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Samantha Varney on Fill your Summer with fun.

Summer Cinema
Summer Fashion Things to do. Coming soon to a theater near you.
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21 Matthews Way Turner, Maine 04282

May 2010 Volume 10 Issue 2

Beat the Heat. Maine: Fun, Musical and Easily Accessible.

Staying Cool
This Summer
Samantha Varney

Summer is time to break free. Try

Brandon Maher something new, throw a great party, go to
the beach, or just get away from your reg-
ular routine of work and school. And its
ideal that we are close to two superb event
It's hot now, and it will only get hotter infested cities: Portland, ME and Boston,
as the summer goes on. There's many tra- MA. So take a day trip to the city with
ditional ways to cool off. You could go your family and friends to experience a
to the beach, or your back yard's pool. few of their many musical and festive
There's water parks, or maybe if you events.
want to reminisce on your younger years
you could set one up in your back yard Museums:
connected to a hose, and run back and
forth through it. *The Boston Museum of Fine Arts is
hosting the annual free community day.
But you're older now; you should find On Sunday June 20th from 10 am to 4:45
a place to cool down in a more grown up pm. So take the whole family for a day of
manner; and there's plenty of options. sight seeing and beautiful art.

The most popular spot in Turner would *The Isabella Stewart Gardner Mu-
easily be the "new" bridge by the "old" seum is hosting a special exhibition
redemption center. The parking is scant, gallery with free admission on June 4,
the people tend to get angry and call the 2010 from 6:00-8:00 PM. Come view ex-
cops when there's too many people walk- traordinary works of art inspired by the
Gardner and created by local students. Photo Courtesy of
ing around on the bridge, and the water
looks dirty, but that hasn't stopped area This annual art exhibition showcases the
residents from visiting this hot spot when Gardner's collaboration with local com-
munity organizations through the mu-
One of the many island off the coast of Maine.
there is really nothing else to do.
seum's Community Partnership Program.
Participating schools and programs in- *The Isabella Stewart Gardner Mu- Ballet for a second season in an unprece- at five free concert series. the concert se-
The best part of this is the recent addi-
clude: Dorchester Alternative School, seum is hosting a musical concert on June dented move by Mikko Nissinen. The ries will be hosted every Thursday
tion to the area. If anyone can recall the
Fenway High School, Hawthorne Youth 15th from 1:00 to 2:00pm.The concerts five-ballet program made its Boston pre- throughout the month of July from 5 to 8
brown house on the corner opposite the
and Community Center, Home for Little are by members of New England Conser- miere in February 2009, providing audi- pm. The event is located right in the heart
bridge, that seemed to do nothing but
Wanderers Knight Children's Center, Lit- vatory's Summer Institute for Contempo- ences with a view into Kyli n's unique of Portland; monument square. With sev-
take up space and look ugly, they will be
tle House Alternative School, Mother rary Performance Practice and feature and potent vision and was met with rave eral restaurants, cafes, and vendors nearby
pleased to hear that it is now gone. In it's
Caroline Academy, Peace Drum Project, music from the 20th and 21st centuries. reviews. The remarkable show will be re- in case you get hungry.
place sits a grassy knoll with some
and the Gardner Museum's Museum As- The Concerts are free with museum ad- turning on June 20th at 7pm, take the fam-
benches. This new addition offers area
sociates and Teens-Behind-the-Scenes mission; seating begins at 12:45pm. Au- ily to the Boston opera house.
residents the chance to go relax, watch
Programs. dience members are invited to drop in or ... Continued on Page #7
some bridge jumpers, and take a break
stay for the entirety of the concert. *Every year Portland host free music
from the hot summer day.
Music & Performances: venues throughout the summers. This

Camp Sunshine Bringing Happiness to Maine

*Black and White returns to Boston summer on July 8th marks the first Alive
Turner seems to be king in summer
time for ways to cool off.

I'm sure everyone has driven down

Route 4 at least one time in their life.
Well right between where Kurt Youland
built his Mobil "Pit-Stop" and where the
Cassidy Langlelier tionships they have lost with each other
through rough moments.
Chic-a-dee divides Auburn and Turner
there is a legendary rope swing of un- The main focus of the camp is to alleviate
godly proportions. Most of us have gone to Summer camp. the stress that comes from a life threatening
We've spent our day's at sports camps prepar- illness. Their job is help them forget the pain
ing for the next season, or in the middle of a and remember exactly what fun is, even if
How it got there is not known, but
lake just enjoying the Summer. Summer camp only for a little while.
most people I have talked to have told provides a great experience for everyone.
me it's been there since the early 1990's.
Children who suffer from Cancer, Kidney
Camp Sunshine is the most admiral camp Disease, and organ transplant and many other
Despite having a vague history, it's a among Summer camps. It was created in 1984 illnesses can attend the camp for one week
rather simple operation going on. There's to support children who are suffering from taking part in simple games and activities.
just one rope that's hanging from a life threatening diseases and their immediate
branch approximately 40 feet off the families. The camp has provided a safe haven
ground. The rope is usually 3 or 4 differ- for over 30,000 children with intrusive dis- ...Continued on Page #7
ent ropes tied together. eases world wide. Photo Courtesy of Summer Camp U.S.A

Camp Sunshine is for not only the ill child The main event of many young kids summer.
... Continued On Page #7 but for their immediate family. It's a chance
to meet other families who are suffering from
the same problems and to rebuild the rela-

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