Classroom Reflection

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Student Name: Ryan Moore

Date: 6/10/2016
Artifact Description: Dream classroom Use line tools and shape tools to draw my dream
classroom on Microsoft Word.
What you learned: I learned how to create a top view two-dimensional view of a classroom. It
was very fun to get to think about my own classroom. Although I will have no say over the size
and shape of the room, I will one day be able to fill a classroom with my own ideas. This project
now assures me with certainty that I can use the shape tools in Microsoft Word to create
drawings. I had a challenge fitting the names of students onto the desks, but after I got a hold on
how to properly size and rotate the names, everything was very easy.
National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS)T Addressed: Standard 2Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments
incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize the knowledge, skills, and attitudes
identified in the StandardsS.
Application of Skills Learned for the Future: I could use the classroom drawing project to
have students create their own seating chart. However, should the seating chart not work I could
always tailor it to perfection. This project can be looked at the same as the other drawing
artifacts. Students can use the computer to draw something, and then construct it in real life. BY
giving the students the opportunity to construct their own seating chart, they would be forced to
work together to assure that everyone is happy. This is a skill that goes beyond the classroom,
and prepares students for working with peers on matters outside of the classroom such as
working on a group proposal for work.

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