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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 393 317 FL 023 653 AUTHOR Strobykina, Irina; Fomenko, Nataliya TITLE Russian Language Competencies for Peace Corps Volunteers in Russia. INSTITUTION Peace Corps, Vladivostok (Russia). PUB DATE 96 NOTE, 324p. PUB TYPE Guides ~ Classroom Use - Instructional Materials (For Learner) (051) EDRS PRICE MFOL/PC13 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Communicative Competence (Languages); “Competency Basod Education; *Daily Living Skills; Foreign Countries; Grammar} Language Fluency; Language Patterns; Language Usage; Phonetics; Pronunciation; *Russian; “Second Language Learning; Vocabulary Skille; *Volanteer Training IDENTIFIERS *Peace Corps; *Russia ABSTRACT This Peace Corps volunteer language training manual is based on the experience of two pre-service trainings and was guided by the Peace Corps language training curriculum. The learning approach is competency-based or topic-oriented to provide survival competencies. Three main sections review phonetics, topics for discussion, and practical grammar exercises. Phonetics includes pronunciation as well as cyrillic orthography. Topics offered for discussion include greetings, family, in the classroom, food, shopping, directions, transportation, housing, at work, sonmunication, health, social situations, and community services. Each topic is structured and includes introduction of new language and grammar patterns, practice activities, bilingual vocabulary ists, and grammar notes. Practical grammar concentrates on pronouns, numerals, nouns, verbs, and adjectives. A vocabulary and listing of functional Russian phrases is given, and a reference section lists texts for continued study, (Contains 17 references.) (NAV) Jefe ieicistiicie tacistinide fei Sind ese kaki Reproductions supplied by EDRS ars the best that car ve made = * from the original docunent. & Sauber io ia ig IIS SOO Se RSS SISA RSIS SASSI Si ED 393 317 Flva36s3 Russian Language Competencies for Peace Corps Volunteers in Russia by Irina Strcbykina and Nataliya Fomenko Vladivostok Russia 1996 BEST COPY AVAILABLE I<) PREFACE The Russian Language Manual for Peace Corps Volunteers was revised based on the experience of two Pre-Service Trainings. The authors are open to any constructive criticism from teachers and leamers. Also it is expected that the materials included will be adjusted in a creative manner to different levels of initial Russian language proficiency and leaming styles of PC trainees. In writing the manual the authors were guided by the PC Language Training Curriculum by Elizabeth Tannenbaum. The basic approach to the material selection and arrangement used by the authors is the competency-based study otherwise called a topic—oriented approach which is required in this course to provide future PCVs with the so-called swrvivat competencies and to supply them with methods and techniques for further, in-depth, study of the language on their own or under the guidance of a tutor. The manual includes three main sections . The first section, Russian Phonetics, gives a short overview of the Russian language sound system, and reading rules. This section also gives a number of exercises for practicing specific features of the Russian language sound system. The second section, Topics, includes thirteen subjects to be studied as a core material in the course. The structure of each topic is standardized: Russian Language Competencies — av 1. Introduction of new language pattems, and related competencies. 2. Presentation of corresponding grammar patterns. 3. Activities for practicing and appiying conversational and grammar patterns. 4, Bilingual vocabulary lists where verbs are provided with figures referring the leamers to corresponding pages of 501 Russian Verbs by Thomas R. Bayer, Jr. 5. Vocabulary and Grammar Notes. The third section, Practical Russian Grammar in Exercises, provides a brief overview of the Russian language grammar structure and gives additional exercises for practicing grammar phenomena both in class and independently. Lea:ners interested in a more thorough grammar study are referred to Essentials of Russian Grammar by Nicholas Maltsoff. Both above mentioned grammar books are inchided in the References. The third section is followed by Vocabulary and Functional Russian. Inconclusion, the leamers are provided with a list of References which covers both the materials used by the authors in the project and also the books recommended for further language stuéy. The titles marked with exclamation sigcs are recommended for beginners. Russian Language Competencies | CONTENTS PREFACE Russian Phonetics Topics 1. Greetings 2. Family 3. In the Classroom 4. Food 5. Shopping 6. Directions 7. Transportation 5 8. Housing 9. at Work 10. Communication 11. Health 12. Social Situations 13. Community Services Practical Russian Grammar in Exercises Pronouns Numerals Noun Verb Adjective Vocabulary Functional Russian References W B 91 109 129 147 165 183 201 217 237 255 256 265 268 278 293 299 319 331 Russian Language Competencies a Russian Phonetica 1 Russian Phonetics 6 Russian Language Competencies 2 Russian Phonetics UNIT i Russian alphabet comprises 33 letters. Here they are: Aa bo Be Ir Mm ke Lé Mx 3s Un wf Kx Jx Mm Hs Oo Tn Pp Cc Tr Yy Xx Dn 3s Wm Wm 5 ss 0 Sis There are 10 vowels in Russian: Aa joy Wie Consonants in Russian phonetic system are classified as hard and soft, voiced and voiceless: hard: 6, B, T, 1, 3, Ky J, My Hi, I, P, C, T, ch, X soft: Gv’, 1", W, 3", K’, a’, M’, B’, W’, p’, c’, 1, dh’, x” fae, Ware always hard 'a, mi, are always soft voiced: 6,8), Ay 33 i 3 , ch, MT, M,C [i 2, M, u, pare always voiced | x, Hy ¥, mt are always voiceless There are two letters in the alphabet: » (hard sign) and & (soft sign) that do not indicate any sound. They show how to pronounce the preceding or the following letters. In Russian the stress can fall on any syllable in a word. Usually the stress is. indicated in dictionaries, but stress can shift within different grammatical forms of same word. Wnastan tanmaaa Gamnarencian Russian Phonetice 3 Be Be tr Me ne Kx Mu fo Pp Ce Tr sour vast, Meraiman ait, snpascrayli, Hi1o-Viopa Kasizros, “7 xomie Tela, natn eT, HOC 08, oar nana, Bok, TIpamopse Pocesis, py6nb ‘naci60, crys, coma ‘raxeti, Teneepo, Toncrolt Se Russian L@nguage Competencies 4 Russian Phonetics yy Ytpo, yutrem op cpaar, hake, pyr6dn 4 Xx xopomid, x1e6, XaGapouck iq app, NepKOBD Wa ail, Uaiixoscat Wa MaMMacKoe, map MK ox mérea ~s * u Ci, Mor, BE . | Wo sonop, or aa 2, #6n0K0 6 1. Complete the table: Famous people Russian Language Competencies Russian Phoneticg lg 1. This is Russian script. Try your band in writing. Aa da re BO Bf Bu bE ——————$—— ___§__— Tr aye Ma oD) r a Bm és Be Es Kx Wee 33 33 Wu “Lu Ke bs aa Au Mu Aa Ho Ru Oo On On SEn Pp Pn Ce Ce . SS Russian Language Competencies a9 Ww Ag Mm se be Is Deo Russian Language Competencies I] Ruesian Phonetics $$$ $2 UNIT 2 1. Listen and repeat: . Aa Oo Vy 39 Mm Ma Mo My MO a ot YM a Kx a KO ky K OK YK K Ha m HO HY HH On YH oH ce a0 yy @ «& © ye x On mono ny 1m a on yn Tr ma To TY Tar or yr ar OM ga bo by bo ah ob Hd wm Maha, miita, OC, KOT, MOCT, CTO, cyt 2. Pronunciation practice: unstressed syllablest ° a voor fa] comms, ond, oid, waa, 370, xacea, om [The unstressed vowels 0 and 4 denote the sound [a] which is shorter and less tense than_ in a stressed position 3. Reads Dro mia. ‘ro matta, 970 on. ro ond. Borxdcca. Boroxio, Bor ons. UNIT 3 1. Listen and repeat: Baa, 0, BY; oT, Bor; waa Bo~po yy BG 62, Go, Gy; Gyxna, , Gykog6; ma no-Go.—any--Oy AX, BY, Rom Bom, pocud, © mT pom By—Ty 3 om 1 Oy, mea eo yey Tr ro, Ty} ord, mara koro Yt voiceless. ae ae ae fz fe voiced (See) peel x Is "The consonants 6, B, F, Ay mt 5 al the end of a word and ‘before voiceless consonants are devoiced. 12 ian Language Competencies Bu 8 Russian Phonetics 2. Read the words. Pay attention to devoicing of final voiced consonants: (6]- (=) (o)-() (rl- fe) Gd-fr) fel- tm) [5] ~ fe] & , |, cat (garden), th), » , Ea (ch, on (yea) Ee gar en) 376 (tooth), sazox (plant), aamran (west), ras (eye), 3. Read the words after the teacher. Pay attention to the pronunciation of voiced ‘consonants before voiceless ones. ‘own6xa (mistake), yabi6Ka (smile), saprpa (tomorrow), saprpax (breakfast), apTo6yc (bus) 4, Listen and repeat: Kro 70? - Sto Amoi, Kro aro? ~ Sto Amma. ‘iro S10? — ro oxxs. Kro 270? — Sro xor. ‘iro S10? — Sro cya. ‘ro ate? — S10 katea. UNIT 4 1. Listen and repeat: Hho = ma, wo, my, ka, mko, my Kx ma-Ka, my-xy, mp—Ko; Kia, wy, MO. mx Myx [uym, Hox [kom] 2. Read the poem: jr cymex Hac} in ej cipe mac, Msumxn ofa xyinarp cvama, By6nr cpday ake citomaimH. 3. Listen and repeat: Kro 10? ~ 91 Cama u Matra. Kro ato? ~ Sto myx. Kro ato? - Sto rama. Kero 210? - S10 nox. 13 UNIT 5 Russian Language Competencies Russian Phonetics 9 1 Listen and repeat: Xx RY,KO) Ka, YX, OX a (eh sro, yxa, Mixa} BKOM KY-KY, KO-X0, Ra-Ka, YX-YK, OX-OK, ax-ak Xoxoryma 6yxea Xa Tosopifr: "Xa~xu, xa-xa". 2. Listen and repeat: Ma Rou, o-9 Visei, Via, Visas a Wisma, Mataa Citra 3. Listen and repeat: bist KBI, Ub, XbI, Th, MBI, Bb, CbIH, BEKO, zi) tl, xan, Kena ay, roe, Not-m (6n6ux, HEI, BAL, <3, foN—e, THTSE, CA-CEI, MEM faut pate, none tem moa, oe Maia sana Matty spinox, Mana meina ne mobsna. 4, Read, Note that at the beginning of the word when preceeded by hard consonant H is pronounced as BI: ¢ Hipoit, © Hropem, ¢ Misatom, ss Mpxyicxa, mone TH, when preceded by hand consonant is pronounced as UNIT 6 ao 3 y a @ e 1. Listen and repeat: uta=s a, fy Ha, alt ly H+o=é 0,8 H0, of, i, 08 Atoze 3, ha, 38, ei, e& it+y=10 ¥, 30, BY, yh, roi, 970 The vowels &, €; €, 10 denote the sound combinations la, Ra, Ho, Hy: 1. At the beginning of the word, 14 Russian Language Competencii at) Russian Phonetics 2. After vowels. 3. After by». 2. Listen and repeat: s,Shna, ror, Sm, Mos, THO, MO’, THO, MoH, TBO ‘HbA — HbE — HE — HbIG, Tbs, bE, Ube, TIO iia a anal as ~ ae - 10 ip -e e238 on - 08 - 0% Ho-& &- ob ya-ye- vo ity -10 o- yk bie ~ ne ~ Ba UNIT 7 “Affer consonants iW, #, e, €, 10 denote that the preceding consonant is soft, 51, €, &, 16 after consonant denote one sound. 1. Listen and repeat. Note the difference between hard and soft consonants: ca-cl sa-sa Ha-Hy = A-aR Ta-TH Ch-cH SbI-sa EMER THT cy-co 5y-3K0 -HY~mo ~Y-mO Ty-TO cacii6o, marasiia, om, ner, ctyneler, Talis, Tera, Kata, Taresita, ciond, rita, mem Cf, C10, C8, HA, HO, HE, TA, TO, TE, J, MO, He non - Gu Opar ~ Gpare ecr ~ ects pec- Bech, osopiér — rosopéirs 2. Listen and repeat: Ha — Ha — mb — Ho Ho — ne ~m — mb BY — BIO —BB — BBIO 19 — He — Hb - me 3, Listen and repeat: ‘ro Téa? Her, sro Kira. ro Siena? Her, avo Sina. ‘So marasitz? Her, 370 myséit. 15 Russian Danguace Competenci Ruyaian Phonetics aa UNIT 8 Unisiressed © and a after conson ints are pronouns \ / 1 Listen and repeat: Boceass, yeBaTb, HECHT, SeTBIPHAMATS, uMTHAMATS,, MecTHAMATS, cennaltiare, poseusdnupn, pesaradinete, uenenecy, uecronecsr. ob 7 ‘ ‘ ‘ + Aapec, Sacker6on, noneiiGon, wrTepec, KexdpepeHMMA, peracTpalwas, ceenpaspeana, ecnd, herr, Seana 2. Listen and repeat: Mm ‘MbI ~ MH, Ma — MA, IIbI ~ IH, Da ~ 1, Bhi — Bu, Ba — Be, O81 - Ont, 6a - 6a Mat — MBs ~ Ma, ne ~ mbs > 1a, 6a - Gi ~ Ja, Ba — BbA— Ba anya, BOMED, neces, C0 , Cena, Ur, UT, REBATE, BOCEMG [Prepositions before their head words farm one myth ‘group and merge in pronunciation. The preposition 2 bei'ne a voiceless consonant is pronounced as.a sound ¢, 3. Listen and repeat: enepon, A ‘ P p B Tearpe, B kokmiate, B KHCKKe, B TET ‘a KOI , Ha koncpepéntyan, wa ypoKe 4, Listen and repeat: Harglaza specu? A Vipia? Vipifaa secs? A bautia? sneck? Apu? , Ipxox 8 tedrpe, A Tarsaia? Tarssna na ypoKe. UNIT 9 6 mG Russian Language Competencies 22 Russian Phonetics J. Listen and repeat: Pp pa — pa ~ pbs, po — pé — pbé, py — plo ~ pbio, pbt — pu ~ pot pe ADS BDO SPE ApE TP A a sTypuer, rpytma, Gap, crapr, xouaicrep, micpopMaim, supéicrop, TOP 2. Read each question with the correct intonation, then supply suitablle answers: ‘Qro pant exam? ‘Qro Ram cots? Ja, com. Ta, moi. ‘Dro rg0d malta? Dro Taos Manmita? S70 erd Kena? Sro e€ cecrpa. Sto sia wogpyra? Oro ero apyr? 3. Read: Ha paope Tpasa, a Tpapé nposa. 1 : ae “ mmBapp, penpate, Mapr, anpeM, cenTs6ps, HOsOps, neKA6pe, Kpa6 UNIT 10 ‘are always soft 1. Listen and repeat: Ya we-wa-ué ay Ok ~ Soa, Ye — Noe, 9a ~ 9B, BY — TIO eit wait? - Hursett., Ueit pysclt? - Hurselt, You ono? ~ Hire 2. Listen and repeat? i , Win tea, wwf, cbomm, ee, momam, seem mang, INy-Ia, IIH, eye f ‘Bpomy upouty, mam) ~ MM, mOK — miei, ewedmmes ~ ewemeame Russian Language Competencies Russian Phonetics 13 3, Read each question and answer. 1. - Afra, ro Bam apy? - Her, a Amped, ro Babua scons? a, aro Beua ceenpa? = Her, myx. — Bam 6par paSofraet tam? Her, snece. UNIT 11 1, Listen and repeat: Jix a ~ a, n0- m8, n9 — ne, ny ~ mo {Ia ~ ns~ abf, No — m8 ~ be, 19 ~ He ~ me, TY ~ 390 ~ BIO xi, mia, mi, ron, rss aK — 180° yron - yrom Haxadit ~ KngH, eur - Guu, YK — 0K en em an ~ ja Men ~Mem ohaap, xonteka, mach, Mosel, canst 2. Read the poem: ion = Sofas sje Hipage xonmlakit Then meGmp f ‘Tpanm — pais, rpyito — mo. 0. Kosam) 3. Listen and repeat: Morris's, Mons, Moraiam, Moni, MoTuiTe, Mora, Momaalus, momsaina, MOHAN. Tal a ‘Pronounced hand jounced soft S Russian Language Competencies 14 Ruseian Phonetics 1. Reads , Tala (t00), eGofpam; (coll hange), oy ea es (fom ‘Segoe fem (ol estos) om . tee). en (from the West), Boxsat, oxsaice, 2, Listen and nd repeat onan, exefian, crys, eOofame, ofFK, oTKe, BORAT But: cnoi, rpan, maa, nadia, cBoit: UNIT 13 1. Listen and repeat. cm-sor [80] cam ~ 6e3 mange «x De] pasuer ~ Ges asm ca— 3a Em] c macahar~ Ges aacos, exacrse - curr ra-pa [a] nepencismx— nr 2. Li ‘en and repeat: xoge'a0, amma, napdsa0 ‘Rama Hactrrtna Ms Pinaxloren, aia Kyesrana ‘WH insome words [om] ‘47_in some words _[urr] UNIT 14 1. Listen and repeat: Pay attention to 9 inthe inital and stressed positions versus unstressed positon: , pl rota, shomme, nosA; ako, Son, nye 99 ‘ ’ : [pr] axpsin, axcupete, axsaheen 19 Russian Language Competencies Rusaian Phonetics 2.Listen and repeats x b] 1 m+e 1 q [a] UNIT 15 1. Listen and repeat, 15 Y mlecTs, R rapawe, mlecr, ye skend, Menrdts, Kesar, mn ware always hank, sxend nf, atom, Ug va, no, oy, UI, ca, Hep, 2.Listen and repeat: re - ne \ mam — {a] Tea-TheA UNIT 16 4. Pay attention: cra —- [ext] 3a — [38) era —~ [en] pax — [pu] prex — [nck] ers — [crs] J, — [en] UMpK, cTainms, males, Yinma, mILIeEOK coperexnit, eres, nacteRerBo omua, ommy, oTmch, uBaamaTb, meuaiaaT cMesTBeH, cMcTes, HASBIBATKEH, HasbIndeTER 20 Russian Language Competencies 17 Greetings “ es an 4 s ‘6 ee ms x Hu 3 % “ ey Si a a a oN Si Competencies Greetings Language Competencies ian Busi 18 Topic 1 ~ Ho coass, no HO 257A. ~ To csuramus. Boero xopomero. BEST COPY AVAILABLE Russian Language Competencies Greetings 19 Sapanerayi T66poe Jipot To6peris yems! W6épsni nésep! ‘1. Repeat: sapocrnyr, His +, ASSpai, Seah jem nOOpsut nes, BeTep, noSpsui Besep, 2 Greet and be greeted: Vee re Aaa Txox! EE amr Toxeita! . » Haramea! — Pep Russian Language Competencies 20 Topic 1 3. Greet and be greeted: am. 10am. 12pm. 8pm. Tpm. 2pm. 4. Greet each other using the namet [ee ‘eoboe tebe, Bade 5, Friends can greet each other using IpMBET. Greet and be greeted: ‘Tipuper, Hxox! Tipunds, Caimat bt - Mens sony Anna Hnanéna, Kax pac 20nyr? = Mens sonyr [axon Cuar. = Overs upmstrao. Mure téxe duen> upasiruo. Russian Language Competencies 24 Greetings 22, 1. Tell us your name using the pattern: A= Dixon. a 2. Ask the students in the group and answer their questions: = Kak gac sony? 7 = Meng 308 3. Repeat the personal pronouns: Nominative Accusative Nominative Accusative a ment Mot ae mH TeGa Bt Bac on erd omn Ps ond ee 4, Answer the questions: ‘Kak ero soByr? Kax ef 2ony1? 5, Tell us the names of the students in your group: Tio IKoy, S70 Come. 6. Answer the questions nsing the table: Kax erdsonpi? | 3542.6 or 534.612 ie Kax eé sony? 4 T | Anexedanp Raga 3| aes" an Te: a} sae Tanke sh Mawin Mele DL - Oreja mu? = ns Amépaxu, = Kro gsi no upopéccnn? = ysirem. 1. Ask each other: Bi? Genitive Avs Amépaxu. A Poceit, Russian Language Competencies 22 Topic 2 Amépaxa a. Pocetia= 10x organs. 1, Orxyfa Bt? Sims Amépaai. 2. Boras Amepaxn? Ta, 123 Amépaxu. S.BurusPoccla? | Hen am 2. Practice the Genitive answering the question omfe % sa Amépinai, us Poccrit, jecrpan, ware ‘Spore, 133 Mocxats, 13 2; Baarmmoerda, 3 Cagtaa, ws Bamaurréna, a Haxdmaa, 1s CamctTletep6ypra, us Capdrona Genitive sibilarferttne ‘Ane paKa | Amépaxn Poceiia, Rocca Mocgpd focksét Haxoea Haxdhg expand cmparet [__ [Gente sngitar mascaline) Spon 1s Caan, Baupurrda Capéros J 3, Work in pairs. Student A tells the name of the city and a student B nswers the question Orxyaa?: Mocked — ws Mocensy, 4, Dramatize the dialogue: ~ Kak pac sopyr? = Meth sony = eat? 3 Andpaxay, w3 (pc) . Remember: CTPAHA OH OHA OHH. oe a= a oe Peoria |p pes’ SATIOHMA sane! smidinKa side Russian Language Competencies Greetings 23 5. Match the following: a ————~——> pycccxne Kurdit Cefn smc Ancrpdima aprons arr Kopea Toéxuo amepuxdent ‘ae Kame spl 7, Answer the questions using the modef: = Kao sprite ecm? Words for substitution: sxdnor, uCnemxep, Gamkip, skonomsicr, spa (n0xTOp), meoxenép, xypuamicr, ayseixdsr. 8 Make up a vocabulary network: Russian Language Competencies 9. Answer the question Kro ons 10 mpodpéccun?: 28 reetings 25 Tuanor I. Anna: — 3ypascrsyitre! Tbxon: — []66psut neu! Asua: Mens sony Anna Mansa. Kax pac sony't? Tbxon: Toxo Ceamr. Dpxon - ima, Our — cbamiimas. Auza: Ovens npafrio. Ipxon: Mae éxxe duens mpusirHo. Agua: - Orxya ppl? Tbxon: V3 Amepuxu, u3 Cuotma. A Ber? Ana; 13 Baagupoctéxa. Caen Ipxon: Ko pet mio npodeccum? Auaa: = SAysntrenb. A Bbi? oxo: SL oxdnor. 10. If the statement is true, put “+, if false put 1. Be gonyp Anna Vion. 2. Ero sony'r Ibxon Cur. 3, Alma 13 Mocxast. 7 Tpxow 3 Agxépampka. 5. Ama ~ yarkres. 6. Txon -"téxe yatren. UL. Answer the questions: Russian Language Competencies 26 Topic 1 12, Tell about yourself: ‘ua Amep) Sl amepuxasien,/ amepaxdaxa. IV ~ Kax pend? ~ Xopoutd. A y Bac? - Hopndmeuo. 1 Listen and repeat: mew © ai =D win © a © 2. Complete the Atialogue: 1.-Kax pend? 2. -Kax nena? 3. Kax wend? © pyro ~ Cuacii60, ©. - Cuacri60, ©. ©. 3. Learn the poem: Pacekaxaire me celradc, Kax yend way y Bac? Bcé nopmambxo, Beé ormfaxo, Beé npexpdcuo, Kak d6niano. Russian Language Competenci 20 Greetings 27 v Anna: Tlosuasduerect, Taxon, Sto Poman. , Pods, sro Pomas: Oueub mpi Ton: Mue Téxe. 1, Repeat: noasaxdurect, mpustio, Jueu upusinHo, mae rexe, ane re Jeera, paitrno. 2. Choose any Russian same you like. Find out the Russian names of your groupmates. Introduce them to each other: Tlosaaxcuarecs, Ex ‘Anexcdamyp Herpes. Arexediop, oro Enda Cupudss. Enea: Anexcaiap: recap, Enena: fuer patrHo. Anexesunp: _ Mue T0xe o'seub VI ~ Hispamire, mue nopd. ~ Ho couyatms, xo adprpa ~ Ilo esuyduns. Beeré ropdarero. 1. Listen and repeat: seme, ue topS, no cojmaians, no nerpén, no aaorpa, neerd xopottero. 2. Practice the dialogues: = Visourgire, yore nopé. ~ Beery xopomero. To caundans. = To siexpa. ~ Visanagirre, ye nopd. = Beerg xopoimero. flo cammatans. = Do sderpa. Russian Language Competencies 3t 28 Topic 1 3. Learn the poem: Tosopifre net apa Bcrpee, Eom aduep ~ "I1d6psit nésep!". com yrpo vin ems: "T1d6poe yrpo!", 1dGprnit newb!" A "Tloxa!" a "Ilo cemnéuna! eu sy when ou take lene Tosopiire wa npomdibe. iwanor I. Anna: Dyxos! Sypazcrsyirre! Tbxon: J[c6poe yrpo, Anna! Kax pend? Agua: Xopomd. A y pac? Ibxon: Ormituo. Anna: Tlosnaxdmprect, D>kox, 910 Pomal. Pomax, Sto pxou. oman: Ovens npastrno. Tbxon: Mue toxe. Bor u3 Buayupoctdxa? Poman: Hor, #3 XaGaposcxa. Bet amepuxatent? Tbxon: Ta, 2 03 Amépuxn, a3 Casta. Pomaz: Kro ppt no mpopéccun? Tpxon: A axdnor. Auza: O! Mp1 konéra! Tbkon: Kax unrepécxo! Auna: Vispumire, mae nop’. ‘ Tbkon u Poman: Jo csuyduas. Boerd xopduero. Russian Language Competencies 32 Greetings 2 A. If the statement is true, put “+f, if false put“: 1. Sto Bewep. : 2. Toxop as Buggmmoowka. 3. Pont — axojior. 4. Jbxon- yomen. 5. Tixow x Poser Konnéru. 3. Pont pyeonai xn anepmcinen? 5. Ikon » Pomait komnéra? 6, Atm n Pons ronan? |. Orxyiia Pod? 8. Ikon ms Unxdro? 6. Introduce your groupmates: Tloswaxghwrece, S10, On / ona 13 Anépicn, 13 a Ou ~ anepmxduen/ Ond~avepacca. SSS Os/oad~ " Russian Language Competencies © o 30 Mamorize —_________Tepics_1_ ‘Kak Bac sonyt? ‘What is your (first) name? Meus My 16" your Bac 30BYT your (first) name is ... ero his ce her Over, mpmtrao I's very pleasant Orxyna pu? Where are you from? Kro spt no mpodsecem? What is you: nofessicn? Kax yema? How are you? (Lit: how are things, affairs?) TlosnaxoMmrecs, $10... ‘Meet (Lit: get acquainted) Visemmire, vase nop4 It's time for me to go Beerd xopdiero All the best (Lit: all good to you) Vocabulary , anpaernyitve hello (lit be well it. be health OGpsri Jem 00d Groron a Td6poe good moming RO6punt Bésep good evening, upanér a Tt you Bet You (Polite) ae ona she ‘pola las ame toxe 100, also Amépaxa ‘America Korat China Kopéa Korea Pocciia Sndaaa omar ian Language Competenci: 34 Greetings 3a city, town mpopecns profession yuuiten, , teacher axohor ecologist MeHEEKe] . manager - Canxip ? banker skonoMaitr economist spat, doctor umxenep engineer yas smsicjan >xxypuandor joumalis xopomd wel See he OpMaTBHO OK. 110Ko , pretty bad wspueit(ze) ‘excuse me (Imperative, p. 149) no good-bye xo sdompa sya imo ) yo perpear ‘see you later (till our meeting) ‘cuacd60 thank you Vocabulary and Grammar Notes Gender All Russian nouns belong fo one of three genders: masculine, feminine or neuter. The gender of inanimate noun is determined by its endings in the singular: as a rule masculine nouns have no ending (end in consonant), feminine nouns end in -a/=a and neuter nouns end in 0 /~e. Nouns having the soft sign at the end can be either masculine or feminine. The gender of nouns denoting living beings conveys their sex. Noun in the Genitive ‘When answering the question orxyya? (where from?) the Genitive of anc reded by the preposition ais sed: 5 us Anpax, 31a Barmmarrona, Ha Mocks Nouns endings: Genitive singular ~u (if Nom. in -b, 4 and after, x, x, 4) Russian Language Competencies an 32 Topic 1 Personal pronouns singular lara you. he. she it we. Ou thes ta, for, [oat oad ver wot] om reo ero, | ee erd, |mc |nac | mx ree, |e et emf fam = [aa | me re6t__lero__Jeé eré mc | pac Bx. Pronoun asi is used both for plural you and for singular polite. somebody's name is given the construction Meus sony‘ is used. In question Kax ac ao the personal pronoun is in the Accusative. Fro is a demonstrative ‘pronoun. In the question Kax (y sac) xen? (How are things? How are you?) you can use y Bac — the Genitive construction with preposition y. In che -onstructions mme wopd (it's time forme to go), Mme mpusfruo (it's pleasant for me) the p-or.oun is used in the Dative. Imperative Tosnaxdmerece is the Imperative of the verb moamaxdmurrnest (Perfective) ~ to meet, to get to know (each other). ‘The form msaumete (excuse me) is the imperative second person plural or polite, wspumnt is the informal form. Numerals: This Topic contains numerous words and phrases (such as aupaaerayiire, xs6poe yxpo, AOGppre AeMs, ROSpHA Beep, cuacH6o, No cAMAdmUA, NoaATyEcTa, OIeHE UpusiTuo, Bc B HOpsIKe, NO 1a, Beer xopémero) that should be memorized (like their English counterparts). ‘The greeting smpas can be used any time of the day. It is polite and/or plural form. ‘The Gfaamal an wil be apache cote ofthe ce greeting depood one the of a day: aé6poe ¥rpo, Ao6putit Bésep, OGpExt Nem. The gender ofan adjective depends onthe gender ofa noun it quai, That's why the adjectives in the greetings have different endings. Russian Language Competencies 36 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 34 Topic 2 Cesus F amily But kewatit? Her, a He xenar, ‘br saMyxKeM? BEST COPY AVAILABLE Russian Language Competences Famil, i - Cxdmxo pam ner? ; Mae «pdgnars nas. Mng | 1,21,31,41,... rom, . Emy 2,3, 4, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, ... roga. Ea 5-20, 5-30, 5-40... ner. Ko? [a maou Tout Tat Tat Dating alee xouy? rie |ve6é Lewy Jet jum [nae 1. Count 1 ~ 50, add rog, roa, eT. Follow the rule. 2.W> in pairs: student A asks Cxdmbxo ... ter? Student B answers. 01 é ~ Gedo otter? i ~Ei3 roma 1. Ona. 3, 5, 12, 14, 21, 38, 42, 50. 2.On. 2, 18, 46, 4, 19, 12, 51, 46. 3, Bus. 17, 32, 43, 24, 31, 28, 52, 19. ‘gee 12,19, 17,34, 21. 4. Tet 4, 3.Read and complete: 1. Spo a. Mae 35 ner. 3 gem woe 35 ner. . So Aunroa . 4, Dro Hitaa, 25 ner. 6. Hida mnafome Anrdna. 4, Answer the questions: 1. Ckohmxo sam ner? 4. Kro caxtexit crapumai? 2. Kro crapure nac? 5. Kero efsest 2 3. Kro sac? 5. Mateh the following: Kax pac s08f1?—-—-—-———> Hitaa, Bot? ‘Mae 21 ros. Cxdmxo nam ner? AL yrutrem. Kero ast no nporpéccum? His Pia. 32 5 Russian Language Competences 36 4. What are their names? How old are they? Russian Language Competencies 40 Family 37 1. Read and analyze: HHHEHH HHH ! : Russian Lahguage Competences 4 38 Topic 2 sta Cemnst 2 CEMbA 370 Mama ro ména sro HOw coin powirem mend ceerpad par : CEMbAL c&erpst VN Russian Language Compt 42 toon ee eee Family 39 1. There are many irregular plurals in Russisn, Form the plural and éry to remember exceptions. = j wa maa = Mare — nivep nom = xine iq, ~ ont (ora cecrpd - weak - Myc = & hee co - camoned 2. Write using the pattern: ars = ore dia — faymmxa = ‘You imow that answering the question Oma sur? we use the Genitive case. awe Aucpurn (2 => 1) | Gaesy ‘The Gnitive -ase is also.used inthe construction Y Meus! ects / ¥ meusi wet ({have / Ihave no!). om + wer +G 3. Do you remember how Genitive is formed? Complete the sentences, Vueuk com Sek -¥ wend ner mee Ymewiecrs | coord — - ¥ wens'zerz| Myx Spar ata ond, coms Russian Language Competences so © 40 Popic 2 Remember: Y mews ner | satepu nofvepu 4, Read and analyze: ol mos, Moe sor mao} aod Tae rn0f allt - same : Bam | cB patna | néab de | mcomd = adie | norm ero erd erg ero” ee ee ee ee ax ax ax ax ‘ei? ‘ua? see? su? 5. Use the correct possessive pronoun, "Bro Mol Spa (pH). 310 ver, (ond). 270 Mou. zat (orm). ro a ro Reyna. = Sen Bro : Bro sayaKa, Sto ore. = a cecrpi. Bro war eo owen, 0 ceerpsi. Bro Spires, Bro BAK. 6. Complete: Bro | Mot com Hos. : mucemd. Sno ‘T0k comand, s yk, ro win pomfresm. _—_—_ BuyaKa. Mats. Russian Language Competences 44 par, ead. cad, 7. Ask questions, used Yell, 4A, ThE, Thu, eli sro cis? — Fro gam cos. y Mateh the following: 2 want 1. Tye ux pera? 2. Tne ax mémr? K L Tne mx yern? 2, Fue mx myzht Remember: ‘The pronouns ero (his), e& (hes), x a x (theit) do not change for gender, number, and 9. Change the sentences, as in the model: Dio uol Gyan — Sonor opaen 1. Sro mos 646yuma. - 2 Srommens Russian Language Competences 42 Topic 2 Postar: Iixou: Pomas: Ipxoa: Pomast IpKox: Pome: Tpxon: Posast Ikon: Poms: Ipkon: Pomas: Ipkox: Pomast: IpKox: Pomas: Tpxox: Tiwanor I. Ipkon, no6psnit pens! S3ppdscrayiire. Kax nena? Ormtn0. Poa, CKONKO BaM sieT? 47. A sam? 27. Y pac ects comps? Ja. Mama, nana, 6par, cecrpd. A xen? 2Keust em ner. A y Bac? O! Y Mens ects xed. Kak ed soayr? Jhomwaiza. Cxomxo efi ne1? 43 réna. Kro oud no npodpécomm? Ou pas. Anéra ects? Ta, chin a Jou. Russian Language Competenci 46 Family 43 10. If the statement is true, put “F, iffalse put —: IL. Answer the questions: 1 Cxdrxo ner Toe Gedpe ar Pua 5 ieee coat? 4 Sgn coms Spar? 5. ¥ Tixdua ects ce 6. ¥ Txxdga ecrs por 7. ¥ Pomdua ects wend? 8. Kro ond no mporpéccmn? 9. ¥ mux eors néra? 12, Guess, TO S707: LY nerolecrp now m com, 2] ner. 5: ¥ ugrdecrs 7 exina nom il amepnrsiuna. ¥ Heé ecTo MYX. 8. Oua ws Xa6aponcea. ¥ weé ect» Baya. 13, Read the text and draw John’s family: ro cones Dany, Sro erd maa. BB sony Iya, E55 ner, Onc Fro erd youtrem. sonyr Sumpio. Emy 62 rng. Ox umxenép. So ero 6par. Erd sozyt Mapx. Eny 25 ner. Oa xypzamict. Sro ero cecrpa. Eé sosyr Keum. Fit 31 rog. Oud spay. Russian Language Competences 47 a4 Topic 2 14, Now imagine that you are John. Tell about your family. So mos cents. So 15, Work in nes Student A asks questions: Sto ania cenmsa? Student B answers: la, 30 Mos ceMba. Try to ask many questions. 16. Oren - orsectao. Patronymics are formed from father’s names according to the pattern: Visa + onles + wa for men’s patronymics Visas + on/es-+ wa for women’s patronymics 17, Call the people using their patronymics: Tams zuox oma asa opie Ceprett ‘Dpaxtrprct Spatrprt ‘Ante! Hardie Te Bopiie Cepreit Braroap ‘Baambeap 18. What is the father’s name? ‘Auma Visauoma. Be ord sony ings ———id; 1. Dyaepat 2 “it Te 3 ita holeonns, 4. Tamia Bramhxponza. 5. Mada Visduosns. Russian Language Competences 48 Famil. 45 19. Look at the picture and answer the questions: 370 cempsi Pomdna. Russian Language Competences 46 1. Us gro pen 2 Kor i onft a ae erie i suom Gabyimxy? 5. Crdiexo eft ne? 6. You omnf pontrem? 7. Cxoltsxo eT Hx pay? . Kro on ng uposbéccun? ony ero Hers? ie ond tp ca? 20, 910 cen Hinaudascx. Topic 2 11. Bit 30 nex? 12. Kax sonyr e& Myxxa? 13, ¥ max ects én? 14, Kax ux 29)? 15, Kax sony no"? 16. coma 5 17. Kax sonyr e& G46 yummy? 18. Ona spa? 19. 9 aed cers 6 an? 20. Kax ero's08 3; Caco ony nen? a). A’ ser the questions: 3. Kax sonyr mare? 4. Cxoftsno ei ner? 5. Kax, sony ux 105%? 6: Croix ett net? 1. Kax zonyr e& 6péra? 8. Cxdmxo eny mer? 9. Kax sonyr 6x6yumcy? 10. Cxdnpko eit net? 11. Kax sony e& mifxa? 12. Cxolmsxo emy net? Russian Language Competences BEST Copy AVAILABLE, Family AT ). Write their names and ages: ©). Answer the questions: 1. Kro exppme, 6par mut 2 2. Keo ergpme, wy out eed 3. Kro ape, ym ,egyama wm nena? 4. Kro Bcenné? cael crapamat 21 Test yourself with 30 sec time limit: me 3. ems a Foot on posses ice sure. eeeoro re remo ua uépeiah pompée. 16. Draw your family tree. Tell about your family (names / ages). fin Iv Bur mendte1? Her, a ue xenar. A abi sdmyacem? Her, a we samyacem. 1. Read and analyze: Amonat Y mend ecrs mena. Sladuymem = ¥ wend ects myx. 2. Read: Poa xeuér. Y nerd ome xen. (Aina we sabeyem. ‘Y ne’ ner mipxa. Tixou xe xendr. ¥ nero ner xewt. Russian Language Competences Si 48 Topic 2 3. Complete the dialogues: 1 VS aie 2. i Bat = Her) 3. -Bo KY cha 4. cep ha 4, Listen to the teacher’s story about herself/himself, Answer the questions: Fa Kak gony? 2 Sede 5 ‘Cxomtbxo ei/emy nex? 4. Oud Jon xen? 5. Answer the questions: 1. Kax pac sony? 2 BB? 3. Cxdiexo 3am ser? 4. Bou xenshrot / Bat adbcyxem? Rus in Language Competence: 52 amily 6. Interview the students. Fill in the table: 49 Thea a pavadian Wirar wropox Bd2-] Cendiupe pact| nonomenue — (family status) __| 7. Answer the questions: 1. Y aac ects cemsi? 2. co vemion¢ B Baineit cemné? 3. ¥ pac ects pomfremm? 4. Kax ax sony1? 5. pac ects cécrpet? § Bam corpl soreeu? . Kax sopyr ef my'xa? Y mux ects péra? . Kax mx s08yr? 10. ¥ ac ects 6pérpa? 11. Bam 6par xendr? 12. Kax sonyr erg xeny? 13. Y wux ects yéru? 14. Kax zx sosyr? 15. Bar xexdrsi? (Bsr sduyxxeu?) 16. ¥ bac ects nétm? 17. Cxdmaxo y gac nerdit? 18. Kax wx 208j1? 19. Cucdimsxo un ner? Russian Language Competences on co 50 topic 2 [aanor I. Vissunifre, pot [xox Cumir, pononrép Kopnyca mfipa? Ta. A Ber mod Pycceas dma? Ha. Mena‘ 30ByT Agua Cepréesua. A To Molt MpK "pm Cepréesir, sami pyccxuit nénia. A Sro Téus, dura foun, Bawa pycckas cecrpd. SL ovens pan. Tenepp y Meust ect cempd 3ilecb. Jia, nama cemps — nda cempd. Ckaxifre, a CKOIIbKO BaM Net? Iyxon: AC: — Orxyfa sui? Tyxon: $$ AC: Krossino mpoéccun? Bur xeudre1? Pacckaxkrire o Béueit cempé! Russien Language Competences Family Manorize Sa Cxolmxo gam / ree net? How old are you? ‘Mae, 21 re Iam 21 Ey | 2rd Heis | 22 Et 25 ner Sheis | 25 Y pac ects ..? Do you have YY meus‘ner... Ido not have .. Bet saityacen / acento? ‘Are you married? Bonostép Kopayca mifpa Peace Corps Volunteer Sl o%em pan(a) Tam very glad Vocabutary cxohteKo? how many/much rom Z ey poseadin Bithaay Boapgcr age xendr married (about men) ug xeudr single (about men) adeyyem married (about women) ne aaheypKem single (about women) (rar) younger (brother) (par) older, elder (brother) posecHuk peson of the same age rome girlfriend senonéx man, person veya man xeeamma woman mortondit enone. /oung man ‘fara, bey resoma an peGeHoK child mera children i adult (noun) coms family Russian Language Competences cn a 52 Topic 2 patronymic the eldest the youngest V ocabulary and Grammar Notes Personal pronouns and routs in the Genitive ‘¥ Bac ecrs is equivalent to You have, The verb ects is invariable for all persons and the possessor is always in the Genitive preceded by the preposition y: ¥ meus (Gen.) ects ar (Nom.; 1 have a brother). The word denoting the thing one possesses takes the fominative. Her is the negative form of ects: ¥ mens (Gen.) wet Opéra (Gen). Note that er is always followed by the noun in the Genitive. After any preposition the letter w= is added to the 3rd person pronouns: y werd, y we, y mux (Gen). ‘Singular tural I fu he she it we fou. they. Nom [a , | re of om [oag [sar | aur ont Gen. | mew |re6d |ero’ ek ero, |mac |nac | mx Dat | rue, |re6d Jewy fea lemy |mm |aam | m Acc. | went |re6¢ ler lee ord mc | sac | me Persotal pronouns in the Dative ‘Yo ask about a person’s age: the question ’Cxéir. ko pax itetie’ (Dasive) ne?” is used. The answer is "Mae (Dative) 35 net’. Russian Language competences 56 Family 53 ‘The word ’rog’ means year. The form of this word varies depending on the preceding numeral: 1 rog (nom.); 2, 3, 4 rofra (Gen. sing.); 5, 6, etc. ner (Gen. pl.). Possessive pronouns Russian possessive pronouns agree withthe nouns they qualify and change this gender, number and case in the 1st and 2nd person. In the 3ffd person singular and plural they are Invanable, Whose is rendered by seh (m), rag (£), a8 (0), Sem (pL) Patronymics Patronymics are formed from one’s father’s name by means of the suffix -oBmg or esa for men and —osua or -esua for women. "Visda isdzonwa’ means that Ivan’s father was also Ivan. Vocabulary for family status ‘The Epglish word ‘married’ corresponds to two Russian words: "xexda’ and ‘aden’. "Kendr’ is only said about men and changes for number, 'sduyakem’ is said about women end is invariable. {Sumerais] Cardinal Degree of comparison of adjectives: redo — were — exh nef, ‘craft ~ ordpine — ordpamait. Plural of nouns 1. In the plural masculine and feminine nouns take endings -1 or —w and neuter nouns take endings ~a or ~s. 2, Some masculine nouns take eudings ~a or ~a in the plural: rdpon - ropond, nom ~ noxd, axpec — ampecd, rls — rasa, yutrem — ynrrens. Note: the endings ~a and ~ in the lal ar sare soesed ‘and neuter nouns can take an ending ~ba in the plural: cpus: — comnoBEst, 6pat - MYT — Mpysbs, crys — cry‘ibA, Myx — MyaKbsl, Rudsian Language Competences Sy 54 Topic 2 4. Some nouns are invariabiy used in the singular: sopd, 361070. 5. Some nouns are invariably used in the plural: aac, 6, The singular and the plural of some nouns are conveyed by different words: peGEHox.~ néra, texonéx — mdpa. 7. Masculine nouns in ~em and ox. Drop the vowel ~e~ or ~o- inthe plural: ae omupi, npogasen — uposiapuef, coTOAdK — OTOH. Remember: Om ats ep Russian Language Competences Tt 56 B Kaacce Topic 3 In the classroom Language Competency I Boransie ~csmsre Marre croma —amnrre o6parse _ | Orxpoitre — zaxpoire 0 ~ Hasumare. a onosaata). Moxno? = Ta. noxavicra Barronoprrre 1o-pyccxa? lemuoro (syTb—SyT5). ‘Kaxsno-pycexi I don’t understand"? ‘He normmiai0". TTomserio?. °° IV | - Cxaxcarre, noxanyiiera, xovoptsit ac? (Ckosmxo apewersi?) © noroze. “ye “following Simple insructions, ~ observing classroom etiquette: — finding out target language for: unknown word, expressing lek of understanding, for clarification; BEST COPY AVAILABLE Russian Language competencies In the Classroom 57 I Beramote - cigere + Tinire coxa - umpire o6pirao Orxpoiite — saxpéirre 1. Listen and do: Bepduore! Cobmsre! Berakwre! Hasire cioxd! Mamie coptno! Cobre! | Orxpdtire yadourme. Saxpdine yada. temp. Saxpdiite Terman. | reTPAtb oat, Baxpdiite xa =! Onepétire rash. Baxpdiire raasd, Tlocworpsfte rynd, Tinmte: .A,B,B Tocworparre cows, nase ale % orga ma. Miurafire: sto yseGmm, dro Terpasm, 4x0 ox, Coryratre: omni, nse, TPA, seTBpe, UT, Tlostopére! To make polite request in Russian don’t forget about the *magic" word momiayitcra, Now, when you know about it, follow teaches’s commands only when she uses the "magic" word Uno 2. Complete: a cmfuraio Tor ow enya Russian Language Competencies Bt 58 Topic 3 3. Listen, do and answer the questions: ~ “urrdfire! ro pot neftaere? — A surrdio. ~ Yro on aehger? = Uo ona jedaet? — Ur0 Ter ~ Yo mar peftaem? 2 Il ~ Hisrumfre, a onosnain(a). Mo'xno? - Da, no: icra. 1. Read and complete: Tiwou onosmg.t. Ox onosnait. What does he say? ‘Tbxou w Aisa Onosmaim. Onk onoandm. What do they say? SSS 2. Complete the sentences using the verb omoana‘rp in the correct form: La 2. Mana a Téa 3.Bat 4 fi 5. Tar roe tal ~ But ropopiire no-pyccun? ~ Hemnoro (syrs—ay7s), ~ Kax no-pyccuu ‘I don’t ynderstand’? = "fl we nomamgio". Tio = Her, nowtopiire, nomdnyiicra, Merenno, no-pfeckn? ornate no~anriaficKn? xopoms , | neck a,x | nopaainno | rosopid uo~~- Bur rosopsire| ne = moanio, nn Seas , ste roBopid no-... ‘ ronopsits , SA ronopto , Mot rosopaia ‘Tet ropopamrs Bur rosopwre Ox, oxa rosopatr Oxu rosopst ‘The verb rosopsfre belongs to the II conjugation (compare: surat ~ I conjugation) Russian Language Competencies 62 <<< ——— n_the Classroom 59 1. Read and say what conjugation the verbs belongs to: monuMare nosropiirs Snommiaio, Anostoparo Tyr nommmaemm, Ter nostopiems, Os, oxa nonpader Ou, ona nosyopder Mstriomncgem Mst nostopyem Bat noummat Bet nopropaere Ons Oxn nosropdior mucaTe (no)emorpers Army A (no)emorps Torminems Tar iojenenpmg Os, ong mufizer On, ona (1o)eMorparr ‘Moet mimes ‘Msi (1o)emoTpa Bar mdmere But (no). Onn nye Ona (xo enchpat 2. Ask questions to each other. If you want to be polite, say "Cxauatre, moxairyitcra..". Kax no-pycoxa Kax no-amriticica ‘oma’ IV ~ Cuamuire, noxdayiicra, xoro petit sac? (Cxdnsxo npémema?) , — Hecars (aacés) tpdmars (many). 1. Listen and repeat: ac, manrfra, cxdimbko speMenn?, xoTopsuit Tac? Russian benguage Competencies 63 rrr errr er 60 Topic 3 2. Read and analyze: Official time Conversational Ke otk TAC? Cuda spémema? TOsaco 30 mamayr | 10.30 ‘rpms = 10 sacs og 10.05 pe Seach spsaayr [950° | Seber mampecds ne ec 2 aac 5) mmayt 21.50 arare omit usrenecks 1Ovacop 15 ummyr | 10.15 rem naTsdiqars, 2sacd 15 many, 2.15 méuare ya ieradimane 10 sacob 45 10.45 | nécs shor as 22 ance 45) 2245 aes Mpa copox Lars ‘sac (péBzo) 1.00 3. Continue: 1 vac = 13 sacog 10 acd = 1 sacds = 4, What time is it now? 5, Work in pairs, Student A asks Keropptit gac?. Student B answers the question, 16.15, 12.05, 20.45, 11.05, 5.20, 9.10, 4.30, 4.45, 8.55, 17.30, 9.00, 13.15, 10.20. 6. Practice the dialogues: = Cxamafre, noxitnyiera, xoropeti vac? = Cotte necmry meraieere. ~- O-O! Moi sacef cnemdt! = yoxdnyicrs, ckolmko apévenn? 1 Mow weed one Russian Language Competencies 64 In_the Classroom 61 7. Learn the children’s poem. Tosopst: vacet crostr, Tonopsf: aaefi cuemidr, Tosopatt: yacsf any, i Ho wemndxxo oreraiér. Mbt cmorpéa ¢ Mrimkoii pMeCre, A sacefcrosir na Mécte. (B. Opnos) Vv - Kaxdii, ceroffas yen (ene)? - Yersepr. - Kaxoe snead? = Iecroe asryera. 3 fends Russian Language Competencia: 62 Topic 3 1. Complete the sentences: 1. Tlowenémum- nepasuit zen meré. eK cencips E , 6 ep: Sean, sonendne(m) Spinto Bockpeceube (n) sderpa Gyer 2. Crossword: |_| 2 Russian Language Competencies 66 In _the Classroom 63 3. Match the words: neuter Geni*i - mepige amar _ sabnpa Oyner TpeTHe mapya a % reyoéproe ape mectée midas cemBMe 01.01, 02.02, 03.03, 07.04, 20.05, 13.06, 14.07, 25.08, 30.09, 31.10, 06.11, 17.12. 4, Say what date it is. Pay attention how dates are written in Russian: Day/Mouth/Year. Russian Language Competencies 64 Topic 3 1L Answer the questions: 1. Kaxdf cerogaa norgna? 2 Kaveh nore Goya wag? | 3. Kaxda morona Gyner sderpa’ 2. Make up questions to which the following sentences would be the answers: A ~ Brepi Sting rend. =o yA £0, Sem EO ao ‘TEMPERATURE CONVERSIONS Fahrenheit, 212° _[98.6°F | 68°F 32°F OF =10°F Celsius 100°C 37°C. 20°C OC =17.8°C. A quick method to get an approximate temperature is to take the degrees Fahrenheit, subtract 30 and divide by 2: (ALF - 30) :2 = 5:50C From Centigrade, multiply by 2 and add 30: (1O0C'x 2) + 30 = 50°F eae rc $67. Russian Language Competencies 68 In the Classroom 65 3. Write these temperatures: 45°C - nave rpafycos Tern. ~59C — srs rpéaycon =108C - +29C~ =158C - +PC~ oc / expe sma pe bespam {apr BecHd abd z nero die ‘ cerrg6pb oxrg6pb HOR6po 4. Complete each sentence indicating the likely season of the year. 1. Guess xdromio, temmeparypa -15°C, aérep, ener. Sro “ Zs the upes are yellow ’ 2. Xonommo, +5°C, serep, HoxMb, nepeBbs KENTHIC. To : 7 someting 3. Tend, +119C, cofpme, morad nox, S70 4. KdpKo, +28°C, comme, sérpa wer. Russian Language Competencies 66 Topic 3 aro aK? xondgioe sith aals loclee 5. Open the brackets: xara yaa. , sy rene (gems, nésep, yopo, norcha, n¢r0, gm4d, neces, ocexb, sumdps, dbespdim, BocKpecembe) x mIOXoH Sixnape Orxppipdem Kanlepmaps, Haumnderca supapp. B supapé,psmpape Macro cuéra Ha pope. 70 Inthe Classroom 67 Oxrsops B oxra6pé, B oxra6pe ‘Ydcro roxIEK Bo MBOps. Hexaops_, B neKabpé, B eKabpe Boe nepenoa 8 cepedpé. & Learn the poem. Y upapofter ner anoxolt wordt — Kabxaan nordya Onarondrs. Flom m exer’, mobde spd r6pa ‘Hidgo Gaaronapao mpi Russian Language Competencies BEST COPY AVAILABLE 68 Topic 3 Mamorize smufre cron / auptre oSpdirn0 ‘come here / come back. nerdapte / caftere stand up / sit down Mokxo ...? May I...? Vispmre, # onoaza’t Somry, I am late Bur rosopitre m0-pycckn? Do you speak Russin? Kax no~pyccxu...? ‘What is the Russian for... ? Ane | momMato Tdon't understand suafo know oak | maton. Wilyoo. | me Tlosropirre repeat, please? ‘Koropsiir sac? (Cxeimsko speenn?) ‘What time is it now? Kaxdit ceroina nex (seneim)? ‘What is the day today? Kaxoe cerospin aic16? ‘What is the date today? K coxanemmo, ner. ‘Lam sorry (you may) not Mod sacef enemt‘r / oncraiér. My watch is fast/ slow. Kaxds cerosas nord? ‘What is the weather like today? Vocabulary crpsagie to shut, . oe (p. 127) md, to go (p. 490) _ omer camer@ ane Russian Language Competencies In the Classroom x coxandnne, ner rp smpacxdane yae6nan mud Beye ears ayia ronopift> nomads nonropéts mucar 69 I'm sorry (you may) not (lit. to my regret, no) gatbock, coy took ie Coarse textbook window door toread todo tolisten to to aadertand to repeat to write to look at excuse me to be late (p. 223) time hour minute watch, clock to be fast (about a watch) to be slow (about a watch) date day week Monday Tuesday Wednesday ‘Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday month January February March, April May Tune Suly ‘August September October November December year weather sun snow rain plus minus degree Russian Language Competencies 73 a9 Topic 3 ayts | noxyre. to blow (Imperf/Perf., p. 100) rend eis warm. mRapKo This hot xoltono Riscold mpoxaieio tis gpd frost BeTep wind cerdi today prepa yesterday gsaByepa day before yesterday 3aBrpa tomorrow nocyesabrpa day after tomorow aM winter Begud spring agro summer cen fall Vocabulary and Grammar Notes Telling date To denote a date in answer to the question Kaxde cerdqaa suc16?, an ordinal numeral in the Norninative neuter followed Uy the of the month concemed in the Genitive is used: Cordnan 28 (danas 30:3% re). ie eee ; corresponding cardinal ones by adding adjective endings, withthe exception of 1 (népasti), 2 (eropoit), 3 (rpéruil) and 4 (serwépresit): Nominative neuter Genitive Kaxoé cerdn wend? - Carolan | nepaoe sunapd TBE] Sbeopank serbeproe a neKa6ph Past and future of the verb ’6nrTb” ‘The Past and Future tenses are formed with the help of the verb 6urrm: Telling time Ruseian Language Competencies 73 In_the Classroom a ». To find out the time the Russians ask CxésmbKo spemean? or Koropstit sac? and get the answer: (1) aac 23,4 aca 5,6,7, etc. aco Jn Its one o'clock’ ones ussualyomite, say simpy ae (in Nominative). With murals 2,3,4 use noun in the Ger-tive singular (sae) and with §, 6, etc. use a noun in the Genitive plural (#2008): 10,02 is 10 sacos 2 sansyrst (Gen. sing), 10 uacok 5 samy (Gen. plus.) ‘The numerals ogsiu and pa are the only cardinal numerals i Russian that have genders: ‘oma m. ea-m.,n. aa oma — ope - f. (oad maya, MBe Maxfrei) Ordinal numerals have genders and cases. Thy are declined as adjectives. In formal Russian the 24-hour clock is used. In conversational is indicated by the words yxpd, ama, seepa, now respectively (all of Russian the time of the day (a..fp.m. notion) are in the Genitive). Official times are easier for beginners: 10.30 ~ nécsTs paar also practice f conversational forms, (Numerals: — [Cardinal Ordinal (masculine) lero ode, 100 [cro om cro nepesrit ‘IL Jcto edpox nar cro. 1s lancom myxcorsitt 200 rpucra ‘Tpéxcorst 300 lsersfpecra ‘sereIpexe! 400 lnarscér, stack 500 mecreeér mecragdrstit 600 lcemscér cemacorst 700 lnocennedr poceeaegrattt 800 lneparacor nepaTucdrstt [rte relearn 1000 Noun. Accusative case In Word combinations orepéiire oxad/ausfry the noun is in the Accusative. e ‘Nouns endings: Accusative singular neuter as Gen. (animate) as Nom. as Nom. (inanim. 40 (if Nom. in 2) ‘This Topic contains words and phrases (such as nomaayicra, Kax wo~pyc comanicinuio) which should be memorised (like their English counterparts). Verb. Past tense ‘The Past tense is onosnaita, or .ed by means of ~a1 (m.), -a (f.), -au (pl.): onosnme ~ onosndt, Russian Language Competencies 72 Topic Conjugation of the verbs SHT4TE, roBOpHTE (Present) aurdrs (1) Tosopifte (11) a aro Tosopis_ ma, | surrdemm rosepaim ononk | surder rosopart Mel surdem TosopiiM BB surdere rosopyire om surdion rosopar Imperative ‘The Imperative of the verbs is formed, as a rule, by adding to the stem of the Present tense or in the singular and ire in plural: suzretr, _ in the singular and -are in plural: rosopir» ~> rosopiia ~> ropops/ropopifre. -> sardem —> surat Russian Language Competencies 76 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 77 24 Topic 4 | ranguase I = Yo 270? Rak até nanumpacres?, —3re | atencan. | Sime oe | stanox0. : He | -Bam | mpasirea puréa? papatea noxamopet’ IV__ | - Bam/te6e nomows? ~ offering help; a _| + "Koamre busierper? Tlompotyinre: : Soffeting food at tables, ; fla enacu6od Fler, cuaea6o. p= = ‘eto pelily: «°F? = (Hlene aire, noxaxpiere, £06. ; if i ~Hoxanyiicra = Creo. Competency ~ identifying food [local food, ~ expressing likes and dislikes; ~ Saying that oné is hungry; BEST.C7P™ AVAILABLE 78 Food 75 I ~ Ure $ro? Kax 370 nastunderes? ~ dro anenseda. xanycra, MouioKd. L Write food names: 2. Complete: Words anerg, xantoes yma, ye, uaeapin, nonoxs, wopKcbs, wo, Soom pve TOypINL pr, ENGR P, PDS, eLxap, COR, Cone, cep, 86, tal, orondi Staa,TpaCth + Write 5 food names on cards. Keep it in secret. Work in pairs, using model: ‘Y pac cm nonamnpia? ~Ta,/Her., ~ Talrre, toxahyiicra. —To; Russian Language Competencies 16 Topic 4 bf -Bam | spésures peida? eB upasatca nomagépEt? ~ Ta, oGens/ Her, ne dens. ‘You already know personal pronouns in the Dative in the construction: Cxémxo want ser? ~ Mie. net, Now oue more construction for I (you, we, they): Mae, re6e emy updsures +N singular eit = updssrres +N plural Bam ™ 2. Interview your classmates using the model: BEST pane TT ATR Food El he 5 mobrbtero!) The Acc. case denotes object to which he action passes [Nominative — Accusative] aa 2. Fill in the table using the Accusative case: mpoayerer | Sede mesa | modus ‘We oem oem] He MOaMo —| oem ng OTHE (Genanfay) mopKda = = pena i coat FONOK rpyfi THMGHbL ‘anemia ‘Gandeer Konbacd [peta sco, ov Kobe) ‘mioKomda, conberst MOORS —___|— 5D eS, = Ee Tr 3. Pay attention how the verb 140687» is conjugated and complete using food ames in the Accusative: mosis a mo6md Ta —, md6mm On/ ona d6ur Ma dome But re Ont = me6aT (monaco) cry) rae) cote) (xamyera) Find out who Caen si06mT and who duems we 1JGur same food as you. 4. You know Russian Gop. What do you think you need to cook it? 81 Russian Language Competencies 78 im -f xouy ects! - Uro 6ygem rorésars? ~ Cyn, kaprémny, mico c rpuédua. ‘1. Complete the sentences: xoréTs, a ecTb. Te ours, cuar. , But, ToRopHis to—pyccKs. Omit cayaiars néczio. ects ce. Imperative: exmo(e)! mars Ace. Imperative: Weli( re)! cake beafsteak wo caviar ropr_, crab Gudpreke cutlets xp’ soup Gopat 3. The verb rordBHTE Is conjugated like the verb moGuTB: foe. (@->Y, 8->10) 82 roToBaTh to? Topic 4 Food 79 a rordpmo (cont), Te, roropims — axa) On/ oma’ roropur or) Mot roropEM eco) But, roropere eapro(axa) Ont rordest (rpast) 4. Interview your classmates if they like something or not. Complete the table. TeGe’ (eam) ure Bh S. Cross out one word in eaci line: Cand, pamerper, cyn. ‘ail, mmpoxcxoe. Be ee cae Tlesmacam, kornere, xoucperss. Remember; Mom, aM Tou chee on ugwer ner wéxeu Bot wdwere om_ diy 6. Interview your groupmates. Use the Accusative: ouhave to find out which meas or rinks the other people in yout clas can prepare themselves. Each of you prepares an interview card which could look like this: Vins Moker rordsure Tixon ‘Oncrer, Gyrep6péx 83 Russian Language Competenci 80 topic 4 7. Read the dialogue: = Axony ects. ~ Xdueums 6ytepOpdn? ~ Koue'tio. , ~~ Ccefpon Hint ¢ ron6accit? = Cadenoye Fst ottapne —Cronoxdu? ~ Her (6e3 monox4), cnact6o. Remember to use Instrumental after preposition ¢ (with) c Instrumental and Genitive after preposition Ges (without) Ges Genitive c# Ges 8. Match the following, don’t forget to use the Instrumental. ~aapoxde ¢ wteow ——— es x16 uy cand MQzIOK ypu adoro wai, cp ocd pac, Gyrep6pdx xanycra paa ‘xanbacd 9, Put the words in brackets in the appropriate form: L.A mo6mo nde toto, ou moour kite Ges (wot). 2. Yrpom 5 em R166 ¢ (adeno xeup), aperc (cup) Ge (demo). 3. Bet md6qre cary c eee (9) 10. Interview your classmates: “ro mu éxm waeps wa 3abTpax, o6e%, Yau? CT (to eat)— Past: Tat, Of em 4, Tet, ond ea, Bus, ont 34—. Guaatan Tanavana Aannoranciaa Food BL 6 ; T ‘yosa 11. Make up a menu for festive Y2KHH,, using food and drinking guide. Food guide Canar Salad Saxyeum Appetizer usorypudp cucumber salad | xpd caviar 73) Tomatepon ‘tomato salad occ, hot dogs, franks uaxemyorot cabbage salad | xonGace’, _—_sausage, cold cuts sanerpér vinaigrette of | GyrepGpdx sandwich : vegetables | BoTHHER, hon malionds mayonnaise Hecepr Dessert Xne6 Bread and dough dishes Mopéxenoe ice cream xie6 bread xoumor compote Gynowu rolls Tops cake Com pancakes tmpmse Eales ‘apap aca small cake macaroni nenéane biscuits a ‘hot cereal afasas farina pdcopar rice cereal rpesuesas buckwheat cereal pyaar Fruits stima Eggs . ‘ , f anempet orange slina sxpytyio hard-boiled exgs apoys tes | |e fried eggs Cauda, banana omer omelette sagorpaa grapes Tacs En amd 30m x6n0Ko apple sirOmBt berties 85 Russian Language Competencies 82 Topic 4 , Ovomm Vegetables Cys Soup anycra cabbage Sopm borsch, Kaptofpen potatoes yx, fish soup TpEOet , ‘mushrooms bymok bouillon, clear soup xykypysa com cm soup aK, onions rpabudt mushroom soup wgpndee carrot osomadit ‘vegetable soup merpyimea parley osimidpst ‘tomatoes, cpéena beets Pua Fish Maco Meat slope salmon KaMOaia flounder xpa6 crab pod nemxéaa ‘dumplings, pelmeni Drinking guide Topaswe wanarka —Hot drinks Caupriuie wammrau Alcohol sai | camofom tea with lemon BOK, vodka crapemmem tea with jam Koni cognak cmonoxém tea with milk BaHO, wine c ménoM tea with honey Gehoe white xpdcaoe red manmdeKoe champagne , migo beer kde coffe Xonogmt ie wamwrce Cold drinks ‘Mos milk OK , juice rebup. effi, sour milk, amrembcHROuBtit orange o ‘emo sin0% apple TmMouayy lemonade Sombonast ‘apricot xpac kkvass toméraer: tomato Mamepatsuga | mineral water BHHOTD {ttt ‘grape nord ‘alcoholic beverage made from yeast jand black bread. It is available from street v 86 Buaaian Vananace Gannarancias Food 83 12. Interview your groupmates. Use the Accusative: ‘You have to find out which drinks the people in your class like and dislike. Eech of you prepares an interview card which could look like this: Via T66aT_ ‘He ad6ar Tifa ait ail COE Iv ~ Bam / re6é nome? ~ Ta, nomanyitera, Pycexas cemesd Dxdua. Ayia Cepréepua dren mé6ir rorobam,. Ona’ roroenr saSmpax, o6ch m Yaa Gxicrpo H pxycxo. Ho, conoiain e& ger nea. | One fy HoH 1B ApcéHpeee. , ‘Téns rorobut o6ef. ro dieu ppymno! ptt pas mme aden, ax $10 year... Oxd wader Kary "PYccxme oe Sone anadser. Lect ‘xdaeT HOMOmD. Téa, ne ass! Apomory re6é. Handi rorotuns auécre, Tlomors une, noxdnyticrs. ¢ Uro Mot O¥nem roréirE? Moker 6orrs, carat # Gopur? Tania mO6irr Gopm. Xopoutd, a sto ene? ... on Russian Language Competencies 84 Topic 4 ‘Tian roroier Gopmy. Ei MBCO, ‘Fixou rovoai candr. Euy nyxcaste nosedpay, "Ero emé ond Oyfyr rorosurs ua o6éq? Handitre wi Complete: nomdus Imperative: momors(te)! 2. If the statement is true, put “, iffalse put —: 4. Tefen rordamr Oketpp # BEYCHO. 5. Tas suder, Kax roTésars Copa. 6. Toxou xége toydsm Tésre. 7. Oust xovér rurdoere cyn a cards, 8. Tdus rorojeer Gopmt. H expe rordear Gop, 0. Tina rorobar 60pm. it Tia sxd6urr 6opm. 3. Answer the questions: 1. Kro mé6ur rorobuts? 2. Kro cerdmma rongenr 061? 3. Houemy Tdaa nniser? 4, Kro xdugr noms Tene? 5. ro rordpar, Tats x Ixou? 6. Kaxsle mponyierot me Byxii? 4, Read the dialogue: Tighe: Visrepécno, wro cerofax wa 0641? Téa: Bop. , ' Ss Tidsa Xopomd, x mom opm. A ro emt te hoe a S Tide: : Tdas: ro amueTaTal & Tas: vali pm xGepe?_, Tifa: Sac cxf macau ‘dus: A qe6d, Thxon?, & Tixom Kotbe. Bes caxdpa u Ges mma. ‘quaslan Tanduaca Camnatancias «© co Food 8s Tata: off pkycrmtt sali! Txxon: Kore oie Saens axytinnit. Vv — Xorifre sunerpér? Hompé6yiire. - Ta, cuacd6o/ Her, enaciGo. - Clepe)xaire, noxaayitcra, x1e6. = Ilo: cra. — Cnack6o. 1. You are at table. Ask: Wate + Accusative 1 ars a 4 a) ue, canat, 10%kKa, BEIIKa, Hox, camerKa. \ ca : Tlepega'te + Accusative 2Tepenats : a c a) vapehma, craxaty, anemciis, 6010K0, canar. 6) Russian Language Competencies 86 Topic 4 2. Offer your guest to taste: ‘opr, newdime, Mopo%xentoe, cardr, BaMerpér, pbiSa, #ETOKO, BHEOTpAN. 3. Compose a dialogue: Tana, [Ion w uaa during oe. Memarize How is this called? Do you like) fish? tomatoes? Tlove / like ... Iwant to | cat drink Can Thelp you? Help! Enjoy your meals! What else? Its interesting Vocabulary we oh breakfast tan aoe dinner 3dprpaxaTe to have breakfast fears to have lunch yoxamuaT to have dinner ectp tocat npdGonars totaste roropars to. cook MOwp can BKyCHO delicious 90 Russian Language Competenci = el een meee sausage chicken butter vegetable oil milk sour cream cheese Kefir (like liquid yogurt) ‘mayonnaise sandwich eggs rice macaroni flour ‘bread bun biscuits, cookies cake sugar salt coffee beer ice fad jam ‘chocolate sweets “ 37 Russian. Language Competencies 88 Vocabulary and Grammar Notes Verb conjugation Conjugation of the verb ecrs (Present) Present Past a mm, em 3, Tu, ond efi on, ond ecr eB, on it Mat BbI emire g Conjugation of the verb 2106i/rs (to love) ‘Conjugation of the verb xoreTs (to want) Present Past = Toy &, TH, OF FTE ra, xGuem |g, rut ond ronda oa, ont xOaer stb, Ons Kore Mel xoTHiM BBL xorire onk _ xorsty Conjugation of the verb murrs (to drink) Present Past x IO 3, To, O# Tet meu 4, To, On TATA, ou, ond mbéT Mei, Bb, on mata Mel MbEM Bel, mbéTe wh pion Topic Baestan tanniana Comnatancies Food 89 Conjugation of the verb mows (can) m MOF aT, OR MOT Te, MOKeUDS 4, Tht, OB MorAa 0H, oma MoxeT Mbt, BI, OM MOT Mor MonkeM Bi, wgxe7e Noun in the Accusa tive Accusative case (direct object) denotes object to which the action passes. Fmascutine Teminine as Gen. (animate) ~y 2 as Nom. (inanim.) "o (if Nom. in 8) Noun in the Instrumental Use Instrumental after preposition € (with): ¢ Monoxom. masculine “[ vewree OM, om, mem (ifNom. in em (if Nom. in ~e); i, -5), nau (it sessed) 1, 4, HY, when stem is stressed) 10 (if Nom. ins) Noun in the Genitive Use Genitive after preposition 6e3 (without): 6e3 MonoKa. masculine feminine =a =a = a(ifNom. ins, A) | - wm (ifNom. in ~», and after P, K, X, U1, i, %, 4) Personal pronoun in the Dative In the construction me mpaswres (I like) the pronoun is on the Dative. Remember: If the following noun js in the singular, we use up4swtca (Mue pasurcu pasa) if in the plural, we use apdsmrrca (mue up4Barca OMEOpb!). aa Russian Language Competencies 20 Topic 4 92 Topic § B MarasHie Shopping 95 24 Topic 5 Tmperfect: Uipanece Perfect: Peayamrat moxyndTh x) Present [a me 2. Answer the questions: [ Cxditsio ont MOTOKG? = Seen hoppin: 95 q an Q : Russian Language Competencies 96 Topic § Weight ounce 28 grams 1 pound 0.45 kilogram 3. Learn the abbreviations: 7 paar =r santorpdse ( = 1000 r) _pyG. = yO. 4, Pay attention: Genitive 1 rantorpanon Q 2, 3,4 samrorpaana cham =, 5~2 xamorpduaon CTL ufo dena (n) eCKONEKO 5. Add the word KAOrpaMM: 1,5,3,12,8,21, 11,7, 4,13, 6. You know endings for Genitive singular: @ = TYE Mae 1 dora ‘You don’t know endings for Genitive plural. They are very complicated. Try to remember those endings. This poem may be helpful. Her ¢pykros, ozoméit: Banda... anaudeos, TpnGos 1 orypués, Tleoouon rome ner! Her yommydpos, anemcunos... Her s6n0x, rpymt Hiner xondér! , Eore 1énexo ndaxa curapér, ‘Ho cniuex ner, wo cmmfiek HET! 6. Complete the sentences: J[airre, nomémyiicra, .. a o ‘ 4 2 “ 4 “ saworpehent | cusp, caxap, nder0, aco, pét6a, conde, sins, amuorpaa. SS Ruasian “anauaga Competencies | of GC zw nasa ytetaxa 6duxa KopdGKa nafcxa, 6yrstna, xopobka ne coxa, OyTEiak, dem, ner Sef, Words: monoxé, sais, xotbe, micro, xombérns, newdase, 7. Make the vocabulary network: omit , Pepe ere 99 Russian Language Competencies 98 Remember: 2 Accusative Genitiye Taare dik ‘aK o yr = oyrtme, | mifoa_, , wore open xouper emfsex: dex y npreaa sar edxapa Teanor 1. — CxoiKo crour moKondy? — 3500, 4500. 5000. Kaxéit pit xorire? — Tlo 4500. ; — A xoncpérsi ects? ‘ — Her, rémxo mioKondy. — [lditre, noxkayticra, nonKw0 Kon6ace! 110 30 TECH. 300 r exfpa. : — Yro ewe? yey — Tlauxy neycapa u 6yreiny coKa. — Bcé? 26500 pyéndit. - Tloxdnyiicra. & 8. If the statement is true, put “+, if false put —: 1B on Ra exon yous Kon§acti, uduxy nevéma n Gynimxy MoxoK’. 3 xox rym router, 4. Txow xoutete. ohare questions. 1 ro nym Tixon? > it xy Be, erT0 xoTe? 3. Cxénsxo cromr uce ? 100 Ruasian Language Competencies Topic 5 pout Tloxyoxa == oéaxput. oynn, 101 100 Topic 5 1. Write down the names of the items of clothing and footwear: 2. Fill in the table: Masculine, Feminine Neuter] Plural Words: récty«, naye76, nam, canory, 66xa, 6¥ska, koon1GM, a, ruidrse, coutrep, nig azo, nga, carga, Gini coca, pain, ve, op 3. Make up a list of things you bought from the syllables in the boxes: Pattern: wo} | xa na man kno] ax py mm] fo] mew] om] fm = xa Sam [rcp mas koe 70 =m a xa 4, Say what articles of clothing you need. Don’t forget about Russian winter! Mee oH 102 shopping 301 5. Write down: Kaxdu ogeSana 1 o6ysh Bam Byand, een ... 103 Russian Language Competencies 102 Topic 5 6. Draw lines between English and Russian color words: ‘épEEti-————- > black wénTbit pink cent on oe = is semis red. a yellow c= Cpdinceet brown 7. Draw a rainbow and write the names of rainbow cafor words: 8 Fill in the table: a Gprdxs 9. Name colors of the clothing you are wearing. gowdie | xan? slants ucuni —[Gommmdi | wensit | l Yen eile 6xa, tepaan pyrocmKa. 10. mpliment each other: "emia ———] 11, Imagine that orange is the most popular color in Russia. What clothes of ‘orange color will you buy? 4 ins 103 12. Practice the pronunciation — Paccxaxiire mpo nor fara ~ Tipo xaxaie mpo 10 — Tipo moxyina, mpo Toxyma, Tipo mokynownat cBoi. Tiwanor II. Tloxynerem: Mue ay>KHa 16Ka. Tipopasén: Kaxoii pasmép? Tloxynaem: Copox miecroit. Tiponanén; Ecrp kpactas, kopifimepast u ¥épHas. Tloxynatem: © Mue upapirres xpdcnput uper. Toxdxure, noxxdmyiicra. Tiponanet: Bor, nocmorpiste. Hoxyndrem: Tye mdxxno mpumépatn? Tiporaséy: = Tam, 13. If the statement is true, put “F, if false put 5. Bie ave mm. i. TCA KopitmeDAti eT. 4. Baw axe, 5, Tafaa xynina wSGxy. 14, Answer the questions: 1. Yro xouer kyr Téa? 2. Kaxdity weé paame? 3. Kaxolt oer eit apdbrres? 4, Ona xymuna oxy? 105 Rigsian Language Competencies 104 Topic 3 Tiwanor Il. Tloxaxaire, noxdnylicra, sépubie rycpsm. Kaxdit pasmep? 37. Kabmfx poxeckaai wma sao? Buicdxuis. Su? Da. Tloxanyitcra. Moxao npamépure? Koxesno. Camfrecs, noxényiicra. .». Tythmm Manenpxue. [atrre mpyrife. Tloxaityticra. Stu Tym Mae KaK pas. Suen yyd6usie. CxdmmKo crosr? TIponasen: 150 re1cwa. Bepére? Tloxynérems: Bepy! Onn me upaparea. 15, Answer the questions: 1. Uso xduer xymins Tafa? 2. Kaxolt y net ramet ‘ Cnet yea mbes log Shoppin: 105 Memorize Cxohexo crdur | wait? How much is tea? ' edes00? butter? peta? fish? CKofwxo crdar | s6n0Ku? How much are apples? ; xonhérn? sweets? ? cucumbers? | 'Y sac ects kougérn? Do you have sweets? | Tditre, noxdnyitcra, | xupnorpdsoa caapa. | Give me, please, | kilo of sugar. t ndsxy ada. tea pack. Gynry somoxa, bottle of milk. Gdaxy Kbibe. jar of cofee. Kaxdéit xpacifuptit kocriém! ‘What a nice suit! be Méxxao mpanépams? May I try iton? P Kak paal Its just my size. Kaxoli (y pac) paamép? ‘What is your size? Bepére? Will you take it? Bepy. Twill take it. Vocabulary ‘uponyicrst food Pa market yan supermarket yumepsir department store ractpowda food store omanire/samnardre to pay (Imperf/Perf., p. 276) in to sell (p. 343) 1 noxyndfem buyer { mpomanén, seller t mopordit/ ndporo ‘expensive / expensively i nembapti / némen0 cheap / cheaply " cigarettes i cub matches : 6daxa jar yr Gyrefs bowle = tw xop66i box remrorpavon Kilo net ae gram = oa Kha OnKTA men's Siting rs He re Children’s clothing meroxda onexaa ca pySdumca shi mane. dress oan raincoat wooxa skirt Gmaxa blouse ny spat shirts Mopar 7 moa furcoat nagerd overcoat t coe Sweater sxcagep jumper : ae jacket ropeha pijamas bathrobe xendt noma 5 T-shirt yt6pmka ae ‘sync stockings i, teh ce ieee Tpye ‘underpas brood brassiere ume swimsuit (for women) ups sat rear sea shoes rybu Bet boots peep sneakers 7 boots cot sandals slippers, shoes for home mone eel shawl — 1 nocongt naande = ef ep a Monat suitcase = umbrella otoumaps camera = (sunglasses a ne : bi axearet 108s pee cde Topic 5 Famaatanntae pink orange fashionable comfortable elegant every day smatt size totry on soap toothpaste toothbrash rasor comb towel souvenirs matreshka (wooden doll in peasant dress with smaller one filled try spoon samovar dishes decoration bee, cas casket ery face powder lipstick eau de Cologne Totion Vocabulary and Grammar Notes Verb aspects In this toy ic there is a pairs of Imperfective — Perfective verbs oKyHaTe ~ kymuTe. See the Practica Russian Grammar Exercises. Russian Language Competencies gop ttc 5 Noun. Genitive case Words muoro, mano, aetgomsxo are followed by the noun in the Genitive plural: ais ; ao cronds eCKORBKO After Ganka, Gyroinxa, maka, kop66xa nouns are also used in the Genitive singular or plural: sen seat Genitive singulasis used ater 3, 2 Odum and Genitive plural ~ after 5 ~ 20:6 6éa0x. Noun, Accusative case ae diire is followed by the noun in the Accusative, which is the direct object: Personal pronouns. Dative case Russian language construction for "I need” is Mue uyxeu,, the personal pronoun is in the Dative, Mue, | yey +masculine, sing. Tee’ | mynd +feminine, sing. Emy | ayano + neuter, sing. Ei ‘ayxcaei +plural Ham Bam Yiu Adjectives Russian adjectives agree in gender, number and case with the nouns they qualify: Ixpdcustl rocrion xpdve widrve xpdenaa OKa , ‘Kpacnbie calor The construction What + noun is rendered into Russian by axéit +masc., sing: KaKolt xocradk? xakda + fem., sing. xara 3S6xa? xaxce + neuter, sing. ranch nalyg? xaxafe + plural: 110 Ruaatan Tancnace Competencies THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK lil Directions ampaso. =Tlosepamre Banpas0. useno. ayror = Bepusrecs nazaie ale VI | - Korna tot unéum 8 wirpk? ~ Bo BTopHnK Bexepon. ‘onzpetency ay ‘ding obt about spbsific loca fetes ~ giving directions; ~ asking and answering where somebody B0€S to; ~ asking and answering when somebody oes to a certain place. Russian Language Competencies BEST COPY AVAILABLE i i e c E yaaa axons0du Hy harasaH “Kuara" mona axon0dn fom Fal0) mowra Russian Language Competencies 1i3 ares ‘Peeropait ae i arena GasamoreKa Russian Language Competencies 1i4 I ~ Kax naseisderea Yror uapK? - Moxpdscunit. ~ Tye (naxdéyurea) Moxpésceait napa? ~ Oxono yrusepcutéra, orogens sage? a cr se nape mammierch ) Te CR eRe Rome FT Grosebe sea ae ev me 2 Repeat the word combinations: LIpp 2. Yeowma. 3. Kanoredtp. 4, Read and analyze: bi J 5 geome sone ere gu phe mina (fms, ofan, andi). 5. Open brackets using the Genitive: cxyina or uo arti, pln eat mer exésa of (Boxadn, nda, yuna, rocramuna, Tedrp). 6. Read and analyze: 33 37am 100M (Boxsaom, suatstem, Kade); ndpex 3Toi ndrroll (xdmianBr0, yunell, rocramnel). Russian Language Competencies 115 7. Put the following words in the Instrumental and list them in the appropriate column. Paaum c F Words: nom, arréxa, sadnme, xacbé, udsra, soksdn, ymmua, Tedrp, azeTaryr, rocrifama. 8. Ask using the pattern What is situated between? Miiay icnom ay sngfine H mapK;, 9. Open the brackets: 1 Tigra Sxono (marazf). 2. Tdera naxofgrres dxomo (Maras) 3 Boxals maxes Sip nah 7 é fag pe (on. Tocraama enéea or (aa $ MEY (wateanat alec) seers cre). yi on Ho fancy) nepen eters) 10, Look at the picture. Name the city, streets and all buidings. Find out where the following places are located in the picture: ~ Tne waxdqures auréxa? Words for substitution: rocrafiama, xanotedrp, pap, reap, waraséma "Onéxna", ‘MECTHTYT, u6qTa, BOKSAT. 11. Describe a street. Use the following words: cupéna or, cnésa or, népen, 22, exgy, Ha ying. Russian Language Competencies ITE Directions DS I -Tne anréxa? = Hire mpamo. mnepx. BAH, Haldao. , Hampdzo. -Tosepmrire wampdno. Haleno. 3a roa. ~ Bepauitecs nasan- = Hepeiinre sépes nopéry. pmepéy cebep santo Lk sanpéeo a uasdy yor 1. Say and show: anéso, supa, npepx, Bau, snepén, kasda, Hacso, Hampabo. 2, Ask the way, explain and show. 3. Read the dialogues and draw a map: axokre, noxarylicra, Mme HaxofprTes apponoKsdi? "flee upske po Jou Peon nosepaifre wanpdso a umpire no Marasiiua "Kura", nopepitire wanéso, apronoxsén — s¢épe3 Ropdry. ~ Cxapatre, noxednyitea, me waxofores wbpexos noma? paKo, Hopepnire wanéso a mate no yome no nore, Repeiintre 4epea gopoty, ran etesaopopSammt norsd. Y porsina noepmre tanebo, novek anpa0. Br Ha 4, Dramatize the dialogues. Student A asks where a particular building is situated. Student B answers. Draw maps and compare them, Russian Language Competencies 117 Ug Topic 6 5. Compose a dialogue. Tocrinmya ~ Cxaxnte, omfaypera re waxofuren 6. Read the dialogues: ~ Cxaxatre, noxdnyitcra, néara nanexo? ~ Her, 6amiaxo. Bor ond. - Cxaxate, noxsdn 6? < Hen ume npiivo. nord wanéeo. ILI — Cxazxatte, maragita nanex6? He ‘veut, Hue WO nepexpéctxa, nosepuiire naupdao. = Cxanaite, noxdnylicra, myselt waeKo? weyser "fas nanexd ago ckaro ma arndéyee. Bor ocrancinca, 7. Complete the dialogue: pao, Hasdq, m ~Tye (ceitixc) | Taxon? Preposton -On na BoRsaie. B roctfanye. Russian Language Competencies 118 Dinectiong se en ey Prepositional m. f n =e =e ~e y (small group of ne | —It (if Nom in -ms, ) Hf (Nom in ue) liable eseentons) wee amreke wie ech népKBH. sax 1, Anwer the question: Pye Jjaxon? Ww wD BEERS 2. Match the following: —> ropore yamne < vtermyre The verb Grrr (to be) [Present By Past 7% Tat, on, Gor 4,781, ona’, Goma Moi, 58t, on Future 5 OFA Mat Oe Ta ot Gygere ‘frem> onlond 6Yner ows Ggayr Russian Language Competencies lig dg Topic 6 The rat cefrage, Teun? — A dha. , Tye Ter Gepa? (a a) B Maranifsie, The rot Gymeim névepon? - (41 6yay) 8 tedtpe. 3. Work in pairs. Ask each other [ye Tht ceitude? Cye Tat Gur(a)? Tne Tei Gyfeuxs? Use the words from Ex. 2, Tuanor I. iixon — Annd! — Tans, 70 TE? — Ta. Tpuser, Dpxou! Tor B uscrutyre? — Her, 1B rocrvtamue, 8 Yccyprtticxe. Tye mama? ~ Mana B Marasiiie. — Anata? —Tdna na pa6dre. A nouemy Te B Yecypitticxe? ~ Y ac oxcxypens. SI wa okckypeun. — Vinrepecuo. A rge spt Osim? — O! Mar 6sihm wa BoKsahte, B Mysée, Ha BEICTABKe, Ha Koutepre, 8 ndpKe, B pecropasie, a BéyepoM GYyeM B Tedtpe, Russian Language Competencies 129 Directions — Ormtanas nporpasoma! A 9 6purd p mncrirryre, ceitadc nOMa. + 4, If the statement is true, put “F, if false put —. 10. Txow 11. Téas Guard 9 redtpe. 12. Téa Ofner » reatpe. 5, Answer the questions. 1. Phe ceitaae Téa? 2. Dhe ond Guia? 3. Pe ceftuac Tixon? § Te cata? bs 2 5. Tre ox S§er nézepow’ GE Sopetndea 7. ge ndna? 6. Learn the poem: yccKanutte, re Boy Osta, WB xappitmiol ranepée, aah Be hepa, Ta resipe, mB wyaee, Pamcedlat ed eee inbee Yom a cronéaol, mB . 2 inipke, p yrumepcurére, B Marastue Gaim, BKdn2, HE Oaccelsie noSuisdm. a pexé, B Recy, 4 dae, (O fests cattouo ut Yor. Iv ~ Kynd put | ayére? irere? Accutane - Bamresy. 1 Complete: amy wy ‘Tet penn enemt we | en Mata. a Russian Language Competencies 122 42g Topic 6 Bar eae a Om we} kL 2, Practice answering the question Kynd? p rdpon, 8 uacraryr, p redtp, B tap, B roctufumy, a anreky; ta Yo, a eg, a Ha Boxsd2, wa KOHUdpT. 3. Complete: Sane ee) 5. Answer using the pattern: Ryad wor rere? Nsusée 1. Hern. 5. Kagpé. 2.Tigara, & tek, 3. oper 7, Marasies. 4 Poem. 6. Read the dialogues: — Kyad nus aren? = SL sarangi, A To? = Axim na udary. - Kup ut ehere? = Sdby na poKsah. A 860? Aap tedtp. = Kynd’ yt mtu? = sty nee. A roi? =A 43 6u6mioréKy. Russian Language Competencies 122 Ditections____—__ * 7, Look at the diagram below. You will be given directions. The numbers after the directions indicate the number of squares you have to move in that direction. You then have to say where you are in answer to the question Tye But? (Where are you?). Choose your response from those listed and place the number in the correct box. [Ipamo means straight on. Start at the same point ~ Bxog — each time. 4) pmo ~ 8, naxeso~ §,manpéso-3. Tren? ED | 1. Ha notre. b) naneao ~ 6, wanpdpo - 8, nampdso- 11. Tye as? 2.B rocrifamue. ©) nanpaso ~ 4, nanéso ~ 8, xampdso — 1. 3.B ndpxe. 4) mplao — 8, Hanpazo ~ 1, nandeo - 6. 4, B anréxe. ©) wantso— 6, nanpéso ~ 8, waupaso-3. Tye ae? L) | 5. B marasutze, 6. Ha noxsdne, 7.9 wudexa. 8. Ha ocrandhxe anrdéyca. 9, Ha ocrandoxe mpanti. Russian Language Competencies 123 dag Topic 6 IV - Orxyaa aut | ugére? dere? Gentive , ~ Vis anréxn, B A H3//C 1. Write: , 7 . 2 (a? a wyy azine Gane n3 Ha 2. Ask the questions: 1 2 game lg CT . . * ate w areal’ ‘Onmermwaresia Oi teranemp ee » 2 woe Russian Language Competencies Twanor I. Gexom — Uipmnér, Atta, 11 orkyna? Anna: C pa6drbt. A THI? Ibxon: SI Onut B Kan. AuEa: ounm sarepécuit? Jbxon: Oven. A Kya Th1 ceirac (mem)? ‘Awna: Ha dpe. A THI? Tixon: A T0xe xouy Ha Mope, Ho MHe HAO yaRTE pyccxuit a3KIK. Ansa: Pyccxwit sabfk MdxKHo yuri Beayfe: Ha MOpe, Ha BoKsdre, B ndpke, B Marasiue. Tbxos: Tpr Tax pyMaeum? Aaxa: Kote%o! 3uech Bce ropopst no-pycckn. Tloiiméum wa Mépe? Boxox: — Xopour. Ho Ter mae 6yeu nomorére! Asua: Koxéuno. 3, Answer the questions: Russian Language Competencies VI ~ Korpd yet axéum 3 ompR? ‘Cxdaexo apdvieun celade? Korade ee poued Kaxolit cerogua gens? , none miie » nonepéason propia Bo Bre pena, B Pe, ‘“ersepr B yeTBepr cy660ra 7 cyG5cry , Bockpecéase B pockpecdape yep0 sipou M néaep pom HOW BdaEI0 2. This is Nick’s cultural schedules TnORene SEA mad Tew ‘BrOpHEK mpK 1600 pend 1400 uersepr sla a usramma redrp , cy66ra, yTOON 1400 pockpecémpe oe 1200 b) Compose dialogues using information: 1, Hope ay neem » nosenémsan:? Baca ~ B6 sacos efepa, 3. Write and say: Brame aude Buenefe miei; pMécame ——__maeti; 2. ~ Kaxolt cerofmas nem? ~Tloxenefoumx. = A xornd most anew 3 ampR? -Bo 7 npn — ae B DeeeneOpt a 3 tbespand is Russian Language Competencies 126 Direct Noun. Prepositional case Noun. Accusative case masculine [neuter [feminine as Gen, if animate, = as Nom, Pinanimize CLC. an -« cas Nom, if Nomin = Noun. Instrumental case ‘masculine neuter feminine OM OM ~olt em, if Nom. in Em, when stressed eM, ifNomin-e | -&i, ifNomi elt, f -ua, after 3,0 when stem is stressed ~ 1, if —» Demonstrative pronouns 9TOT, 97a, 3TO, 3TH Taasculine ‘euter feminine plural |Nom. wor 310 ora a instr. THM. THM. roi Ete Verbs of motion In Russian there are two large groups of verbs of motion: moving on foot (mrsi) and riding by any means of transortation (¢xaTe): Conjugation of the verbs ward, exars (Present) cer ; gen | Sere éyr Verb Imperative In this Topic you see some more imperative forms: munre, nonepuitre, Bepuuireck, wepeiiate. Russian Language Competencies igo The verb ObITb Present = Past bt, On, OBtr aro ond = Seund cmt _ Gxt, Future a OFay at OOM ‘Tot Ofgem But OY ono Gyser __ oH 65 Answering the question Kory? XE me are interested ip the time when an event takes place we ask the question KoraA?. The answer is 8 gpa acd, In this construction the numeral takes the Accusative with preposition @. The noun vac takes the Genitive singular after 2, 3, 4, the Genitive plural after 5 6, etc. and the Nominative singular after 1. ‘Nouns which denote the days of the week and answer the question Korya? also take the Accusative preceded by the preposition 3: 5 cy6Géry. Nouns preceded by okou0, y, wamporas, ciesa Tzneba or and eapdba oT take the Genie, Russian Language Competencies 128 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 199 130 topic 7 Tpancnopr Transportation I Language | Competency | ~ asking how to get to. On — Kax no6pareca 10 noxsaa? cerain place: noexart - Ha aprobyce Ne 7, — Ha rpanpae No 4 ~ Ha tponseiisyce M3. ~ asking whets to get off = Bor suxomire? ~ Her. = Pasvenmatte poi 13¢ Rransportation agi V_ | -Mue syxen Ouner x0 Xa6aposcka. Cxomxo crown? oes. ~ handling emergencies. anexrpirary. — Korna cnenyrommit noeaq? anexrpuaKa? = Tomorire! Kro-ro yxpan Molt Ganer! nacnopr! Moto cymKy! Mon neni! nempra! ms 62 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 132 Transportation 133 2. Complete the puzzle by writing in nouns that name forms transportation. 3. Complete the list: a ény na Tpannde Tr on ond Met Bet 4, Transform the dialogue using prompts: — But exfere noudit wa awnd6yce? - ~ Bee xopomé, SA rdxe ehy wa asTé6yce. ‘Words for substitution: ua rpaxade, ua tponnei6yce, wa meTp6. be wD 0 134 Topic 7 5. For each sentence draw f for verbs, meaning motion on foot and 1 for verbs indicating motion by means of transportation: TD stotsoe sate und. L] Mot efem na cramide. L) SL upy’s Gomi. Cj Molt mane uxt na pabcty. 6. Write about several nlaces you go and how yeu get there: 7. Read and answer the questions: ALeny pouch ua tpaade, A ri? Bs fect raele Ant, SB % 4 heist », A BbI? 4. Tbxon u Asma pyr na Taxed. A mai? & 8. Write sentences with He + verb? 1 Faxon facv na nponnétiyee, a as put neue 2 2, Moj npr exer na nab 3 gum, 9 xe ua Tax 9. Complete the statements by giving the correct preposition and form for the means of transportation: 1. Bpar yaurca p yausepeurére. Ox efter 8 yampepenter ——7— 2. Mos mda paGotaer B Gombuniie. Ona effer B Combaimy SE 3. Ceetpd yaurea B mucraryre. Ond efer 3 mucruryT ——amer— 4, Moii cum ylarten » mxone. Ou eer 3 mxéay es 5. Moit npyr — xopeh en. On eget wa cramiott pyr — xopdantt enopre ener _ 134 Transportat ‘10. Compose sentences. Use your imagination. 1. Re 4 the dialogues: = Tixon ceitsac ua pabdre? - Her, on ae eer oMdit. — On ener Ha aprobyce? — Her, wa Tpampae. But efiere nomdit wa Taxcit? — Her, wa apto6yce. A it? ~ Si rdixe na aptobyce. Enem pmccre. — Sno sata mannfoa? = Ta, wef ronbit. Bur we ehere nod? Toxdnyicra! Gesitve noSparsca | yo Boxsana? pocxare TL - Kax - Ha’ ‘redjce 7. ~ Ha tpamafe Xe 4, = Ha tponndisdyce Ne 3. — Tye ocrandnxa? 1, Ask how to get to a certain place using construction JOGpaTbCH [10 + Genitive: oxsalt, boxset uerD, x, map CIETY, now, anreka, ndra, madman, Yiama, coréamaa, rocritama, moa. 2. Fill in the gaps: ~ Cxaxatre, noxafylicra, kax po6pdroca 10 ~ Guava ua WoT eM a 135. 3 136 Topic 7 Words for substitution: a) noxsdn, nemmp, naduianp, ya. Coens, 3) pans, aBTOye, spose 3. Transform the dialogue using prompts Cronin, noxdzyiicra, rae syecs ocranépka Tpamnan? = arid, = Toxabryiicra. ‘Words for substitution: — ocrandexa asrd6yca, ocrandexa rponnéii6yca. 4. Read the dialogues: ~ Craxaire, noxdnylicra, kay nockars yo Bropdit Pela? ~ Ho Brdpot Peso? Bau nyo rare wa tpomnéf6yee rm ma nsrdyce, ler, mysane xa smexrpifaKe. ~ Ha anemrpifaxe? A me suect erdamis? eae — Corofas mt mt 5 redgp. Kax nockars no neirrpa? Ha poals 164, Ho ayfane nemncéo. To nésnpe wepaneed — —éanyt WE -Tne - Korgd ~ Ha xaxcii ocranonke dre? Mue BEIKOgMTL? = Ha ocrandoxe "JIyros’s" = Ha cnenyiomed ocranohie, = Yebes ocrandaxy. = Yepes 2 ocrandsxn. — Bor purxdgute? = Her. = Paspennire upoitra. 1 Read the dialogues: — Vissnnipe, xax poexars no roctadsmrpt ..? — Ha asndoyce N22. — Axorad pprxomtre? ~ Ykpeg 5 ocraxidsax. ‘Cuacno. 136 Transportation 137 ~ Vissuacire, ps1 ssixofurre? -Her., : ~ Paspemmtte npoitra. 2. Work in pairs: you are to get to a certain place, Ask where to get off. Use the scheme, aspuxa "Sapa" ya, Marmuroropexas Bropas Pesxa ya. Hocrsmena 137 138 Bopic 7 IV - Cxoimxo upenenn exams | 5 nentp ? Ha BOK3A1? 0 Boxsajia? . or Box3dia fo rocraamnEt? ~ Ha mamnine 20 many. 1. Transform this model using prompts: SS redrp - raxeif, mcrmryr ~ rpansdi, nora ~ aprS6ye, [YM — npoantitéye. 2. Transform the sentence: To aopondpra dxars oicono wea. ‘Words for substitution: 2 acd, 20 sanryr, amy 20, nomsaca. 3, Read the dialogue: ~ Sicha, nor acnro exemm wa pabory? 0 Vv — Mue ayxen Gue'r 40 XaGdponcia. CxdaeKo crdut? 1. Read the dialogue: ~ Mure gymuast Guadre1 to XaSdposcxa wa 20 abrycra. ~~ Toxdayitera. Cxdmmxo? -26andra. — Weerdit sarda, 21 22 mecra. 2. Compose sentences, choosing the correct form of the noun GaieT: masta, Ba pocepecelise ma Laryera 3. Read the dia ogue: ~ Kxowy xysine Oundrat. Cxonpxo crdut 6unér so Udi? = 60 pyonta. = Iisa Owneta, nomafiyiicra, 4. Work in pairs. You want to go B | Mocasy’ =| Haxdnky Russian tanguade Competencies 3s ortation 139 Aprm , Bamerna Say that you need Gwe to this place and ask how much it is. 5. Read the dialogue: — Mae pyxen omit Ge 0 Mocxsni wa 20 abrycra. ~ Raed pele: 2 8? Bropit pale , ~ Bam naénopr, n jora, xdmsko crus Gas? a , = L mauummda 200 Telews pyGnem. Bor, noxanyiicta, opal Gwe? wa BTOpdit pelle 10 ‘Mockpst. Mécro 36. In Russia there are 2 main types of trains. ipzropoymse noe3za (suburban trains) called ‘auiexrpw provide the main transportation from suburb to the center of the city. Mexayro] moega# travel longer distances between cities. Cxopsuil udesq (fast train) moves faster and makes no intermediate stops. Some trains have peeropda (resturant car) and some have euditatse sarolms (sloping cars). Usually there are 2= ‘people to a compartment (kymé). Each carriage is lool pe an attendant (uponoxmitx or uposommixa) who will supply you with bedding and a glass of tea. Trains are numbered in Russia, so on the railway schedule (pacuwedmue) you will sze the number ofthe train, the time of departure (spe oTmpasstefmma) and the time of arrival (apeitg upuGsiras). The time in the schedule can be local (méeruoe spémsi) or Moscow (Mocxdackoe spéus). Twanor. Pome: Mue ny:xex Omer Ha 3aBTpa. Kacenp: HoMep ndesqa? Pomas: ILarp. Kaccup: Kyné, niankapr, dommait? Pomda: Kyné, Kacerfp: Bune’r na népsoe centa6ps wa "Oxed", (noesq Ne 5), Bard Ne 3, Kyue, Mecto Ne 5. Poméu: 970 nepxnee mecro wim nubxnee? Kacedp: Hitanee. Pomas: — Cxémmxo crdirr? Kacedp: 120 Totes. 140 Topic 7 6.If the statement is true, put “f, if false put —. 1. Anna cher » XaGapoper. 2 Powak ne 3 Yeni. , 3. Pomaft éner p XaGposce sdonpa. 4. Rone rym Ogu a at mt Bune yo XaGaponcxa (xyné) crourr 70 rater, 6. ¥ Ponda ard M3, uécro N25. 7. Mecto NS — népmace mecro. 8. Pomalt éner 8 Xa64poncx. wa ndeane Ne 11, 7. Answer the questions, L Kone rer Pout? Oreja? i Ron ‘on eer B Xa6dponca? 5. CxGnnxo orci mie? Ho Xabaposexu (yms)? 8. Change the boldface words in the dialogue. VI =Korad | ornpazaserca Baul camoués? mpaGnmder Bam ndeay? -B 10 sacdn, —s 1 Study the schedule and answer the questions: ose oe), Pacuucdune - o> [Fidiep noeana Kyad Tae Bpéva_ommpasnehua 9 emennepEo a 5 Xaccpopex exemmebao 1880 a ‘Mocxpa ‘weraEIe 1905 1 Yopocniben neue THBIC 1930 53 08 série 2015 1. Kynd mmr qdeaa 53? 12 5? 72 9? 2. Ona nny ot noes Fe a Sine shes? Kornton ferea? 4 Karo ota mers Moceay? Korg on Sima aes ae mead s Kova Kora slo raat 6. Kax adoro ant noeand 8 Xabéposce? Korma oud orupanaorca? 2. Study the schedule and answer the questions: Pacmucanme 140 Russian Language Competenci Transportation 141 Kye Peie ‘Bpeusa srirera | uw wenéaa | Bpds Sutras Mocksd 2 us ememésno Te Mocxsd’ 3278 1040 2,46 1655 Mpxyrex _, 2882 2145 1,3 2255 ‘Hosocu6upex 3285 1910 1,5 wis Canxr-Tletepsypr | 3924 1710 7 35 Xatehoncx ” 2130 1,4,6,7 240 Xat SOL 7 exerenso 2y5 1. Kaxaie péiicer ect B Mocanf? 2. Kormd pemnera der cauontr 3 Vi Pee 8 Cantey ype? 3. Korna mpi caMoqeT B a B ‘XaGapor 4 To marci une oureraer cenoner 3 Mocks)? B Vipryex? B Hosocabifpex? B Casr—Tlevep6ypr? B XaGdpoacx? 3, Listem and write down the information: Peiic No Kynaorx(ga_ Bpéus Bummaine! Tose ap Petic Ne 23 Xa6aposcx-Bnammsoctok aasumderea ao ee Bummakme! Peiich 9 Buagupoctok— Kile ormpapnierea ne¢pea 30 vanyr. Tlaccaxafpos npécar npoiina a rocamxy K Bbixony Ne 2. aie Buwmaawe! Hasmndetes pernerpatin a peiic N15 XaGapouck-Maranda. Cavonér ormpannteren» 168, 4, Read the dialogues: as 7 ieee noxafylicta, xorné ipuGsinder nosy 13 Xa6dposcka? — Hokeep ncesna? -M6. = B 2200. emcdenno? Seer " 41 Fawnatanniae 142 Topic 7 = Mine seen Grae na adrp, = Kym? ~ B Haxoincy. Ckolnsxo créer 6aner? ~ Kornd oympanagerea asré6yc? = Ko anol Hi ” ~ Korad asrobyc npuSemder » Haxdiny’ ~ B15 nacds. = Coa “Hoalipiere — Tne mducao xymire Gwe B Mocxay? ~ Kikeg manebe. - Cracti6o. VIE - Xonosgait na noesy. , anexTpHaky. Koraa cnefytomnnii noesq? aqeKTpwaKa? - Tomorate! Kro-ro yepan | mod Gaaet? , Rdewopr! mows cymny! mow eénqa aera! Russian Language Competencies Transportation Manorize ‘Kax noOparsca no Boxsaia? Tye surxonitne? Bur naxomere? Paspemute mpoiini? Exam na Korma | ormpanngetca ndesn? UpHopwaeT ‘A onosnaln wa ndesa, Korma enehyromit ndesn? ‘Mae nysxex Gmret yo XaGdponcKa. Cxomxo apémemn éxars wa BoK3an? Tlomorare! Kroro yxpait Moi naénopr. 143 How can I get to the station? ‘Where do I get off? Do you get off? ‘Let me pass, please. Togoby | bus. tam. trolleybus. train. taxi. ‘When does the train depart? aive? I missed the train, When is the next train? need a ticket to Khabarovsk. ‘How long does it take to get to the station? Help! Somebody has stolen my passport. Vocabulary mae" c pomdi6ye Manmutza, abromo6ilin, axed moromtcr ee = a anrosorgsin transport bus trolleybus tram, streetcar car taxi motreyle bicycle ‘ran ‘commuter train, suburban train metro, subway station, terminal Vansnane Camnaranciaa 144 Topic 7 bundy (rynd « o6patHo) ticket (there and back) Grape inguiry office acca, booking office pactcdeme schedule 9, sccontng othe a ea 10 80 (by tion) Signs seca to g0 (on foot) arr emo to go on foot, to walk cua first, a first then Tam there oH TaM over there BxOR entrance ‘BEEKON exit, gate spxomfre: to eit, to go out, to get off (Jmperf, p. 68) ccrandaxa SOP voting apes ormpanndaus departure aBIATSCH to depart, to start (p. 247) Senta wane toanive upagemars = Kyne compartment Mesto, place, seat (noun) Befmee (sdcT0) ‘upper (seat) Hibenee (aécTo) lower (seat) / mpowonaina eae (man/woman; ina train) etic y ‘caMoneT, Plane mpunerdre to arrive (about plane) Vocabutary and Grammar Notes Verbs of motion ‘The irregular verb uni denotes movement on foot, éxars — in.a conveyance. In sentences in which the route of a bus, tram, etc, is implied the verb uni is used: Kyad ager astd6yc? Jerérs is one more verb of motion meaning ‘to fly’. Noun Don't forget to use the Accusative for direction and the Prepositional for location. 144 Russian Language Competencies Transportation 145 Noun. Genitive case ‘The Genetive case is used with prepositions no, or and or ~ Xo (no uéerpa) and in wer + noun constructions (wer ocraxdsxu). We use the Genetive with numerals 2, 3, 4 and the Genetive plural with 5, 6,7, etc. (2 Ganera - 5 6axeros) ‘Nouns in the Genitive can be used as attributes of other nouns: ocrandsxa aprdbyca (bus stop). Such nouns retain the Genive even when their head word is declined: Sect net octancben apre6yca. Dative constructions ‘Mae afsxex + noun (I need + noun, masc.) ‘Mure mypra + noun (I need + noun, fem.) Mae myfxxo + noun (T need + noun, neut.) Mae myacaéi + noun (Ineed + noun, pl.) In this topic you see the words now, okou00 in the meaning of ’about’. ‘The combination 15 aamnyr gives the exact time — 15 minutes, while amyr 15 means about minutes. To denote the direction of movement when going home use a mayléiry nOMbii. Proverb: Tame érem, ndmune 6ysem, 146 topic _7 146 Rusgian Lanauage Competenci: 148 Topic 8 Housing Competency 147 Housing _ 149 I - Tye wet xgoere? - Oxoxo népxa, - Kast y.pac afipec? - ‘CueradacKas, nom 105, xeapripa 6. 1 Match the following: a 2. Repeat nouns with prepositions: Genitive Instrumental ‘Y infpxa, dkono marasiaa, wanpdras: Sa mfprom, népen marastfsom, anréie, xenanexd or kanotedrpa aon, qmrekods weaaty sie Tommmenancon sda ly) R Gomutueit, ebay ocrandoxax. 3. Open the brackets using the required form: 31 Hilee oxo (ap. 2H kenanexd or (anrréxa). eny 3. BaGjumxa m nefyumca = pao c (nbera). 4.0 ? * = rood noms . ke 5.08 —3-— Henanexo or (Kauoredrp "Bramant ) 6. Min réxe mae 4, Read and use thi information to complete the dialogues: Lape, A ame ying Gay > Cpenalaseas, 103. Foran have cK mocads, 10. Rimoredap "5 oo, va Pye, Kuworedrp "Bapar". Afpec: Vismia IIyrovas, 71. = Kaxdit y nec alpec? 41. Russian Language Competencies 150 Topic — Kaxdit y-re64 afipec? Sten ee se — Henanexd or ammekci Ne 33. ~ Kaxoity nerd dipec? -Tipa? = Psion xmuorednpows "Baphr". ~ Kaxcit y ned afpec? lige = Hanpona mpea, - rem , daa? oN amreko 833, ye aby xumere, Aumpéit Lempdowra? = Oxoro oxsdna. ~ Bamt afpec? 5, Read the dialogue: “ae A pact a? = Onno! ¥ ye ear esaprifa, 7 ee ap coals sombre? ray u eptmyxonoti. x Tye sro? - Henanexé or xaworedrpa "lattxa". Mot afpec: Yepémyxonas, 13 - 6. Tipnesxait 5 — ees mnexh, Ka no6phrca no minero wa? — Ha anrd6yce M6. 6. Find the English equivalent: B roctak xopomd, a nésta nyumne. 14g an Language Competencies Housing 151 pi ~ Kaxaa y pac keaprispa? ~ Tpéxkomuaruas. 1.Read and analyze: omoxolaiaTuas xeaprifpa, mayxxdunaTHas KeapTiipa, tpExkoMHarsas xsapréspa, ‘sermipexxonaraTuan KBapTiipa, maruxdsaiaraas xeaptypa, rocrisaRa. 2. Read the dialogue: = ¥ sac Goma xpapma? . = Da, Somsundar: Kohesarsr, Kyens, saimas, ryandr, TA Fant palin Conveniences)? = Fes, ropsnag son, reeok = A xaxgit ova! Tbr ecm? = Ipy ects? — Kone’no. - ¥ pac année ua rasp? Her, ret, Kx, Bala, Tyner. 156 Topic 8 8, Make the vocabulary networks: a) b) 9. Review prepositons: kono ys ' cnpisa or nouns in the Genitive fea or 1B WeHTpe Russian Language Competencies Housing _ 157 OM ¢ bor | nouns in the Instrumental neaaxy 2 ‘i a nouns in the Prepositional (location) 10. Read: B crond, p umkady, 8 xomomimbmKe, B TYMGOMKe; ua crozé, na maby, Ha TexepHsope; ay cTOOM, Hall XOMIOMESEAKOMS TOW maBakiom, TOR KpoBdTsI0, nofl TYMGONKOH. 11. Open the brackets and ask the questions, as in the model: ‘OHO KPOBATH TYMOOTKA. Tye (6ouKa? Coxe Oxono (ponte) ryke6ouKa. (Gea he, Méeay (eran) x (rexenop) xpdeno. Ha (cron) in 1B (mika) xan. 12. Describe your classroom. 1 2. 3. 4 5. a Bzerms (came cro™ 7. & 9. 10. L 13, Imagine you have a room. Name it (for example, rocraaa, aércaas, xyxns...). Let your friend find out what kind of room itis by asking questions, as in the model. Only yes/no answers are possible. = B xGumare ect musa? HalHer. 136 Dacaian tancane famnaranriaa 158 Topic 8 14, Work in pairs. Draw a plan of a room and compare. Student A says and draws: B génrpe koMHaTHI CTO. Student B. draws and says: Y oxud Tenesw3op... Goont 15, Draw a plan and describe (You may use your imagination): 1. Your flat in America. 2. Your room in a hotel. 3. Your host family flat. 4. Your room in your host family flat. 16. You are not lucky. You are going to live in rocrasika, What furniture do you need? Show it on this 17, Answer the questions: 1. Tue mea axunére? ; , 2. Kaxda y vac keapripa? Cxomsxo xdmnar? 3. Kaxéit ordbx ajsune — nepsprit rita noone fait? 4. B nome ecrs mdr? Bond? Saexrpifsectso? 5. Bdma xsaprfpa Temas / xondquaa, Temuas / caériaa? 6. ¥ nac ecm crupdmuas watmina, renesifsop, ynor, mur, xo 2 [manor I. Asna: 3ypascryit, Dbxon! Tixou: Tpusér, Aina. ‘Ansa: Kak pend? Kak TRof pycckas cemba? 157 Housing 1s9 T>xon: Ouenb XOpomd. Anna: A y Bac Sompuras xpaprufpa? Ixon: He o4enp. Tp KOMHaTHI. Ansa: Kaxolit orax? Ikxon: Tpermit. Asua: Kykaa Gomuraa? Texon: O ga! Bomamds a ceetaas. sce mo6ar rorosans w ects! Anna: Te6é updsurea aod KOMHata? Ikxon: Ovens. ¥ Meni xpacuipeiii xonép, ynd6n0e xpécro, ect upd, mmkacp, micbMenubtit cron. A y TeOt Gompunds KBaprifpa? Auna: Her, maneupxas, Ho yidruaa. SL xupy ond. IIpuxomy B rocra. Ibxon: A \ Tne ‘ThI KMBEWE? Auna: Orono: BoKsana. Mott afqpec: yma [locbérckas, om 26, xeapripa 5. im Tue a mory noraafars? wocrapats? Moxuo nossomars? OTKpH{Th OKHO? cuenath 3ByK ce? 1? Kax sxmownre | ener? sufcmoaurs | Boi? ay? Texepasop? repens amniny? Kak saxpeire apeps? ormpEirs 158 160 1. Read the dialogues: = Meixgo niornajrs? ~ Koue’ao. ae = Bor gece. Bor yn. — Yio st0? nandergs 1o-pfecka? = Sro crupaitoubtit nopomrox (detergent). = SLxony nocrmpdn.. Topic 8 ~Tloxalnyiicra. Bor crupafsuas mania. Bor nopomox. Bor Tas (basin). Mae gy'ano nomicrams doy. —Tlodnyitcra. Bor mérka. Bor xpeM. ~ Kax sxmomire cnet? = Borax. = Kax s70 nastapderes 1io—pycex? = Sr9 fre. ~ Kak axmosir tenenifaop? = pre roy ~ Kax cnenams sayx rane? ~ Cuorpifre. Memorize Tue not xumére? Kaxoit y sac dapec? Bau Taok = Snpec? Kaxds y pac xeaprifpa? Coho xobanat? Kaxue (ects) saber? Romantics), |» Where do you live? ‘What is your address? Whatis your | address? his ‘What do you have? How many rooms? ‘What conveniences do you have? Come to see us. Russian Language Competencies Housing | Vocabulary OM. Kaj ae nares ‘oaoripe xpondre renesifsop Maruprrocoa, nora xonopfmim yee 161 block of flats, house flat, apartment one-room flat ‘two-room flat floor room conveniences gas het water telephone staircase lift balcony large balcony protected by walls from two sides and usually glassed from the third side hall door vel key pened ure desk table smal table (for magazines) chair se ‘washing machine 1gg strom) 162 Topic 8 murgede ‘vacuum cleaner onest10 blanket pillow pillow case npocrarnd sheet mogonesSmsemk blanket sheet KoRep carpet sépxano mirror pt curtains HUT. tolive a norsafarre to iron (p. noctgpdre to wash (p. 429) nouHcTHTS to clean (p. 495) syBb footweart onéxara clothing summométems ‘switch (noun) sKInOuiTS totum on (p. 28 soho to tum off (p. 56 caeT lignt (noun) Bond water ayo shower pan , tap saxpair to shut & a) } orxpeir to open (p. nossoxre tocall (p. 141) 3B) sound e softer (about sound) rpdwse louder (about sound) crap&bEBi HOpomIOK detergent Kpem maa doyan shoe cream miérKa nas ond xot brush for cleaning clothing eTKa Wa a shoe brush xdMep room (in a hotel) Vocabulary and Grammar Notes Verb conjugation Conjugation of the verbs aHTE Present Past 7 xy Te on mata THI 2KHBEUTE a, Toi, ona xund |rot Oyzemm onlond xomér moi, But, ond xm on/ond Gyner arm Mor TBEM Met (Oem BEI, xaBeTe BE Oygere omk __xupyt ond __6yayr Russian Language Competencies 161 Housing 163 Asking permission ‘Moxa + Infinitive (May I+ Inf.) construction is very often used in Russian when you ‘want to ask permission to do something: M6xHo orxpirs oxud? Nouns in Accusative After some verbs nouns can be used only in Accusarive. In this topic these verbs are BKMNOETE, 3AKPLITS, OTKPHTE: BEMIOYNTE CBer (Acc.), 3aKPb{T [BePb (Acc.), OTEKpE{TS OKO (Acc.). masculine neuter [feminine “a5 Gen, if anima as Nom. ~y ‘as Nom, if inanimate 10, if Nomin ~8 as Nom, if Nomin ~b Nouns in Jastrumental After prepositions Meany, wan, Hox, pa%ioM, ¢ nouns are Used in the Instrumental: no / Hay Crox0M. masculine neuter. feminine =m =0M oi eM, ifNom in =i | -eM, ifNomin-e | ~Bil, if Nomin —w EM, when stressed melt, if Nomin-aa, ofter 10,50 0, when stem is stressed: Jif Nomin ~t Nouns in Genitive After y, okom0, caésa / cmpdza or, 2 aefrpe nouns are used in the Genitive: OKOO croma, y OKHd. masculine neuter, =a =a, if Nomin ~0 8, if Nomin —b,-i 8, if Nomin ~e BEST COPY AVAILABLE - 162 Russian Language Competencies 164 Topic 68 163 Ruaaian Tananade Comnarencian 266 Topic 9 Ha padore At work Competenc; ~ asking and answering | - ne set ysumcs? ~ B yummepcnrere. questions about one’s = Uno set wsysam? education; ~ Ausyaan Susnec. + 4 a Brie eo fee At Work _. is? I~ =Tnesu | paédraete? pa6otam B AmepaKe? Gygere paddraTs B Poccdu? - B Gdure, - B ynunepcurére. ~ B sanoneguuxe. -Kemssr | pa6oram? padotaere? Gyere paddraTs? Insramental - Mewemxepom. = Youfrenen. - Iucnorom. 1. Answer the questions using the model: a Kro sui no npodeccun? — A — akonor. ‘Words for sulistitution: metemxep, Ogaxip, SkoHOMHCT, upenonanarem, ye, pat, HEEeaeD, pgMADEA, OOMLIALT, DepED TNS, umcaTen, axypaarc fer aptr. b. ‘Kem aot pabdraete? — 3KGn0r0M. ‘Words for substitution: uénemxep, Gaukup, akononatcr, npenonandrens, yuitren, spay, mmxenép, uponascn, oommal, nepesosrank, nucdrem, axypHamicr, » aprcr. 2. Answer using the model: ~ Onwpaa? = Ta, on paGoraer Bpaadus. 1.Onmehiemxep? J 5. Ona xxypuamérxa? 2. Oua mpenioanérem.? 6. Bot moxenép? Russian Language Competencies TAS 168 Topic 9 3. On nepesdtramk? 7. Bet apricrxa? 4, Ox sxohor? 8. Bur yrufrems? 3. Make up a vocabulary network: 4, Answer the question: "Tye paGoraior orm suogu"? mpoponx reap yauiens-—————-—--——>amxdia axrép , apace mn noes, skosIor dbrfpnca, adden Compenina Bpar, 3a508 , Gusnecnda sanoselaa Russian Language Competencies 166 3 At Work do ‘Sno Atrromfua Tlerpobwa w eé adn. Oxd He pa6dTaer, ond wa nevica. Cxanafre, Kak sonyr ed yereli, me ORM 2KHBYT H KTO OHM NO mpodéccna. Russian Language Competencies 16? 170 Topic 9 6. Look and find the word for person whe: 1. Builds house mmcatem 2. Works in a bar inemb aprooyca 3 Drives a bus open 4, Looks after people's teeth-—-———->ro © 5. Flies aeroplanes ¢ 6. Plays the piano era 1. Waites books master i : . Designs houses apxaretcrop (accountant, bookkeeper) 9. Works in a forest Gyxrdnrep 10. Does books srecwix pit — Dye per yrumncs? ~ B yuunepcurere. = ro nor usysdm? - Ausysaht | Gynec. oxondMaEy. mpazo. t amrepatypy- amrienus saute. ucrdpuio. Guoxoraso. BxTHOJOrHIO. aKonorHto. 1. Read the text: Avaig youinace 8 yaunepeunére. Oxd mayvahia aurmiicxmit sapix. Pafsoine ond pasotana B umkdte. Ceiradc ond paboraer Mepenogaikom B cipme. 2. Answer the questions: 1. Dae yautrace, Ania? 2. Yro ond waysa? 3. Ine owa’y ? 4, Tne ona’ pa6oraer cefradc? 3. Compose a story about your education, past and present job. an Language Competencies 1R2 | ret levee tenet ot iu i I i At Work 17a DO - dem sir warepecyerecs? 3aummderecs? ; Instrumental 4A | umrepecyrocs | skondmuroit. sammmdioc Guauecom. 1 Write about your past and present interests: 1. What were you interested in when you were a child? 2. What did you want to do in life? 3, How much have your interests changed? 4, What are your present ambitions? 2. Complete the sentences: aos pabrars BuKGHC. LT uucranyre? . OF Brapaxé? 3. Ong Ss araatie? 4. Mar 3 epee 5. Bat 8 GuGmoréxe? 6. Ond yumepourére? 3. Match the following and complete: On xober Gums exportrezem, norony ero mober armies, ‘Dbkox xoaer Gurr necuuxém, noTomy "To md6er fedora. Bepa xo%er Gurr yafremsummel, nOTOMy #70 On xduep oxime miocépom (nomfrenem), | noromy 70 md6ur uxéry. Vinal xo4er Sern, Gamxipom, noromy wo mdénr upupdity. SL xouy 6: ponorTépom, OTOMY 4TO .. 4, Interview your host family: iat [Boapecr | Wipopeoaa | Tne youreal | Tie patotaer | Wen vanes paGoran | wrrepecferce ore Mare cont 0% do yurxa 169 Ru Tan banguage Competencies 472 ‘ Topic 9 (opamanz) 3. On pane mana, orn Seer i 4, Cerda on 6pur aérsuncom, ssepd — wpasoh, sata ~ moxeHepoM. Const ex 30, sepa ~ 40. - me (arse) oe 5. Boupoepi ~ erd mporpécens. On ncerné suaxcharres ¢ moma a saraér mu Mdro 7, CEpRNT) 6. Be on nord, 10 Sopa nox ; , 4 oe noBap) a [a 7. On nenaer répoy xpactiBbim, m Bem0XOSKIM Ha ppyrae, KOTH cam B ‘xGhare u padoraer ronoBoll a KapeayanrGnt aaTeTOP) 8. Canirecs. Bubce! Bubxe! Ymatinfers 7 _{gorerpag), 9. Ow amar o Gynymem. Ox o%em, s TPEOAY. (x0n6r) 6. Answer the questions: 1. How do you spend your working day (now, in the past or in your imagination)? 2. Would you work if you ¢idn't need the money? If not, what would you do? 4, Kana ndsoken str mnedmsxoth ponoRTEp? Ayn 3 Kanada cahuan npecrixnan/nonyaspuas/ayacias npodpecons » Poceria/Asépme’? 7. Listen to the text and complete: Teoars ner nasch Txox Goxr Gordnem yonomix senonekom. On mn, xypin, arpdn amble), oGetan B pecTopasax ¢ Kpacuibonan >xetmypiamy. Bocems nev nasdfi BoE a ysl inl ors ap preg Sey a o Coitsac on He 8. Imagine you are being interviewed by a carrier officer. Complete the conversation: — Tloxahrylicra, cayufrece. Kax pac sonfr? a Fi opm yl = Blamm motane upemarai? —_ Russian Language Competenc, 170 At Work 173 = Bie xa? = Bie marae = tho maxorine das? = = eweg? = Graco. 9. You want to hire/fire an employee. Compose a dialogue with him/her. 10, Discuss your schedule with your sponsor: Koma e 2 ot | comb | ratte But pa6oraere 8 | cy66ofy? : B 2 Barone? Korn’ nofoxer: Tpaxoy 2 + [see | perches IL. Check adjectives for ideal boss: oO apynomosabstit Oo soba o cnet Qa nyaxryaionti oO yarstt oO sammadrememei oO coppésumiit fe randermesstt Oo peuniresatt Oo octpoyarstt Oo doris oO onxperetis Oo sueprifcatt Oo rpebosarenbebtii oO pecEmit Qo msnmarionth a Gunes 174 Popic 9 b u3HeC Business WORD OF THE DAY SUGGESTION economy Konghana grant past auditor aymtrop franager Newemomep banking Gdixopcxoe néno | trade ‘roproaint , company omnis representative mpencrasifrems customs ‘TamiKES privatization upysarusdt financial undzcosutit = business seep Gatmiec center nexTp it computer xomubibrep service obeayxupame, . yoayra market puliox forecast pprads -*gotiation neperopoper personne! xefpsl, Tar contract xomrpdkt planning miaposarne private ownership atria recession oa SpermenHocTy , agriculture cdmsckoe xoasiicrao | promotion nossmidaze, ; TpOWERcEEe income statement —_exzapatgun o economic ‘sronouarecoe noxonax development paseaiae ‘accountant Gyxrantep audit ayn lawyer ropuler finance (v) ‘$amanclponare tanker camalp , import ba corporation xopuopalras raph fund bon, Kamardn distributor sacrpypsidrop entrepreneur spemmpemndrens capital kamen gal ha sale mporda, quality control kommpoln xaectsa | sales budgeting cocTapyeHae production TpowsBoficTBo - Giomxéra : pl nna investment semec rainy inflation marcia distribution pacnpenenéeme administration anmmnacrpdnaa Tabor postion rehacyoor proket hoger accounting Gyxrahrepexait ysér| law saKoH bank aa registration (ofa perm , business) nlp oxy shipping management meeting business person product salary market economy factory balance sheet Ruaaian tanainge Compatencies At Work 175 Ha pa6dre = Paspeunére mpencraburs pam moerd xousety. Sr nin Teme ‘Dro Pobepr pum. GpnononnepRcpavea Ofer mpastrio. Ceaxstre, noxdnyiicra, ero taxde Kop Tro quepmeduexan oprammaimn, Bonomépet Tee Kear wet amin ~ Sto wacruas sm rosymppermeuna oprunnsies? — Tocynabernenmas., Ona cpasancipyencs wa Growxéra CIA, = Caco sonomépon cet x Poot! Ceitudc ua Tafsnem Boctoke 46 senosek as Kopnyca naipa. Ms 6ygem auect moa roa, ‘Msi xordq romogs Poccifa 8 passim mdnoro Oxfszeca. see ~ But nonyuxere nears 3a pacry? — Her. Ho Kopnye sfpa ond'umaer wax nam pacxdyes. ~ Kro pot no mpobéccsm’ - A Menemmxe ‘Genin Gusnecuce). = ye ser yaacs? ~ oxdeat yammepeatér » urrére Muceypa no cuemuafmnocta “Buisnec a a”. A abi? free oe SL paGoran topctom, a Tereps cram GmaHecMénoM. ‘dara openter: (eaine mpemmputrae, am xoonepart)? ~ To commdems. Beerd: TO. 1 Ask your sponsor: 1. Kax nasbinderes, Gauk? 2. Korad efanat (~a, ~0) | ask? 2 a ae? 3. Hem samouderes aux? gape? | upenmpastae? 4, Kaxof vi ? 5 Kanab Pongo dope pee? § Rach olordt Glovers sou rox? ; Bato 4 Barend eaeubobs nota compa? 9. Cxémpko cnemmamicton pa6draer no KoETpakty? «= 10. Tre maxofpres urra6-xeapmapa pas? 476 Topic 9 TThpenoxanéaue TEFL WORD OF THE DAY SUGGESTION education ‘obpysondiare roy ica ae a disector, principal _uapeicrop epay director of ays 001 textbook yaebumx schedule pacnucdame blackboard noord break nepenéia bell sB0ROK examination oi mT credit santr pen P pencil fale Tpaseno mark, grade ormérka, ou¢nka —_| academic year yd rom vacation amy term ceméerp, serbe test ormparpas pa6éra| dictation = exercise yopaxngnne chalk. ex, notebook rend teacher yates teacher's council opin mnetemen. yaubempexast register me certificate (school) arreerér behavior opencame "| primary school maxdonas mxdna high school cpénaas mxdna iigher school spicuraa ImkOna, daybook penal homework optional class cpaxymsrarhe lingaphone room “1 Lg KaGager English club pyxgi auraiticxoro] gymnasium soc lyceum, omit ‘Law of Education — sax 06, ‘odpasoedeaa Ha pa6ére ~ Paspemufre npencrésurs nam moerd xoniéry. 0 Visals Terpés. Siro Posept Cpa. ‘Og sonomrép Kepnyca yaipa. 7 Spem upusrao, Cxaxaire, yoxaiyticra, ero Taxoe Kopuyc miypa? ‘Dro aMepuxdsickaa opranmsdmma. Bonosrépes Képuyca Mapa pabdraior » pasa - Siro demas vom rocyyépersenyan oprammsann? , ~ Tocynapermeras. Ona hunauciipyeres ns Gromxera CULA. “ects ‘BomIoHTepos veikaac u Pocciin? Ms = Cotinate ya Tlaftoney Boctoke 4 sexonéx ns Képnyca wdepa. Mur 6yfem aneco ma réna. Mbt xorum nosHaKmarbca ¢ pyecman mosiih, pyccKoit kymbTypolt, pfeckoit otdpnelt, noméun ban Gofttte yachn 06 AMEDHKC, i, aneppmeAEc Kymnype, Jf Kou) npedonandry amrmiiexail siete, xowy yeutte w Yack = But nonysdere néubra 3a paGdry? -Her. Ho Képnyc safpa onndsmmaet nam mamma pacxdyet. - Kro spi mo mpocéccan? St yartem surnniiexoro aseucd, = Tae ait yokes? =A pxolriayt yrumepoirér a urate Muceypa no cneupaisiocra * Amrnftcrait 360K “uiveparypa’. A Bai? 174 Russian Language Competencies cs | i ] we At Work 177 = Bnde oxy megane. 5 patcrao woe, pene actin moe -Y sac “Hepa pisenesime nin: Tionosifia yerefi y.urres ¢ yxp4, nomoémia c o6¢na. = Her. Ho so nehars? = Korn mxuumderey pa6brai sen? -5 pacnacdsic, — Gxdimgo sacs wesemo n 6yaf padrars? = 16 sacs. =I ath nook narmaTEn. ~ Hess 97 . yxeoumn? 7 ¥uagects — Ee sear ont, Ta, ao pam Gynet nomordrs Anna Vinsyfarama, Oxa’ofterrentit nepardr u aoern’, rl ‘Mot ovens pais, sro nur Oyflyre paSotar B uaineit 1. Ask your sponsor: 1. Cxofmxo -apenprasdreneit axrmathoxoro asoad w mxée? 2! Cudimaxo saro6 n René a 6yty paOdrars? 3. B xauafx xdecax # 6ypy pa6orars? 4 Cxdnmo yarns rpyime? = Y Bac eer yu $ Apworym coor xoumbidtepom, upufrrepom, tbakcom, SumuoTeKOH? 2. Check the following, come up with your own ideas: ‘A good teacher nommepaxupaer Kowrékr ¢ pomirenana. woxernomepxén. mcwmumiay # nopsiox. moter spi¢ayuiare HoH. wadro paboraer. mpusaaér ceoft om6xa. urepecyeres xatsmsio ceorc CTyReHTOB. eS Gl See) ongmsyer pase marepudms 1 Mérosos, xoter endnar Yok marepecmana, 175 Russian Language Competencies 178 3. Why go to school? ‘Number these reasons in their order of importance from 1 (most important reason) to 6 (least important reason). Write numbers in boxes. nonysrs swat sorpetnars mpysdit ‘rpeumposdrs nals maa pomtteneit xopono’nposect spd ooaqqadaQa maysuiTocs WHCUMDITe H NOpsaIKy 176 Topic 9 Russian Language Competencies ii ( we hat eel tals At Work 179 Drondrax Environment WORD OF THE DAY SUGGESTION environment oxpyxgiomas cpené | nature ds nature preserve sanogefmm natural resources pecypept environmental oxpafa bear ‘MenB protection oxpyadiometi cpemt| , tiger arp bird deer ona , salmon ogc ecological education axororfyeckoe | map xapra o6papadane Earth ea taiga vraitrd Siberia at Tpaer tation npesenrdimaa Eoncing «bynancposanae forest mec, ‘tee nepewo ‘ree nursery econpnd ink seedling cakenen excursion 2K botanical garden Gorarnfapcxat can, ‘museum, nyse Insite of Marine a ‘Suondra Biology ‘marine preserve Mopexdit sanonejqamK | water ‘sf air 2K ‘ocean oxeas om chon | Sk nope organization mms lopment pases national park mammoudnpuoti nap | Environmental Laws saxoftsr0 oxpdiic oxpyxalomeit cpewst Ha paédre - Paspeumire ssn pam moerd xonnety. 90 sds Merpos, Sto Pobepr pus. Op nonomep. = Orem npatrzo. > Cua = moxdiyiicra, TO = Sto amepxanckas oprannsama. “oye sro este Key B pasHex ‘S70 sweruas wim rocyndpersennag dt mas. Ona Srna yea Goer uA. xypyamier joumalist BomaTpm driver exposes builder era, pilot spurrgirop architect ecm , forester croyarohror dentist 1p lawyer Garrep accountant, book keeper yaugem teacher (man) youbrempeama teacher (woman) nepenc| translator (mmc) ne} translator (woman) ‘business Mahe Grissec small business skonChanKA economy, economics upbo law saayeparypa literature sans chemistry HoTOpAA history Gapadras biology eu marketing aeliempaMenT ‘management . ‘management ox to graduate (Perf) creme speciality crarpleranonihines to become (Imperf.) somear gle canoer com help (noun) Suet see xonndrg colleague xommidrep computer Vocabulary and Grammar Notes Reflexive verbs Macy Russian verbs have the particle ~es (—es) added after the ending (yaufrnca, mprepecondrecn). Verbs with the particle ~en (-cb) are intransitive, ie. no direct object (a noun or pronoun inthe Accusative without a preposition) is used after them, ‘The particle —ea (—c&) is used after ending and has two forms ea after a consonant and cs after a vowel. Russian Language Competencie 182 Topic 3 One ean nate that when a verb with ets used (reflexive verb the cbc of an action, becomes the sentence subject. The pafticle ~ca impacts a passive meaning to a verb: "Képnyc mapa (banancrbyerea rocynapersom.’ (Peace Corps is financed by the state.) Noun in the Instrumental case ‘The sentence "Tsou ~ mmxenep.’ contains no verb. The Past and Future of this sentence are obtained with the of the verb Grrr and by changing the form of the noun ‘yaoxenép’ which takes the Instramenal: pon Guun/Oyfier moxcHepoM. ‘The veio pa6drars is also followed by a noun in the Instrumental: paGdrart wsxkex¢’pom. Masculine euter OM om Mm, Nom in Tem, ¢Nomin-e | ~8i,ifNomin—w 8M, when stressed Melt, i Nom in ~1s, after M01, 9,1 sven stem Stressed ~ ¥0, iNomin=& Noun in the Genitive case ‘The word aap in Russian means both pea’ and worl. The meaning in each cases deternimed by the context. Note that in Kopaye napa the second word is invariably used in the Genitive while the frst one can take different cases. ‘The word sndq is the plural of senosek (a person). The Genitive plura! of mdau’ is also *senonek’. This form is used after exdimxco: "Cxolmaxo wesoack?” (How many people?) Noun in the Dative case The verb nomora‘rw/10Mo'%GR is followed by the Dative: uomorate Bam. The verb 1omd%s is conjugated as the verb "ous’. Be ord maofo means both ‘much’ and "many" while the word mdao means “litde’ and ‘The time of duration in Russian is expressed without using a preposition: "Mit 6yfem 5 Pocedla ga roa.” 180 Russian Language Competencies THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 181 184 W/BASb Topic 10 \ommunication Language —Woamamre, re. noir? | [TET aeneibois? The Moxa Hi xouy Hi xoren(a) Ost Mare wyckHO Gasmepom. (nenexcast) nepenon. kynnrs, Map KOHBepTBI. ~ expressing needs; vim | - Ano! ~ making phone calls. — TIpurnacirre, noxanylicra, aupextopa (x Texedoxy).| = Tososire Mewemkepa = Moxs0 Thxoua ‘Aum Russian Language Competencies 182 Commynication 185 Théara : ost-office I Vispuusite, rye | ndara? renepda? | nowrossnit {ayuK? 1 Find out and say: a) where the nearest post-office is; 1 ») where the nearest mail-slots are. 2, Learn the words: 4 4 YA mdi j moceunka Russian Language Competencies 129 186 Topic 10 3. Write in the Russian words for the following important items in the space provided. 1 2 3 4, ; 5 Accusative Ts Tye momuo orupasurs | muchmé? A xoxy mocnats nocpinky. Hxoréa(a) 6s | momysire | reserpdmny. Mae nyaxo Gannepdap. (qezeumni) nepesdn. Kyou Mapxn, KouREpTEI. OTKpsITEE. 1. Read the plural forms and give the singular: ucpma, Texerpabont, Hoch, Gamepdnu, XOHBEpTE!, MApKE, OTKPEITKA, Gude, orden, 0 o6pastibt, atpecd, eK1a} Russian Language Competencies 184 fre] dt I ‘ oe Communication 187 2, Transform the dialogues: - Tne méxcio ornpdsum mepesdn? - Tpdtee oxnd, noxdayitcra. ‘Words for substitution: mcemd, renerpdaa. = Tre ugecro xymtre maps kouépres? = Bropée oxud. Words for substituton: (nocna‘ nepesda — nepsoe oxnd, orupdsurs Tenerpatony ~ apérse oxitd) 3.Practice the dialogues: Mae my‘xao ormpdsare Texerpévony. - “ea 12560 yond = ¥ pac mohaxo nomyure neftenntt nependy? = Ta, pat macnopr, noxanylicra. = Seite, nox ra, rue moSxo orupdbuTe Tenerpabeny? = Pattom, sropde oKHK = Axosy ynccmas renerpbo - Her, ne cpdayio. = 13422, ~ Tloxafyiicra, sor 50000 pyn6it. - Bor uxsuraimas. ~ Cuacii6o. 7 xox) ommpioem, xexay merry renerpauny. , - Toxaiyiera, ear ‘oGpasiyy. Q6pasey wa crond. - Bominde cape Bor rene pion ‘Cxdmxo c ment? , Accusative TI Cxomsxo crear | xousepr? oTKppiTKa? mapka? 1. Add up your expenses at the post-office. Make a list of items. Russian Language Competencies 188 Topic 10 2, Arrange these words into sentences, as in the model: 2 a = Cxdmexo crdar 2 xounepra? — 5000 pyndi. Cxdémxo | crdpr 2. | xousepr ondar 5 3 | ompstnma 1 b) Tidirre, noxdigticra, wapey. Tdire, noxdaylicra,| Komsépr Snax Cy tenerpduna 3. Practice conversations at the Post Office based on your task: xynatp 5 Kousep syle 5 rome ar, rocnalr Tenerpahony Apyry. 4. Some of the members of your group have just discovered that you can speak a little Russian. Can you help them at the Post Office? 1. Rose needs some postcards. Ask the salesgitl if she has any. 2. Rose says she'll take them. She also needs some stamps. Find out if they have any and how much they cost. 5, Practice the dialogues. Pay attention to the model: "rasculipe 1 1 sa , wdpea, noctimea ee | pea Es 5x Se kee sede - Cdk ole st Sra mapa? 1250 py6nét. ~ Bor, noxdnylicra. A Konnéprely Bac ecb? ~ Ta. = A.xouy ormpdsrp aucemd s Amdpaxy. Cxaxatre, noxdnyiicra, cxomxo cra Kounepr e ndprol!? ~ 2150 pyonés. = Mace, poxdnyiera, 2 xomnépra. = Toxdlryficra. 7 Hip, noxednyfors, xomépr, 2 ormpifnar 3 war /> = Kaxafe mut xo” Te mxpxn? p = 32685 p96). Caco mend? Ww Gnade” Russian Language Competencies 186 sae sit we bee 4 Communication 189 (Crus xumér Poccita, Bo Baammocrdke. Ou nonoxrép Képayca tip. Celta ga wa. ndere. On lope Onde Tockiny eday w xymrs Kouseprat u mdpxi. Ha ‘Crue perpéran Mépa. Ond réxe BonomTép. Mop: Crap, 1 Tet snece? Crim: Ba, xxosf ommpdsure nocsbmy x xymin» kommeras w Mdpxn, ‘Msp: eo api, Konpéprar M OTKPEITEH. CkdmbKO cTofrr $ra orkpefrKa? Crum: Mapa: Maer oxarytera, 3 xomnépra a4 omxpiri IV Axpec. 1. Learn the abbreviations: r ~ répon 2}, noe. = ncé0K ya = yuma op. ~ npocndkr rp = mepey.rox x = nom, ss ~ xeapmipa 2. Match the abbreviations: noon xB. ya. ep. =e up. mepeyaox 3. Practice the dialogue: Auua: Kyna yor anémm? Ipxon: Ha nory. 4 namacdn: micaa romolt wxosy xy xpactiabie pycerme map ‘Anna: 51 smato, Te MoxHO Kymin xopoime MapKH. A KOMY Tpt HammucaN mich) Tbxom: Méwe, cectpe mapyry. 51 xamacat, ro B Pocesin ne xS10mHO, 470 y Mew BCE xopomé. Tocmorpi, Kax a naimca’s pyecxmit dpe. Tipdsmmsuo? ‘Auna: Her, nenpdsmmno. Tlo-pyecen mfmyr rax: cnasaiza pasedine crpayet, wimexc 1 OTOM yanmna, HOME NOMA H KBAPTHPEI, a HOTOM paMaUTAS H HAs, Tonsrao? Tixou: Ha, ¥ nac acé nacSopdr: cnasalra shes m hasaimas, a novos nom, Yuma, rpon, imgexe 4 crpaité. Russian Language Competencies 420 topic 10 3, Filling out Russian envelopes and cables: 690060 occas) Yr. BaagMpoctox, ya. Caetmancxas 109, xe. 6, Vipanosoit Anne 690003 r. Brammocrox, ya. Tlockerexas 16, xs. 38, Tlerposoti Oxsre a) Bunwanne! (Ospaseu waneawns UMP HNReKca? 042745678? Russian Language Competencies 188 Communication mauctercteo ccosay coer MEX TYHAPOJHAA TEJETPAMMA (e satonerersno aaa 5. Write a letter to your Russian friend and address an envelope, send the letter, find out iffwhen the letter arrived at the friend’s house. Accusative Vv Bam ny‘auo 3auommrs | 6nanK. 1. Find out how to fill in forms (for packages, money transfer, etc). 2. Practice the dialogue: - Axouy ommpaburs nocninxy 8 Amepuxy. Gna. -Baw — Xopom = 82150 pysndi. - Tloxdzyticra. — Bor sam xenrdara. = Cnaaif6o, 1 10 19. Bor mos nocehnka. CxdmxKo Sro eréur? Russian Language Competencies is9 BEST COPY AVAILABLE 192 Topic _10 Tuanor, Tixon: Anna, snpascrayit, kaxda scrpesa! Anna: Sppascreyit, Ipxon. Tixon: Kyga Tot méun? Anna: Ha noury. Mue adgo nocaaTs Tenerpammy. Ihxon: Komy? Auna: Pomdny. Sabrpa # efty B XaSaposcx. Ibxox: Tora qanex6? Ausa: Her, 6mi3sxo, 3a yriioM. Inkou: Mune nao xynurb orkppirku 1 KouBepr. Anna: Tloiigém Bmecre. ~ A xouy nocnate Tenerpammy. [atire, noxanyiicra, GiauK. ~ Tloxanyiicra. — Y Bac ecrs mexqyHapogubie KoHBepTEI? - Ecrs. ~ Jlatrre mne, noxdnyticra, mga KoHBépra, MdpKH 4 31H OTKpBITEH. Russian Language Competencies 190 vic L 4a Ul ee ed beni Communication 193 3, Read John’s letter to Pomau: & a ‘Snpasereytt, Poa! ‘Sabrpa Amma eer B Xabapouc, a MOE cao Guigrpo Syey» Xa6iposcre. 'Y mend ects nobocts, Vi vadro. Y ugc Osind scrpe'sa cp crocopam. Celta sudio, rae 8 Oyay paSorans. K comanéaio, 270 He XaGaposcx. Ovens KAN, STO * wat ne G¥nem pabdrars aadcTe. A Syny padoraTs x CuaceKe. Handives, ro 64 . Cuacck neommdi répog. 1 mo6mo méneubKue ropomd. Tam ne ‘omomrépa iar hota. Om! xopom6 ropopit o~pfeex, Ox he Rowan, ¥ woh nen prifs no mate, po One, Ho oni. Maze ino yautrs pycoxnti 3 Tipanet xxend, cxfay, notepm. Tixon, VI 1. Write the verb nunca. 1. Amy cacend. 208 -renerpavany. 3. Ond, — ie 4. Mi. ape. SB masculine neuter Feminine Dative =¥ =Y, fNomin =O =e 10, fNomin=by-h__|-¥0, fNomin =e __| =, i Nomin —ust, Magan remiein Banden = Hohuep 25-43 ~Tlopropifre ndmep, voxdiryiicra. = Howep 75~43-§ 5 = Bomsttioe cmact lo coundans. = Tloxhyiicra. [lo comndaus. 5. Tell the group, whom you called yesterday, whom you are going to call today and tomorrow. Russian Language Competencies ‘tivind eal te al Communication 195 VIM - Aas: , fe pao — Uparaacdre, uoxdayicta,| yupexropa (x Tenempony). = Tlogonutre Mellemwepa = Moxao Tbxona ‘Ay 1. Read the expressions: ‘Speaking. (Gah ajay. Justa minute, Tlonoxcmine, noxdayitera, cetrude| Visousnire, : ero Her. on | eméne npmnez. mp sue. Yiro engy nependns? Cxaxate, #79 SL nepesBomd wees ... Tlycts om nogsomir mae. ‘Moi temedox ... But ommfonacs, But ne Type nondna But net 0 Misi 1 | 2. Practice the dialogues: ~ Anxé! - ~ oy ae ~ Anno} : = Tlosdbare, noxalyiicra, Anny. - Kisamuters, e€ ner, Yro eit repens? — Chaco, muero. i mepessomo, ~ Anu! =Coyimaro mac. , = li-xdhyiera, Bendpa. ~~ Bexoba won, on O¥ner sepes sac. noaony Justa minute, Pl call him/her... para. Sony, he is notin. He has not come yet. He is busy. He has left. Do you want to leave a massois:? Please, tell him that... called ‘I will call him back in... Lethim call me, My phone number is... You got the wrong number. You got the wrong number. You dialed the wrong number. Somy, I got the wrong number. Somy, I got the wrong number. , uparnactt, noxehyiicra, Pomdsa Mern6sa. iro—auSymm nepenas? ~ Hependirre ey, noxdnylicra, 79 saomt1 Jbkon. Ox siaer Mott nofeep Tenecpéue. (¥ Herd corm mois venedpca). ~ Xopoud. ~ Ameer 33. ~ Vispumire, 2 oumibes. Russian Language Competencies 196 Topic 10 - Anno = Méicuo Taso? = Butue tyaefnond. = Visumaire. ae po 0? = Taind mpixci0? = Borousss oxufémacs ~ 310 2 ~ Ta, we sneck ner Tata. 3. Work in pairs: Student A, you want to talk to Bil is uot in nev. Leave a message using cues: Student B, you answer that Bill Ibxox, scrpe'sa salsrpa, B pecropaue, 8 5 gacos, HOmep Texecpoxta 25-32-98. ‘St A leaves a message. St. B writes it down. 4, Listen and write down the information, Kro sn0maa Komy Wro mepeaare ~ BocroxmunectGaix. Coryimaio pac. ~ Sapaporayiire’ Pro Tpycenkon 1s Jamuesocrosoro Gafaka. A xoay norosopérs ¢ ammpekcropoM. - K comaelamo, erd ner. Ox Sper » -aépea sac. Ur0-Hn6yms mepensrs? - Tependire, ‘ro # nospoms sepes 2 acd. = Cotedbo, no ceumaans. = Tidopusit nem, Sto Haxomdii? Méxato Ammpes?, ~ Visoumtre, erd cefrade ner. eee nepenrs? ~ Her, cnacui6o, mirveré. Ho csmrataas. ~ To caunaimas. Russian Language Competencies 194 4 od tet Hal me Communication — AK@EC. Carino sac. = SL xore’y 651 noropopit — Vigsumitre, of sazurr, Ko rosopir? - 30 Aina. — Yro—Ex6ym nep mane? c Bopitcom Terpobirsea. —Hoxahylicr ue; exaiire, so a mpuény 8 7 acés. = Xopoms. = Cuacebo, nea Ha live wb] sn | ky? omptsim | mead? SL xoreli(a) Git xyune | orf. romepr. Mae wplaononyuin | mossy nepesdi Bam | nyxuosanomermm | 6m a | at Bisy. Visomafre, x onmiber, ounfomace. Bet nempésnmHo waGpana wOmep. ‘Und—mbypp nepenate? Tlepenatrre mpanér J>xoay. Where can I send a | package? Iwonld like to buy a { postcard. | Eom, Ineedto geta | package. | eet Peaatee questionnaire. 1 | needto fill inthe} form. You visa. Somry, I got the wrong number. ‘You have dialled the wrong number. ‘Do you want to leave a message? Say hello to John. Russian Language Competencies 15 38 x 10 Vocabulary ‘bua (aswanoirra) airmail mera post-office, mail rch, 7 letter saxasgée mcend registered letter Konsepr envelope MexeTTyHapofianil KonBefr intemational envelope oct, package Gemmepofm package (up to 1 kg) ‘renerpakasa telegram epdseas: reperpahons . ‘urgent selegram AceoxrynapcTan international telegram (iefexbti) nepesdy (money) transfer aa stamp nomrodual sium berth rea fornpabns to erp, P. nocbumaTe/noctdT tosend per per rs 308) nomysah/nomysiir to get, to receive (Imperf/Perf., p. 295) ‘6vankK form sanomstre/sanomaare to fill in (Imperf/Perf., p. ) mpcate to write afpec address. Tock OK village mepey70K stnall street a receipt oni 7 change (noun) pocrfinompocit, to ask (Imperf/Perf., p. 357) serpéraTs/scTpeyat ‘to meet (Perf-/Imperf., p. 44) Bor cH to meet (Reflexive, p. 44) a vice versa o6pazett sample amexg : : Zip code sonut/nossonytns (no Texed>day) —_—_to call (on the phone) (Imperf./Perf.,p. 141) Tenedomnas KEHTa ‘telephone Vocabulary and Grammar Notes Noun. Dative case ‘can denote an indirect object or the recipient of action. They answer the ? Basically, masculine nouns take the ending ~y and feminine nouns take the Russian Language Competencies 196 Communication 199 + { After the verb sossonmte we use Dative case to denote a person you want to call: nospomi Tony. [masculine neuter feminine y J, ifNionin~0 =e =i0, pWomin~wnt | =t0, ipNomin~e |=, ip Nomin ~~ 14 ‘ Noun. Accusative case | ‘After the verbs ompaburt, noaysu‘s, sano‘nmurs Accusative case is used: nonysute : orupdsure Teaerpammy. i masculine [neuter feminine 10, ifNomin 9 F ‘as Gen, if animate; ‘as Nom. ‘as Nomi, if inanimate as Noms, if be se Noun. Genitive case Don’t forget to use Genitive singular after the numerals 2, 3, 4 and Genitive plural after 5 - 20:2 xompepra, 6 KouBepTos. eed tee Genitive singular masculine neuter [feminine = if Nomin =O 7 | =A, ifNomin byt | 8, ifNomin-e ifNomin 4 after ¥KsXs0T Kt _] Genitive plural | masculine neuter feminine no ending mo ending if Nom. sing. eit, if Nom. sing. eit, ifNom. in by a q in-b, inne al, Nom sing. afer Mim, ilk, if Nom. sing. ina ifNom singin=i | inmue when sessed eB, afer, when Sen ie sressed feed eda Russian Language Competencies sit Russian Language Competencies 202 Topic 12. Broposse Heaitn ~ ¥ pac ecTs sro stexapcTs0? laluer. Russian Language Competencies 193 nora rpyab pyxa NOKOTb comnd meq koneHO___ més, >2KEBOT___ ronona ___ nanen, 203 YACTH TEA Russian Language Competencies Russ HoAGopoyoK __ por. RecHy MK __ noc ion Language Competencies vowel tes lesa | ee Len Les Health 205 Toptpér — Bra xynOoxemx vim net? Hapucitre moit noprpér. ~— Xopomd, namem ¢ mm, Bor Commida ronopa, ‘Yum, weéxe, Gopord, , Bpdon, noc, rast, peciirm.. a Tlogoxmite, ne romitca, lerd—to Tyr HegocTaéT. ‘ - A... 3a6vin a cgdnats por, Ty6x1, sy6er u yout. Bdnocet a Kpacorel. Bor, saxdaven pam noprpér. Kax? Tloxdxe? — Boace ner. 4 Mae ne updoures Taxdit. Hapucylire mue mpyrdit. = Fro rdpa nycraxés, Tare manyr ~ noprpér rods. Téno, mgs, mea mie%4, , BOTH, TPYTb, 7 - Hy, are xe ronosé? — 3yjeck ona H He 7 = Passe ¥ro moit noprpér? Ber xyndocemx wna net? Zoxrop, ndxrop, ak HaM ObITp: TWH MBITE Win He MBIT? ECIH MpITb, TO Kak HaM OpiTb: Udero verre mm nopéxe? ender —~Exel~ ‘ / ender adkrop THéBHO: —Exe-cixe-exemaeBio! (8. Mornencxas) 202 Russian Language Competencies 206 Topic 11 i ~ Uro y wac Gontir? ~ ¥ mend Gomtr ronosd. 1. Listen, repeat and show: ronogh, 1106, yim, updgoe x0, 1¢b06 feo ae updyas mexé, ayaa ged, os, 1H (pase a3, néswl —_ yy 396, ay6b1, FyGu1, mex, abs ‘na, muyead, agape nnes6, cmd, ryt, pie, updoa pyKd, énas p) ayes. fe ardconb nepal nk, aa ra iipdsan nork,aébaa Hor 1és0e xondHO, raft 2. Complete the sentences using the name of the part of the body: Y seus! Gomdr word, Y meus Gonsr néra, 3. Complete the dialogues = Uno y re6d Gomfr? ~ (Hérn). = Yro y nerd 6omhn? = eve): ~ Uno y wed Gontir? = (3y6). &® read ae CD (4a 4. Read: roe Y meus Gomfr: ~Ynrd comk fo ~¥ ne . HES Hao ¢ ro6di? CTS ~ Y mend 6omir xenynoK. - Ut c weil? ~ y'net 6omkreepane. = Yro cages? — Haerd. Bot xopourd, 5. Work in pairs. Student A asks a groupmate: Uro c ToGdii? and shows the answer. Student B answers using prompts. Russian Language Competencies 2n2 het ee | Health 207 6, Work in pairs. Transform the dialogues: = Asa6onela(a). = Yr0 © 1p6dH? ~ Y mens npocrfna. ‘Words for substitution: rparm, axrycha, 2cepSiero wxemyfica, Kaine, BbicdKan Temneparypa, HaeMo; 7 Work in ork in pars. Ss Seudent A shows where hele has a patn, Student B eaye in 8. Complete: ro y max Gonmlr? 'Y nerd Gomir 3y6 'Y wee Gomét ronon4. ———— Y weé rpm Y wo8 rexmepargpa xerd Gombr nord Russiea Language Competencies 208 Topic “T1* Tuaxor. - Kax nena? - Hopmdnuo. A y re6d? - Yxxdcuo! (Ovens 1i6xo!) - ro cnyamhoc? Uro c Tobit? - Asa6onen. ~ Yroy re64 Gon? ~ Mue midko. ¥ meus Gomr ronosé. 51 Katwimo, wxaio, y Meus HacMopox. - Arépao Gomtr? - Ta, HeMHOro. - A ‘Temnepatypa ecTh? ~ Hasdpuoe, ects! - Kak xanp! Hago muri x spay. 9, Answer the question Kaas y sac temmeparypa?: 38°, 37.50, 36.40, 35.50, 39°, 36.69 10, Practice the dialogues: ~ Kax put ce6i syfcrayere? ~Tinéxo. - ro. caysEutocs? = ¥ wens Gomir ronond. — Kax sui cefia sfscrnyere? = Tincko. ‘ = Yo y Bac Comin? = Ban wah uni x spay. Russian Language Competencies decedent beheaded LE. Health 209 ~ Kax asi cet ayacrayere? =Tiasko, =4ro Secs yoke = Bane nao ommoxayro. ~ Kax pur ce6a uyornyere? ~ Taéxo, = Yroc nahn? ~ Y mens map. ~ Kaxast y pac ‘Temmepatypa? che andy Co ~ Bam nao aomépare TeMueparypy. ~ Uso ¢ aalen? = A roexo ro yn wt, raxtren, cons py. ~ Bam nao moh x spa ves) 2 y Bpaya At the doctey mi — Orxpdiire por. = Joi = Hsmmtrofae mammire, - = pda 1, Work in pairs. Compose and dramatize dialogues. Student A is a doctor and Student B {sa patient. 2. Practice the dialogues: foomrrdpm. , _, or, oxaxafre ropa... la, ropo xpdcuoe. Temneparypa ecrs? aekaperso. iIpumumairre erd tpu pasa ~~ Cracif6o, nokToy Tipmosre 20 dpa ~ To coun ~qo Russian Language Competencies 210 Topic 11 a Ase6onen. = Tor Osun y spas? = he apa - Uno of ? - Y mena 2 = Tat pei xyiwné nexeporzo. nr, - Tloxafyiicra, sine nex4perso # noxnce. Tee ny xno nexarp, — Kax psi ce6a sybersyere? = Ye mane. ~Tomepanfpa esi? = Her, reysieparypa Hopmalmnas. = Tloxaxatre répio. - Ana. : - Onmi'mo. But spopéssi! He Goxéimre! B anréKke At the pharmacy Iv — Y pac ects 970 nexaperso? ~ Ta / wer. 41, Work in pairs: Student A isa pharmasist and Student B ls patient. Use the model: 'Y nas ects nexiperso ot | nabwopxa? xan? Ciaegtoaet seépme? Pyonon Od? mpocryer? a? 2, Imagine you are in a pharmacy. Buy the following things: or mxderygpp ‘repudetp sop, ign Bara 207 Russian Language Competencies Health 244 3. Practice the dialogues: = Tidtinve nme, noxainyijera, nexeperso. Bor pend. = Hoxdayiicra. Mnarére # (PYM 210 ‘What is hurting you? ‘What is the matter with you? ‘What has happened? Thave a headache. Thave a sore throat cold in the head Teel il. ‘What is your zemperature? Tam running a temperature. How do you feel? ‘medicine for headache 213 an Language Competencies 214 wopic 12 oxuadr stomach " i q (8), arm(s) throat uesé, afr shoulder(s) adk0rb, 3SeTH chow (s iden, pout ines Bord, hora teats) xondy rym, ery fe feet om | sa6ondr cfs ea ig re 9) poeryira cold, c a Faesopox cold (inthe head), running nose xafnemb gout oxap Temmepatypa sxopoe (an) ene (pd) pa pdsa 8 nem 3 times 3 times per ds y 1OBHAR GO ay6xast Com om sarod fsa exd6ocrs penn ompapsciue =, poisoning pacerpdiicto xenymKa stomach upset, indigestion ‘cepame. beart spar, doctor Gomucit patient néwom cxdpas dom aml ae a hospit sfecrnonaTs To feel (497) pengur aoa sexdpergo pomedr (nexdperso) woke take rake (ou medicine) (p. 334) plaster iodine cotton wool TepmdmeTp thermometer pea syringe aepurb/nomépirre Temneparypy to take (about temperature) (Jmperf./Perf,p. 187) ronapelenooiite tote verbo, ee Tb to breeze 192) moxifrech lie down nner. pasnesdirrecs take off Youre ‘clothes (p. 369) jexdre 7 tele (p77 nopiidmeuas resateparypa Russian Language Competencies Health 215 noxaf fire mpauuni(re) sead (Imper.,p. 336) Span tocollide accident Vocabulary and Grammar Notes 1 Boadrs ~ saGoaers ‘Y +Gen. (xoro)- to hurt, to ache. Itexists in the 3rd person only, singular and plural. (sa)6omtr; (32)Gonsi; (28)6oxeh, ~2, ~0, -u; 6fuer (6yityT) Gonére roy sxc Gomis? — What is hurting you? 'Y mend Gomér yf — [have an ear-ache. Its used with names of parts of the body: fam, rononé, rdpmo, sy6sr, xunér, Horé, pyka, cepame, cmH. 2. Bones - sa6oxes + Instr. (sem) — to be ill A Gordo Ose 4 Burgoueere Out Goncior Fea ‘BBI! ex nig Gondere? — ‘What disease do you have? ‘Goneto rpsirmom. - I have a flu. Deseret when naming yarious illnesses. When talking of symptoms of illness ~ ‘Temmeparypa, udcMopk, Kditlem — the construction Y Meni + Nominative is used: ‘Y wewst ndcMopk. ~ Thave a cold in the head. The construction ¥ mens (reGs, nerd) + Nominative is also possible with names of ‘illness: ‘YY werd rpamn. — — He has a flu. 212 Russian Lancuace Competencies 216 Ropic 21 a0 213 Russian Language Competencies 218 Odsmenne Topic 12 Sociat situations Language 1X... |= Tospapnmo (sac) ¢upaommicon! Be — Kemaio Bam cuactos. sn0poRba. youexos. xopomero nacrpoemu Bcero xopomtero (n06poro). cAcTARBOTO MYTH. ynasu. By evacrmn(a)! _| = congratulation; Competency = wishes and toasts; ~ inquiting / reporting about one’s smotional state; ne ocean Pe ; ‘319 (onapor) Bam. +, | = offering and accepting gifts; + Camco 3a noyapox. Fest EASE DEALIL' Z VI Xo66n, ~ talking about hobbies. Hem net yBnexaerecs? imrrepecverech? 214 Dneatan Tandnace Combatencies Social Situations 219 Accusative Inserumental I —Tlosapazaafo (pac) c up:sguuxom! 1. Read about Russian holidays: 1H Hobe ro) 1 mapapd, |New Year Day Poagtecrai Christmas Day Crappnit Hésuath rox 14 aapaps | Old New Year Mexnynapofebit xéacxmit zens [8 mdpra | International women’s Day Tidexa, Easter Day Dens conmpdacera ‘rpynsiaaxes, d International Labor Day Herm 1 9maax, | Victory Day Tem oy (fostfeeciee- 112 mcaa | Independence Day ions and the fst Russian president was elected) Het Bemikotk Oxrd6ppcKoit 7Tos6pi | Revolution Day omémH 3. Use the verb mo3qpaBadre in the required form: Present: cor A re6te Tet fee Hare Ox ed ¢ Poumects6m. Msp et « Kdacxame peo. Bui, wx ¢ Tinton Tobe. - + Om pac ¢ Tldexoli. ee Russian Language Competencies 220 Topic 12 Tefmo Tutu oryndira, Oma ota ct Braronapefns, ac ¢ Tidexoit, AL naa © Di Tose. Tr Cpr Tt ti. On ipziry c mit poset. Max Hardaio ¢ Tut nevéra, Bar Hoxonak ¢ JIném erporfrens. Ons Tish © pormeerad. 4. Compose sentences using the verb MoapabisiTE: Fuuure: a Tat On Ont, 5. Complete: “Higseni rom. — Tosnpasnio pac © Hobam room 1. Dems poagenms - 2! Poamecra),~ 3. Hes ToGefs = 4. Tem, as 5. Hess Hesanifcumocra ‘an Language Competenci 221 3. Match the following: 1, Tlosmpaaaitio Bac c , acyyndiouyant com! Cxdcraa Bas a Hépox roxy! 2. Tlosmpannino Bac c mpéapmuxon 8 mApra! Kendt0 Bam xopduiero aacrpoéema! 3. Cmpdamamxom secu w rpyza! 2Kendio Bam yerexos 3 yat6e pa6ore! 4, C mpfomancom Bac! C mt, Tlo6éet! Kendio Bam veerd xopdutero! 5, Tlosnpaniio re64 ¢ miéy. poxngaaa! ‘Kendo re6e SnopoBba HcwacTos! Russian Language Competencies e217 222 Topic 12 Dative Genitive i -Keasto Bam cadersa. 3nopdaba. yenekos. xopduiero pacrpoéuua. Beero’ xopommero (265por0). cuaeriniaoro ayn yadan. Byye evacrzmn(a)! Bynere cucrampt! 1. Compose sentences, as in the model: 1. Mada, St xemsto snopéasa 5 2. Toupyra. Oud ender yendsos_—- 3. Bpat. Ox ender xopdhtero Hacrpocimt__- nr Mut emsen exagravoro ry . Kara. Mit xendem seerd xopditiero 7 2, Complete the sentences: 1. Dosipasnfe Bac Sha poxadimal Keni Kendio Bam 2. Tlosgpaszstio Bac c Hdasm rofiom! Kendio Bam 3. Tlosgpasmfio Bac c upaSmumxom! Kendio Bam 3, Write posteard to give season’s ot birstday greetings and to wish health, happiness and success: cooemy apyry am uompyre, pomifrenss, yuiremo mi yarrennme. 4, Practice the toasts and make a list of your own in your host family: 3a Bac! Bice aaopdape! ae saex! Ben alg Russian Language Competencies Social Situations 223 5, Say a toast, as in the model: ioyxGa. = Sa mpyKGyt 1. Tho6obs — 2. Map. 3. Youek. ~ 4, Yaa. - 5. 3nopdane. 6. Comms. — 7. Xosslixa. — 8. Ammpelt. ~ 9. Hida. ~ 10. Corpyftaatectso. ~ 11, Hobart ron. — 12. Pocests. ~ 13. Amefpanca. — Ds - fipaxonte Brocra, Ha o6e]. yan. x waM (Dative) — Cuaci6o. / C yaosdimersuem. D : - K comancnmio, a | ne mory. aduat. 1. Read the poem: B nockpeceate, & Bocxpecdape Bee — Ko mae Ha rem potest! Tiptxomgfre 8 rdcr x wane lo yrpdu u sesepdis. -mpow, BéqeDOM HJM S&S Mbt acerpé Bac B récTu 2KneM. 219 Ruaaian Languace Competencies 224 Topic 12 [iwanor. Aad. Aun, npasér! ro Tdas. Tipuér, npusdr! Tipuxonu k Ham saprpa B récra. Tipocto tax? Her, y Meus jem poxnésns. Tlosypasiito. Uro re6e'nogapyre? Xopduee > HacTpodtne. O! Sto hem Ropordit torpor! Ja, HO omen xopoumii. Abpec OME? Konéuno. Pomali Bo BramupoctdKe? Tla, no on overs adaar. Borden, 470 on He mpigér. Xam. Tepeyanait emy mpusér. Xopomd. Xay te6s sdorpa w 6. Jlo sazrpa. Tio serpau. Russian Language Competencies 220 Social situations 225 2. If the statement is true, put “+, if false put = 1. Ams nossomiya Tae. 2. Tana nospomnirs Axe. 3. Tau mpmrnaciina Amo 8 récta. 4. ua ppurnacadna Tuo. 5. ¥ Tye nem poxéimas. 6. ¥, At ner 7. Masa & os oa cards adeepok i Te PE oe mgt. i 19 ve maps 12. Pom “por ea 2B. Pomalé upanir Tse wa neem poacens, 3. Answer the questions 1. Kro xomy snonfr? 2 Toes? 3. ¥ xord nem porn? Komal? 4, Koro’ upars 5. Kro mparsgciia e nécra? 6. Téust sponta Pomanry? 4. Work in pairs: a. Student A invites Student B to his place. Student B accepts the invitation, b. You are invited to somebody's place. Refuse potitely. Explain, why you can’t come. ‘Use the model and the sehedule given ieee m Vipést ~ 18:00 xand — 19:15 = 17:00. jaka — 17530 BOG! Te prdem — 15:00 5. Read the text: Tse poe, ac 8 yak ea nognomim 13 Mocxst{, aay aan. Hoect ond Oops eM rps wa cre Y Tat ay Cade = 221 Rusaian Language Competencies 226 Topic 12 1.¥ xord nem fas? 2. Kro nognomda ws Mocxzef? 3. Yro zeharor roern? a 4. Kro 6yfer ners a arpdtp na rurdpe? (Gy 5. ¥ koro xopotmuit roftoc? IV Hacrpodaue, 1. Read the text: , ee poe. cxyfano. means ne x: i, Ji cigs Tag em. fetes, Moo wa ayctyfo a a Tlouemy om ne nossomdn? Mdxer 6urrb, on 3a6bin MeHA? Her, xe Moker Gorm! Duéu. ‘Ypé! Ox noypounda! Her, o# ne sa6sin mensh. Ou rauserd He poop. og audio, ‘pacaiboe cépoe ‘To oH Mens midGar. Horoha Teneps o%eHs xopoimtas. Ky ‘rene Rox, UyeTda ; ‘ 1. Yeg oto mmenpiie? caoBA 2. Crémpxo emy/eft ner? 3. Kaxce semua roa? ‘Mae cKftHo I'm bored 4. Kaxda nordga? a I miss smb. / smth.) $ ‘ro on / ond yefraer? ny a 6. Ox c& md6ur? sabet to forget 7. Ona ero mar? ne uokxer Girrs_ it's impossible 8. Tlouemy on adaro He spout? 2. Read the expressions and use them in natural contexts: Present Mue exyfi0 Future Russian Language Competencies Social Situations 227 3. Ask your classmates: 1. Kax api ce6x/wfscrayere? 2. Kax wactpocime? 3. Kak nena? 4. Answer the questions Kak ead? Kax nactpocime? Kax per ce6# aysersyere?: 2 ECT: , : 1. ¥ nac xopofnee nacrpotame. 2. Bat 0061 xemfrecn, 3. Tipmesxder udma nopyra. 5. Answer the questions: 1. Korg pam Onto cxysuo? 2. Kornd nan Oxtho often» ndceno? 5. Kax mu cobs jac -nonann sep » 16:55? 4. Uro pe pénaere, Kor Ram pycTHo? pn Dam Vv ~ Fro (wopapox) Bam. es ~ Caaci6o 3a nonepox, 1 Make the vocabulary networks: 223 Russian Language Competencies 228 Topic 12 2. Write to Jen Mopds ard ask for presents for yourself, Peace Corps, for Russia and America. 3. Complete the dialogues, as in the model: ~ Sra meré nam. ~ Cnacii6o a nperaf. 4, Complete the list: ‘ ‘ ‘Sor nomapox emf. 5. Read the dialogue: = = Surafermye! noxxaftyitera. Moi sibters. = sr po: OH ¢ HaEM PONCE. 3 spleime aber xopoltero, So 1266 CaaclSo, Kale xpacabate pau! 6. Use the ver naps in the required form: Si napss mpfry mirepéosyro xentty, 1.7: $e or Be 3.0% cectpd nobpie mdp . Mar = ‘uobbie woe orem 6B pope _ 22 Russian Language Competenci: Social Situaticne 229 7. Use the verb nofapHfrs in the required form: Past: On. mperal, Ont ayxa Omi sandr, Future: a map. Ter kaprifay. On day. ee yay But xonderss, Out nebo, & Answer the question using prompts and your imagination: ro Bit xorére uonapHire upyry (nompyre)? Words: xpacugas c¥axa, Gefute n xpacupie ueTt, Gomundit darno-pyccKat cnosdps, pacitnat orapEfna. 9, Fill in the table: Vous —[-apasammx |_uegipox | womendane [xownmaudar | —roer 225 Russian Language Competencies 230 Topic 12 VI X066u. ~Yem mi | ynnexaerecs? muTepecyerech? 1. Read the following expressions: yanexarsen saproe mrrepecondrsca | Tea Prepositional a | Hartro rardpe sa suc ; | Acgasatve wouérer Prepositional IEDKaX, Koupxdx, mooi Accusative Tifiatve, ny nytemecrsonars , wel fre ma mairlo 2 xoxxei omy , | raumendrn aureparypy | eT oxtrt paconare BO 226 Russian Language Competencies Social Situations 231 2. Interview your groupmates: Sider Shudent2 Student Burger Yenopt? Bur md6wre | red1p?, Bur mdomre | aren? pucosaty? Ryreme€rsonare? corfinate mfsemry? uers? ‘rammendts? mpére B mafsarst? mofo? xoxxdi?? xardreca ma | bax? xompxhx? 3. Guided interviews. HOLIDAYS HOLIDAYS ‘Ask your partner questions about his | You can either answer your partner's or her last holiday. Use the following | questions by asking the following notes to help you. Notes or by talking about a holiday ae you really had. we’ Kax ndaro? Bo Bramasocrdke. Fons yr erty Tlonpaimtocs? Tove mpyabshan. Ta, xopdinax nordna, ‘ree Mope. HOBBIES A HOBBIES You can either answer your pertaer’s | Ask your partner about his or her questions by using the following hobbies. Use the following notes to notes or by talking about your real help you, but you can ask other hobbies. questions as well. ororpdtpus. Kaxde xd66u? , Typo, , Acme? [oweny? ‘Jho6mé nytemecrsovate. 227 Russian Language Competencies 232 Topic 12 4, You are at a party. Talk to some people there. You may use the phrases: Kax mend? Kax cena? Ba specs updsurea? Uro mit mdbure yefare B cHoSdqH0e spéus? Bu arpdere b tefomc? Yro abi Oyfiere gnats B Betxomaéte? IIpaxomtre sderpa a 061, noxényiicra. 5, Speak and draw pictures about any Russian/American holiday. Answer the questions: 1. Kax nasandenca npdayemx? i 2 Ko omeewtior trot . Kaxwe Tpandrmm' 4. ro méaa nedpare mpyr mpytty? 5. Yro idan xendior upyr mpyty? 6. Answer the questons: 1. Cxémxo aco B exh Bat paOcraete? 2. Kaxéii y pac dmyck? a) méaoume 8 a) 4 wenda, 6)8 6) 2~4 wend 8) 6dmaune 8 8) Her ofnycKa 3. Y pac ecrs spéms pus cndpra? 4. Bam ncerpd xearaer speMtenn? a) xfoxbnit ze a) acerm, 6) pas B xendmo 6) muormé 3) ser 8) waxorné 5. Ka ait mponomrre caoGdgaoe apéwa? Koc mugen at ian B) na padére ian Language Competenci: Social situations Maanorize 233 Tloampannafo! 2Kenafo (Bam) cxdcros! 3a yaday! Tipaxomére » rderi. K coxancinno, «sian. SH cxysato. Mae | cxysra0. tpyer. He moSxer Gxrre! Yen net yanexderecs? ‘Yen net matepecyerecs? 5 yanexatoce cudprox. SA uprepecyioce MyseiKoit. A urpafo w telsmc. ‘A urpato wa rerdpe. ‘A co6upiro monérsst. SA xaraloce wa Komxdx, Caco, ¢ ynoudmersuem. 5 moGim6 myreniectBonaT». Congratulations! I wish you happiness! For good luck ! (toast) ‘Come to our place. ‘Thank you, with pleasure. To my regret, I am busy. Imiss smb / smth. Tam bored. Tam | bored. lonely. itis impossible. ‘What are you fond of? ‘What are you interested in? ‘Tam fond of sports. Tam interested in music. Iplay tennis. Iplay the guitar. Toollect coins. Tskate, Tike to travel, 229 Russian Language Competencies 234 Topic 12 V ocabulary 2 ‘ nosipasaate/nosmpasaTh to congratulate (/mper'/Perf., p. 290) en nomena to wishing ue pei) napein/n to present (Imper fs P." mpevan holiday Hobart roy New Year Poxnecrse Christmas Tidexa L Easter eR ponent birthday cuderge happiness snopobbe th youdx success yrdea Tuck Le eae mood saomdpox ‘gift, present npenmarah top (mperf/Perf, p:312) Dpennarate/npemloxaire Tot to propose a toast (Imperf./Perf., p. ‘apursiacefre/uparnam to invite (Iperf /Perg., p. 324) roc guest spati/nospdre to call, to invite (Imperf/Perg, p. 140) Vocabulary and Grammar Notes Noun / pronoun. Accusative case ‘The person you congratulate is always used in the Accusarive: woanpansstio Te6A / Anny / Ipxdna. L After preposition 3a Accusative is used: sa xpy6y (togst). ‘Note that the phrase w rocry answers the question Kyad?; itis the Accusative plural of rocth (ane) - Auny'’s récra. Noun masculine, ‘as Gen, if animate, as Nom, if inanimate | feminine 10, fNomin =a as Nom, if Nomin = 236 Russian Language Competencies Social Situations 235 Pronoun [Nom Ta a oH ona [xa Tot on Ace. “Hams eG fero ee mac [pac aX. Noun. Instrumental case Note that Russians say C updsymmxom! That is, they use the word mpasmmmx in the Instrumental after preposition ¢. Note the formula used by the Russians to wish one another a Happy New Year: C Hdusim room! feminine =o Bi, if Nomin-5 eit, if -ua, after 03,100, when stem is stressed = wo, ‘Nomin~b maser 72 =OM eM, ifNom. in -i,—b Em, when stressed” Noun. Dative case Words which denote the person towards whom the movement is direcfed take the Dative with the preposition x and they answer the question K womy?: 1 may K apyty. wha? to whom? (10 wish) Gps sends csacraa / apfry. Verb conjugation ‘Tne verbs mosupanadtrs and aesta‘re belong to the 1st conjugation, while sapere belongs to the 2nd conjugation. BEST COPY AVAILABLE . 231 Russian Language Competencies 236 Topic 22 232 Russian Language Competencies 238 Topic 13 Cayxca OpiTa Community Services Language Competency i +The emory.: movies sree otxpame | caer? > ~B Ganne, qu = Tre (naxommrea), ‘Gam? Ha ymme. I ~ Korma pa6oraer 6aHx? OOMeHEBIM nyeKT? severe} -€ 10.90 19, . oo inquiring about exchange rate; TV | Bor moi nactopr. anpec # Teaecbou showing documents when VI | -Tae naxommren syxckan ms xMaxepexas? ecKas ‘piorking hours: Russian Language Competencies = Si xoven(a) 6s nogerpiescs. No6piscs. YaORHTS BOROCEI. crenars waceaxe. saneayecky10 2apuBKy. KOpoTKYIO CTDIDRKY. CllaTb B PeMOnT O6yBE? octapate nex? ~ Boameaterke / 5 o6yBHOH mactepcKoli / 8 upare HoH, ~ Tne waxomtres Goucxaititas xmmunicrxa? ‘odypuiax MacrepcKan? mpavemaa? ~ Ha youne... ~ Korza xinecmerxa / o6yaras macrepexas / mpavean = Regma. Gygen rorcno? A ‘= Sabrpa.. ‘Tlociesaitpa. | “pes nenemo. 234 Russian Language ommunity Services 239 a = Yro net xorure? — expressing needs; ‘out working hours; Competencies 2. B OanKke Ac the bank a 2 samira aupéKrop xdeca oy ee ¢ ‘ a apuxdaussi dpaep kpeaitruan Kdprowka Pacxdansia oprep Russian Language Competencies oor oGmensirs 42 Topic 13 I -Tye a ory nomeaars { samory? nofmapst? orgpsirs caer? - B 6duxe. - Tue (saxdqurca) | os Aas oGménmprii ? = Ha youme.. 1. Answer the questions using prompts: 1. Dye naxdgares "Boctoxmmect6ank"? (ya. Aneyrexas) 2. Tye waxofprres *lamKow6dax"? ‘Onedieiat mpocuéxT) 3. Te waxdgarex "Sppotalix"? (ya. Tarpotas) 2. Find out where the nearest bank Is situated. 0 ~ Kornd pa6draer | Gamu? ooménmuit myuxt? - C10 70 19. 1. Go to the nearest bank, find out (on the door, inside or by asking) and record hours. Report to the class. 2. Practice the dialogue: — Kornd pa6oraer 6am? = Bor pacmmcdane. 7 ~ But paGdraere 3 pockpecense? ’ — Mit patcraem xésonit rex ¢ 9 10 19, nepepsi ¢ 13 go 14. Russian Language Competencies 237 Community Services 243 pant - Kaxii ceirade xype zénnapa? = ssenseeee PYOTEH. 4. Count: You've got $23 ($51, $68). How much is it in roubles? 2. Practice the dialogue: = Shecs moma odMensm namdry? onepaite cer? “Be ‘ - Axo , obuensire naméry. emg et Mae myato — CxémKo? 20 notapos. A xaxolt cefkade Kype? pyémesk. 3. Make questions to find out the following information: 1, Where you can exchange dotiars. 2. Where the neatest bank is situated. 3. When it is open. 4. What the current rate of the exchange is. Iv Bor | moit ndesopr. , nam —{gpec u tenesbdu. mod = xeutdenaa. = Bam I i. 1. Have you got these things? f ; , ; cHopr, Tevleddu, el KBHTaHIMA, CpaBka, TAMOKeHHAA HeKTAapalAn. Write 5 sentences, Begin with Y meng ecrs + Nominative or Y mews wer + Genitive: Russian Language Competencies 238 24a Topic 13 2. Make a vocabulary network: Vv Sandauure Gnanx. Pacumuitecs, noxayiicra, 31ect. 1. Practice the diglogue: : . Axory n¢ neuer no uéxy. . A = Bam nagnopr, noxaftyiicra. 3anoimanre Stor Grzax. Pacmamnfrect syece. Bor adam for, ta maaan Tipet Neeira | para Gdaxa 2. Make up a dialogue between a bank manager and a customer. Russian Language Competencies Community Services 245 3. Translate this diglogue from Russian into English covering the right-hand column, Check it up: Cayfxanpait » Gdinxe: Clerk: ro pox xorire? How can Ihelp you? He ee ee Ps Td ike to cash this cheque, Sromy please. One ¥ race cosdt mdaopt? Cs Have you got your passport, TL: fa, nor, noxdayera. ps Vesimeitis Ca Xopom, pacmanfrecs, 2 Fine. Would you sign here, noxaltylicTa, 33ecb. please? Caacti6o. Ps Thank you. Tlomdnyticra. You are welcome. 4, Read the dialogue: B Gdaxe = Sapcrsyirre. = 3updscrayiire, = Axon utr, = Burma 0? . os 7 Ba Amepmes vonomép Kofyes ie. ~ Kaxéi car npr Overs some Ke Py6nesbth was noftrapossti? - Py6néspai. Kops wpa omnaamaer bse pacxofist 8 py6utix. = ¥ sac eors ndcnopr? = Ha, xoudauo. - andere, nosedive, Ona. = Xopomé. ‘Bor pam ‘Bam caer, Ceara, nox dxHo omens gofnapsr? , KoneaHO. Kype ngimiapa - ... re xopenb, eo fasmey a Ia, sf0 ikea rs Kowuepreckutt 6ask. Bombe cnaci6o. [Jo counaams. ~ To cemmdaan. 2 Russian Language Competencies 40 246 onic 13 B myxckéit napukMaxepcKoit At the barber’s B xeucxoit napakmaxepcxoit At the hairdresser’s MYKCKOH 3A] Russian Language Competencies 241 Community Services 247 XKEHCKHM 3A. ce spenders bpadcatne sax nan von co temnh Fo gen wbx: ‘A VI ~ Tue umxsrre | Myxckaa apRemaxepcKas? méuckaa = Ha rpérem aramé, a Russian Language Competencies 242 BEST COPY AVAILABLE 248 Topic 13 1. Find out where the nearest barber shop/hairdresser’s is situated. VIL = Korgd orxpsfra napuumdxepcxan? - C8 yrpd 70 8 éaepa, 1. Go to the nearest barber shop or hairdresser’s, find out and record hour. Report to the class. VELL = Gro wut xomire? - Axorea(a) 6s] wogcTy ua IbCA. wospaire iraca. Yaoxure wcrocy. enénare maceaix. sunafeceyo sapdony. xopdrxyio erpumy. P. 1. Practice e dialogues: ieee 1 ro pt xomre? - be ca, TOK «nox Po St aria 2p - = san! Yo wot xorsire? —Axow aT ap. - TI dom? = Ha, mae, a = cppaea pd0n1 = d6poe y4po! Yiro pat xonre?, a aou xen copéaa nogTpHtts a dnocet. = Bar xondpe Non fou) wpe capa, Ona saie mer. ‘Seen Cposepox wu Ges? Russian Language Competencies * 2 B we 24 B xuMUnCTKe At the dry cleaners’ B o6ysnoit macrepexoit At the shoe makers’ noctapére normagars, upaveanas camooGeryaupauna xamaderca mopomdx axa crHpsit ragqiiabuaa pocka ynor crupasuan mamma Russian Language Competencies Ona x Mae adzo | noseicrars sé. A xomy mocrapaTs cedrep. W xoren 61 prox. nanero. nxam. naarse. orpemgnruponars | d6yen. nowmmnare ayqamn, ouate 8 peméut cano: 1. Say what you want to have cleaned/repaired. X= Tye amory | moderne néure? cnarE 8 pends 6yBu? nocrupdrs Béma? - B umraicree / p odysndit mactepcxdii / » upaiesnoii. — Tye waxdqurea Gamxdinnas | xmuicrea? o6ysada macrepexda? mewnas? -Ha Siamne.n. - Kong xawuicria / odysuda macrepexda / upduesnas erra? = C10 30 19. Tepepsis na 0644 ¢ 12 g0 13. 1. Find out where the nearest dry cleaners'/shoe makers’ is situated and when they work. XI - But upumumdere cpdunsie saxd351? - Ta. Her. - = Kornd aro 6yaer roroBo? Santpa. / Mocnesdurpa. / Udpes neyémo. Russian Language Competencies 251 1 Find out: 1. If they take (urgent) orders. 2. How much is itto clean the coat, sweater and trousers, when they will clean your things. 3. How much you have to pay fora pair of boots and when they will repair your boots. 2. Read the dialogues: f = yxe deems, Xda ise op io sapuorans je a Mory 370 caénare? “Biman Siti el Treat re ee AKC ora, C8 no 20, 6es nepepsina na o6¢n. — 3npdseraytire. By npmmpalore sabes? ~ Ha, Lo ~ Rod bee re Oyser rondo? pes mean Ssieaee om 3. Read the dialogue: ~ Me sido ioe lees canori. Ie Grmafimas sacrepexds no per i Snes Ha ymme ond naseindenes “Bammaok". Sra mac -A spc yak — Konéano. Osyss 6fmer ror ‘sac. Ho ato noporo. 3, Read the signs. =) = ioe 2 S= Se] Russian Language Competencies 246 252 a epic 13 Vocabulary cxéT abr cxéT apoBpilt csr ‘OTKpEMTS/OTKpBIBATs CHET pacxdypr Ganx 1 see eae ‘ank omidsupate/o1 Tepepontelneponcc dere OOMGnubut aye cr ay -poKast account rouble accynnt dollar account to open an account (Perf /Imperf) expenses bank ‘commercial bank Joint stock bank ‘to pay (Perf/mperf.) To filin Pert impert Perf Imperf, ta emule novey Po Inger) exchange office currency exchange rate sign (Imperative.) certificate customs form (declaration) barber shop hairdresser's massage haircut to have one’s nails done (Perf!) 1 have the nails varnished (Perf) to shave (Pe to have one’s hair cut (Perf) to trim one’s hair nail pol shave lotion hot towel ‘beauty parlor skin imitation beard ‘moustache at the back at the sides Russian Language . Competenc: 247 Community Services 253 nosmlorar / sera to clean (dry; Perf: / Imperf.) xmeuicrka dry cleaners’ nepepts wa o6€ lunch break zane order urgent Upayaans / npyaaTS to take (Perf. / Imperf.) (Ca, -0,~21) reat ee ‘srHa to remove stains pemdur d6yeu, , shoe makers’ ‘macrepeKda no pemdury doysn par / peM , torepair (Perf /Imperf.) osm / sons na6dinxa = 1 sole sag a pesHHoBbui rubber Russian Language Competencies 248 Practical Russian Grammar in EN@rcises ‘Russian belongs to the inflectional languages, i.e. those in which words have endings. A Russian word can have many different forms and, therefore, it is entered in dictionaries in a definite form — the nominative singular for nouns, the nominative singular masculine for adjectives, the infinitive for verbs. Russian Language Comipetencies 25 Geen eee Cranma PRONOUNS There are two pronouns in Russian comesponding to the English pronoun you. Tit is informal. singular only, Bbt is used for polite singular and both informat and polite plural. All personal. demonstrative. possessive and interrogative pronouns are declined. Personal Pronouns Dative Accusative Prepositional_|wie _1e6e__ém wed tm ac pac mae 1. Write the pronouns: on (Instrumental) x (Dative) mar (Aecusanve) Thr Accusative tet (Instrumental) onm teeeral a Clastrumental) a (Accusative) mux (Genitive) own (Genitive) 8 (Nominative) Russian Language Competencies Grammar 8S 2. Use the correct forms of TBI? 1. Mat rozopam 0 2. Kro mrpaet ¢___p Teaamc? 3. Paswe y__ne Goa ropao? 4. 4roc 5. [xow met K_ 6 Anomxex rovopams c__. LY, ceroyaa TemnepaTypa ? 3. Use the correct forms of MbI : 1. Yarremsimma yosomHa 2. Owac_____rosopur 10~pyccxu. 3. Yeurres ronopet 0 4. Ox oGpaceer “Hons ypox. 5. Ox cupammmaer ___soaro. 4. Use the correct forms of BbI : 1. A sea10 2 Axoyy TOBOPETE ¢ o~pyccKu. 3, Ceromaa a nozonen 4. Bpas mer k 5. On rosoput 0___¢ yanrexem. 6. ¥___ecrs cectpa? 7. Om mmmer____tuicso. 8. Towemy ____e orpesaere uo-pyccxa? 5. Change I-forms into we -forms: 1. ¥ mexa omar ropro. 2; Mama tmmer Mae MECLMO. 3. Ou cmorpat Ha Mena. 4, Onn pasrosapaaiot obo mae. 5. Yaurtem noBoneH MEO. 6. Change Tei-forms into pit ~forms: 1. ¥ reba ceromsx ypox pyccxoro asstka? 2. Kee reonsonyrt 3. A my x Te66. 4, Anoiny ryaars ¢ T0608. 5. [erm rosopar 0 te6e. 252 Russian Language Competencies 258 Grammar 7. Use the correct forms of O 1. Tpxon Goren, eT B kuacce, La 2, THE MOKeM HIpaTt Ges 3. Yuurems ovesb 10Buen, a 4, Ou pasrosapmpaer c (ms, mmx). 5. A nmmy, (emy, HeMy) HHCEMO. 6. Mama sacro eworpar sa___ (ero, nero). 7.¥ __ (ero, nero) ser iuikoro noma, x (sos, wot) KH. 9, On Gonex. 5 my k_—_. (emy, Hemy). 10. Hysxso mara 3a (am, xm). 9, Transform sentences using he-forms: Model: Yaureas secs ner. ~ Ero anect ner. 1. Ane mory macaT> nenyMKe. — 2. Kro pastovapanaer c omgom? 3. Tor poses [fxony?— 4. Yocum mmer o spave. 10. Use the correct forms of oH: 1.4__ue sky aneco. 2. Loreto. 3. Ox ovens nosonen. 4, Cran, kax____308yr. S. BaGymnka mameT—__mucswo. 11. Choose the correct form: 1. Cecrpa ovems mosur__ (e#, ne#). 2. Towigitae x. (wedi, edt). 3. Mar mem ¢ (eit, nei) wa teumuc. 4. Yaurems cupammpaer (, 8, net). 5. Ibxou emonpur wa (e8, Hee). Russian Language Competencies Ca SS eee) 12, Use OBM in the correct forms: 9. Bpar u cectpa aacto pastonapusascr © 10.8 2 11. Snoxymaio xamry mia _. 12. Ona we Moxer mra Tyna 6e3__. 13. Choose the correct form: 3.___— (ix, max) erp Konosare. 4 mumer (G04, nas) macpMo. 5. Bor Tenerpamaa ta ___ (ux, Hx). 6. Kro sugr__ (wx, max)? 7. Ko caorpi ia ___ (ax, mmx)? 14, Use the pronoun in brackets in the correct case: LY (set) ore mamma. (TI) Ect JOO. Sai ag mato. (om) ects TeneBE30p. 2 3 4. 5. (ou) ecrs nonbit ypaan. sete teed Reflexive Pronoun ce6n 1 Define the case: 1. On ncerma nononex co6oil. 2. Mars nymaer we o cege, a 0 neve. 3. Ons Gonsae mou zetell, 4eM ce6st. 4, Tot pasronapamaeun, cam ¢ COOH? 5. Yro rot nywaetns 0 ce6e? 6. Fosopu ncerna upasny m mpyrins, u ce6e. Russian Language Competencies 26Q Grammar Possessive Pronouns my. mine masculine___neuter _ femini afoot fh Accusative Instramental _ Prepositional The pronouns TB as Mod (my, mine). Dative ‘Accusative iserumental Prepositional The pronoun sam (yours) is declined in the same way as wany (our(s)). The pronouns ero (his. it's), e& (her. her's), and mx (their. their's) do not change for gender. number. and case. 1 Open the brackets: 1. A pasrosapupan o (wot) Spare. 2. Se nasxo we scrpevaneme (Ta0%) Gparom. 3. 9 pemmn wanncars mcemo (rBoit) 6pary. 4, SL xowy nosmpanuTs (Tool) 6para c He poxnerat. S. Henasno 8 or _ (raoit) para nomywitn orkpsrrxy. 254 Rueeian Tanonage Camnetencies Grammar 2. Form the Plural: ‘Tom KHHTa Mod nuiciMo | 3. Open the brackets: (oon kama, Toon Kearns, MOA yURTeRbRana, NOW YurTeAMMIR, BAL CADBApD, ‘Balla CoBapH) (wama GaSvara, wana GaG yond, Haim aBTOOyc, Halim aBTOByCEI) c (Molt Spar, bam mpyr, Tom yamrememaia) 5 (pana Fasera, San TaseTul, TBOE neN0, TBOH Hema) K (am foots, Hani rocta, saiia mBepy, sain mmepH) 4, Insert the possessive pronaun: 1. 9 6sur onemm pan RHcbMy. 2. Onne suaer Spare, 3. Dro Typuersi as rpynmt. 4, 06 stom mpornrran B samme, 5. Bet nomyauny 5. Insert the correct form of Bolt: 1. ovens no6mo 2S amor yaaa 3. A uacto Tymaioo spyre. 4. Toi mooum, __—— ceerpy? pommresett. 255 Russian | anguage Competencies 262 Grammar 6. Change Moii—forms: a, into ero-form 1. Tipamen moit crapst mpyr. 2. Tet sHaeum moto cectpy. 3. Owa yamacs B MOEM Ruxacce. b. into e&~form 1, So mom wosaa Kora. 2. Mos cectpa wamacaza tatcsMo. 3. Tet rosopan o monx xexrax? 4, Tlocmorpu Ha MoH KHETI. 7. Change Baui—forms into ux-forms: 1. Mat suems samero spasa. 2. roc samme yourrenen? 3. Mot rosopis 0 patmmx cmopapax. 4. A wamucaa nmcbMo same noppyre. &. Choose the correct form: 1,970 nna mem w pat (ero, nero). 2.3n0 naa Moero a Hi (ero, nero) par. 3'A momysan uxcso oF (ero, Hero), 4-Max upamm Gea fx, HEX) KET, 5-Maa upamom Ges (ux, aux). Interrogative pronouns Russian Language Competencies ‘Grammar 263 1, Open the brackets: 10 (sro) ot sywacu? 2 (Kro) ova namicana mceMo? 2€ Gero} tox wea 8 KHEIO? 4. (dro) rer mamem: kaparnanmon sum pyxoit? Sa (ero) om emorpirr? 6 (Ko) ona Gowrea? Demonstrative pronouns this feminine ‘i a as Nore, if inanimate, Accusative | as Nom, i or) ay ‘or Gen fener eee Prepositional 257 Russian Language Competencies 2o4 Grammar 1 Use the correct form oft a aTor 1. Ceerpa kymura nate >xxypita 2B >okypHaiie vaiOTO mATepectioro. 3. Tet Bam: xamty? 4. Ma seroro pasrosapmnams 06 __xanere. 5. Bes ___ xuaru s we mory pa6oratt b. tor 1. Sror cron manembicti, a Somanoi. 2. Swe 06 stoi xmare roBOpUT, a0 : 3. cumen ue 3a saw cTo7OM, a 38 4, Mae noxasemana we 97 xypHal, @ 5 Interrogative — possessive pronouns Generalizing Prepositional Russian Language Competencies Grammar GS NUMERALS a. ommH masculine neuter feminine plural, all genders om Nominative * | oar Genitive. Dative Accusative | a#Nom or Gen Tnstramental | ome... Prepositional_| ono coROM como ommmx apa, TpH and ersmpe m; neuter ascwtine fe asNom. or «Nom or wee GE Gen | Et Taieavane SeTMIp aM. Prepositional ia from usre to rpuanaTs ‘Nominative Genitive Dative Russian Language Comperencies 266 Grammar 4. copoK, nessuocto, cro all genders Other Cases __copoxa epsuocra, cra, . from UaTE ACCT fo BOCeMEACCHT 1, Write numerals: BEST COPY AVAILABLE 2 Russian Language Competencies au) a ‘Grammat—_____. 2. Write sumerals fn words: a 1.¥ meus 1___cecrpa u2__ 6para. mac 1_—Ganxon, y bac 2__Gasmoua. ie, qoxanylicra, 2 oyno"a. THCHMO sec, 82 ——__~ Tas. : Bor jor 2 __ enor. 6. mac2___— yaurens u2__ ysurvemsanu. b 1 2 5 a mua mcbMo oxo mapa _L 3. Read aloud: 43 78 125 281 813 563 1542 2767 23156 48322 1,250111 4, Use ordinal numerais; ‘saEBapb — ees ron ome — 5. Write in words: Ceromas 28 mapra. —___ Buepa Oso 27 mapra. Savtpa - 29 wapra, Heyemo nasay Onut0 21 mapra, Tipe nenemm Tomy Hasan Gsuto 14 wapra, ‘Mecan tomy asai{ suo 28 cpenpans. Iisa Mecama Tomy Hasaq 6010 28 sBapa, ‘Russian Language Competencies 2e4 NOUN Gender Every noun belongs to one of three grammatical genders: masculine, feminine, or neuter. The gender of nouns denoting living beings conveys their sex. The gender of inanimate nouns can be determined by their endings in the Nominative Singular: ~ nouns ending in consonant are masculine; = nouns ending in ~a or ~A are feminine; ~ nouns ending in 0 or € are newer; ~ nouns ending in —b are masculine or feminine. Number All the nouns with very few exceptions have two numbers ~ singular and plural, Some nouns are used only in the singular, some ~ only in the plural. For the formation of the plural see Topic 3 Grammar Notes. Case ‘There are 6 cases in Russian: Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative, Instrumental and Prepositional. Nouns in the Nominative case cannot be used with a Beeposition. ‘With nouns in the Prepositional case a preposition is indispensable. In the four ining cases nouns can be with or without prepositon. The basic meaning of the cases areas ‘The Nominative case denotes the subject of the sentence and represents the form in which the nouns are entered in the dictionaries: ‘Mansamx (Nom.) surraer. (The boy is reading.) The Genitive case a. denotes possession: om Mamsamna (Gen.) (the boy's house); bis used in the constructions: ‘Y mammsmxa (Gen, ecrs mpyr: (The boy has got a friend.) ‘¥ manvunxa (Gen.) ev mpyra (Gen) (The boy hasn't got a fiend.) © __ isused with OKONO, y, HANPOTHB, Cileua OT, CHPaBa OT, 1A, 0, H3, KPOMe, [ANeKO OF, HeAaTeKo OT, Ges, BMECTO, BOKPYT, EPOME, OT, NOCiIe, ‘cpr, ¢ (from). The Dative case a, denotes the person for whom the action is performed: ‘A mmny Mamesuny (to whom?, Dat.) (I write to the boy.) b. _isused with preposition K, 105 ©. is used after some verbs. Russian Language Competencies 262 (Grammar i269 The Accusative case a denotes the object to which the action passes: ‘Apwxxy mam.suma (whom?, Accus.) (Isee a boy.) ‘A sorraio rasery (Wwhat?, Accus.).(Iread a newspaper.); b denotes direction while used with prepositions B, Ha, 34, NO]: ‘Suny w amrexy (Accus.). (10 0 the pharmacy. )s _ isused with preposition 5epe3; a is used witi, the days of the week: , B wonepembmmK (Accus.) (on Monday); €. is used after some verbs. The Instrumental case a denotes the instrument of action: ‘Ou mamer pyskoit (Instr.) (He writes with a pen.) b. is used with mepey, psNOM c, MERI, 3a (location), ¢ (with), Bacecre c WO (location), Hayy €. isused after some verbs. The Prepositional case denotes location and is used with prepositions B, ix: ‘Simpy w Mocune (Prep.) (Llive in Moscow, is used with dim preposition 0. In Russian some grenmar constructions require a particular case. Tie Dative conssesions ( Maxcamay (Dar wz7ea (awTepecto)... Ma iauny (Oat) lune, Manpamy 1De:)) uyxno (womuo, nema) .. The Genitive construetiat ‘Yamuna iGenj c The Accusative construction: ‘Mamssmma (Accus.) soayr BEST COPY AVAILABLE: Russian Language Competencies 270 Grammar © Noun endings in the Sir lar ‘This table is detailed, but still there are some exceptions which do not follow the ‘general rules, especially formation of Nom. plural and Gen. plural. Masculine consonant an i a HNomin =o ma. if Genitive = A. Nomin ~8, her RRMA -e oa H, ni, A, if Nomin beni Dative” “¥ftiomin 6 240, fNomin -e 2 37 : | 40, ifhomin pit. Kecitadive”™” [as Ger. yanmar ‘5 Nom, yf inanimate 40. ifNomin 8 Notes: 1. Nouns Geper, roa, et, Moer. no, cag, yroa, unkach in Prep. sing. after B, wa (location), end in -y! 8 aecy: 2. masc. nouns Geper, Bedep, 1-123, FOOL, FOpOA, AOM. Noes, BET in Nom. plural end ina: rasa: 3. ‘or the nouns raz, pas Gen. plural has no ending: mare pas; 4. masc. nouns in ~a, ~a (Mypamma) change Like ferninine nouns with the same endings; 5. in the noun new (Nom.) ~e is dropped in all other forms: 6. plurat for komeso is Koaena. for YxO — yon. Russian Language Competencies ] i 4 : aed bee 1. Open the brackets: Msuxmém (nam, mana, yamrems, TpamBalt). Kromérk (Sayama, spas, Hivan), Mamay ______________(entesbor, 6abymmxa, npas). ‘Mor onymiaem—_______ (ysumem, oren, pamzzo). ‘Mamma saract __________(pouan, rasera, sxypaan). Oren pasrosapmsaet¢ _______ Gienyama, ysesmmx, Ilacon). B stom Marasme uponaiot _______ (Ronaca, cusp, myxa, caxap). Buecs Her. (kon6aca, x1e6, caxap, Myxa). Oncworparsa —_______ (xacea, emma, Anna, surrpyma, I(xon). Bovommarasume eT (Raproxbeos, kantyeral Murrosogmeo — (reas, 20 aearasam). Ou urpator Ges. br, 1, Tx). ‘Yeurem cmorparsa —______(ampiiia, s, ysesnme, st). SLnoxynaio (anyer, cap, raers, xonGaca) spas MET K (Tel, YUETEN, yyunKa, i) Yroc (Hoan, Anna, 131)? 2, Use 2+ noun: Model: Bor Guxer. ~ Bor 2 Gunera. Words: sxypuan, cry, 6ankon 3. Compose sentences: Model: Xne6 ects. ~ Xne6a wer. Words: Myka, kaprorens, xon6aca, csp, caxap 4, Change negative into affirmative: 1. B marasune ner xanycrst. 2. Y mac noma aer Kaproens. 3. Secs Her MarasHna. 4, B marasmne wer x1e6a, 5. Open the brackets: 1..B xpaprape 3 (Ganxox). ZY acd 3. Ha Gankone 2 4. Ha nameit yauue 3 ___ 5. A punky Tomko 2 6. Use the correct form: 1.01 spec (seraepr) 2. Tixor ram 3. Oren sausr fo (axa) 4, ¥ weroc___"___(Boexpeceaie) Gommr ropzo. 5. A anrraio ry Kemary © (nouenemssK). 6. Mist cBoGont 10 (eropsmx). Russian Language Competencies cr 222 Grammar 7. Open the brackets: 1. A ummy mceuo (wars). 2. Auna IpesxkaeT co cBoeit (fo"%m). 3. Matece novoman sto —(znoers). 4, Tlowramon crour y 5 & Answer the question: Oryza om ener? Words: marasm, paSora, Gombiua, Mockwa, kuuorearp 9, Answer using words in brackets: 2. Korma mpsener Bama cecrpa? (apr nom oxrabpe, 3, Korma erm ne yaares 8 mxore? (ion, stom, azrycr) 10, Learn the poem for prepositional. Pacckaxare, Ie Bbi GbuTH, Ecmm gsi ne nosa6sum. ‘Baum mpi Ba cbakyubTere, HB cromosol, w» Oydere, 'B Marasane OBUIM, B UIKoNe, Ha pexe, Batecy, HB nOKe, 1B Kapraunoliranepee, up Tearpe, 1B Myce, a Xomepre, Ha GareTe, BAPKe, b YEMBepcHTeTe, wp Oaccettzte noCeiBarH. sen custo ex yore. 1.Korga sinoemere ormixar,? (nom om = Russian Language Competencies 266 Grammar ‘Noun endings in the Plurat masculine “ -BifNon. sng. ty ~il Nominative Genitive | on Ci, fom sing. inh ii ome sing aio m9 inv wefan singin “i | in me 8B, whon sressed es, gher B, when lems stressed 9%, sf Nom sing. in by =i mx, if Nom. sing. inve fier KDA “8, if Nom. sing, int. —b 1. Write the plural form of the nouns: nner - SyrepOpon — nepentia - sopocT, - Caan = xouera = amon = 3y6 - ppat - ‘emma - camontr = ope - yarrenmiaa — ‘ome S mop a sao = Maras - aauThe ~ sa6K - ‘panera - Language Competencies

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