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Sriram Ramanujam



Create Date:

1 November 2009


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INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Objective ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Scope..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Background........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Terms .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
PROCESSING THIRD PARTY PAYMENTS IN PAYABLES ................................................................................................................ 4
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
SET UP STEPS FOR PROCESSING THIRD PARTY PAYMENTS ........................................................................................................ 6
Supplier Page........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Define Relationship .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Search Relationship .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Business Rules .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Payables Options Invoice Tab ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Business Rules ................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Payables Options Payment Tab ....................................................................................................................................... 12
Business Rules ................................................................................................................................................................ 12
CHANGES IN APPLICATION TRANSACTION UI........................................................................................................................... 13
Invoice Workbench (APXINWKB) Form ............................................................................................................................ 13
Business Rules ................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Invoice Header ................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Remit To Supplier Site.................................................................................................................................................... 14
Schedule Payments tab.................................................................................................................................................... 14
Remit To Supplier Name ................................................................................................................................................ 14
Remit To Supplier Site.................................................................................................................................................... 15
Payables Open Interface Import API .............................................................................................................................. 15
Payment Workbench (APXPAWKB) Form ......................................................................................................................... 16
Business Rules ................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Payment Header Region.................................................................................................................................................. 16
Remit to Supplier Name.................................................................................................................................................. 16
USER PROCEDURES .................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Setup ................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Setup Prerequisites.......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Setup Step Description.................................................................................................................................................... 19
Use ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
User Task Description..................................................................................................................................................... 19

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To provide an overview of the Third Party Payments feature from Payables perspective. Intended to provide
the reader a good understanding of the features, the setups and detailed steps on how to process a third party

This paper will cover the functional side of processing third party payments in Payables and discuss some of
the options and their impacts.

The ability to process third party payments is a new feature in R12.1.

Trading Partner (Invoicing Supplier)
Name of the supplier or payee to whom you want to remit payment.
Supplier Site
Supplier Site of the Trading Partner (Invoicing Supplier to whom you want to remit payment).
Remit To Supplier Name
Remit To Supplier is the supplier to whom the payments for the invoices are released. Remit To Supplier
can be the same as the Trading Partner (Invoicing Supplier) or it can be another Supplier for whom a
relationship has been defined with the Trading Partner (Invoicing Supplier). Sometimes the Remit To
Supplier is also referred to as 3rd party supplier in this document
Remit To Supplier Site
Remit To Supplier Site is the supplier site of the Remit To Supplier to whom the payments is released.
Remit To Bank Account Name
This is the Suppliers Bank account name to which the Payment is made for the Invoice. In case of
electronic payments, the bank account name is where the funds are transferred.
Remit To Bank Account Number
This is the Suppliers Bank account to which the Payment is made for the Invoice. In case of electronic
payments, the bank account is where the funds are transferred.
Allow Remit To Supplier Override
This checkbox is available in Payables Option window. When this check box is enabled, it enables you to
override the Remit To Supplier, which is defaulted on the Invoice screens and Payment workbench as per
the relationship defined.

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Processing Third Party Payments in Payables

When you are making payments from their Payables system, there might be instructions from the supplier to
make the payment to a different party (3rd Party). In that case the remittance of the payment has to go to the
3rd Party. However for all legal purposes including 1099 it is treated as a payment to the original supplier.
The Payables department maintains the Supplier information. Establishing 3rd Party Payment relationship is
part of the supplier maintenance activity.
You may also have information of the 3rd party at the time of entering the invoices. You can have the right
to override the 3rd Party defaulted at the time of invoice entry.
You process the invoices that are due for payment. Generally you are aware of the 3rd Party suppliers to
whom the payments can be released on behalf of the supplier. The Payments department may have the right
to override the actual party to whom the payment can be made at the time of making payments.

The 3rd Party Payment requirement needs an ability to release payments to a supplier who can be other than
the Trading Partner (Invoicing Supplier).

When you are making payments from their Payables system, often times you will have to remit the payment
to a 3rd party. The following are some of the instances under which 3rd party payments are made:

Supplier files for bankruptcy. This supplier has some outstanding invoices (on their accounts
receivable) from certain customers. The court or the collection agency then sends a notification to
all the customers saying that any outstanding payments that are due should be paid to them.

Supplier is having a cash flow problem. They sell all their receivables to a 3rd party. The 3rd party
then notifies the customers about this change.

Under all these circumstances you will need to update the system with this new information so that
payments can be made to the 3rd party. The system should allow you to make 3rd party payments so that it
can be tracked. From an audit standpoint, it's imperative that you track 3rd party payments.
Since the payment is going to be made to the 3rd party, the system should provide a mechanism to capture
the following information:
Name of the 3rd party
Payment preferences like currency and payment method
Telephone number
Email Address
Bank accounts
Once a payment is made to the 3rd party, you should be able to inquire against those payments. The
payment inquiry should let you know the 3rd party that was paid on any particular invoice. In addition to
this, you should also be able to run reports that let you know the payments that were made to the 3rd party.

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Any 1099 or withholding should be based on the invoicing supplier and not the 3rd party. The system will
report the amount that was paid to the 3rd party on the 1099 Misc form.
The main purpose of this feature is to allow you to make 3rd Party Payments. As a part of that overall
purpose this feature will enable you to establish a relationship between the Original Supplier and the 3rd
Party Supplier (which has been termed as a Remit to Supplier). It will also allow marking a particular
party as a default 3rd Party for all the payments to be made for a given period. The 3rd Party is defaulted on
the Invoices based on the setup. You may have the right to override the 3rd Party that has been defaulted. In
addition the Payments clerk can also have the rights to override the 3rd Party. When a 3rd Party has been
selected the remittance of the payment is made to the 3rd party and not the original supplier
This feature will allow you to do the following in the Oracle Financials application:

Establish 3rd party relationships

Default 3rd party supplier information while creating invoices and processing payments

Allow override of 3rd party supplier information on the invoice and payments screens

Default Remit To Bank Account for the 3rd Party supplier on Invoice and Payment screens

While processing payments to a 3rd Party Supplier:


When the Payment Process Type is Printed the address of the 3rd Party supplier is

When the Payment Process Type is Electronic the Bank and Bank Account
information of the 3rd Party supplier is utilized for transfer of funds

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Set Up Steps for Processing Third Party Payments

Supplier Page
In the Supplier page a new tab called Relationship is provided. This enables you to define, search and update the relationship
of a supplier with other suppliers. The parties which are included here are the ones to which the payment can be made on
behalf of the Supplier. This screen also enables you to define the default 3rd party for a given period. You will also be able to
inactivate or end date a relationship. This relationship is defined at the supplier site level. Defining the Relationship is
allowed only for Supplier Type Standard Supplier.

Define Relationship
In the Supplier page, a new tab called Relationship is added below the Payment Details tab.
Upon clicking the Relationship region link, the page will display the Relationship and
Relationship Details region. Initially the page will not display any relationship details. Using
this region, you are allowed to carry on the following actions for the selected supplier site:

Search and View relationships

Add relationships

Update relationships at supplier site level

A field named Relationship Assignment level - Site is available. The relationships are
defined at Supplier Site level of the current supplier.

Note: The screenshots in this document represent the following business scenario: Supplier / Supplier Site
SRAMANUJ wants all payments that are due, to be made to third party Supplier / Supplier Site MJKRISHN.

Figure 1: Supplier Relationship page

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Search Relationship
You are allowed to search relationships. In order to search a relationship for the supplier site
and for a given status, you will have to select the Supplier Site and the Status from the
respective LOVs and click the Go button. Alternatively you can search relationships for a
given Status.

When you select a site, status and click the Go button, all the relationships
defined at the site level for the selected status are displayed in the
Relationships Details region.

When you do not select a site, but select a given status and click the Go
button, all the relationships defined for the selected status for the supplier are
displayed in the Relationships Details region.

Figure 2: Search Relationship

Business Rules

You are allowed to enter information in the following fields available in the grid:


Remit to Supplier Name

Remit to Supplier Site

From Date

To Date


Additional Information

The fields available on the page have the following business rules:

S.No - A new read-only column named S.No. is being introduced. This is

utilized for displaying error messages while referring to the relationship
rows, which violate the business rules related to adding a relationship. When
you add another relationship row, the new row inserted has an incremental
number with reference to the previous relationship row.

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Remit to Supplier Name The Remit to Supplier Name LOV shows all the
suppliers that are active as of the system date. This is a mandatory field. The
Remit To Supplier Name LOV will enable you to search based on Supplier
Name and Supplier Number.

When your search is based on Supplier Name, the Results region

will display the supplier details in the following columns, namely:


Quick Select

Supplier Name

Supplier Number

Taxpayer Id

Tax Registration Number

DUNS Number

When your search is based on Supplier Number, the Results

region will display the supplier details in the following columns,


Quick Select

Supplier Name

Supplier Number

Taxpayer Id

Tax Registration Number

DUNS Number

Remit to Supplier Site - The Remit to Supplier Site LOV shows all the
active Supplier Sites of the supplier selected in the field Remit to Supplier
Name. This is a mandatory field. The Remit To Supplier Site LOV will
enable you to search based on Site Name and Operating Unit.

When your search is based on Site Name, the Results region will
display the supplier site details for the following fields namely:


Quick Select

Site Name

Operating Unit

Pay Site

RFQ Site

Purchasing Site.

When your search is based on Operating Unit, the Results region

will display the details for the following fields, namely:


Quick Select

Site Name

Operating Unit

Pay Site

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RFQ Site

Purchasing Site.

From Date This is a date field, which has the ability to select the date
from the Calendar. This is a mandatory field.

To Date - This is a date field, which has the ability to select the date from
the Calendar. You will not be allowed to select a date which is prior to the
date entered / available in the From Date field. If you provide a date which
is prior to the From Date and click the Save button, then the following
error is displayed To Date cannot be before the From date.

Primary This is a check box. This enables you to mark a relationship as

Primary. You are able to mark only one relationship as Primary for a given
period. If at the time of saving there is more than one relationship which has
been defined as Primary for the same period, then the following error
message is displayed There can be only one Primary relationship for a
given date range. For example, Supplier A Site A has been marked as
Primary from 1st Jan 2008 to 31st March 2008. If you try to mark another
site, say Supplier B Site B, as primary from 24th March 2008 to 30th June
2008, it will not be allowed and the error message is given at the time of
saving. The dates entered in the From Date and To Date fields are
considered for any such processing. In short the dates 1st Jan 2008 and 31st
March 2008 are considered for any processing like defaulting the Remit to
Supplier details on invoices or while processing payments. However if you
mark the Supplier B Site B as Primary from 1st April 2008 to 30th June 2008,
then it is valid and is allowed.

Additional Information This is a free text or type in field and is able to

record alphanumeric values. This will enable you to enter and record any
additional information for the relationship.

Add Another Row This button will enable you to add another row on the
page and help you in defining an additional relationship.

Figure 3: Relationship Assignment

After providing the required information to add a relationship, upon clicking the Save
button the relationship is created. You are taken to the Relationship page where the active
relationships for the selected site are displayed. The newly created relationship is
displayed in the relationship list.
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Figure 4: Confirmation of Relationship

The following checks are done at the time of saving


To Date for any relationship cannot be before the From Date.

There can be only one Primary relationship for a given date range (business
example given above).

Same Supplier and site cannot be included in the relationship more than once
when a relationship for the same Supplier and Site is available in active
status for the same date range. For example Supplier A Site A exists as a
relationship from 1st Jan 2008 to 31st March 2008. If you try to mark another
relationship for the same combination, say Supplier A Site A from 24th
March 2008 to 30th June 2008, it is not allowed.

If you click the Cancel button, then the latest changes to the relationship are
reverted and you are navigated to the Relationship page where the active relationships
for the selected site are displayed.

Figure 5: Query existing relationship

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Payables Options Invoice Tab

A checkbox named Allow Remit To Supplier Override is provided in the Payables Options. Based on the setup, you are
allowed to override the Remit To Supplier Name and Remit To Supplier Site on the Invoices screens.
Business Rules

A checkbox named Allow Remit To Supplier Override is available at the Payables Options >
Invoice tab > Main region.

As per the setup in Payables Options, the Remit To Supplier Name and Remit To Supplier
Site fields behavior is editable / non-editable in the following UIs:

Invoice Workbench for all invoice types, except for Invoice Type Expense Report

Quick Invoices

Recurring Invoices

If the checkbox is selected, then the Remit To Supplier Name and Remit To Supplier Site
fields are editable and you are allowed to override the default Remit To Supplier Name and
Remit To Supplier Site.

If the checkbox is not checked, then the Remit To Supplier Name and Remit To Supplier
Site fields are non-editable.

Figure 6: Payables Option > Invoices Tab

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Payables Options Payment Tab

A checkbox named Allow Remit To Supplier Override is provided in the Payables Options. Based on the setup, you are
allowed to override the Remit To Supplier Name and Remit To Supplier Site on the Payment Workbench header.
Business Rules

A checkbox named Allow Remit To Supplier Override is available on the Payables Options
> Payment tab. As per the setup at Payables Options, the Remit To Supplier Name and
Remit To Supplier Site fields behavior is editable / non-editable in the Payment Workbench

If the checkbox is selected, then the Remit To Supplier Name and Remit To Supplier Site
fields are editable and you are allowed to override the default Remit To Supplier Name and
Remit To Supplier Site in the Payment Workbench.

If the checkbox is not checked, then the Remit To Supplier Name and Remit To Supplier
Site fields are non-editable in the Payment Workbench.

Figure 7: Payables Option > Payment

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Changes in application transaction UI

Invoice Workbench (APXINWKB) Form
In the Invoice Workbench the new fields Remit To Supplier Name and Remit To Supplier Site are provided. They enable
you to record the 3rd Party supplier to whom the payments are made. When the Invoice is entered the third party suppliers will
default automatically in these fields based on the defaulting rules discussed below. You are able to override the 3rd Party
Supplier defaulted (based on the setup in the Payables Options > Invoice tab).

Business Rules

Two new fields Remit To Supplier Name and Remit To Supplier Site are
introduced in the following screens:
o Invoice Header
o Schedule Payments Tab

Remit To Supplier Name and Remit To Supplier Site fields are available for all
available invoice types, except for Invoice Type - Expense Report.

Invoice Header
Remit To Supplier Name

At the Invoice header, the Remit To Supplier Name field shows all the active
suppliers, which are defined in the Relationship region for the supplier and supplier
site selected on the invoice. The 3rd party relationship should be active as of the
Invoice Date. Apart from that, the Trading Partner (Invoicing Supplier) will also be
displayed in this LOV. A supplier relationship for the invoice is termed as active if:
o The 3rd Party is active as a supplier. (It is a pre-requisite that every 3rd
Party needs to be defined as a Supplier).
o The relationship between the Trading Partner (Invoicing Supplier) and
the 3rd Party Supplier is an active relationship for the Supplier Site as
of the Invoice date.

At the Invoice Header, the Remit To Supplier Name LOV will display all the
details of the supplier which are shown for the Trading partner name field in the
invoice header, namely - Trading partner Name, Supplier Number, Taxpayer Id, Tax
Type & Registry Id.

As soon as you select the Trading Partner (Invoicing Supplier), Supplier Site and
enter the Invoice Date in the invoice header and tab out, the values in the Remit To
Supplier Name and Remit To Supplier Site fields are defaulted on the invoice header,
as per the below defaulting logic and relationship defined for the Trading Partner
(Invoicing Supplier) at supplier site level.

Defaulting Logic Upon selecting the Supplier, Supplier Site and entering the
Invoice Date on the Invoice header, the applicable Remit To Supplier Name and
Remit To Supplier Site are defaulted in the Remit To Supplier Name and Remit To
Supplier Site fields based on the below:
o If a relationship is marked as Primary and if it is an active relationship
as of the Invoice date, then the Supplier and the Supplier Site from the
relationship is defaulted.
o If none of active relationships is marked as Primary or no relationships
exist for the Trading Partner and Supplier Site on the Invoice date, then
the Trading Partner (Invoicing Supplier) and Supplier Site are defaulted.

If you change the Trading Partner (Invoicing Supplier) and Site, the system will
automatically get the Remit To Supplier Name and Remit To Supplier Site fields as
per the relationship defined for the latest Trading Partner (Invoicing Supplier) name
and site.
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In the Invoice header the field Remit to Supplier Name is editable or non-editable
depending on the setup done at the Payables Options. (Refer - Solution Component:
Changes in Payables Options).

Remit To Supplier Site

The Remit To Supplier Site LOV will display only those supplier sites for the
supplier selected in the Remit To Supplier Name field for which the relationship is
defined and is active as of the Invoice date.

A supplier site relationship for the invoice is termed as active if:

o The 3rd Party supplier site is active for the 3rd Party supplier. (It is a prerequisite that every 3rd Party needs to be defined as a Supplier).
o The relationship between the Trading Partners Supplier Site and the 3rd
Party Supplier site is an active relationship for the Supplier Site as of the
Invoice date.
(Refer to the example given above in this component)

The Remit To Supplier Site LOV will display all the details of the supplier site,
which are shown for the Supplier Site field in the invoice header, namely Site,
Operating Unit, Address, City, State, Province, Postal Code, County and Country.

As per the defaulting logic, if the Trading Partner (Invoicing Supplier) has defaulted
in the Remit To Supplier Name field, then the invoicing site is defaulted on the
Remit To Supplier Site field. If a Primary Supplier has defaulted then the site for
that Supplier defined in the relationship is automatically defaulted.

If the value in Remit To Supplier Name field is cleared, then the value in the Remit
To Supplier Site field is also cleared.

In the invoice header the field Remit to Supplier Site is editable or non-editable
depending on the setup done in the Payables Options. (Refer - Solution Component:
Changes in Payables Options).

Figure 8: Invoice Workbench Header

Schedule Payments tab

Remit To Supplier Name

In the Schedule Payments tab, the default value for Remit To Supplier Name field
is defaulted from the invoice header as soon as the invoice header is saved for the first

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Any subsequent updates on the Invoice header for the Remit to Supplier Name and
Remit to Supplier Site fields will not reflect on the rows modified in the Schedule
Payment tab. You will have to update each schedule value individually.

Excepting the defaulting logic, the LOV will have the same properties as that of the
Invoice header.

Remit To Supplier Site

In the Schedule Payments tab, the default value for the Remit To Supplier Site field
is defaulted from the invoice header as soon as the invoice header is saved for the first

Any subsequent updates on the Invoice header for the Remit to Supplier Name and
Remit to Supplier Site fields will not reflect on the rows modified in the Schedule
Payment tab. You will have to update each schedule value individually.

Excepting the defaulting logic, the LOV will have the same properties as that of the
Invoice header.

Remit to Bank Account Name and Remit to Bank Account Number fields

In the Schedule Payments tab, the block Bank Account is renamed to Remit To
Supplier Bank Account.

Figure 9: Scheduled Payments tab - Remit To Supplier Name and Remit To Supplier Site fields

Figure 10: Scheduled Payments tab - Remit To Supplier - Bank Account region

Payables Open Interface Import API

The Payables Open Interface Import API is used for importing invoices from external
sources. As new columns have been added in the Open Interface Invoices form, the same
columns have to be added to Payables Open Interface tables. The Payables Open Interface
Import API is modified and will have an additional four columns Remit To Supplier
Name, Remit To Supplier ID, Remit To Supplier Site Code and Remit To Supplier Site

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Payment Workbench (APXPAWKB) Form

In the Payment Workbench, new fields Remit To Supplier Name and Remit To Supplier Site are captured. This will
enable the Payments clerk to make 3rd Party Payments. The 3rd Party will automatically default based on the defaulting rules
discussed. The Payments clerk will have the ability to override the 3rd Party Supplier (based on the options selected in the
Payables Options Payment tab).
Business Rules

In the Payment Header, two new fields Remit To Supplier Name and Remit To
Supplier Site are introduced in the Payment Header.

The Remit To Supplier Name and Remit To Supplier Site are mandatory fields
on the Payments header. If you try to save the invoice without entering a value in the
fields, the system will give an error message FRM-40202: Field must be entered..

Remit To Supplier Name and Remit To Supplier Site fields are available for all
the Payment types.

Payment Header Region

Remit to Supplier Name

At the Payment header, the Remit To Supplier Name field will show all the
suppliers, which are defined in the Relationship tab of the Trading Partners site and
which are active. The Trading Partner (Invoicing Supplier) will also be displayed in
this LOV.

A supplier relationship for the payment is termed as active if:

o The 3rd Party is active as a supplier. (It is a pre-requisite that every 3rd
Party needs to be defined as a Supplier).
o The relationship between the Trading Partner and the 3rd Party Supplier
is an active relationship for the Supplier Site as of the Payment date.

At the Payment Header, the Remit To Supplier Name LOV will display all the
details of the supplier which are shown for the Trading partner name field in the
Payment header, namely Trading partner Name, Supplier Num, Taxpayer Id, Tax
Registration Num, Active, Payment Function & Employee Number.

As soon as you select the Trading Partner (Invoicing Supplier), Supplier Site and
Payment Date in the payment header and tab out, the values in the Remit To Supplier
Name and Remit To Supplier Site fields are defaulted as per the defaulting logic and
setup done at the Trading Partners site. The defaulting logic is the same as that of the
Invoice header with the only difference being that the date to be considered here is the
Payment date.

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Figure 11: Payment Workbench Header

Figure 12: Payment Workbench > Select Invoices Form - Invoice Number LOV contents

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Figure 13: Payment Overview

Similar changes have been done at every stage of the Payment Process Request and Payment Instruction Creation process to
initiate the payment in the name of the Remit To Supplier / Supplier Site.

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User Procedures
Setup Prerequisites
In order to release payments in favor of the 3rd party Supplier, it is a pre-requisite to have
defined the 3rd Party Supplier and its Sites in the application, and both of them should be in
active status.
Setup Step Description
Setup at Supplier Page

Define the 3rd party supplier relationship for a Trading Partner (Invoicing
Supplier) at the Relationship region in the Supplier page for the identified
supplier site.

User Task Description
To create an Invoice and define the 3rd Party Supplier on the Invoice

When creating an Invoice for the Trading Partner (Invoicing Supplier), you will
enter the Supplier, Site and Invoice Date apart from the other information on the
Invoice Header; the 3rd Party supplier is defaulted on the Invoice Header.

Upon entering the other required information on the Invoice header and saving it,
the 3rd party information is defaulted in the fields available on the Schedule
Payments tab. Save and Validate the Invoice.

To process payments for Invoices with 3rd Party payment information

Payment Workbench

Upon selecting the Trading Partner, Supplier Site and the Payment Date, the
3rd Party Supplier information is populated in the Payment header region.
You will complete the other required information on the Payment header.

Click the Enter / Adjust Invoices button to select invoices for the Trading
Partner (Invoicing Supplier).

Upon querying the Invoice Number field on the Select Invoices form,
select the Invoices for which you would like to process payments. The
Invoice Number LOV will display the Remit To Supplier information.

Upon saving the Payment form, the Payment is created for the selected
invoices in favor of the Remit To Supplier selected on the payment header.

Pay in Full

Upon clicking the Pay in Full check box on the Invoice Workbench
Invoice Actions form, the Payment Workbench opens up. Most of the
information from the Invoice is defaulted on the Payment Header.

Upon entering the Payment Date, the 3rd Party Supplier information is
populated in the Payment header region. You will complete the other
required information on the Payment header.

Upon saving the Payment form, the Payment is created for the selected
invoices in favor of the Remit To Supplier selected on the payment header.

Processing payment via Payment Process Request (IBY)


As per the criteria defined in the Payment Process Request, the selected
invoices are displayed. The Remit To Supplier information for the selected
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invoices is displayed in the Payee column on the Selected Scheduled

Payments pages.

On the Add Scheduled Payments page also the Remit To Supplier

information is displayed in the Payee column for the searched invoices.

On the Review Proposed Payments page, the Payee and Payee Bank
Account column will display the Remit To Supplier and Bank Account of
the Remit To Supplier.

Upon completing the payment process, the payments are created for the
selected invoices in favor of the Remit To Supplier.

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