but
salt can soothe its passage as in slowing it down if necessary, or clearing the
way if it is blocked.
Salt is an element of earth but it helps all the elements by stabilizing them.
When you add salt to food you ground all the flavors. The flavors are in the air
and the addition of salt anchors them to the food.
Salt makes things change, as in oxidizing, which is a necessary process so that
water does not spoil, ferment. Oxidizing is much better than fermenting, which
can cause disease. Oxidizing does not cause disease.
Salt should be used in several ways at this time when there is an excess of
repressed emotions:
In tub baths and more than one variety
In food but more than one type of salt
In body scrubs
With an oil of almond
In little containers to stabilize the environment
Hyperventilating, Panic Attacks and Microwave
Microwave is a type of hyperventilating, better said it hyperventilates the
system and causes panic attacks.
So panic attacks are associated with electro hypersensitivity?
Absolutely, though most would not admit to it. Fear is a big part of this
condition of the etheric, electric body, your matrix.
Is the matrix the meridian system?
No the meridian system works within the electric body, connecting and
transporting information. The matrix is a unique structure that has other
structures within it and dependent on it. The acupuncture meridian system is a
structure within the matrix but it is not the electric body.
It is like a highway system that is connected to local roads but in this case the

highways system came firstthe highways are owned by the state and the
local roads by the city but they work together; one does not make sense
without the other.
The Energy of Food June 4, 2007
Stay connected to mother, to earth, spend as much time outside as possible
and do not eat at the home of your enemy.
Food is now poisoned through energy thrusts. And people who hate will
transfer that hate in the food they prepare or serve.
The Intention of Chocolate July 30, 2007
What are the energies of chocolate?
Chocolate is a gift to the world that is recognized. The problem is that it is
considered sinful. As with many other natural items on the table available to
humans, the goodness of chocolate comes with guilt.
The chocolate seed comes with the intention to open the heart to the opposite,
whether it is opposite sex, or opposite as in enemy. It is a plant that has the
intention to overcome duality. In that sense it is an energy of the highest order.
It has been overwhelmed with sugar, which is an open invitation to entities, and
other unnatural preservatives. It now ranks as one of the natural items on the
planet that instead of doing good, brings out the worst in humans. which is
Why is guilt so bad?
Because guilt causes humans to reject themselves and what they really want.
They want the whole box of chocolates and that is ok but society says just one
and even that one is loaded with sugar so really, you should not even eat
Do yourselves a favor. Get real chocolate and drink it daily, with sugar, with a
sweetener and see how happiness increases in your lives. But do not drink it if
you are going to feel guilty as that erases the positive intentions that cocoa
brings to your aura.
We will later give you a bigger list of products, items, fruits and vegetables that
help to erase duality so that you can live in a place of oneness.

The Apple
The apple is a symbol and carrier of energy of knowledge, knowledge that has
been hidden until now on Planet Earth.
Do not eat apples if you wish to stay in the past when a guru told you what to
do. The new gurus are scientists.
Eat apples if you wish to flow with the new, profound knowledge that is
spreading over the Planet, knowledge that will help to ease the pain of human
Eat green apples, yellow apples and red apples, cook them, bake them, but
only eat them if you are willing to serve humanity at this time of extreme
Microwave and Food May 29, 2008
Microwave will be called tools for the devil in the future. Microwave takes the
structure of life out of food and restructures the food into something that takes
life away, rather than nourishes life.
Microwaves were put together to destroy and then it was found that it heated,
and then it was thought to heat food with it. But it was developed to destroy,
not to nourish, not to heal and not to impart life.
In order to work, microwaves take apart a specific structure and relationship in
the particles of food and then restructure it. The restructuring eliminates the
foods relationship internally but also externally. The food no longer has the
balance of elements nor the intention to heal or nourish.
The intention of the food is killed off; the structure of the food is changed.
Humans that are raised on micro waved food will have a very hard time getting
what they want, what they intend, as the energy of intention was killed to
achieve this type of heating or cooking process.
Each food on the planet has an intention to nourish and heal. Should we be
using a weapon to heat up and destroy their intentions?
Potassium/Sodium Chloride Balance Potassium and Water 1999
In the last 10-12 years peoples bodies have needed more water. This is

because there have been frequency shifts that started 22 years ago and
reached some point of critical mass 10-12 years ago. People became aware
that they needed more water.
As we move more into the millennium we are going to need one of two things.
We are either going to need a lot more water and quality water from deep
springs or we are going to need to have a correct balance of potassium and
sodium chloride. Those who do not have the proper balance are going to find
themselves becoming ill very easily, to the point where their immune system will
be deficient if there is enough of a deficiency or an imbalance.
The seeking of this proper balance of potassium and sodium chloride is one of
the critical elements to having human beings, as we know them today; make
this transition into the next phase of written human history, with as little damage
as possible to the physical form.
Bananas do have a form of potassium that will help. Apples have perfect type
of potassium for the balance that needs to be. In the near future you will find
that there will be a lot of desserts and appetizers that will include bananas and
apples because it will be known intuitively that the combination and each of
these fruits individually will be beneficial. People will find that they will have an
increased appetite for these two fruits.
It is true that we used fruits and flowers to create the physical form and it is
also true that fruits and flowers will be essential in our trip back. The loss of
the physical body is difficult. The reason it cannot be smoother will be
understood in retrospect as weve told you before. Finding the proper fruits
and flowers to sustain us in the process of disrepair of the etheric and of the
physical body will make a substantial difference for individuals and for groups
in general.
The reason why it will be important for groups is interdependent causation. If
enough people in a group pay attention and use fruits and flowers properly, the
whole group benefits.
Sodium chloride/potassium balance
The importance of sodium chloride/potassium balance has to do with the cells.
The proper balance helps to keep the cells into growth and defended against

outside forces. It helps to keep up the boundaries and the definition of the cell
as an individual cell. We are in the process of merging with each other; the
boundaries are coming up.
When it happens, at this particular stage that we are in, if there is not a proper
integrity of the core, when the boundaries start to disintegrate. It is almost as if
you spilled something, versus pouring something out into another container.
Thats the difference between this process being controlled and proper and it
not being controlled.
Our essence and our consciousness is going to be shifting its major outpost
from one dimension into two other dimensions, so it can be spilled out into two
dimensions or it can in a more proper fashion, be poured back into these two
dimensions. The two dimensions we are talking about are the astral and the
Emotional Mess
Why is the millennium, apocalypse going to be so messy? It is because more
of our consciousness is going to be in our astral body, our emotional body. We
have done so little work, because we have not lived our emotional truth. As
more of our consciousness gets poured or spilled back into the
emotional/astral bodies, we are going to find ourselves looking at the mess
that we have always been able to hide from.
The split of our astral from our etheric/physical The split of our astral from
our physical/electric has allowed us to live a lie. Once our major consciousness
gets shifted into the astral, we are going to be living a personal hell as
individuals and a collective hell as communities, societies, nations and a Planet.
The healing process that the Planet has been going through for the last 35
years is because intuitively, its been understood that we can no longer live the
way that we have lived, split from our emotions. Not enough work has been
done to ensure that this process of the millennium be smooth.
The lifting of the veils is actually very favorable at this time, when the energies
have not been revved up the way they are going to be revved up. We still have
an opportunity, in an orderly way, to clear up what we are finding staring at us
with the lifting of the veils.
Priests as healers

Very soon priests are going to become healers, as they were when the planet
started initially and healers are going to become priests. Very spiritual healers
will be totally compatible and interfaced with the emotional healing. There will
be an understanding that emotions have to do with spirits, the level of spirits
happiness or unhappiness with life.
Bankruptcy July 9, 2008
Today should be looked at as the first day of your life. And it is. We are now in
the final stages of the apocalypse. How are you going to handle it? Will you be
a victim of circumstances or a master of your destiny?
Are you in bankruptcy or are you aware that the financial issues you have are
waking you up? Were you happy before you had these financial issues? Were
you grateful for what you had or did you want more? What is taken from you,
your job, your house, and your security blankets were never enough. You
wanted more or you wanted it different.
Do this little exercise:
Add up all you have lost or are losing
Write down what you liked about what you are losing
Can you see how you did not really love what you are losing?
Dolphins Advise on Finances January 18, 2007
Hello my Dolphins, again you get stranded. Why?
We are trying to help; we are trying to lighten things up with our energy. We
are trying to let people know that the countrys financial energies are tightening
up and will crack unless some relief is in sight.
Those in financial power, the government, people who make decisions on
rates, people who decide on bank behavior and the bigger loans to countries,
those people are shaking in their boots because they see the handwriting on
the wall and they cannot save even themselves. Financial ruin is in the cards
and they know it. It is too late to move money out of the country, no place to
hide and yet they feel they must do something. The political decisions being
made are having a very negative repercussion on financial fortunes.
Make sure your belts are tight, make sure you are secure in your finances, and

start doing creative visualization and mantras to ensure that when things start
to fall apart, you will be ready.
Dolphins like to help, and we are in New York to help, but New York and the
rest of the country needs to help itself by seeking more balance in life. Too
much of a good thing such as money is still too much of a good thing. The
Dolphins will die, and probably in vain, but we will continue to attempt to
communicate with humans when we see that a change is necessary, People
need to learn that there is joy without money and there can be joy after money.
They do not know that today.
The connection between spirituality, sexuality and the existential crisis
Sex is the greatest and easiest opportunity for union with God that humans
have ever been offered. We say offered because many do not take what is
available because of all the limitations placed on the joy of sex. Religions,
cultures, and institutions have all played a part in limiting the quickest route to
Throughout history, humans have accessed the information that sex is good,
that it is helpful to man, that it makes people healthier, and that it has a joy that
is not found elsewhere. And throughout history institutions and people that have
been blocked in their quest for sexual expression, have tried, too successfully,
to stop humans from this expressway to success, the human desire to feel
Yes humans are aware that sex is important, but only as an instinct, a drive
that is compared to the drive that animals have. But contrary to what science
and literature contend, only humans can orgasm. Animals are already united
with God; they do not need orgasm to get them there.
The Existential Crisis
There is a connection between the act of sex, orgasm and love. If the heart
chakra is not open, the orgasm is different, and does not reach the dimension
where God is. So sex as pure sex is not the spiritual pathway it could be. Sex
with a prostitute or sex with a person you do not love does not afford you all of
the benefits of sex with a loved partner.

Of course humans have made the love connection frail by adding the element
of commitment. It does not include commitment. It does include compassion
and understanding. That understanding is too often missing when people pair
off for sex. They think they need to also pair off to do life. That is not so.
The commitment you add to the act of sex strangles the relationship. Men are
more aware of this than women. Women have such fear of loss of protection
that they strangle the love. Men strangle the love by not being with their
women, by abandoning them even while they are with them. Men are afraid to
love women because they feel they will lose themselves. Women are afraid to
love men because they are afraid they will be left alone.
The two issues are the opposite of the same coin but are the issues of the
existential crisis; the crisis humans feel when they are separated from God.
To repeat this observation: The number one issue men and women have
with/against each other is the issue caused by humans separation from God.
Men want independence because they feel they will lose their individuality by
uniting with God/woman, and women think God/men will abandon them so they
do not want to unite with men to avoid that pain. The battle between male and
female is a symptom of human trauma of separation from God.
The Doorway to God
Orgasm is when there is no division between you and other dimensions. It
takes you out of this dimension where joy and fun is so limited. It takes you to
dimensions where joy is the ultimate pleasure but always at your fingertips, not
unreachable. When orgasm includes love, it accesses the dimensions that are
always outside of our reach, the places where God, the energy of God
resides. That is, to map it, above your head but also behind your body:
approximately 18 inches above the head and 22 inches behind the head. The
door of Brahman is the exit point of the orgasm that reaches what you call
Love, Joy, Sensuality November 27, 2004
Love and Joy
Dolphins are on the Planet to help to anchor the energy of love and joy
together. Too often love comes with a very large price tag of a burden, the
burden of concern for another human being, the burden of taking care of

another human being. Dolphins remind us that love can be associated with joy,
not simply with burden, of caring for another human being that you love.
And obviously, for many of us, especially in societies where economies are
very tight, where theres not enough money, where people have restricted
themselves from having more children because they cannot afford to raise
them, this is a good piece of information to bring in, and to remind us yet again
that love does not simply have to be a burden. That it can also be joyful, and to
remember that.
Dolphins bring with them energy of spontaneity and an energy of sensuality.
Sensuality not necessarily associated with sexuality. Sensuality is associated
with the wonderful response human beings have to being touched. Its a form
of love that can translate into another step in one direction having to do with
sex, but simply can be limited to the touch and to the human reaction to it,
which is a feeling of being fulfilled in the moment.
Sensuous with our newborns
We obviously know how to be sensuous with our newborns, infants and small
children. We lose that ability as adults. Dolphins do not, and they are here to
remind us to take advantage of that ability that we have, which is to use human
touch to help to repair the human heart and to repair human emotions.
Sex and Mind May 22, 2006
Human history would be different if mankind had understood the importance of
sex, the act of sex and the lack of sex. There is never too much sex if the heart
is connected during the event of sex. When the heart is connected, within the
person and open to the partner, there is no sexual excess. There is no excess
because there is a balance, within the heart and mind of the person and within
the activities in the persons life. There is no sexual addiction, just a proper flow
of life and the incorporation of sexual activities into the persons day.
We feel your reaction when we say day. We know you and others think that
sex once a day is too much, but that is because people are too tired and worn
out. They do not have enough energy for themselves and much less enough
energy to exchange with another.

Is it true that when we have sex we connect for 12 years?

It is true, though the number 12 is not always the case. There are people that
can actually live the moment and not be connected at all. But very few are able
to do that. There is generally something the person is looking for in the event of
sex, and the human mind stretches towards the other person during the act of
sex and is then inserted into a more permanent part of the persons aura. That
part has to do with the subconscious mind of the person. Often the person
does not know that his/her mind is now poisoned/compromised by the mind of
their partner.
Why do you say poisoned or compromised?
Because too many people have sex when they are angry or hate the partner
they are with, or are afraid the partner will leave them, etc. So they are
connecting to a negative part of the mind of the sex partner. And they will then
receive negativity from that person. This is not the case if the connection is
made when the heart is open. The mind has a different configuration with the
heart is open and the hook does not occur. But we are sad to tell you it is not
often that sex is had with an open heart.
Give us a bottom line.
It is important to resolve sexual issues. Too much sex is not good, too little sex
is not good, but what is worse is to feel like you want sex and then not have it.
Why is that?
Because a big void is left in the mind when the mind reaches for sex, which is
what it does when it wants sex. That void is then filled with a type of
negativity that is very damaging. That is why prostitution is not bad if there is
an even exchange between the prostitute and the person pays or bartering for
Prostitution is not bad?
You are only thinking of the women that are drug addicts and were victims of
sexual abuse. Throughout history there have been prostitutes and many of
them gave and had pleasurable sex. This act of sex was an act of compassion
and also an exchange that included an exchange on the physical dimension,

often of money. We are not talking about the prostitution with pimps and
drugs and violence. We are talking about the natural process of people, usually
men, seeking sex with women that they are not committed to.
We know this statement does not sit well with you so we leave it at that for
Sexual Implant May 16, 2007
I have a big question. What is that flat, metallic plate sitting on top of our
second chakra?
Hello to all of you who listen. Listening is important in this stage of human
development. Listening to nature, listening to the animals, listening to each
other. Each type of listening enables you to get additional information you need
to separate yourself from the dreariness on the Planet. So keep listening, take
out time each day to listen to your children and mate and especially take the
time to listen to the animals and nature.
The second chakra is the only chakra has that some of Gods energy, pure and
undiluted. It can manifest as God can. It can have a child, as God does. It is
also the seat of the energy of joy, something very diminished on the Planet
today. The location of these two energies, manifestation and joy, in the second
chakra, is the reason why the second chakra, which everyone associates with
sex, is so attacked.
Is there an implant?
Yes, an implant was placed two years ago to be activated when the kundalini
energy each person has, becomes active. Remember that the kundalini energy
is the energy of God within humans. When it is activated, the connection to
God is direct and simple. It is the energy that will release humans from the
hold of gravity at the time of the shift on the planet. It will be activated with
many leafy green vegetables, no meat or chicken, no dried fruits, yes, fresh
fruits and no, absolutely no bananas.
Why not the bananas?
Because bananas make you very physical, so they are good when physicality
is necessary. They are not good when lightness and the extra kick in vibration
is needed.

So I stop eating bananas?

Yes, no more bananas from today on.
If the implant has been activated, how do we release its hold on us?
We know you will think this answer is not the answer, but we will tell you
anyway: think the implant away. Visualize it gone and breathe as you visualize
a clean chakra with no blocks.
That simple?
That was the way the implant was put in, and that is the way it can be
Conflict and Duality
It is through conflict that you find resolution. There needs to be a playing out of
all subconscious and underlying repressed energies for the next era of
humanity to come into play: the Golden Age.
Battling the Opposite Sex
Those of you who have battled with the opposite sex and worked things
through, those of you will be rewarded with a level of peace in your
relationships that will never be matched by those who have repressed or
settled issues by giving in.
All is planned out. When humans have finished with their battle, which is really
their battle against themselves, not others, then you can accept who you truly
are. That is why many of the most spiritual people, the higher level masters,
like St. Francis of Assisi, led a life of duality and then found resolution.
In that resolution is where peace resides, not in the avoidance of the battle. It
is through conflict that you find resolution.
Why then, do we humans have such a hard time with conflict if it is so good
for us?
Because you do not like going against yourselves. You are divided. You hate
yourselves but you do not want to admit to the hate. You are shamed of
yourselves but you do not want to admit to the shame. You loathe yourselves
but you do not want to admit to the loathing.

Microwave and Diminishing Sex Drive September 25, 2009

The radiation from microwave has been hammering penises for too long. The
diminishing of sex drive is unnatural and will have severe consequences. It is ok
not to be too male or too female, but it not ok to lose the reason to relate to
the opposite sex, or a mate if you are gay.
Microwave destroys. It is a frequency that was placed by God far away from
man because it would harm man. Man has learned how to harness that
frequency and to direct it, as against food to heat it and against man to make
them capable of what they should not be capable of: instant and long distance
communication via the physical body. Telepathy can do the same thing but it
does not damage the physical health of a human.
The frequency of microwave is on the planet to help diminish the strength of
meteorites that might enter the earths atmosphere and cause damage. The
microwave can actually break apart the meteorites and it does. That is why
microwave is on the upper and outer atmosphere of the planet.
What can I say that will not turn off people about sex drive and cell phones,
cordless phones etc.
It is not natural to have sexual organs next to electronic devices that are
radiating microwave frequencies. Most people hold their microwave cell
phones on their waists, near the second chakra. The second chakra is the
sexual chakra and it is related to the water element. It is actually healed by the
water element. When microwave radiation is near the second chakra, it is
heating up and drying out the water element. That means that microwave is
destroying the health of the second chakra. And it is that simple.

The Law of Attraction and Microwave static

There is a new condition on the Planet that never existed before. It is a new
type static that is due to overexposure to microwave frequencies. This new
condition is the basis for the severe memory loss humans are experiencing
today, from children to the elderly.
This condition is caused by retention of microwave frequencies within the
energy assemblage. It creates an environment in the etheric dimension where
the individual is getting constant electroshocks, due to the microwave static
that is housed within their energy bodies.
This new static will be the reason for a severe augmentation in mental illness.
The severe rise in numbers of people, young and younger each year, with
symptoms of memory loss, will be the basis of a new condition that will puzzle
doctors across the globe. The question will be: what is happening to the
human mind that so many cannot remember even basic information in their
The answer will fall outside the scope of those doctors who will refuse to
acknowledge that the same devices that keep them updated in news and in
constant contact with their offices, is

killing the minds of their patients. Those same killing devices will dull the
minds of those who take care of the patients, blocking them from seeing the
truth of the modernization of communication and entertainment.
From here on out you will need to see if your health care practitioners are
addicted to their microwave devices. If they are, how can you expect them to
see that these devices are what is killing your mind and your health? How
can we expect them to figure out how to help us recover once we are hurt by
these radiations?
Again, it is your responsibility to use your powers of observation and your
instincts to take care of yourself and your loves ones.
Microwave September 15, 2009
Is there anything that can block microwave?
Yes there is and it is a piece of granite the size of the Empire State Building.
That is why microwave is so bad and must be recognized as damaging, there
is very little that can stop it. That is why it works in satellite because there is
very little, including buildings that can block it.
Is there an alternative so we can replace our need for microwave?
Yes and that is to stay plugged into where you are connected to.
Such as?
Such as a hard line, a landline that is hard wired. You are not supposed to, as
human beings with physical bodies, connect to dimensions that are so far away
in vibration to your physical body. There needs to be a buffer and there
normally is, but the use of microwave in many devices, increasing by the day, is
destroying the assemblage and the hearts and minds of people.
A careful search of the Bible will give indications that this tsunami of radiations
was talked about but not recognized as such, in the Bible.
Balancing Prana and EMFs Solution to Global Warming December, 2009
Electromagnetic frequencies, whatever frequency that radiates at, is normal for
Planet Earth. It is the quantity that hits the etheric grid and the etheric body
that is the issue. If the quantity is held to what is good for the etheric and the

electric body than there is no health issue.

The balance has to do with distance and amount. What amount is ok for a
person? In the case of children, the development of the electric body requires
minimal exposure to a different type of electricity so that the prana can do its
work. The prana comes from nature and is tiny particles of nature that contain
life. When the prana is overwhelmed by other frequencies, the prana cannot
build the etheric body of the child. That child will not survive what his parents
can survive. That child cannot think clearly as his parents could. That child
cannot create as his parents could.
Solution to Global Warming
Life as we know it on Planet Earth will not ever be the same unless there is a
halt to the amount and spread of these radiations. As it is, the level of
radiations has destroyed the etheric outer grid which protects the entire Planet.
A new order is called for, the same new order in daily living that is required to
stop the global warming issue: a halt to the rape of the elements of nature and
an embracing of the elements of nature. The solution to global warming is the
same solution to electro smog and electro hypersensitivity.
It all boils down to disrespect for the elements that our energy assemblage
needs to survive and thrive.
Microwave and your matrix, your electric energy body
I need to know about the consistency of the etheric webbing, microwave and
electricity influence on it.
The etheric webbing consists also of mindstreams that are corded, like DNA is
corded. It is an endlessly long mindstream coupled with other endlessly long
They hold information like the DNA and if you break or change the texture of a
piece of mindstream then it changes the quality of the health of the person in
that area. In Alzheimers there is first jello like substance that congests around
the wiring, it is slippery and slimy and has a lot of salt, as in salt for your food.
So it has a high content of iodine.but the consistency of the slime does not
allow the salt to be absorbed as needed, it congests along with the slime.
As time goes by, there is a breakdown in the slime as the salt starts to eat

away at the mindstreams the way sea salt eats away at everything it touches.
There is an oxidation process that goes on, and the wiring starts to fray, ending
up like the fuzz on a peach. Prana runs on the wiring and when it hits the fuzzy
part it stops because there is a dead end, lots of dead ends. These are the
dead ends in the mind of the Alzheimers patients. They think and then the
thought stops, like in mid sentence but it is in the mind.
Microwave fries the wiring but it also does something else, it twists the cording
at the same time, which causes a spiraling effect. That creates a type of
dizziness, which again, does not allow clear thoughts. The spiraling pulls the
consciousness of the person out and up, like out of their body and up off the
ground. In other words, microwave energy is highly disassociating and
ungrounding. It is the reason for that look in peoples eyes.
That look is the look of someone who is not all there, as too much of their
consciousness is up and out of their body.
Regular electricity just destroys the texture of the wiring so that it lumps
together rather than the mindstreams being individualized.
A new disease
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity August 31, 2009
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity is a new disease but with an old origin. It
started decades ago with mans greed to overcome nature. In a desire to keep
down the elements and keep the physical body in an unnatural condition of
such extreme comfort it can only be called laziness, man had to dominate
nature, not just get away from it.
How did man dominate nature?
It dominated nature by excess use of the fire element in the electricity and then
the microwave. It dominated nature by turning homes into unnatural settings
where a person could be cold in the middle of summer and hot during the
middle of winter.
You know that the combination of hot, cold, dry, wet, sweet, and salty from
Chinese medicine is a combination of contrasts that keeps a human being
healthy. Diminish or eliminate any of the combinations and the person is no
longer in full health.

When humans removed themselves from the contrasts of weather, what they
were really doing was removing themselves from the contrasts of sensations
that kept them stimulated and intelligent and healthy. It is the contrasts that
keep the body alive and the mind alert.
Now that man has totally found ways to keep nature at bay, to keep himself
removed from these contrasts, man has basically annihilated his ability to keep
himself safe by annihilating his ability to react. The changes, the contrasts,
keep the man flexible and able to react. Today humans do not react
appropriately. They are slow, their instincts are dead and their bodies do not
feel danger. They need a weatherman to know when the wind changes
direction and a storm is coming.
I find this interesting in that when I show people the radiation from electronics
that use wireless, they react swiftly but in a funny way. They back off, say I
knew that and what they say next is what I do not understand. They say and
what do you want me to do about it? Its everywhere, there is nothing I can
do. And then they want to change the subject. What has puzzled me is
peoples feelings of impotence. How can we be so powerful and yet feel so
impotent? How can we feel so helpless in the face of an invading force that
we instinctively know is bad for us yet we feel helpless to stop?
You have captured the essence of the issue, which is personal power. Humans
have exercised power over nature and dominated it. They dominated and
basically destroyed what was set on Earth to keep them powerful and healthy.
They dominated what they need to survive.
Without the power of nature, those green dots that you see that augment the
power of human intention, man becomes a vegetable. Do you know what the
definition of vegetable is? A vegetable is a plant that knows, sees, feels but
can do nothing, nothing.
Strange thing to say.
A fruit has joy, intention, and energy. A vegetable does not, that is why humans
call people that are brain dead, vegetables. Without the power of nature
behind man, man is a vegetable.
Your Matrix: Your DNA

What is DNA and what is the etheric wiring?

DNA is the information that comes from God. It is a type of programming. It is
re writable, in other words, the program can be changed without changing the
The reason DNA was designed to be changed within certain limits was so that
man could change himself according to his intentions. If a man intended to
achieve his goals, or his mission by being born blind, that information would be
in his DNA, causing him to be blind. If he decided in the next incarnation to have
sight, then that part of the DNA would allow him vision.
Man has options because his DNA can be changed at will. What cannot be
done is eliminate DNA or break the cording of DNA. Anything that breaks the
cording of DNA is damaging mans ability to create a change, a change that he
DNA is a type of programming but at the deepest level. It was created by God
but can be changed by man. It is a system that has worked for centuries.
Once man has learned how to manipulate DNA, they way they did in Atlantis,
then the system stops working. The system was based on the Law of Free
Will. That Law says that man has the right to make all of his choices, whatever
those choices might be.
Those who interfere in those choices are going against the Law of Free Will.
Those good people who require that everyone be good, are going against
the Law of Free Will. Scientists who learn how to change DNA, even if it is to
eliminate a disease in the future, have found how to circumvent a process, a
program that was thoughtfully put in place. It is obvious that scientists are
unaware of the process of multiple lives. If they were aware of this they would
understand that man has always had choices and that if he chooses to be born
sick, or healthy, it is his choice.
The mistaken notion that man lives only once, is obviously incorrect, and its
consequences are grave. Science is taking in its hands a power that belongs to
God or to people.
Is the etheric wiring DNA?

The etheric wiring has a name in science. It is called DNA. DNA is in

everything, as the etheric wiring is in everything. It is like a shadow that follows
form on the physical dimension. It leaves a trace of itself in everything. It
cannot disappear unless it is burned. Fire is the only element that can cause it
permanent damage.
The damage that electromagnetic frequencies are doing to human DNA is not
repairable. The process of evolution has been slowed down in the last 25
years due to this damage. And when the Mexicans say that the 2012 ending
may come as early as 2011, it will be due to the uselessness of continuing an
evolutionary path that has become defective, as human DNA is becoming
So is DNA the etheric webbing?
Yes and no. DNA is the etheric webbing and more but the etheric webbing is
only DNA.

Emotional dishonesty helps contribute to violence July 10, 1999

The increased discomfort you feel with people is indicative of your increased
discomfort with the way humanity lives. It is not a rejection of who they are but

of how they live. It will be a rough passage between what is structured now,
the de-structuring process and what will be in the future. But the violence that
is experienced in the world today should indicate to all that there is a dramatic
need to return to different values. Violence as exhibited by human beings is a
scream for help and a reaction against what is not normal, what does not feel
well. In that sense people that are violent are being more true to their internal
Children will save the world. Not necessarily children, chronologically, but
people who keep child-like qualities. A child will act out his feelings. If he is
bothered by someone he will scream at him or hit him, and if he loves someone
he will touch them and try to be close. Those are the characteristics that all
should adhere to. Its the repressing of basic very real emotions that create the
violent outbreaks. People who have misunderstood emotions do not allow for
anger. They put the responsibility of
processing anger on other people. Those who act violently are carrying not
only their inner violence and feelings, but those of society in general. We abhor
violence but to the extent that it is real, we need to accept it. When what
Frances calls a a goody two shoes person does not act out their true
feelings, they are contributing to violence, not necessarily in their own home but
in society in general. Because of the principal of balance, it is of critical
importance that people become aware of their feelings, acknowledge them,
work through them, and process them.
We understand that these rules that the Planet is living under appear not to be
correct, but they are the rules. If we look at children you will see what human
beings are supposed to be like on the planet, particularly new born. When you
look at an adult what you are seeing is what structures of society have done to
human beings. Children can save the world, but only if we allow them to be
Emotional Mess 2001
Why is the apocalypse going to be so messy?
Its because more of our consciousness is going to be in our astral body, our
emotional body and because we have done so little work, Because we have
not lived our emotional truth, as more of our consciousness gets poured or

spilled back into the emotional and astral bodies, we are going to find
ourselves looking at the mess that we have always been able to hide from.
The split of our astral from our physical/etheric bodies has allowed us to live a
lie. Once our major consciousness gets shifted into the astral we are going to
be living a personal hell as individuals and a collective hell as communities and
societies and nations and a planet.
The healing process that the planet has been going through for the last 35
years is because intuitively its been understood that we can no longer live the
way that we have lived, which is split from our emotions. Not enough work has
been done to ensure that this process of the millennium be smooth. The lifting
of the veils is actually very favorable at this time, when the energies have not
been revved up the way they are going to be revved up. We still have an
opportunity, in an orderly way, to clear up what we are finding staring at us with
the lifting of the veils.
Very soon priests are going to become healers, as they were when the planet
started initially and healers are going to become priests. Very spiritual healers
will be totally compatible and interfaced with the emotional healing. There will
be an understanding that emotions have to do with spirits. The level of spirits
happiness or unhappiness with lifes choices.
The Gospel of Judas and Forgiving Yourself Those of you with children, do
you not always see the love and goodness in them, even when they are
behaving poorly? Dont you feel in your hear that there is a good explanation
somewhere, for this awful behavior? The Gospel of Judas says it all: When
people do bad things, there is a very good thing resulting from the bad
behavior, even though this result is not always obvious.
Do not delay in looking into your own personal history so that you may begin
your forgiving process. We are not talking about forgiving others; we are
talking about forgiving ourselves.
It is time that humans stood up and took stock of their lives, not life, and
understood that the misery they live is self-imposed, as Christ chose his selfimposed misery. When humans accept that they chose this life, the process of
asking why they would chose to be victims brings them closer to understanding
the process of life on the planet. Do it, there is not a lot of time left.

Children and Excess Emotions June 4, 2007

What is going on with the angry children?
Listen carefully, the aura of the planet has been unzipped. Many invasions of
many types of energies including energies that have never entered the planet
The children are absorbing a lot of these new energies. Their different
behavior is proof of a change in them.
How do we take care of our children?
By taking care of ourselves and by listening to them when they complain. By
seeing in ourselves what they are doing. If they are hitting, looking to see who
we want to hit, but cant.
These new energies?
Apocalyptic as in revelations of unseen horrorsit is to worry about. Stay
connected to Mother, to Earth, spend as much time outside as possible and do
not eat at the home of your enemy.
Food is now poisoned through energy thrusts. And people who hate will
transfer that hate in the food they prepare or serve.
Emotional Down July 2, 2007
What is going on my Dolphins that everyone is so under, under the weather,
under everything, so down?
It is an aura issue. The planet has broken badly in the last 3 weeks and the
people whose auras are real broken have filled with energetic garbage. This
garbage is different than what normally flows in miasma in the planet. Those
miasmas were of emotions we are familiar with, anger, depression, grief, and
This particular miasma has energy of a desire to sleep, a lack of desire to do
anything, it has the energy of nothingness, as in nothing appeals to the person.
Spirit Possession
You remember we told you that some people were going to fall asleep. This is

the energy we were talking about. The physical aspect of the person falls
asleep and an entity or spirit takes over the physical aspect of the life of the
Most people would not be able to see nor suspect they are dealing with a
separate spirit that is not the spirit of the person they once knew. That is
because the spirit that takes over is aware enough not to make waves or
changes that would create suspicions. These takeover spirits just march to the
same tune as the person would have.
At the time of critical decisions, the takeover spirit then shifts the decisions to
what the spirit wants, not what the original person would have chosen. In that
way there is a big shift in the choices humans make on Planet Earth. It is a
process that was foretold and it has started.
The way to prevent this from happening to you is to stay awake even if you are
unhappy. If you are unhappy enough, then you need to change your life so that
being awake is not a living hell. It is that simple.
The Energy of Suicide March 25, 2008
It is time to buckle your seat belts and anchor down all the good stuff you
want. Time is running out to release what does not work. A cycle ended and a
new one begins. Dont drag into the new what did not work in the old.
People who are living the way they did before are not able to keep up the
pretenses. They are hanging on by their fingernails and cannot help but feel like
life is not worth living. There are still a lot of people who did not make changes
and who will not make changes. Interesting enough, it is the fire signs that are
struggling the most with change. Note: fire signs are Sagittarius, Leo and
Why is that?
Fire is an element that appears to have movement but does not really. It is
stationary in its attachment to needing something to burn. Fire signs like
change if it is interesting and keeps them feeling like they are moving. But if the
change means to stay still or stay longer somewhere, they have a hard time

Where is the suicide energy coming from? Does it have an origin?

Bosnia is releasing a lot of suicide energies, as is Jordan.
Why those places?
Look and see where they are on the map.
Jerusalem is in between
That is the point. When someone feels bad, you dont really know where it
originated until you follow the Miasma.
What do I tell my readers?
That the best thing to do to keep out of harms way is to reconnect with nature,
to take very long walks, to lie on the grass, to keep away from television and
media in general. It is hard to create a positive reality if you are feeding your
aura negative facts.
Retaliation March 17, 2010
This is a time when people want to retaliate against those who did them
wrong. The energy of revenge is strong but so is the energy of loving those
who you were afraid to love. Take the time to sit quietly with those you love
and tell them how you feel about them. Tell them what blocks the total flow of
love and ask that they join you in exploring opening up the channels of
exchange so that the love will flow fully.
We are in the Age of Aquarius and the flow of love and community is fully
supported. Unfortunately the flow of mental illness and violent outbursts is also.
What is truth will be supported and if it means you finally tell someone how
much you hate them, then it will be truth that is guiding you.
What if you hate someone you are supposed to love? That is not an unusual
situation yet today it needs to be addressed and pronto! There such a strong
cosmic push to help humans be real so that they can be strong, that hate can
no longer be kept appropriately controlled.
Deal with your hate and also deal with your love. The universe will support in
both. Just do it now so that you control the manner in which you address how
you feel. If not, that monster rage inside of you will take over and perhaps
destroy something you have spent years building.

February 8, 2006
It is ok to fight, even between countries. It is not ok to kill. Why? Because the
biggest advances in human evolution come through the struggle on the physical
dimension. When people are killed, their ability to advance is set back. That is
one of the reasons it is not good to reach the highest level of frustration and
anger. That is the setting for the ability of a human to kill, and there are too
many people on the planet that have that level of frustration.
Hierarchy causes frustration
Hierarchy is the cause of many of the issues facing humans today. Hierarchy
establishes an order that frustrates everyone, even those at the top. The
people underneath know that if they desire something outside of what the
higher ups have decided they can have, that that desire will not be fulfilled. And
the higher ups know that if they desire a change in order, the people
underneath will resist the change. So it is as if the different levels of the
triangle of hierarchy are in a stranglehold and cannot move in any direction.
Female energies facilitate change
When women or female energy is allowed to have power, the changes are
easier. Why? Because women have learned how to adjust to change, change

that others have instituted. So change for them is easier. If you are part of an
organization that needs change, put women or men who honor their female
energies, into positions of power.
There is a wave of stifling energy on the Planet. That wave consists of the
mistaken notion that female means passive, taking orders, and weak
characteristics. That is a false notion. Female energy is active, but behind the
scenes. It is a power further removed from the physical dimension than male
power or energy. Decisions made with female energies take longer to institute
because they are not close to the physical dimension. It takes time to effect
the change so that it is visible on the physical dimension. Male power or energy
is more immediate in its effect, but less effective long term.
Believe it or not, female energies are moving rapidly into positions of power
across the planet but the effects will not be seen for a while. Look to the
female part of yourself for true power today.
Watch Mexico March 16, 2006
We need to pay attention to Mexico. Mexico has the energy of a civilization
that has survived through the centuries, the civilization of the Mayans. Many
Mayan souls have returned to Mexico in this incarnation to help move the world
more gently into the Golden Age. Pay attention to how Mexicans do things, to
what their issues are, what their hopes are, and you will know what big issues
the world faces today.
There is a large volcano under Mexico City. What does that say about the state
of the world today? That there is a large volcano under the earth that can erupt
at any time.
Mexicans are dealing with the balance of power between males and females.
The world is facing that same issue, one of the most profound issues of this
time. As Mexico goes, the world goes. So pay attention to Mexico.
Mexico and the Gospel of Judas April 13, 2006
Mexico, watch Mexico. Notice that the immigration issues are mainly about
Mexico. There is a distinct dislike for the Mexican vibration in the United States.

And yet the Mexican vibration can change the world for the better. What does
that say about the United States?
Can I put this up on the Dolphin website?
Yes you can, as we do not favor countries, we try to point out what can help in
this critical time in human history. During the times of the Romans, their
vibration was compatible with what the planet needed to go through, needed to
learn at that time. Today it is the Mexican vibration that would help facilitate the
process of human evolution. To the extent that Mexico and Mexicans can be
allowed to play out their issues and emotions, to that extent, there will be
progress in evolution. Please remember that human evolution was never easy.
Dont expect people to be throwing roses at each other.
I am confused
It is not easy for all that you have learned to be discarded, in favor of truth.
The Big Lie on this planet has just been revealed to the West: the Gospel of
Judas. The big lie there was that Jesus could be betrayed: that he was not a
I never saw it that way.
He knew and Judas knew what needed to happen next so that the Jesus
message would not be lost. There needed to be an ending that was traumatic
so that humans would remember. Human memory is fragile and holds the
strongest vibrations. Unfortunately, trauma is a strong vibration of fear, and
humans remember. If Jesus had died gracefully in his bed, his memory, his
teachings would have been lost. As it is, we see how distorted the teachings
It will be interesting to see if good people can make the mental adjustments
necessary to benefit from the truth.
Cubas Destiny in the World August 8, 2006
All countries have chosen in the past to help resolve issues that the Planet is
facing today. The country of Cuba is no exception. Watch the changeover of
power from profound dictatorship to community and you will see what can be
accomplished when people desire the same thing. The people in Cuba desire

to exchange with the world in an open and camaraderie fashion. They do not
want to stay restricted within their island with no one to show off their stuff.
Cuba has accomplished a lot in literature, the arts and in sports and it has no
way to show off in a manner that is satisfactory.
This longing and desire for community is similar to the isolation of tribes that
became dependent on its member for entertainment and then find they are
bored and seek adventure outside of their tribe. But that adventure was not
allowed in Cuba. The desire was unfulfilled and stifled, its expression was not
allowed and it was not satisfied by sharing with comrades within the island.
That pent up desire will be part of the energy for change that will open up
Cuba to the outside world.
It is hoped that there will be no blocks to this exchange with the outside world.
If there is, then the result will be an implosion of emotions and you can expect
to find a rise in suicides, domestic violence and drug use. The island can
tolerate no more holding back of participating in the broader community of the
In politics, Cuba will be ready to give away everything in the hope for exchange
with the world. It is deeply embedded in the Cuban psyche that happiness is
when you are relating in a broader way than has been allowed till now. In other
words, Cuba is frustrated in its need for a broader community. When the
European communist nations opened up to a more free form of government,
Cuba was left with less people to exchange with. Cubas world has become
smaller at the same time the planetary energies have broadened.
The new form of government that will take shape after the initial wave of
violence will reflect the Cuban need for a broader community.
How does this help the world?
Good question. When people see how quickly and easily Cuba adjusts to the
loss of its leader, they will understand how easy it is to stabilize when you are
aligned with what is supported energetically at this time in written human
history. Community, exchange with others that are different, a lack of
boundaries between peoples, that is what Cuba desires and that is what is
empowered today. The countries that restrict their boundaries, restrict the
travel of their people, close their borders to foreigners, fear and distrust others
unlike themselves will have diminished power in the world.

Because the energy must flow to be strong. Strong borders, strong boundaries
between peoples, strong bonds within groups that reject others, all these
tendencies block flow and are unsupported and eventually destroyed. And this
destruction is sooner, not later. Remember: and the meek shall inherit the
Repercussions of Immigration Issues May 2, 2006
Hello my people, I want some words of wisdom on the immigration issues this
country is facing today.
It is interesting that no one sees the connection between rejection of other
people and what is happening today in the United States. The immigrants who
made up this country were all in some shape or form, rejects of the countries
they came from. At some level, their country rejected them, either by paying
them too little, or abusing them politically or threatening their culture values.
And now, these same descendents of immigrants are doing the same thing to
the immigrants today: paying them too little and trying to melt them into a pot
called American. Do you see it?
Not really
Ok. Immigrants are generally paid too little. They dont just choose low paying
jobs, chances are, if they are immigrants, they will be paid less than an
equivalent American.
The anthem cannot be sung in Spanish, it must be in English, the Jews were
not assimilating into Germany, sufficiently for German taste, and it was not just
Hitler who thought that. Jews stuck out like sore thumbs and Germans did not
like seeing people who did not look or act like themsame here today.
This country does not need to ditch 12 million people; they want these people
out of their faces. They do not want to remember, and it is in their collective
unconscious, that once they did hard labor and had to scramble for food. The
people at the bottom bring back painful memories.

I dont get the point, I do not even find this interesting, and you usually say
interesting things
People at the topremind you of anything?
Yes, it doestoday in this new age, there is a support of community and no
support energetically of hierarchyis that what you are referring to?
Correct. This action on the part of this country is another example of the
mindset of a people that have reached a zenith and are now on their way
downin the world of hierarchy, they have reached the top and are tumbling
downin a world of community they are just like everyone else and there is no
way to fall, because there is no top, top of the hierarchy
Ok, it is still not interesting
The countries that are supportive of community, like Holland, will reach a new
zenith. The countries like England, the US and other of the European
community will be falling down. Countries that support individual acts of
terrorism will be given more power and countries that have weapons of mass
destruction, will have no power.
I dont see the connection and I do not find it interesting
The giraffe conversation
It is happening, a big fall is in the making; we are trying to warn you of the big
fall, so you can be ready and understand, fully understand, what happened.
And with that understanding, make choices in your personal lives that will be
supported. Choices that support community will be supported, and choices that
support hierarchy will be punished by lack of success, accidents, and acts of
terrorism or vandalism. People who are community will have more luck, more
support. Community values act as a lubricant for life from here forward. Lack
of community values will be costly to the individuals and countries.
Panic Attacks, Immigrants and Shame
May 8, 2006
People who have panic attacks are changing their relationship to their spirit
attachments. We mean to say that when a person changes frequency because

they have cleaned something out of their aura, the spirit puts up a fight in the
expectation that they will create enough emotional issues that the person will
break again and the spirit is then guaranteed a home. People with ongoing
panic attacks are in a process of trying to not accept a negative vibration, the
spirit, and the spirit or spirits are trying to stay attached.
So panic attacks are part of a healing process?
That is correct. When someone picks up a spirit and does not accept the new,
lower vibration, the struggle between the person and the spirit ends up feeling
like a panic attack.
By definition a panic attack is an attack by a spirit trying to hang onto or enter
someones aura. People with panic attacks are struggling not to accept the
Next question, what can people do to stop the attacks?
You know the first answer: find and repair the reason for the damage to the
aura. In this case, the damage could be to the aura of the home or office.
Many homes today that have immigrants have a hole in the aura due to the
illegal immigrants constant terror.
Hummmm.this sounds so judgmental, like the immigrants are damaging
this country or the people of this country.
No, that is not the way to look at it. If you look at it that way, you are looking at
a symptom, the symptom being the immigrants destabilizing terror. If you look
at the real issue, which is selfhatred, than you know that the immigrants are
simply a mirror for a very large issue the US has with shame. The US is
ashamed of its past as immigrants. The illegal immigrants remind them of
something they want to forget.
There has been so much judgment of underdeveloped countries and indigenous
peoples that the US would want to pretend they were never an
underdeveloped country nor had indigenous peoples. Look at how the Native
Americans are treated and enclosed in limited spaces as if they had the
plagueanother sign of hierarchy.
So those in this country, who want the illegals to go, are really dealing with

not wanting to see what they or their ancestors used to be? Can there really
be that much shame?
I have to say that you little Dolphins are sounding judgmental to me. Am I
No, you are not centered on the subject. You come from compassion and pity
and seeing economic realities. We come from assessment, which is not
judgment, of the situation, with awareness that the attitude that is pushing the
issue is an attitude of shame. And you know that shame is the lowest and most
damaging emotion that an aura has to deal with.
Therefore, while the issue remains alive, the aura of the US is being badly
damaged, more by the shame of the people rejecting the immigrants than the
terror of the immigrants.
Let me add it up: we were ashamed of how we abandoned the people during
Katrina, we are shamed of what we did to Iraq and now we feel shame when
we see immigrants.
You are looking at the reasons this country is deteriorating in its strength and
power. It does not matter how much money in the bank, how many nuclear
weapons, how much economic clout and technology, the shame deteriorates
the very foundations of the energy of the country. That is why this country
would prefer to close itself up to foreigners, to avoid the shame.
The Fall of the Roman Empire and Panic Attacks May 9, 2006
I want to continue about the panic attacks. You said that panic attacks are
when people are fighting off entities that want to attach or invade. It sounds
right, but it is still frightening and exhausting. What can be done, is there an
efficient way to finish with the issue of panic attacks?
Good question but we were going to tell you the information anyway. You are
too controlling. You think we dont know what you need, but we do. We really
do know more than you do what it is that people need to know.
You think that we deviated our attention with the document on panic attacks
and immigration. We were trying to get you to see what is happening in this

country, why in this country people are less clear and more panicky. Do you not
see how a Miasma is being created by the fear your government is instilling in
people? Do you see how people would feel more panicky when they shares
spaces with immigrants who do not know if they are going to land in jail in the
next 15 minutes?
Do you see that you are doing what you did ten years ago, which is to try and
control the information because you believe that we are not paying attention to
your needs?
Panic attacks were part of the reason Rome went down. The drinking and
cavorting and sexual orgies were used to try and entertain a Rome that was
mentally breaking down. The people were not happy, so the government used
orgies, liquor and the games that were played in the coliseum to deviate the
attention of the people from their internal misery. That will be happening soon in
this country. Watch the media and see what is being promoted in the next 6
months to entertain people. See how it matches what the Romans did. The
Romans enjoyed seeing lions eat people, they
enjoyed seeing men kill each other. Watch the modern day version of this and
smell the smell of defeat that has fallen on this country.
Emotions and the Middle East July 30, 2006
Give yourselves permission to emote now, but please remember that love is
also an emotion and probably the most repressed emotion of them all.
Your public is asking for information about what is going on in Indonesia.
Why are they taking the brunt of the earth violence? We know that
Indonesians are in service to the rest of the planet butisnt it too much?
What do we need to know to understand what is going on and what we should
My people, your people, we are all people Frances. You distinguish between
yourself and us when you know full well that we are all one, including animals.
It is about time that your people recognize that being one is not only being
one with people, but also being one with animals, being one with nature and

especially being one with God.

The fragmentation of souls that has taken place on this Planet has left us all
weak, including the animals, including nature. It is time to recognize that we all
need each other, and none is less worthy of being taken care of, or taking care
of, than others.
We say this because there is just enough time to recognize that we are all one.
Yes God put nature and animals here to help humans evolve, but animals and
nature are a part of humans. If you hurt nature, you are directly hurting a part
of yourself. If you hurt an animal, you are hurting a part of yourself.
Why do we say this now? There is so much going on in the Middle East, why
this rhetoric on this subject? So esoteric, hardly a direct answer to your
question. But we are answering your question as to what is going on, and what
to do.
What is going on is that man is going against himself. And he is ignoring
natures self-admonishments and certainly ignoring animals, even more so.
Nature is in an uproar. So pay attention. What is it doing in your area? Too
much rain in Miami? What does Miami have to do with the Mid East? Well, you
dont need to look too far to see the heavily Jewish population in parts of
Miami, all of whom are secretly angry and afraid the world will turn against
them again, as it did during Hitlers time. The water is washing down the anger
and fear. Too hot in other parts of the country? Who is angry or who is frozen
with fear at the state of the world?
Emotions are directly linked to soul level. An individual seeking to evolve will
choose situations that create a lot of emotion. If the planet is seeking to evolve
in mass, then it would seek a high level of emotionally charged situations. And
it has, as we can see in the Mid East. But, but, the killing of the physical
vehicle of man cancels his opportunity to continue to feel and to continue to
evolve. So the emotions need to remain high but the killings must remain low.
That is not happening. Everyone is acting out their violence to the point of
killing. That reduces the opportunity of evolution.
Gandhi was right when he advocated non-violence. But he was wrong not to
understand that hidden violence can be deadlier than overt violence. It is the

emotions that allow us to evolve. It is the ending of the opportunity to emote

(through death) and the repression of emoting that creates an imbalance in the
process of human evolution.
This is what you need to know now:
Emoting is good; repressing is detrimental to human progress and process.
Give yourselves permission to emote now, but please remember that love is
also an emotion and probably the most repressed emotion of them all.
What Do the Crusades have to do with the war today?
September 17, 2006
I am writing about the transference of energies between auras. What do we
need to know?
Good question, as usual and the most important topic on the planet now. The
issues of war are issues of transference of energies.
And how is that? Darn, we know so little about the unseen factors that actually
make or break our life. Its no wonder life is such a mess. But continue
People think that when they feel love and when they feel hate, that it is
internally generated. And that can be the case. But too often those emotions
are a reflection of what someone else or what another group of people is
feeling. Case in point: in the West it is thought that the followers of Islam would
like them all dead. But that is actually transference of what the followers of
Islam feel about us (that we would like them all dead.) In their land is the
memory of the Crusadesand the resulting thoughts of persecution.
Memory of the Crusades
So what the people in the West feel that Islam feels about them is in reality
what the West felt for Islam hundreds of years ago, now come back to haunt
the world. That memory of the Crusades is blowback of the worst kind. That
memory is causing a division between mankind that is the making and actuality
of war, a major war.

Spirit attachments and spirit possessions January 17, 2006

Spirit Possession
Spirit possession is when the person is so used to leaving his body that the
usual energetic safety nets for the union of the bodies is broken, It makes it
easy for a spirit to come in and sometimes to stay in. Most of the time the
spirit comes and goes, having several if not dozens of people they possess.
Moving locations, moving from a home is a relatively easy way to leave behind
some possessions.
Memory Loss
Possessions happen to people who severely disassociate on a regular basis,
but disassociate to where they do not carry back the memory of what
happened when they disassociated. So memory loss is a sign of possession,
including old age memory loss. Old age memory loss is a sign the person does
not inhabit their body and some other spirit does.
Possessing spirits are full time spirits. They do not have physical bodies at all.
They may never have had a spirit body, at any point. But at the time of the
possession issue, that spirit is not incarnated.

Spirit Attachment
Spirit attachment is much more common and much more complicated. Why?
Because you can have a spirit attachment of someone who is alive, or of
someone who died. Any given person with some trauma in their life can have
many spirit attachments. People with a lifetime of trauma, people who have
been in wars, people who live on cemetery land, people who work in hospitals,
they can have dozens of attachments.
The number of attachments relates to the level of disassociation. That means
that air signs or people who disassociate normally will be fuller of attachments.
People who experience trauma where a lot of spirit bodies are looking for new
homes, they would get more attachments. So someone who works in an
emergency ward, and who disassociates would have more attachments.
Vampires August 14, 2007
Vampires have existed in history though today they are long gone. They were
spirits who took over a physical body and used it to suck the life force out of
other fully living beings.
Because they forcibly took over someones body, the connection between them
and the body was tenuous. And the vitality was not good. Sunlight would
destroy the tenuous connection, so they could not come out during the day.
Why is sun bad for vampires?
The sun fills the etheric electromagnetic energy body with vitality. The vampire
does not legitimately nor spiritually own the body he is using. It is not good
for the vampire to allow the vital part of the human system to become
strong. The vampire was able to take over when the physical body was
weak. And it kept control when the energy bodies remained weak. The sun
would not allow the vampire to keep control of the body that was never
rightfully his.
Why the blood sucking?
Human blood has a special quality to it. It is not only like a fingerprint in that it
identifies the uniqueness of the person, but it also carries the qualities of the
person. If you drink a persons blood, you can acquire their characteristics.

That is something the indigenous have always known

In the case of the vampire, the vampire needed to keep ingesting human blood
to stay strong and humanlike, because the vampire was not human. It needed
human blood to keep the human characteristics.
If the vampire was not human, then what was it?
A spirit that wanted to stay operational as a human on the physical dimension.
It needed a physical body to do that. And it needed the food of the blood of
living beings to stay strong and human like.
At what point in human history did vampires really exist?
Further back than human memorybut the reality of a spirit taking over your
physical body without your permission and using it to harm others, has never
healed in the human psyche.
That is a vague answerfurther back than human memory.
You will not like the answer.
I can take it
Ok, during Atlantis, contrary to Lemuria (an earlier civilization), experiments
were done that encouraged vampires.
Egyptians and Their Dead
Hello my people, guide me as to what we should know about the Egyptians
and death
Back to the Egyptians, they knew it all they thought. They felt they could
conquer death and its process by tying the astral body to the physical. They
did this by giving the physical body all its comforts and more. So that
emotionally, the astral/emotional body would decide to stick around. In truth,
the causal body of the person knows all the tricks so the Egyptians did
accomplish tying the spirit of someone to the physical body, but not necessarily
the spirit that belonged to the physical body.
In order for a spirit to be born into the physical dimension, there needs to be
an opening between dimensions. This opening is like a cord and through it
travels the essence of the person. If the physical body is kept in good shape
as the Egyptians learned to do, then the spirit can stay attached to the physical
dimension. But what happened most often was a deterioration of the physical

body and an escaping of the spirit of the person.

But it is what happened next that you must become aware of. The keeping
open of that cord, (the cord can also be called a corridor, or channel) by
preserving the physical body, creates a highway for other beings, who normally
are not allowed, to enter the physical dimension of Planet Earth. In this way
the Egyptian civilization had access to souls and information that other
civilizations did not. That access is the basis for their advances in math,
science and astrology. Their tutors taught them in exchange for power over
the people. This power they acquired through human sacrifice, which gave
them power over the spirits of the people they sacrificed. These beings
created an army of spirits that they used to make an invisible presence on
earth. That presence continues to today.
By the way, all that worked on the tombs were later sacrificed so that the
secrets went to the grave with them.
In this way the priestly class in Egypt became very powerful, but they used
their power to sell the souls of their people. In seeking to maintain control
over death and the spirit body, they fed into the hands of other beings that
ended up controlling them.

The Mayans
The Mayans. You want to know more about them.
That is true
Your contention that the Mayans simply shifted into another dimension is
accurate. What you are not aware of is that they took with them many animals
and other types of beings that do not exist today. Some of the depictions on
their art that you assume are mythical, allegoric, are very, very real. The
combination of humans and animals was perfected to an art during Mayan
I am not sure I am so sold on the Mayans with their human sacrifices
We know how you feel but you do not know the whole story. Again you think
this document is interfered with
Just keep going.
The Mayans had a hold on duality; they were able to keep peace amongst
themselves by holding down the veil of duality. That veil is the veil that does not
allow humans to see the wholeness in life. The Mayans were able to lift the veil
and then tack it down in the corner of the four elements so that their people

could live a life of more wholeness. They learned how to bypass duality while
living on planet Earth. That is a very big deal.
The Elements, the Human Mind and Free Will
March 28, 2006
The conquistadores saw what the Mayans and Incas and other tribes were
doing and they wished to stop what they considered uncivilized behavior. Their
God did not approve of sacrifices and other cultural rituals. But their God did
not give them the societal structure that created the peace that the Incas,
Mayans and others had achieved. And their God did not give them the
advances in technology, calendar development and contact with other worlds.
So the conquistadores admired and were in awe of the natives but judged
them to be stupid because of their dress, their adoration of nature and their
simple lives.
To the conquistadores, simple lives and so much contact with nature felt like a
throwback to the cavemen times. They associated simple, natural lives with
underdevelopment of the soul and spirit. They were wrong.
The natives had a choice and they chose well. They understood that they could
only achieve greatness to the level that they lived with the stability that nature
offers. They could not reach for the stars and benefit from the stars, unless
they were anchored onto the planet. That means being anchored to nature, to
The Conquistadores did not believe that. In the 1400s, overdressing and over
stressing masquerades and artificial ornaments was a sign of power and
intelligence. Their clothing was chosen with a total disregard for natural living.
This cut them off from nature, from the stability of Mother. So they could not
reach for the stars and benefit from off planet gifts like the Mayans and Incas
and also the Egyptians.
It was simple. They decided to try to convert the spirit of the natives and to
eradicate the culture, while raping the material possessions of the people.
History tells you the result: the tribes disappeared and the advances were lost

till today.
Today, as you are noticing, the earth is revealing many things, including the
advances of these cultures. So here we are again. So called modern people
looking at and judging what the ancients of Latin America accomplished. And it
can be taken to another level, or simply studied as if it were past history.
Question to you FrancesWhere do you want to go with this?
Where I need to go to accomplish my mission of helping this transition to be
easier, less painful.
We are trying to help you to do that. In order to accomplish the mission you
need to hear us out, even if you feel we are talking out of our ears.
You think that contact with nature is good. Yet you still do not know the extent
to which contact is necessary in these coming years. This planetary cycle will
end badly if Earth people do not honor and take in what God put here to help
them evolve. That the elements are what shamans first pay attention to should
indicate to you and others the importance of nature.
Nature and contact with nature is important because the elements determine
the health or lack of health of the human mind. And the health or lack of health
of the human mind is the determining factor in free will.
Do you see what we mean now?
Yes I do but people wont listen!
We had a hard time getting you to listen.
All is tied into the balancing of the four elements. When you die you die by
detaching the physical, the earth element. The process of evolution is a
movement into a different percentage of elements so you can cross over that
line into that other dimension you are calling the Golden Age. The process is
difficult, as you know. Having elements, such as magnets, does stabilize the
physical and does not stop the evolutionary process.
The Elements Divine Presence March 28, 2006
Ok I am back, back to understanding so I can better teach. But why cannot

you just give it to me rather than lead me by the hand?

That is the point, for you to understand the process, the methodology, so you
can more effectively teach. The Gods have always channeled and dictated.
We do not want to be that type of God. We want to be along your side so you
can do what you want, which is to be an effective teacher. That is why you talk
two languages and know two cultures. That is why you are into the Internet.
That is why you are on television. Because you want to be effective. An
unheard message is not effective, is it?
That is truebut I am still not clear but lets move forward.
Ok, we left off at the issue of paganism and love of nature and understanding
nature and allowing nature to guide, rather than pushing nature aside with a
bulldozer to accomplish mans wants. The elements are what you call nano
particles; they are the composition of the universe, this universe. There are
four different types of nano particles, you call them the elements. We call them
divine presence.
There are four different types of divine presence. Each is a part of God but
with a different quality. One quality stays put, stays stuck; another flows and
cannot stay still; another burns itself up by imploding and the fourth moves out
of the way and is uncatchable, unreachable.
It is simple to tell which description belongs to which element.
That is true but what is not simple is to really, really know that the hand of God
is not only everywhere, but is also everything, every single thing. God is the
hand and also the building blocks.
OK? So What?
Well. if that is the case then your hand is the hand of God, but your phone is
also. They all carry the pulse of God, the current of God and can be used to
do Gods work.
Do I understand correctly, that when humans go against each other it is also
God going against God? That God can be used to hurt God?
Yes, yes, you are getting the picture. This planet has an autoimmune disease

and it is killing itself. It is self-destructing.

Humm Time out
Solar Flares and Human Anger May 11, 2006
The world revolves around the energy of the Sun, your Father and Mother.
(The moon has abandoned the earth; it is cold to the earths problems.)When
the earth heats up in emotional tensions, the Sun helps out by heating up the
earth astral dimensions with extra fire. You call them solar flares. If you have a
lot of unresolved fire issues with anger or activity, these sun flares are helpful
to process so you do not implode or explode. We did not say it was easy,
human processing and healing has always had an aspect of pain associated
with it.
It is with compassion that your Father/Mother sends you this energy. Dont try
t0 block it, accept it and go through the changes you need to take advantage
of the extra push.
If you wish to verify what we say, look to the history of strong solar flares and
what was happening on the planet. You will see a direct link between human
frustrations and anger and solar flares.
Your mother, Mother Earth, gives you volcanoes to process the extra anger
and Father Sun gives you solar flares.
I thought you said that Mother had abandoned us?
We all have several mothers, levels of mother. Your internal mother, the moon,
has abandoned you. Your external mother on earth, Mother Earth, is still
struggling to protect, guide and nurture you.
Solar Flares as Therapy December 11, 2006
Hello my people, I am told that there were incredible solar flares on
December 6, 2006. That was a day I had predicted that I would have passed
a landmark of some sort. Yet the day was terrible and I did not accomplish
anything good, nor reach any good goals. What do I need to know?
You had an intention and did not achieve it?
That is true

And you have been very blocked in this particular intention, so blocked that you
feel impotent in addition to angry? You feel so impotent that you dont bother
getting angry?
That is true.
And what disease does that combination of energies create?
Correct. And the solar flares of December 6th dissipated that impotence and
anger, so that you will not get the cancer that was progressing in you.
Wow, but did this solar flare work for everyone?
For most who were in receive mode, available to see their frustrations and
anger, willing to acknowledge these reactions, those people had the benefit of
a burning off of a lot of their anger. And it was that same anger that helps to
anchor the pattern of not getting something/having something happen and not
being able to do anything about it.
So can we request solar flares when we hit up against something like this?
Seems only fair that if we recognize the issues that we have access to a
remedy. What can we do?
You do it already. Cry while laying on grass or dirt and ask or beg Mother
Earth to take away the anger and impotence in the particular situation you have
recognized the pattern in.
Great therapy, thank you. What happens to the feelings of impotence?
When the reactive anger goes away, the pattern breaks and there will be no
reason to feel impotent. It is that simple.
Solar Flares December, 2006
What do we need to know about the effects on our world and in our personal
lives of the solar flares this month?
It is of utmost importance to know that the level of anger and frustrations on
the Planet are creating the scenario for ultimate war. We bring forth the
information that it is possible to diminish the anger with the proper use of
nature. Nature is here to serve and these solar flares are to prevent a

premature ending of life on earth.

Why do you make such a strong statement and if we are so close to life
ending on the Planet, why not just let it happen?
Too many humans are not ready to transition into the other dimensions. When
the physical body dies, the other energy bodies stay at the level of evolution of
that last lifetime. If too many humans have not learned how to deal with their
mental and emotional energy bodies, then those bodies create issues in the
other dimensions. You know that the major issue is that the spirit of these
people becomes robotic in the other dimensions, susceptible to evil influences.
Therefore, if the ultimate war is waged now, and someone uses nuclear
weapons, too many people will become robotic spirits, and human evolution will
be set back.
It is necessary at this time in written human history that people have physical
bodies. To eliminate them is to mess up human evolution. Father Sun will help
out by burning off a lot of the anger and frustration so that there will be more
time to evolve.
I see references about big solar flares in 2011 and 2012. Is it a coincidence
that 2012 is when the Mayans predicted that earth would make a major shift?
No it is not a coincidence, and it would be important that the shift not happen
prior to 2012.

Unseen factors in the

December 26, 2004 Earthquake
The major problem with that earthquake was a second happening or event
under the ocean. When the plates moved, they released a Miasma
Lets look at the quality of the energies that was released with this Miasma.
And lets look at where the Miasma is going as it is moving.
The Broken Seal
But lets go back to the seal that was broken.
The seal, talked about in the Bible, and probably elsewhere, is or was in place
to hold back evil energies from the time of Atlantis. You see, in Atlantis there
was much evil, evil that multiplied due to the ingestion of crystal particles.
Apparently humans are not supposed to ingest crystals because the crystal
particles multiply inner energies, even and especially the bad ones. So if you
had a spirit possession issue, it multiplied, if you had bad congestion of
negative emotions, they multiplied also.
Atlantis Residue
When Mother could take no more of the evil of Atlantis, she released her
energies for cleansing: earthquakes, volcanoes, and floods. And then she

realized that was not enough. The evil energies, never originally from Earth, not
a part of her, were still able to survive. So she did something unusual: she
allowed a part of herself to be infected, or call it possessed, by the evil. She
took it deep into herself, into the most intimate part of her, her center. And she
held it there, to protect her people, humans.
There were seven entry points of this energy into her, seven access and exit
points. And they were sealed, sealed shut, leaving Earth a safer place. These
seven seals are duplicated in the human energy system: they are called
Note: the original definition of orifice means wound
On Sunday, one of these seals was broken, and evil has been released again
onto the planet. Mother never intended this; it was inevitable though because of
television. Television? Yes, television. With the advent of TV and the continuous
coverage of violence and all the replays, the constant viewing of violence, over
and over again, evil energies have multiplied on the Planet, and in the aura of
Augmenting the Vibration, Resonance and Energy of Violence
Every time you see a painting of something beautiful, you feel the pleasure and
the beauty. The painting generates feelings of pleasure and beauty. Every time
you see an image of hatred, violence or rage, it generates in you feelings of
anger and fear. Get the picture? How many times are the same beautiful
images flashed on the TV screen, for you to see over and over? Not often
enough. How many times will we look at the images of the tsunami?
Where will this evil go?
Well, emotions are magnetic and the evil released has negative emotions.
Which ones? Violence, hatred and especially the desire to control others. So
where will this magnetic energy go? It will go to places where there is violence,
hatred, and the desire to control.
Do you realize how much violence and hatred there is in the auras of nations
who watch modern TV? That is where the Miasma will go, where these
emotions predominate.

How interesting! We modern people think that watching violence and hated
is not bad; being violent and hating is bad.
Guess what, the acting out of the emotions is not much worse than the not
acting out of these feelings. Where does that leave us? Add it up: people and
places that hate and kill, but just a few times, have less of a resonance of
hatred and violence than the people and places that watch endless violence
and hatred. Yes, we are in trouble.
Memory of the Great Flood July, 2006
We have an aura, the planet has an aura. Auras are like a garbage bag, full of
old memories of traumas, stuck emotions, attached negative spirits, and more.
And this garbage bag follows us throughout our lifetimes. When people say we
carry a lot of baggage, this is what they are referring to. People have
baggage, countries have baggage and the Planet also has baggage.
Within our aura and the aura of this Planet, is the memory and the trauma of
the Great Flood. That memory has followed us, or been dragged in by us into
this lifetime. That memory and the emotions of the event are congestions in our
collective auras. It is part of our ancestral heritage, but it is we who drag it into
the present. It has been sleeping till now
The tsunami of December, 2004 has woken up this sleeping memory. It is now
an active, vibrating congestion of information relating to the Great Flood. It is
not wonder that since the tsunami, the public, governments and science have
decided to investigate the possibilities of another, larger Tsunami. They are
calling this possibility a Mega Tsunami which is another Great Flood.
Vasana: energetic garbage
Whatever garbage we carry in our aura, draws to it events, emotions, and
thoughts of the same quality. This garbage, a congestion of thoughts, emotions
and spirits, are called Vasanas. The word Vasana means a deep rooted
impression. Traumatic events create Vasanas in our aura. These Vasanas are
energetic garbage that are magnetic, causing us to draw to us and repeat
what happened before. If we do not clear this emotional congestion (Vasana)
of the memory of the original Great Flood, the pattern will repeat itself.
We are emotionally primed for a Mega Tsunami, another Great Flood. It is at

these times that we need to remember what the Bible and other great sources
of wisdom have told us: we do not need to repeat the past, we can create the
world that we desire. At this time in written human history, especially with this
particular energetic pattern now awake, we need to remember our mastery. If
we dont, we are doomed to repeat our history and end again by a giant
baptism of water.
Creating a different reality
We recommend a mantra:
Please God help us with our intention to heal our memory of the Great Flood
This mantra should be repeated, silently with relaxed breathing, anytime we
see or think about the tsunami of 2004 or any suggestion that another tsunami
is possible. A visualization of a stable Planet Earth, with land where there is
supposed to be land, and water where there is supposed to be water, is also
Constant watching on television or reading articles about the possibility of a
Tsunami is building up the thoughtform of another Great Flood. Cant you feel
it? A thoughtform is a thought that is repeated so often it creates a form in the
mind. And if it is energized by more thoughts and emotions it moves into the
dimension of reality. Remember we are masters; we do not have to be slaves
to our past. We can create a better future.
Why the Tsunami? July, 2006
Animals are group souls: you communicate with one and you are really
communicating with them all. In this document I asked to speak to the fish in
the ocean and this is their response.
Why, why again? What good comes of this? The people in Indonesia have
been through enough!
We know, but if that earthquake/tsunami did not happen, the Middle East
would go into the ultimate scenario for war.
How did these natural events affect what is happening in the Middle East?
Everything is energy and the movement and transference of energy. Nature,
the elements and animals have the ability to take on energy that would
normally fall onto human auras. There is a new tear in the aura of the Planet

over Afghanistan, bigger than the tear in January 2001 that generated the
violence that ended in the 9/11 tragedies.
That break in the aura of the Planet could cause a total unraveling of issues of
conflict and violence between individuals and between nations. In this case, the
Middle East was already hot and received an extra load of violence and
hatred. The individuals with the power to decide to use violence or not, opted
to use a violence that they feel that they chose but that actually chose them.
When there is a tear in the aura of the Planet, the good energies are not
allowed to enter. It is not ethical. But as usual, the negative energies do not
care about ethics, only about their intention to block human progress. In this
case human progress would have been a dampening of the violence in the
Middle East due to the realization that nothing was being accomplished. Dead
people cannot be brought back to life and life cannot continue under the
conditions that promoted the deaths.
Instead of a decrease in violence and an increased understanding that violence
does not accomplish intentions, this extra bad energy that entered through
Afghanistan, did not allow for the dampening of emotions. It stuck to the
people and augmented what was actually smoothing out.
There is consciousness in everything, including earthquakes and tsunamis. And
it was decided, by the collective consciousness of the earth, that a diversion
and working through of the extra bad energies was necessary. The
earthquake was to promote a washing over the planet of water, a type of
baptism. Baptism reduces negative energies and also negative spirits.
We know that it is not fair that people died, people who had nothing to do with
the violence. But when it is said that people are never happier than when they
are serving others, it is to be believed. These people knew that they would die,
and they accepted it as necessary for the well being of the Planet. Most of you
will be doing the same soon.
The Great Flood was a mega tsunami, which means the planet needed a very
big baptism. It appears the planet needs another great baptism. For now, the
earthquake and tsunami will be dampening the violence and conflict enough for
some talking to take place and some agreements to be worked through.
Do not doubt for a moment that water heals. And look at all the places

experiencing water issues, including your own homes. If the issues are
resolved, the water, the baptism does not need to come. Pay attention, time is
short and issues are long.
Impending Disasters February 19, 2008
Dearest Dolphins, what do we need to know about the years between now
and the frequency shift that has been predicted? Details please
It is good you are asking. We wait in vain for others to turn to the natural world
for information as to what is happening in the natural world. We understand
that communication with the natural world has been scoffed at but it is truly
necessary to get back in touch with and commune with nature. At this point in
written human history nature prevails, as when the cave men existed, as when
we were so foolish that we had not accessed the power of our mind and our
communication, and nature had it all over us.
We are there again. We have forgotten what our religions and prophets have
taught us, that our mind can overcome negative realities and that our mind
creates reality. Therefore nature has to again prevail and make choices that
should be human choices.
What choices are those?
The choice to pay attention to, to enfold into your life the part of you that is non
physical, to commune with other consciousness that exist to help but dont have
a manifestation on the physical dimension.
How long do you think it will for humans to turn to the spirit world, to animals
and to their young children for guidance once the TV, radio and Internet are not
operational? Not long at all
Peru Earthquake The Wisdom of Children August 17, 2007
Peru is a country built on mountains of crystals. That has been known through
the centuries. The Peruvians are very spiritual people who have not rejected
their indigenous roots.
The crystals in Peru contain knowledge of the past, knowledge of Atlantis and

even further back, the knowledge of Lemuria. This knowledge needed to be

released on the physical dimension of Planet Earth so that the last years of the
transition into the Golden Age would be easier.
The knowledge released is part of the process of Revelations, information now
available for those who are open to it. This knowledge could only become
available after the portal opening of August 8, 2007. That portal facilitated the
energy of erasing the divisions in the human mind: male/female, left/right,
me/them, child/adult, etc.
Child/Adult Duality
It is the last duality, that of child/adult that is the most important at this time.
This new way of looking at the child in relation to the adult will create a
profound change in the coming months. Children will finally be recognized for
what they are: prophets and masters.
Children today have a consciousness that is prepared for the entry into the
Golden Age. Many adults who carry the power in the world do not have the
skills or attitudes necessary for the transition. The longer a human being is
alive on the physical dimension, the more ingrained reality becomes. The
younger the child, the more the creativity and acceptance of weird and of
change are accepted.
Children will not struggle with the transition into the Golden Age. Children will
not be afraid of the new way of living and doing business. Adults will. The
problem is that adults hold the power
and make the decisions that will pave the way into the Golden Age. The
children will have the wisdom.
Power versus Wisdom
The issue of the power being held by the people least equipped to lead the
way is a big issue. The decisions need to be made by those who have the
mental wisdom to see the possibilities instead of the fear. Children can do that.
When humans are able to assess that children may know more than the adults,
there is the opportunity for the adult to be guided by the child. And that is the
reason for the revelations of the child being a magical soul inside a small body,
not an immature soul inside a child body.

South Florida, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, the Keys

South Florida has a similar fate, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, and the Keys, all live
off of peoples addiction to feeling good, but at the expense of nature and what
is natural. The high rises are built to look at the bay but block the free flow of
energy into the bay. Who says those building owners have the right to block the
ocean view and reserve it for themselves?
Frozen earth
Yes, concrete is frozen earth element, but worse than being frozen is the greed
that is packed in every inch of the concrete blocks. Greed is an example of
blocking flow. Greed says this is mine, this is mine and not yours. Greed says,
I want more even though I cannot possibly use more.
Water is the element that cleans most gently. Remember that when the waters
overflow in South Florida.
Chile Earthquake
Individual Natural Catastrophe March 2, 2010
Chile is an example of what is going to keep happening, something that
normally would horrify the world but that now has become commonplace.
Governments will soon stop saying they are going to help out. People will
develop compassion with the knowledge that they cannot do anything. It is not
often in the history of the Planet that all of these natural catastrophes come
back to back, and they will continue
Personal catastrophes
Each individual has his or her own potential for natural catastrophes. The losing
of a home has now become commonplace. The loss of a job that should have
been there until retirement is also a daily occurrence.
But what will happen next will not be something that people will be able to
adjust to. The next set of occurrences that will indicate the Planet has moved
fully into the ending of a planetary cycle is when people start to take off their
masks and reveal who they really are. People who are mean will suddenly be
full of compassion and have empathy for others. But people who normally look
like saints will reveal their darkness inside. And others, who wish to die but
continue alive, will fall asleep and their bodies will be taken over by spirits who

are ill intended.

Watch inside of yourself for tendencies that until now you have been able to
control. You will no longer to able to control those impulses. Watch for angers
that have never been resolved or depressions that wont go away, as they will
only multiply. The Law of Attraction is in full force and it is up to you how to
deal with it.
If you choose to confront your inner demons you will be in control of your life
during these end times. If you deny those inner demons they will control you.
Volcanic Cloud April 17, 2010
The volcano in Iceland is working overtime to heal a deep, deep cut in the
ozone over the North Pole. This cut is recent and it could cause the ending of
the world as we know it to come before people are ready. Iceland is helping
the Planet, though the people in Europe do not appreciate it as it cuts into their
income and plans.
This is a time when it is important to be tolerant of changes and extremely
flexible. Practice flexibility with your friends and enemies.

The battle between light and dark February 19, 2004

I am embarrassed to say that that I did not want to accept everything that that
you had to say. Now I am back, more open minded because of how right you
have been.
Life on the Planet has been bitter, such a contrast to the reality of the human
soul and its need for love. The evil that has played out has not been brought in
by human beings nor the souls that chose to come in as human beings, but by
outside influences and factors. The major battle is not being played out here,
even though what is going on here is a lot more than just a skirmish.
The battle is between knowledge and awareness, and darkness and a lack of
information. It is the information that liberates because the choices are always
the same, always the same. The human spirit has not been diminished by its
battle with evil. The human soul has been wounded
The Struggle Against Evil is in Human Memory April 24, 2006
Listen carefully, there is a level of beingness that brings safety to allit is in
the arms of the Lord, the Lord that you were taught but never believed in
Sounds corny to me
We know you doubt that the struggle against evil can be won in your lifetime. It
is a strong memory, but the struggle can end now if you turn over your fate to
fate, and remember that you cannot make a difference unless you are aligned
with your Lord. Your Lord can be internal, your inner spirit or it can be Your
Lord that you learned about in church. Regardless of your version of the Lord,
let him carry you to safety.
Too simple an answer
As usual you doubt. Why so much doubt, no one is holding you responsible for
these messages?
True but it sounds too simple.
It is not simple to let go of memory of struggle
That is true

People split when they deny March 29, 2006

So we are going to go into the why of darkness on Planet Earth. Why the evil,
why the joy at the pain of human beings.
What you were looking at is the other side of the moon, Lilith. She is the dark
side and she comes out at night and she hides inside of people but she is not
of people.
Ok, how does she get inside of people?
She gets inside because people doubt their goodness. People agree to be bad
to help out in the path of karma, but they forget, then they are ashamed, then
they deny, then they split and then Lilith comes into the split, like water seeping
into a hole in the ground.
Lilith is responsible for darkness; she is responsible for joy at the misery of
others. She wanted to be part of Mother but it was not allowed, she was
underdeveloped and she did not understand the ways of God. She was young,
she was premature in her power.

Why Dolphin consciousness came to Planet Earth

December 16, 2006

Note: Our physical body is an envelope for consciousness. Our
consciousness can slip into another envelope, such as the body of a dolphin.
Dolphin consciousness can be in our body. The bodies can be
interchangeable. Many on the planet are Dolphin consciousness and
Dolphin consciousness saw that there was a need on Planet Earth and there
was an automatic acceptance of going there.
There is goodness to be done down there on Planet Earth.
The group thought was, we are going to be lost in the masses and it was a
group decision that most would go towards the ocean and some would go
forwards towards the land to create an anchoring in the land.
The Dolphins have come to the Planet, not just to teach us, but to anchor down
a particular frequency, vibration, and energy and it was necessary for some of
them to be on the land. Those that chose to be on the land had many additional
stresses such as dehydration of the soul and the body for love and for water.
There was an understanding that this time on Earth creates and reinforces
Choosing to be people March 18, 2006
How did you decide to come in as a person, a human rather than an animal?
Those of you who are Dolphin consciousness, which includes most of the
people around you, chose to incarnate in human bodies. You decided to be
human rather than animal because you recognized that humans at this
time do not see the God in animals. Yes, there are indigenous who still know
that animals are Gods, but they are the minority. The vast majority of the
humans on the planet see animals as a source of food or as pets, or as a
Many of you chose to be uncomfortable in human trappings. Here you are,
incarnated Dolphins, Gods, but in human clothing, restricted by human thoughts
but with Dolphin emotions. Yes, you have the emotional body of Dolphins and
the mental body of humans! That creates a messy situation, as there is an

innate incompatibility of emotions and thoughts.

Tell us what characteristics Dolphin/humans have.
Most if not all Indigo children/adults are Dolphin consciousness. So all the
characteristics you see in them applies to Dolphin people. A short list would
Highly developed psychic abilities used to help people, not science
An open heart, often so painful that coping mechanisms such as alcohol are
The dream state includes a lot of water especially as we get closer to the
Strong mother connections with people, not just mother
Typical messy sexual/sensual needs, not usually met adequately
Father figures almost extinct
Money issues, as money is used to enjoy, not save or handle efficiently
Dolphin people are uncomfortable and end up in therapy a lot because they do
not like to give other people grief. They know something is the matter with
them and they assume that they are the problem, without being aware that
they are the solution.
The Bees in California March 17, 2008
The bees are trying their best to prevent the big emotional down that California
is going through that will be the basis for the collapse of the etheric matrix for
60-75 % of the state. The bees know that once there is a 50% break in the
etheric of a space or place, the chances of that space remaining free from
invasion or collapse are very low.
California is too broken to be repaired through conventional means such as a
change in attitude or mind set. The energies in California are the energies of
collapse and a reintegration into reality in a different form. In this case, the
case of California, there may be a different California, with much of it under the
waters. What could be left will be a California of much despair and fear which
will set in place a further breaking of the etheric.
First the Bees and Now the Bats are Dying

This is not the first time or the last that a soul has sacrificed itself for humans.
In this case, there is a shortage of the energy of courage and strength in the
midst of an initiation. Humans are in the process of being initiated into another
state of mind, a new state of mind where the mind dominates, instantly, the
conditions of the soul. This is contrary to the existing state of the mind, where
the mind is subjected to and harassed by personality and other outside
The process of movement from one state to another is called initiation. It is
known in literature that the process is a spiritual process usually done under
the supervision of a Teacher or Master. At this time in written human history,
religions and churches have lost respect and leadership qualities and are not
able to lead the people into this new state.
The Bats have taken on the role of leading humans into the other dimensions
where the Mayans experienced their first movement into full evolution of the
soul, at the expense of the physical body. For the Mayans it was an easy
transition as history knows: no conflict, no chaos, just a disappearance of a
Today that is not possible as the spiritual leaders are gone and the new
generation of leaders, the children, the Indigo the crazies, are not respected
nor listened to. Therefore the transition will not be gentle but will be chaotic.
We recommend that you find yourself a Master, a Teacher, a person or an
animal that can help guide you in the final moments of written human history.
The quality of our initiation into the Golden Age depends on it.
Note: According to the Mayans, bats are symbols of initiation and rebirth.

The Power of Intention

The condition of the world is pathetic in that it is not what human beings are
looking for; it is not what their heart yearns for. People feel a need to react to
what happens on the physical plane. Teaching them to remove themselves from
the grip of personality is the best format for getting them to see who they
really are and what they really want.
The more people that learn that they are not their personality, the quicker we
will be able to create more of a balance to the confusion thats going on.
Technology misused can block human evolution Are you aware that if
enough technology is unleashed at points that are critical geographically on the
planet and at critical points (having to do with the astrology of the planet), that
the planet will not simply turn on its axis but actually spin out of control and
completely leave the orbit of the sun? At that point this planet will no longer be
guided by any of the rules that this Planet has ever known. We will fall into
deep space
Technology, more than the simple killing of each other and the wars and hatred,
is the very big issue here. Technology has the ability to totally override human
intention and human decisions, the ability to take this Planet and the souls that
have attached to it, out of or out from under an umbrella that allows for the

potential for change.

This is overwhelming. What to tell the simple folk?
The simple folk need to know that all the maps that are out there need to be
used and studied in order to get a grip on their individual life. Each person that
makes the shift that is there for them to make, shifts 13,000 people. That is
the ratio for one person fully intended.
The Power of intention
That is the power of intention, the desire to be consciously aware and to make
choices from a place of conscious awareness. That is the power of one human
being to change masses and that is the power of a group of human beings to
change the direction of the Planet.
Magic, the Best Tool in the Midst of Chaos July 21, 2008
The full moon on July 17th has passed but its influences will be life long. What
did you anchor in your reality last week? What did you clean up, take care of,
resolve? Pay attention to the new, the unfolding from last week as it is
foretelling of your future. From this point on, your physical body will become
your ally. Its consciousness and intention to help you in your evolutionary
process has kicked up a notch. That means that every ache and pain, every
new wrinkle and body issue, including new odors, will be a sign that there is
something you need to address.
We have suggested in the past that you develop a relationship with your pets
to help turn them into spiritual guides particularly in times of danger and crisis.
We now suggest that you establish a new relationship to your physical body
and ask it to send you clear messages to help you achieve your goals and
intentions. If this information is beyond your capability to grasp, if you cannot
widen the lens of your beliefs, perhaps you need to be reminded that magic
is the new order of the day.
If you think that previous methods, family and organizations can help you stay
prosperous, healthy and safe, then you will be missing an understanding of the
new era we are in. The human mind has always created reality. Now the time
lapse between thought and creating that reality is very short and the time it
takes to get complete information is too lengthy. Today we need to open up to

new avenues of information, instant information. Communicating with animals,

communicating with our bodies, communicating with nature, the four elements
will help to create the magic we have always yearned for: instant gratification.
We have entered a new era with the full moon of July 18, 2008. Get in touch
with magic, the best tool for getting a grip on your life in the midst of chaos.
Intention, Desires, Human Memory March 3, 2009
It is the gap between full intentions and desires and wishes that created such
havoc for human beings. Many understand, at an intuitive level, what 2012 is
about but they do not know how to apply it to their individual lives. It is true that
2012 is about a vibration shift but it is also about leaving behind patterns and
responsibilities on the physical dimension. The Planet you live on is a Planet full
of desires and wishes and not so full of clear intentions.
It is the gap between full intentions and desires and wishes that created such
havoc for human beings. Full intentions are about living what you intend, without
being sidetracked with traumas, memories and emotional reactions. Desires
and wishes are minor and temporary needs of a human being to be
comfortable in a space of time, but do not fulfill the baseline needs of the
Humans fully intend on the intentional/causal dimension but live too often on the
emotional, mental and physical dimensions. Too much of their consciousness is
on the emotional and mental planes where desires and wishes are. Humans do
not have enough consciousness on the causal/intentional dimension.
The intentional dimension is a state of mind.
Few humans actually live their knowledge of past lives and future lives and that
is the real issue. If those of you that believe in past lives actually incorporated
that knowledge into your daily life, then you would be living in or connected to
the causal dimension where true intentions are.
For example, if you remembered that your boss was your brother in a previous
lifetime, you would be more flexible when your boss is difficult. If you
remembered your ex husband or wife was your mother in a previous lifetime,
then you would be more loving and caring, even in tough times such as divorce.

If you remembered that your child was your mate in a previous lifetime, you
would respect their opinions and guidance more. If you incorporate past life
connections into this lifetime daily relations, the results would be astounding.
Human memory is a curse to human development. If a human being could
remember what the results were when they drink, or beat their children, they
would not do it. If humans could remember what their intentions are, they
would not choose to block them. It is the issues of memory that hurts humans
in their quest for happiness and evolution.
The memory issue is improving in that people are noticing that they cannot
remember from one minute to the next. And they are also noticing that they did
not remember that their father beat them when they were young, or that they
themselves misbehaved in the past. These memory lapses create a type of
dissonance within the mind of the person. Because the personal history of a
human being is such a strong component of their personality (versus their soul
or spirit) when the person does not remember, it creates a distortion of the
Humans are now remembering these lapses and integrating them into their
minds. They are changing how they feel about themselves and others due to
this new, expanded information. This new reaction of wonder as to how could
I not have seen that, or been aware of that, is a gift that human beings are
receiving at this point in written human history.
Those who react to this information and integrate it, are readily accepting an
expanded vision of themselves. It will be easy for them to more fully
incorporate their past life relationships into their daily routine. Those who chose
to remain asleep, due to drugs, drink, or control, will suffer much in this
When memory is allowed to flow as it should, then the energy bodies flow and
consciousness is allowed to dwell longer in the intentional/causal dimensions
where your true intentions lie. When you are there often enough, then your
wishes and desires appear more frivolous and temporary and take their proper
place in your life, which is as fleeting thoughts and grasping behavior.
Odic Force
Memory has a quality that is sticky if it is allowed to sit, as in being stuck in a

compartment. This stickiness is called odic force is an actual force that glues
things together. The problem with that is that flow is health and stuck is lack
of health, in all dimensions.
Odic force is a material that is used to trap humans.
In curses it appears as a web like structure.
In the human mind it appears as notches on a branch, an indentation. In that
case something that should be smooth is not smooth and information flows in
an erratic way.
Odic force can be accumulated in the physical dimension where it is identified
as cellulite, fat and water retention.
Odic force on the etheric dimension looks like Alzheimers, fuzziness.
Odic force on the astral dimensions looks like emotional congestions.
Odic force on the mental dimension looks like emotional blocks.
Odic force does not accumulate on the causal/intentional dimension.
Why are we talking about this? Because odic force is movable and can be
transferred. It is now being moved to earth and transferred to humans via
messengers called black angels. These black angels appear as good people
who remind us that we need to remember to be good, versus being real.
They make us feel bad about being bad.
Being good is not good. Being real is what you should seek to be. Being real
means that your behavior is compatible with your insides, your wishes, desires.
Star Wars
Darth Vader needed to look good and when he could no longer cover his desire
to not lose his wife, he left the light and moved into the darkness. If he had
accepted his desires and stayed in the light, he would have been healed and
not been lost in the dark.
It is in the hiding of our desires and wishes that we never hooked up with our
true intentions. If we no longer hide our desires and wishes, the discrepancy
between them and what we truly intend becomes obvious and manifests
Astrology and Intention April 7, 2004

The theme of astrology is important. Why? Because many of you will find your
astrological charts are no longer as valid. Many of you have learned to create
reality, and no longer need to ride the waves of energies from the planets to
get what you want. You are learning to use the Law of Intention to your
advantage. You are getting away from the too human pattern of your past,
your personal and national past, creating your future.
Intention Mantra and the Law of Intention
Teach everyone the Intention Mantra and watch people lives change. Now is
the time to co create as Wayne Dyer says. Now more than ever, because the
filters between dimensions have lifted and reality can be created instantly. You
do not need to wait months, years or another lifetime to get what you want.
But remember, past traumas still can block, so clearing the aura should be
your full time job so you can use the Law of Intention to full advantage.
Number 11, Creating reality November 7, 2006
Saturday is 11-11-2006 and on October 11th of this year a plane flew into a
building in New York City. The authorities say it was the wind that caused the
accident. What can we expect on 11-11?
We feel that you are expecting only bad news. Remember that human minds
create reality with their thoughts. That is how the number 11 has gotten such
bad press. So watch your thoughts, as you will live them later in your life,
perhaps as early as next week.
Each quarter turn of the planet, monthly, augments the ability of the human
mind to create reality but manifesting rapidly. The time lapse between desire,
intention and negative or positive thoughts is now racing towards the goal post:
creating reality instantly!
The number 11 is a master number. It has the energy of seeking evolution. Till
recently, the seeking of human evolution was hard work, tedious, painful and
included personal sacrifice, such as Jesus Christ on the Cross.
Today, because reality can be created more quickly, we need to monitor and
adjust our thoughts so that we do not put ourselves in harms way. More time

needs to be spent on mantras, prayers, visualizations, art and dance. We must

tell you that spending hours a day watching television is the making of a future
that will be as dire as the television that is watched.
Do not spend time in thinking, as thinking today is generally a rehashing of
negative thoughts, negative events, and negative reactions. Spend time
Create your day when you wake up. Create the day that you want, when you
stop for a break. Create your day as you sit at a stop sign, or traffic light.
Create your life as you wait to fall asleep.
You forgot to tell me the importance of 11-11.
We did not forget. We first wanted to continue to impress you with the
importance of your mind and mind controlling: you controlling your mind.
Now we will tell you that on November 11, 2006, another movement of the
planet will allow for an even quicker realization of what you are creating with
your mind. So pay attention to your inner world as you will be creating an outer
reality based on what you live internally. Pay attention!
This is all very theoretical, very mental. Can you give some specifics? Help
me to anchor this information so people can connect the dots to their own life.
Connect the dots. How interesting that you would use that expression. Humans
have had to connect the dots throughout history as the unseen world has held
so much information about their lives, that they could not see the direct
relationship between thoughts and reality! In the near future you will not need
to connect the dots; it will be so obvious how thoughts come true. See what
we mean?
I feel foolish, but yes I do see it more clearly.we wont need to connect the
dots to see how we got into a bad placewe will not be able to blame others
for our predicamentswe will see, if we are awake, how we mentally
positioned ourselves to receive what we are receiving, good and bad

Energize your Intentions

February 6, 2010
You know what you want or at least you are getting clearer on what you want.
Yet you still do not have it. Try this little exercise to anchor that which you
intend, including a healthier bank account.
Find a tree with substantial roots. A palm tree will not work, as its roots are
good but not that anchoring. An oak tree is best, ficus is good, and any tree
with big roots will work. Sit with your back against the tree or hug the tree.
Visualize Mother Earths Root Chakra
Visualize yourself becoming like the tree. Do not go into the tree. You are
seeking to become like the tree, not merge with the tree. Visualize yourself
growing roots like the tree you are touching. Visualize the roots reaching the
root chakra of the center of the earth. Its color is red. Wrap your roots around
the root chakra of Mother Earth and feel the surge of power that flows through
Visualize Father Suns Power
Now visualize the top of your head opening and reach for the sun. Allow

Father Sun to enter into the channel that opened on the top of your head. Feel
the flow of the power of the sun coming into your body.
Visualize both streams of energy meeting in the center of your chest, your
heart chakra. Swirl the two energies so that they become one. Open your
heart chakra in the front and visualize the combined energy flowing into and
energizing your intention. Feel the power.
How Often?
How badly do you want what you intend? A lot? Then do this exercise a lot.
Strengthening Your Intentional Body
This visualization works because it strengthens your intentional energy body,
which is a central channel that is supposed to reach off Planet and anchor into
the center of the earth. When it does, our intentions become energized and
grounded onto the physical dimension. Our intentions become intentions versus
desires, which simply float on the mental dimension.
When we actively seek to receive the power of Mother Earth and Father Sun,
we become more powerful in our life on the physical dimension. It is good to
be powerful spiritually but at this time in written human history we need to be
powerful on the physical dimension to more gracefully into 2012 and the
Golden Age.
Mantras: Sacred Words March 21, 2006
Mantras are sacred words from God. Any set of words that are healing are
mantras if done with the intention to heal. It can be a set of words in a song, or
in the dictionary, as long as they intend on healing. Many songs today are
mantras, baby lullabies are mantras.
Mantra your way to healing is a good concept for two reasons. Number one,
healing words heal. So a healing process is instituted in the choosing of the
words and the repetition of the words. Reason number two is that the mantra
occupies the mind, keeping it out of mischief. To occupy the human mind with
sacred words is to make the mind sacred. To make the mind sacred is to
create a sacred world. That is the basis for the concept of the 100 names of
God. The repetition of those words makes the mind sacred. Under those
conditions, a sacred space is created.

Creating Reality Technique March 31, 2006

As human beings we have always had the ability to create reality. We have
been told this by our religions, but we have not believed it. Now is the time, not
to believe, but to be open to the possibility that God did not abandon us, that
he did leave us tools to find our way out of the darkness. He did not throw the
darkness onto us, we do not generate the darkness from within, but he did give
us the tools to will our way out of the darkness.
This is a simple exercise that you do not need to believe in, you just need to do
it. It takes 22 seconds and a mental adjustment will automatically happen. This
is the exercise:
1. Every day at 12 noon, 3 pm, 6 pm and 9 pm, for 22 seconds, visualize a
reality you want for yourself, or for another.
2. Repeat every day for 10 days.
3. After 10 days, grade yourself on your ability to create reality by determining,
to the best of your ability, percentage wise, how much closer you are to
achieving that reality
4. When you have achieved the reality, spend 3 days, the same times, 12
noon, 3 pm, 6 pm and 9 pm, giving thanks for what you have achieved.
It is possible that after 10 days you may not have achieved much. That means
that you have a strong karmic pattern (many lifetimes) of not having what you
desire at this time. That means you should continue the exercise until you have
achieved what you desire, for yourself, or others.
If you have multiple desires for yourself and others, you need to be creative in
your visualization. Do it, you will like it.
Remember, we are all Gods

And the ending of the
world as we know it
February 19, 2004
Are you aware that if enough goes on, that if enough technology is unleashed
at points that are critical geographically on the planet, at critical points having
to do with the astrology of the planet, that the planet will not simply turn on its
axis but actually spin out of control and completely leave the orbit of the sun?
At that point this planet will no longer be guided by any of the rules that this
planet has ever known and we will fall into deep space. That we will not talk
But the technology, more than the simple killing of each other and the wars and
hatred are the very big issue here. The ability to totally override human
intention and human decisions, the ability to take this planet and the souls that
have attached to it, out of or out from under an umbrella that allows for the
potential for change, is a very real issue.
A Planetary Cycle is coming to an end March 23, 2006

A planetary cycle is coming to an end. Planet Earth will either take off into the
Golden Age or spiral into another Atlantis. Which shall it be for you?
Why would I ask which shall it be for you? Because you have a choice, even
though you probably do not know it. As humans we have been so victimized by
lack of information and disinformation that we truly do not know who we are or
what we are. We have become so defended against truth that we cannot
distinguish between truth and lies. We have lied so much to ourselves we no
longer hear ourselves.
We are masters. We have always been masters. Our Indigo children today are
here to remind us of that. Yet we continue to doubt our mastery, we continue to
doubt that we create the reality we see around us. At times it is easier to
blame others or even ourselves, as if we could not, with a blink of our eyes,
recreate a better future and a better now.
Yes this sounds like words, words with no meaning but listen, as there is little
time left to know who you are. You are a God, though other Gods would tell
you different. You are a master, though your masters would hide that from you.
You are a king though other kings would deny it. But you do not believe in
yourselves, you continue to hear what others want you to hear, and that leads
you down the path of Atlantis, not the Golden Age.
Look inside of yourself. Who are you? Are you not a good, good soul that has
always yearned for peace for yourself and others? Have you not deep inside
wanted all to be well, including with your enemies? Yes, if you look closely
enough, your ill will is simply a reaction covering fear. Look into that part of
yourself that is beneath the emotions, that part of you that does create your
Your emotional body leads you astray. Your mental body twists things in your
head. It is your soul, your causal/intentional body that creates reality. Get past
the emotions, dont deny them. Get past the thoughts, dont control them, and
find your true self, the part of you that can find that path to the Golden Age. It
is time, the time is now.
Isnt it time you became familiar with your energy bodies: your astral body with
is your emotional body; your mental body which handles your thoughts while
wrestling with your memory; your causal/intentional body which is your soul,

where intention lies and reality is created. The time is now to know who you
are: a master in disguise.
Atlantis The Ending June 25, 2006
Hello my people, I am enjoying looking at your old words of wisdom. Is it all
still true today?
Yes but now there is no hesitation to believe. But you are like Atlantis was at
the end, knowing the end was coming but not really believing it was really,
really going to happen to you. We understand, you call it a defense
mechanism; we call it avoiding the issue.
What should we do to make it end differently than it ended in Atlantis?
For one thing, you should all live as if this were the last day of your life, as it
might well be. And you should educate those around you that this might be
their last day so they can chose to live it differently.
What are the bubbles I see in peoples aura?
May 13, 2007
Bubbling auras are very good, It means the person is becoming full of air and
is lighter, not so congested. Remember that in Atlantis they floated up as in to
a cloud?
Yes I do
Well, it is happening now
How do we hurry up the process?
Purifying, healing letting go of old stuff, letting go of outcome.
Shortening of days March 10, 2010
Hello my people talk to me about the shortening of days.
It has been said that time is moving faster and it is. No one knows why other
than the rotation of the Planet.
So why is time moving faster?
Time is connected to the etheric webbing, the matrix. And the matrix is
shrinking down to where it will disappear on December 21, 2012.

Why will it disappear?

The matrix is what holds the physical dimension and reality together. It creates
order by obliging energy to flow systematically from one dimension to another.
When it disappears, there will be total chaos.
While it is shrinking there will be increasing chaos. That is why it is so
important that individuals learn to create their individual reality. Up till now there
has been a collective reality as a backdrop to the individual reality.
Disappearing Collective Reality
That collective reality is in the process of disappearing. It will disappear
completely on December 21, 2012 but the individual realities will continue.
Some will stay in a world of total chaos and others will slip into the other
dimensions that are appropriate for their vibration.
Say hello to the readers. May they spread the word.
Time will collapse after this week March 28, 2010
This week is a stand still week. That means that time will stand still to give you
the time to catch up, tie up loose ends, face issues and arrange details of
projects. After this week, time will collapse, yes collapse, and there will be
We have been dealing with the issues that needed to be resolved so that you
would have clarity. That clarity is necessary so that you can face what is going
to be thrown at Planet Earth in the next several weeks. Do your best to take
advantage of this soft week to tie up loose ends, as after this, anything that
requires a safety blanket or protection will be difficult to attain.
The Collapse of Time March 28, 2010
Hello my people, talk to me about the collapse of time as indicated in my
horoscopes March 29, 2010.
When humans started their cycle on this Planet Earth, there was no time.
That many seem strange and yet what is really strange is the time as you
experience it. Time is actually a block to a lot of information.
I can see that. I have a friend whose niece calls her mom, instead of aunt

and when we checked, we found that the child was accurate, the aunt had
been her mother in another lifetime.and her brother told his grandmother
that she was his daughter.. all this in the last two weeks.
Those are simple examples of what the collapse of time will reveal. What
may be not so interesting and a lot more difficult is when something contingent
on time, such as mortgage payments, no longer has the framework of time.
And when a promise is made to do something that should take a lot of time
and yet it takes no time at all because of the persons intention.
So it is not all bad.
On the contrary, the collapse of time and the ensuing chaos is a fabulous
opportunity for you to get all in order in the space of a week! You will finish the
3 other books this week when at any other time in written human history, it
would have been impossible!
I would love that as I feel so guilty I did not clean up my act or take your heed
or do anything timely!
Not to worry as this week you can make up for it and will make up for it.
Anything else we need to know?
Yes, the reason time will collapse is that it is no longer necessary. The Law of
Intention and the Law of Attraction will determine reality totally. In other words,
Intention and the law of magnetic resonance, the Law of Attraction, have
created realities within certain boundaries of time and space and others that
we will not speak of.
Now the boundary of time will collapse, cease to exist, so that if you want to
start and finish a book in a day, you can if you truly intend that.
Intention will determine everything. Intention will determine your reality now, not
later. Intention will dominate everything.
Starting next week, one of the biggest blocks to you getting what you want
now, now, which is the dimension of time, will cease to block your demand for
now, now

Sounds like magic to me

Yes, this is the magic you spoke of when you told people that it would be easy
to be magical. So learn to use your magic!
Time speeding up March 31, 2010
Tell all to slow down their thoughts and time will slow down. Dont push, do
things but dont push.
Speak slowly and do things at a pace that is enjoyable, dont push.
Time is pushing; if you push also it will get out of control. Flow with what you
have, dont grab. Slow your mind. Think of a seed. That is your intention. It
needs to develop. But at this time, the development can be instant, but it still
needs to develop.
We know this is a hard concept to comprehend but do as we say and you will
see that it works. Living and working in a time and at a time that has no time is
not an easy concept but once you master the no time, you will love it. Trust
What will December 21, 2012 be like?
April 17, 2010
We wondered when you would ask.
December 21, 2012 has a destiny that is yet to be determined. It is a time on a
calendar yet it is more than that. It is staging of an ending of a cycle of misery
on Planet Earth. But it is a moving stage in that it can happen tomorrow or it
can happen on that date.
No, it cannot happen after
Why not?
Because the Planets set the stage and they do not change. But humans can
change the date that the setting plays out.
If everything were set in stone there would be no issue. Humans would simply
walk towards December 21, 2012 and go through the shift. But it is not so
simple. There are outside influences that can cause the shift to happen earlier
than hoped for. There are human issues that can trigger a mega tsunami that
would trigger all sorts of earth changes that can cause a premature ending.

It is hoped that neither of these will happen and that humans will be allowed
the time to work through their astral body issues. That is why purification is so
It is the literal weight of the astral body that will determine the ease or difficulty
of transition of the individual. Purification of the astral body should be a full time
job now on Planet Earth. And there is no simpler way than contact with nature
and detoxification via plants and quality water.
Quality water?
Yes quality water. Water that comes from a sacred source and is handled in a
sacred way. Or filtered water that is toned in a crystal bowl. Or filtered water
that has sat in the sun with gemstones or crystals. Or water that has been
blessed with flower essences.

We are Entering the Golden Age

The Age of Intention

No doubt about it, we are in interesting times. Are you ready for these
interesting times? Or are you so addicted to order and schedules and plans
that you are no longer flexible enough to take advantage of these interesting
Are you so used to being told what to do (even if it is the appointments in your
agenda that tell you what to do) that if all order and structure were taken
away, you would not have a clue as to how to take control of your life? Does
an outside order imposed by a business schedule or an organization dictate all
your activities? Does something outside of yourself decide how you are going
to live and what to do next?
What will happen to you if the order you are so used to is removed from one
minute to the next? What would you do? Would you be lost or would you see it
as an opportunity to access your creativity?
If you see it as an opportunity, then you will do well in the cycle we are entering
now, as in this year of 2008. The eclipses did their job, the hurricanes will do
their job, and the tornadoes did their job before the Democratic convention.
Now it is up to you to do your job, which is exercise your free will in deciding
what to do next.
We have entered a cycle, which is a preamble to the Golden Age. We are in a
state that is not fully developed but has enough of the energies of the Golden
Age for people to have access to the wonderful opportunities that Age offers
human beings.
Short list of the benefits of breaking with the old order and paradigm:
Instant gratification if you are aligned with your intention. No more waiting
forever for what you want.
Instant understanding of what you are doing wrong, as in doing something
that is against your true intentions.
Instant understanding that you are responsible for your life, as in no longer
blaming circumstances nor others.
Instant achievement of goals if they are aligned with your deepest intentions.
Nice? Absolutely! But are you ready to take advantage or are you addicted to
the old order and its laws? That is the question.
Frequency Shift March 16, 2009

Today is the last day of the old world. Tomorrow, 2 pm to be exact, is the
beginning of the new world. The problem with this shift of the ages is the lack
of information humans have about themselves. Humans have always had
ceremonies and rituals to take care of those parts of their life. But those
ceremonies have been in the hands of high priests and priestesses, not the
common folk.
Today the old order ends and tomorrow the new order begins. There are
several hours of the early morning of tomorrow in which it will be like the
moment between dawn and dusk and the moment between the shifts of
movements between nostrils.
Those times are magical times and you should take advantage of it. Magic is
when you can overcome the laws of the physical dimension, as in achieving
something that is almost impossible.
Set up your schedule tomorrow with that in mind. Schedule all that needs to be
supported in your new life. Be thoughtful about what you want. Do you know
what you want? If you are not sure, then it is no wonder you dont have it.
There will be difficult days ahead yet a lot of light is being poured into the
planet. If you are in receive mode, as in looking for and accepting the light, it
will light your way in these difficult months ahead.
Tap your forehead a lot in the next few days. The third eye needs to be awake
to be able to see the wonderful opportunities.
Bless you
The Golden Age April 17, 2010
So what will the Golden Age be like?
We were wondering when you would ask. It will be wonderful, all that a human
could ask for but more. It will have more joy in one second than a human has in
a lifetime. The union with God will put humans in a state of spiritual ecstasy.
You call it orgasm now.
You will not be humans; you will be sprits but liberated spirits. You will not
destroy each other; you will be a continuation of each other. You will exist but
not persist. In other words there will be no past, present or future.

You will want to be alive, but not alive with a physical body. You will be alive as
having energy, the energy of joy, bliss and orgasm running through you.
You will have compassion for those who have not achieved this state yet. And
in that compassion you may choose to go to other galaxies to help out. But it
will be your choice.
Augmentation of the Fire Element March 17, 2010
2012 will bring an augmentation of solar flares and heat on the Planet.
The extra fire will tend to burn what is not highly hydrated. Keeping your body
hydrated will become increasingly difficult.
Potassium works in your body to balance fluid. Eating bananas and apples will
augment the proper balance of potassium so that you will not need to ingest as
much fluids.
This extra fire will fuel extra violence. You can expect people to easily turn
against each other with the augmentation of solar flares.
An easy way, besides eating apples and bananas, to properly handle the extra
fire of the solar flares is to ingest a lot of aloe vera. Aloe vera cools down the
human body by cleaning out the liver, which is the organ that handles the fire in
the body.
It is hard to be get truly violent if your liver is functioning properly. It is easy to
get violent if your liver is dehydrated and overworked.
2012 is rapidly approaching and so is the time of extreme violence that has
been predicted. Helping your liver is a soft and wonderful way to help Planet
Earth to stay soft and gentle.

For years I have sent out weekly e-newsletters with horoscopes given to my
by the Dolphins. In 2009, it became obvious that something significant was
going on in the world. Yet regardless of how many prophets and masters
have spoken of these chaotic times, for many people it was easy to become
victimized by the process of the ending of this cycle.
I asked the Dolphin to give us something extra, a type of guidance for our
everyday life. The Dolphins did, in the form of a weekly guide to the energies
of the other dimensions. They tell us what might happen next, and what we
can do to align our intention to survive and even thrive in spite of the collapse
of the old paradigm we are so familiar with.
The following articles are from that weekly guide. You are welcome to
continue to benefit from their wisdom by going to
September 21 - 27, 2009
We made it through last week and no one got killed ....but it gets worse from
here on out unless you are in the fast lane of "change." The New Age we have
entered has no mercy for slow pokes. It will be rush, rush from here on out.

How clear-headed are you? Are you sleeping too much? Do you try to
disconnect mentally from your life? If the answer is yes, then start making
changes quickly because if you need a change, you will get it. You can control
the change or the change can control you. Which will it be?
Human misery has destroyed the natural protection of the Planet by eating
away at the outer edges of its aura. Now, in addition to personal misery, will be
added planetary misery. If you are miserable enough, the addition of the
planetary misery will make it "too much." Start to make changes now, as in
pick up that phone and do something about what is making you miserable.
October 19 - 25, 2009 Victim of Circumstances
Keep plugging away at your goals. Do not drop the ball. Line everything up as
if there were no time left. As we speak, the world is moving under our feet and
we must be firmly planted to not fall down.
This new world can be a continuation of a spiraling down into hell, or it can be
a slow climb to heaven. Which shall it be for you?
The Mayans, the Bible, and the Dolphins talked about humanity dividing into
two groups. One would flourish and enter the Golden Age beautifully and the
other would descend into hell.
Which shall it be for you? If you ask how to do that, then you are a victim of
circumstances and not master of your destiny. It is late and the time is now.
November 2 - 8, 2009
Fasten your seat belts. Tie down anything you don't want to lose. Watch your
back. The energies of this week are survival, even at the cost of a friendship or
a potential jail sentence. The planet is being flooded with fear and that fear will
push the feelings of desperation. Those whose ethics are iffy, those who tend
towards dishonesty, those who will do anything to survive, will this week.
Ask yourself this question: What is the worst thing you would do to survive?
And that is where your weakness is. So watch that area in your life to catch
yourself before you do something that you will regret later.

This is a time when profound spirituality is necessary. Profound spirituality is

not frequent visits to your guru nor to your church. It is a deep faith that there
is a bigger plan in place and that maybe you don't know your part in it. We
suggest this mantra this week:
Please God help me with my intention to survive gracefully.
December 28 - January 3, 2009 2012 is weaving a blanket of either
security and community or a free fall and aloneness.
Which shall it be for you? Is your behavior community or lone wolf? Do you
know how to dance well with others or need to play marbles alone? Do you
wish you had someone to share a meal with or do you prefer to just get the
eating over with? The small details, these tendencies, will determine whether
you will be enfolded into the community of souls who can rejoice in this New
Age or whether you will remain isolated from the crowd.
Money is no longer important other than to pay for necessities and basics.
Community is everything and individualistic behavior will be a handicap. We
suggest this mantra to align with the energies of the Age of Aquarius and the
2012 cycle:
Please God help me with my intention to join my soulmates.
The Law of Attraction
This is a week of give back. If you did your work, the world will give back. If
you helped a friend, that friend will give back. If you overlooked someone's
transgressions, they will overlook yours. This means that if you gave out hate,
resentment or withheld from others, they will do the same for you. The Law of
Attraction does not forgive, it remembers everything you have done and now
you will be repaid, but with the same energy.
It is not too late to mend your ways but it will be increasingly harder to get on
the straight path to the Golden Age, if you are not already on it. Work hard
and it can happen for you also.
What does the Golden Age mean? It is a cycle of time, thousands of years if
we could measure it, of instant gratification, of instant manifestation. If you

desire riches, you will have them, if you desire beauty, you will have it. But if
you desire revenge, you will have that also, but coming from you and coming at
Take care what you think in these times as it will manifest more quickly than
you are used to. It is a new cycle and a new era, but the laws are not new,
they are just as the old laws but quicker to reward and quicker to punish.
An Opening of the 2012 Portal
It is all about Haiti yet it is really about you and your fear that your world will
always be out of control. Find that fear in you and face it. Deal with it, mantra
that fear out of your mind with these words:
Even though I am afraid the world is falling apart. I love and accept myself.
Is the world falling apart? Yes it is, just as predicted. Yet what is falling apart is
on the physical dimension, just where it was predicted it would be falling apart,
centuries of predictions.
What is happening in the other dimensions? There is a profoundly important
portal being opened in the other dimensions. It is the same portal that opened
when humans entered Planet Earth to inhabit it.
The opening of this portal will be completed on December 21, 2012. At that
point, those who choose and carry the vibration of what is on the other side of
the portal will pass over. The passing over is what is called a rebirth, a walking
fully into the Golden Age. The Mayans did this centuries ago and we still talk
about it.
What about those who are left behind? Some will not cross over because they
will choose to stay behind to help guide others into the light. But most will stay
behind because of their addiction to material objects and processes such as
owning a home or holding down a job.
Are you ready for the change? What might be keeping you stuck in the physical
dimension? Only you can determine that.
February 15 - 21, 2010

This is a week of awesome happenings. They can be very good or very bad,
depending on how you look at it. If something awful happens, know it needed
to happen to wake you up. If something wonderful happens know that you are
ready to receive the fruits of your labor.
What you cannot do is let down your guard on the mental/intentional part of
your life. This is not a time to doubt you can get what you want; it is a time to
reinforce the exercises and practices that strengthen your creative abilities.
Are you bored?
Does your daily routine bore you and make you think you will never get out of
this rut? Then you need to change that routine so that you dont doubt your
ability to create. Does the way you earn your income frustrate you? Then you
can do the following mantra while you wait to align with your prosperous
Please God help me with my intention to align with my prosperous mission.
Dont allow daily routines, frustrating situations or just plain exhaustion to block
your awareness that minute by minute your mind creates what you are living.
We no longer have to wait a decade or a lifetime to get what we want. We can
have it now. The work is in the mind, not on the physical dimension, working
extra hours to fill a bank account or exercising to get in shape to find that
perfect relationship.
Train your mind
Your mind needs training, it needs protection from negative forces, and it
needs for you to pay attention to it. Do it now, or tomorrow is going to be the
way you allowed, not what you intended.
The Planet has entered a most difficult phase. Yet if people live and speak
their truth, they can be supported by the energies in other dimensions. If
people live a lie, whether it is at work or in their private lives, then they will
suffer greatly.
Truth has always liberated people. Remember the saying, and the truth shall
set you free? At this time the truth will not only set you free, it will allow you to
live in the midst of chaos and still flourish.
We said it all last week. We said the Planets were entering a difficult stage

and we have. Are you rooted? Are you grounded?

Is the littlest thing knocking you down? Don't wait a minute longer to learn how
to root and how to be so solid that a hurricane cannot knock you down.
The purification process the Planet needs has started. Hold on to your hats
and your inner fears so as to survive what will happen next.
Don't hesitate to ask for help from loved ones as they will be there for you. We
will all know that we have entered extremely hard times and the goodness in
people will come through.
Those who are "sick" but have functioned as if they were well, those will reveal
their weaknesses now. It is a bit late to take care of old garbage but it is never
too late if there is a true intention to live the truth. Do not allow others to drag
you down but do extend a helping hand to those who appear to have learned
what they needed to learn and are ready to live fully in the now
This week, also full of grace, is also revealing. Many times during the week
you will realize something of great importance, so important that you will be
astounded that you never realized it before.
This is a good week to go back to old wounds to patch them up. It is a week in
which truth will be honored as it has not been honored before. If there is
something you have wanted to tell someone for a very long time, but did not
dare, this is the week to do it.
Is there truth in your relationships or do you hide your truth so as not to make
waves or to hurt others? You will no longer be supported in your half truths and
your hiding of what is really going on, so take the bull by the horns and deal
with it before the truth is exposed in ugly ways.
It is time to say goodbye to old habits of lying your way through relationships.
What is your way of lying? Saying it is ok when it is not? Saying you will do
something when you have no intention of doing it? Smiling when you really want
to wring someones neck?
You will be exposed so let it all hang out. It will be all-better, youll see.
This week will move more slowly. It is catch up time for those projects that got
extra energy and grace in the last two weeks.

Remember to give thanks and to have an attitude of gratitude for anything and
everything. In these especially heavy times, one simple way to open up the
channels of good energy is to go back and thank the people and the events for
conspiring to help you on your path.
The top of your head is where your crown chakra, your connection to spirit and
God, is. Please take your awareness there many times a day and this mantra
may help to open it up:
Please God help me with my intention to have faith in spite of what I see.
After doing this mantra several times, in silence and with rhythmic breath, you
can drop the last part" spite of what I see" and continue to do the mantra
for as long as you struggle to remain optimistic.
March 28 - April 4, 2010 Time will collapse after this week.
This week is a stand still week. That means that time will stand still to give you
the time to catch up, tie up loose ends, face issues and arrange details of
projects. After this week, time will collapse, yes collapse and there will be
We have been dealing with the issues that needed to be resolved so that you
would have clarity. That clarity is necessary so that you can face what is going
to be thrown at Planet Earth in the next several weeks.
Do your best to take advantage of this soft week to tie up loose ends, as after
this, anything that requires a safety blanket or protection will be difficult to
The forces of the Law of Attraction will align you with your same
This week will begin slow and then move into a fast waltz. The problem will be
if you are living with or working with people you do not dance well with.
Dance well with, means you and the other person or even institutions are not
of the same vibration or have different intentions.
In years past you could dance, play and work with people who were
different. You might have even enjoyed the differences. That is no longer the

case. Starting this week the different vibrational levels amongst

people/institutions will be so obvious it will be painful to watch, even more
painful to live, and more important, impossible to sustain.
If you needed a separation from your mate and did not do it, this week will be
living hell. If you should have left your job and did not, you may be let go, or fail
so miserably you will want to walk away.
The Law of Attraction is getting stronger and bolder What is going on?
The different vibrational frequencies are separating and repositioning into
proper alignment, through the natural process of magnetic resonance, the Law
of Attraction. Proper alignment means that you will, through free choice or
simply dragged there by violent occurrences, end up with people and places of
your vibration.
If you live in a city and you would really prefer to be in a more natural setting,
you may lose your home and have to move. If what you do for a living is not to
your liking, you may no longer have the option of doing it. You may get sick, or
you may lose your job. The force of the Law of Attraction is getting stronger
and demands that we live our truth, that we be emotionally honest and live
honestly. Please do that, as you no longer have the option of dishonesty. The
process will be graceful or it will be chaotic. Which shall it be for you?
Surviving 2012 and flowing into the Golden Age
Why do you doubt that we are in "end times?" You know the world that used to
exist for you is no longer there...You know that what you used to do to achieve
results is no longer working. So why do you resist accepting and integrating
what all great prophets have predicted: we are in end times," the world as we
know it" is ending, we are going to live through incredible chaos in the process
and then we stumble into the Golden Age.
Yes, the Golden Age.
All the prophets predicted the Golden Age following a time of chaos, including
Nostradamus who foresaw a 1,000 years of peace. Yet you hesitate to accept
and investigate this information while your world continues to deteriorate
around you. What will it take for you to accept and then spring into action to

facilitate this evolutionary movement, not only in your personal life but that of
the people around you?
A personal story about Atlantis
In December of 1999 I had a dear friend, Margaret Fry visit from England.
She did past life regressions and while she visited she took appointments
with some of my friends and clients. But we had a plan. We wanted to know
what happened in Atlantis right before it was ready to "go under," to collapse.
Remember Atlantis, the fabled city that Plato was writing a book about? Did it
really exist? Plato and many others we respect seem to think so...
Most of the clients who had regressions agreed to allow Margaret to spend
part of the session guiding them back to Atlantis. What a bummer! The
people in Atlantis, minutes before the flood and explosions walked around in
a robotic state, knowing that the ending was coming but behaving as if
nothing was wrong, just like today! Just like today.....How depressing, we are
thousands of years later and we continue to fall sleep at critical points in the
evolution of the Planet, like today.
Your addiction is numbing you to today's reality of massive change
What is your addiction today that allows you to ignore the warning that the
world is at critical mass and that "something" is going to happen? Is it an
addiction to work, to filling your bank account again or to simply not losing your
home? Is it an addiction to making sure you are so good at your job you will
not be let go of easily? Is it an electroaddiction, an addiction to the vibration
from the microwave of your Blackberry, your cell phone, your wireless laptop,
the WiFi in your local bookstore?
Which is it that allows you to be immune to the signs that you are living in
important times and really need to be awake? Identify that addiction and start
to wean yourself off of it so that you may begin the purification process to
prepare for the biggest planetary transition since Atlantis, It has been foretold
and it is happening. If you cannot see it, how can you prepare for it and flow
with it gracefully?
Regardless, it is happening. What will it be like for you?
What signal is the universe sending you about your end times?
This is a week of signals. The universe, or what you call your God will be

sending you signals as to what is right and what is wrong in your world. You
will be given signposts and messages as to what you need to address and
then you will fall over/into problems if you dont address them.
This is happening to prepare you for end times. In end times issues dont
fall out of the sky, they are internally generated. That means that your mind will
create the issues and you will be hurt by a creation of your mind.
Confused? That is understandable, yet you need to buy into the fact that you
do create your reality and you will create the reality of your end times.
Remember that souls incarnate together and shift together. You also create in
groups, so your reality will fit into the reality of those you vibrate with. The
issue will be if you have continued to tolerate vibrations and people that are not
compatible with your soul.
April 25 May 2, 2010 Off planet life has an influence on your life today,
This is a week of wonder. You will wonder what went wrong with your
relationships that you have no one to fall back on. You will wonder how things
got so out of control with your friends. You will wonder how you are going to
survive alone.
There is no doubt but that we are in an unusual time in human history. There
are waves of energies that are such a contrast to the Age of Aquarius that we
are in, that we must wonder: what happened?
It is simple if your lens are opened wide, wide enough to include planetary
issues and off planet issues. It should be obvious that there is life off Planet.
What perhaps you have not thought about is how that off Planet life has an
influence on your life today, now.
There are no police officers off Planet to stop bad deeds. As a matter of fact,
darkness and evil is allowed to run rampant over the Galaxy. Planet Earth is
supposed to be encapsulated in an aura (part of the Ozone layer) that protects
it. The problem is that the aura of the planet, the ozone layer and more, is very,
very broken. And in many places where it is not broken, it is very, very weak.
These breaks facilitate off planet invasions. It is as if your skin could no longer

protect you. Bacteria will invade and you will become sick, as Planet Earth is
becoming increasingly sick.
The volcano that is erupting in Iceland is trying to repair a large hole over the
North Pole. The state of affairs is such that the neighboring volcano may also
have to disrupt life as we know it, but not just in Europe.
What does this mean to you? It means that you must protect and repair your
personal aura, the aura of your home and your workspaces. It means that you
can be ok in the midst of chaos but only if you keep the boundaries that God
provided you with, intact.
May 3 - 9, 2010
a group who will slide into chaos and a group that will be delivered.
On March 10, 2010, the Dolphins informed us that the collective reality on
Planet Earth would cease to exist and that we will only live our individual
The matrix is what holds the physical dimension and reality together. It
creates order by obliging energy to flow systematically from one dimension to
another. When it disappears, there will be total chaos.
While it is shrinking there will be increasing chaos. That is why it is so
important that individuals learn to create their individual reality. Up till now
there has been a collective reality as a backdrop to the individual reality. That
collective reality is in the process of disappearing..
We do not need to speak of the oil spill that is changing the destiny of entire
continents. What we want to remind you of is that all have predicted that in the
end times. before we stumble into the Golden Age, mankind will divide into
two groups, a group who will slide into chaos and a group that will be
delivered. That is in the Bible, it is also in Mayan prophecies. The Dolphins
also speak of the separation of realities.
Which group will you fall into?
May 9, 2010
Subspace: Life under the earth

Hello my people, I have not wanted to ask about the oil spill as it is too
upsetting. My beaches, my city, my people, my families love of Dolphins and
to have their world so upset and polluted.
I see that there are many mining accidents in a row. Is it a coincidence that all
of this is about something underground going wrong?
You have noticed a pattern of disasters connected to man pushing into the
earth. Until now, the earth has not often pushed back. But that is what is
happening. The earth, our Mother, fears that man will do enough damage that
the energetic walls between the spaces man occupies and what is hidden
under the earth, will be shattered.
It has been known for centuries that there is life under the earth. We are not
talking about ants and moles and creatures such as these. We are talking
about entire civilizations. Some call where they live subspace.
Subspace is in-between dimensions. It is partly on the physical dimension but
underneath the earth and it is also partly etheric, without a physical component.
The people/species that live subspace know how to navigate both dimensions.
What they do not know how to deal with is human aggression.
In subspace, when there are potential conflicts, the decision is made to part
ways, as in separating. The separation can be permanent or it can be
temporary. Perhaps one of the parties decides to become fully of the earth
dimension or to actually move locations. Perhaps both parties and groups
decide to not see each other. That means that they will not allow the other
into the product of their creation.
What does the product of their creation mean? We create reality whether we
know it or not. So when they create their reality, they may agree to exclude
each other.
Wow! That is a great solution!
Yes it is and we could do it here on top of earth. The only issue is that humans
on top of earth do not really understand the power of their mind. So they do
not know that this is available to them.

The closest that humans come to eliminating something they dont want to
see or to deal with, is to choose to have Alzheimers.
Hummmmyes I know, Alzheimers is when we partition off a part of our
mind to live with something we refuse to change but cannot really tolerate.
Can you give us more about the people subspace or what we need to do to
stop bothering Mother Earth? I dont even know what questions to ask, so just
tell us what we need to know.
Listen up. All the dimensions are losing their ability to separate themselves
from other dimensions. Some of this is part of the process of the ending of this
cycle on the Planet. But most of it is breakage due to mistreatment of the walls
and veils between dimensions.
It will be frightening when the walls/veils totally break down because humans
have long blocked the knowledge of living next to civilizations and
peoples/species that are not like them. Imagine, white people tend not to trust
blacks, yellow people tend to be defensive of others without their color and
blacks tend to feel separate. Imagine when humans are confronted by species
that have no mouths because they only use telepathy. Or a species that crawls
on its belly but is wise beyond words?
This scenario will happen soon.
Ok, I feel like I am back to the 1996 Seaquarium days when I did not believe
a word you said because it was so foreign to what we were living. Is this the
same type of deal? I dont want to believe because I dont want to accept?
Accurate. But wait, as there is good news, or at least you will view it as good
news compared to the non-speaking species and the belly moving wise men.
The angels that humans so love, they too will be revealed. And they will bring
support and hope to those who recognize their intentions. But those who are
hard pressed to believe in good things will consider that they are like the
Trojan horse, looks good but not to be trusted.
I am signing off now, I had expected different messages.
We know, but we give you what you need, not what you want, as usual.

Creating time
Where did all the time go? Why dont you have enough time? How can you
expect to finish and accomplish what you intend if you dont have the time?
Try this little trick of creating reality. Make a list of what you want
done/accomplished. Then set a timetable but make it unrealistic, make it an
impossible task to accomplish all of that in such a short time.
Then sit quietly and do this intention mantra:
Please God help us to create a miracle.
You will know that the miracle you are seeking to create is to accomplish all of
that in a short time. Do this mantra several times a day for several days.
Then sit quietly again with paper and pencil, not on the computer, and list all
that you have accomplished.
See the miracle? It happened!
The oil drilling accident was not just an accident; it was a world
changing, destiny-determining event
Take off your hat and shoes and sit down and relax because the hustle bustle
that you are used to is going to stop. Soon you will not have to go to work
because there will be no work. Soon you will not have to iron your clothes
because it will not matter if you are well groomed because you will be too busy
trying to keep your life together.
What we are saying is that the time has come to pay the consequences of
thoughtless rape of the same resources that kept you so nice and neat and
comfortable. Can you live without electricity? Do you need to bath daily to feel
clean? Does your skin require air conditioning to be comfortable? Does the
great outdoors only look good to you on a TV screen or at the movies? Answer
these questions and you will have your answer as to how you are going to be
doing during the next several months.
The oil drilling accident was not just an accident; it was a world changing,
destiny-determining event. The Planet is pushing back with aggressive behavior
after too many decades of silently submitting to rape. Now the consequences
of our thoughtlessness are going to be revealed.

The only good news is that the silence that people feel when they think about
the oil spill is indicative of their awareness that the issue is monumental, so big
they cannot voice their thoughts on it. Unfortunately too many are taking the
opportunity to fall asleep so they do not have to feel pain.
This is a time to double and triple check that the people you are with stay
awake. You can do that by looking into their eyes and seeing their soul. If you
notice that they do not look the same inside, it may be because they are not
the same soul.
Do not flinch when we say that a different soul may be inside your
mates/friends physical body. Why do you think you liked the
movies Avatar and The Matrix so much? Somewhere inside of you, you know
this is not only possible, but also true: another soul or worse yet, a negative
spirit can take over your body if you fall asleep.
Merging of two worlds
This week will reveal more weaknesses in your plans. Pay close attention to
the holes in your life because within hours or days they will turn into a big
black hole that can take you down with it.
These weaknesses are blocks to your destiny, the destiny you choose before
incarnating. You have had all these years to address and purify the issues yet
for reasons only you know, you have not.
This week you should focus on purifying, healing, clearing, and resolving these
weaknesses as after Saturday at 4 pm, you will not have support from the
other dimensions in this mission. Make a list of what is not working and work
on it. Dont wait, dont go into excuses nor explanations, just do it.
Merging of two worlds
The spirit world is now part of your world but they can only influence you if you
have those weaknesses. Now that the division between the physical and the
dimensions of the spirit world is disintegrating, your relationship with them is a
critical aspect of the success or failure of your life.
The color green will help to heal you and to protect you from the misguided or

downright evil spirits that are now deeply penetrating our life on the physical
dimension. Use color to ensure you do have some type of protection against
their influence.
May 30-June 6, 2010 Total Chaos
This is the first week of total chaos. You did not pay attention, you did not
believe it would happen, you fell asleep or preferred not to notice that life
was taking a turn for the worse. You thought you would only live it by watching
it in the news but now you know different.
It is not a time to go out and buy a gun; it is a time to create the different
reality that all prophets spoke about, a reality that is separate from those who
have slid into total chaos. How do you do that?
The mind has always been an issue on Planet Earth. It is easily swayed, it
tends towards repetitive thoughts that are negative; it is easily invaded by
wandering spirits and it has such large holes in it that it is a wonder that any
intention is accomplished!
Yet there is hope for those who instinctively know that they do not have to
follow the path of chaos and violence. There are those who are prepared for
these end times. Are you ready?

Frances Fox is an author, radio personality, magazine contributor and lecturer.

She is psychic: clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, and claircognizant. This
means Frances can see, feel, hear and instantly know energies. She is also a
telepath, which means she can communicate mind to mind, and with animals.
Frances uses her abilities to expose unseen factors in life, factors often hidden
in other dimensions.
For more information on Frances Fox, and to sign up for the Dolphin
horoscopes and guide to shifting into the Golden Age, go to:

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