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Pop Art: Warhol and Lichtenstein

For this project I have chosen to look Warhol in this the sixties created “Soup Cans” fectively as stated by Harrison and “understood
at two pioneers of sixties movement Pop which created a buzz which was “triggered as a representation of printed matter”. Dur-
Art, Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. by an article in Times magazine” (Galenson ing the period “Whaam” (1963) is based on an
These two artists both made a name for 2009, p.84) making him into “The leader of a image from ‘All American Men of War’ at the
themselves in the sixties, particularly for dominant new art movement” (Galenson p.84). time of this painting there were tensions be-
the style of their works and through this During this stage of Warhol’s career he could tween the United States and the Soviet Union.
timeline I will display their progress and afford to have a personal assistant, Gerard This theme of war and military carried on to
development within the sixties. Malanga. Being in an informal design team the following year.
has its perks of having someone to scrutinize
PopArt was a movement that had two the work and help with additional changes. It Reoccurring themes is an aspect worn by
sides the “euphoric, progress-orientated raises a question of who really is the driving both artist as Warhol reinvented his “soup
prospects” and “pessimistic outlook on force of the project? I think that as an artist can”(1962) into “soup can multicolored” (1965).
the other” (Osterwald p.6). There was a he is about sharing his ideas and it may not This image to me sums up what Pop art is;
Pre-Pop period and which progressed to matter about the authorship but “what it does having an image and reinventing it with an en-
where Warhol and Lichtenstein were con- and how it does it” (Bierut M. et al 1997). ergetic style bring new life to the image coin-
sidered to have been part of the “com- ciding with Warhol’s idea that “what mattered
mercial art, design and poster painting” Warhol’s work from 1962 onwards saw him use was not the appearance of the work but the
(Osterwald p.88). During this period Pop mechanical techniques in his process. Instead idea that motivated them”(p.84 Galenson 2009).
Art became a “reaction against abstract of having meticulously producing his work War-
expressionism” (Galenson p.269), which hol would use photographic images and create
was the movement in prior years. Re- innovative serial forms, which is clearly seen in
search carried out by Galenson refers his work “Blue electric chair” and “Elvis I and
to a Warhol (1963) quote stating “The II”. His ideology behind was that “what mat-
reason I am painting this way is that I tered was not the appearance of the work but
want to be a machine”, this being a bla- the idea that motivated them”(p.84 Galenson
tant attempt to rouse an audience whose 2009).
goal is self-expressionism. His controversy
didn’t stop at provoking his critics he Relatively during the same period Lichtenstein
was an artist who openly liked money. was also at a boom stage in his career. He
Galenson goes on to say that Warhol started creating comic style frames in large
“yearned for the power to transmute proportion. His use of ben-day dots was not
everything he touched into something of only effective in his work but he was also
greater financial worth.” able to communicate his work simply and ef-
ANDY WARHOL 1949 becomes a 1953 Wins Gold 1958 After
Bachelor of Fine Medal from Art seeing Jas-
Arts and moves to Director’s Club per Johns
New York and Robert
1941 starts Schen- 1956 Holds a Rauschen-
ley High School successful exhi- berg exhibi-
bition of Crazy tion decides
1945 graduates 1952 First Golden Slippers to be more
Born 6 August 1928 from Schenley High exhibition at drawing at the of an ap-
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania School Pittsburgh Hugo Gallery Bodley Gallery plied artist

1939 - 1945 World War 2

Born 27 October 193z 1943 Drafted 1951 Left 1957 Moves to

Manhatton, New York into U.S. Army for work in Oswega, New
Cleveland York after be-
1939 Studies at Art ing appointed As-
Student League 1949 Becomes Master sistant Professor
of Fine Arts and be- of Art at Oswega
1940 Enrols Ohio gan teaching at Ohio State University
State University State University

takes up

1962 “Campbell’s Soup Cans” 1963 “Blue Electric Chair” 1964 “Elvis I and II”

1958 Birth of Pop Art

1960 1962 “The Refrigerator” 1963 “Whaam” 1964 paint “As I opened fire”
es in
ty, New
1965 “Campbell’s
Soup multicoloured” 1966 “Cow Wallpaper” 1967 “Marilyn” 1974 “Chairman Mao”

1965 Paints “A Girl’s Picture” 1966 “Alka Seltzer” 1968 “Preparedness” 1974 “Foot Medication”
Bierut M., Drenttel W., Heller S., (1997)
Looking closer: Critical writings on
graphic design, New York: Allworth Press

Galenson D.W., (2009) Conceptual Revo-

lutions in the Twentieth – Century Art.
New York: Cambridge University Press

Harrison C., Wood P., (2003) Art in Theo-

ry, 1900 – 2000, An Anthology of Chang-
ing Ideas, USA: Blackwell Publishing

Osterwald T. (2007) Pop Art, Cologne:


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