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Child Poverty; Texas.

Child Poverty in the State of Texas.

Gabriela E. Sosa
RWS 1301, Dr. Salome, June 14, 2016

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Child Poverty rate in Texas is only increasing over the years. Texas is currently ranked
31st highest percentage of youth under the age of 18 in America, with 51st being the highest.
Possible consequences of a child growing up in poverty is an adult life filled with addiction,
violence, mental health issues, crime and possibly premature death. Possible solutions though not
yet discovered, can be further researched if more americans are educated on the issue as well as
the impact it may have on children as they venture through adult life. There is government
assistance for families currently living in poverty, some families refuse to take the assistance
because of pride, while others are unable to get the assistance due to flaws in the system.

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Child Poverty in the State of Texas.
This report will be discussing three main characteristics of Child Poverty in Texas. Child
Poverty is a growing epidemic in Texas. Since 2008 child poverty has gone up 27%, according to
Center for American Progress. Current statistics, possible consequences and possible
solutions/preventative measures. In this paper there will be a large focus on the current standing
of Texas pertaining to its children living in poverty. To emphasize this point, statistics and well
researched, peer reviewed journals and articles alike will be utilized. Secondly, the consequences
of such problem will vary from mental health issues, crime rates, education and physical
illnesses resulting from a life of poverty at a young age. Lastly, possible solutions and/or
preventative measures will be mentioned in the hopes that one day, these discussions will no
longer be a necessity.
What is Texas Current Statistical Standing?
In 2009 the city with the highest percentage of youth, under the age of 18, to be living in
poverty was a small rural town in Texas, known as Loving. As of 2016 Texas ranks 31st out of
the 51 states. However neighboring state; New Mexico ranked 51st, highest in child poverty in
the United States. As stated by National Center for Children in Poverty. Many youth from El
Paso, TX to travel to New Mexico in search of jobs and education. All the while the youth of
New Mexico are attempting to migrate to Texas in hopes of escaping poverty. Texas holds a large
variety of ethnic backgrounds and races such as, African American, Hispanic, White, South
Asian, Muslim, Hindu and many more. Current research finds however that through the diversity
the highest rates of poverty are found in families or either hispanic or african american
backgrounds. The demographic with the lowest rate of poverty throughout each city in Texas was
white households. Besides race or background another defining demographic of poverty is

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single, guardianship or two parent homes. The majority of children currently living in poverty
are also living in a single parent homes, where of course the only form of income is one parent
working a low-income job.
What are the consequences of a child being raised in poverty?
Some consequences of a child being raised and continuously living in a state of poverty is
low self esteem and very unhealthy mental issues. It is shown in majority of prison research as
well as rehabilitation facilities that the majority of inmates or patients came from a home where
there was constant fear of the bills not being paid, eviction notices, and nights going to sleep
hungry due to the financial instability. Many individuals who are currently incarcerated or
emitted into rehabilitation facilities have substantial issues with addictive personalities anger
management and abandonment issues. Addictive personalities although can be greatly
influenced by parental roles as well as environmental influences can be magnified when raised in
an environment where you have either nothing, or the bare minimum. As individuals grow up
constantly wanting, they tend to mistake material items for stability. Hoarders, drug addicts,
alcoholics, tend to mistake an item, a drug, or a drink for satisfaction and happiness in the ability
to actually obtain the product. With lack of stability as a child you tend to search for belonging
and comfort a homey feeling wherever you may encounter it. Young women who grow up in
poverty tend to search for a partner who provides them with what they feel is security and
stability, however the majority of the times they enter toxic relationships with a parental figure
where they feel that control is a form of misunderstood love.
What are possible solutions/preventions?
It would be ignorant to think that issue of poverty will fade away and remain that way.
However there could be plenty more done to educate the community, elder and youth alike. The

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united states education system can start a new focus on financial stability and life skills that will
assist you with coping, applying for jobs, etc. Many students graduate from high school unaware
of the process of completing income taxes and finding financial stability. The U,S, needs to
realize that majority of students do not have the parental support that others do.
Many americans rely on government assistance to help in the financial support if their
families. Some americans who currently have the assistance however acquire them fraudulently,
there should be a deeper overview into the families needing assistance. As said by National
Center for Children in Poverty;
States make critical policy choices that help low-income parents effectively support
young children's healthy development. This section of ITO spotlights states' policy
choices related to important economic supports for low-income families with young
children: 1) TANF requirements for parents of young children; and 2) Income support
policies including tax relief, earned income and dependent care tax credits, as well as
child support disregards.

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Collins, C. (2016, April 26). Texas Report Highlights Child Poverty, Racial Inequality.
Retrieved from Kera News:
Center for Public Policy Priorities. (2016, April 10). 2016 State of Texas Children.
Retrieved from Center for Public Policy Priorities:
McLaggan, C. (2013, December 3). Report: Child Poverty Increases in Texas. Retrieved
from The Texas Tribune:
National Center for Children in Poverty. (2016, April 6). Texas Demographics of Poor
Children. Retrieved from National Center for Children in Poverty:
Progress, Center for American. Talk Poverty. Retrieved from Texas 2015:

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