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Servant Leadership Questionnaire and Adaptive Leadership Questionnaire

Angelina Spaulding
OGL 300: Theory Practice of Leadership
College of Letters and Sciences
Arizona State University

Servant Leadership Questionnaire and Adaptive Leadership Questionnaire

Servant Leadership Questionnaire:
The Servant Leadership Questionnaire (Northouse, 2015, pp. 251 - 252) analysis the
seven main behaviors identified within the Servant Leader model (Northouse, 2015, pp. 233 236). Four of the values were assessed on a high range: emotional healing, community value,
conceptual skills and behaving ethically. These scores were not the most interesting aspects.
The main pillars of the servant leadership theory evolve around catering to followers
needs, empowering followers, putting followers first and helping followers grow and succeed.
These three behaviors are primary purposes of the servant leadership theory. Putting oneself
interests aside for the best interest of followers is the root of servant leadership. These three
main attributes are the three in which I scored the lowest. I would like to think that when I reach
a place of authority that I will be able to better help others to grow and improve within a
company. Having a stronger chance of providing opportunities for others based on my
increased formal power will be the key to helping others. When I will have a chance to listen to
others express needs and wants, and to address those desires by utilizing the organizational
resources available.
There is a strong ethical and moral sense to this theory. Put others first. Help those that
need the help around you. This is a leadership style that I would like to think that I would have
had the chance to practice as a future formal leader, but also within everyday life.
Adaptive Leadership Questionnaire:
The Adaptive Leadership Questionnaire (Northouse, 2015, pp.287-291) examines the six
processes that are utilized to identify this form of leadership. The two lowest marked scores
showed that I lack the ability to get on the balcony and an inability to adapt to challenges. I am
not very good at identifying an overall perspective. At this time in my life I am very focused on
the immediate for my family and I, so my perspective is very narrow. As well, my inability to,

...differentiate between technical and adaptive challenges (Northouse, 2015, p. 264), was a
concept that I initially struggled with understanding during the reading of this chapter.
In only one of the categories I identified within the moderate to high range, and that was
back to the people. In the past I have lacked the confidence of others when they were on my
team. As a result it was difficult for me to collaborate with those individuals. As a result, I would
not ask for help or assistance on any projects from those individuals. As a leader when it
comes time for me to delegate tasks it will be important that I do not electively delegate tasks.
Every individual needs to have a task specialty or be the guru of something, which helps to
empower and grow individuals. It will be important that I do not stifle anyone's ability to problem
solve or be creative, because sometimes that is when the best ideas come about.
Regulating distress, maintaining attention and protecting all voices are the other three
aspects of the survey in which was scored within the high range. I work in a fast paced
environment with situations changing almost every minute, so being able to be sturdy during
difficult moments has only come from experience. Moments that I can handle now would have
moments that would have choked me up earlier in my career. Helping others to maintain
attention is another aspect that I can identify within myself. I also train people within this fast
work place, and it can be overwhelming. The amount of information that needs to be received
by the learner has to be absorbed in a short amount of time. Helping to keep the learner
focused on the most important aspects is a skill I have. Protecting leadership voices from
below, is a strong personal belief. People from all places in the world have a perspective, and
listing to those perspectives only helps enhance all people.

Northouse, P.G. (2015). Leadership: Theory and practice (7th Ed.). Washington, D.C.: Sage
Publications, Inc.

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