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PORGY AND BESS 7 | LOVES YOU PORGY Words by IRA GERSHWIN and Music by DU BOSE HEYWARD GEORGE GERSHWIN Andantino fwith great feeling) J -59 BESS: f- 45 . A ad = Voice Zs = ie == === 24 Iwants to stay here, but I aint wor-thy. You is too eo eS = SEE = Piano P cantabile = ge : oe é | ee - ‘rt - be + + = 2 : de- cent to un-der- star, Forwhen I see him he hyp- no- tize me, When he take hol’ of me with his hot han’ (7000 rail. Animando + > the Some-day, know hes com- in’ back call + Sa = ———— Te Copyright © 1935 by Gershwin Publishing Corporation, New York. N.Y. Copyright Renewed Published in the United States by joint agreement with Gershwin Publishing Corporation and Chappell & Co., Inc. Chaopell & Co. Inc., sole selling agent: to han-dle me ten. L a = = Se {t's goin’ to be like dy - in} Por- gy, deep in- side me. ep = + ee ap = SSS == ca l) I But when he calls, 7b. wf BESS: = = j 5 = = fi ely ip te Bias =" SI If dere warn't Crown, Bess, if dere was # a_i operate beige z loves you, just you Andantino molto espressivo = 4 $y = $4 = =F = + ae Por-gy, don’ let him take An Don’ let him han-dle me an’ drive me SaaS Sa Wyvukin keep me, I wants to stay here wid you for- —— 10 Allegretto PORGY: (with strength and rhythm) There, there, Bess, you don’ need to be a - Yous picked up hap-pi-ness an laid yo’ wor ries goin to live ea - sy, you goin’ to live high. You goin’ to out-shine- ev - ‘ry wom-an in dis town. An’ re-mem-ber, be. fr. be 2 z- .————_. = ——— ———: j eis ———— Pit appassionato,ma ben ritmato I loves you, Por- gy; ——— a What you think I is x SS = | an - y- way, To let that dirt- y houn’ dog steal my - == SS Dor let him han-dle me You wants to stay wid i SS = . Se = = $= = = = with his hot han’, o aro = z= f—#: = == e $ = ee | Por - gy, you go- in’ stay. You got a home now, > —— = If you can keep me, SS hon- ey, an’ you gut love.. So no mo cry- in, = \ 4 _ = % = tr == Zz =| _— I wants to stay here. - — a—* e- = —————— | cart you un- der- stan? Yu go-in to go a- bout yor ——+ == ¥ Ss EEE bus’-ness Sg wid you for - ev- er. sing - in’ "Cause you got Por-gy, > Maestoso ee

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