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St Catherine's Waverley

Electromagnet demonstration
Written by: N Z immerman

Commenced on: 8 Nov 2010

Expires: 8 Feb 2012

Classes for which experiment is required

Teacher: N Z immerman (us er code 1)

Year Group: 8



Lab 2


Items to be prepared by laboratory technician (user code 1)


wires with alligator clips
navigational compas s
iron nail wrapped with ins ulated wire

Procedure or reference, including variations

Students obs erve teacher demons tration of an electromagnet

powerpack - electricity s ource. Rias k of electrocution. Do't us e near water, don't lets tduents touch the equipment. Do not
touch any expos ed wires /metal

I have read and unders tood the potential hazards and s tandard handling procedures of all the equipment, chemicals
and living organis ms .
I have read and unders tood the Material Safety Data s heets for all chemicals us ed and produced.
I have copies of the Material Data Sheets of all the chemicals available in or near the laboratory.

Risk assessment
I have cons idered the ris ks of:
explos ion
chemicals in eyes
inhalation of gas /dus t
chemicals on s kin
runaway reaction

breakage of equipment
cuts from equipment
s harp objects
rotating equipment
vibration and nois e
pres s ure

electrical s hock
es cape of pathogens
heavy lifting
s lipping, tripping, falling
falling objects
heat and cold

was te dis pos al
inappropriate behaviour
s pecial needs
other ris ks

Certication by teacher
I have as s es s ed the ris ks as s ociated with performing this experiment in the clas s room on the bas is of likelihood and
cons equences us ing the School's ris k-level matrix, according to Aus tralia/New Z ealand/International Organization for
Standardization Standard AS/NZ S ISO 31000:2009 and the Ris k Management Guidelines , HB 436:2004. I have found that
all the ris ks are "low ris k". Ris ks will therefore be managed by "routine procedures " in the clas s room.
Electronic Signature: N Z immerman

Date: 8 Nov 2010

You have provided an electronic signature which is the equivalent of signing your name with a pen and as such will
constitute a legally binding agreement between the relevant parties. We can give no warranty in respect to fraud or
security breach resulting from the use of an electronic signature.

Certication by laboratory technician

I have as s es s ed the ris ks as s ociated with preparing the equipment, chemicals and living organis ms for this experiment
and s ubs equently cleaning up after the experiment and dis pos ing of was tes , on the bas is of likelihood and cons equences
us ing the School's ris k-level matrix, according to Aus tralia/New Z ealand/International Organization for Standardization
Standard AS/NZ S ISO 31000:2009 and the Ris k Management Guidelines , HB 436:2004. I have found that all the ris ks are
"low ris k". Ris ks will therefore be managed by "routine procedures " in the laboratory.



Monitoring and review

This ris k as s es s ment will be monitored us ing comments below and will be reviewed within 15 months from the date of

Attach further pages as required

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