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ero, Case Report [MPD CAPRS Case Report - UM16-127708 University Of Minnesota Police Department CCN: UM-16-127706 Report Details Reporting Officer: ‘Assisting Officer: ‘Supervising Officer: ‘Approving Supervisor: cals Precin Related CON Reported Date: Entered By: (002067: Aaron Chumess (002008: James Nystrom (002008: Jamas Nystrom 8 ‘or 11,2016 14:00 orta94 Approval Status: ‘Approval Date: Date Retumed: ‘Solvabitty: Primary Routed Unit: ‘Assigned Investigators: ‘Approved ‘Apr 12,2016. ° sun 28, 2016, tun 27, 2018 70 1800- uM (002067: Churness, Aaron Incident Details Offenset: Misc ‘Address: Occurred From: Occurred To: Locatior Minor involved: ese: Dossnt Fit Any Crim S511 Washingion AV SE Minneapos, MN 55455 171872016 00:00 0872372016 00:00 No Statute: ‘Attempted: 14:16:00 14:16:00 14:16:00 Public Data Officer recieved information, A. CHURNESS ‘Active: CHURNESS, cc: CHURNESS, ‘Suspect Role /Role# Name: Residence: ‘Telophone: Date of Birth Race: Se Heit Build: ry Male Event Age: 20 Est. Age: 20-20 ‘Suspect Role /Role #: hitpsveoprsweb.csminneaplissmnusiCaprsAeplCaprsReporLasp7GUID=dc7Eb0e- St Ae ble 36ac2eeRehs ‘o1zanee7 Male Event Age: 18 Est. Age: 18-18 2 sano16 MPD CAPRS Case Repart-UM-16-127708 3003 10/04/1995 Event Age: 20 Est, Age: 20-20 Mae soos Residence: Telephone: 9/12/1085, Event Age: 20 Est. Age: 20-20 Male ‘Suspect Role / Role # 005 Name: Residence: ‘Telephone: Date of Birth: 0928/1985 Event Ag Est. Age: 20-20 Race: Se Height: Bulld: Suspect Role /Role #: 006 a Residen ‘Telephone: c Male ot Relationships None Defined x End of report for case UM-16-127706. Print ID: de76b03c-33d4-412c-b6f6-35acZc5I6b3 iips/isprewelc minnesplis mnus/CaprsApeCapreReprt agp 7GUI fee 2-2 Ieee zeros [MPO CAPRS Supplements - UN-18-127708 Case Supplement —_University Of Minnesota Police Department CCN: UM-16-127706 ‘Supplement Number: = 1 Author: 002057 - Aaron Chumess Date Printed: Jun 28, 2016 ‘Supplement of PO IN A.Chumess #002067 ori 04/12/2016 14:49 (On April 8, 2016 the information below was received by the University of Minnesota Police Department via the University of Minnesota Ethics Point Reporting’ System. The orginal document from Ethics Point will be saved with the case file. Case: 1-1051- EP Website UMN = Twin Cities Other Athletic Concerns Case Snapshot ‘Opened: 4/7/2016 Days open: Less than 24 hours Last modified: 4/7/2016 4:52 PM Intake method: EP Website ‘Status: Unreviewed Alert: Green General Case Information (Case number: T-1057 Recelved/Reported date: 4/7/2016 : English ‘Assigned tier: UMN - Twin Cities, Issue Primary issue: Other Athletic Concems Reported tier information Case type: Investigation Intake method: EP Website Location COrgenization/Building name: University of Minnesota Location! Address: Twin Cities City: Minneapolis Statelprovince: MN ZiPIpostal code: 55455 Country: United States Reporter contact information Reporter anonymous: No Reporte frst name: Protected Reporter last name: Protected Phone number: Protected Email address: Protected Contact availabilty: Anytime for email and phone calls are good after noon, Case Information Relationship to institution? Protected Please identify the person(s) engaged In this behavior SR 3100 Coach Do you suspect o supervisor or management is involved? Yes Ifyes, then i alll thogmifcoach of the wrestling team here at the University of Minnesota ts management aware of ts proble What is the general nature ofthis matter? There was illegal selling of crugs. Our coach tried to cover it up by fnipeapsweb.cmineapls.mnusiCaprsApp/CaprsReport aspx 7GUID=at8cd388-2692-Aceb bbe. O5ot3S0dos 1s erar018 MPD CAPRS Supplements - UN-16-127708, ‘making all ofthe people involved tum in the drugs that they had. He willing knew that this was illegal Where di this incident or violation occur? This incident happened at Bierman Athletic Building Please provide the specific or approximate time this incident occurred: This happened Easter weekend, March 25th through the 27th How long do you think this problem has been going on? 1 to 3 months How did you become aware of this violation? | observed it Please i 5 who have attempted to conceal this problem and the steps they took to ‘conceal ignored it until he thought that it was time to take the drugs from the team and anyone involved. fas seling the drugs Selling crugs/taking them ling drugs/taking them ing drugs/taking them taking drugs taking drugs taking drugs ing drugs taking drugs ing drugs king drugs Everyone and anyone that was ivolved in the selling and or taking ofthese drugs said that it was not a problem and that we needed to keep this under wraps so that no one would find out. Details: As being a part of the University of Minnesota wresting team, | had witnessed a video of some of my ‘teammates that were sent 500-1000s of cara ir 8 past ears who had recent lf the team. He sent the drugs in the mail They began to sell and distribute to people on our team and other 5 ‘of my teammates showed me a video of the drugs, there were pil on 2. access). There was a middle man to the se Pema ay ‘that wanted to buy the drugs and then at a later | continued on for a few ‘months. |t had began in January when the first package was sent. Our coach,| id out about this from an anonymous source that was concemed about our team. ided that he would sit on this information for about a month and a half until he could get the entire He wanted to wait until the season was over. When the season was over he waited about a week and then hhe brought our entire team together to talk about the situation. Invthis meeting he told us that anyone that was involved in any way shape or form. That meant if people were selling it, stealing it, had seen it, or had taken it. These people were told ena! ‘come into his office and tel him about i and how they were Incved. While they were fo doth told them to give him any and all drugs that they hed. SD ss cxccty that. He took all of the XANX and any other drugs that they had. He said that they would be disposed of in some way. He said not to tell anyone because he would take care of the situation. (RI os at vo vou at av ‘anon ta cae ad taka im hat ane of on to team get in any trouble. ‘As a member of the wrestling team | do not want to stand by and let this happen anymore because I want us to be successful again and if this situation is not taken care of and just swept under the blanket then what next? Legacy information Follow-ups: There are no additional notes for this incident. Questions/Comments and Reporter Responses ‘There are no questions asked by the client. Chat Transcripts ‘There are no chat transcripts for this incident. Case assigneo(s): Gail L. Klatt; Lynn A. Zentner; Seth R Beccard iip:teaprswet ci minnespols mnusiCaprsAppICsprsRepoaspx7GUID=ad8ot388-26%2-4oeb bas 0533953304 215 erzut6 MPD CAPRS Supplomenis- UM-18-127708 Restricted access: None Case access list: Gail L. Kl Name: Protected Jessica Evenson; Lynn A. Zentner, Seth R Becoard, tems None Attachments None Outcome of case Relationship None Primary outcome: Not a Violation ‘Secondary outcome 4: Not a Violation ‘Secondary outcome 2: Not a Violation ‘Action taken: No Action Necessary Additional details None None Cases marked as related to this case None Role Reporter Cases in which this case has been marked as related None Resuits None Notes Case Supplement —_University Of Minnesota Police Department CCN: UM-16-127706 ‘Supplement Number: 2 ‘Author: 002057 - Aaron Chumess Date Printed: Jun 28, 2016 ‘Supplement of PO IN A.Chumess #002057 on 04/25/2016 13:15 (On 4/8/2016, writer, Investigator AARON CHURNESS, received information from the University of Minnesota EthicsPoint reporting system conceming drug activity at the University of Minnesota. The information was sent to the University Of ‘Minnesota Police Department for further investigation. EthiosPoint is a website based system for making confidential reports that is available to all University of Minnesota faculty, staff and students and is defined as follows: Confidential Reporting Service for the University Of Minnesota ‘The University of Minnesota recognizes its obligation to its faculty, staff and the community to maintain the highest ethical standards. To facilitate this process the University has chosen EthicsPoint to provide you with an anonymous way to report ‘activities that may be violations of the University's policies or other laws, rules and regulations. ‘The EthicsPoint report was generated by a concemed citizen (CC) to report alleged drug use, drug sales and drug possession by numerous members of the University Of Minnesota wrestling team. Specifically the CC reported that members of the team were engaged in the use, sales and possession of the controlled substance XANAX. The CC listed ‘wrestles that he suspected were involved in the legal drug activity. The CC also stated thet the 4MIPCoach for the University Of Minnesota wrestling ‘co a = ‘aware of the drug activity, had know#Pabout the issue for a month to a month and a half and was taking measures to rectify the issues intemally. See attached EthicsPoint report in supplement #1 for details. The CC provided his name and contact information for futher contact. | contacted the GC and he agreed to come in to the University Of Minnesota Police Department (UMPD) to further discuss the report that he had made. | met with the CC on 4/11/2016 and 4/12/2016 at UMPD. The 4/12/2016 interview was audio ‘and video recorded in the public report room. A copy of that interview was bumed to DVD, and was property inventoried as evidence. tttpseaprsweb.c.sninespols.mnusiCzprsApe\CapreReport aspx 7GUID t8od388-2682doeb-b#bO-05S36059d04 ans eran018 MPD CAPRS Supplements - UM-16-127708 ‘After.our 4/11/2016, | felt that | needed clarification on the timeframe of events that the CC was trying fo explain, With the assistance of the CC a timeline was developed and written on a blank calendar. That calendar will be saved with the original EthicsPoint report. Below is the CC's recollection of events: 4111812016- Start of Spring Semester Week of 1/25/2016- CC starts to hear about drug activity involving members of the wrest Week of 2/4/2016- CC is shown a video on an Android type phone that belongs to wrestl The video shows a large amount of white pis on a table top. The producer ofthe video zooms in on the pills and the CC can clearly ‘see that the pills are stamped Xanax. During this interaction indicates to the CC that he can get Xanax for the CC if interested. The CC didn't know who made the video or where IrWas filmed. Week of 2/8/2016 thru 3/7/2016- CC continues to hear about drug use and sales. Week of 3/14/2016- Wrestling Nationals in New York '3/19/2016- Wrestling season ends. 3/21/2016- Entire team is called in for mandatory drug test. All members of the team take urine test. Test administered by Drug Free Sport. received inf 1s that| told group says this 3/23'2016- Mandatory team meeting for all members of team (wrestlers, Jannounces to group that he knows about drug use on team. ‘confidential source that indicated who was Involved and what they were invc that he knows about the use of Xanax, Marijuana and Adderall. CC also states that information for one to one and a half months. CC specuiates that i held ation until after the ‘season was over. CC says that! fl goup that those who are vated inthe rug activity have unt Merch 25th thru the 27th to meet with him privately and tell him ws jement fs, what type of drug(s) they were using and tum in any illegal drugs that they have in their possession. says that the players that come forw. information and drugs will be granted amnesty. CC knows that ‘the team met with joc doesn't knaw how much or what kind of drugs were tumed into Jor what he did withthe drugs affer receiving them, 21282016: Mandatory team meting. Dung this meeting EME nics the arbors of he wresting tam hat ived with drug activity that they are required to write an essay that details their emotions regarding getting caught. jves the involved players until the following week to complete the essay and tum it into him. 3/5/2016- CC provides text message that was sent by onc Io message was sent to those members of ihe team as a reminder that their essays were due on 3/7/2016. Treads 23 folows: "Tue, Apr5, 10:16 (From Remember that papers due on my desk by tomorrow evening, #1 What emotions you're feeling by getting caught, by letting your teammates, your parents down, how did it feel and do you want to feel that way again? #2 what did you lear from this? 3 what are you going to do different. Your plan so does not happen again" sossace was sent to U of Mwresiling team members| rep fr Identified using Accunt as team mer wes During my interview wi ssid hth cuapcta tht omar river of insta reste I 2s ‘supplying the Xanax tol CC said that MB left the program and University ands HOw” of Minnesota in December: CC said that members of the team were taking Xanax with energy drinks to obtain and drunk or high feeling. The drugs weren't being used to enhance their wrestling performance. CC si 2 Este Xo for $5 lf eam mente en $80 an team member (On 4/12/2016, Sot JAMES NYSTROM and writer met with (SIIIND in his ofice in the Bierman Athietic Building (516 15th Ave SE Minneapolis, MN). | attempted to record this conversation, but due to operator error with the digital recorder, only 54 seconds ofthe intorview was recorded, Ths interview tasted about 30 minutes. During this interview acknowledged that he knew aboys bis playa boing involved in drug use. He said tht it was a confidential Be iiss tacrg ca of tomy. MMMM Sedan nad met wis tho layer nveved and had roped hiipesesprstsb.clminnesplis.mnusiCsprsApplCeprsReport asp7GUID=atBcd8-2632 doch babe O56 3He4 ans rants MPD CAPRS Supplements - UM-18-127708 them to athetic department. When asked about his players seling drugs, QUINN said that he had heard "a lot of stu. went onto say that he had spoken with his players in confidence and assured his players that nothing that they discussed would be divulged. We explained to that our goal was to determine who was providing the drugs and who was sell . We also explained that the safety of his team and others was our main concem and not prosecution sald that if we were to grant his player immunity from possible criminal prosecution he was tell us everything thathe Knows. He seid that he knows the players who are involved, what their involvement is and where the drugs were coming from. Later on 4/12/2016, | cote A ns explained to him that | wasn't able to provide his team members with immunity, ion in my investigation. We talked more about his promise that he had given to his players Said that he would be unable to futher assist me in my investigation. ‘Sat NYSTROM, Investigator THOMAS and | attempted to locate U of M weoters | obtained a copy of each student athlete's class schedule end went to each athletes classes lone ofthe players were located after ther classes released. to attempt interviews. | contacted the CC and was informed that on 4/12/2016, after my initial meeting witr P| a: pulled several members of the wrestling team aside and informed them that a criminal investigation was being ee ‘The CC said that told the players to seek legal counsel. ‘After heating this information, | called answered. | eft voice messages asking each person to, agreed to come into UMPD to meet with me. After a short introducti couldn't speak with me, He presented me with a business card of attomey None of my calls were ‘only person that called me back. He formed me that he had a lawyer and JAM MAUZY (612-868-1864). I later received a call father. He informed me that his son had retained an attomey, AARON THOM (612-349-8500). (On 4/15/2016, | drafted a search warrant for University of Minnesota fM¥C office. The scope of the ‘search included documents, computers, storage devices and| jcelliar ‘Could have information relevant to this investigation and could lead me to the main suspects. A copy of the warrant is attached in this report's file for complete details. ‘The warrant was presented to the Honorable Judge BENSON who reviewed and authorized the search cf {i office. (On the same date and time, | also presented a search warrant to Judge BENSON to search SERED person in the ‘event he wasn't in his office and we had to meet him at a different location. This warrant was never executed because was in his office when we made contact with him. This warrant, along with a receipt, was fled with the Hennepin County Clerk of Courts on 4/21/16. A copy of that warrant and receipt were filed at UMPD. (18.2018, wir, clog wt SX NYSTRON ac! BUHTA exesod hg ara even! to office in the BIERMAN athletic was in hs ofice. | spoke with {IEEE Yor about 30 minutes before we txcouted the waren and explaned te pupose of my ivestigalon and iietions. Ths ntsviow was Tecorded and @ copy of the recording was property inventoried as evidence. During interview, once again, the coach confimms that certain members of his team were involved in drug activity wants to find a resolution for this issue so it doesnt result in "camage” for his team. suggests uring this interview that some of his players first started selling drugs and then began using them. is still Lunwailing to assist with specific information. During the execution of the search warrant, numerous items were seized from his office. Some of these items include ‘computers, IPhone, thumb drives, extemal drives and paperwork. For complete details, refer to the warrant receipt that was ‘completed and left on site. That receipt was filed in UMPD records, ‘Several items of interest were discovered during the execution of this warrant. 4. A paper copy ofa letter sent from: Jon Api 11, 2016 is found necr SII dest ‘The letter references Individual Drug Use. In tt writes "After meeting with some members of the \wresting team the individuals below have admitted to tynglusing Some type of controlled drug. There is a mixture of different types of drugs but all are banned substances. | informed each of them in our individual meetings that was and is Confidential | also told thom they wil have to be accountable forthe 1st strike ofthe Athletic Departments Drug Policy. This would require them meet with our trainer and have a chemical evaluation per the department policy and any other department. requirements thal are necessary. All the undersigned have agreed. 1 2. 3, -ntpsfeaprsweh ci mineeapols mausiCaprsAppiCaprsRepotsspx?GUID=at8e4388-7592-éceb bi OS53ceA sts 82016 [MPD CAPRS Supplements - UM-16-127708, 13. 14, 15. 16. | feel terrible that | let my tearmmates, coaches and family down and never want to feel lke this again. | feel like an idiot that | thought this would be a good idea and didn't really think of the consequences of how my actions would affect others. | should have known that I would get caught eventually and that my teammates could have gotten in serious trouble or | could have even killed someone if they overdosed. | could be doing serious jail time if | got caught by the police and lose any cchance of getting a job if | did goto jail. My Dad flew out when he found out the news and | caused him to leave work and lose a lot of money as well as waste his time when he could have been doing more important things. My Mom called me crying and made her feel helpless and that she raised me wrong and caused by family a lot of stress that they shouldn't have had to deal with. | feel bad about the freshmen because | was supposed to be somebody that they could look up to and be an example to, but | dragged them down with me. | also have caused you and the other coaches a lot of stress by a lot of my actions lately such as the casino, stealing and now this, no | apologize for what I've done to you guys and want to ‘make sure that | stay on the right path to become a NCAA champion, | never want to feel this way again and | know that if | want to stay on the right path that 'm going to need to make some changes in my If, | have leamed a lot from this ‘experience and the serious consequences this could have had on me, the team, my family, and the legacy of Minnesota wrestling. | also leamed that | could have seriously hurt someone if they overdosed on the drug and | would be the one to blame. Another thing that | leamed is that the drug business is very dangerous and | as well could have been seriously injured or even Killed if | met up with the wrong people lk | did when they got stolen from me. Some the changes that | plan to make are get to bed on time, go to class and focus on my school work more, and also run every day to get in better ‘shape which is where | need to work on most. I've been getting on track of getting to bed at 11:15 to 11:30 and noticed that | have more energy at iting | pay attention in my classes more and | wrestle better at practice. 've been doing better in my classes and my last couple tests and assignments have received better grades and | think | can finish out the school year with at least @ 3.0 if | stay on top of all my classes from now until the end of the year. Another thing that | have been ‘working on is running every day | ran every day last week and | noticed that my conditioning has improved a lot and have been competing at practice better because of it. | think this is the biggest thing | need to work on if| want to compete with Gilman and Tomasello because they have great gas tanks and I'l need to give it everything | have if| want to beat them. ‘Also another thing | need to work on is choosing who to hang out with and to say no if | know people are doing the wrong things, so | don't get caught up with them. For example if some of my friends want to stay up late | need to leam to tell them no, 60 stay on the right path and make sure | get the sleep | need for the workouts and my classes the next day. I think if | follow the plan | made for myse it will make me a better wrestler, student, and keep me out of trouble, 80 I don't keep ‘making the same mistakes again.” 3. University of Minnesota Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Notice of Postitive Drug Test for three U of M wrestling ‘team members. al ositive for amphetamine b! positive for amphetamine of positive for marijuana 4, Rough Draft letterinotice for "breaking team rules". a. Post it note attached to notice that reads: 41. Heard of problems 2. Developed a plan 3. Inform my superior? bps:eaprswet cl minnespols.mnusiCaprsApptCaprsReportaspr7GUID=aABoc368-2892-4eb bib. 05319955404 ens 282018, [MPO CAPRS Supplements - UM-16-127708 4. Gather some info a. D. Test b. Interview 5. Took Action 6. Fixed problem 7. Moved on and will verify the (illegible) 5. Document tiled "Staff Meeting Apri 11, 2016" a. Part of the agenda listed "drug testing” as the subject. Meeting Merk and individuals involved. All of these documents are saved with the file in UMPD records. During the execution of the warrant, office, Assistant Wrestling Head Coach BRANDON EGGUM arrived on scene. His office is adjacent to asked EGGUM If | could speak with him and he agreed. EGGUM said that dealt with most of the meetings that were related to this incident. The meetings occurred between the team members, ather coaches weren't involved. EGGUM said ‘doesn't too much about the 5 pened but knew it was related to drugs. EGGUM said that told him that if any parents of the \wrestlers on the team called that EGGUM should direct the parents to EGGUM got more involved with the administration when it was leamed that there were players that failed thelr rug fests. EGGUM met with the players along with MARC RYAN, Senior Athletic Director. Upon completion of the warrant, | left a copy of the warrant and receipt on @EEEEEB desk. All seized items were transported back to UMPD. Items were documented and property inventoried. During the inventory process, | noticed that on the original search warrant it was documented that room 4M at the Bierman Athletic Bulding was to be searched. This isa clerical err. The actual room that was searched is in Sue office is $4. $9 was the area that was searched. Pictures were taken of the office area before and after the search was completed. Several pictures were taken of items that were seized. (On 4/18/2016, two search warrants were drafted and ‘was for the items that were seized on 4/15/2016 from| ‘computers, extemal drives, one IPhone Of Minnesota email account information| the same date. Copies of the warrants are inc to the Honorable Judge MARY VASALY. The first warrant inate noe at we et tng a Pe re socond warant was Uy JJudge VASALY reviewed both we ‘signed them on fle. For complete detalls refer to warrant information, (On 4/19/2016, both warrants were executed. | served the first warrant email) at the University Of Minnesota Information Security Department. The warrant was presented to RENEE HEGGUM. | presented HEGGUM with portion 2-1 Of the warrant for her records. For the second warrant ‘computers, IPhone, etc, | transpoited pettinent items to Computer Forensic. Services (CFS) in Minnetonka, MN for forensic processing. | met with WILLIAM MICHAEL, Forensic Analyst, and checked items into his custody. Reference CFS receipt #2015373 which is included in the case file for complete details of what items were transferred. After checking evidence in with MICHAEL, | met with several members of CFS to update them on the case, ‘case were presented to them so forensic analysis Could be conducted on items that were recovered fror office. A UMPD property transfer receipt was completed and signed by MICHAEL for transfer of ‘evidence. That signed document is included in the case file ‘Analysis on computer items is pending, On 4/20/2016, called to inquire about his belongings and when they would be retumed to him. After consulting with the Hennepin County Attomey's Office it was decided that the items would be held until completion of the investigation. called ‘back and left him a message informing him of that decision. (On 4/21/2016, | met with Assistant Hennepin County Attomey KRISTA WHITE. WHITE completed the necessary documents to have four search warrants and their resuits sealed. On the same date | presented these forms to Judge \VASALY. She reviewed the forms and signed them on the same date. The four warrants, warrant receipts and prosecutor's requesis to seal forms wore all fied with the Hennepin County Clerk of Courts on 4/21/2016 at approximately 1600 hours. On 4/22/2016, | was contacted by DEREK MEIER from the University of Minnesota Information Security (UIS) Department. MEIER informed me that the copy off jemail account was done. I met with MEIER and was glven a Verbatim hitpsieap seb. imespals.mnsiC sp sApaiCaprsRepart aspx 7GUID=et8cs088-2692-4eb- bit. 05%053de4 ms arz020'8 [MPD CAPRS Supplements -UM-16-127708 micro USB flash drive it: cr ‘account informed saved to that device. A chain of custody form was completed for UIS and copy is Included in the case fle. A Hennepin County District Court receipt was given to MEIER. A copy of that receipt is included with the case file ‘The flash drive was transported to Computer Forensic Services for analysis. | met with MICHAEL and the USB was transferred into his custody. See attached evidence receipt for CFS for complete details Analysis pe Case Supplement —_—_University Of Minnesota Police Department CCN: UM-16-127706 ‘Supplement Number: 3 Author: (002087 - Aaron Chumess Date Printed: Jun 28, 2016 ‘Supplement of PO IN A.Chumess #002057 on 04/29/2016 13:51 ‘On 4/25/2016, writer, Investigator CHURNESS, sent emails to the 16 wrestlers that SRE e800 in is message to MARC RYAN (University of Minnesota Athletics) asking each wrestler to contact me for an interview. See previous supplement for complete details on list of 16. | excluded the wrestlers that | knew had attomey representation. | followed up my email with a Voice message for each ofthe wrestlers. Both messages asked forthe wrestler or wrestlers attomey to contact me for interview purposes. Later that day | spoke with MARC RYAN, U of M Senior Associate Athletic Director. RYAN confirmed that he was aware of the current investigation related to the U of M wrestting team. RYAN’ said that he was first informed ‘suspected drug activity on the wrestling team on March 13th or March 14th of 2016. RYAN said him seeking paperwork to have some of his wrestler’s drug tested/screened. RYAN. information that numerous members of his team were using drugs. RYAN said members of his team tested. RYAN said that he confered with other members within the athletic department and it was decided that the entire wrestling team would undergo a drug test/screen. ‘The entire team was tested on the 21st of March. The tests revealed that three members of the team were found to have ilegal substances in their system at the time of the test. Two tested positive for amphetamines and one for marijuana. This information was confirmed when investigators found drug test results located in office the day we ‘conducted our search warrant (4/15/2016). RYAN and | discussed the suspected use of Xanax by members of the wrestling team: RYAN informed me that when the urine test was completed, Xanax was not one ofthe illegal substances that was checked by the company that administered the testing. Only certain drugs are tested for during drug tests RYAN directed me to U of M Athletic Trainer RICH SCHLOTFELDT for further details about drug screening/testing. Later that evening, | received information from a concemed citizen (Cf of M wrest EEE vas involved in an altercation ata U of M fat the provious weekend. CC said that as involved ina fight and threatened membars ofthe frat. More details pending. (On 4/26/2016, | completed some baseline checks on (IEEED GEER as arrested in December of 2016 for minor consumption of alcchol and in January of 2016 for possession of burglary toa's (felony) and shoplifting. Supporting documents attached to case fl. | interviewed RICH SCHLOTFELDT, U of M Athletic Trainer. SCHLOTFELDT confirmed that he knew about drug activity on the wrestling team. SCHLOTFELDT said that he is the main trainer forthe wrestling team and as the trainer was also responsible for setting up and organizing drug testing, SCI -LDT said that he first became aware of illegal drug tivity by members of the wrestling team when ea him on or about February 29th of 2016. ELDT that he had recelved relableinformetion that certain members ofthe team were using the rug Xanax. wanted to arrange testing for members of the team. SCHLOTFELDT told hi cedures for setting up the test and said that he would have to speak with the athletic administration. He said that had to fill ut a reasonable suspicion request. If the administration felt that there was enough evidence, a test would be conducted. ‘SCHLOTFELDT said that there was scheduling issues (Big Ten Wrestling Toumament, etc.) and the test couldn't be scheduled right away. Further discussion was had by wrestling coaching staff and it wes decided that they would wait until ‘nipseapranet.clminneaplis mnusiCapreAppCaprReport spy ?GUID=aABcaS88-2682 Aceh DSS 05830604 ans ezazona MPO CAPRS Supplements - UM16-127706 after the season was over. The test was scheduled with Drug Free Sports out of Indianapolis, Indiana. SCHLOTFELDT said that originally wanted to only test the fst and 2nd year guys because they were the ones living in the dorms. indicated that that is where most of the problems were. Athletic administration later ruled that all members of the feam should be tested. ‘SCHLOTFELDT said thet each wrestler was tested using the Sports Panel 5. That panel checks for amphetamine, opiates, marijuana, etc. ‘The Sports Panel 7 would have covered the presence of Xanax, but that test wasn't order, SCHLOTFELDT said that it was discussed after the fact that the Sports Panel 5 wouldn't test for Xanax. ‘SCHLOTFELDT said that after the results came back he knew that had a meeting with the team members and ‘was going to offer amnesty to his players that came to him and adm involvement with drugs. ‘After speaking with SCHLOTFELDT, | interviewed MOIRA NOVAK. NOVAK is an Athletics Operations Manager for the University of Minnesota Athletics Department. NOVAK said that she first leamed about drug activity involving members of the wrestling team on March 20th, 2016. This was the day before the entire team was to be tested. After the test results ‘came back, NOVAK was responsible for setting up elechol/drug assessments for the three players with positive drug tests. ‘On 4/27/2016, | emailed all the remaining members of the University of Minnesota wrestling team and asked them to contact, me for interview purposes. on avzri20t6, U of M ees UPD oss wth re IN crt eb of ho U of M wrestling team. ter! announced that on the team and told team members to meet with: individually to talk ir drug usé met wi to tell ‘ ‘him that he had taken prescribed muscle relaxants for a’ fearful that he would fail the drug screening and Jquestioned 1AX usage. nm drugs into and didn't essay that requested i RB akkes about former teammate| his use of Xanax. He talked about one incident where the team. ‘was flying to a wrestling meet and he witness "pop" a pill while on the plane rca cou tell that he was. “out of i” | heed the night before the team drug test was to be administered; he heard that some of his teammates were freaking out” e they thought that they were, rug test, On the rpomit was aaminish sald that he heard that a: eee pills from| He said that that information was being passed erou locker room. nD ‘was mailing pifs to them. cidrt know what they did with the pills once they received them. He dirt know i they ‘were using the pills ors id that he never witnessed any of his current teammates use or possess pills, He had heard that nd jwere using Xenax. ‘When asked about the team meeting where QED spoke of the drug use, he sold that NINN said that he knew all about who was buying Xanax, who was selling It, who was receiving it PERRI 0100 that 15 wrestors went ina talked to about drug activity. MARI it tort fil rat shots and SERED The shoot: ned sir of ‘shoes with pills inside of the shoes. The contained hundreds of pills. He went on to say that! A 22 cash back tof§ forthe pills had no first-hand information. BERE s2i¢ that hore is a division amongst the wrestling team members. He said that the younger wrestlers tend to hhang out with one another and typically cause more problems {AE hangs around with the older members of the team. On 4/27/2016, | teva I 2 Neo ED = current member of wrestling tear Jy Continued the theme that theres a dviston.on the wrestling team. When jannounced that he knew that there was a dug lssue onthe ee was suprised cnoufor sure tel the drugs were being mailed to members’ ‘wrestling team from Alle ates lest i st QM possoased pil lat oar ard was sere trough te met that he di ‘the drugs to on the U of M team ‘went on to say that during their team meeting on March 2310) 3d the team that he was talking fo the wrestling coach of Old Dominion College and leamed that had bee {ugs. After &@Bleft the U of M he transferred to Old Dominion and was on their tiesting team fora aid hat Ne fo had hear hatha shipped cas to the U of M nie of thc know where the rugs Were hoped (cMMIMEIMloovr witnessed shoes in a shoebox, ips minnespolis mnus/CoprsApCapeeRepor aspxX7GUID=afBec88-2622-foxb bib. OSI8I5Ido$ ans anyone taking or possessing pil 2872016, MPD CAPRS Supremaris = UM-16-127708 014272016 | teviove TE. NCO AT aa cupent mete ote resting car TT said that he hasn't been wrestling since t y15 due reiterated information that | had already heard from other people who are involved, said that Teceived informatior resting coach at ‘Old Dominion regarding| Jand drug activi luded the U of M wrestling team, ‘said that this freshman class has been a lot of trouble for the a didn't have any firsthand knowledge of drug activity on the team. MR 2 he rac hard that while 2s attending school at Old Dominion IB passed out in a study hall area. While) was being attended to, a handgun was found in his backpack. All of the interviews above were audio and video recorded. A copy of the interview was property inventoried at UMPD, After my interviews with the police department at Old Dominion University in Virginia | spoke with a supervisor on duty who a student at Old Dominion at one time and was_a member of ‘the wrestling team. The supervisor didn't believe tt yas still a student. The supervisor confirmed that was part of an active investigation related to canying a firearm on campus. The supervisor directed me to the detective that was ‘working on the case ‘On 4/28/2016, | spoke with Detective JANKA from the Old Dominion Univegity Police Department in Norfolk, VA. JANKA ‘explained the case they had involving He said that on 2/26/2016, QM was found passed out ig study area on campus. While tending to staff found a pistol in his belongings. No Megal drugs were located on IB atthe time of dent. JANKA provided me with a copy oftheir police report. That report is included in the case file for reference. is no ionger a student at Old Dominion or part of the wrestling team. After speaking with JANKA, | called and left messages for the Old Dominion wrestling coaches to call me. (on 412972016 | contacted federal authors in Virginia and asked fr bassine checks on) Reis poncing (On 4/29/2016, | emailed Interim Athletic Director BETH GOETZ and MARC RYAN a request for UA test review. During my interviews with athletics staff, | leaned that when the wrestling team submitted their urine samples on 3/21/2016, two ‘samples were taken. One sample has already been processed, but a second sample may be available to test for the presence of Xanax. Response pending. Case Supplement _University Of Minnesota Police Department CCN: UM-16-127706 ‘Supplement Number: = 4 Author: 002098 - James Nystrom Date Printed: Jun 28, 2016 ‘Supplement of Sgt J.Nystrom #002098 on 06/21/2016 11:44 On 16, Lt. BUHTA and | assisted Investigator CHURNESS executing a search warrant on the office off University of Minnesota Wresting Coach (Suite ff. Under the direction of Investigator CHURNESS,, BUHTA and | were tasked with searching the office area. During the search, we discovered a number of key items including a desktop PC that was connected to a number of peripherals, a number of flashdrives located in various places such as the desk drawer and/or file drawer(s), and documents that were found on top of the file cabinet behind the main desk. (See RECEIPT, INVENTORY, AND RETURN Form) ‘One of these documents was a letter from a student (Item #19-RIR Form) discussing the student's feeling/concems about his involvement with dr including use, possession, and providing to others. This was located on top of the desk amongst paper, just behind SII desk Al of the items noted above and on the Property Inventory and Receipt Form (Search Warrant), were brought to Investigator CHURNESS' attention, documented, and retained as evidence. These items were inventoried at UMPD. Case Supplement —_University Of Minnesota Police Department CCN: UM-16-127706 ‘Supplement Number: 5 Author: (002087 - Aaron Chumess Date Printed: Jun 28, 2016 hitpveaprsbcineapelis mn us!CaprsApeiCaprsReport aspx7GUID=at8cH388-26%2-4ceb-bi-5te35Ido4 ss e220, [MPD CAPRS Supplements - UM-16-127708 ‘Supplement of PO IN A.Chumess #002057 on 06/22/2016 08:35 On 6/21/2016, writer, Investigator CHURNESS, was directed to submit this report to the Hennepin County Attomey's Office for review. ‘As of the writing of this supplement, several investigative items are incomplete or pending. Notably, the computer forensic evaluation off ‘computers and other media are stil being processed and a final report of those findings Is pending. Below is a summary of activity since the last supplement was added to this report on 4/29/2016. (On 5/2/2016, | spoke with interim Athletic Director GOETZ. | futher inquired about the possibilty of the second urine sample being available for testing. We discussed the fact that Xanax isn't a substance that is banned by the NCAA, but itis still a controlled substance. Processing sample "B” would give the athletic department a better idea of how big of an issue the use of Xanax wes by members of the wresting team. GOETZ said that she didr't know if she could have sample "B* processed, She referred me to Office of General Counsel BILL DONAHUE for further questions. (On 8/2/2016, | spoke with BILL DONAHUE. | explained to DONAHUE the existence of drug sample "B” and the potential for the university to determine the extent of drug use by members of the wresting team. DONAHUE suggested that | draft a search warrant to get access to samples for further testing. | explained that as part of my investigation, the results, elther positive or negative, wouldnt help in prosecution, 16, | began to receive initial information from Computer Forensic Servi 'S), CFS had begun to text messages and found messages from wrest father to} ‘expressed concem with his son's involvement with alcohol, ing, So Copy of text Ses concems with other members of the wrestling team and his desire to help and support his son, messages was included in the case file for complete details. ‘On 5/2/2016, | called and emailed wrestling coaching staff at Old Dominion attempting to gather further information about (QB er: his activities while he attended school and wrestled there. None of my messages were retumed. On 55/2016, | ke TS | informed him that | was investigating of the University of Minnesota wrestling for all ‘drug use, possession and sale. | informs that | had read his text ‘exchanged with| Jand wanted to speak with him in person to ‘more information that might be pertinent to this case. After several more conversations wi he ultimately decided not to meet with me. On 5/6/2016, | received a DVD from Computer Forensics Services that cor tion from! ‘IPhone. | i) ‘copie FS had found onl jcomputer were from vn FS Shei ce ont oe his players to write essays expressing their feelings the drug activity. Be: " Amnesty and Mistake During the meeting with you | felt ike I had completely let my team down and that | should have stepped up and told you or ‘another one of the coaches that there was a problem on the team. Although | never took the Xanax I knew about it and throughout the process of it all | found more and more things out but | didn't want to be a team snitch to get my teammates in trouble. | now realize that it wouldn't be snitching or tattle talling because it was a problem that needed to be addressed ‘asap and because it wasn't addressed when it should have it grew into something out of control. As a team we arelwere very lucky to not get into trouble with the police and get thrown into jail, | fee! as i the people involved didnt really know how much trouble they could actually get into. From this event | leamed that drugs and things like that can absolutely tear a ‘team apart from the inside and create clicks of frends, | leamed that taking a pil ike Xanax can tum you into someone you do not want to become as a wrestler or as a person. If something like this would ever come up on our team again | can promise you that | would be the first gut to let you know about it. | know words don't mean much to you and that you only rely on actions but | can guarantee you that | leamed from this mistake and it won't happen again. This whole year I have leamed a lot about life and honestly I've made some mistakes but | have leamed so much from them and | will never make the same stupid mistakes again. " “First off | would just like to say thank you for giving me and some of the other guys more chances that we deserve. | ‘apologize for everything that has gone on these past couple of months. Though we are the wrestlers that you recruited, we are not the students/men that you recruited. We need to realize that we are representing a whole lot more than just Hpslapreweb cl minnespelis mnusiCsprsApp|CaprsRepart aspx 7GUID= 24888-2882 feeb bab 5963004 118 e2a2018 [MPO CAPRS Supplements - UN-16-12706 ourselves. As | satin your office, | felt disgusted with myself. | felt ike I not only let my team down, but | Iet you, the coaching staff and my teammates down, Even though I didn't have 2s major involvement in it as much as the others guys, | was still apart of it, and I stil am embarrassed by everything. | don't know why I did take them but | did | just need to move Con. The most crucial thing | took away from the consequences that came across me during this period of time was, "say ro." | know its two simple words but those words would have made a huge difference if that what | wouldve said when | was offered these. This is not me, | don't go out of my way to impress people by during certain things that only meke me hhave fun for one night. Especially with how much the staff expects of us, We definitely need to get on the right path so we ‘can accomplish and be obsessed with the goals that we set out to attain next year and the following years. Even though | can sit here and type out everything I'm sory for that everything ! won't do...words mean nothing, actions mean everything | want you to trust me and | trust you with all my heart because you're currently putting your entire career on the line for a mistake that us wrestlers made. | have the utmost respect for you and | couldn't be more happy to have you as a coach, ‘mentor, and everything in between. From here on out | wil lam to say no, | will get my priorities straight and focus on more important aspects of my life rather than fitting in and being socially accepted. | have also leamed that I can come to you for anything. And also | want to be able to attain that goals that we are expected to achieve and be doing thal, we need to stay focused and hold each other accountable. | am deeply sorry about what happened and what you have to put on the line for stupid mistakes that we made and not you. | have leamed greatly from this mistake and can say truthfully that this will never happen again, And if anything is going on, | trust you entirely 80 |_am able to come speak to you one on one. Once ‘again | just wanted to say thank you and I'm sony coach.” Printed copies of the letters are included with the report file. CFS also provided me with alette/document/fomm that was found on (QAR computer that is tiled "Statement of facts and intent". The document reads: Cee oe te ncresoansi ta eae Am oe” ‘on going in the dorm and around the wrestling team and | have scheduled this meeting with, Jon my own. | admit my complacency in what has been going on and well accept the punishment that could be direct from the wrestling department Any punishment can be established at a later date but in coming forth has offered an amnesty provision that we will not invoke any punishment but help me get any help that might be Recessary | realize this constitutes a positive drug test by Athletics department standards so there could be a few Athletic Dedpartment rules that | would need to comply with per department policy. | have been involved in one or more of the following situations. Pot! Pills / Other controlled substance(specty) (circle) Used it Bought it Sold it Stole it Sold to other athletes Gave to other athletes Mailed ordered it (bought it through or it was delivered by the mail) Have it (a) (0) tumed it al over to | wil share this information with my parents and have them contact and speak wit SII by phone within the next 3 days. {As part of rehab program | agree to meet with the wrestling team’s athletic trainer to help find a person to meet with for drug rehab. | agree to make and keep with the next 2 weeks an appointment with a cerlfed drug rehab counselor or ‘someone that is qualified and acceptable to tak with, provide counseling by or direction into a necessary program. | will notify the wrestling trainer of the agreed upon appointment and Keeping that appointment. The program or counseling must deemed beneficial The information necessary for any other counseling wil be shared only with the ‘wrestling trainer or NJ Coach if necessary to see if more counseling and direction is necessary. Name, ritpsileaprswecl.minsapala:mn.untCaprsAppaprsReportsspx7GUID=at8cH388 2582 4cob ba OSSTe9SIdo4 as ez82016 [MPD CAPRS Supplemeris - UM-16-127708 Date’ ‘A copy of the "Statement of facts and intent" form is included with the report file, (On 5/9/2016, | met with and interviewed Assistant Coach LUKE BECKER. BECKER was unable to information related to this case. BECKER was aware of the drug accusations, but said that COACH handling the issue. On 5/9/2016, | sent messo00s ‘oA onc ggmga to contact me. | didnt receive replies from either. (On 5/10/2016, | reviewed {EERIE proiminary iPhone forensic information that was provided by CFS. rous references in| text exchanges that discuss Xanax, setting up meetings between ind wrestlers to discuss their Involvement and wrestlers parent's texting to discuss their son's involvement. Text details: on 3242016, MIB o

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