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Procurement/Design, Supply, Erection, Stringing,
Testing & Commissioning of 132kV Transmission Line from
Golen Gol Hydropower Plant to Juti Lusht.and Grid Stations

Pile Foundation Design for Type A-E Tangent Tower 00- 20
At AM31-AM32 in the river Chitral :

1. Design Loads Computations,

2. Geotechnical Investigations, and
3. Pile Foundation Design Calculations



Consultant: FICHTNER-PES-DMC-BAK Consortium.

Contractor: NETRACON-NEIE/HOLLEY Consortium
Laboratory Testing: CMTL of WAPDA, Lahore.
Report prepared by:
Engr. Dr. Iqbal M. Sahotra- POIS Consultants
June 27, 2016

Table of contents:
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Vertical Dead Loads
1.3 Seismic Loads
1.4 E/Wire and Conductors Loads
1.5 Longitudinal Loads
1.6 Wind Loads
1.7 Snow/Ice Loads
1.8 Loads Combinations
1.9 Tower Geometry and Loads
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Transmission Line Route Soil Profile
2.3 Purpose and Scope of Work
2.4 Climate and Metrological Data
2.5 Exploratory Borings and Sampling
2.6 Test-pits and Sampling
2.7 Laboratory Testing
2.8 Geotechnical Evaluations
2.9 Allowable Bearing Capacity
2.10Foundation Design Recommendations
2.11General Comments and Limitations.



3.1 Introduction
3.2 Pile design forces and materials characteristics
3.3 Pile effective dead wt. and skin friction capacity for uplift stability.20
3.4 Pile Point Bearing Capacity and compression Stability. 21
3.5 Lateral Shear Force Stability.
3.6 Pile Strength Design.
3.7 Design of Bracing Beams.
3.8 Tower Leg Stub Anchorage
3.9 Scour consideration
Appendix-A: Borehole Logs and Test Pit Logs
Appendix-B: Laboratory Test Results
Appendix-C: Route Alignment/Soil Investigation Plan.



LOT-4 PAKAGE-1: Chitral

Page 1

Procurement/Design, Supply, Erection, Stringing,

Testing & Commissioning of 132kV Transmission Line from Golen Gol
Hydropower Plant to Juti Lusht.and Grid Stations

Pile Foundation Design for Type A-E Tangent Tower 00- 20

Angle At AM31-AM32 in the river Chitral :


Golen Gol Hydropower to Jutilush 132kV Transmission Line Tower
No. 44old/41new is located at midway of AM31 and AM32.
At AM31: deviation angle 210-29-54 right,
At AM32: deviation angle 500-10-19 left. ,
Back tower span 307.32m and
Front tower span 300.58m.
The site is 13m inside of left bank of the river Chitral, where bed
depth is 7.0m. River width bank to bank is about 500m. During
summer the river bed is normally dry.The whole stretch of 132kV
Transmission line route is along meandering and delta forming river
Chitral. The unique and critical location of the tower warrants the
use of 220kV Type A-E Tangent Tower 00-20 Angle. Complying
with the specifications recommended by NTDC/WAPDASPECIFICATION P-163:82 220 KV TRANSMISSION LINE
TOWERS: Amendment No. 1 dated : 15th 5 April, 1985-Earth Wire
and Conductors loads given are being used for the tower loading and
design of its foundation. The tower comprises basic body, no body
extension and leg extension of 8m. standing at 51.250m and with base
width 10.2m. These loadings are apparently heavier than that of for
132kV transmission Line and are on the safer side.
The 220 kV towers are designed to support ACSR-RAIL
Conductors each 29.61mm diameter unit wt. 1.599Kg/m and a
Earth wire 9mm diameter with unit wt. 0.289Kg/m.
We use the loads given in the Table-1.

1.2 Vertical Dead Loads:

Page 2
Reference: 220kV Tower 44/41 type A-E Design Geometry and
member sizes, Dwg. No. GGHP/NETRA/CHITRAL/CIV-01 Rev -00
by POIS Consultants-Chartered Engineers, Lahore, as following the
out-line design drawing of WAPDA 220kV Transmission Tower type
E-A by PECO/NEW INTECO, Milano Italy, Dwg. No. L/2022 Rev. b
Four-Piles Group Foundation is to be designed.
Loads transmitted to the base/foot of the tower:
The following loads-Dead Wt., Seismic, Wind, Conductors/Earth
Wire, and Snow/Ice- have been worked out as their amount and
points of application.
Dead Weights:
i ) Tower Dead Loads:
Tower is divided into following sections: See reference drawing.
i ) Top Apex-Triangular inclined faces:
Vertical face 1600x8850h.
Legs L60x60x6 6.93Kgm x 1.0096x8935x4 = 62.5 Kg
Bracing L45x45x3 2.09Kgm x1.0096x11436x4 = 96.5 .
=159 Kg
Add 5 % for attachments such gusset plates, laps etc
Total D1= 170Kg =1.7KN
And is applied at centre of mass, which lies at geometric
Centre,1/3 of height above bottom= 8.850/3=2.95m
ii ) Tower stem between Cross-arms:
Legs L90x90xx6 H 9.6Kgm:6.902x4x9.6
= 265Kg
L120x120x10H 18.2Kgm:5.502x4x18.2= 401Kg
Bracing L65x65x6H5.96Kgm x47.378x4
=1796 Kg
Add 5 % for attachments such gusset plates, laps etc
Total D2= 1900Kg= 19KN
And it acts at geometric centre/centre of mass of the
trapezium face/figure: At 5.874m above bottom.
iii ) Cross-arms:
Upper cross-arm-R: both wings
Legs/bracing L65x65x6 5.96Kgm x 41.02 x2=489 Kg
Add 5 % for attachments such gusset plates, laps etc
Total Dr= 514Kg =5.1KN

Page 3
And is applied at geometric Centre,1/3 of height above bottom=
1.400/3=0.467m above bottom
Middle Cross-arm-Y: both wings
Legs/bracing L65x65x6 5.96Kgm x 43.375 x2=517 Kg
Add 5 % for attachments such gusset plates, laps etc
Total Dy= 543Kg =5.4KN
And is applied at geometric Centre,1/3 of height above bottom=
1.700/3=0.567m above bottom
Lower Cross-arm-B: both wings
Legs/bracing L65x65x6 5.96Kgm x 45.468 x2=542 Kg
Add 5 % for attachments such gusset plates, laps etc
Total Db= 570Kg =5.7KN
And is applied at geometric Centre,1/3 of height above bottom=
1.700/3=0.567m above bottom
iv ) Tower basic body skirt:
Upper half:
Legs L130x130x11/12
= 991 Kg
Bracing L60x60x5/L65x65x6 = 1123 Kg .
=2114 Kg
Add 5 % for attachments such gusset plates, laps etc
Total D3= 2220Kg =22.2KN
And is applied at centre of mass, which lies at geometric
Centre,1/3 of height above bottom=4.767m
Lower half:
Legs L150x150x11/12
Bracing L75x75x6

= 1234 Kg
= 2207 Kg .

Add 5 % for attachments such gusset plates, laps etc
Total D4= 3613Kg =36.1KN
And is applied at centre of mass, which lies at geometric
Centre,1/3 of height above bottom=5.09m
v ) Leg Extension of 8.0m:
Legs L150x150x12
Bracing L75x75x6

= 947 Kg
= 3931 Kg .
=4878 Kg

Page 4

Add 5 % for attachments such gusset plates, laps etc

Total D5= 5122Kg =51.2KN
And is applied at centre of mass, which lies at geometric
Centre,2/3 of height above bottom=5.333m
Total dead wt. of tower:
Dtotal= D1+D2+Dr+Dy+Db+D3+D4+D5 = 146.4KN
Dead load on each foot of tower =36.6 KN
1.3 Seismic Loads:
UBC Code 1997 gives seismic zone 4 for Peshawer and the
same is taken for Chitral district. In simplified static force
procedure earthquake horizontal acceleration intensity for
seismic zone 4 shall be 0.4g and the corresponding earthquake
force to be applied at the center of gravity of the mass of the
Q Loads: KN
MomentM to foot of tower KNm
Q1= 1.7x0.4 = 0.70
x45.350 =
Q2= 19.0x0.4 = 7.60
x35.912 = 272.931
Qr= 5.1 x0.4 = 2.10
x41.400 = 86.940
Qy= 5.4x0.4 = 2.20
x36.067 =
Qb= 5.7x0.4 = 2.30
x30.536 =
Q3= 22.2x.4 = 8.88
x23.767 = 211.526
Q4= 36.1x0.4=14.44
x13.333 = 191.995
Q5= 51.2x0.4=20.48
x 5.333 = 109.327
Sum: D146.4
For tower base plan and X- Y- axes orientation, see Loads Layout
Horizontal Q- Shear=58.6 KN
Vertical Q couple force =1054.044/10.2 =103.338KN
1.4 Earth Wire and Conductors Loads:
Wt.of Earthwire and fittings for intact or broken Ewire.
DEwire = 2.7 KN
Wt.of conductor, insulator, strings and fittings for intact or
Broken conductor.
Dconductor =12.85KN

Page 5

Transverse Wind Loads:

On Earthwire intact, wind at normal =10.45KN
At 450 = 7.4KN
On earthwire broken, wind normal = 5.25KN
On Conductor intact normal wind =34.25KN
At 450 = 24.2KN
Conductor broken, wind normal = 18.05KN
1.5 Longitudinal Loads:
Due to line angle: not applicable
Due to wind at 450 on earth wire = 7.4KN
Due to wind at 450 on conductor = 24.2KN
1.6 Wind Loads:
NTDC/WAPDA specified Wind Loading for their Transmission
Lines and Hydropower projects such as Ghazi Brotha Hydropower
Project as:
i.) Maximum wind gusts velocity 50m/sec for 5 seconds acting
at a height of 10metres above ground level. This is basic
wind speed V in m/s.
ii.) Projected area of open frame lattice structures shall be of
near and far both faces.
iii) Wind speed V for higher altitude is given by:
V = 50(H/10 )1/7 where V is the wind speed in m/s and H is
the height above ground level in metres.
Dynamic wind pressure w = 0.613Vs2 N/m2.
Where Vs design wind speed in m/s =VS1S2S3
S1 = Topography factor- 1 for open area
S2 =Height factor = 1 for 10m height.
S3 =Life factor = 1
By calculations/tables wind pressure w = 1533N/m2 at 10m height
At height 21m above ground: V= 50(21/10)1/7 =55.6 m/sec
Wind design speed Vs = 55.6x1x1.06x1 = 58.936 m/s.
Wind pressure w =0.613(58.936)2 =2129 N/m2.
Likewise wind speed at 32m height V =59 m/sec
wind pressure at 32m height w =2535 N/m2.
wind speed at 44m height V =61.8 m/sec
wind pressure at 44m height w =2937 N/m2.
wind speed at 52m height V =63.3 m/sec

Page 6

wind pressure at 52m height w =3192 N/m2.

Transverse Wind Forces:

Applied on tower:
i ) Top Apex section:
Vertical projected area of legs and bracing = 3.174 m2.
Resultant wind force W1 = 3.174x3.192= 10.1KN
Acting at 8.850/3 = 2.95m above bottom.
ii ) Tower stem between Cross-arms:
Vertical projected area of legs and bracing = 11.284 m2.
Resultant wind force W2 = 11.284x2.937 = 33.1KN
Acting at centre of mass/geometric centre= 5.874m above
iii ) Cross-arms:
Upper cross-arm-R: Both wings
Vertical projected area of legs and bracing = 5.33 m2.
Resultant wind force Wr = 5.33x2.937 = 15.7KN
Acting at 1.400/3 = 0.467m above bottom.
Middle cross-arm-Y: Both wings
Vertical projected area of legs and bracing = 5.64 m2.
Resultant wind force Wy = 5.64x2.937 = 16.6KN
Acting at 1.700/3 = 0.567m above bottom.
Lower cross-arm-B: Both wings
Vertical projected area of legs and bracing = 5.91 m2.
Resultant wind force Wb = 5.91x2.937 = 17.4KN
Acting at 1.700/3 = 0.567m above bottom.
iv ) Tower basic body :
skirt upper half:
Vertical projected area of legs and bracing = 12.102 m2.
Resultant wind force W3 = 12.102x2.535 = 30.7KN
Acting at geometric centre 4.767m above bottom.
skirt lower half:
Vertical projected area of legs and bracing = 18.129.0 m2.
Resultant wind force W4 = 18.129x2.129 = 38.6KN
Acting at geometric centre 5.09m above bottom.

Page 7

V) Leg Extension:
Vertical projected area of legs and bracing = 25.2 m2.
Resultant wind force W4 = 25.2x1.533 = 38.6KN
Acting at geometric centre 5.333 above bottom.
Looking at wind forces and earthquake forces acting at
common points shown on Loads drawing clearly indicate
that wind forces significantly prevail over earthquake forces.
So the design of the tower and its foundation shall be governed
by the wind loads combinations with other loads. Hence in
design load combinations earthquake forces shall not be
1.7 Snow/Ice Loads:
They are blown off and their dead loads are insignificant in face of
critical speed wind blowing.
1.8 Load Combinations:
Case-I: All conductors and earthwire installed and intact, wind
transverse at normal:
Loads/forces transferred to the tower base:
Total Vertical loads :
Cols. A & B Cols. C & D
D wt. of tower and cross arms: + 36.6KN
+ 36.6KN
D wt. of Ewire and conductors: + 20.0KN
+ 20.0KN

Due to wind on tower

Due to wind on conductors -242.7KN


Total Shear forces: :

Due to wind on tower

+50.2 KN
+50.2 KN
Due to wind on conductors + 54.0 KN + 54.0 KN
+ 104.2 KN + 104.2 KN
Case-II: Same as case-I, but any one Ewire or conductor is
broken. Total vertical load remains the same. Only Ewire or any
conductor broken, the transverse wind force is reduced as:
On Ewire from 105Kg to 525Kg and on conductor from 3425Kg to

Page 8

This results significant decrease of over turning moment making

tower and more stable. So, case II is not critical and does not
govern for the design of the tower and its foundation.
Case-III: Same as case-I, but blowing instead diagonally at
450.On tower and cross arms the wind face area is increased
by2sin450= 2x0.707 =1.414 times. Consequently the horizontal
shear force and the over turning moment are increased to 1.414
In 450 wind on Ewire and conductors the wind face projected area
is decreased by sin450 =0.707to that of wind normal transverse
value. Thus, for 450 wind diagonal forces are:
Diagonal wind on tower and cross arms:
Total wind force = 200.9x1.414= 284.1KN
On each column.=284.1/4 =71.0KN
Over turning moment =4951.1x1.414 = 7000.8KNm
Diagonal couple force= 7000.8/14.425 =485.3KN
Diagonal wind on Ewire and conductors:
Total wind force= 215.95x0.707 = 152.677KN
On each column = 152.677/4 =38.2 KN
Total wind force = 200.9x1.414= 284.1KN
Over turning moment = 8741.379x0.707 = 5543.855KNm
Diagonal couple force =5543.855/14.425 = 384.3KN
Loads/forces transferred to the tower base:
Total vertical loads: KN Cols. A

D wt. of tower and cross arms: + 36.6 + 36.6 + 36.6

D wt. of Ewire and conductors: + 20.0 + 20.0 + 20.0
Due to wind on tower
Due to wind on conductors

- 485.3


- 384.3
-813.2KN + 56.6 +926.0

Total horizontal Shear forces: :

Due to wind on tower
Due to wind on conductors
Sum KN



+ 36.6
+ 20.0


Page 9

Critical forces are significantly increased to that of case-I.Thus,

case-III, wind blowing at 450 is critical and governs the design of
the tower and its foundation.
Case-IV: Same as case-I, with wind blowing transverse, only one
circuit is installed. In this case dead load is re4duced by 3conductors wt. On each col. Reduction = 3x12.85/4 = 9.6KN
Moments due to wind:
On Ewire
= 10.45 x51.250 = 535.563 KN
On 1 conductor-R = 34.25x41.125 = 1408.531
On 1 conductor-Y = 34.25x35.500 = 1408.531
On 1 conductor-B = 34.25x30.038 = 1408.531
Moment due to eccentric dead loads of condusdtors
= 12.85x4.750 = 61.038 KNm
= 12.85x4.900 = 62.965 KNm
= 12.85x5.200 = 66.825 KNm
= 4379.594KNm
Couple force: =4379.591/10.2 =429.371 KN
Force on each col. = 429.371/2 = 214.7KN
Loads/forces transferred to the tower base:
Total Vertical loads :
Cols. A & B Cols. C & D
D wt. of tower and cross arms: + 36.6KN
+ 36.6KN
D wt. of Ewire and conductors: + 20.0KN
+ 20.0KN
3-conductors not installed - 9.6
Due to wind on tower
-384.4KN +384.4KN
Due to wind on conductors -214.7KN +214.7IN
-552.3KN +645.9.7IN
Horizontal wind shear force on 3-conductors not installed:
= 34.25x3 = 102.75IN
On each col. Reduction of wind shear = 102.75/4 = 25.7KN
Resultant wind shear on each col.
Tower and cross arms +50.2 KN
Double circuit installed +54.0
Less one circuit
+118.5 KN
We minutely examine, observe, and conclude that case-III loads
combination is overall critical and governs the design of the tower
and its foundation. Anyhow in consideration of slightly higher
shear force in Case-IV 118.5KN , say 120KN is adopted instead of
shear force 107.2KNin case-III.

Page 10

Page 11

Page 12


LOT-4 PAKAGE-1: Chitral
Procurement/Design, Supply, Erection, Stringing,
Testing & Commissioning of 132kV Transmission Line from Golen Gol
Hydropower Plant to Juti Lusht. and Grid Stations

Pile Foundation Design for Type A-E Tangent Tower 00- 20

Angle At AM31-AM32 in the river Chitral :

2.1. Introduction:
The Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) has undertaken the
construction of the Golen Gol Hydropower Project in the valley of Chitral (KPK
Province of Pakistan). It is about 30km upstream of Chitral town and 405km from
Islamabad. The project is to provide Procurement, Design, Supply, Construction,
Erection, Testing and Commissioning of the following four components:i.

132kV Grid Station at Chitral..


73km long, 132kV Double Circuit Transmission Line from 132kV

Switchyard at Golen Gol to Mirkhani having in/out arrangement of one
circuit of 31.17Km 132kV Transmission Line to Chitral Grid Station.


40km long, 132kV Double Circuit Transmission Line from Mirkhani to

Chukia Tan.


132kV interconnection between Golen Gol Hydropwer Plant and 132kV

Switch Yard at Golen Gol gantries including down-droppers to Generator
Transformer HT bushing terminations (1 km).


132 kV Double Circuit Transmission Line from Golen Gol Hydropower

Plant to Juti Lusht.

The main objective of the transmission line project is the dispersal of the generation
of 108 MW electricity to be generated by hydropower project at Golen Gol. This will
bring a bit relief to the increasing demand of electricity in the country.

Page 13
This project has been awarded to NETRACON-NEIE/HOLLEY Consortium. The
consultants for this project are Golen Gol Hydropower Project Consultants a joint
venture of FICHTNER, PES, DMC and BAK. This report specifically deals with the
recommendations of the Soil Characteristics essentially required for the design of
foundations for various types of towers of the transmission line between Golen Gol
Hydropower Plant and Chitral Grid Station.

2.2 Transmission Line Route Soil Profile.

132 kV Double Circuit Transmission Line from Golen Gol Hydropower Plant to Juti
Lusht runs along the river Chitral. The whole stretch of land is on the South of
meandering and delta forming river Chitral. The surface soil, up to depth of 4.00m
below NSL is predominantly silty sand with scattered gravel ranging from 1cm to
10cm in size. The NSL level is the river bed 13m in side of the left bank and 7m
below the river bank. For 5m to 30m depth the lab sieve analysis tests on samples at
5m , 10m, 20m and 30m depth define the soil as predominantly sand (90%), silt less
than (10% ), negligibly scattered gravel ranging from 2cm to 16cm sizes. Pile
foundation for other reasons as well has been adopted and a single soil profile of
sand is considered for the whole depth of 30m and below. Lab tests give Cohesion
C=0.0MPa and the angle of internal friction = 300.

2.3 Purpose and Scope of Work

The purpose of soil field exploration and laboratory testing is to obtain information
useful for:i). Selection of type and depth of foundations.
ii). Determining Allowable Bearing Capacity for the selected foundations and
iii). Safe guarding against excessive settlement.
The design loads on transmission line towers are manageable normally. Hence, by
shallow field explorations together with laboratory tests the required soil
characteristics and finally Allowable Bearing Capacity for the design of foundations
are determined. The scope of work included:i.

Field Exploration: Boreholes, Test Pits, in-situ Testing, and Sampling.

Laboratory Testing, and
Page 14


analysis of the data gathered in the field and laboratory including preparation
of geotechnical report.

This report contains brief description of various phases of the exploration and of the
subsurface soil strata encountered during the investigation. Boreholes , test pits logs
and laboratory test results are presented under Appendices following the text.

2.4 Climate and Metrological Data:

Chitral District is in the Northern Region of Khyber Pakhtun Khawa province of
Pakistan. As per Internet information Chitral District has a typically continental
steppe climate with average annual precipitation ranging from 100mm in the North
and 23mm in the South. Average 16.5 inches rainfall per year. Heavy snowfall
happens. Snowfall cuts the Chitral Town from the outside world for most of the year.
Maximum temperature 30 C in the month of July and minimum temperature less
than 0 C in the month of January. Metrological Data by Pakistan Metrological
Department is attached hereto. According to this information: Minimum temperature
in the period 2006-2014: year 2006 -11.7 C in the month of January. Highest
snowfall during the period 2011-2014: year 2011 11.4 inches in the month of
February. The various sources information is normally inconsistent to the extent of
great variations. Grid Station being the highest degree essential facility design
provisions be made for most critical situation with importance factor Ip defined in
UBC Code 1997 not less than 1.25. Wind Speed as per NTDC requirement for many
of its Grid Station, as maximum wind gusts velocity of 50m/sec, for 5 seconds acting
at a height of 10 meteres above ground level. UBC Code 1997 gives seismic zone 4
for Peshawer and the same is taken for Chitral district. In simplified static force
procedure earthquake horizontal acceleration intensity for seismic zone 4 shall be
0.4g and the corresponding earthquake force to be applied at the center of gravity of
the mass of the structure.

2.5 Exploratory Borings and Sampling.

The borings were advanced using straight rotary drilling rig. The Standard
Penetration Tests (SPT) were performed as per ASTM D1586 using split spoon
sampler in gravel free soils. The test is not well adapted to gravel deposits/strata and
Page 15

instead CPT- Cone Penetration TestASTM D3441, were performed replacing split
spoon sampler with dummy solid cone, at every one meter interval.
Detailed description of the subsurface soils encountered and the depths at which
samples were taken are given on the borehole logs presented under Appendix-A.

2.6 Test Pits and Sampling.

If the foundations bed soil material found to be inconsistent /incompatible with that of
predicted by bore hole, test pits logs and their laboratory tests

the individual cases

essentially be reviewed specifically. Detailed description of the subsurface soils encountered

and the depths at which samples were taken are given on the test pit logs presented under
2.7 Laboratory Testing.
Selected representative subsurface soil samples were tested in the Central Materials Testing
Laboratory of WAPDA at Lahore to determine the physical and engineering characteristics.
Following tests were conducted:

Grain Size Analysis

Atterberg Limits

Bulk Density

Point Load Strength Index

Laboratory test results are presented in Appendix-B.

2.8 Geotechnical Evaluations.

Subsurface conditions revealed through boring and test pits along the transmission
line are significantly inconsistent/dissimilar, and are to be dealt with individually for
its specific conditions and location. The Unified soil classification system (USCS) of
Table-2 has been standardized by ASTM as D 2487. Using Table-2: Unified soil
classification (Casagrande 1948) we classify the soil strata for Tower 44 old/43new
site - as predominantly sand for 5m to 30m depth the lab sieve analysis tests on
samples at 5m , 10m, 20m and 30m depth define the soil as predominantly sand
(90%), silt less than (10% ), negligibly scattered gravel ranging from 2cm to 16cm
sizes. The soil classification sub-group is SP- poorly graded sand, as is indicated by
the grain size distribution curves, which are not fairly smooth enough.

Page 16

3.1 UBC-1997: Soil Profiles and Seismic Zones:

The procedure for determining the soil profile types SA through SF as per Uniform
Building Code- 1997 is tabulated below:TABLE 16-j-SOIL PROFILE TYPES







Shear Wave

(30.480m) of soil profile

Undrained shear

Velocity, VS

Penetration Test, N

strength, NU psf

feet /second

[ or NCH for



cohesionless soil
(blows/foot )


Hard Rock




2500 to 5000


Very Dense Soil and Soft




(760 to 1500)
1200 to 2500

> 50


Stiff Soil Profile

(360 to 760)
600 to 1200

15 to 50

1000 to 2000


Soft Soil Profile

(180 to 360)
< 600


(50 to 100)


(180 )
Soil Requiring Site specific Evaluation

(50 )

Exception: When the soil properties are not known in sufficient detail to determine
the soil profile type, Type SD should be used.
The classified soil- poorly graded sand subgroup SP ; and from bore logs average
number of blows of SPT/CPT are 15 to 50. This data enables us to find the right type
of foundation profile by referring to Table 16-j of soil profile types. We are able to
select stiff soil profile SD. And the corresponding seismic coefficient can be worked
out as per UBC Code 1997.
3 AND 4:Page 17

In seismic Zones 3 and 4 the further requirements of this section shall apply to the
design and construction of foundations, foundation components, and the connection
of supper structure elements to the foundation.
District Chitral is located in the highest seismic activity area i.e. Zone 4 on the basis
of Revised Seismic Provisions of Building Code of Pakistan (2007). This corresponds
to peak horizontal ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.32g.

2.9 Allowable Bearing Capacity and other soil characteristics

Computations and Recommendations:For this tower specific site. the soil classification sub-group is SP-poorly graded
sand. .
Table 4.8 Bowles Book
Presumptive bearing capacity from indicated building codes: kPa: As per UBC
For Sand, compact and clean; Sand, compact and silty; and Sand gravel mixture
allowable bearing capacity is:
qa = 200 kPa
=4175 psf = 1.864 Tons per ft2.
To be conservative the presumptive allowable bearing capacity may be reduced by
20% to be on the safer side. Therefore:
qa = 1.864 x 0.8 = 1.4912 Tons per ft2.
Since with wind or earthquake load combinations an increase of 33.33% is
permissible therefore the net allowable working bearing capacity is
qa = 1.4912 x 1.333 = 1.9883 = 2 Tons per ft2.
Table 4-2. Dunham Book
Classification of supporting soils and allowable bearing pressures
Class 10: Fine, medium, coarse sand: qa =2 Tons per ft2. Maximum. To be
conservative the presumptive allowable bearing capacity may be reduced by 25% to
be on the safer side. Therefore:
qa = 2 x 0.75 = 1.5 Tons per ft2.

Page 18
Since with wind or earthquake load combinations an increase of 33.33% is
permissible therefore the net allowable working bearing capacity is
qa = 1.5 x 1.333 = 2 Tons per ft2.
Bulk density tests given in the Appendix-B give:
Bulk Density = 2.6 gm/cm3 = 26 kN/m3
Ground Water Table (GWT): Submerged conditions..
Shear Strength:
A number of direct shear tests on disturbed samples extracted from 5m and 30m
depth have been performed in the laboratory. The sum-up of all the direct shear tests
is:Cohesion c = 0.0 KPa.
Angle of shear resistance = 300. .
Since with wind or earthquake load combinations an increase of 33.33% is

2.10 Foundation Design Recommendations:This tower foundation has been decided to pile foundation because it would be
lying in the running river Chitral. Additional loads due to river water flow and
submerged conditions have to be considered. Pile Foundation Design Calculations
are presented in detail in the next section 3.hereaftfer.


The analysis and recommendations submitted in this report are based on the
site information, results gathered from borings and test pits at the location of
tower as shown on the Route Plan Appendix-C. There may be slight variation
of these locations. Hence, all construction operations of earthwork and
foundations be carried out by the qualified and experienced personnel.
If there is substantial changes of conditions due to natural causes or
construction activities at or around the site, this report essentially be got
reviewed to determine the applicability of the conclusions and
recommendations already reported.

This report has been specifically prepared for the design of pile foundation of
220kV Type A-E Tangent Tower 00 -20 angle located, as stated earlier, at M31
AM32. of 132kV Transmission Line from Golen Gol Hydropower Plant to
Juti Lusht of this Project (Lot-4) Pakaage-1 only. The geological data, test
results and elaboration statements should not be used for any other structure
and site.
Page 19


LOT-4 PAKAGE-1: Chitral
Procurement/Design, Supply, Erection, Stringing,
Testing & Commissioning of 132kV Transmission Line from Golen Gol
Hydropower Plant to Juti Lusht.and Grid Stations

Pile Foundation Design for Type A-E Tangent Tower 00- 20

Angle At AM31-AM32 in the river Chitral :
3.1 Introduction:
The transmission line is 132kV, But, for this particular tower location, and for many a
good reasons Type A-E Tangent Tower 00-20 Angle has been decided to be installed.
The tower shall lie at AM31-AM32, location of the 132kV transmission line in the
river Chitral , about 13m from thfe left bank,.with river bed level being 7m below the
bank top. The natural surface is apparently silty sand with little percentage of gravel.
The sub soil down to the depth of 30m as per bore logs record is fairly clean poorly
graded sand of classification SP. The soil profile appears to be consistent and of same
nature further down as well. The mountainous region is extremely cold in winter with
a lot of torrential rains, floods, snow fall, earthquake jolting and the resulting
landslides. The region lies in the seismic zone-4. The hydrological history of the river
Chitral is little known. Anyhow to do the things, past unrecorded experience and
recent observations are relied upon. To start with, the river bank top is considered
datum NSL 0.000m and the vertical levels shall be referred to accordingly. HFL is
assumed +1.000m and free board of 500mm is provided to the underside of the tie
beams for unhindered flow of water during floods.

3.2 Pile Design forces and materials characteristics:

The pile design forces have been computed in section-1DESIGN LOADS
COMPUTATIONS: The critical design forces on a pile are:Vertical forces:
Compression = +926KN
= -813KN
Horizontal shear force
= 120KN
Pile Section: =1220mm
Rebars: =12mm and above Grade 60: fy=60000psi =414N/mm2
=10mm stirrups and spiral Grade 60: fy=40000psi
Structural concrete design cylinder strength:
f c = 4000psi 28 N/mm2
But, importantly, construction shall be made in
f c = 5000psi 35 N/mm2
Page 20

for many unknown factors not catered for and extreme perpetual
aggressive environment.
River bed level at site -7.000m.
Pile embedment into the below river bed = 40m.
Soil characteristics determined /ascertained in the Section-2:
GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS; are:Bulk density = 2.6gm/cm3 = 26KN/m3.
Cohesion: C = 0.0 kPa Angle of Internal Friction = 25
Submerged = 2.6/2 = 1.3gm/cm3 = 13KN/m3.
3.3 Pile effective Dead Wt. and Skin Friction Capacity
for uplift stability.
Pile cross section area A=1.2202/4 = 1.169m2..
Pile submerged mass.: 1.169x50x23/2 = 672KN
Skin friction capacity of embedded length of the Pile:
is given by:
Qult =2RL(z+q)ktan
Where: Qult =Ultimate capacity.
R = radius =0.610m
L= Total embedded length =40.0m
Z= depth of embedded length c.g.=20.0m
= unit mass of soil .
dryness of soil around pile shaft in flood is doubtful.
To be on the safer side consider submerged unit mass
of the soil= 26/2 =13KN/m3
q= permanent surcharge load = 0.0
k= lateral earth pressure coefficient = 1
= angle of internal friction 250.
Qult = 18575KN
For allowable skin friction capacity activated for uplift
Stability cannot be much relied upon and the failure could be
Disastrous, Hence, much higher reliable factor of safety is
Warranted. Safely consider FOS as 5. Therefore:Qa = 18575/5 = 3715KN
Total uplift resisting force available = 3715+ 672 KN
= 4387N
FOS for uplift stability is 4387/813 = 5.4 > 3
O.K .
Page 21

3.4 Pile point bearing capacity and Compression Stability:

Pile point bearing capacity in granular soil is given by:
Qult =R2(DNq + 0.6RN)+2Rhfs.
Where: Qult =Ultimate capacity.
R = radius =0.610m
D= Total embedded length =40.0m
h= depth of embedded length of pile tip = D
= unit mass of soil .
dryness of soil around pile shaft in flood is doubtful.
To be on the safer side consider submerged unit mass
of the soil= 26/2 =13KN/m3
= angle of internal friction 250.
Nc. Nq, N = Bearing capacity coefficients for = 250.
from tables as 25, 15, and 10 respectively.
fs. = (D-h/2) tan =121 = angle of internal friction 250.
Qult = 27724KN
Qa = 27724/3 =9241KN
Total compression:
Dead wt.+ wind
= 926KN
Bracing Beam B1= 0.6x1.5x24x9
Bracing Beam B2= 0.5x1.0x24x4.243 = 51KN
Total =1171KN
FOS against Compression 9241/1171 = 7.9>> 3O.K .
Further, as any settlement begins counter skin friction is
activated and compression stability is further enhanced.
Therefore OK.
3.5 Lateral Shear Force Stability:
Horizontal shear force at pile head = 120KN
In follow up of AASHTO Specifications:
Stream current force
Pavg =kv2 .
With normal flood stream current velocity 3m/s,

Ptotal = 0.1KN which is insignificant to be added

Dynamic floating ice force:in the order of 100psi=0.7KPa.
Ptotal = 0.8KN which is also insignificant to be added
Any how we may increase the horizontal shear force by 5KN.
Scour depth is assessed to be 2m below bed level. Passive earth pressure at
3dia pile =3.6m depth:is :
P = z 1+sin250 = zx2.46KPa
=115.2z KPa/m depth
Page 22

Pressure spread over 3dia pile width

Ptotal = 115.2x3.6x3x1.2/2 KN
= 746.5KN
Allowable Ptotal = 746.5/3 = 248.8KN

>> 125KN O.K .

Moment of shear force at 2-third depth:
M = 125x2.4 =300KNm
And the reinforcement has been provided for.
3.6 Pile Strength Design as column:
Dia of pile =1220mm
No specific reinforcement requirement except whole pile concrete
confinement to one unit for effective uplift resisting dead weight.
Anyhow, as column strength design f c=4000psi=28N/mm2.
Rebars Grade 60 fy =414N/mm2.
For a column: As= 1% Con. Sec. minimum.
=8% Con. Sec. maximum.
Use 2132 As = 21x804.2.= 16888mm2.
Acon = 1168986 mm2.
Steel %age = 1.4% O.K
Spiral 10@75pitch Grade 40 fy =276N/mm2.
Ratio = spiral vol. per pitch = 0.004>0.003min.O.K .
Con. Vol. per pitch
Pile strength design as a column.
Vertical Load = 1171KN
kL/r =2x12.4
= 81 <100

Second order analysis not required, nor moment magnification

not needed. And column is designed as short column. The pile
section size is quite large Loadings is comparatively small and
Circular column design charts are not applicable .Basic strength
F the couple force of moment300KNm is 300KN. One 32 bar
at each end is sufficient at steel yield stress ot to take the
moment 300KNm. Moment application could be in any direction
So 4 bars are set aside of the this moment only . and pile
compression capacity is calculated with only 16 32 bars.. Thus:
Pu =0.35f cAc +0.67Asfy..
Page 23

= 0.5x28x1.169x106 + 0.67x12867x414

+ 3569

With reduction factor Pu=0.85x15025= 12771KN
Pa= 12771/3KN
= 4257KN>> 1171KN


O.K .

Design of Bracing beams:

1. Beam B1:
bxd =600x1500 mm .
Dead load D=06x1.5x24
For bracing beam B1 to be extra strong
Consider additional live load L=100KN/m
Factored load U= 1.4x21.6 +1.6x100 =190.24=200KN/m say
M= 200x9.62/8 = 1304KNm
Mu= 0.9x0.2f cbd2 = 5511 >> 2304KNmO.K .
M/Mu= 2304 = 0.0.42

Z0 = 0.91

As= 2304x 106

= 5207 mm2
As min= 0.25x600x1350 = 2025 mm2
Use 11- 25 (490.9) As= 5400 mm2
> 5207mm2 O.K .
Vmax = 200x9.6
v = 960 x 1000 =

960 KN

600 x 1350
Page 24

With 5- 25
P =
2455 x 100
600x 1350

= 1.5 %

Vc = 0.9 N/ mm2
Use pairs of 2 10 stirrups
@ = 78.5x4x0.87x276 = 209 mm
600( 1.5 - 0.9 )
Use pairs of 2 10 stirrups 10 stirrups @ 200 throughout
2. Beam B2:
bxd =500x1000 mm .
Dead load D=0.5x1.0x24
For bracing beam B2 to be extra strong
Consider additional live load L=50KN/m
Factored load U= 1.4x12+1.6x50=100KN/m
M= 100x52/8 = 313KNm
Mu= 0.9x0.2f cbd2 = 1821> > 188KNm O.K .
M/Mu= 313 = 0.2

Z0 = 0.91

As= 313x 106

= 1136mm2
As min= 0.25x500x850 = 1063 mm 2
Use 6 25 (490.9) As= 2945 mm2
> >1136mm2 O.K .
Vmax = 100x5.0
v = 250 x 1000 =
500 x 850

250 KN

Page 25

With 4- 25
P =
1964 x 100
= 0.5 %
500x 850
Vc = 0.9 N/ mm2 >0.6N/mm2O.K .
no shear stirrups required
Use pairs of 2 10 stirrups @300 throughout
Tower leg stub anchorage:
Tower leg stub anchor base plate 300x300 down into the concrete
2000mm. Tower leg stub and its base plate strong enough (by
steel tower designer ) needs to be checked for its pullout from the
concrete . Concrete pullout cone is 600mm radius and 2000 mm
vertical height;
Therefore shear rupture surface =rs = 600x2088= 4x106 mm2.
Ultimate shear strength vc= 0.9N/mm2.
Pullout resisting force Pult = 0.9x4x106 =3600KN.
Pa = 3600/3 =1200KN >813KN O.K .

Scour consideration:

The undermining of pile foundation by the scouring action of the

flowing water is one of the serious dangers to be guarded against. and
warrants care study of the problem in this regard. This necessitates,
along with other provisions of protection, ensuring unobstructed flow
of water during floods. Fine and medium sand are disturbed to
considerable depth, moved downstream during a flood and then
replaced by new and similar deposits as the current decreased. The
transporting power of rapidly moving water is tremendous. During a
flood, boulders and gravel, as is the case of the Chitral river bed, may
be disturbed to a considerable depth. A 25mm cubical piece would start
to roll in a current approximately 0.6m/s.The same piece may start to
slide because ingress of water eliminates the base force friction. To
mitigate the scour problem
Graded annular shape boulders ranging from 100mm to 200mm
be hand packed over at least 20x20m area to least depth of 1.0m
below bed level, keeping in mind the expected flow current of
1.0m/s. Before this the under bed be compacted for any pot
holes, and grouted for strengthening, As the river bed at tower site
is normally dry during summer annual maintenance be ensured.
Scour depth of 2m has been considered for cantilever action of
pile against horizontal shear force. Over at least 20x20m area to least

Page 26

1. Bowles, Joseph E. Foundation Analysis and
Design ed.5th, New York: McGraw.
2. Uniform Building Code-12997: Volume 2.
3. Dunham, Clarence W. Foundations of
Structures. New York: McGraw
4. Gaylord, Edwin H. Jr., and Charles N, Gaylord,
Structural Engineering Handbook. New York:
5. Foundation Design by Wayne C. Teng,.
6. Reinforced Concrete Design by Noel J. Everard
and John L. Tanner New York: McGraw
7. Reinforced Concrete Designers Handbook..
10th Ed by Charles E. Reynolds and James
C, Steedman.
Report prepared by:
Engr.Dr Iqbal M. Sahotra
Director Engineering POIS Consultants

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