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The Complete Guide

to Buying a Led Screen
Six Important Questions to Ask
Before You Buy a Led Screen

Fabio Aversa
Second Edition

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2011 by Fabio Aversa. All rights reserved.

No part of this guide may be used, reproduced or transmitted in any form or any manner, electronic
or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system,
without permission in writing from the Author, except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical
articles and reviews. For requests for permission or further information please contact the Author via
email ( or send a letter to Fabio Aversa Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino Italy.
Limit of Liability / Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts
in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or
completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of
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There are no warranties which extend beyond the descriptions contained in this paragraph. The
advice and strategies contained herein may not apply or be suitable for your situation. You should
consult with a professional where appropriate. The accuracy and completeness of the information
provided herein and the opinions stated herein are not guaranteed or warranted to produce any
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It is sold with the understanding that neither the publisher nor the author is engaged in rendering
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be liable for any loss or loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to
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Published in the Italy by the Author.
1. Marketing-Management-Handbooks, manuals, etc 2. Advertising media planning- Handbooks,
manuals, etc
All brand names, trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners.
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Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents

Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 3
How a led screen works ........................................................................................................................ 4
How to choose the right location........................................................................................................ 6
How to get the permit .......................................................................................................................... 9
How to define the led screens specifications..................................................................................12
How to choose the right supplier......................................................................................................15
How to make money with the led screen........................................................................................19

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Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

Dear Reader,
Are confused about buying a led screen?
If you are, then congratulations! This guide will answer all the most common doubts
of who like you is considering to buy a led screen.
The information in this guide is intended primarily for those who are seeking a led
screen for Advertising, but most of the advice can be applied to screens for Sports,
Events, or Mobile as well.
Each chapter responds to one of six important questions to ask before buying a led
screen. Depending on the current state of your project, some chapters may be less
interesting for you.
For example, if you have already got the permission for the installation
(compliments!), then you can safely skip the chapter on how to choose the
installation site.
So based on your particular situation you may want to read this guide from
beginning to end, or only read the chapters that interest you most.
In case you still have any urgent doubt or if you want to suggest another question
for the next edition of the guide, you can reach me via email at
Best Regards,

Fabio Aversa
Fabio Aversa
Led Screens Consultant

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Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

How a Led Screen Works

Any entrepreneur must answer several questions in order to select the best screen,
the best location and the best supplier. But the very first question you must answer
is How does it work?
If you understand how the led screen works, it will be much easier to understand all
the following questions answered in this guide. By understanding how it works, you
can also identify what are the weaker areas in your project, those that need more
Below you can find a scheme of the seven components you will find I any standard
led screen installation for advertising.

In some circumstances, this diagram might not be totally accurate. For example, if
you have a led screen for Sport or Events than you might not need the #2
(broadband internet) but youd rather need a fibre optic cable.
But in most cases, this illustration will provide a fairly accurate description of what
you need. Lets look at each component more into details.
1) Remote PC - The remote PC allows you to control the led screen from anywhere in
the world, as long as you have internet access. You can work both online (e.g. from
your office) or offline (e.g. while travelling).
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Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

2) Broadband Internet - A fast internet connection allows you to update your

advertising videos and synchronize the playlist in a matter of minutes.
3) Embedded PC - An Apple computer is installed inside the LED Screen. Apple was
chosen because of its reliability and performance. In order to control the embedded
Apple computer remotely, you need a fixed IP address (ask your internet provider).
4) Fullcolor Led Screen - Euro Displays LED Screens are like huge DVI monitors
connected to the Apple computer installed inside the modules.
5) Metal Frame - Advertising screens must be installed on a metal frame, whether
they are placed on a pole, on a roof or on a building facade.
6) Footstall / Plinth - It is the foundation of the screen. The plinth must be installed
at least 28 days previous to the installation to allow concrete to dry properly.
7) Power Supply - The screen must be connected to a electric supply, to be
requested approximately 6/8 weeks before the installation takes place.

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Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

How to Choose the Right Place

Now that you have a better understanding of how a led screen works, the next most
important question you must answer is How do I choose the best place to install the
led screen?
The answer to this question is easy: Location, Location, Location.
Thats the secret of a successful LED screen installation. As far as I am concerned, it is
10 times better to have an average screen in an outstanding position, than having
an outstanding screen in an average position.
Therefore, the first step to start making money with a led screen is to define the
exact position where it will be installed. Thats the most important step of the entire
process and it requires a great deal of attention.
The position indeed have a direct impact on the number of potential Customers (in
your case, advertisers) that your business can target: the better the position, the
higher the chances that someone will want to broadcast his advertisement on your
LED screen.
But how do you identify the best location for your first LED screen?
I know that this can be a very intimidating task because you dont really know what
you need to look for. Heres a 8 tips that will help you to get started:
Forget the biggest cities: If you thought of installing your first led screen
downtown London, Paris or Milan, than forget it. In these cities you will not only
find the hardest competition ever, but you will also face an incredible wall of
You must start outside the biggest cities and try to work you way inside only
when you shoulder (and budget) will allow you to fight the fierce competition
and bureaucracy.
Aim at micropolitan regions: The best target to install your first LED screen is an
area with a population ranging from 10.000 to 60.000 people. This size can
usually provide a decent traffic and especially a good number of local businesses
that you can target to become advertisers on the screen.
Typically, micropolitan areas have a fairly steady growth in terms of population
and economic activities. This is important because advertising LED screens are a
local business and therefore you must make sure that you can find customers to
sell your spaces that are located within 10/15 Km from the installation.

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Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

Take a map: In order to identify the locations with highest potential, you can take
a map of the town where you want to install the LED screen. It does not have to
be the town you live it. Don't get stuck do to this mental limit I've seen several
times. Get a map of the nearest cities too, so you have more options available.
Once you have the map, start to highlight the main streets leading in and out of
the city, the main intersections and the main squares. This is going to be your
field of research. Now take the car and drive by the roads you highlighted and
look for the locations of other billboards. A good place to install the screen, could
be after all other signs fades out.
Choose good neighbours: good traffic is usually a consequence of the presence of
other specific business activities located nearby the screens, such a the
followings: banks, post offices, hotels, casino, train and metro stations, parking
places, outdoor markets and shopping malls.
These businesses are very particular because they generate a constant flow of
people throughout the day, which makes it so much easier for you to justify your
price to your advertisers.
Search for traffic: to successfully sell advertising spaces, you must have as much
traffic as possible. As a minimum traffic, you should consider the 600 / 800 cars
per hour, or about 16.000 to 22.000 people per day.
To calculate the impression, simply multiply the number of cars for the average
occupants for each car (1,38) and then multiply for the 20 hours the screens run
600 x 1,38 = 828 and 828 x 20 = 16.560 people per day
Look for consistency: this traffic should not be concentrated during the rush
hours, but ideally it should be spread over the entire day. In fact, a digital
billboard installed in a low traffic area, or in an area with traffic only a few hours
during the entire day, is less attractive to your Customers, which means your ROI
will be much longer. The pedestrian traffic is perfect because it is slower and can
check out different advertisements when it passes by your screen.
Choose high visibility: The screen must be installed on a side or at the end of a
long street, so that it becomes visible from a long distance. If allowed by your
local restrictions, a traffic light near the LED screen forces people to stop and
watch the ads when the light is red. The pedestrian traffic is perfect because it is
slower and can check out different advertisements when it passes by your screen.
In case of high commuting traffic, you can build a 180 rotating structure, to
target the traffic both during mornings and evenings.

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Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

Find new roads: Ask the City Hall for a list of the future roads projects and their
advancement status. This is more a long term strategy, but this information gives
you a road map of the next advertising billboards sites that will become
available. So you can start to contact the landlords to reserve your right to install
the screen even before the roads are built.
Close, but not too much: It is important that you live or work nearby the screen,
so that you can easily reach it if necessary, but you dont need to absolutely have
it in your hometown.
This is a mental limit that I encountered several times in my Customers which
wanted to install the screen in their own town and spent months trying to
convince the City Hall who wouldnt give the authorization.
If thats your case, dont waste too much time: just move to the nearest city. Even
you dont live there, chances are that you are very familiar with that area as well.
The only real advantage I acknowledge you have if you install in your hometown,
is that you might have some contacts in the City Hall and that could be useful to
get the authorization.

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Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

How to Get the Permit

Are digital billboard dangerous for drivers? This is a debate that have been going on
for years and I believe it is intelligent question to ask, because if they are dangerous
than there should be regulations.
But now there two different studies, conducted by Tantala Associates and the
Virginia Tech Transport Institute. Both studies analyzed the possible link between
digital billboards and vehicle accidents. And the good news is that according to both
studies, LED screens are not dangerous.
Heres an abstract from the press release:
Washington D.C., July 11, 2007 --The combined results of two separate studies that
examine crash causation and statistical data and driver performance in relation to
digital billboards were released today. The research offers conclusive evidence that
traffic accidents are no more likely to happen in the presence of digital billboards than
in their absence.
Here is what Mr Albert M. Tantala, from Tantala Associates says:
The analysis and statistics in Cuyahoga County demonstrate that digital billboards
have no statistically significant relationship with the occurrence of accidents.
And here are the conclusions of the Virginia Tech Transport Institute:
The overall conclusion from this study is that the presence of billboards does not cause
a measurable change in driver behaviour, in terms of visual behaviour, speed
maintenance, or lane keeping.
So if you hear such objection, you can now reply with proven facts. See page Errore.
Il segnalibro non definito. to learn how to download the press-release and a copy
of both studies.
But even if such big objection has been answered, in order to install a LED screen on
the public ground, you still must obtain the permit from the Competent Authorities
(the City Hall, the Traffic Control or the Government) which may vary depending on
the place of installation.
As a result, there is not a uniformed way to deal with such authorization requests.
Most of the time, there is not even a standard form valid for the entire country.
Such lack of legislation in the regulation system is therefore filled by each
Authoritys judgement, according to their approach towards new businesses and

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Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

new technologies (obstructive or cooperative). So how to you find your way in this
bureaucracy? Here what Ive learned based on my Customers feedback:
Find the competent authority: the very first thing you should do is find out which
is the right Competent Authority to forward the request to, based on the place of
your installation.
Remember that you must ask the authorization even if your screen is installed on
a private property. Wherever the screen is installed, if it is facing a public area,
you need a permit.
Be patient. Very patient: very often getting the authorization can take up to one
year of more. One year of constant follow up, likely with several frustrating
episodes during which you will be tempted to give up. Im not telling you this to
discourage, but rather to make sure you understand it will take commitment.
Talk to the right person: before spending hours and hours talking to an
uninterested employee that will have NO impact in whether the request is
accepted or not, try to understand who really has decision power in this matter.
Very often the right person is the Chief of Local Police, and not the Major as you
may think.
Start slowly: One of the main reasons for rejection is fear of the unknown. And
unfortunately most of the people working there will not know what the LED
screen is, because its new and different from any type of static signage they are
used to.
This difference from the well-known static signs makes them feel uncomfortable
and that is often a reason for being obstructive, negating the permission: they
prefer to the bounce the authorization, in order to avoid problems for doing
something wrong.
Thats why if you ask for the authorization for a High Technology Digital LED
Screen your request will be almost surely dismissed. Rather start talking about an
informative digital billboard instead. This way is much more similar to a
common tri-vision billboard that at the public office are used to deal with.
Be professional: asking for the authorization is probably the most important
moment of your business. If you dont get it, you wont even start.
So be prepared in advance for this important meeting. Write a formal request on
your companys head paper, submit a picture of the place where you want to
install the screen and attach a planometric drawing of the area, better if made by
a professional.

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Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

In order to support you in this phase, Ive included in the appendix a sample of
how a professional request should look like.
Show whats in it for them: as any human being, the person you talk to will take
actions according to two fundamentals emotions: fear to loose and desire to
Show them how the City Hall, the Police or the Civil Protection could benefit from
some free ads spaces on your installation and you will be one step closer to get
the authorization.
In these spaces, the Institutions will be able to provide the community with an
important service by informing the public about their schedules, services, events,
traffic changes, works in progress, weather forecasts, maintenance to the water
system etc
On average, my Clients offer 10% of the advertising spaces in exchange for the
authorization, but sometimes they had to give up to 30%.
Show the advantages for the environment: with the most environmental
sensitive City Halls, you could gain an edge by highlighting the fact that a digital
billboard saves every year paper equivalent to cover 9 football fields.
Dont be discouraged, be committed: dont expect a positive answer the first
time you submit your request. And do not get stuck in the mental limitation that
you must install in your own town: if it doest work in your city, try with the city
nearby and than the next one. Remember also that anytime a new
Administration is elected, it is a new chance for you.
The longer the better: if you have good chances to get the authorization and
your are getting closer to the final result, make sure that the permit is granted to
you for at least 5 year or more. The longer you can sell your ads, the higher the

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Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

How to Define the Led Screens Specifications

Once you found where to place the screen, its fundamental to select the billboard
that better fits the installations visibility conditions.
It is hard to define standard dimensions for an advertising LED screen, but as
reference we can say that in Europe the most common dimensions are: 3x2, 4x3, 6x4
or 7x5 meters.
As you can see, usually the ratio is 4:3, but more and more often Im seeing 16:9
digital billboards being installed. As a general rule we can say that the biggest, the
As you probably already know, on the screens there are thousands of leds usually
assembled in groups of 4 leds (2 red, 1 green and 1 blue), called pixels. The more
pixels you have on the screen, the higher the resolution.
A high resolution LED screen allows you to visualize higher quality images and
videos, therefore it is more appealing to your Customers.
To identify the resolution a size that better fits your needs, I defined two easy
formulas that you can use to define the specifications of the led screen you need.
These two formulas will help you to define the Minimum and the Maximum viewing
distance of the led screen. Both these measures are very important, because they
define the field of vision of the screen.
How to Calculate the Minimum Viewing Distance
The minimum viewing distance is a function of the pixel density: the more pixels
you have on a given surface, the closer you can look at it and still get a good
image quality.
The formula to calculate the Minimum viewing distance is easy. Here it is:
(1) take the physical pixel pitch (2) divide by 2 and (3) convert into meters.
For example if the physical pixel pitch is 20 millimetres, the minimum distance is:
20 / 2 = 10 meters.
If the physical pixel pitch is 12 millimetres, the minimum viewing distance is:
12 / 2 = 6 meters
How to Calculate the Maximum Viewing Distance

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Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

The maximum viewing distance, is not a function of the pixel density but rather
of the screen surface. In fact, the bigger the screen is, the further you can be to
watch it.
The formula to calculate the Maximum viewing distance is the following: (1)
calculate the area of the screen and then (2) multiply times 20.
For example, for a 3 x 2 meters screen, the surface is 3 x 2 = 6 square meters.
Therefore the maximum distance is 6 x 20 = 120 meters.
For a 4 x 3 meters screen, the surface is 4 x 3 = 24 square meters.
Therefore the maximum distance is 24 x 20 = 480 meters.
Would you like to know what other people choose generally? In the table below you
can see what, based on my experience, what are the most common screens, those
with the best price/performance ratio:


Physical Pitch

MIN Distance

MAX Distance

2 x 1,5 meters

3 square meters

12 mm

6 meters

60 meters

3 x 2 meters

6 square meters

16 mm

8 meters

120 meters

4 x 3 meters

12 square meters

20 mm

10 meters

240 meters

6 x 4 meters

24 square meters

24 mm

12 meters

480 meters

7 x 5 meters

35 square meters

24 mm

12 meters

700 meters

Important: these formulas should be used just to identify a ball park figure.
They are not scientifically proven and you will not find them in any Encyclopaedia.
For example, if the formula gives you a minimum distance of 10 meters, this does
not mean that the screen will look terrible at 9 meters and perfect at 11...
The minimum and maximum distances should be used to identify the range within
which your audience will watch the screens and identify the pixel pitch accordingly.
My purpose is to provide you with an easy and immediate tool to identify the right
product most of the time.
To better explain the concept of pixel pitch and resolution, in the image below, you
can see the same image displayed with high resolution (right side) and low
resolution (left side).

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Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

The low resolution image is not necessarily worst it just has a longer viewing
distance. Try to look at the images in the next page from 3 meters away and you will
barely notice a difference.
This means that higher resolution is not necessarily better. It all depends from the
average viewing distance of your target audience.
Experiment: Look at the images below at increasing distance (e.g. 2 meters, 3
meters, 4 meters) until when you dont notice any difference anymore.
Higher Resolution
Smaller Pixel Pitch
Shorter Viewing Distance
Higher cost per square meter

Lower Resolution
Larger Pixel Pitch
Longer Viewing Distance
Lower Cost per square meter

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Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

How to Choose the Right Supplier

If you are serious about entering the business, you should ask several quotation and
compare the proposals of at least three different suppliers and choosing the best
supplier is critical to your organization. But how do you choose the best supplier?
First Create a Rating System
Despite this first impression you get from a website, evaluating your potential
suppliers performance requires you to create a rating system. This system consists
in the evaluation of pre-defined measures, performed using specific metrics.
These measures are important and specific aspects of the supplier performance that
you should take into consideration. These measures can differ from organization to
organization and they should be based on the particular needs of your company,
your project and goals.
But generally, performance measures fall into one of categories indicated below:
Price: this indicator relates to the direct financial impact on your company and
includes the LED screen price, payment terms, shipping charges, savings from
process improvements etc.
Quality: this indicator indicates the rate of conformance of a product or service to
your requirements and can include warranty terms, years in business,
manufacturing process, technology used to improve products and services, and
other metrics related to the durability, reliability, and consistency of the LED
screen features over time.
Service: this indicator takes into account the personal interaction between your
and the supplier and it includes responsiveness, resolution of problems,
technology used to provide after-sale service, languages spoken and so forth.
Delivery: this indicator measures the ability of your supplier to support your
scheduling requirements for the installation and includes on-time delivery of the
LED screen, on-time completion of installation and other services, stock
availability, or anything related to the cycle time between order and receipt.
Once you have identified the key elements important to your company, you must
acquire the information on which you will base your evaluation.
Generally you can acquire these information from the supplier itself, which is a good
starting point but that could also hide from you some important information that
might be negative for his evaluation.

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Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

Therefore I suggest you to find further information doing some research on your
own, for example trying to keep in touch with some of its current Customers to ask
for their feedback, or visit their closest installation to make your own idea on the
final result of their work.
Furthermore, to evaluate the credibility of your potential supplier (it is a good
indicator of whether it will keep his promises or not), you could check for example
how many years the supplier has been in business, who are its usual customers, if
there are many project references, etc
Once you gained these information, you can start to evaluate your potential supplier
by using the supplier scorecards, which is the most common tool used to rate
The votes you give to each measure are based on a scale (usually from one to ten)
where low scores indicate poor performance and high scores indicate good
performance. Then all the scores are added to obtain a final score for that supplier.
Heres an example:
Performance Measures

Score (1 to 10)

It has a competitive price

It delivers on-time

It responds promptly to emergency situations



In the scorecard you can also take into consideration the fact that not all
performance measures are of equal importance to you. For example, you could be
more interested in prompt response in emergencies situation while you can tolerate
a one-week delay without too many problems.
In order to do this, you can add a weight where the more important measures are
assigned a higher weight and the less important are assigned a lower weight.
Then each weight is multiplied by its related score to produce a weighted score for
that measure. The weighted scores for the individual performance measures are
then added to produce a total score. See an example in the next page:

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Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

Performance Measures




It has a competitive price


27 / 30

It delivers on-time


4 / 10

It responds promptly to emergency situations


12 / 20


43 / 60

Supplier scorecards like the one of the sample above are a very good and relatively
easy rating system. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine a standard scorecard
since each the performance measures and the weight you assign to them can vary
widely, depending of what are the goals of your company.
Second Meet the People
When you make such an investment with a supplier company, you are not only
buying their product: you are committing to them because you will be in strict
contact to them for the next few years, whether you want it or not. So youd better
pick a company with people that you trust and feel at ease with.
If possible, you should visit the factory of your potential supplier. This will allow you
to see the facilities and get a better idea of how they are organized. Furthermore, it
will allow you to meet their staff.
Ideally, you should ask to meet the technical support staff to get an idea of the
people you will be coping with in case you have any problem. Make sure they
understand your language or that there is someone in the company that can do the
translation in real time.
Third Visit the Facilities
Most companies present themselves as manufacturers, but only a handful are. LED
screens manufacturing requires knowledge that only a few companies have, so the
great majority of alternatives you find on the market are trading companies.
This is not necessarily a negative thing, as long as you are aware of it. But if you want
to make sure you are purchasing from an original manufacturer, you should visit
their facilities and check for some specific items.
In fact, in a real LED screens manufacturing plant, you will always find all the items
listed below. Since each of these items requires a considerable investment, you will
not find them in a trading company that doesnt need them.

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Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

Mechanical Office: Any manufacturer of any product will invariably have a

mechanical office, using professional 3D CAD design software for example
SolidWorks (license costs about 7.000 euros). LED screens manufacturers
are no exception.

Electronic Office: Any manufacturer of any electronic related product, will

invariably have an electronic office too, using professional design software
for example Protel (license costs about 7.000 euros).

Electronic Microscope: for quality control of industrial manufacturing for

example, a Vision Mantis Electronic (about 900 euros).

Climatic Chamber: Any manufacturer must test the printed circuit boards
(PCB) and components at precise values of temperature and humidity, to
make sure they will resist when installed outdoor. Therefore any
manufacturer will always have a climatic chamber about 15.000 euros.

Chroma Meter: A manufacturer must measure the perfect calibration of the

RGB triad on the screens before delivery, in order to ensure realistic colors.
Therefore any LED screen maker will always have a chroma meter for
example the CS-100A Konica-Minolta about 8.000 euros.

Oscilloscope: The oscilloscope is an electronic test instrument that allows

signal voltages to be viewed, usually as a two-dimensional graph of one or
more electrical potential differences about 9.000 euros.

Laboratory / Testing Area: with instruments, sample LED tiles and

prototypes being tested. The picture on the right is taken in the laboratory
of a LED screen manufacturer.

Manufacturing Plant: trading companies are usually pretty small, with just a
sales office. If any facility is present, than it looks like a deposit where the
screens are just in transit. The picture on the right instead is taken in a
manufacturing plant

18 / 24
Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

How to Make Money with the Led Screen

Too often I happen to see on LED screens some ads that were objectively terrible:
transition effects, cluttered text, horrible colour combination, unclear promotion,
lack of contacts like phone or website
Next time you create an ad for your screen, please remember to simplify and specify:
Ive seen too many ads that were complicated and generic. Ive never seen one that
was too simple or too specific.
Remember that youre a salesman, not an artist: if you want to be an artist, good
luck. But to have a career in advertising you must be able to sell something with the
ad you create.
And that's important, not just for the sake of creating good advertising, but
because is the only way to make sure your advertisers renew their contract next
Ok, so now we established that your job is to be the salesman of your Customer using your LED screen properly.
In order to do that, you must create ads that will help him to sell more of what he
offers: if you fail doing sot, on the long run your Customer will realize that he could
spend his advertising money on another medium or just use them to go out with
Creating advertising that sells is not an easy task: if it was easy, anyone would do it
that's why you are paid good money from your Customers.
There are many things you should do to create effective advertising, but the very
first thing you should do is identify your exact target, which is your Customers
Customer, the final consumer.
This isnt easy either because most of your advertisers dont know who their target
Customer is... so if even they dont know, then why should you care?
Because if you dont find it out, your advertising wont be effective, your Customers
wont renew their contracts and you'll have to spend resources finding new
advertisers rather than milking those you already have.
How to identify the target user will be the topic of a few posts to come, but here
are some hints you may want to consider:

19 / 24
Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

Advertising messages should be created for, and directed at, the heavy using
customers in your category.
Women make almost all the financial decisions and they buy almost
everythingcommercial as well as consumer goods.
People over 50 comprise 29% of the population and they control 77% of financial
assets (and they are the target for 10% of all advertising)
The profile of your target Customer must be way more accurate and that these are
general facts that not necessarily describe your final user, but it is a very good
starting point.
So we said that advertising messages should be created for, and directed at, the
heavy using customers in your category.
This simple concept holds a lot of important implications... First of all, why should
your LED Screen Advertising aim the Heavy Using Customers?
Easy: because the few heavy users represents the biggest part of your Customers
revenue (and profits).
In terms of value of goods sold per consumer, the Pareto Rule applies (also known as
the 80/20 rule): 80% of your business is generated by 20% of the consumers. This
means that light and average users represent a significant percentage of consumers,
up to 80%.
But when your Customers invest in advertising on your LED screen, it costs them the
same to reach the average as it does to reach the heavy user.
This means that most of the advertising effort (and cost) is wasted towards people
that wouldnt buy a significant amount anyways or wouldnt buy at all.
This also means that if an advertising message is created for the average user, it
doesn't have an impact to the heavy users which should be the only ones you want
to have an impact on.
Heavy users in fact understand your business probably better than you do (when I
say your business, I actually mean your Customers business), they know your
competition better than you do and they might know your product better than you
do because they buy and compare your products with the competitors everyday.
So targeting the average user is stupid because your are wasting most of your efforts
towards people that won't significantly affect your business.

20 / 24
Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

What you must do is understand who your heavy users are and what makes them
buy your product. And then give them even more persuasive reasons to do that over
again with an even stronger message.
Of course its hard and requires a lot of work... but do you have any alternative? No,
you dont because Heavy Users represent the biggest part of revenues and profits of
your advertisers. You cant ignore that.
So now that we agreed that Heavy Users are those that really count, how do you
practically define their profile in order to target them properly?
Well, each one has its own method: make a list of characteristics, have a
brainstorming session, go out for a walk. Whatever you decide to do, this is an
example of what you should came out with.
This is the Heavy User profile that I defined when I started to run a LED Screen in
Torino (Italy). It helped me and my team to narrow the research base and spend our
time and resources more effectively.
Of course this is "our" Ideal Client, but you can use it as a good guideline to describe
Location: Our Ideal Prospect is a medium-small business of 5 to 80 employees
located in the Western Turin metropolitan area, in particular in the towns of
Rosta, Rivoli and Avigliana.
Background: They have been in business for at least 3 years and they are a
growing reality in their own local industry. They already understand the
importance of advertising since they already pay for publicity on local
newspaper, radio or signs.
Best Practice: The best way to approach these potential Clients is to call in
advance to inform them that one of our agents will be passing by their area the
next day and they would like to talk to the sales manager.
On the scheduled day, arrive on time and behave as you had to make them the
most important proposal of their life: make it a big deal.
Please note that this is probably the single most overlooked aspect by any company
that struggle everyday for survival. Successful companies on the other side
understood that very well.
Here are a few examples of industries or companies that totally missed this concept,
targeting the wrong people or using the wrong message:

21 / 24
Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

Supermarkets Dear supermarket manager, you've got it all wrong. Why make
things easy for your unprofitable customers and annoy to death your profitable
Why have express lanes for people buying a bottle and a magazine? Why not
express lanes for the people who actually make you some money? The ones with 25
items or MORE!
Airlines Lets take an Italian example very dear to me: Alitalia, the Italian national
airline. Dear Alitalia manager, you got it wrong too. We all know that the heavy
traveller hate Alitalia to heart.
They take longer trips to avoid flying with you, due to strikes, lost luggage and
delays Still you spent millions of euros to advertise to him with a happy family
happily travelling together.
They know your industry better than you do and they absolutely know that that
image you advertised is totally fake. It wont help your bad reputation.
How about a 60-seconds security check? I bet this will make them run to your
Yogurt Dear yogurt manager, youre wrong too, sorry. Your Heavy Users are not
those who purchased a yogurt in the past four weeks (or that will purchase one in
the next four), because they want to be healthy. These are the average and low
Your Heavy User buys a yogurt everyday, because they probably use it a meal
replacement, to eat something decent sitting at their desks.
Stop highlighting how healthy your yogurt is or you will only attract light users.
Start advertising the meal replacement properties of your yogurt and youll probably
get the attention of the Heavy Users, those that make you a profit.
Now that we explained why you should target heavy users, who are they in practice?
In general, anyone that is selling a product or a service should advertise,
They Already Understand the Importance of Advertising:
For those who do not know it, teach them why it is important for example by
publishing on your website the top ten reasons why advertising on your LED
screen can increase their revenue. In case you dont have the time to write it
yourself, I prepared exclusively for the readers of this book a sample text that you
can copy-paste on your website. See page XX for instruction to download it.

22 / 24
Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

They Need Relevant and Timely Advertising

As we said, LED screen advertising has much more in common with TV and radio
than static billboards.
They usually are: department stores, real estate agencies, restaurants, retailers,
car dealerships, banks, radio stations.

23 / 24
Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

The Complete Guide to Buying a Led Screen

2004-2011 Fabio Aversa. All Rights Reserved.

About Euro Display Srl

Founded in 1978, Euro Display has been the first Italian company to design and
manufacture full colour LED screens.
The experience gained In over three decades and with thousands of installations
around the world and performed in all weather conditions, makes Euro Displays
technical department among the most competent not only Italy and Europe, but
Thanks to electronic and mechanical design of products developed internally, by
accredited professionals, the company is able to assist customers in selecting the
most suitable technical solution to the specific needs of each project, proposing
solutions preferred in the past by other customers.
The reliability of the solutions over time has become the hallmark of Euro Display, as
can be verified by the many case studies available on the company website.
The company counts among its Clients several prestigious brands, including
Samsung, Tenaris Dalmine, Mediaset, SEA Milan Airports, ATM Azienda Trasporti
Milanesi LeNORD and railways which have chosen Euro Display because they were
looking for a qualified, technically capable and reliable partner, able to offer
advanced technological solutions.
The Companys headquarter is located in Northern Italy (Turin).
Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino
Phone: +39 / 011-954-1015
Fax: +39 / 011-954-1017

24 / 24
Euro Display Srl
Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21
10051 Avigliana, Torino

Tel. +39 / 011-954-1015

Fax. +39 / 011-954-1017

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