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Research and Evaluation as one of the Guidance Counseling Services

Lawrence Patrick C. Cariaso, MAGAC-I

Evaluation and Research
One of the key services in guidance and counseling aside from the following
services: Individual Inventory Service, Testing Service, Information Service,
Orientation Service, Counseling Service, Follow-up Service, Service to Faculty,
Service to Parents, Service to the Community, Homeroom Guidance, Referral,
Service to the Administration
Aim of the Evaluation and Research Service is to establish the effectiveness
of guidance counseling programs in addressing the demands, needs, abilities,
skills and interests of the students and establish what factor is present in the
program that has contributed to the overall educational program of the school.
The research and evaluation services of the guidance department conducts the
necessary evaluation and standardization tests on the other service programs of
the department to establish its viability in enacting improvements and
developments on the target population and also assists the other pertinent
involved organizations in disseminating its evaluation form which covers the
different school and students services as well as other important organizations
and departments inside the school.
The guidance counseling program, like all the other services and programs
present, needs to be updated in its implemented programs to keep its services
at par with the ever-evolving trends in guidance counseling as well as to cater to
the individual needs of the students. It is for this reason that proper evaluation
of the effectivity of guidance counseling programs should be carried out to
establish a standard to ascertain a particular program having the desired goal of
attaining the necessary development and enhancement in a students skills
upon the application of the said intervention technique. If the evaluation will
prove the ineffectivity of a certain guidance program and the necessary
changes should be implemented, then research will be vital to find other
effective programs that can replace the old programs deemed no longer
effective possibly due to changing trends and individual student uniqueness.
Evaluation seeks to provide objective data to determine if the program has
met with the established objectives. It provides an opportunity for program
planning and decision-making. Evaluation provides an enriched opportunity for
continued program improvement and enhancement. Evaluation helps to check
the following: program intervention effectiveness, adequate response to
constantly-modifying needs, establishing pros and cons of the program,
personnel development and reporting and follow-up

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