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1. Agonists of growth hormone

2. Growth Hormone Antagonists
3. Gonadotropins gonadotropin-releasing hormone and its analogues
4. Competitive receptor antagonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormone
5. Thyroid hormones and their analogues (thyreomimetics)
6. thyreostatics - inhibitors of synthesis and release of the thyroid
7. insulin.
8. Oral antidiabetic medications: insulin secretagogues - sulphonylureas
and meglitinides
9. Oral antidiabetic drugs: drugs that improve peripheral action of insulin
(Insulin Sensitizers) - biguanides and thiazolidinediones (glitazones)
10. Oral antidiabetic drugs: drugs that inhibit the absorption of glucose alpha-glucosidase inhibitors
11. Oral antidiabetic drugs: inhibitors of DPP-4 (dipeptidyl peptidase-4)
12. Antidiabetic drugs: incretin mimetics and synthetic analogs of amylin
13. Antidiabetic medications - inhibitors of sodium-glucose transporter.
14. Glucocorticoids: classification and basic principles of glucocorticoid
15. Glucocorticoids: hydrocortisone, prednisone and prednisolone medical
16. Inhibitors of the synthesis of glucocorticoids and receptor antagonists
(Blockers) of glucocorticosteroids
17. Mineralocorticoids
18. Central gonadoaktivni drugs - prolactin inhibitors (dopamine agonists)
19. Estrogens combined medicinal products administered in estrogen
replacement therapy
20. Selective estrogen receptor modulators.
21. anti-gout drugs.
22. Drugs for osteoporosis - bisphosphonates.

23. Progestins and antiprogestins

24. Aromatase inhibitors
25. Hormonal contraceptives: combined drugs (single phase, biphasic,
three phase), TTC, vaginal rings
26. Hormonal contraceptives, hormonal contraception only progestin,
postcoital contraception
27. Androgens, testosterone and analogues (ADRs)
28. Anti-androgens

1. Prescribe medication inhibitor of xanthine oxidase in tablets 100 mg
(allopurinol, colchicine, hydrochlorothiazide). Which of these drugs is
contraindicated in high doses for gout and why?
2. Prescribe in tablets of 25 mcg medicine for the treatment of myxedema
(propylthiouracil, levothyroxine Thiamazole).
3. Prescribe synthetic antithyroid drug in tablets of 5 mg (betamethasone,
triiodothyronine, Thiamazole).
4. Prescribe regular insulin, suitable for the treatment of diabetic
5. Prescribe oral hypoglycemic medicinal product by the second
generation with a prolonged effect in tablets of 5 mg (metformin,
glibenclamide, rosiglitazone).
6. Prescribe glucocorticoid fluorine-containing prednisolone drug in tablets
of 0.5 mg (Dehydrocortisone, fludrocortisone, betamethasone). 7.
Prescribe glucocorticoid medication in dry ampoules to treat anaphylactic
shock (Flucinar, prednisolone, methylprednisolone).
8. Prescribe skin ointment containing a corticosteroid and an antibiotic.
9. Prescribe vitamin product in vials 200 000 UI / 10 ml for the prevention
of rickets (retinol, cholecalciferol, sodium fluoride).
10. Prescribe uterokinetichno hormone drug in ampoules 5 UI / 1 ml
(oxytocin, salbutamol, metilergobrevin). In what therapeutic indications
apply three drugs?
11. Prescribe oxytocin antagonist at a concentration of 7.5 mg / ml
solution for injection?
12 Prescribe tocolytic drug in ampoules 0.5 mg / 10 ml (estradiol
metilergobrevin, fenoterol).
13. Prescribe a medicament for the treatment of Cushing's syndrome,
which inhibit steroidogenesis early and administered in tablets of 250 mg
(metyrapone, aminoglutethimide, cortisol).
14. Indicate the difference between androgens and anabolic steroids and
you androgen testosterone cypionate in the form of depot injections of 25
mg / ml.
15. Prescribe corticosteroid sustained and potent anti-inflammatory and
anti-emetic effect in the form of ampoules 4 mg (methylprednisolone,
dexamethasone, prednisolone).

16. Prescribe medicine for the treatment of osteoporosis in vials of 4 mg

and 5 mg Solvent Water for injection (strontium ranelate, zolendronova
acid, calcium gluconate).
17. Prescribe vitamin D2 in ampoules of 300 IU / ml and vitamin D3 in
capsules of 300 000 IU.
18. Prescribe anti-diabetic drug that is incretin mimetic in pen 5 mcg
(glibenclamide, repaglinide, ekzanitid).
19. Prescribe insulin analogue with a prolonged action in vials of 100 UI /
ml - 3 ml (insulin lispro, insulin detemir, insulin aspart).
20. Prescribe a medicament for treating Addison's disease in tablets of 0.1
mg (hydrocortisone, betamethasone, fludrocortisone).
21. Prescribe estrogen receptor to induce ovulation. What is the
mechanism of this induction? (Estradiol, nandrolone, clomiphene).
22. Prescribe physiological representative of Gestagenes in capsules of
100 mg and 1% gel River 80 g.
23. Prescribe anti-progestin in the table. 200 mg for the induction of
abortion, in combination with a prostaglandin.
24. Prescribe agonist gonadotropic releasing hormone used to treat
prostate cancer in a depot injection 3.75 mg (somatotropin, cortisone,
leuprolide acetate).
25. Prescribe non-steroidal anti-androgen for the treatment of prostate
cancer in the Table. 50 mg (ekzamestan, bicalutamide, estradiol).

1. 54-year-old woman was operated on the occasion of breast cancer with
involvement of the lymph nodes. After the operation had been treated
with a drug which prevents prevrashtanateo of testosterone to estradiol.
What could be this medicine?
a. Mifepristone
b. Anastrozole
c. Buserelin

2. The 42-year-old woman developed polyuria, thirst and hypernatraemia

after surgical removal of part of the pituitary gland. These symptoms may
be treated with:
a. Prednisolone
b. Dexamethasone
c. Desmopressin

3. 30 year old woman using oral contraceptives appointed antituberculosis therapy because of diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis.
Advised her to use additional methods of contraception, as her drug
regimen included a medicine that reduces the effectiveness of oral
contraceptives. What is this medicine?
a. Isoniazid
b. Pyrazinamide
c. Rifampin

4. 24-year-old woman seeking advice because she had intercourse before

12 hours without protect. Based on her menstrual cycle, she believes
could become pregnant. What drug could be used as a postcoital
a. Cyprotherone
b. Levonorgestrel
c. ethinyl estradiol

5. 62-year-old woman complained of pain in the hip and knee joints and
back. Put her diagnosis of Paget's disease. Recently, it was almost
immobile due to bone pain and was admitted to hospital in lethargy,
muscle weakness, anorexia and constipation. Laboratory studies have
shown hypercalcaemia. In addition bisphosphonates, which other drug
could reduce bone pain and to lower serum calcium in this patient
a. Calcitonin

b. Fluoride
c. Hydrochlorothiazide

6. When 45-year-old woman suspicion of Cushing's syndrome. To confirm

the diagnosis, the patient is administered an oral medicament late at
night, and
the next morning made laboratory tests. Most likely, the oral drug was
a. Dexamethasone
b. Fludrocortisone
c. Ketoconazole

7. 20 year old woman complaining of irregular menstrual cycle, sometimes

missing with oily skin, acne and mild hirsutism is reviewed by
obstetricians. Taking estrogen-progesterone contraceptives. An ultrasound
and pelvic and diagnosed - polycystic ovary syndrome. Which medicine is
rational initial therapy to relieve symptoms without compromising the
ability of getting pregnant?
a. Estrogen (at doses higher than those in contraception)
b. Ketoconazole
c. Metformin
d. Prednison
e. Testosteron

8. 44-year-old man with type 2 DM and HbA1c - 8.5%, fasting blood

glucose - 16,5 mmol / L, with hypertension therefore accept an ACE
inhibitor. His job does not allow food regularly and sometimes missed
lunch. Dinner accepts principal amount of calories for the day. His blood
sugar fluctuates from very low values of 3.6 - 4.6 mmol / l, before dinner
to very high postprandial levels - 13.5 mmol / l - 16.5 mmol / l. Pharmaco
order him to remove HbA1c - 7%, and know its nutritional habits is
necessary to avoid drugs, leading to frequent hypoglycemia, although the
possibility of lowering blood sugar to normal?
a. Acarbose

b. Glyburide
c. Metformin
d. Pioglitazone
e. Repaglinide

9. 13-year-old boy with type 1 diabetes was brought to the emergency

center in a comatose state. Laboratory indicators with data for severe
hyperglycemia, ketoacidosis, and blood pH 7. How will quickly make up for
the severe ketoacidosis?
a. Insulin aspart
b. Glyburide
c. Isuline glargine
d. NPH insulin
e. Tolbutamide

10. 24-year-old woman syndrome Greyvs. Prescribed and methimazole,

which reduces mainly serum concentrations of T3, by which of these
a) increasing the peripheral metabolism of T3
b) Suppression of proteolysis of thyroid-binding globulin
c) suppressing the secretion of TSH
d) Inhibition of the uptake of iodine by the thyroid cells
e) prevents the binding of iodine to tyrosine residues in thyroglobulin

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