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PLANE. & SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY _FUNCTIONS of A RICHT TRIANCLE - sin =Z, sok 2 fe: KN ae EZ can 0.8 < tan $+ 40a ee & PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM § a? +b? = c? VBVVVOVHVVVVO8 9 BASIC IDENTINIES | divide - Alby ly potnenus ) 2 tan t= £ 2 Ale = sing S| ee PRYTHACOREAN RELATIONS + a? +b? = A diided op — a sin? $+ Gs? & =1 _ _ _'SuM & DIFFERENCE oF tho ANCLES! > sin Cary) =. sinx cosy + Cosx_siny sin Cx=y) =C0Sx Siny CO: ty)= cos x_cosy = sin lay — -y) = ysl x_ciny _ 4an_bory) = tanx + tany - — ton (x-y) = 4anx = tay — (+ tanxtany 2 oDouBle ANCLE FORMULA: Ceimplify Sum 9 difference ) sin 2X = 2sinx Cos X___¢as 2x= cos?x = Sin? x __ Ei = |= 2sin te * HALF - ANGLE FORMULA "g) Ee “9 (3)* [le eye j-cosx = sin x 2 sin x Ib cosx °FOHER CF FUNCTIONS . E Sin?xs 1+ cos 2x) Costx= | t+ 4S2x jtan?x= Ios 2x 2 2 V+ Gs 2x ‘Sum @ DIFFERENCE oF FUNCTIONS (FACTORING FORMULAS) sinx t Sin y= 2sin Cs) cos At) Sinx- Siny = 2s (A) sin (7) OSX F COSy = ZC0S pe CP) C0S.%.- Cosy = ~Zsin CY) Sin (2) tan x + fan y = = sin (x4 ces x COSY faux - tany = sin Cx-y ) COS A Cos °POHER CF FUNC TIONS Sin xcosy > 2 LSM GYD + sin(x-y)) sin X ging lees ¢x-y) ~cus (xty)] CUS x Cosy = Les Coty) + cos (x-yy] NINE NE co © © © © © © © ¢ ¢ e e e e e € ce © } co ¢ © © e ¢ © e € © © © © © © © « © © € 2? CS acute : Bangles ave less than right 2 1 ane | ? OBLIGUE TRIANGLES “obtuse! langle greater than right 2 1? 7 » - _ B “a - 7 ° SINE LAW: a = _b 2 ¢ —_ _ sn A _sinB sinc + COSINE LAH! See oO? 4+? - Zac ws B a? +b? - lab cos C__. a «LAL oF TANGENTS : O-b a+b ANGLES - epnice betmeen Zrays Hat eclend .,cqmmon ph. JERTEX aaste angie 4 40° Complementary, Angles lum is. ppementany Angles 2 sum is \go e_ang)\ - __Shraigint angie = 180°. reflex ange > Iso? _ — — + UNVTS oF _ANGLE. 1/2 radian s = lev grads = \éoo ¢ 2 OTHER ELEMENTS ¢ PROPERTIES Of A TRIANGLE ) AREA OF TRIANGLE ean with_base_4_heignt: As Zbh Ko with 2 Sides 4 anglet Azza sine VRVVOVLVDOOHOVHHKLOKLHOHVYVLYOYVOYD oo | 3 ae swith 3 sides A=[s = 2 — = win Bangles 4 1 side i *_ - As a? sin B sinc ~ NA LZ Fr. Vertex to midof oppoule side “eo MEDIAN OF TRIANGLE < meet at CENTROIO 2 es atl Sides ave known <_-curtoid Ame = db? + 2c* -a* / Ps Amz= 2or + 2b?- C? c B a . Vertes’ L oppo te side © ALTITUDES OF A TRIANGLE aN mer at Oxo’ CentER Area is Kneton ‘ Sar tocen bo Gat ZAI 5 %,-2Ax 5 Ge= ZAT a b Coe c Seat yerieg laisechng omale © ANCLE BiSECTCRS CF A TRANGLE vie “ INCENTER ba 2 [esis- ae bie J — ~ JB p Noon TER sG-b y+ Be fee 6 LEE c be #2 Jabs GO) ath SPHERICAL TRICONOMETRY _ + SPHERICAL TRIANGLE - TRIANGLE ENCLOSED By ARCS OF GREAT CIRCES OF A SPHERE 540° > (A+B rc) > [80° “AREA CF SPHERICAL TRIANGLE : A= TURE \ 30" where B 1g Sfthenaal € Xcess (32 A+ 46a ers fan E+ /teng tan $74. tan Sob dan $-¢ 4\ Z Zz = eee ornonognnonnanaand | waaraeaanvvaaavananancnoanondeg PLANE. CEOMETRY TRIANGLE. AREA! Azz bh A= tab sin® a c A=) $G-a) (-b)(6-c) c A A= a? sin® sinc ® 26nd AreaA= ab Ferimet, P= 2 (ate) Diagonal, d = far+e® Avrea,A = at Ferimelw, P= 4a a Diagenal,d = alZ GENERAL GUADRELATERAL with 2 diagpnals € include. angle & Avrea,A= Zdidz sine wilh 4sides_d sum of Zoppesile an Area,A = [8-a0(s-b)(5-<)(S-¢) -abed tes S= gtbietd 2z Ae = $20 oy o> ZB 4zD Cdvide inte 2A) with es 4 opposite 2B aed Area, A 4 ies 4g +4 LedsinD ean sides NA equal ote Zeides g-equal FARALLELOCRAMS diagonal pisects each ote” with diagonals Gre Biven 4 induded Zt Avea, A = 2 dide sind with two sides € ome Angle A Area, A= abe cn A ee eve vvvO DDO vVYVH HOKE KBeOKBYUYLvELOUELYE ° Paralllelogram uy 4 equal Sides L ings: bicecks each. pHi @ an 2409 with diagonals Area, A= z aida with ide 4 oe angle A Brea, A= a7 sind RHOMBUS “TRAPEZOID ~Guoorelateral ¥) only 2 sides are perallel J ~ ——— “. i “CYCLICAL MERE ATERAL = quadrelatera\ whose _. Wes_ow_ the Giruam ference of Db 2p + = et Aver, At fee ED. _ = 7 convex—ino—side; it- “extended 4 ‘with a pase side i Ane. polygow concave — = Opposite OF coe. 1 I | td ene ere een eonnnegnnngnnnnonare | annoeonberoooeoe No. of Sides " 12 13° 14 \5 W@ \7 1a 14 vevuvuv owed 20 ov eve evVed VI VOVHHVHLVHVHEHLEOKVEBBEGE [oo —_HEPTA CONTACON __-- —OCTACONTAGON Name UNDECAGON hendecagon ) DODE.CACON, TRIDECACON TETRA DECACON z oa PENTADECACON co HEA DECAGON HEPTADECAGON. OCTADECAGON. " ENNEADECAGON - -TRIQNTACON, - - TETRACONTACON oo PENTACONTA GON a HEXACONTAGON. ENNEA CONTAGON. LUMBER, OF DACONALS, _D Den (n-3)_ ? BOTH EQUILATERAL € EQulANGULARL RECULAR. POLICONS ~ sides ave equal! Blu LATERAL ccuncrigne MUAl Interior aor EQUIANGULAK ‘ Grae ~ one Seayment Isosceles twangle ‘ — INSCRIBED : ‘ ORME x* side ‘ 8 F angle, subtended by side f. center Re Radius oF Grumsoniaing Cizle ‘ v= Radius cf lnserbled. Gale 7APCTHEM ¢. N= nuinber of Stdes 6 ~ ¢ Rsin 8 . € cr) . © Perimetw,P = n Cx) 7 \nterior Angle, A = o-2 x 190° © n . € Exlevor angle = 6 = 36 . n c ¢ tangent €: c ¢ 6 € 6 © encore eae AREA or A CIRCLE a ee Ciroumference, C = 2Tr = TD. : AREA , A= Trt = pt peo dian Ss 4.0 _. SECTOR OF -A CIRCLE ‘Length of Are C. 1" 2b Area, A= “360. “paratouc_secmmt 2 A- = eth a _ SPANDREL OF A PARABOLA A=3h 7 ye ve CS —. . . a 2a aS ‘Aguad* (5-151 messes gy eee ee eee cesT eee es eee. SOLID GEOMETRY FOL HEDRONS -selids wiiese faces are pane ‘POLYGONS Regular Polyhedrons or PLATONIC SQUIDS ‘ Name faces | edges. verhces Wnchine” vertex Arca” Volume 4 3 APE genoecnacod TETRAHERN 3 | OG ave aT HEAHEDRON GD 8 Got 2 OCTAHEDRON «8 12 G Zan 3 4 TODKAHEDRN 2 30 20 2 isa lohg a8se ICOS4HEDRON. 20 © 2D 2 5 Sars Saag No. of Edges e= a No. of Vertis, v =_nf m Radius Olroumsonteras Sphore = ve BV As ‘Eulers polyhedron theorem ? f= 2te-V IDS: Vowu! = Area x ight PRISMS ~ Polyheden we PASES are EGUAL PULYCONS Ip feirallel Lines 4 Sides Ore PRRALLELDECRAMS AXIS — Ime adjcining Centeads of pas Right Prism ~ Ans is L te base Ar = area of right seco L + lattral edge Volume, Vv=Ash = Ag lL Ab > area of base LATERAL area Av= Pe Lb Pe = pe imeter oF ngnt Sechon SOTHHEEHEEOCHEHOHOHNEEHIOHHEHKHONHOOHAOES | CTANGUI LLELE! VOLUME, V= Abh = abe LATERAL area, A = Arh = ‘2(ac + be) Total Surfece aves, As= Avt2Aye 2btbetac) FACE DIAGONAL, dis Jaz+<* SPACE DIAGONAL, do =. Ja24b2tc? CUBE ¢ = fleaheden) ‘VOuIME, V. = 7 LATERAL Area, Ar= 4a Total Surface area, As _ FACE DIAGONAL, dy = SPACE DIAGONAL a= a3 eesvsevaovvvosvovvovsvuvnvvvvHvvy Pil alii sum OF Pyramid — Portion of Pyramid b/w fase d_ — roe fara base voume, v= hb CartAa + 3 Loovoeeesvvovveas CYLINDERS | ~ surface - generated by Straight line imferseehie 4 mnovng dlong a Closect plane euire , re PIRECTRIX., while remaanii pevrall-e to Ang <- phat iss wer parallel to the plane of direghix Volume ,V= Abh= ArRL LATERAL Area; Be = Pb For Rieet 4 CBUGuE CYLINDER. Rigat Circular Cylinder + Volume v,> Aeh= Wyth LATERAL Arca, AL = Base. Perimeter. xhe 2trh a CONE ~ generated by. a Sha os ine, Hie GENERATOR; passing Hare @ Fix it, Ye VERTEA 4 haow nay Alona, Qa a Grve the DIRECTX - VOUNE,V = 1 Ab h Right Greular Come : Slant Rexht, Lz frtgh™ \OUME, V gah = 4 Teh Lateral Area — Trl fustum of a Cone Nowe v= ‘a (id AatvAi >) h aaa of a Right Clo Cone z Slont height A = {h2HR-~ Volume ,V = T (Rttr*+ Re) LATERAL Area “hut Terry SECO EE HEH ON HH HHO HSE TCE HHO HAH HDA HO HEE HEHE YD | E VOLUME, V = 4Tr8 - S Surface Area,As= 4itr2 Spherical Segment of One Base Azone = 27 rh SO _Youine, v= ae Gr: ) - veeovvsvevsvses yeooe i | | _ LATERAL Area ,As= 2irh . \oLuMe-+¥ = Th (a2+ 3b? 4m) _ n= number of Sdes hs adit Spare. Es prowl Access ENGINEERING MECHANICS PHYSICS » Science we considers the effets of Brees on SSIC. I, STATICS - effects & distnbuhon of forces: oF rigid lardes Ye reais A. FORCE SYSTEM - arrangement of Forves ot’ REST, 4. Concurrent z 2. Faralle| 3, Non Con ourrent B, APPLICATIONS 1, Trusses 2, Comrids 3, Friction Tl. DYNAMICS A. KINEMATICS 1. Translation _ _2, Rotation 3. Plane Motion 2, Rotation 3. Pane Motion STATICS — branch of mechanics wc studies the. distribution of forces of rignd Lorch! remain at yest. Resuitant- oe (TWO or MORE, CONCURRENT. COPLANAR FORCES Z Resultant, RR VovoOvYHHHHHVVVOHHYHVYVYVs Vv vvovvvvHvvevHvuvss » ry Pay + Foyt - 1S Be +t. gpa nooneo neon a =F = Rththt- Bre FX Foo tax. & ~~ — ~ €. : _ - © Fesultent “of NON~ CONCURRENT PORCES . a = 3h af i ~ & c - . = = = = ° _ - 6 - ~ © _ - : = — . a © OO — 7 ~ = . a a 7 . - © \ 7a Te Z < | eovovevovoevvevvvvevd CATENARY__— EQUILIBRIUM OF FORCES. Zeger Sana Equilibn um of Two Forces Sppositely directed Equillbrium of Two or More Concurrent Fores - 2/more Copanar forces ave equililbnum—> CLoseD PL{cON Equilibrium of Three Cparar ae —>.IP CONCURRENT. PARAEDLIC CABLES — a a Symmetica)_Cabble - — CABLES under Concenbated. Leads : n Hight Side Ty = Tension in Sladk Gide DYNAMICS ~ branch of mechanics +Hrat deals with podies in Motion © KINEMATICS - geometry of mohon . ~mohon of a partide /bedy wie gonsiderahon of forces Causing motion MOTION OF — PARTICLES : : A. TRANSLATION - Moton of @ rigid body 0 which Straight time passing through any two oF tis: of its particle always vemain to be. parallel to its initial position : B. ROTATION - Moten oF a rigid body m which the artides move in Circular. paths. wir their Centers na fixed stratght’ line called tre aris oP Rotation. C. PLANE MOTION ~ Moto of a vigtd bedy in which ail particles in the body vematn at a constant distance from a fixed veference plawe S = distance x= horizontal displace ment y= Verhoal displacement . v= Velodity @ any hme Cfinal velewty No= Initial Velouty (veleuity © hme <0) a= accelerahon a> decelershen due do gray Ca.gimA? s 32.2 f)s> t hme TRANSLATION Rectilinear Translation ~- motion olmg a sraight line A. Uniform Motion (constant Velooty Set B. Concitn> Aeceloration a-dy 3 veds 3 vdv = ads dt C. Variable Acceleration YeVo + Ab 5 $2 Vot rLatt 5 v2 Ve? +.'206 HOCH EERHOHHHHONNHOHOHDHHOHHHOHHO DAHON HEH NATIT D. Free- Falling Bedly CYo=0 5 s=h) Ve gt; Rs tL gtt 3 Vt= 2gh Curvi linea Translation CPrajevtile: Motion > pasl = MOTION CURVES pags __-B_=_angular_displace ment, vaditans 2_angular speed, rad Jee angular acceleration, md Ke t= time — —— 9 Uniform motion i °- _Uni-form Acceleration: a - evvvvvvvvvevevvvvvs @ KINETIC - branch of mechawics that relajes the force acting, 61 the body toils mass #acceleverin Heuston Law of Motion: 1A, body @ ress will remain @ vest or in motion will rematn in moh™ al a straight umlesS acteel upon by nloslance force . ont patie “ 2. A partide acted upon by an unloalanced force system pongo ngonn 2 has ‘an acceleration in line with & acted clircctly t Proportional to the resultant of the force system | 2 inversely proportional to ifs mass - ce afF or a=KE (kel) c M m : FeMx o . © 3. In every reach there 1s always an equal & © oppesile veaction - © } D/Alembert’s Ponuple f Resultant of Exteynal Fores © ReF= P-£ Ps Fores? 5 f2fachm 6 REF = Ma = Lo ° 3 © FRICNONLESS PULLEY © at Hi tH. ate Ho-W ° i a r Wr 7W, © ~ . Wi tHe a = Foes ~ Fores : 9) . = W~f -W, . eo £ Is l3 | @ CENTRIFUGAL FORCE. Crevened ermal effete ree) ie Centifugal Inertia Force — | ? Norrnal Acceleration » Qu = w2yrs MBE et _ a : Soe ee ee a IP CF_= Mans Mw?r : — ls CF = Wwtr = Wy? — a : 3 Tangential Inertia Force (Centipetal toree) la Ia. Romance Tangential Bifoctne tort? _ — TeMa, sre 2 9 3 CONICAL PENDULUM p 254, 3 . — a ~ a a 2 a a a. ee 3 2 3 3 3 5 [Bveove WORK € ENERGY . - force, dispiacement 4 Leloohy WoRK = Fore x Distance Kinetic «En KE =l Mv* 2 4 W v2 in ergy , : 2 fotential Energy, PE = Mgh = Lh Work- Enesgy Equation for Constant Forces If Force Achna on & brdy are Constant - A wv 5 Y, Aol nh, —_____—~*_/ 8 Kea + Work [Up= REs IMPULSE € MOMENTUM -- force ,velovity # time IMPULSE. = Force: x Time Momentum= My + yu \mpulse - Momentum Equation EG) Impulse - EG2 Impulse LW Cup - ve) 9 a9 gan anon 2 sss aagangasgnan OCH EEE HOH OTRO DS FLUID MECHANICS 4 HYDRAULICS PROPERTIES of FLUID Te eovve UNIT WEIGHT or SPECIFIC WEIGHT, y . oar Pr Unit Volume. of a Fluid - _ Weight of Fluid - Volume * For Water : y= 4810) N/m? = 62.4 bo /a3 MASS DENSITY OR DENSITY, Pp ve Mase. be" Unit Volume OF a fluid VL terete « ove PrP eres as = ¥ flu =p Huid a ¥_ water _P_wader_ _NISCOSITy_~ = Property Oa G Auid uv nines - thea amount wie _ . of \ts_vesistance to shearing forces . See a __Perfect_fuitd > ho EE - 3 Pytamic_or Absolute _ 2 viscastty aC - go EL Rica second or foie) _ = AV /d. y 2 J pase 20.0) Pa/s - _ si a Kinematic Viscosity , Vv (mu) v= A (mt /s or Stoke) | Stoke-= Jom?/s = 0.0061 m?/6 SURFACE TENSION & (Sigma ) — Surface Tension of a stad 1S He work that must ve done tw briny enough moleusies fom moide the liquid te We surfoce to form @ new umt area of that surface jn ft -b /FL% or N-m/m® Pressure inside a droplet of Liquid . pr se o =surface fension m -N/n 4 A= diamely of deplebin m p= gauge pressure w Fascal CAPILLARITY - the vise er fall ov a Fluid jn a capillary tube wie causel by surface Sension € depeds on the velatve magnitudes of the cohesion of the liquid” 4 he advesion of the liquid te Awe wails cf Wwe containing vessel: Liguids vise in tubes they wet U aelhecion > abicsin> & fall in twwoes they do not wet Coshesion > aclhesion >. Caplan if important when using tubes strait} fran abot 3/e! (4.5mm) in Aiametear. hs 46 ase Vo xd cuse & #140" for Mercury clean Glass eee wetting, as with waler on chean glass, gle b= oF h= capillary ise. /depreci >i Nar , pression he_4o d= donne lor of tube: ya yaunit weight = surface -unsim SOCEM E HOHE OCHOHOHOHCHOHKOHCEKEHHOAKHAGQN HOH HATTA BULK MODULUS OF ELASTICITY, E |. — Bulk mozluylus of eles Hothy ob the fluid expresses. the oO id» Its yatio of ve _ change in unit piecure 40 the come volume _change per unit OF volume. _ ay change _in essure a &= dp’ (Ibn? or zy) ae change ‘ieee — la __-dv /v - v= Volume. bewevvvvs may have, any non neice a ne vpn he cA cs Is at _unstgnt emperat ia of a given mass oP gas remains constant, the _ absolute - "etre ac — Varies inversely en the Volume” _ _ = fo aiven_macs. OF Can_expand or contact win the 3 oY “SH i Cemaimra Conant, phe. time y of the gas_varies =? GO abedule Jempor, 4, WT is Consent PRESSURE DISTURBANCES -imposecl on {luld move ta waves VELCCITY or CELERITY c= [Ee cm/s or $4/5) ¢ the czcelevity or velocity of pressure wave in Ns or PEs Ep= Gulk Modulus of Elasticihy & Pluvdin Pa uv Ib / Pt UNIT PRESSURE , Variations in Pressure ~ difference ww pressure bjiw any 2 points in homogeneous Fluid at vest Is equal tu the duck of the unit Wei a ssure at ony point below we Free surface of @ Niguid equals dhe preluct of unit weer g air Of fhe liquid @ depth of the pt: P= gh oT h oO Pressure below layers of diPfwent Viguids : Prothm< Eyh + p Potten = Yihi Fz ha + Yohs TP Total tydro statte Pressure - p 332 1. Total Pressure on Plane Surface. 2. Total Pressure O71 Curved Sur Pace ref toe fud & ver tial Aistong © G G G G G G G Gq G G ce © G c G G | 6 @ OCC HEHEEHOOHOHROOGDIASD 2 BUOYANCY 2 Archimede's Principle” - Avy immersed ina fluid _ @__ is acted upon by an, whtlance dA Force Called _ athe POOyANT FORCE, w/c is equal ee the weight of athe fluid displaced, ee ——_ a _ ie. een FLUID FLOW ¢ PIPES beige Flow Rate: Z VOWME. ow “Rate, A= Aw _ MASS Flow Rate, M = pa HEICHT Flow Rae, H=yQ_ Continuity Eauation : @ Ede Qa. A= cross-sectional Area oF Flow V= Mean velovity oP Flow —tncompressille Hurd: _ Q.= Qr AW, £ Aaa = Aste -Coatgresee Fluid: pics = pr & Number (fer. “Pees )_ ie ratio of Inerha forces +} viscous forces dynamic vis co (Pa-s) Kinemate ie (mb) = aT PT w ENERCY EQUATION _ Total Energy of Flow * E= Kinetic Energy + Potential En ray . E-%, + t $Z 22 vdodty head (KE. B= eatin herd Bernoullié Energy Theorem - -Between any Wo points Ce Dalmg dhe stream ATU E, + HA - HE -HL = Ed 1 = Total. Every, Clread ) at Secon \ HA = Head Added (by the pune ) HE= Wead Exhneted (lay turlone oC any dice ) HL= Head st HEAD LOST IN PIPE FLOW Major Head Lost (Frictional Losses) Darcy ~ Heistack formula * hp = FL vt in f/m D 24 for Laminar flow, P= G4 R fer non-Groular pipe, use D= 4e DOE EEE HHOHHHEHHOHHHTHHHOAHAHME HAN O DHA DAIAG | for Circular Pipes. CS.1.) w= 3a ches SL 8G? = 23 1*g0* D N*sD* for Sn Units, hg = 206 £L.G% - - Mannings Formula (¢.1-) § ve LRP ot Re hydraulic radius = “/p n $= Sope of ECL: bf/L - G35 ntLy? —— We =p Pr dicular, popes Gly hfe 10.24n® baz C= Slope of ECL = hp Cys Haun Ueficet IN lue_40_che jon A yelwcity of Plow ,# i ecpressed in _ o Dove eee eo HHoHKHOH_HO LOH HH HEHLHHHK_H_KKYHYYOHLOD E For Horizontal Pipe av) 4 niferen Diewneloy , the Veeck Lest Between any two pants equal to the aifftrence In eresure benvers the pont HL = Aa Pi Fon opipe /syslem of pope Connecting two veseruny 5, Me jotal lyead lus} 1G equal te de differené im VWerter~ Surface elewation of the reseruvirs HEH PIPES IN SERIES: e ——— a a OF Q@r= Qs We = by thie hed PIPES IN PARALLES: | + »Q ia +3 fir sa 43 ee Qz= @& +Qr1+ Hos Hu = Hie = Hes Equivalent Pipe-- Fer pmpe System OF prpes (0), Hee equivalent singie pe & ic must satiPy the PP. conditions Qe- Qo # the = Bee on oon aaonansangnnangnggnnnannnnnagananed « ORIFICE ¢ TUBES ORIFICE ~ an epening with a dosed perimeter through which Fluid flow $ - Velo 4 _ Discharge. - GJ 2gh Q=A, we OB Ce Rly Oe coef ic east of Veloci oo C= Cefhycience of Disd wrge C = Coefhitiont of Contrackon a H= Total head in meter / fect of Pluid fi weuvuuvvvvods Preesure ab dhe Upstream Gide + “the. Hlown dear Sicle Oe KOKO HKDYELHEHYEVLYEKYLOHOVDYYWYE 1 yo f 1 -onfice under variable Head 1? QCA, _ ep _cH0ss ~ Sectonal are As ic “ne eth fe Yre Pew is 2 Ca once, tre ules £ water flows Himigh te pe cennechrg re tun fous shown, dhe tme + fer “the read fe chomme Frovn By, tb Be 1S teAvAe 2 Gh-Uh) tt AitAs. CAsiZg WEIR. — Shuctuves built acess cin open chanvvel ev on p34 top Of @ reservar Gor he purpose LF measuring or contriling the fiow of water SOTEH EH HEHCOHHHHSTHODONOHOHOHOHNHKNOHNGHEHOHHHOOODG _ Ferce_against a mening vane BRST Tes ee A Rt eee secu s ee tees ee eeeees H71 IDY NAMIC Force against a fixed Plat plate held normal+to the Je Fr Qyv + pav Force agains a fixed curved vane Fe? QY Gix- V2) Fys a Quy: Vey) Fs (perry? We velevity of the je before bikin Va = va as. it St ena He vane diag c coef Aevrt _p=denshy of Punid A= rea normal Hie _ direc OF mobon

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