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Artculos Empleados

En Construccin Civil


Tape measure.

A tape measure or measuring tape is a flexible ruler. It consists of a

ribbon of cloth, plastic, fibre glass, or metal strip with linear-measurement
markings. It is a common measuring tool. Its design allows for a measure of
great length to be easily carried in pocket or toolkit and permits one to
measure around curves or corners.

Excavator is the machine that can excavate the soil of various types
forcefully and then using hydraulic system a hydraulic force is generated and
utilizing this force bucket is pull back towards the machine. Bucket of
excavator is replaceable. If front bucket is exchange with some other
attachments then excavator can be used for multi-purpose. For example: pile
diver, hydraulic jack hammer etc.

An electronic calculator is a small, portable electronic device used to
perform both basic operations of arithmetic and complex mathematical


A helmet is a form of protective gear worn to protect the head from


Is a tool to measure the thickness of a crack, it also allows to measure
and quantify the movement that occur in fissure.

Are delineated drawings are made using drawing tools (square, set
square, ruler, compass, etc.), to achieve scale representation of an object;
that is, a drawing whose measures are commensurate with the object in

Concrete Block.
The concrete block is a prefabricated piece in the form of right prism and
with one or more vertical holes, for use in simple systems or masonry
structural part, this due to the possibility of strengthening parts vertically and

Large building made of stones, bricks and resistant materials which is
intended to serve as housing or space for development of human activity.

It is a hand tool used for digging or moving materials with relatively
small cohesion. Used to dig into the ground and transporting material and a
metal handle or wood with which it is handled.

Is a composite material used in construction, consisting essentially of a
binder to particles or fragments of an aggregate, water is added and specific
additives. Conventional concrete or concrete is normally used in pavements,
buildings and other structures.

1. Tape measure: She told me "Carl please measure correctly with the
tape measure"
2. Excavators: There needs to be an excavator to the depth of the pool.
3. Helmet: The engineers have to put on a helmet to protect bricks that
could fall off the wall.
4. Calculating: Use calculator to find out how many bricks we have to
order to provider.
5. Fisurometro: Arq. Joseph told the site manager to use the fisurometro to
accurately measure the aperture that was made in one of the columns.
6. Plane: As I've always forgotten the plane, so I'm running home quickly.
7. Concrete Block: If this concrete block wasnt so heavy, we might arise
8. Building: So my grandmother was so sad, I was watching the news,
while watch the building on the floor by the earthquake in Ecuador, god
bless them.
9. Shovel: The workers were until last night claiming for payment, who
rings the shovel in form of manifestation.
10.Concrete: Damn! I shouted when hitting my pinky with moms table.

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