Presentation Rubric

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Weather Presentation Rubric

Students Names:

Speaks Clearly

Visual Aids

Stays on Topic

Collaboration with

Students seem pretty prepared but Students are somewhat prepared,

Students are completely prepared
might have needed a couple more but it is clear that rehearsal was
and has obviously rehearsed.
Speaks clearly and distinctly all
100-90% of the time.

Speaks clearly and distinctly 8980% of the time.

Speaks clearly and distinctly 7970%) of the time.

Students use several visual aids

Students uses 2 visual aids that
(could include powerpoint, video,
shows considerable
poster, etc) that show considerable
work/creativity and which make
work/creativity and which make
the presentation better.
the presentation better

Students uses 1 visual aid which

makes the presentation better.

Stays on topic 100% of the time.

Stays on topic 99-90% of the


Stays on topic 89%-80% of the


Shows a full understanding of the Shows a good understanding of

the topic.

Shows a good understanding of

parts of the topic.

Almost always listens to, shares

with, and supports the efforts of
others in the group. Everyone
works well together.

Often listens to, shares with, and

supports the efforts of others in
the group. A little friction in the

Usually listens to, shares with,

and supports the efforts of others
in the group. No "waves" in the

Students do not seem at all
prepared to present.
Mumbles or can not be
understood < 69% of time.

Students use no visual aid OR the

visual aid chosen takes away from
the presentation.

It was hard to tell what the topic

Does not seem to understand the
topic very well.

Rarely listens to, shares with, and

supports the efforts of others in
the group. Group members did not
attempt to work well together.

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