June 30 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam June 30, 2016

Why is it important to regulate our life and practice discipline? Bhagawan

lovingly reminds us today.
The five elements that constitute the earth are also
controlled by certain laws. Even the infinite ocean
moves under certain laws and regulations. In order to
get this limitation in the worldly plane, some discipline
is necessary. In the context of the whole world, mans
life is only a part. Therefore mans life has to be
regulated. Whether it is for love, for hatred, or for
anger, some regulation is necessary. For doing any
kind of work in this world, there should be some order
and discipline. Any work that you may do without
discipline, will not yield good results. That which rules
the world is the rule of law. What is required to control
oneself and put oneself under the rule of law, is
discipline. This control of oneself is like tapas or
penance. A life, in which there is no discipline and
control, will fail and fall one day or the other. One
must recognise the truth that there should be controls
on, and limits to, human nature.
- Summer Roses On Blue Mountains, 1976, Ch 6

You must subject yourself to the hammer of discipline and the chisel of pain-pleasure,
so that you become Divine. Baba

30 jUn, 2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:swnUM Awpxw jIvn,ikauN AnuSwiSq krnw cwhIdw hY Aqy AnuSwSn dw
ikauN A`iBAws krnw cwhIdw hY? Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,Xwd duAwauNdy hn[
au`qr: pMj q`q,ijnHW nwl ieh DrqI bxI hY,auh pMj q`q vI ku`J inXmW dy
AwDIn kMm krdy hn[ie`QoN qweIN ik AQwh smuMdr vI,kuJ inXmW dy AwDwr qy
cldw hY[sMswr iv`c,hr cIz nUM, inXm Anuswr kMm krnw cwhIdw hY,ijs iv`c

mnu`K dI BUimkw vI,ies AnuSwSn dw ih`sw hY[ies leI, hr mnu`K nUM,Awpxw

jIvn AnuSwSn AwDIn krnw cwhIdw hY[BwvyN ipAwr hovy,nPrq hovy jW gu`sw
hovy,hr cIz iv`c,AnuSwSn zrUrI hY[ies sMswr iv`c,iksy vI iksm dw kMm
hovy,auh inXmW dy AwDIn hoxw cwhIdw hY[ ibnW AnuSwSn qoN kIqy kMm dw koeI
vI lwB nhIN huMdw hY[ijhVw sMswr au`qy SwSn krdw hY auh,kwnUn dw
rwj(SwSn) hY[auh cIz,ijhdy nwl mnu`K Awpxy au`qy AnuSwSn r`Kdw hY Aqy
Awpxy-Awp nUM kwnUn dy SwSn hyTW r`Kdw hY,auh cIz dw nW AnuSwSn
hY[Awpxy Awp au`qy kMtrol krn nUM hI qp`isAw ikhw jWdw hY[ijhVw mnu`K
Awpxy jIvn nUM nw qW AnuSwiSq krdw hY Aqy nw aus au`qy kMtrol krdw
hY,aus dw pqn, iek nw iek idn, zrUr hovygw[hr mnu`K nUM,ies scweI nUM
pihcwxxw cwhIdw hY ik auh Awpxy sBwau qy kMtrol kry Aqy h`d dy AMdr
r`Ky[(smr Swvrz Awn blU mwaUntynz,1976,A`iDAwey Cy)[
quhwnUM,AnuSwSn dy hQOVy Aqy du`K-su`K dI CYxI dI mwr nUM brdwSq krnw
cwhIdw hY qW jo qusIN ,idvX bx sky[(bwbw)[

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