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SERIES SEVENTEEN Cruiser Tank Mk | & Mk ICS (A9) (UK) M 26 "General Pershing" (US) Light Tank M.2.A.1 (Us) Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf F (GE) MILITARY VEHICLE PRINTS ‘Above: This excellent sie view photograph of the Cruiser Tonk Mork 1 (AS) will give you e better intight into the complicated sxpersion system. The mechanism fer rasing nd lowering the raiio eal salu clearly visable. (Photo: Pater Chanberain collection) Cover ilsration by roster ‘The AY Grisr tonk operted in the desert during the early canptons which were fought in Libya during 1941. These AP's were pointed sond ‘overall 20 as to blend with the desert conditions» Some vehicles, however, were further comoutioged bythe application af elongated black ond ‘dork ory potches over their base snd colour. Divisionel and unit rumbers made up the remaining markings, whilst neorly al vehicles had @ rome pated onthe rea’ ofthe fret. This name wos aporoprate tether Squadron - thus "A" Squadron hod forks withthe nome commencing wrth the later A". When the AY wos operating in Fronce in 1940 it wes pointed i the normal dark green, somatines with additional dork eothpotches. The vial Aivisionel and unit morking were opplied to these tons Solow: The odvent of the M 26 "Pershing" In service fr the First time gave American tonk Woops tnk capable of meeting the Garman Ponzerkamp= wogen *Ponther” ond "Tiger" on equal tems. It wos in focta very similar vehicle In specification tothe Tiger Ausf E, but had advantages being Teimevhat lighter. Here © group of American troops look on ae "Perhing™ pastes, (Ux5. Official Photo) CRUISER TANK Mark 1 [A9] SCALE 1:76 (4mmto Ifoot) Drawn by A, GOOCH (CRUISER TANK Mle 1 and Mk ICS (AS) ~ 1996/99. BELLONA SERIES 17,No.65(UK) In May 1994, otter abandoning the Aé srias of sxperimantal Madu Tonks becoute ofthat high cott, the Director of Mechanisation invited Sir John Carden of Vicker 0 detign smaller and les cotly vehicle, This was required in two versions, Cavalry and Infeniry Yo be desgnotad 'A9 and AIO. They were to hove the som engine, Hansmision and suipension. The AY wos to have e Hem ermour bass and the AIO a 25mm basis. Carden was given free hand in the design, subject fo normel baie requirements. The power unit di prevent «problem tothe designers, dve fo ‘Goverment ralvctonce to spend maney 2n the development of 2 tonk engine they were forced fo wie a conmerciol engine. The plot model AP.E1. T 1386, BMM 133 appeared in Apil 1996 ond proved quite succeuful on ral, but was ratumed for modifications to the In the mesntime Carden hod been killed ond this work wes nt satisfactorily completed val eighteen months later. By that Hime 60mm red euental for Infentry Yorks end 30mm for Medios. In June 1937 9 mesting was held to decide whether the A7.E3, AP or AIO would be adopted os «stop-gap Madium. Trials ware hald between the tee vehicles. Curfouly A9 wos chowen ond therefore went inf limited production, but since their constuction wos not suitable for mass production by non-oimament manufactures, all hopes were now pinned onthe new Christe Crvier. The Fist AY vehicles appeared in August 1707 and were Atsignoted Crier Tonk Mi I. The main armament wos the new 2-pat which replaced the obsolete -pdr. The gon wos mounted co-oxaly with 2 '303 Vicker machine-gun but afew ofthe erly vehicles mounted the old Spar. & Clove-Support version mounting @ 3.7 in motrin place of ‘he 2-pdr was eli produced in smell numbers Several interesting Features were Inreduced on the AD; the Viekers~Gerlach Tank Periscope which was @consdereble improvement over the direct vision blocks uted previowly, ond Powered hydric navarse which wes ued forthe Fit time ona Bits tones The hull was of single skin jeted contruction. The engine war on AEC engine clteody widely ved in nes, It wos directly mounted fo single dr plot cuteh and five ‘peed siding pinion gearbox.” Power wor delivered fo. Til ratio beval gearbox with output shafts posing Prough a multi-plate clutch, Flexible [oin, single speed compound epiyele redction gor, steering broke ond single ring 1M foth yprockat on ecch side. The clutch and broke steering incorporated a new method of holding the steering clutch plates n contact by direct presure fom a toggle action cone qick thread sleeve. Whan the vehicle was in motion the broke drum wos rotating withthe broke drom sat, the Inner end of which formed ry sun gear end rotated 10.2 times fester than the sprocket. The sprocket rofeed with the broke shows ond wes coupled Yo the secondary iver ware flly forward the steering clutches ware held together, tronsniting the drive, when pulled bock, leased onthe clutch thu Freeing the drive. Frthec movement coined Further withdrawal of the thor. Superson wor ofthe slow motion type, six wheels on wach side in two bogies. The bogie auenblies ware comprised of one 24 and two 194 inch rubber tyed wheels. The primary supension fork pivoted onthe bogie spindle, one end carried the lorge whe, the other end corti ether! texterion wth a spindle on which pivoted the secondary fork. The ether end ofthe secondary fork cari the sindle ofthe pivoting bogie bracket, tn eoch end of which wes mounted the smal bogie whet trunsion war erred onthe primary cnd secondary fork balween which ware ported the single coll pring with enclosed telecopte shock cbsrber. Theiler wheels at the rot ofthe vehicle ware interchangesble withthe loge Track tensioning wes eae out by aijstng idler eczenticly mounted axle with a rotche! arc and pow!. The radiator war mounted the engine. Cooling ct was drown through the left louvres, passing over the engine, through the radietor and cl cooler and ‘exhausting tough the ight lowes. Air could clio be drawn through the Fighting Compartment to foclitte ventilation. Very litle free experimental work seams to have been done sing the AY ata basi. series of Wile ware catia out ot the Exprimentol Bridging Establishment sealing tonk for underwater running. An AY succesfully negolicted a submerged essing ofthe River Stour of the EBE in May 190, ‘49's ow action withthe Ist Arm. Div. in France in 1940 and with the 7th Arm.Div. in the Westem Desert until 1941. Teil Sn eo ah a Mi ICS (09). Amament (OF 2-pdr Mi 9-108, igh, Conor lated 2048 12.58 Long tom Calitre: nd length in calibre: 40 mm (1.575 in), 1/50 14,034 Shoe tne. 12.73 Tonnes. Traverse: 360 degree. Operotion: Power hydrulc ond hand for Performance main ret. Hand only for auellory turrets cen ee Secondary amoment: Three 1303 Vickers W/C Machine guns. (One co-ax with main armament. two in ou. tet. Ground press: 10.6 Ibi/ig.ins (0.745 Kag/s. em) ihe ras Range (intemal fel) Road TOD Miles (161 Km) Ga oe oe Power to weight ratio: (Gross) 12.1 HP/ton ae. Dimention ‘Amemrition, main armament: 100 rls. ‘Ammanition, secondary amament; 300 re. Length overall: 19° 0" (579.em) 10.20" 1" (612 em) Meare) comnn toreet wis 4 Us ote 7 Une, va 5: fs sem ifort Fc cnt? "78m. B64 U.S. gl 37.1 vice 5° (56.5 on sow Cred clnnonce: 1 $8.7 em) Tverd Firetaight gon: 5! 9° 206m) Types ola stl plates 4m Max ~ 6m Min Tovatagdier” 5! Or Us ew) ate "Nese poeta depres Ranked die: 24"(GLem nd 194 9.5 em) Giecitpam, Sr 2 dpe Tact Bron 98 de Caner 7 2 Qiten) eee Saas Sat ems ae Sltem Decking Sf dapees va Wo rsh en eee mick he Gk Bd om gin ot Bdagoee Nomar of links per wock78.Typs Cn maleic ron, twin guide Sli ; luge, Double lubricated hardened tel pins. Michail Det Fret ot 10 doen. Mesto Dols Siam ot legos Engin: AEC AI? Newall iid lcs, OMY, a Apts Inlatn ine guation caging. oe ond tke 8.725. = ot ae (i) Ud mn = 9600 ce aD ep, @ 200r-p.m. onsite” tains ype 256 Raped ng pinion goo Bit Storr Angle © dapat = Varta 9 degre Steering: Clutch & Broke. Suapension: Slow motion, single coil spring, hydraulic telescopic shock absorbers.

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