Organise Together To Fight The Tories!: As BA Workers Prepare To Strike..

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As BA workers prepare to strike...

O NOW WE KNOW. picket line.
The Tories are in and Nick Clegg We need to build permanent networks
and the Lib Dems have joined of resistance to pull together the anti-cuts
Cameron in government. fights and build solidarity.
A government with no real mandate to On Saturday 22nd May the Right to
govern has been cobbled together. We have Work Conference is a first step in doing
to be very clear what this government will this.
do, it will cut. The battle lines are being drawn. The
What David Cameron and Clegg have coalition government is for savage cuts.
put together is a coalition for the markets But they have no mandate to make them.
and the bankers. We have to say no to the attacks on
The Tories and Lib Dems are set to make working people and build the resistance.
the biggest attack on public services for a We have to learn the lessons from the
generation. fight in Greece. If we are under attack we
Labour’s defeat wasn’t as great as many BA cabin crew during their last strike have to fight back!
expected. That means that we have to come
Many working class people came out to protests in Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy. together to campaign and strike against the
vote for Labour to keep the Tories out. We are going to need to respond in the cuts.
But what a tragedy that after 13 years in same way here.
office Labour had so demoralised its own Next week BA cabin crew begin the first
supporters that the Tories could get in. five days of up to 20 days of strike action
That was the price Brown paid for the against anti union boss Willie Walsh.
wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, for MP’s Walsh is attempting to smash the union
sleaze and New Labour’s support for the at BA with activists suspended and sacked
bankers who led us to the present economic and with the company refusing serious
crisis. negotiations.
Unite has called action for May
Attack 18-22 inclusive, May 24-28 inclusive,
We can be certain that the Tories and Lib May 30-June 3 inclusive and June 5-9
Dems will have to make cuts. They are inclusive.
committed to making us pay for the crisis. This will be a crucial test of strength
The closure of hospitals and schools and for the bosses and the Tories, and for the
the slashing of hundreds of thousands of unions’ ability to resist the oncoming
public sector jobs will be the real price of assault.
“balancing the books”. If their side has a coalition for the bankers
This isn’t about the “national interest”, we need a coalition of resistance around the
it’s about making workers pay. cabin crew strikers at British Airways.
Just look at who is backing the attack on Everyone has to get behind this fight,
public services. collecting for the strikers, passing messages
Mervyn King, the Govenor of the Bank of support, and where possible visiting the
of England is supporting Cameron arguing
it’s “imperative that our own fiscal problems
are dealt with sooner rather than later.” ■ I would like to get Socialist Worker regularly
That means big cuts and soon.
Across Europe we’re seeing the same
■ I want to join the Socialist Workers Party
At its worse, in Greece, there is an
enormous assault on public spending and Address.............................................................................................................
a viscous attack on the living standards of
working people. ..........................................................................................................................
The EU “bail out” of the Greek economy
is at the price of more and more devastating Phone.............................................e-mail........................................................ General 12/05/10
Return to SW industrial dept PO Box 42184, London Circulation 020 7819 1171
These attacks have been met by Editorial 020 7819 1180
resistance with general strikes and mass

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