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Fluids AFL

Name: ___________________________

1. A wooden block has dimensions of 10 cm by 5 cm by 2 cm. It has a mass of 90 grams. What

is the density if g/cm3?
2. What is the density of that block from (1) in kg/m3?
3. If the block from (1) is cut into two pieces with masses of 40 grams and 50 grams, what is
the density of the 40 gram piece?
4. What is the specific gravity of the block from (1)?
5. Would the block from (1) float in water?

In cooking oil? ( = 880kg/m3)

6. What is the minimum amount of pressure the block from (1) could exert when placed on a
table? (Think: what side should be facing down to minimize pressure?)

7. To what depth in water would you have to go to have a gauge pressure of 300,000 Pa?

8. What is the absolute pressure at the depth you calculated in the last problem?
9. What is Archimedes principle?

10. Does a fluid exert more pressure on the bottom of an object or the top of an object? Why?

11. Air is flowing through a duct of cross sectional area 150 cm2 at a velocity of 4.0 m/s. The air
then passes through a vent where the slits have a total cross sectional area of 100 cm2. What
is the velocity of the air as it exits the vent?

12. Two objects of equal density are placed in water. One has a mass of 1200 kg and the other
has a mass of 400 kg. Which one experiences the greater buoyant force if they both float?

13. Two objects of equal density are placed in water. One has a mass of 1200 kg and the other
has a mass of 400 kg. Which one experiences the greater buoyant force if they sink?

14. Two objects of the same volume are placed in water. One of them floats and the other sinks.
Which one experiences the greater buoyant force? Why?

15. You are standing against a wall when a strong wind blows past you. Should you feel like you
are pushed against the wall, pushed away from the way, or neither of these? Why?

An object with a mass of 40 kg and a density of 800 kg/m3 is floating at the surface of water.
16. What is the volume of the object?
17. What is the buoyant force on the object?
18. What percent of the object is below the waters surface?
For each of the following pairs, show which item is greater (or that theyre equal) with an
inequality or equals sign. ( >, <, or = )
19. Weight of the object

Buoyant force on the object

20. Volume of the object

Volume of water displaced by the object

21. Density of the object

Density of water

An object with a mass of 40 kg and a density of 1200 kg/m3 is sinking in water.

22. What is the volume of the object?
23. What percent of the object is under water?
24. What is the buoyant force on the object?
25. How much does the object seem to weigh under water?
For each of the following pairs, show which item is greater (or that theyre equal) with an
inequality or equals sign. ( >, <, or = )
26. Weight of the object

Buoyant force on the object

27. Volume of the object

Volume of water displaced by the object

28. Density of the object

Density of water

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