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1) To improve the classroom layout, I would try to move the computer tables

to the back walls to open up more space in the front. While the overall class
layout compliments various learning goals, students are crunched together
in the front for teacher instruction while the back half of the room is open
and empty. Besides that, the layout is good.
2a) The classroom is laid out pretty well for engaging group instruction and
cooperative group work. The instructor has a small area in the front for
instruction. The back computer area allows students and groups to work
together in a n open area with enough computers.
2b) While the room is large, the front desk area for instruction is cramped
and even dangerous for emergencies. I proposed a solution to this in (1e).
2c) The room is easily observed from any angle. The instruction tables are
pointed at the front of the room for an engaging experience when students
are being instructed.
2d) A limited amount of pencils, pens, staplers, etc. are available on the
student aid desk along with graded assignments. Textbooks are kept on the
table for easy access and extras are all kept on bookshelves on the "left" side
of the room.
2e) As stated above, the front tables are laid out in a way to make instruction
easy to view and engage with.
3) The strengths of this classroom lay in its desks being pointed directly at
the board. Student engagement is key to learning success. However, its
weakness lies in its strength. The desk layout is good in theory, but makes
students cramped to a point of being dangerous. I feel that moving computer
desks to the wall as much as possible would allow for more room at the front.
I also believe combining two tables would foster a greater group
4a) In this freshman class, there was twenty-four girls and ten boys. They are
all fourteen to fifteen years old besides one thirteen-year-old girl.
4b) I have yet to see any isolates. Group work is encouraged and mandatory
everyday, reducing the chances of students becoming isolated.
4c) There is one girl named Ashley who seems to be the class socialite. Shes
funny and bubbly while a bit immature. All kids show tendencies of younger
4d) Many of the kids towards the back left corner are very quiet and
reserved. They don't engage the teacher like others towards the front.

4e) Mr. Parker does not praise. However, he is always polite to students and
thanks them for following instructions and only generally addresses them as
a group in a positive manner.
4f) The fact is that class sizes are large and students who don't engage Mr.
Parker might not get personal attention. However, extensive group work
allows Mr. Parker to engage small groups of children.
The students and culture at this school seem to live up to the school's
founding value. I have never seen disrespectable behavior and all students
seem engaged with their learning. The students have fun with each other
and can have fun when it is appropriate.

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