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War Water, Iron Water or the Water of Mars

Standard Protective War Water

Standard Malevolent War Water

Get Lost and Far Away!

Bottle Hex

War Water Spells

War Water Hex Maximum Strength

War Water Spell (1) Basic

War Water Spell (2) Houseplant

War Water Spell (3) Name Paper

Antidote: Iron Curse Basic

War Water Reversal Spell

War Water

Protective War Water

Malevolent War Water


Protection in a Plant, Hell in a Handbasket


To Do Battle with an Enemy and Win




The Witches Magick for May 18th Two Protection Spells Using War Water


Protection Against Specific Spells Using War Water


Protection of Your Home Using War Water


All Right Youve Made Your War Water, What To Do With It?


Using War Water


Protection Bath


Protection Against Specific Spells


Protection of a Home










Your Joy Will Turn to Ashes, a Curse


I was wondering if you knew any spells to make someone leave you alone. There's
someone in my life I no longer want in it.


War Water Person Repellant


How to make Black Salt, it's uses and alternate names~~~~~


The Witches Spell for Dec. 29th: Spell To Make An Enemy or Neighbor Move
(Personal Request)


Make an Enemy Or Annoying Neighbor Move Away


Recipe for Four Thieves Vinegar


War Water


What is the difference between Tar Water and War Water~~~~


Types of Water for Magickal Uses ---Part 6---Section 2---Made or Charged Water~~~

Types of Waters for Magical Uses----Part 6- Section 1 --Made or Charged Waters
(also what is "holy water"~~~~


War Water, Iron Water or the Water of Mars

Once upon a time, this formula was a mainstay of folk healers, who used it to
treat anemia. Although its medical uses are no longer popular, this remains a
very important magical formula.
War Water is used:
To gain protection. This is an extremely aggressive,
forceful spiritual cleanser
To reverse a curse and send it back where it came
To place a curse. War Water is a traditional and
allegedly potent weapon during psychic warfare
and witch wars

Standard Protective War Water

1. Place iron nails in a mason jar. Cut iron nails are recommended because
they rust very easily, but any iron nails may be used.
2. Add enough water to cover the nails. Leave this undisturbed until rust
begins to form, typically within seven to ten days. Although the jar is usually
kept shut, it should be opened periodically to encourage oxidation.
3. Once the rusting process begins, more water may be added. Keep the jar
in a refrigerator or other cool area.
4. Strain the water and use as needed. You may continue adding water to the
original nails virtually indefinitely. Some people have a War Water starter
lasting years, akin to a sour dough starter. However, should mold or
bacteria ever form, discard everything, including the jar and start again from
the beginning.

Standard Malevolent War Water

1. Collect water from a fierce thunderstorm in a jar.
2. Add rusty nails, sulfur, and some of your own urine.
3. Store this in a cold, dry place until you need it.
This version is used to either place or reverse a hex. The rusted
nails from the Protective Formula may be used to create the Malevolent

Get Lost and Far Away!

Lost and Away Powder has various uses, in addition to banishment. Its
also used to establish personal and psychic boundaries, as well as to prevent
someone else from encroaching on these boundaries.
1. Write your targets name thirteen times on a square of paper.
2. Sprinkle Lost and Away Powder on this paper.
3. Fold the paper up, always folding away from you.
4. Seal it with sealing wax, preferably red.
5. Bury this paper but mark the spot.
6. Leave it buried for thirteen days, watering daily
with War Water.
7. On the fourteenth day, dig it up and burn it.

Bottle Hex
1. Place your targets photograph inside a bottle.
2. Write the targets name on a piece of paper and
put this inside the bottle, too.
3. Stuff holly and ivy into the bottle.
4. Add some black ink and War Water.
5. Seal the bottle shut and bury it upside down.

War Water Spells

War Water, also known as Water of Mars, is a classic formula that harnesses
the power of iron to send a hex, repel a hex, or protect against all sorts of
malevolent energy. Different recipes may be used to create benevolent or
War Water; check the Formulary for details.

War Water Hex Maximum Strength

Gather Spanish moss. Add it to the aggressive form of War
Water and use as desired.

War Water Spell (1) Basic

The most common mode of administering War Water is to splash your
targets doorstep with it. However, as this is the most common method of
casting any War Water spell targeted at another for whatever purpose, its
crucial that while splashing, all of your attention is intently focused on the
desired outcome of your spell.

War Water Spell (2) Houseplant

A Hoodoo houseplant jinx suggests that the hex-caster sprinkle War Water
on the leaves and roots of a really nice plant and give it to the target as a

War Water Spell (3) Name Paper

1. Write your adversarys name and identifying information
on a strip of brown paper.
2. Place it in a jar and cover it with War Water.
3. Seal it tight and hide it in a dark, secret place.
4. Shake the jar periodically.

Antidote: Iron Curse Basic

This German spell antidotes curses cast with iron, including War Water spells.
How do you know whether youre a victim of such a spell? Signs that such a
spell has been cast are when a person suddenly and consistently begins to
have accidents with small metal implements, such as knives or scissors,
which become progressively more serious, graduating to car accidents or
industrial accidents.
This is the bare-bones spell and the version most popularly circulated. The
antidote is easy to accomplish any time. The rings may be re-used and many
perform this spell as a regularly scheduled preventive measure.
1. Place three small iron rings in spring water overnight or for 24 hours in a
serious case. (By rings, jewelry isnt necessarily meant, although this could
be used, but rather any circle formed from iron: hardware stores often sell
small metal rings for various purposes.)

2. After the time has elapsed, remove the rings and drink the water.

War Water Reversal Spell

Boil pins or nails in War Water. Allow it to cool, strain out the solid material
and throw the liquid in your targets home to return a bad spell.
Fonte: Judikka Illes The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

War Water
War Water, which is also commonly called "Mars Water" or "Iron Water", is
simply water in which iron has been allowed to rust. The presence of iron in
the water gives it a reddish-brown hue, looking a bit like blood even in some
cases. Draja Mickaharic makes a good case for why irons presence in the
water empowers it:
Iron is the metal of the planet Mars, the planet astrologers credit with ruling
warfare and combat, as well as sex. Used either for defense or attack, war
water is a strong carrier of the negative emotional energy used in magical
battles. (Century of Spells, p. 27).
The basic recipe involves putting cut iron of some type into a container,
covering it with a bit of water, and letting it rust. There are plenty of
variations, depending on the intent, or on whos telling you how to make it.
Judika Illes breaks down the formula by intent:

Protective War Water

Iron nails (cut iron), ones that rust easily
Enough water to cover nails in a mason jar
Let rust for about 7-10 days (open periodically to allow oxidation)
Keep adding water as the rust builds
Strain and use as needed (but discard if bacteria form)

Malevolent War Water

Thunderstorm water in a jar
Rusty nails, sulfur, and urine
(Encylopedia of 5000 Spells, p. 1080)

This formulation is essentially the same as the one found in Draja

Mickaharics Century of Spells, calling for about 3/4 pound of cut iron nails in
a 2 quart bottle. These are covered with tap water and allowed to rust. After
the rust begins, more water is added, and the bottle is covered (though
occasionally uncovered for rusting purposes).
The alternative recipe comes from the normally quite reputable Zora Neale
HurstonsHoodoo in America, in which she describes War Water as Oil of Tar
in water (filtered) (p. 412). Oil of Tar is essentially a thick distillate of
creosote or burned pine resinwhich is carcinogenic and dangerous. A
reasonable substitution for Oil of Tar would be turpentine, another pine
distillate with slightly less caustic properties. However, almost every formulary
I found other than Hurstons had separate distinctions for War Water and a
formula called Tar Water, which is much more like Hurstons recipe and
which is used to remove psychic sludge from ones life. I would then conclude
that Hurston recorded the Tar Water recipe as a War Water recipe in error, or
quite possibly an editor inserted this formula without knowing the difference
(which commonly happened to Hurstons work).
There are also additional ingredients that you can add to the water to help
flavor it for your magical purposes. One of the most common additions is
Spanish moss, a dense vegetal beard which covers trees in the Deep South.
Once it begins to rot in the liquid, it turns the mixture black and gives it a
decaying scent. Adding sulphur or gunpowder would also give it a powerfully
aggressive and dangerous vibe. The "Swamp Water" formula, by Stephanie
Palm, takes Mississippi River water and turns it into War Water with these
sorts of additions to it.
So, how do you use it? There are several methods for deploying War Water,
depending on just what your final intent might be. For the basic rust-water
formula for protective purposes, you can use it:
As an addition to a spiritual bath
As a wash for the outside of your home or business
As a sprinkle for any letters or papers you might be sending out to someone
hostile to you (such as legal papers)
The most common use of War Water, however, is as a component of psychic
warfare. Cat Yronwode says of it:
To use it, you shake a bottle up and hurl it at the doorstep of your enemy,
where it should break, leaving a rusty, dangerously sharp mess for him or her
to step in. When i was a young woman coming up in the East Bay in the
1960s, War Water was used by fractious root workers to declare occult war on
each other. Since these folks were already at odds to the extent that they
could not simply walk into each others yards and smash the glass bottle on
the doorstep, they would make drive by attacks, rumbling through the
residential streets of Oakland in the midnight hour and tossing bottles of War
Water into the yards of their enemies, like occult Molotov cocktails. Ah, those
were the days (War Water par. 4).

In Jim Haskins Voodoo & Hoodoo, he says that to use War Water you should
obtain the nest of a dirt dauber, break it apart and mix it with graveyard dirt.
Put the mixture in a bottle with War Water and shake it up. Smash it on the
persons walkway (p. 130). Hurston does not mention smashing the bottle,
but she does call for sprinkling it in front of an enemys house. She also
provides a secondary method which requires that you take a fresh black
hens egg, make a hole big enough to get the egg out and take the names,
pepper sauce and mustard and fill the egg up and soak it in War Water for
nine days and throw it over the house, and it will cross the house and they
will have to move away (Hoodoo in America, p. 375).
As a final note, if you are considering starting a psychic war, Draja Mickaharic
makes a good case for having sturdy defenses in place before beginning any
If you are going to declare psychic war on someone you should mop your
stairs, porch, doorway, and any outside surfaces of your home on which
anything can be cast or thrown before you begin the war. This ensures that
you will be protected when the other persons inevitable counterattack comes.
In most cases War Water will cause any spell which is placed on your doorstep
to rebound instantly to the sender. (Century of Spells, p. 28)
So thats War Water and a few of its applications. Other inclinations for this
water would be to use a railroad spike, coffin nails, and urine in a jar for
defensive and protective magic, while perhaps using coffin nails, goofer dust,
red pepper, sulphur/gunpowder, and Spanish moss for a more aggressive


"Old-time Root Doctors have claimed that breaking a bottle of WAR WATER
against the doorstep of an Enemy will bring Strife and Sorrow to the Enemy's
Home. Sold as a Curio only."
War Water is basically a suspension of iron rust in water, with other
ingredients added according to the desires of the manufacturer. Since the
Roman god Mars was the god of war and his symbolic metal was iron, it
seems pretty clear that War Water is a European contribution to hoodoo. It
may have originally been compounded as a blood tonic or strengthener of
courage, but in the hands of African-American folk-magicians, it became a
tool for laying tricks against an enemy by means of hostile foot track

magic, causing "poisoning through the feet" and making everyone in the
household quarrel and fight one another.
Additional ingredients included in War Water to make it stronger
are magnetic sand and a rusty nail or coffin nail. Spanish moss, an evillooking twisty grey herb which rots away in the water quite nicely, provides
the proper blackness to the red-ochre colour of the basic mix and imparts an
appropriate "swamp water" scent when you break the bottle open. A few
practitioners also include creosote in the bottle. (This is a toxic, carcinogenic
substance and must be handled with gloves.)
In regard to the use of rusty nails to strengthen War Water, my
correspondent OmiJuba (omijuba@home.com) made some great suggestions,
"You can add nails from specific locations: a hospital, to cause injury; a court
house, to make someone lose a court case; a jail, to get someone arrested;
the person's job site, to make them get fired; or a graveyard, to ... well, you
get the idea."
War Water is always sold in glass bottles. To use it, you shake a bottle up
and hurl it at the doorstep of your enemy, where it should break, leaving a
rusty, dangerously sharp mess for him or her to step in. When i was a young
woman coming up in the East Bay in the 1960s, War Water was used by
fractious root workers to declare occult war on each other. Since these folks
were already at odds to the extent that they could not simply walk into each
other's yards and smash the glass bottle on the doorstep, they would make
"drive by" attacks, rumbling through the residential streets of Oakland in the
midnight hour and tossing bottles of War Water into the yards of their
enemies, like occult Molotov cocktails. Ah, those were the days ...
The opposite of War Water is, of course, Peace Water, which is used to
soothe a home and ensure that only good spirits and friendly people enter.

Protection in a Plant, Hell in a Handbasket

Recipe and inspiration taken from The Element Encyclopedia of 1000 Spells.
There are curious ethics on casting spells on unknowing people. For some
reason, we dont bat an eyelash when it has to do with cursing, but when we
want to bless someone, we feel like they need to be made aware. But what if
your target really needs protection and cant know about your ways?

Create some War Water by putting iron nails in water and waiting for the
nails to rust and the water to become rusty. You can add something thats
already starting to rust to speed up the process. When this is done,
concentrate on protection, and pour the water into the pot of a houseplant
that the target owns, or that you will give the target as a gift. This will help
protect their home.
Alternately, watering your own plants with war water in different corners of
the house will help protect you.
Want to get someone you have to be nice to? This is a good way to do it. Its
a lot like the last formula, except Malevolent War Water is something
different. In your jar, youll need:

storm water

rusty nails


your own urine

spanish moss

Once your War Water is complete, you can put it in a plant for your target.

To Do Battle with an Enemy and Win

Make a batch of war water. A traditional New Orleans recipe is simply oil of tar
in swamp water but you can use a different recipe if you prefer. To this, add a
ground dirt dauber nest, three hot peppers, and some black mustard seed.
Shake up the bottle real good and when doing so recite psalms 69 and 70. Do
this daily for nine days and on the ninth day, take the bottle of dirt dauber
infused war water and pour it over the threshold of your enemys doorstep.
Your enemy should now leave you alone.


Antiga e tradicional formula orignria do hoodoo de Nova Orleans.

leo de alcatro
Pregos enferrujados
gua do pntano

Combine todos os ingredientes num pote de vidro de conserva e remexaa

mistura. Deixe isso por algumas semanas, abrindo periodicamente para
encorajar a oxidao. Depois de um tempo a gua ficar enferrujada e negra,
tornando-a mais potente.
Fonte: The Voodoo Doll Spellbook, Denise Alvarado

The Witches Magick for May 18th Two Protection

Spells Using War Water
Posted on May 18, 2014 by ladyoftheabyss
The Witches Magick for May 18th Two Protection Spells Using War Water
Protection Against Specific Spells Using War Water
To protect your home or apartment against the type of spell that is cast by
placing something in the doorway or on the steps of a house, add two ounces
of War Water to a mop bucket of water. Say a cleansing chant over the water
to remove all negative influences from your doorway, yours steps and
whatever else you intend to mop. Then mop the surfaces, wringing out the
mop into another bucket. When you have finished, pour the mop water and
the wringings into a street or a roadway.
Protection of Your Home Using War Water
This spell is especially suited to protecting a home from acts of violence
whether the violence is psychic or physical. This spell may be done annually if
desired. The best day to do this spell is around the 21st of June, the Summer
Equinox. But if you can use it anytime especially in emergency.
Add two ounces of War Water to a mop bucket of water. Say a protection
chant over the water. If you tradition involves praying to saints, you should
pray in the name of St. John the Baptist. Lightly mop the house out, from top
to bottom, front to back. Wring your mop into another bucket. Throw out the

water and the wringings from the back door of the house if you have a back
door. Rinse out the bucket and mop and pour the rinse water down the toilet.
If you dont have a back door, flush the water down the toilet and rinse out
the bucket and mop and flush that water, too.

All Right Youve Made Your War Water, What To Do

With It?
Posted on March 17, 2013 by ladyoftheabyss
Using War Water
There are a number of ways that you can use iron water. It is generally used
for protection, and you can take a bath to protect yourself, or you can use it
in your home to protect yourself against specific spells. This water is
especially beneficial when you want to protect yourself against acts of
violence of any sort.
Protection Bath
Take two ounces of War Water and add it to a tub of water. Chant while in the
tub for general protection in life, as well as for protection against the specific
influence you wish to have removed from your life. You could also ask the
Goddess (or your deity) for general protection, but this should be done only
rarely. Once a year is sufficient for a general protection bath, and it should be
taken after you have protected your home with the war water as given below.
Soak in the tub for at least eight minutes, immersing yourself completely at
least four times. You should air dry after this bath to maintain the protection
around you. It is best if you avoid taking any other bath, even for cleansing,
for twenty-four hours.
This bath should not be taken more often than once a week. Usually, taken
twice a year, this bath will protect you from the effects of any magician of
better than average ability.
Protection Against Specific Spells
To protect your home or apartment against the type of spell that is cast by
placing something in the doorway or on the steps of a house, add two ounces
of War Water to a mop bucket of water. Chant over the water to remove all
negative influences from your doorway, your steps, and whatever else you
intend to mop. Then mop the surfaces, wringing out the mop into another

bucket. When you have finished, pour the mop water and the wringings into
a street or a roadway.
If you are going to declare psychic war on someone you should mop your
stairs, porch, doorway, and any outside surfaces of your home on which
anything can be cast or thrown before you begin the war. This ensures that
you will be protected when the other persons inevitable counterattack comes.
In most cases War Water will cause any spell which is placed on your doorstep
to rebound instantly to the sender.
Protection of a Home
This spell is especially suited to protecting a home from acts of violence,
whether the violence is psychic or physical. This spell may be done annually if
desired. The best day to do this in a non-Pagan home is on the feast day of
St. John the Baptist, on June 24th. In a pagan or nonreligious home, the best
day is the day of the summer solstice, about the 21st of June.
Add two ounces of War Water to a mop bucket of water. Say your chant over
the water for the protection you want. If you are a Christian, you should pray
in the name of St. John the Baptist. Lightly mop the house out, from top to
bottom, front to back. Wring your mop into another bucket. Throw out the
water and the wringings from the back door of the house if you have a back
door. Rinse out the bucket and mop and pour the rinse water down the toilet.
If you dont have a back door, flush the water down the toilet and rinse out
the bucket and mop and flush that water, too.

sinkingcrowfeathers :

A curse for friends which you are fed up with, but dont want to
legitimately make suffer. (Too much.)
What Youll Need:
A jar
A yellow candle
A picture or representation of your friend
Your tears
Anything that would burn (lemon juice, chili powder etc)
1. Light your yellow candle.Place your representation of your
friend in the jar. Think about what theyve done and how theyd
wronged you.
2. Put your tears into the jar and chant. Youve wounded me
greatly and now you will know the pain that you have caused
3. Pour in your lemon juice or what have you. "This pain will
not subside until you realize what youve done."
4. Pour in your tears "You will feel my pain and realize the
gravity of your wrongs. You will be punished."
5. Pour in some wax from your yellow candle. But despite
this, our friendship will still thrive.
6. Seal it and shake that jar like a motherfucker.

I know its not on your spell request list but i was wondering if u
had any ideas for a curse from Lilo and Stitch where she made dolls
out of pickles and Agent Bubbles find her shaking the jar saying "My
friends need to be punished." Sorry if this was long! And thanks in

We do have a Lilo and Stitch ta g , in which the only thing in it is
an adaptation of exactly what youre talking about.
But, if youre looking for something less involved or more of a
cause misery and pain
The best thing I could think of would be to copy it.
Make spoon copies of your target(s). Stick them in a large pickle
jar that still has the juice in it. Shake it while saying you need to be
You could always substitute the spoons for popsickle sticks and
you could always add things to the pickle juice like rusty nails or
whatever. You could even replace the pickle juice with war water or
some other liquid concoction that could be used to induce pain or

You could also say you need to feel pain or you need to fall
(like, out of a position of power/out of wealth/going to a place
considered lower than they are). Chance the words to something
simple but get across what you want to happen.
Hell, a little extra could be rooting the curse in the ground by
digging a hole pouring all of the juice/water/whatever into the hole
and burying the model person/people. Only way to get rid of it then
would be to dig it up, burn/destroy the objects, and pour non-cursed
water where you poured the cursed juice/water.
Since the scene was so simple and short, you could adapt it just
about any way you can think of.
- Candy


I started a thing at the new moon. Its a jar to absorb

negativity. Im sure you can sort your own method. Mine has war
water, black ink, a mirror to bounce some back and some other
things. I did a 3 card spread to go along with and Im pleased with
that as well.


Your Joy Will Turn to Ashes, a Curse
This is a curse aimed at someone who has wronged the caster in a
grievous manner, especially by committing abuse. The goal is to return the
negativity and pain to the abuser. This is ideally done outside or in a well
ventilated area, away from anything flammable.
(The quote is borrowed from George R.R. Martins A Clash of Kings, though
that is the only outside element used in this working (I felt it was fitting
feel free to come up with your own words, of course.)

dried stinging nettle

dried cloves

rose thorns

war water or storm water

pen and parchment paper (or brown paper)

fire-proof container, matches

photo of target (optional)

Write down the targets name on the paper and, if you have a photo of
them, place the photo on top of the paper. Fold it in half, then fold the ends of
the paper to create a packet, leaving one side open.
Add the dry materials to the packet. As you do, focus on the wrong the
target has done to you and/or others. If this is too painful to think about, just
focus on who you wish to curse. Fold the mouth of the packet closed. Allow a
few drops of the water to fall onto the packet.
Light the corner of the packet on fire, then immediately drop it into the
fire-proof container. As it burns to ash, say the following:

A day will come

When you think yourself safe and happy,
and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth.
And youll know the debt is paid.
Scatter the ashes outside, away from your home.

I was wondering if you knew any spells to make

someone leave you alone. There's someone in my life
I no longer want in it.
cursebook said:
Hold on anon I think I have a thing just for you !
This is from funnylittlewitchgirl
In every work or school environment there is that one jerk who always
has to get into the middle of everythingand screw it all up. So heres is a
spell to help keep them out of your hair, and your hands off their throat.
What Youll Need:

War water [to keep the target away]

calamus root (ground) [associated with domination of will]

powdered licorice [associated with control]

a purple candle [color of power]

How its Done:
1. Mix the war water with the calamus and licorice
2. Carve the name of the target into the side of the candle
3. Anoint the candle with the mixture while focusing all of your
annoyance at the target into the candle
4. Burn the candle and recite the following:
"Out of my hair
Out of my way
Out of my business
Out to stay

from my work
from my friends
from my beginnings
from my ends
5. Keep reciting it until you feel you have poured a sufficient amount
of energy into the spell, then let the candle burn down and dispose of the
nub as far away from you as possible.
And youre done! Feel free to tweak or modify this spell to suit your
needs. I dont even mind if you write it down in your personal book, just
please note where it came from. Also please dont upload/post this spell
anywhere else and claim it as your own.

War Water Person Repellant

Note: The following method can be applied with black salt. Just replace the
Martian energy with regular white energy.

1. Prepare War Water. Once the liquid turns a vile orange-brown, it is ready.
2. During an hour of Mars on a Tuesday with the moon in wane*, draw
energy from Mars into the fluid. Visualize this as brilliant white with a
reddish/orange-y tinge. You could also vibrate BHAUMAYA, which is the
Hindu Mars.
3. Saturate the fluid with the energy until you know and feel that it is
intensely at vibes with Mars.
4. Enforce your intention into the fluid. Will it to repel the person away from
you, perhaps with the affirmation: Repel _______, and keep him/her/it
and his/her/its influence far away from me.

*Timing not necessary, but helpful.

You may keep a small container of it with you. When the person is close,
hold it tight. Will the power of the conjure actively repelling the person
You could dab some on yourself when necessary. Be sure to keep wash
your hands after. Never let war water near a wound or orifice.
You somehow apply the substance onto the persons body (main choice),
clothes or close belongings.

If you know where they live, you may also somehow apply it onto their

You may do the same on the entrances and exits of your own home or
room repelling them. This is, then, useful for home protective purposes
as well.

August 9th, 2014 , 10 notes


How to make Black Salt, it's uses and alternate


Dear Ms. Q,
I did promise to tell you how to make Black Salt and describe its various
According to Folk Magic and Hoodoo traditions, Black Salt is a primary
protective element, it is in essence one kick up from regular salt used that is
used as a general protection border especially in ritual work.
It does have other names and maybe offered under the names of Witch's
Salt, Drive Away Salt, Sal Negro and Indio Salt, but it is still Black Salt but
created with different intents and purposes, you yourself can create your own
black salt and depending upon what you put into it create it for specific
purposes, so that it's "Black Salt-Drive Away"----"Black Salt-Banishing" etc.
Black Salt is potent, but it takes some work and some extra materials to
make it.
Black Salt can be for protection as well as for hexing. As you read this article
you will see what to do and what it can do.
Once it is blended up, if you make a sufficient quantity you can sprinkle it
around your property to keep your home safe from intruders or
troublemakers or sprinkle it across the front and back door thresholds of your
apartment, and across the bottom of any thresholds of patio doors, and
across the bottom of window sills.

Or to make it easier, if you live in an apartment, move the furniture away

from the walls and sprinkle it along the bottoms of the walls and across the
thresholds of the front and back doors this way if you have to replenish it,
then it will only be on the thresholds.
That is the purpose for protection because its intent then is to drive away evil
or to protect your property or belongings.
But if you want to use it to make someone go away, someone who has been
bothering you then you sprinkle it across or in the footprints of someone who
is bothering you, to make them go away.
That is to give you two basic ideas of how to use Black Salt depending upon if
its to be made for protection or for hexing.
The formula for making black salt is pretty basic, and many web sites have
different recipes for Black Salt but at its most basic it is this:

2 parts sea salt

1 part scrapings from a cast iron skillet or pot
1 part fine ash from your fire pit especially if its from a ritual fire
1 part finely ground black pepper

If you are not sure about the balance of dry mixtures go with this measure for
every three spoons of salt add one spoon of the material of your choice
That is the basic formula, then your intent will decide on how it is to be used.
Depending on the density of your coloring ingredient, you may need to adjust
the portions a little, but that's the basic method of making it. If you have a
well-seasoned cast iron pot or cauldron, you should be able to get a good
amount of black scrapings out of the bottom of it, but if it seems too oily, use
the ash or pepper instead.
If you have a cast iron cauldron that you use for magickal workings that
would be good, but you also have to consider, what was the ritual that you did
before you start making the Black Salt. You dont want to make Black Salt for
protection when youve used your caldron for a hexing spell and vise-versa.
What some people do is burn specific herbs in their cauldron with the
intention of protection or hexing. I suggest giving thought to what you have
burnt in that cauldron, utilizing scrapings from protective work to make

protective salts, and scrapings following cursing or hexing magic to make

cursing or hexing salts.
Some people also recommended using black chalk dust, black powdered food
dye, or lamplight smudge, the blackening that collects on the chimney of an
oil lamp.
A few websites recommend adding a dye or food coloring to the salt.
However, when you add liquid to salt it gets clumpy, and then dissolves. So
you'll want to use something dry to color it instead.
Now some people will add a drop or two of oil that has been made for a
specific purpose to ramp up the energy of the Black Salt.
The beauty about making Black Salt is that aside from the basic recipe you
can add something to it for a specific purpose and to make it specific to your
aura, your energy, your intent.
Here is some examples:
Graveyard dirt can be mixed into black salt. Dirt purchased from the grave of
an ancestral ally will result in protective salts, whereas that chosen from the
grave of a murderer will contain that spirit's violent intention.
To make uncrossing Black Salt burn herbs such as hyssop, lemongrass,
pennyroyal, and such in order to make your ash to add to the salt.
Pot ash made from tumbleweeds, licorice root, peppers, and such can be
added to Black Salt in order to make destructive Black Salts.
Red Pepper mixed with Black Salt, once mixed together toss it where an
enemy walks so that he or she will leave.
Black Salt has a multitude of uses, including absorbing negativity when you
are doing an uncrossing ritual. Using black salt to absorb and contain
negativity is not black magik.
Some folks unfamiliar with magickal practices will say that working with this
substance is evil. That is a very serious misconception, even doing something
to remove a person who is harmful to you and your family is not black magik.
Black Salt is primarily protective in its function. Remember, only the intention
of the user makes any magik malignant.
Nullifying or returning negative energy to its source is not black magic unless
you purposefully state intent to harm.

Other maligned and mis-understood ritual components including working

with dark moons, counterclockwise movements , even inverted pentagrams
are frequently used for warding, undoings, uncrossings, binding work, as
well as journeying to the afterlife, honoring the crone, and many more
important workings.
Going through various reference works and the notes my Granny and her
friends left has presented me with various uses for Black Salt
- It is used to remove negative spells that have been cast on a person.
-Create a circle around the perimeter of your house for protection
-Sprinkle in your place to banish evil and to cleanse from negativity
-Open your door and sprinkle some salt outside of your door naming the
person you dont wish to visit your property again and the reasons behind this
-Sprinkle some, salt with caution, behind the person you wish to remove from
your place and then some outside of your door
-keep in a dish under your or in a little bag under your pillow to negate bad
dreams & ward unwanted watchers or spirits.
-cast a line across your doorways & windows to keep out evil, avoid unwanted
company, and reflect slander or jealousy back to the source.
-add a bit to floor washes to cleanse your home, front walkway, & ritual area
of negativity.
-add to bath water when you are feeling especially depressed, angry, &
-keep a bit on your person against your skin in a small flannel packet or bag,
in your desk, or taped under your chair at work or school to deflect gossips,
bullies, rude coworkers, and bad bosses attention. Keep in a bowl, a tiny
cloth pouch, or sprinkle a bit.
- You can add it to Water of Mars also known as War Water for improved
protective and jinx removing effects as well as to Hot Foot Powder, Graveyard
Dirt, & Rattlesnake Salt for extra potency.
-Sprinkle in an enemys or threatening neighbors yard, office, or footsteps so
that they will want to leave or move, or at least create a barrier that keeps
away evil forces and bad neighbors.
This aspect I cannot stress enough, if someone you distrust, dislike or just
want out of your home, walks on Black Salt, they will become dissatisfied with

the place where the black salt was placed and will want to move away from
that area. So sprinkle Black Salt around the outside of your home, across
your doorstep, sprinkle around your work area, or any other place where you
want to keep enemies away
Remember Black Salt is mostly used for dispelling negative energy and to
create boundaries against enemies (it makes them feel like leaving) or that
will render them powerless while in your area.
However, it can be sprinkled in an enemy's territory as a hexing agent to
curtail their power and to control them.
It is especially useful against irritating co-workers sometimes to the point
where they will leave their job to find work elsewhere.
-Use to symbolize the waning moon, eclipses, & new moons. These are times
for endings, binding work, trance & journeying to Under Realms, & uncrossing
or removing curses.
-fire energy, chthonic or darker earthly Elementals & Deities, especially Crone
or Triple Goddesses, War Gods, & darker forest beings.
-Mitigate the negative effects of Mercury Retrograde.
-For Spirit Callings & Ancestor works and Samhain rituals.
-Sprinkle liberally on items or possessions that you feel have bad memories or
attachments to them.
You can use Black Salt in conjunction with White Salt, Sage, or Holy Water to
both absorb evil & then purify yourself and space. Burn a black candle to
take in negativity then a white candle to bring in pure white light.
Mrs. Harcourt when she was doing purification rituals would roll a white
candle in sea salt and then taking a black candle was rolled in black salt and
this was for purification & removal of negativity purposes so it can be Jinx
It can be used like sand painting to draw runes, or other symbols on the altar
or workspace. If kept clean, it can be re-used for this purpose multiple times
if desired, or incorporated into mojo bags, incense, but if it feels icky then it
needs to be removed.
My Granny and her ladies found out that Black Salt absorbs negative energy
so it can only be used once and a new batch put into place
So a part of their weekly house cleaning if the energy in their home or work
area felt especially oppressive & mucky they would change it out some times

theyd sweep it up weekly if it was really bad, but it meant making a large
enough batch or batches frequently.
Granny told me that like doing petitions, candle magik or ritual work, you
have to give serious consideration where to discard the swept up or used
black salt, it was important to consider where the negativity will go, in going
over my notes and checking reference works and on the internet they all
pretty much had the same consensus which Ill post here.
1) Ground it in the earth by burying it in a hidden distant place from your
living and working space. Bury it at a crossroads of paths or streets. Some
bury it in cemeteries or even if possible an enemys yard.
2) Cast in the wind in a distant place blowing it away from your home OR
work place. Some will blow this from their hand into the four directions or at
a crossroads. But always make sure of the natural wind direction
3) Thrown into a fire along with paper where you have written all your worries
and whatever else you want to be rid of. It is important to not use these
ashes to make any other ritual items so once the ashes are cold, take them
and bury them at a distance from your home or ritual area.
4) When some rituals say to Cast into living water it meaning running
active water like a creek or river. This will disperse the energies and cleanse
them. Rivers, creeks, lakes, and oceans are all good. Even a ditch with
moving water or down a storm drain, it is only ash and salt, but during a
drought it might be best to use your toilet, especially if it has a good flush
and may be very effective in flushing junk out of your life!
I know of one lady who uses the toilets in the womens bath room at her job,
it has a powerful flushing mechanism, shes told me that the sound of its flush
is very empowering.
Now there are some negative aspects in the uses of Black Salt, but again it
depends upon intent, now these uses are:
- This maybe repeating myself but its always good to remember---To rid evil
and negativity from one's home, sprinkle black salt on the floor and then
sweep it up and out the front door and off the porch toward the street. This
would be an example of a white magic spell.
-To prevent a troublesome person from returning to one's home, as soon as
they leave throw black salt on the porch or sidewalk and then quickly and
vigorously sweep it out to the street while cursing or cussing them. If you are
bold you can throw black salt at their back as they walk away. This would be
an example of a black magic spell; however such could easily be adapted into

a white magic spell by addressing the salt and asking that it remove this
person from yours and your loved ones lives without harming him/her and
then that is not cursing the person, just getting them to leave the area
-To gain revenge on an enemy, sprinkle black salt into a doll baby or voodoo
doll containing a personal concern from the enemy, such as a photograph,
snip of hair or fingernail clippings. Black salt can be added to black magic
mojos or bottle spells which are to be buried on the property of the victim or
else hidden inside their home or car. But you have to make sure that no
innocent person is harmed in any way.
Black salt can also be used to create a potion which is used to curse an
enemy. To make this potion, dissolve black salt (the kind that has been dyed
with black food coloring) in water. One can use a plastic water bottle or any
container with a lid for this. Add to it graveyard dirt, black pepper, and one
whole bottle of a black magic oil. Close the lid and shake well while cursing
one's enemy. The potion is deployed by dumping it on the enemy's car or
porch. These would be examples of black magic uses of black salt.
In a previous post I noted how at a Halloween party where there was lot of
loud music and dancing and drinking, a friend of mine splashed on a rival,
some dry black salt that also had glitter black cats and bats mixed with it, so
it would look like a Halloween decoration, the other person never knew what
happened and life became difficult for her, but considering what she did to
others it was only speeding up her karma.
You can also dress your crossing and revenge candles with Black Salt, just as
you can dress black candles with it to remove hexes and negativity or jinxes.
Now there are also other color salts as well and you can use them separately
or together with Black Salt, here are the ones Ive come across:

Blue Salt is used to protect against the Evil Eye. What's an Evil Eye? Random
bad energy. When your luck seems to be cursed, you are said to be afflicted
with the Evil Eye.
For Healing Sprinkle under the bed in a sick room to help neutralize a
patient's mopey energy so they can get on with healing.
For Justice, court, and legal spells. Put a small amount in your pocket when
going to court, or add a pinch to a friendly judge mojo bag..
Mix into loose incense or liquid potpourri to enhance magickal intent.

There are many applications for this -- use your imagination!

It can be used like sand painting to draw circles, runes, or other symbols on
the altar or workspace. If kept clean, it can be re-used for this purpose
multiple times if desired, or incorporated into mojo bags, incense, etc as
suggested above.
Blue has also occasionally been used for invisibility spells. Magickal invisibility
isn't where you turn transparent, it's more like the eye or attention just kind
of... glides off. Do not do invisibility spells on your car. Trust me, this is a Bad
Use with Black Salt for reversing bad luck and to end crossed conditions
How to make: In a Mortar and Pestle blend together Sea Salt (or any Salt of
your choice) and Blue Flowers or Herbs of your choosing such as Blue Thistle
or Blue Iris, along with blue food coloring if you so choose. While blending
keep your intent of what you will be using the salt for in mind, placing all your
energies into the Salt

Can be used in Spells for Abundance, Prosperity, growth Money and Luck.
Sprinkle in each corner and over the threshold of the workplace, and add a
pinch to the cash register as part of your weekly store blessing.
For an online shop, sprinkle in the area where you keep your inventory and
financial records. (Don't get it in the computer!)
Feed a pinch to a money drawing mojo bag once a week.
Mix into loose incense or liquid potpourri to enhance magickal intent.
Carry some in a portable shaker and casually shake a dash under your chair
at a casino or bingo hall for good luck.
Carry in a Sachet when looking for a job,
Use on Gardening tools to help Bless them for a good season. (Do not use on
plants they do not like salt)
Used with Black Salt, it can help bring good luck faster or for fast luck action.
How to make In a Mortar and Pestle, blend Sea Salt and green flowers or
herbs such as mint, dill or basil. Green food coloring if you choose. Blend
ingredients together, while placing intent energies of what you what

Can be used in Spell work that involves, Love, Romance, Passion, Sex drive,
Lust for life.
This formula will stain carpets, so use in inconspicuous areas. A little goes a
long way.
Red Salt is used for love, attraction, and romance magik.
Sprinkle a little bit under the bed the way that you might add a teenytiny pinch of chili powder to hot chocolate to spice things up. This can add a
little mental kick to your bedroom activities.
Add a pinch to feed a relationship mojo bag once a week. Carry in a sachet, it
will help keep love strong
Mix into loose incense or liquid potpourri to enhance magickal intent.
Carry some in a portable shaker and casually shake a dash under your chair
at a bar or club if you're on the prowl.
There are many applications for this -- use your imagination!
Red Salt can also be used to add energy to other works as well.
It can be used like sand painting to draw circles, runes, or other symbols on
the altar or workspace. If kept clean, it can be re-used for this purpose
multiple times if desired, or incorporated into mojo bags, incense, etc. as
suggested above.
Use with Black Salt for reversing or turning a spell back on its sender.
How to make~ In a Mortar and Pestle, blend together Sea Salt, and Paprika
or Cayenne Pepper, and red food coloring if you choose. Place intent energies
into the blend, of what it is you will be using the Salt for.

PURPLE WITCH SALT: This is highly specialized for spiritual work and I
would not use black salt with it unless for added spiritual protection,
To Make: In a Mortar and Pestle, blend together Sea Salt, Purple Herbs and
Flowers of your choice, such as Lavender or Lilac, and purple food coloring if
you choose. Imagine the intent of why you are using this Salt, as you place
the energies into the blend. * Double Salt to other ingredients. Store in a jar
in a cool, dry place.

REMEMBER: Black salt is deployed to remove or repel evil or negativity and

in both white magic and black magic spells to banish troublesome people.
Black salt is also used in black magic spells to curse one's enemy.

So please note that Black Salt is a very powerful tool so I want you tothink
twice before you cast a spell that is not for personal protection, from
personal experience I know that its effects are long-lasting.

Salt does what you tell it to" is a common folk saying, remember your
intent is very important.
Blessings Ms. Q
Posted by VooDoo Queen at 6:10 PM
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Labels: Black Salt, making Black Salt, Salt, various types of salt
Julian CastroAugust 18, 2015 at 2:03 PM
Quise progresar en el campo laboral y conseguir un ascenso as que busque
los beneficios de los Ritual del Trabajo,al utilizarlos con mucha fe mantuve un
empleo seguro
y me senti en armona.
VooDoo QueenSeptember 27, 2015 at 4:30 PM
Dear Julian,
I regret I do not understand Spanish except for the odd word here or there. If
you could provide an English translation I would appreciate it.

My Grandmother was Portuguese but insisted we learn English so I lost an

opportunity to learn the language.
Blessings to you.
UnknownDecember 8, 2015 at 12:22 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
LipsticJanuary 31, 2016 at 8:45 PM
I don't understand everyone's need to add things to black salt. Historically
black salt was burned salt that was scrapped from the cauldron which was
used not just for ritual but for cooking (the cauldron not the salt). There
really is no need to add ash, pepper or anything.
VooDoo QueenFebruary 1, 2016 at 8:44 AM
Dear Lipstic,
True, but over time people felt the need to add things to it to "ramp up" the
energies, for whatever purpose.
I remember my Grandma adding ash from certain fires to it and sometimes,
ash from burnt Palm Sunday leaves.
Pepper for a number of folks way back when, would have been too expensive
as it is a spice.
But certain woods like cedar, Oak, Juniper would be burned for ritual work
and added.
Another reason to add ash to scraped burnt salt is the fat from cooking, you

don't want something greasy, Ash soaked up excess grease.

With my Grandmother's cast iron fry pans, to clean excess fat, she'd throw in
ash from a cooking fire (she had a old fashioned Buck Stove that was have
gas half wood burner) and salt to scour the fry pan without harming the
'seasoning' of it.
And even salt was expensive for poorer folk, so much so that at times it was
used in place of money.
Over the years, it became refined, spices even salt became affordable.
In many ways it is a "spiritual" recipe, that can be adjusted to suit individual
I've included what is known for everyone's information. Just as you have.
Ms. Q

Hey, I need some help with some not-so-nice spells.

Sometimes things get out of control and you need to take action.
I need a curse or something for a guy I know. He hasnt really been bothering
me too much (ok he has, but i can take it), but hes been harassing several of
my female classmates for seemingly no reason (though its probably their
gender). He seems to be mostly doing it to the ones he know wont fight
back. So, I want to fight back for them, I guess.
So, yeah. I thought about war water, but I dont know where he lives. And the
rest of his family members are very nice people that Id never even think
about hurting.
I want something that will hurt him and only him.
And please, no one lecture me about black magic and whatever. Im going
to tag this as witchcraft and other things, but I am sure as hell not a Wiccan

or any other organized pagan religion with moral codes. I dont need to be
nice all the time.
If you could help me out, Id be much obliged!
Also, I have very limited access to resources. I cant use color-specific candles
or most other stereotypical ritual tools, or many herbs. Ive got the plants in
my backyard (which are admittedly fairly diverse), and thats about it. Limited
access to crystals and whatnot, too, though I do have several.
Spell Ive used to get people to leave me and others alone: (upg, no
piece of brown paper
write targets full name (or what you know of it) on the paper 7 times, cut the
lime in half, and wedge the piece of paper between the two halves. Use the
twine to tie the lime back together. While doing so, recite/concentrate on
what you want to happen: so and so leave me alone, never bother myself or
other women with your shitty ways again, whatever. Bury this somewhere it
wont be messed with and youre not planning on planting anything on.
From Judika Illes Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells:
Balloon banishing
Blow up a balloon of any color, and slip a piece of paper with targets name on
it inside. Tie balloon and release at an appropriate place.
Alternatively, you could do a protection spell from the target for the people in
your class that hes harassing but really, wheres the fun? Plus, he wouldnt
really learn his lesson.
Also, I dont feel its necessary to have candles of certain colors. Just take
whatever you have.
Signal boost!

I just had a fantastic idea for anyone who employs the use of war water (or
something similar) in their workings. You know those very thin little glass ball
Christmas ornaments with the removable tops? Perfect for filling with the
desired foul brew of your choice and hurling at someones house, and they
break ever so easily!
Yay, ideas for later should I need them!
Yup, had that same idea last year, but not just for war water. For a lot of
breaking related curses that have stuff on them meant for porches, or doors.


(This spell is the equivalent of an elephant gun. I dont advise using it to kill a
mosquito, if you catch my meaning.)
1) Its best to have access to something that the subject of the binding has
touched/licked/worn; a stamp on a letter, or the sealed part of the envelope,
or a used tissue, or a cigarette butt is perfect for this purpose. Something
theyve written by hand is also excellent. Failing that, a printout of an email or
their name written by the afflicted person on a piece of paper will serve.
2) Begin the rite with a clear statement that you intend no lasting ties to the
subject and that any tie created by the rite will end when the rite ends. Be
sure to purify yourself very well both before and afterwards, restating your
policy of disconnection when the rite is done.
2) Cut the item that has ties to the subject to a size that will fit inside the
bottom of a clear glass bottle (a pickle jar is good), leaving a small piece
aside. Fill the bottle with quantities of vinegar, war water (water which has
had rusty nails soaking in it for a full month or at least three nights), plenty of
salt, black pepper, bay leaves, jalapenos, cloves, rusty nails, tacks. broken
glass, and a broken egg or two (rotten if you can stand it), while visualizing
(with an appropriate chant if you like) that the subject will, if he intends to
harm the afflicted person, run afoul of the full nastiness and pain inherent in
everything thats in the bottle until he backs off and leaves the afflicted

person in complete peace. (Its vitally important to specify that the bottle
triggers only in the case of intended harm.) You may also paint or draw
protective sigils on the bottle if you feel that will add a bit of extra force to the
spell. When the bottle is full, seal it up (preferably with black wax or duct
tape) and place it somewhere inside or close to the afflicted persons
residence (burying it in the ground is best).
3) Take the remaining piece of the representative object and place it in a
small cloth bag with a peppercorn, a clove, some coarse salt, and a bay leaf.
This is meant to be carried by the afflicted person as an additional layer of
4) Again (and I cant stress this enough), emphasize the breaking of your
connection to the subject, and purify yourself well.
(NOTE: This spell can be deactivated remotely if the need for it passes, so the
bottle doesnt need to be dug up again.)
A Simple Voodoo Hex Using Common Household Items

By Gordon
. Published on March 31, 2010.

Sometimes theres nothing for it, is

there? Now, what I like about this particular hex is that it isnt fatal To be
honest, its not even all that harmful.
The purpose of this little enchantment is more to bind and confound. As
such, its ideal targets are

School bullies

Workplace bullies

Meddlesome neighbours

Intractable bigots

Basically, anyone who has failed to see reason or live and let live. This is not
your classic revenge spell. Its goal is to foil someones harmful plans and get
them to fuck off. Note that I do not technically have I problem with the
murkier curses, I just havent had cause to ever use them. Hopefully my life
stays that way.
1. A slip of paper on which you write the victims name. You can turn it

into a sigil if thats how you roll. Keep a hold of the pen.
2. Powdered cayenne pepper. From the kitchen. As simple as that.

3. A small freezer bag or some other disposable container.

The Method
Now, Im playing pretty fast and loose with the ingredients here from a
traditional voodoo perspective. I like to make up for it by adding a bit of
orthodoxy to the method. So that means that my hex gets pretty churchy.
You can omit whatever you like. To be honest, you can perform the rite in
complete silence But wheres the fun in that?

Gather your ingredients in the kitchen. I do this at night and light a few
candles on the kitchen table because getting the feel right is half the
battle in any spell cast. But you can leave it all out if you have to.

Knock three times on the floor and say Old Man Legba, open the gate.
Knock three again and say Papa Legba, open the gate.

Call upon the Powerful Spirits of Africa to bear witness as you bind
and confound <name>.

Read aloud Psalm 140. As you say lines 9, 10 and 11 draw a line
through the persons name. For clarity those lines are:

As for the head of those that compass me about, let the mischief of their
own lips cover them.

Let burning coals fall upon them: let them be cast into the fire; into deep
pits, that they rise not up again.

Let not an evil speaker be established in the earth: evil shall hunt the
violent man to overthrow him.

Put the slip of paper in the freezer bag or small container and fill with
water from the tap.

Shake a whole bunch of cayenne pepper into the bag. Really go to town
on it.

Seal the freezer bag/container and then shake that mother up like
youre making a cocktail. This is the homemade version of traditional
voodoo war water. As you shake the freezer bag say <name>, I bind
and confound you! over and over

Put the freezer bag in the freezer and forget about it.

Thank and dismiss the spirits. Ask Papa Legba to please close the gate.

Effective Spell Disposal

This looks simple but its a fairly potent hex. So when it has done its job you
cannot just throw the frozen bag into the trash. No. Treat it like its
biohazardous material. (I wear gloves when I pull it out of the freezer.)
Wrap it in newspaper or something and quickly dispose of it in a public
trashcan in a park or somewhere. Once it has done its work, the less time it is
in your possession, the better.

Read more: http://runesoup.com/2010/03/a-simple-voodoo-hex-usingcommon-household-items/#ixzz3ZHGkcr1w

Page One-Hundred-Two: WAR POWDER

War powder is rust, preferably scraped from a tool.

War Water is Water in which iron has rusted, leaving a color

to the water and some rust powder in it.

Iron Oxide can be used as the powder, and Iron oxide (Ocher)
in water can be used as war water. It is used in magical


War Water
War water capitalizes on iron and rust, which makes it useful for both attack
and defense. Imagine rust eating away at your enemies, or the same force
stopping spells before they reach you. Likewise, iron is an excellent attack
dog and guard dog rolled in to one.
You must make war water in advance; it takes time to rust out. It keeps
indefinitely so make it asap and store it in the back of the closet until you
need it.
Iron nails, preferably square cut
A jar of water
It is said that aggressive/attacking war water must be made with rain from a
storm, but I am sure you can storm up some rage within yourself to charge it.
Drop the nails in the water (several will do just fine). Leave a little oxygen to
promote the growth of rust. Seal the container. Open it every now and again
to let more oxygen in.
As you use up your war water, add more water back to the same container.
Add war water to the bath to break hexes
Once developed, shake it and pretend you are a god of war and iron storms

Shakespearean Witchcraft: Pansy Spell #2

(This is the first in a series Im hoping on starting on a regular basis. This
is Part Two of two parts referring to A Midsummer Nights Dream. For Part

One, the explanation of this series, and Spell #1, please click here. If you
havent read the explanation of the spell, PLEASE DO.)

So here is the second Pansy Spell Ive written based on A Midsummer Nights
Dream. I call it: Oberons Variation.
Oberons Variation: A Love Distracted
This spell (curse, really) is used when you want someone to fall in love with
someone thats wrong for them. Its especially powerful if youre using it
distract someone from their actual love, just like in the play. In A Midsummer
Nights Dream, Oberon places the spell over Titiana to fall in love with
Bottom, so that Oberon can steal away her child.
Supplies needed:

purple pansies

mortar and pestle

war water, storm water, or some other form of curse water

poppet pre-dedicated as your target, preferably adorned with something

personal belonging to your target

Best performed:

on a new moon, as per the plays suggestion.

Step 1: Take the purple pansies, and remove the petals. Only use half of
them, as youll need the other half for later on in the spell.
Step 2: Place the petals in your mortar and pestle along with the chosen
war/storm/curse water. Grind them together, saying:

And with the juice of this, Ill streak their eyes,

And make them full of hateful fantasies
(Hateful in this context does not mean actual fantasies of hate, but rather it
means that the feelings that theyll have will be wrong ones, the ones they
dont need.
"They here refers to the target of the spell. Shakespeare originally wrote
this as "her, but feel free to replace any pronouns that you need to/want to.
**Respect your targets pronouns, even if youre cursing them!
Jerks.** )
Continue to mush the pansy petals and water together until you have water
thats purple in colour. Save this water for the next step.
Step 3: Take the pre-dedicated poppet (preferably holding or wearing
something that belongs to your target) and your now-purple water. Begin to
place the water over the eyes of the poppet, saying:
What thou seest when thou dost wake,
Do it for thy truelove take,
Love and languish for their* sake.
Be it ounce (lynx), or cat, or bear,
Pard (leopard), or boar with bristled hair,
In thy eye that shall appear
When thou wakest, it is thy dear.
Wake when some vile thing is near.
(Their here refers to whoever your target will fall in love with.)
Step 4: take the poppet and place it in a ring of pansies. Leave the poppet
untouched until the new moon ends, and the moon begins to wax again.
Then, dispose of the poppet however you see fit.
Happy casting!
**This spell is property of TheLivingWiccan do NOT remove

Storm Witchs Spell to Remove Someone Toxic


You will need:

storm or war water
a representation of the target (picture, poppet or whatever)
bleach, rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide
an abrasive cleaning instrument
a jar
Pour your storm or war water into a bowl. Add the representation of your
target. Add your cleaning agent, whether it be bleach, peroxide or even just
soap. Take up your preferred cleaning implement and scrub. The goal here is
to destroy or damage the representation by cleansing. Recite an incantation if
you wish, or you can recite the traits the target needs to be cleansed of,
whilst stating that they are to do so out of your life. When you feel the job is
done, seal the object in a jar and bury it.

Bottle Hex
Posted on June 5, 2011 by ladyoftheabyss
1. Place your enemys photograph inside a bottle.
2. Write your enemys name on a piece of paper and put this inside the
boottle, too.
3. Stuff holly and ivy into the bottle.
4. Add some black ink and War Water.
5. Seal the bottle shut and bury it upside down.

The Witches Spell for Dec. 29th: Spell To Make An

Enemy or Neighbor Move (Personal Request)
Posted on December 29, 2012 by ladyoftheabyss

I had a personal request for this kind of spell. As well as the person who
requested it, I hope others can find it useful also.

Make an Enemy Or Annoying Neighbor Move Away

When the moon is in a Waning phase, write on white parchment paper (or
whatever you have) the full name of the person you want to move,
along with the birth date if known. Roll up the paper, with a photo if you
have one, place inside a bottle of vinegar, then toss into a body of
running water, visualize the person moving away as the bottle is washed
Or you can try this
Get a small jar or bottle with a lid.
On a piece of paper draw a house with a big X thru it.
Then write their name on it 9 times, but not inside the house.
Fill with Four Thieves Vinegar, cap and cast into a river or ocean.
This is a good one but back it up with splashing War Water on all their outside
door knobs and porches. Do this as you build energy visualizing them packed
up and driving away down the street.

Recipe for Four Thieves Vinegar

1. Obtain the best possible red wine or apple cider vinegar.

2. Peel and crush garlic cloves and add them to the vinegar. You cant have
too much garlic, if you plan to use this vinegar for its healing and immunity
boosting qualities.
3. It is legend that each thief contributed one ingredient to this recipe.
Choose one of the following to represent each thief, for a total of four
additional ingredients:
Black pepper
Whole cayenne or other chili pepper

4. Mix the ingredients together. Shake well. Then store in a cool, dark place
and let stand for 4 days. Be sure to shake the mixture once daily.

War Water
This is super easy to make, all you need is some nails. Preferably the long,
long metal nails that rust very quickly.
1. Place the nails in a mason jar.
2. Add enough water to cover the nails. Now leave the jar were it will not be
disturbed. You want the nails to rust. Then rust generally forms within seven
to ten days. If you find that your nails are not rusting fast enough to suit you,
then open the lid and allow the nails to breath. By opening the jar lid, you will
let in oxygen thus the oxygen will cause the nails to rust more quickly.
3. Once the nails have started to rust, you can add more water if you wish.
Now keep the jar in your refrigerator or store in a cool, dark spot.
4. You can now drain enough water for your spell or other magickal workings.

What is the difference between Tar Water and War

Dear Ms. Q,
"I've read some where about Tar water and about War Water are they the
same?" "I need something stronger than Peace water to keep bad stuff out
of my home. What can I do?"
I hear folks talking about War Water and Tar Water are they the same or are
they two different kinds of water?
These two waters are constantly being mixed-up and sometimes mixed
together, in part because of Zora Neals Houstons book Hoodoo in
America, where she describes War Water as Oil of Tar in water (filtered) Oil
of Tar is a thick distillate of creosote or burned pine resin (sometimes called
Pine Tar) and it is carcinogenic and dangerous. But it would be rare for her to
mix the two up and some folks think it was an editorial mistake and not the
authors and that she was referring to Tar Water.
But in her book Of Mules and Men she appears to use the words Tar and
War water interchangeably, but some people still insist that the mix up was
caused by the editors thinking Tar really meant War, (much like the French
word of fur (vair) sounding liked the French word for glass (verre) if Charles
Perrault heard the story being told orally, which might explain how Cinderella
got a glass slipper instead of a fur slipper).
Either way both Waters are used for cleansings and protection but each deals
with a different psychic or metaphysical aspect--Tar Water: This is used this for space and personal cleansings, removal of
negative thought- forms including haunts, golems, and psychic manifestations
created by the power of the mind out of fear and extreme mental suggestion
(this is in part described in Dion Fortunes classic book Psychic Defence.)
Some people believe that if you think a house is haunted then ghosts will
manifest but this is by suggestion and by the power of the -mind, the concept
of thought forms have been discussed in Alexandra David-Neels book Magic
and Mystery in Tibet and in the book Conjuring up Philip by Iris M. Owen
and Margaret Sparrow.
Thought forms can also be created by powerful
conjure if the persons mind is strong enough. Also any negative thoughts
left over by extremely hostile people. Some people believe that thought forms
were the real alleged "witches familiar".
War Water: This is used this to gain protection, this is an extremely
aggressive forceful spiritual cleanser, to reverse a curse and send it back to
where it came from, as well as to place a curse, war water is a traditional and

allegedly potent weapon during psychic warfare and witch/hoo-doo wars. War
Water needs to be kept refrigerated and carefully labeled.
Both of them are Poisonous and should be labeled as such, obviously do not
consume and keep both away from pets and children.
But it appears that War Water maybe from more of a European origin and not
from Hoodoo or folk magic. Eventually through a mix-up or a mis-understand
the two became as one although they are really separate.
War Water (sometimes called Water of Mars or Mars Water) was originally
created to treat Iron anemia although in modern times much better treatment
is available. So it would be obvious to ancient man if it keep sickness away it
had to be a powerful magic.
The same was thought of with Tar Water which we have to give the Vikings
credit for, the Vikings used pine tar to waterproof their ships, and also using
tar water for medicinal and spiritual purposes. Historically it was used to
treat scurvy, skin ulcers, inflammatory distempers and nervous disorders, the
Vikings have also used it for warding off spirits from their homes by placing a
drop of tar water on the stoop of all doors leading to the outside, on all
windowsills, and on the stoop of the chimney's fireplace door. This actually
works best if no spirits have latched onto you, or else they'll stay confined
inside the house. Eventually the idea of cleansing oneself from any spirit
attachment grew out of this idea.
In modern times, tar water has been used in witch craft and hoodoo for
warding (as the Vikings have,) as well as for cleansing especially in the case
of those targeted by curses and crossing spells or are haunted. In Santeria
(especially the Santa Muerte cults) and in Hoodoo (and possibly Voodoo), tar
water is used for the same applications as well as a substance to aid in
curses and cross work (in the same manner as goofer dust, hot foot powder
or bend over powder).
Tar Water traditionally is made from bog water or swamp water that naturally
contains creosote from decaying pine trees and spanish moss. It is
traditional in Southern conjure, and often contains nails and other things as
well, depending upon the practioner.
Because in Zora Neale Hurstons books the words "Tar Water" and "War
Water" are used interchangeably in "Mules and Men", and its believe over
time the two recipes became intermingled. However, War Water is Not
traditional hoodoo, while Tar Water is.
War Water, as I understand it, traditionally should be red not black, due to its
connection with the Roman god Mars and iron and since it is more from a
European tradition.

Its possible that the use of Spanish moss is a crossover from Tar Water into
War Water in the belief that it increased its cursing potency but thats
speculation on my part because of what Mrs. Washington who was from New
Orleans, and Mrs. Rose who was from South Carolina told me about the
mixing of Tar water.
They both told me that where there was some sort of ulcers or open sores
that had difficulty in healing on the skin a mild form of Tar Water would be
used and seemed to be effacious in healing them.
Interestingly, in 1878 a brand of soap came out called Grandpas Pine Tar
Soap and I remember Granny having Grandpa bathe with this soap when he
had a rash that would not heal and it cleared up. Mrs. Washington would take
this soap and shave some of it into a ritual bath whenever she felt some, as
she called it, Haints glued to me, aka psychic sludge. So obviously this
became a much safer way of doing this kind of bath. This soup is still being
made today and can be found on the internet.
Now a days tar water is strictly used for cleansing, especially to get rid of any
ghosts or haints, as its powers for warding and crossing is not completely
How is Tar Water used? Practitioners tend to use tar water as a wash,
mopping the 4 corners of their homes with it, washing down their
doors/stoops/patios and even mixing it with holy water to dress the 4 corners
of their front and back yards. Although some will use it as a personal wash to
remove any psychic sludge from ones life but use only a tiny bit like a capful
in your bath water.
To make Tar Water:
There are several ways to make Tar Water--The standard traditional way is to soak burnt pine tar (from a pine tree) in
water for several days in a bucket of tap water or in the old days well water,
then slowly filter off the water into a master bottle leaving the tar in the
bucket (you might as well forget using that bucket for anything else), they
also use to use Road Tar as that kind of tar was used to make roads.
Now a days and I have to confess I did it recently (Im a bad, bad girl), there
was some work done nearby on a street, which this tar was put down on a
road as a slurry to preserve the road, when they took their lunch break I
picked up a few pieces of rocks that had the slurry on it and put it into a
plastic zip lock food bag, ya never known when it will come in handy. (By the
way it pays to carry small envelopes and plastic zip lock bags and a felt tip
pen to label them because you never know what you'll find that comes in

Now to make it beyond just pine or road tar and water, traditionally the water
should come from a swamp or bog, which is why Mrs. Washington and Mrs.
Rose would get jugs of water from some relatives who would visit and these
jugs had water from the Mississippi River in it. But since real bog/swamp
water would have things rotting in it, the addition of Spanish Moss helped
So youd be looking at a Traditional Formula as being made with:
Pine or Road Tar
Swamp or bog water
And Spanish Moss
For further protection they would add Holy Water.
Now to ramp it up some practitioners would add coffin nails and a pinch of
Some folks would use a product called Creolina which is used by commercial
dry cleaners and it is a coal tar deodorant cleaner. Now you have to be very
careful with this stuff as it will burn your skin and it smells awful. But people
have used it for cleansing and protecting their home and property and claim it
Other folks would use Turpentine instead as it is more readily available, but
again its caustic and poisonous.
A slightly more modern formula would be:
Spanish Moss
Holy Water
and if you have one in your area bog or swamp water, if not then water from
a cemetery (where they have those lawn pipes so you can draw water for the
jars to hold cut flowers) or stagnate water and considering how much
chemicals a water treatment plant puts into our drinking water that is
stagnate or dead water. You can also add sulfur and coffin nails for extra
added strength.
On the amounts I'm not sure because I've seen both Granny and some of the
ladies vary it depending upon the size of the jar, and be sure to seal the jar
because it will get pretty smelly. But you would only need to pour off from
your Master Bottle, a tiny amount to put into your mop water, or just a capful
(the size of a small soda bottle cap) into your ritual bath water. Be sure to

filter it as you pour, what is trapped in the filter can be put back into the
Master Bottle and you can add more water to it.
Then Mrs. Washington and my Granny came across Pine Tar soap, much safer
to use especially in personal cleansings to get haints off of you.
So if youre going to use this as a personal cleansing, put only a small capful
into your bath water and wash, Set up candles as you would in Uncrossing
spells on either end of the tub. After you bathe, air dry and let the water
drain down, the haints will go with it out to the sea as they say.
But if you are fearful of having any carcinogenic liquid on you then the use of
Grandpas Pine Tar Soap is a safe substitute. For that shave off a little bit of
the Pine Tar Soap into hot tap water (water from your faucet) so it will
dissolve, and add some church blessed Holy water to it then put a small
amount into your ritual bath water and keep the rest in a master bottle,
refrigerate to prevent mold. If mold forms toss out and make fresh.
In clearing out the psychic sludge out of your home and off your property,
then make a solution with turpentine, swamp/bog/cemetery water or tap
water, Spanish moss, some old rusty nails or coffin nails, and a pinch of either
gunpowder or Sulfur (Sulfur is much easier to get from a metaphysical store),
let this stuff marinate for 2 weeks, shake it up if necessary, this give the
moss a chance to rot, trust me this stuff will smell gross, then add church
blessed Holy water.
This will be your Master Bottle from that filter out a little as you pour it (put
what you filter out back into the Master Bottle) and only pour just a small
amount into a clean bucket of mop water, you can use pine-sol (regular) in
the mop water as well.
Be sure to mop all four corners of your kitchen, bath, because psychic sludge
loves to hide in dark corners, take a clean cloth and wash down your window
sills, and door frames top to bottom, if you have wall to wall carpeting then
using an eye dropper or a pipette put a drop in each corner of the room, and
one drop in the center of the room, if you have a hall entrance put it there
too, any place that is not wall to wall carpeted wash down the four corners as
well, including any entrances to the attic, even sprinkle some in the attic if
possible. Dont forget the four corners of your closets.
If you have a garage and it has windows, do the four corners, the windows
and the garage door.
Mop down your porch(front and back), the steps to your porch (front and
back) then walk down to the edge of your walk way and then pour the
remaining water in a straight line across the walk way so that way anyone
with evil thoughts will have to cross over it and it will negate their thoughts
and destroy any tricks they should try to put on you as well as keep
negative thought forms and ghosts away from you.

Make a 2nd bucket of water with a little of the Tar water and pour into the
four corners of your front yard and if you have one the back yard too, if you
have a patio made with either wood or cement or bricks, wash that down
using a broom, dip the broom into the bucket and scrub the deck or patio.
Any left over water again pour into the four corners of your yards.
As Mrs. Washington would say Dat ill take care of dem haints and trust me
she was an educated woman but every now and then shed slip into her
parents and grandparents vernacular, it was her way of staying bonded to
them in spirit.

Well I talked so much about Tar Water lets be clear as possible about War
Water also known as water of Mars or Mars Water.
War Water, is not native to hoodoo practices, it is likely a European influence,
as its name and purpose comes from the Roman god of war, Mars. In spite of
the fact that is it not historically traditional to hoodoo, War Water has gained
an important position and is firmly in place in conjure and folk magic and
should be talked about.
War Water, is an offensive tool meant to bring peace back into ones life by
causing discord in another's usually the person who is making life difficult for
you. Essentially, War Water's primary purpose is hostile foot track magic.
War water is used:
To gain protection. This is an extremely aggressive, forceful spiritual cleanser.
To reverse a curse and send it back to where it came from.
To place a curse. War water is a traditional and allegedly potent weapon
during psychic warfare and witch wars.
War water can be used for:
In Floor washes
To splash on a door step or other target
It can also be added to or used in spell work for protection, cleansing,
reversal spells, hex work, and more (great for spell bottles and jars), there
are a lot of them out there.
Once you have made War Water, how do you use it?

There are several methods, depending on just what your final intent might
be. If you intend to use the most basic rust-water formula for protective
purposes, you can use it as an addition to a spiritual bath just a capful, a
wash for the outside of your home or business put some in the mop bucket,
sprinkle for any letters or papers you might be sending out to someone
hostile to you (such as legal papers, Ive known a few women who used it in
their divorce proceedings)
The most common use of War Water, is as a component of psychic warfare,
such as cursing or sending back a curse, Draja Mickaharic makes a good case
for having sturdy defenses in place before beginning any ritual of cursing or
hexing anyone one. He says If you are going to declare psychic war on
someone you should mop your stairs, porch, doorway, and any outside
surfaces of your home on which anything can be cast or thrown before you
begin the war. This ensures that you will be protected when the other persons
inevitable counterattack comes. In most cases War Water will cause any spell
which is placed on your doorstep to rebound instantly to the sender.
If youre going to use it for your own personal protection as a spiritual bath
you only need it in its rusty iron and water from, and just put in a cap full in
your bath water again bathe as if you were doing an uncrossing ritual using
two glass enclosed candles to create the psychic portal before you enter your
bath tub or shower. So unless you need a more aggressive formula that usual
works very well.
But Ive seen a lot of emotional drama especially among young people, so
there is a more aggressive formula as well.
So Im going to give to you the mild version, the slightly more aggressive
version and the very aggressive version and several ways of deploying it.
The mild version is to get some cut iron nails and put it in spring water in a
good size jar, put it in the refrigerator, open the jar every day so it will get air
and the nails will oxidize, the nails can be plain old nails, not thing special
except for your intention. Once it starts to get nice and rusty (allow at least 2
weeks for the rust to form) and turn the water red, pray over it for protection
Psalm 23 is always good. For your protection bath just put a capful into your
bath water, thats all you need to do.
Now if you want to be more aggressive if you can use Storm water or water
from a violent rain storm (thunder storms are best) if you havent had a
violent rain storm or dont see one in the immediate future (check my posts
on spiritual waters) then use bog or swamp water, even stagnate water the
smellier the better.
Add to it cut iron nails and Spanish moss and some thorns if possible,

Again allow to marinate for at least 2 weeks, occasionally opening the jar to
increase oxidation.
For Very aggressive War water again try and get water from a violent rain
storm if possible, or bog or swamp water
Add to it red pepper (the hotter the better)
Sulfur or gunpowder (Sulfur can be purchased at a metaphysical shop)
You own urine (hey remember the old saying P*&% on you)
Spanish Moss
Cut iron nails (if you have a really big jar an old rail road spike works very
well but it can break a glass jar)
Also Nails from a building where you want this person to go such as a court
house to lose a case, hospital to be ill, jail to never get out, or if you cant get
nails from that then coffin nails
Some folks will add goofer dust or graveyard dirt to this mixture and in some
cases Black Salt and/or a Dirt Dabner nest (its a type of wasps nest)
All of these formulas are just a few that I know of but it also depends on what
the practitioner knows that works for him or her.
Now there are several methods of deployment of War Water, the best known
is to put it into a small bottle and then throw it at the other persons house so
the bottle will break and the person on the receiving end has to deal with
broken glass and it gets on them as well as their property.
My Granny and her Ladies heard about some sort of psychic war fare between
practitioners, which included drive-by war water glass bombs, as far as
Granny and her ladies were concerned it was childish and foolish and
remained above the fray, and not take sides, besides Granny and her ladies
dealt with the Depression of the 1930s and were a frugal lot, why break a
bottle when you could get 3 or 5 cents return for it. They knew of an easier
way Thanks to Mrs. Byrd.
What one practitioner did and even a couple of Grannys ladies did is have
some war water in an old soda bottle and then when they visited theyd pour
it out on the ground as if the soda had gone very flat, and then leave the
bottle for them to get the 5 cents refund, I myself did it with someone who
was pissing me off, and I had an empty cola soda can and it was late at night
so I poured it out on the ground near her steps and left the can there, and
that worked very well.

But Mrs. Byrd was very angry at a couple who called her some very insulting
names, and they had no reason to do that, so what she did is she took an egg
and made a tiny hole on both ends and blew the yoke and the egg white out
(she used the yoke for cooking that day), putting a bit of shell and glue to
one end and a bit of tape she filled the egg shell with war water using a thin
nosed eye dropper (a pipette works very well for this), and she taped the
other end.
In the middle of the night like 2 a.m. she went to their house and threw the
egg against their porch, and that worked very well too, in a week they were
evicted unexpectedly and left the area. And egg shells are so innocuous, but
carry them very carefully in a zip lock bag, Mrs. Byrd carried hers in a small
brown paper bag.
Now you only pour out the water from your master bottle, be sure to filter it
into a smaller bottle or what container youre going to use. What filters out
put back into the master bottle and add more water.
Other uses of War Water
To banish evil and remove negativity from your place Sprinkle around
your house
To protect you, your loved one and your property from future psychic and
magical attacks
As additional aid in unbinding spells- Use it in your ritual to remove
malevolent magic that has targeted you and your loved ones
To remove obstacles- When you feel that your road is blocked by unseen
For jinx removing- Add some drops in your bath along with a pinch of Black
Salt (if you feel the jinx is very bad) and bathe


Warning: tar water is acidic and can burn the skin and eyes. Pine tar itself is
flammable as well as acidic. Handle with care. If on skin or eyes, rinse well
with water for 15 minutes (longer if necessary) Go to the Emergency Room of
the hospital for further medical assistance. Remember it contains pine
creosote (a known carcinogen). Do not ingest. Keep out of reach of children
and pets. Do not keep any sizable amount of the raw tar in your home or
garage because it is flammable. Keep it outside in its bucket or a safe

And there you have it about Tar Water and War Water, I myself have not had
to use either personally except for one time (but I do have those rocks with
the tar slurry for just in case) and I hope you dear readers never have need
of it.
But the information is here for your understanding.
How does one counter act War Water?
You use Peace Water, and also try to make amends with anyone who has a
grudge against you, if nothing else to at least make them look foolish and
small by you being the understanding person who does not wish ill will.
Peace Water Formula
It is used as the antidote to the previous two waters by combining equal
amounts of
Holy water
Spring water
Rain water
River water
Ocean water
This is poured on places where peace and harmony is needed, or where
tar/war water has previously been spilled.
Bright Blessings,
Ms. Q

Types of Water for Magickal Uses ---Part 6---Section

2---Made or Charged Water~~~
Dear Ms. Q,
To continue---the list of made or charged waters is long and each has their
purpose, and many come from different sources but all can be applied to
magickal use.

Im going to continue with Peace Water as there are variations to the basic
formula here is one that is very simple and uses the herb Basil : brew a tea of
fresh basil leaves, add a splash of bay rum and in Spring or Rain water that
has fallen during the Waxing moon a few drops of liquid bluing. The three
waters should separate and Basil is a protection and cleansing herb.
Another formula is this:
Designed to bring serenity to a troubled house hold. The formula is a mixture
of oil and water. The blue water is Notre Dame water with blue food coloring
added to it. And the oil can be any base oil of your choosing. Add half blue
holy water and half oil to a clear bottle. To use, shake the bottle so the layers
disperse. They should return to their positions once the bottle is at rest. Burn
peace water in a special diffuser (keep watch on it if you use a tea light), by
sending the diffused water into the air it is absorbed by all who smell or have
it lightly fall upon them.
There are two other formulas for Peace Water credited to the
Voodooine Marie LaVeau
You may see it listed as Marie Laveaus Peace Water or
As Five Holy Waters
consists of equal parts
Holy Water from a church
Spring Water
River Water
Rain Water
Ocean Water
Now this is the five waters altogether, with no fragrance and no oil.
There is a more elaborator Peace Water mixture of 7 Holy Waters


This contains equal parts of
Holy Water from a church

Spring Water
River Water
Rain Water
Ocean Water

Cologne (Florida Water or Hoyt's Cologne)

And Whiskey--- I know why whiskey---well whiskey is made with water and
in Hoodoo and Voodoo work it as well as gin is offered to the Saints so
whiskey is considered a holy water
-- seven waters altogether, with some fragrance from the Florida Water or
Hoyts Cologne
It is known that where household quarrels or in-law troubles have been of
long standing, it is advised to ritually cleanse the home first with Chinese
Wash to clear out any old messes before sprinkling Peace Water in the
corners. For a more powerful job when there have been assaults from
enemies, an outer ring of Fiery Wall of Protection sachet powder can be laid
down around the perimeter of the property after the ritual cleaning, and the
Peace Water can then be sprinkled within this circle at the corners and
center. But remember because there is oil involved it will stain so use


The Queen of New Orleans voodoo, Marie Laveau, was an amazing woman.
She was instrumental in establishing a beautiful tradition especially holding
her gatherings in what was called Congo Square in New Orleans and making it
widely known to westerners, black, white and creole people would come to
her for assistance. Sometimes people would be troubled and shed give them
this potion to wipe their forehead with or to use in a diffuser or to put into a
wash for spiritual cleansing
Marie Laveau water is used for psychic enhancement, protection, aura
cleansing, and general cleansing spells.
One cup rainwater
One cup spring water
One cup rose water
One cup Holy water

One cup lavender hydrosol

Now onto other Made Waters


Named after the famed cathedral of Notre Dame, early use of Notre Dame
water served as an elixir. The formula from the 1870s gives its main
ingredient as tincture of arnica flower. Over time using it as an
elixir lessened, but because of its name it became associated with spiritual
work, used for cleansing or to bring peace to ones home. Most contemporary
recipes call for floral scents, chiefly rose or citrus.
Notre Dame water is sometimes included in other waters such as Peace Water
and it is good for spells invoking goddesses, including Mother Mary, happy
home spells, cleansing spells, spells to summon spirits, and uncrossing/hexbreaking.
It is made from Church or Priest blessed Holy water, white rosewater, and
either Neroli Hydrosol or violet hydrosol.
Usually its 1 part Holy Water
2 parts Rose Hydrosol
1 part Neroli or Violet Hydrosol
Then read Psalm 62 over the mixture
Im now going to go into some flower waters


Various flower waters - most especially Rose Water - are used in a variety of
spells. Certain spells specifically demand flower water, but these waters may
also be substituted for regular water in other spells and formulas, particularly
those for romantic or healing purposes, and in magical ink or incense
formulas, or for spells that involve dissolving gum acacia or other gum resins.
Some waters are also used in cooking such as Rose Water and Orange
Blossom Water are frequent additions to Indian, Middle Eastern and North
African cuisine, and so are easily and inexpensively purchased from
specialized vendors. The quality of pre-packaged flower waters is erratic;
however some are excellent. Fine hydrosols, once rare, are becoming more
popular, and may be the finest source of true flower waters.

Flower Waters are easily made, providing one has a sufficient supply of fresh
flowers. Depending on one's intent, it is wise to avoid florists' flowers because
they tend to be laden with pesticides, which then may be concentrated in the
flower water.

Use it in your bath water or on body and in home to TURN BACK EVIL. Be
protected from evil and enemies.
Remove the petals from a few fresh roses. Place them in a small pot and
cover with approximately one quarter inch of spring water. Simmer gently
until a visual change is observed: the petals will become limp and pallid.
Strain and allow the liquid to cool. Refrigerate any Rose Water that is not used

Powerful love potion that makes your lover want you. They will show you
respect and give you what you want! Use in laundry, bath, bed sheets, or
Lavender Water is thought to enhance the memory while stimulating psychic
ability. Originally, Lavender Water was created by Hildegard of Bingen in the
twelfth century through the steam distillation of lavender blossoms. Lavender
hydrosol, the product of distillation is truly the appropriate choice for creating
Lavender Water; however essential oil of lavender may be substituted in this
formula, which is for external use only.
Diffusing it into the air with a diffuser helps to create a relaxed and calm


Place petals within a mason jar. Cover with boiling water and allow to sit
overnight. Strain out the botanical material. Refrigerate any Orange Blossom
or Jasmine water that is not used immediately. These are used in various
spell work and unless you are using specific spells that call for this water you
can purchase it from reputable metaphysical shops.


This is made of Myrtle, dried orange blossoms (neroli) and dried rose petals.
Add the flower petals and herbs to spring water in a glass bowl. Lay out in
sunlight like you would make sun tea. Use a French press to separate the
water from the herbs. Pour in a mason jar and refrigerate. Myrtle-based
Angels Water was used by Europeans of the British Isles. The Spanish also
have a formula which consists of angelica flowers, lavender, rose and trefoil.
This is used for love, beauty, sensuality and sexuality. Myrtle is sacred to the
Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite.
Angel Water also refers variously to Jordan River Water, or to a sixteenth
century complexion remedy that had, by the eighteenth century, evolved into
a love potion. (do not take internally)
Its name may have come from those angels described In the Book of Genesis
who seduced the daughters of man with lessons of magic. Another source
may be found in the legend of Aphrodite, who was clothed in myrtle (the
crucial ingredient of Angel Water) leaves when she first arose naked from the
Myrtle is a small tree native to the Mediterranean coast; it was considered
sacred to Aphrodite. The basic formula for Angel Water consists of myrtle,
orange blossoms (neroli) and rose. All of the basic ingredients are available in
the form of essential oils. Angel Water typically is used externally.
Add a quantity of Angel Water to a bath to maintain romance (whether
bathing solo or together) and to provoke erotic dreams. Purportedly, the
greater the quantity of Angel Water, the greater the aphrodisiac effect.
Blend Angel Water with alcohol for an erotic massage potion.
Allegedly, angels love the scent of myrtle. So if you wish to summon an angel,
fill glass or crystal bowls with Angel Water and verbally request the angel's
In this case to help summon the Angles blend the combination of myrtle,
orange blossoms and rose with water from the River Jordan.
Sometimes it is best to consider homemade floral waters or infusions of fresh
and dried flowers and leaves instead of essential oils if they are grown in your
own yard. Homegrown flowers are preferred to those commercially grown due
to pesticides.


This is a combination of Lavender, rosemary, brandy or vodka. Used for

banishing negativity during the dark moon.

Never enough can be said about Florida Water so if I am repeating myself
please bear with me.
Florida-Water is a floral scented water that was originally used as a perfume
cologne by both men and women in the 19th century. It has many and varied
uses in the Hoodoo Tradition such as an offering for spirits, protection of the
home (by putting it in a spray bottle and misting it in the air), protection, and
cleansing objects in a similar manner as Holy-Water.
Another variation of Florida Water is Hoyts Cologne which works on the same
Can be used for body perfume, cleansings and floorwash, for external use
I have here a formula to make Florida Water:
2 cups of vodka
Two tablespoons of rose water, hydrosol or orange blossom water or hydrosol
16 drops of essential oil of bergamot, or an Earl grey tea bag (contains
12 drops of essential oil or lavender, or dried lavender herb wrapped in
6 drops of essential oil of may chang
3 drops of essential oil of rosemary, or dried rosemary wrapped in
2 drops of essential oil of jasmine
2 drops of rose attar


The Rose of Jericho is a Mexican plant that when added to water, opens up.
And when dried the plant closes back to its original position. Place the rose of

Jericho in a bowl of water. Say sacred prayers over it to do that select the
Psalms you want depending upon the work you want it to do.
Wait for the rose to unfold which can open overnight or take up to three days.
Change the water weekly, reserving the old water for magical use. Can be
used for cleansings, house blessings, and spell reversals and to repel
malevolent magic.


Blue Water is used to rid a person or place of negative energy, hexes, and
crossed-conditions. It can easily be made by adding liquid bluing to spring,
river, lake or rain water and adding a pinch of salt. One of the best
commercial bluing is Mrs. Smiths Laundry bluing which still can be purchased
or buying Blue Balls sometimes called Anil or Anile from metaphysical shops.
Pray the 23rd Psalm over the water and make the sign of the cross to seal the
working. There are several ways of using Blue-Water from taking a spiritual
bath, adding it to scrub waters, or leaving it sitting out in a clear glass
somewhere in the home. The color Blue is considered sacred, holy and
calming, and in a way helps invoke those positive energies into ones home.
One time I went to an estate sale and there was this room on the sunny side
of the house but it was painted in a Wedgewood blue with white enamel trim
and pale blue drapes with white curtains, the feeling in that room was
peaceful and serene and spiritually uplifting. I found out that the lady of the
house conducted all her meetings of the various charities she was involved
with, in that room and they always ended on a positive note, I also found out
that she was very active in her church and was known for doing good works.

This is to not be confused with Ghost Water.
Add one tablespoon of anisette to a glass of spring water. Place it on the altar
to call in ancestral spirits, to perform sances or other necromantic
spells. You do not drink this water, this is placed for the spirits to drink from
while you are conducting either sances or rituals dealing with the ancestral
spirits, do not throw away but leave on your altar until gone.


Not to be confused with Spirit Water, you place a bottle of spring water on a
grave of a particular person you wish to speak to at midnight, during a dark
moon. Remove the bottle before daybreak.
Ghost water is used for talking to the dead, more specifically to the person
whose grave you put the bottle on. When you are ready to speak to that
person, open the bottle and pour some of that water into a clear glass and
recap the bottle, place the glass with the amount of water youve poured and
then conduct your sance. When it is over thank the spirit for coming and
place that water into another bottle to take back and pour upon the grave
that you collected it from. You still have the remaining bottle of water that
youve collected if you wish to contact that spirit again.
Exercise caution when doing this.

Vinegars have their own ritual use in cleansing and banishing's, the most
famous is 4 Thieves vinegar

Four Thieves Vinegar has a reputation and tradition of its own, separate from
that of other forms of vinegar. Folklore tells us of four thieves who
concocted a special vinegar that kept them healthy even as they robbed
graves during the Black Plague. Folk tradition utilizes this vinegar for the
purpose of cleansing and protection, often adding it to a wash. There are a
multiple recipes out there for Four Thieves Vinegar, using either apple cider or
basaltic vinegar if its for consumption or distilled white vinegar for washing
Some people use it at a love potion that makes your lover want you ONLY,
They will show you respect and give you what you want so to use in laundry,
bath, bed sheets, or clothes
But I would not recommend it for a love potion as it contains Garlic which
would through off any lover and do not wash any clothing or bedding it
because Red wine vinegar can stain, so I recommend it as a wash to keep evil
out and for illness banishing spells, and commanding spells.
If you come across any web site that says its a love potion avoid it at all
costs---it is not.

Traditionally, each thief contributed one ingredient. Choose one of the

following to represent each thief; Garlic, cayenne, coriander, lavender, mint,
rosemary, rue, sage, thyme, or wormwood. I have here two formulas
Add to a bottle of Red Wine Vinegar the following items: Camphor Leaves
Cinnamon Sticks Cloves, Garlic, Ginger, Lavender, Mint, Nutmeg, Rosemary
The second one: To a bottle of cider vinegar add equal parts of:
Garlic Lavender Mint Rosemary Rue Sage Wormwood
You can use the less expensive distilled white vinegar and it will work just as
Do this on a Sunday, and let steep for a full week shaking it once daily. Best
used as a wash.
Be very careful do Not ingest Note: Wormwood contains thujone, a
psychoactive chemical that can cause epileptic-like convulsions and kidney
failure when ingested in large amounts. So wear dishwashing gloves

The primary use of plain vinegar in Conjure or Hoodoo work is for souring and
cursing magic.
Being "Hag Ridden" refers to the belief that malevolent witches are able to
take possession of your body at night, riding it like an animal. You awake
exhausted, and over time the carousing committed in your body can cause
sickness. There are many ways to keep a witch from riding you, and certain
preventatives play off the belief that a witch is forced to count whatever is set
before her.
A common way of escaping the clutches of a witch would have you throw salt
crystals behind you, for the witch will be forced to count each and every one
before she is free to pursue you. Another thing in your favor is that witches
can be evaporated by vinegar.
Remember how Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz made the wicked witch melt by
throwing water on her? Well it wasnt water it was vinegar.
What you can do is place an open bottle of vinegar near where you sleep, fill
it with items that the witch must count, an odd number of pins is always good
or tiny, tiny pebbles or seed beads. The witch will enter the bottle in order to
act out her compulsion, then turn to mush. A bottle that had successfully
entombed a witch should be sealed and buried at a crossroads, in modern city

wide American that can be hard, but look for a crossroads thats not busy or a
rural cross roads.
Another spell for vinegar is this:
A vinegar bottle is a type of bottle spell used to sour a persons temperament
and reputation. Something representing that person must go into the bottle,
such as their photo, a personal concern of theirs, or simply their name written
on a paper.
Ideally you want it to be a material that will over time be disintegrated by the
vinegar. Other things may go in a well, such as pins and thorns, or controlling
herbs such as licorice root. But the main ingredient is the vinegar. No need to
go to a fancy shop to buy good artisan vinegar or anything fancy. Its exact
variety does not matter (it can be apple cider, malt, or what-have-you), so
long as it is strong. Once the bottle is full, cap it, and shake it whenever you
wish for this person to encounter additional negative effects. The bottle alone
will work on them over time.
But there is something very satisfying about giving it a good shake whenever
you feel angered by them. I knew a girl in High School who was always
humiliated by some girls in a particular clique, High School is the meanest
time I think. We all were in choir music class and had done a competition
successfully and I had my little box camera with black and white film and
asked all of them to line up and pose, what I did was deliberately take several
pictures one with everyone in it, one without the girl who was always being
humiliated, and several others and then one with the specific girls who were
the culprits.
A few weeks before School let out for the Summer and we all knew wed be
back together in the fall, I asked the girl (lets call her Jean) a question, was
she tired of being humiliated by those girls? She said yes, and I said well if
nothing else lets do this so youll at least feel good over the summer And
with my Grannys help (she did approve) we made the bottle.
Come the fall two of the girls did not return to school, it seems they were
arrested for shop lifting and their parents sent them to relatives out of town,
of the other two girls one got pregnant and didnt return and the other was
sent to a boarding school as she had become a problem with her parents over
the summer. Jean was able to blossom and became a popular girl with a lot
of nice friends and made excellent grades.


Im going to use the words Black Water and Agua Negra interchangeably it is
the same thing.

It is said that it destroys all evil around you. Makes the devil run! At least
that is what is said to do, some formulas have Black Salt added to Water of
Mars aka War Water for improved protective and jinx removing effects. Please
note that Black Salt is a very powerful tool so I want you to think twice before
you cast a spell to remove someone from your house. I know that its effects
are long-lasting which Ive discovered from personal experience.
Agua Negra is used to wash the outside of your home, like steps, porches,
decks, windows, and doors in order place a barrier of protection. Those who
wish us harm cannot pass. It is great to combine with red brick dust by
washing with the water first then laying a line of red brick dust down when
the area has been finished with cleaning and drying.
Black Water is used in many traditions including Hoodoo, Voodoo, Santeria,
Witchcraft and other magical systems. It is used to cause ones enemy to
become dissatisfied with ones surroundings and move away or wander
aimlessly. To use simply sprinkle on the doorstep of or in a place where the
person you want to send away will walk through it. Black Water can also be
used to anoint a black candle or a black Voodoo doll for the same result.
Stepping on Black Water can cause great confusion and dissatisfaction so
please use with caution you dont want the wrong person to be affected by it.
A powerful ritual tool for forcefully removing negativity, baneful energy, and
sending away unwanted people (and making them stay away), Black Water
(Aqua Negra) is also used for potent purification and to empower darker
spells such as hexes, curses, jinxes, crossing conditions and confusing an
Sprinkle on the steps of an unwanted neighbor to make them move or across
the path of an enemy to remove them from your life or put some on their
door knob whenever you can.
I know that it combines indigo water, pokeberry dye, ash, and other natural
ingredients but traditional hoodooists are very jealous of their recipe. Only a
few places I know offer the really good Black Water or Agua Negra one is
Conjure Cardea on the internet. Some people swear by the Anna Riva
products, but Ive found Conjure Cardea to be an excellent shop.
And now Ms. Q I will have to finish Made Waters in a 3 rd post. Please bear
with me.
Blessings Ms. Q

Types of Waters for Magical Uses----Part 6- Section 1

--Made or Charged Waters (also what is "holy
Dear Ms. Q,
There has been a lot of questions and confusions about what is and what isn't
Holy Water and holy water, if you notice I capitalize the one and the other I
don't. I'm doing that so I can differentiate between the two, yes two types of
holy waters.
I need to make clear on a point of order---when I use the term Holy Water
that is with a capital H and capital W, I am referring to Church blessed Holy
When I use the term holy water with a lower case H and W I am referring to
waters that have been consecrated by rituals other than that done by the
Church. So if you see that I use one or the other you will know which one or
type Im referring to.
First I will deal with Holy Water as associated with Catholic, Anglican and
Orthodox Christianity.
What is Holy Water? That is the type of water is water that has been blessed
by a priest or bishop and is used in Catholic and Orthodox Christianity.
If you have ever watched the T.V. program Supernatural when they refer to
Holy Water they are referring to priest blessed water.
Let us look at Holy Water in the Catholic Church----Holy water figures in Roman Catholic rituals of exorcism. It is also the usual
water used in baptisms that occur in a church; however, the use of specifically
consecrated water is not required for a valid baptism under Roman Catholic
religious law.
There is a little known exception that if someone who is not Catholic but is
under the fear of immediate death may ask any Catholic lay person to baptize
them, using any clean water available even sea or ocean water, the lay person
can sprinkle the water over the head of the dying person and say I baptize
thee in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that your soul
may be cleansed of all sins and be received into the Holy Spirit. Amen But
this can only be done at the explicit request of the dying person and in
extremely exceptional cases.
The specifics are far more detailed than what I have written here and I
recommend that if you are interested in this procedure for spiritual

emergencies please look it up through your search engine to be familiar with

Within the physical body of the Church, a quantity of holy water is typically
kept in a font, an item of church architecture that typically appears in a
baptistery, the traditional location for baptisms; a smaller font, called a stoup,
may be placed near the entrance of the church. Roman Catholics bless
themselves when entering the church by dipping their fingers in the holy
water and making the sign of the cross. Holy water is also sometimes
sprinkled upon the congregation during the Mass; this is called aspersion.
In the theology of Roman Catholicism, holy water is a sacramental, a "sacred
sign which bear(s) a resemblance to the sacraments." Holy water recalls the
sacrament of baptism.
There are within the Catholic Church rituals varieties of Holy Water
Roman Catholic rituals distinguish four different kinds of holy water. There
Holy water per se, of the kind found in the stoup, which has been blessed
with a small amount of salt as a preservative. This is the holy water used in
aspersions and blessings;
Baptismal holy water, to which a slight amount of chrism or anointing oil and
the oil of catechumens has been added, used in church baptisms;
Gregorian water, also called "water of consecration"; small amounts of wine,
salt, and ashes (usually from palm leaves that have been burned from Ash
Wednesday) are added to it, and it is used by bishops at the consecration of
a church; and
Easter water, which is distributed to the faithful on Easter Sunday for use at
home. Not all Catholic Churches distribute Easter water but one can find out
prior to the next Easter.
There are specific Rituals Associated with Holy Water
The ritual of consecrating holy water traditionally is performed on Holy
Saturday and during the vigil of Pentecost. Once consecrated, more ordinary
water can be added to the supply of holy water, and the entire quantity of
water remains consecrated provided that the amount added is less than the
amount of water that was there.
Holy water can in fact be consecrated upon any day in the liturgical calendar
except Easter Sunday and Pentecost itself. The ritual of preparing holy water
is itself in form an exorcism; the priest first exorcises the salt, and then the
water itself. The traditional Latin formula for exorcising and blessing the
water is:

Exorcizo te, creatura aqu, in nomine Dei Patris omnipotentis, et in nomine

Jesu Christi, Filii ejus Domini nostri, et in virtute Spiritus Sancti: ut fias aqua
exorcizata ad effugandam omnem potestatem inimici, et ipsum inimicum
eradicare et explantare valeas cum angelis suis apostaticis, per virtutem
ejusdem Domini nostri Jesu Christ: qui venturus est judicare vivos et mortuos
et sculum per ignem.
I exorcise thee in the name of God the Father almighty, and in the name of
Jesus Christ His Son, our Lord, and in the power of the Holy Ghost, that you
may be able to put to flight all the power of the enemy, and be able to root
out and supplant that enemy and his apostate angels; through the power of
our Lord Jesus Christ, who will come to judge the living and the dead and the
world by fire.
Deus, qui ad salutem humani generis maxima quque sacramenta in
aquarum substantia condidisti: adesto propitius invocationibus nostris, et
elemento huic, multimodis purificationibus prparato, virtutem tu
benedictionis infunde; ut creatura tua, mysteriis tuis serviens, ad abigendos
dmones morbosque pellendos divin grati sumat effectum; ut quidquid in
domibus vel in locis fidelium hc unda resperserit careat omni immunditia,
liberetur a noxa. Non illic resideat spiritus pestilens, non aura corrumpens:
discedant omnes insidi latentis inimici; et si quid est quod aut incolumitati
habitantium invidet aut quieti, aspersione hujus aqu effugiat: ut salubritas,
per invocationem sancti tui nominis expetita, ab omnibus sit impugnationibus
defensa. Per Dominum, amen.
God, Who for the salvation of the human race has built your greatest
mysteries upon this substance, in your kindness hear our prayers and pour
down the power of your blessing into this element, prepared by many
purifications. May this your creation be a vessel of divine grace to dispel
demons and sicknesses, so that everything that it is sprinkled on in the
homes and buildings of the faithful will be rid of all unclean and harmful
things. Let no pestilent spirit, no corrupting atmosphere, remain in those
places: may all the schemes of the hidden enemy be dispelled. Let whatever
might trouble the safety and peace of those who live here be put to flight by
this water, so that health, gotten by calling Your holy name, may be made
secure against all attacks. Through the Lord, amen.

These prayers and exorcisms show the uses and powers that have been
attributed to holy water in Roman Catholic tradition.

About Eastern Orthodox Holy Water

Holy water is used in Orthodox rituals of exorcism and blessing. It is also the
usual water used in baptisms that occur in a church; however, the use of
specifically consecrated water is not required.
As in the Catholic Church, a quantity of holy water is typically kept in a font,
an item of church architecture that typically appears in a baptistery; a smaller
font may be placed near the entrance of the church. Orthodox Christians may
bless themselves when entering the church by dipping their fingers in the holy
water and making the sign of the cross. Holy water is also sometimes
sprinkled on items or people when they are blessed, as part of the prayers of
blessing. For instance, in Alaska, the fishing boats are sprinkled with holy
water at the start of the fishing season as the priest prays for the crews'
safety and success.

The reason behind Holy Water--The use of holy water is based on the story of Jesus' baptism by John the
Baptist in the River Jordan and the Orthodox interpretation of this event. In
this view, John's baptism was a baptism of repentance, and the people came
to have their sins washed away by the water.
But Jesus was an exception. Since Jesus had no sin, but was God himself, his
baptism had the effect of Jesus blessing the water, making it holy, that is used
fully for its original created purpose to be an instrument of life.
Jesus' baptism is commemorated in the Orthodox Church at the Feast of
Theophany (literally "God shining forth") on January 6. At the Vespers of this
feast, a font of holy water is typically blessed in the church, to provide holy
water for the parish's use in the coming year. The next morning, the prayers
often include a trip to a nearby river, lake or other public source of drinking
water, to bless that water as well. This represents the redemption of all
creation as part of humanity's salvation. In the following weeks, the priest
typically visits the homes of the parish's members and prays prayers of
blessing for their families, homes and pets, sprinkling them with holy water.
Again, this practice is meant to visibly represent God's sanctifying work in all
parts of the people's lives.

Other Holy Waters non liturgical--Some Roman Catholics believe that water from Lourdes and Fatima and other
holy wells and shrines has supernatural powers, such as for healing. This
water, technically, is not holy water since it has not been consecrated by a
priest or bishop. Other Christian groups have sold water from the Jordan
River and called it holy water as well.
The power in these holy waters is in the belief and power of the faithful, that
because the location has a sacred meaning the waters too are held sacred.
Many Christian churches believe in the power of Baptism to wash away ones
mortal sins and be cleansed to lead a new life. For many the rite of Baptism
is an extremely powerful moment within their spirit.
Some Catholics and Anglicans believe holy water is miraculous. But for many
of us we hardly think about it, and yet, water is life and life affirming and it
should be given the greatest of considerations.
Many people assume that the term "Holy Water" indicates church-based water
only. This is an oversimplification of a complex concept. The Roman Catholic
Church did not invent the concept of Holy Water but adopted it from earlier
Pagan use. Various Pagan shrines possessed virtually identical Holy Water
fonts. Holy Water is a crucial component of many magical, religious and
spiritual traditions, although what constitutes Holy Water and how it's made
varies greatly.
Holy Water may refer to any one of a variety of products:
Jordan River Water
Church blessed water
*Water from a well or spring where there has been a Marian apparition
According to British folk tradition, rain falling on Holy Thursday - Ascension
Day - may be gathered and used as Holy Water.
But if you practice either wicca, witchcraft, Hoodoo etc. then any other day
held sacred to the spell caster may be substituted: Summer Solstice, May
Eve, New Year's, Samhain, your birthday, a saint's day, etc.
holy water may also be made via astrological correspondences. Some believe
that waters synchronized with a lunar eclipse or a Full Moon are holy and
charged with extra magickal power.
Even non-Christian persons of other religious beliefs also know and
understand the power of water washing away sins and there by ones spiritual
self is cleansed.

For example: The Sikhs prepare a sort of holy water, which they call amrita,
and use in a ritual similar to baptism.
Balinese tradition uses a variety of holy waters. These may include the water
found within unripe coconuts or young bamboo. Ocean water is sometimes
used as well.
Modern Wicca as well as Hoodoo and/or Voodoo, has evolved the notion of
holy water. Various formulas exist. At its simplest, Witch's holy water is spring
water with salt added. Different covens may have personal recipes, including
infused herbs (rosemary, thyme, and vervain are particularly popular), or
Pow-Wow also features various recipes but the mainstay is water with salt and
vervain added. Christian Pow-Wow may choose church-blessed waters
Holy Water or holy water is most commonly used for:
Cleansing and purification, both for individual bathing and for space-cleansing
(sprinkle in corners).
Altar cleansing and blessing.
Healing spells. holy water is also believed capable of magically transmitting
physical relief especially for headaches and tension. Use in compresses and
Cleansing and empowering materials and tools: anoint roots and crystals or
let roots and minerals soak in holy water.
Exorcism and banishing spells. Although it is best to delineate Church
Blessed Holy Water and other holy water in these rites
But it doesnt matter whether it is Sikh, Balinese or other non-christian holy
water, Church-blessed Holy Water or Wiccan holy water (among others)they
are all consecrated via sacred ritual: the ritual activates the water.
Other magical traditions consider that the sacred, magical power of Holy
Water is such that no further ritual or consecration is needed and may in fact
be interference. Obtaining Holy Water may thus be as simple a gathering
rainwater or adding sea salt to spring water or complex rituals may also be
Can you make your own Holy Water? That is Church blessed Holy
Water? No. That water is priest or a religious leader blessed.
And some rituals or spell work specifically require that Church Blessed Holy
Water be used.

Now if you have water from any of the sacred springs or wells such as the
River Jordan, the Sea of Galilee, from Lourdes or Fatima, because of the focus
of the many people who believe in its blessing power that activates it and
there for through prayer you consecrate it or dedicate it to protect your family
and home.
Some people believe and I am one of them that if you have church blessed
water, that by adding purified aka spring or rain water to it to help it stretch
out will also make the water that is added to the Church Blessed Water also
And I do attest to that fact myself and have found it to work quite well.


These other holy waters are those made and specifically consecrated or
charged with spiritual intention, in some cases like War, Swamp or Tar water
they are used for possible negative intent or to also turn back negativity---it
is based on the intent of the user of that water.
These holy waters are found in Hoodoo or Voodoo work or in the use of
Witchcraft or Wicca, but many have evolved through the development of
Voodoo or folk magic sometimes known as Hoodoo.
Now how effective are these made waters? I can only attest to the fact
that in the use of some of them, I have not used all of them, BUT I have
found them to be effective.
Some of these waters I originally mentioned in my listing of the various Rain
Waters and depending upon the energies that were abounding at the time of
their collection the various energies have been effective. But that is based
upon my experience and the experience of some friends and those ladies of
my Grannys group.
I am going to list each of the specific Made Waters and what their use is.
Some Waters you may have heard of and some of these that I list you may
not think of as Waters but even liquor or perfumes are considered waters in
sacred use.
Lets start with these:
The Pyramid Water is charged beneath the spire of an energetically aligned
pyramid, this Pyramid Water is of great use for your ritual crafts. Use the
energy with which it is endowed to help empower all of your ritual crafts. This

is particularly potent if you use it in combination with an herbal spell mix, or

other such ritual blend that allows you to increase the potency of your ritual
items' properties.

Glory Water is a magical formula intended to draw prosperity and ease
financial crisis. (Glory Water is for external use only and is not to be taken
internally). Glory water is used to bless your home and remove any bad
vibrations. Also used in many rituals for spiritual attainment to gain victory
over others and to overcome obstacles of any kind. Can be used to win
favorable attention from others
To make:
1.Place frankincense tears (small chunks of frankincense) inside a bottle.
2.Cover them with orange blossom water.
3.Add a few drops of essential oil of bergamot, available from aromatherapy
suppliers. (Bergamot is a species of orange and the primary flavoring agent of
Earl Grey tea)
4.Sprinkle Glory Water throughout your home or business to attract
customers, prosperity and overcome challenges. (A spray bottle may also be
Glory Water is used in spells cast for success and good fortune. Its key
ingredient is Orange Blossom Water, without which, it is not Glory Water.
Another recipe to make Glory Water, combine Orange Blossom Water (or
neroli hydrosol), Frankincense resin (or essential oil of frankincense) and
essential oil of Bergamot.


Florida water is perhaps the best known among those who have studied
Voodoo and Hoodoo, it has an attractive citrus-rosemary fragrance, once was
marketed as an American version of the original eau de Cologne.
It is the only water whose name is copyrighted and has evolved into a
metaphysical staple among Vodou/Santeria communities. A good and
inexpensive product is readily available in markets that cater to the Caribbean

clientle. There literally are thousands of versions of homemade Florida

Water, although you can still buy the commercial version of it.
One recipe for Florida Water consists of a blend of vodka (clear and not
infused with any fruit flavors), rose water, essential oils of bergamot,
lavender, rosemary and jasmine; and rose attar. There are other formulas
that can be found on the internet. But Ill include this one here:
Proportions: two cups of vodka; two tablespoons of rose hydrosol, 18 drops of
essential oil of bergamot, 12 drops of essential oil of lavender, six drops each
of essential oils of may chang and rosemary, and three drops each of
essential oil of jasmine and rose attar.
Add a cup of Florida Water and a handful of salt to a cleansing bath before
working magic.
For protection while in the dream-state, add a pinch of agar-agar (dried
seaweed) to a bottle of Florida Water. Keep the open bottle next to the bed
while you sleep
Its use in spell work is wide and varied, but usually it is to attract good luck,
love, even cleansing of negativity.


There is some controversy about War Water, several traditional Hoodoo
practioners say that is was something created or concocted by Non-hoodoo
practioners to sell in their catalogs back in the early 1920s and it eventually
became popular, and that among traditionalists never existed.
For me personally I feel that it is the intent when it is created that gives it its
Its Traditional Uses are:
To Curse an enemy
For tricks or to hex your enemy
Declaring occult war
To trouble someone
Render an enemy harmless so they can not affect you
Traditionally, a glass bottle with war water is secretly broken at the doorway
or in the yard of the enemy or secretly sprinkled there.

After doing that as soon as you return home, burn John The Conqueror
Incense or sprinkle Peace Water or Powder at your entry way.
Another use is to Sprinkle where your enemies walk or touch. Ive known
some people to use an empty soda can that would carry a dark colored soda
and use that to sprinkle near an enemy.
I have even been to a party where one girl I knew brought some war water in
a soda can then poured it into a martini glass complete with a black olive and
then deliberately bump into the person they wanted to hex by spilling their
drink on them and then making apologies about it and offering to replace or
have cleaned the piece of clothing, usually it was jeans or something casual
so it would not cause a fuss and this girl then offered to buy the person a
drink again being very apologetic but the hex was done. It usually worked.
War Water is basically a suspension of iron rust in water, with other
ingredients added according to the desires of the manufacturer. Since the
Roman god Mars was the god of war and his symbolic metal was iron, its
possible that War Water is a European contribution to hoodoo. It may have
originally been compounded as a blood tonic or strengthener of courage, but
in the hands of Hoodoo folk-magicians, it became a tool for laying tricks
against an enemy by means of hostile foot track magic, causing "poisoning
through the feet" and making everyone in the household quarrel and fight one
Additional ingredients included in War Water to make it stronger
are magnetic sand and a rusty nail preferably a coffin nail. Spanish moss, an
evil-looking twisty grey herb which rots away in the water quite nicely,
provides the proper blackness to the red-ochre color of the basic mix and
imparts an appropriate "swamp water" scent when the bottle is broken
open. Some practitioners include creosote in the mixture but I have to warn
you that creosote is a toxic, carcinogenic substance and must be handled with
gloves and does not necessarily need to be added.
Mrs. Washington who was from Louisiana said that her Mother and
grandmother would add nails from specific areas so that the water, which
they called Tar or Swamp Water, would do its work for specific reasons for
example from a jail, to get someone arrested; the person's job site, to make
them get fired; a hospital, to cause injury; a court house, to make someone
lose a court case; or from any repair work on that persons house so theyd
lose it, she said the most powerful she ever made was with a nail done on a
repair inside the county morgue, she said that was so powerful that she made
a master bottle of it and simply poured off what she needed into a smaller
vial and sprinkle it.
She said that throwing and breaking a bottle was to declare war on someone,
and she never liked to tip her hand on her workings so she found that by
simply sprinkling the water it was better, besides she said Bottles can be

Because her husband was a carpenter, hed have envelopes in his work
pockets and would label the envelopes from where he got the nails, because
sometimes things had to be removed and he would pull out some of the
nails. He got nails from all over, churches, firehouses, court houses,
mortuaries, etc. and hed give them to his wife, she had a whole spice box
filled with those labeled envelopes.


The opposite of War Water is Peace Water, which is used to soothe a home
and ensure that only good spirits and friendly people enter. Peace Water is
used to bring peace and harmony to a place, person or situation. It is also the
antidote to War Water and counteracts hexes, curses, jinxes & tricks.
And preventing hostile people or evil spirits from entering the
premises. Thus, it is not only used for protection, but also to work on the
minds of those who come into contact with it, rendering them gentle and mild
in temper.
Mrs. Washington told me that simply having a bottle of this water in your
home calms tension, anger, quarrels and problems of all sorts. I find it to be
true as well. This "water" can be used anoint surfaces in your home like
doorknobs, frames and sills, or added to your floor or wall wash. I find
washing your steps with it really blesses your home with a harmonious vibe.
A friend of mine was having problems with her teenage daughter so while her
daughter was at school she anointed the various areas that her daughter
would hang around as well as anointing the front and back doors of the house
and she washed down her front wooden steps and then gave them a final
wash with peace water.
The composition of Peace water is Church Blessed Holy Water colored with
either Blue food coloring or Mrs. Smiths Bluing (for Laundry, old ladies use to
use this to make their yellowing grey hair more silver looking) or Blue Balls
also known as Anile to make Indigo water. It is preferred to use Anil to make
true Indigo water and can be found from a Mexican botanica or on line,
otherwise the more modern use of laundry bluing or blue food coloring will
work just as well, but I am a traditionalist.
Then a layer of oil either virgin olive oil or almond oil and then either lavender
water or Florida water, Hoyts Florida Water works very well and can be found
either in a drug store or on line or in a metaphysical shop.
Now if you are going to spray or sprinkle peace water around your house be
very careful as it does contain oil which will stain.

Now to use Peace Water, you shake up the bottle thoroughly, blending and
mixing the three layers into a single pale-blue, cloudy emulsion. Then,
walking backward, you sprinkle drops of Peace Water at the four outside
corners of the house or in the four corners of each room. For a really strong
job, you can circle the house, sprinkling as you go, or sprinkle on the four
corners of a larger piece of property.
When it sits the three layers will separate that is why you have to shake it up
before using it.
I will continue more about consecrated or "made" waters in my next post.
Blessings Ms. Q
Posted by VooDoo Queen at 6:09 PM
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Labels: Charged waters, holy water, Made waters, types of
water, Water, Water part 6
DoreeOctober 4, 2015 at 10:25 PM
Can you make Peace water with out church blessed Holy Water, and use a
holy water you make yourself? I'm not Christian.
VooDoo QueenOctober 5, 2015 at 11:14 AM
Dear Doree,
I have known some who have made Peace Water without the Church Blessed
Holy Water, and instead have used holy water they made themselves. But it
was only moderately effective.
One does not need to be Christian to obtain church Blessed Holy Water,
provided that one treats the water with respect.
Now I do know of one person who needed to make peace water very quickly

and was unable to go to the Church for Holy Water (lack of transportation)
but she did have in her possession water from the River Jordan, she increased
the amount with the addition of Spring Water and she already had the other
And she found it to be very effective. Why? Because many people believe that
since Jesus was blessed in the River by John the Baptist, but that Jesus was
already the sacred sacrifice that by his presence the waters of the River
Jordan were made Holy.
So if you are not Christian you can use Jordan River water as a substitute. But
you have to pray over it with pure intent for peace.
Many people believe that Jesus was a powerful Mage, or spiritual worker, not
in the same sense as the Christian church believes, but still very powerful and
that he deliberately went into the River Jordan so that his energy could flow
continuously, so many non-christians would use this water instead.
Why? Because they believed that if they made their own Holy Water they
were concerned that their own personal prejudices, angers and hatreds would
still infect their own homemade waters.
One has to be in a perfect mind set (which is hard to do) to make holy water.
One can get holy water from England such as at "Chalice Well" and it is
effective, but I've found that there is something about Church Holy Water that
seems to kick it up a notch.
Now one time my Grandmother combined church blessed Holy water with
River Jordan water, both for blessing and peace water, and it never failed
people would come into her home and all their anger would leave and they
could talk about things in a rational way.
I've done the same myself and have found it to be highly effective.
But just with River Jordan water depending upon your belief should work
fairly well.
But as I said you do not have to be Christian to obtain Holy Water. Just
believe in the Higher Power for Good.
Tammy DesjardinsFebruary 18, 2016 at 6:19 PM

I am so glad to have found this site. I am looking for the making and use of
tar water or anything like it to rid negative spirits or those with evil or trobble.
I like the peace water but I want something stronger. Thank you for any help.
VooDoo QueenFebruary 22, 2016 at 11:19 AM
Dear Tammy,
Folks get Tar Water and War Water mixed up, both are used in getting
protection against anything malicious.
But also there are two kinds of Tar Water one is used in magical workings, the
other is an old medieval Folk medicine remedy
Zora Neale Hurstons book Hoodoo in America, describes War Water as Oil
of Tar in water (filtered) Oil of Tar is a thick distillate of creosote or burned
pine resin (sometimes called Pine Tar) and it is carcinogenic and dangerous.
But it would be rare for her to mix the two up and some folks think it was an
editorial mistake and not the authors and that she was referring to Tar Water.
Some folks if they couldnt get Pine Tar, would substitute turpentine, another
pine distillate and it is slightly less caustic. Either way you have to handle it
There are separate distinctions for War Water and Tar Water, which is used
to remove psychic sludge from ones life. Some folks would add things to
either War Water or Tar Water such as Spanish moss, this helps turn it black
and gives a rotten smell to it. Some would add Sulphur or gunpowder to
make it more aggressive. Mrs. Washington and one other lady Mrs. Rose
would get jugs of water sent to them from time to time that contained water
from the Mississippi River and make their version of Tar or War water and call
it Swamp Water, because where we live there are no swamps.
Way back in the old days it use to be easy getting tar because tar was used to
pave roads, and Tar Water had a double purpose it could be used for
cleansing and protection but also for crossing.
Personally I would go with turpentine since that is more readily available and
you dont need much just a tiny capful.
So what is the difference between Tar Water and War Water?

Tar Water is for space and personal cleansings, removal of negative thoughtforms including golems, and psychic manifestations as well as to defuse any
tricks or magical workings that have been laid down in your yard front and/or
back or both.
War Water is used to gain protection, this is an extremely aggressive forceful
spiritual cleanser, to reverse a curse and send it back to where it came from,
and to place a curse, war water is a traditional and allegedly potent weapon
during psychic warfare and witch wars.
However Tar Water is traditional to folk magic or Hoodoo/conjure workings,
while War Water came from European magical workings eventually the two
have become one.
To make Tar Water traditionally you get water from a swamp or if you live
near the Mississippi River water from the Big Muddy, add to it a bit of Pine
Tar or Pine resin or turpentine, church blessed holy water, salt, Spanish moss
and a pinch of sulfur. DO NOT GET IT ON YOUR SKIN AS IT WILL BURN, allow
these things to mellow for a few days, then take a capful of it add to your
mop water, mop thoroughly including getting the corners.
Take the left over mop water pour it at the end of your walk way in a straight
line. This creates a straight line of protection and if anything or anyone tries
to cause you issues they have to cross that line, if you have a back and front
yard pour a bit in all four corners to diffuse any tricks. Just remember it might
burn out any plants or grass in those corners.
If you think a trick has been physically laid upon you take a tiny capful and
pour it into a tub full of water and splash the water all over you. But do not
put more than a tiny capful as the straight stuff can burn.
Eventually I will do a blog post showing the difference between Tar Water and
War Water and the complete recipes as I know them and learned them from
Grannys ladies.
Blessings to you,
Ms. Q

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