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Certification Theme



Certification in Human Resource Management

Human Resources play a key role in helping companies meet the challenges of
global competition. Strategic objectives to lower costs, improve productivity and
increase organizational effectiveness are changing the way every part of the
organization, including the HR department, does business. This program
explains what Human Resource Management is, how it relates to the
management process, and how it is changing in response to trends in the
workplace. It illustrates how all managers can use HR concepts and techniques,
HRs role in strategic planning and improved organizational performance, the
competencies required of HR managers. The curriculum includes 48 hours of
classroom activities.
The content objective of this program is to explain how to design and develop an
HR system that supports the companys strategic goals. It explains the strategic
management process, how to develop a strategic plan, and the HR managers
role in the process of strategy execution and formulation. It discusses how to
create an oriented HR system.

Target Audience

This Certification Program is designed for HR Generalists, HR Officers,

Specialists, and future HR professionals regardless of their job titles.


Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, Gary Dessler, 2012 2nd

Edition, Publisher: Pearson International, Inc.
1. Managing Human Resources Today
HRM Techniques and Concepts
Competitive trends affecting HRM
Demographic and workforce trends
The changing role of HR
The new HR manager
2. Personnel Planning and Recruiting
What is job analysis?
Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information
Writing Job Descriptions
Writing Job Specifications
The Recruitment and Selection Process
Workforce Planning and Talent Management
How to Forecast Personnel Needs
Steps to Succession Planning
Characteristics of Talent Management
Recruiting Job Candidates

Program Modules

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Program Modules

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3. Selecting Employees
Testing for Reliability
Testing and Validity
How Are Tests Used at Work?
Measuring Personality
Interviewing Candidates
Types of Selection Interviews
The Dos and Donts of Interview Questions
Spotting Dishonesty
4. Training and Developing Employees
Orienting Employees
Trainings Purpose and Process
Training Needs and Analysis
Competency Models
Traditional Training Techniques
Managerial Development and Training
Managerial On-the-Job Training
Organizational Development
Organizational Change
Evaluating Training and Development Efforts
5. Performance Management and Appraisal
Basic Concepts in Performance Management
Why Appraise Performance?
Appraisal Methods
The Appraisal Feedback Interview
Performance Management
Total Quality
Strategy Maps
Digital Dashboards
Career Management
Managing Promotions and Transfers
6. Compensating Employees
What Determines Rate of Pay?
How Employers Establish Pay Rates
Purpose of Job Evaluation

Program Modules


Job Evaluation Methods

Pricing Each Pay Grade: Wage Curves
Pricing Managerial and Professional Jobs
Current Compensation Trends
What to Broadband
Incentive Plans
Employee Benefits
7. Managing HR Globally
HR Challenges of International Business
What Is International HRM?
Which Inter-Country Differences Affect HRM
Improving International Assignments Through Selection
Expatriate Personality
International Staffing: Home or Local?
Pros and Cons of Offshoring
Values and International Staffing Policy
Sending Women Managers Abroad
Training and Maintaining International Employees
Establishing a Global Pay System
Performance Appraisal of International Managers
Repatriation: Problems and Solutions
This Program is accredited by The International Professional Managers
Association IPMA United Kingdom
IPMA Website:


Program will be running for 10 weeks, 2 days/week, 20 sessions, 2.5

hours/session with one coffee break in between total of 48 hours

Starting Date

Please contact Business Skills NHS- Baghdad St. for starting date &
All participants should take final test at the end of the program and scores 60%
as a minimum to earn the Certification. Participants who fail to score 60% on the
test will be granted a second chance to sit for a second test after 2 weeks from
first one.

Final Test


Registration &

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Is a must (80% Minimum attendance) and is graded as well. Class Activities,

Quizzes are added to Final Score.
New Horizons - Baghdad St. Branch:
Off Al-Arabi Hospital, Damascus, Syria.

Registration Date

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Tel: 011- 9321/44677500 ext.: 217

Contact Person: Khaldoun Nayseh
SP 36,000 (Thirty Six Thousands) per participant to be paid in advance.
Last date for registration & payment date is one week before starting date.

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