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The North Carolina Democratic Party (NCDP) chartered Auxiliaries, namely the African-American
Caucus(AAC), the Native Americans and some Hispanic-Americans has witnessed the destruction of the
Judicial Committee (COR) of the NCDP. AAC-NCDP has reached out to 53 of the 100 NC counties with
49% to 84% African American Democratic voters and asked them to join together and file this Petition to
Remove Chairwoman Patsy Keever (Aycock) and other participants. The Petitioners state theres a large
number of signatures gathered from the Democratic voters, and continuous filings of Petitioners and
witnesses in support of the removal for cause as they sign up.
This formal verified Petition seek to remove NCDP chairperson Patsy Keever, whos legally married name is
Mrs. Patsy Rouzer Keever (Aycock). Yet, for some reason, she has hid the Aycock portion of her
marriage. Some professional NC voters believe it has all to do with her husbands family name Aycock
and the history aligned with the NC Governor Aycock, a white supremacist, who led and participated in the
propaganda campaign that embolden the NC Democratic Party to discriminate and disenfranchise Blacks.

The Petition to Remove NCDP chairperson Patsy Keever Aycock reveal the following creditable facts,
wrongful acts, conduct and behavior:
1. NCDP Chairperson Patsy Keever-Aycock deceitfully and deliberately, without authority, interfered in
the administrative process of the state chartered AAC-Auxiliary Caucus mechanism to resolve their
internal grievance affairs.
2. NCDP Chairperson Patsy Keever-Aycocks deceit, manipulation with deliberate fraudulent intent to
interfered with implementing the State AAC-Auxiliary Voter Education program, to include
disenfranchising 53 NC Counties (with 49% to 84% Democratic African American voters) to operate
without equal protection and opportunity to exercise their right to elect, vote and control their local
county, precinct and Auxiliary administration.
3. NCDP Chairperson Patsy Keever-Aycock and her surrogates discouraged and misrepresented to
Guilford, Pitt, Union, Wake, Wayne, Wilson and other County Auxiliary Caucus members to
participate in the delegate process. Also, the NCDP Chairwoman deceitfully and divisively
manipulated, in an attempt to disenfranchise Scotland Neck Precinct, the 8th Congressional District
(Union County), Wake, Wayne and Mecklenburg County African American Auxiliary Caucus voters,
among others.
4. Chairperson Patsy Keever Aycock, acts, conduct and behavior were clear and ever-present violations
of the NCDP Plan of Organization (POO/By-Laws) to dilute, dissuade, and in some cases deny AAC1

Auxiliary members an opportunity to exercise their constitutional rights to participate, elect the
delegates and candidates of their choice and ultimately vote them into office in 53 NC Counties, as
well as deny their civil rights, social justice and redress.
5. The NCDP Chairperson Patsy Keever (Aycock) unauthorized intrusion into the AAC-NCDP
Auxiliary Caucus Administration and Operation to encourage and install a divisive divide and
conquer tactic causing discord and damages to the State African-American Auxiliary Caucus
communities. Such deceitful, intrusion and manipulation in the NC Counties denies African
Americans the opportunity to be a candidate or be elected as a delegate and in public office positions
6. As the NCDP leading officer, the chair committee member directly/indirectly, ignored Mr. Frick (a
white male) blatant violations of the NCDP Plan of Organization (POO), and gave support and cover
to aid Dylan Frick of the 8th Congressional District, although she was aware he was convicted of a
crime of moral turpitude, among other wrongful acts, conduct and violations affecting the Union
County African American and Roberson County Native American voters.
7. The Chairperson refused/failed to perform her duties, as stated herein and required pursuant to NCDP
Plan of Organization Constitution (POO) Section (s) 4.3, 4.5, 4.6, 4.8 (7), 9.01, 9.06 and 10.01,
10.02, consequently amounting to violations of the POO. Such conduct and wrongful behavior has
discriminated against and disenfranchised the majority of the 53 African American Democratic AAC
Auxiliary Caucus voters.
8. The Chairperson Keever Aycock failed/refused to notice and/or invite the AAC-NCDP Auxiliary
Caucus to encourage full participation and representation in all NCDP affairs. And she deliberately
and deceitfully provided directives to various County Committee Chairs to ignore and deny AACNCDP Auxiliary County to fully participate.
1. It appears from the verifiable facts evidence now known, the Verified Petition issues raises matters
pertaining to important liberty, civil rights and social justice (social inequality) that the chairperson
caused false and fraudulent statements to be written to deny the County and State AAC-NCDP
Auxiliary to fully participate in NCDP events and affairs.
2. The NCDP Chairperson knowingly and deliberately ignored the February 2016 Federal Court order
and decision, that the NC Congressional Districts were unconstitutional due to gerrymandering. The
Federal Court ordered that District maps be redrawn by February 19, 2016. The Chairwoman also
knew that the unconstitutional Districts suppress the vote, especially the African American voters;
that the Districts were drawn to rig the electoral process through gerrymandering. Chairperson
Keever Aycock acknowledged the unconstitutional Districts needed to be redrawn immediately
because they did not provide basic fairness to the NC Congressional District electoral process.
3. Having this knowledge, Chairperson Keever Aycock deliberately directed the 13 Congressional
District Chairpersons to conduct their May 21, 2016 Congressional District Conventions be held
using the unconstitutional Districts which continued the rigged process and unfair delegate elections.
4. Additionally, the NCDP Congressional District Conventions did not comply with or conduct the
Conventions in accordance with the POO (6.01 allocation of votes, election of Delegates and
Division of Votes Among Delegates Present) or Roberts Rules of Order as required. The 13
unconstitutional District Conventions did not have the required credential committee, credential
committee reports and did not have occasion for the approval of Credential Committee Reports to
Certify the actual County and District Delegates, to conduct a fair and proper election in accordance

with the POO. There was no determination of the legitimacy of the Delegates on the list submitted. In
essence there was no verification of the accuracy of the multiplier numbers used. In the absence of
valid adopted Credential Committee Reports there can be no validating of any balloting.

On or about February 19, 2016 the 13 Congressional Districts were redrawn and filed with the Court
as required, and the Court did not enter an order staying the Courts February 19, 2016, and the Court
did not issue an order or decision that the newly redrawn Districts were unconstitutional. Therefore,
the newly redrawn Congressional Districts were the legitimate District to hold and conduct the 13
Congressional District Conventions and not the old 13 unconstitutional Congressional Districts.

6. In conclusion the NCDP chairperson knowingly and deliberately ignored the 13 newly redrawn
Congressional Districts and held illegitimate delegate and Council of Review member elections in the
13 unconstitutional Congressional District Conventions. These Districts were a rigged electoral
process through gerrymandering, instead of using the newly drawn Court ordered Districts.
Therefore, each of the 13 unconstitutional Congressional District Conventions were not legitimate
including the Delegate and NCDP Council of Review Committee Members (COR) elections and they
are and should be VOID AB INITIO.
Such acts and conduct by Patsy Keever (Aycock), was clear and ever-present violations of the NCDP Plan of
Organization Constitution (POO) and her oath of office, therein being grounds to remove her from the
position as Chairperson of the NCDP.
For more factual and verifiable information contact John Brooks at 919-417-6046
And Janet Barnes 919-4125046
William Franklin 336-263-2062

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