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Simple internal Sales order for INCIAR

Order Management
Nav -> Orders, Returns -> Sale orders
In the customer field select Vision Corporation
In the order type field select Mixed

Click on the lines tab

Record the sale order number (it will be in the title bar of the form )
example order 61049

In the Ordered item field select CM15140

Click on the Shipping select field Wharehouse as D1
Save then click on Book Order

Exit the Sales order form

Shipping -> Release Sales Orders-> Release Sales Orders
In the order Number field put in you order number
Click the button Excute Now
Exit the form

Shipping -> Transactions
Enter your sale order number and click the find button
Click on the Deliver tab (bottom of the form)
In the field Action select Ship Comfirm then Press Go buttom
Click Ok when the ship comfirm window pops up (accept all the defaults
Exit the form

Change Reponsibility to Inventory

Make sure the Transaction have been costed
Select the Organization as D1
Transactions -> Material transaction
In the find Screen
In the item field use CM151140 to fine your order

Reports -> intercompany Invoicing
Select Create Intercompany AR Invoices
Leave the parameters blank
Reports -> intercompany Invoicing
Select Create Intercompany AP Invoices
Leave the parameters blank

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