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Volumes Project/Assessment

AP Calculus


Goal: Build a model that represents a volume of either revolution or of known cross
Choose two functions with a definite area between them. List them below. These must be

y x 2 and y x
in the first quadrant and more exotic than

. (3 pts)

Find the points of intersection or decide the limits of integration if you wish to use the xaxis. (2 pts)


Answer the questions below.

Build your model

Integration Work
Find the total area between your two curves.
Integrand correct (3 pts) _____
Integral evaluated correctly (2 pts) _____


Rotate your area about the line y = 5 (or another horizontal line above your area). What is
the volume of the revolution?
Integrand correct (3 pts) _____
Integral evaluated correctly (2 pts) _____


Rotate your area about the y-axis. What is the volume of the revolution?
Integrand correct (3 pts) _____
Integral evaluated correctly (2 pts) _____

4. Now a cross section is going to rise out of your area. Find the volume of the cross sectional
area. You may choose to use
o A square with a side for the base or a right isosceles triangle with a leg for the base,
o A right isosceles triangle with the hypotenuse as the base for (+2),
o A semi-circle where the diameter is the base (+2).
o A square where the diagonal is the base (this model would be on both sides of the
poster (+3)
Integrand correct (3 pts) _____
Integral evaluated correctly (2 pts) _____

Now we will have you build a model of one of your volume problems (either #3 or #4). On
a base of cardboard or foam board, you are to
Draw a graph with your two functions drawn on the base.
Build a 3-D model of your volume using cardboard, foam board or foam sheets. (Or 3-D
Note: to be eligible for the extra credit, you must make your model based on your integral
in #4.
Model (25 points)
_____ CROSS SECTIONS are cut correctly and match the curve or ROTATION is accurate and
matches curve (15 pts)
_____ Display is neat, properly labeled, and creative. (5 pts)
_____ Integral and solution are displayed on model (5 pts)

_____ / TOTAL SCORE (50 points)

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