XUAL Community Reg. Cert., Memorandum and Articles of Association

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CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION SOCIETIES REGISTRATION ACT OF 1896 Geese Rie, oar | hereby certify that. AWAL COMMIT has been registered under the SOCIETIES REGISTRATION ACT OF 1896. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AT DUBLIN on thlenealtoetcsttica day of «+y one thousand nine hundred and sixtynine, ? Registration fe fee of i. feet 2 Registray Societies t Administration Dublin 3 Sent of Societies “Dublin \SE QUOTE THIS NUMBER IN ALL YOUR FUTURE CORESPONDANCE, at , A EEE EEE EFT ESSE FISTS 3 ASL LAL SL femorandum and Articles of Association Kilmatogh. Memorandum and Articles of Association for the xual Community, kilmatogh, Blackross, Go, Leitrim, treland. MEMORANDUM 2, DIDLE ‘The XUAL community shall establish an association without any political colouring of self-interest whatsoever, with the name "XUAL COMMUNITY" henceforth called "Community". The said "Community" shall include any person over the age of 18 years; man or woman, regardless of nationality, religion and place of birth and which shall be accepted by this present. 2, SEAT Kilmatogh, Blackross, Co. Leitrim, shall be the seat of the "Community’, The provisional residence shall be that of the Chairman thereof. 3. SEAL The seal of the "Community" shall depict the letters of XUAL enclosed by a downward pointing triangular border. 4, OBJEOTS ‘the objects of the "Community" are : L The maintenance, support and the cultivation of the "Community" and the altruistic sentiments of the members thereof; 2 The cultivation and maintenance of the feeling of solidarity and mutual assistance among all those of the "Community’s 3, To foster an understanding of the nature of consciousness as an applied science; 4, The support of the civil rights of our members with every appropriate legal meat 5, To advocate, set up and maintain high standards of professional training for the members of the "Community", members of the Council of Management or Governing Body of the "Community" and other appropriately qualified persons; 6, To advocate, set up and maintain high standards of conduct for the members of the 'Community” and members of the Council of Management or doverning Body of the "Community's 7. To promote and undertake research into consciousness and any matter or matters of a nature ancillary thereto and to publish and distribute the results of such research; 8 To organize lectures, exhibitions, festivities and other events for fund- raising purposes; 9, To support and participate in the activities and events of other groups with similar objects as the "Community's"; 10. To organize classes for teaching meditation and or other altered states of consciousness; 11 fo establish a "Community" campus to serve as place of residence and base of operations for its members; 12. Yo organise, promote and hold conferences and to organise and conduct or 2 join in organising and conducting courses, meetings, lectures, exhibitions and consultations at which members of the "Community" engaged in a particular field of research considered matters of a mutual interest and benefit; 13, To make known to public bodies and such other bodies as the "Community" deems fit, the views of the "Community" on subjects on which it feels qualified to express opinions, 14, To seek to ensure that tests and equipment shall be made available only to persons who, in the opinion of the "Community", are or are likely to become appropriately qualified: 15, To lay down the requirements and qualifications for membership of and subscribership to the "Community" and to maintain a register of members of and a register of subscribers to the "Community", their addresses, qualifications and appointments; 1s, To establish and support or assist in the establishment of associations, institutions funds and trusts, calculated to benefit the objects of the "Community 17. To apply for, collect and receive money and funds by way of contributions, donations, subscriptions, legacies, grants or any other lawful method, and to accept and receive gifts of property of any description (whether subject to any special trusts or not) and apply such money and funds in accordance with the objects of the "Community’s 18, To fix appropriate charges for courses, lectures, meetings, exhibitions and consultation. 19. To employ such persons as may be reasonably required for the efficient and proper carrying out of the activities of the "Community" and to remunerate and provide reasonable monies for any persons so employed; 20, To invest the funds of the "Community" not immediately required for its purposes in or upon such investments, securities or property as may be thought fit, subject nevertheless to such conditions (if any) and such consents Gif any) as may for the time being and from time to time be imposed or required by law, 21. To purchase, take on lease, or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire in any manner any real or personal property, and any rights or privileges which the “Community” may think necessary or convenient for the promotion of its objects, and to construct, maintain and alter any buildings or structures necessary or convenient for the carrying on of the activities of the "Community", and to sell, let, mortgage, dispose of or turn to account, all or any of the property or assets of the "Community" as may be expedient for the promotion of the objects of the "Community"; 22, To borrow or raise money in such manner and upon such terms as the "Community" shall think fit, and in particular upon the security by way of mortgage, charge, debenture or otherwise of all or any part of the property of the "Community’ 23. To procure to be written and print, publish, issue and circulate gratuitously or otherwise any reports or periodicals, books, pamphlets, leaflets or other documents; 24, To act as consultants and advisers to institutions and individuals which it feels qualified to express opinions; 25. To transfer or dispose of, with or without valuable consideration, any part of the property or assets of the "Community" not required for the purposes for which it is formed to any body or bodies, whether incorporated or not having 3 objects similar to all or any of the objects of the "Community" provided that such body is not carrying on business for profit or gain for distribution by way of dividends, bonus or otherwise amongst its members; 26, To federate or amalgamate with, affiliate or become affiliated to any body whether incorporated or not, having objects similar to all or any of the objects of the "Community’s 27. To acquire and undertake all or any part of the assets and liabilities of any body, whether incorporated or not, having objects similar to all or any of the objects of the "Community’; 28. To apply for, promote, and obtain or join in applying for, promoting or obtaining any Act of the Oireachtas, or licence of any authority, and to take all such steps and proceedings, and to do all such acts and things either alone or jointly with others, whether by opposing applications or proceedings or otherwise as shall be necessary or expedient to protect the interests of the "Community"; 29, To undertake and execute any trusts which may be lawfully undertaken by the "Community's 30. To do all or any of the above things in any part of the world as principals, agents, trustees or otherwise, and by or through trustees, agents or otherwise, either alone or in conjunction with others: 31. To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them. PROVIDED that the "Community" shall not support with its funds or endeavour to impose on or procure to be observed by its members or others any regulation or restriction which if an object of the "Community" would make it a Trade Union, 32. The income and property of the "Community", whencesoever derived, shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the "Community" as set forth in this Memorandum of Association, and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly, by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise howsoever by way of profit, to the members of the "Community". PROVIDED that nothing herein shall prevent the payment, in good faith, of reasonable and proper remuneration to any officer or servant of the "Community", or to any member of the "Community’, in return for any services actually rendered to the “Community”, nor prevent the payment of interest at a rate not exceeding five ver cent per annum on money lent or reasonable and proper rent for premises demised or let by any member to the “Community”; but so that no member of the Council of Management or Governing Body of the "Community" shall be appointed to any salaried office of the "Community” or any office of the "Community" paid by fees, and that no remuneration or other benefit in money or money's worth shall be given by the "Community" to any member of such Council or coverning Body, except repayment of out-of-pocket expenses and interest at the rate aforesaid on money lent or reasonable and proper rent for premises demised or let to the "Community’; PROVIDED that the provision last aforesaid shall not apply to any payment to any Company of which a member of the Council of Management or Governing Body may be a member, and in which such member shall not hold more than one-hundredth part of the capital, and such member shall not be bound to account for any share of profits he may receive in respect of any such payment; 35, No addition, alterations or amendments shall be made to or in the provisions of the Memorandum or Articles of Association for the time being in force; 34, Bvery member of the "Community" undertakes to contribute to the assets of the 4 "Conmunity”, in the event of the same being wound up while he or she is a member or within one year after he or she ceases to be a member, for payment of the debts and liabilities of the "Community" contracted before he or she ceases to be a member, and of the costs, charges and expenses of winding up, and for the adjustment of the rights of the contributories among themselves, such amount as may be required not exceeding One Irish pound (£1), 35 If upon the winding up or dissolution of the "Community" there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the "Community" but shall be given or transferred to some other institution or institutions having objects similar to the objects of the "Community", and which shall prohibit the distribution of its or their income and property among its or their members to an extent at least as great as is imposed on the "Community", such institution or institutions to be determined by the members of the "Community" at or before the time of dissolution, and if and so far as effect cannot be given to such provision, then to some charitable object. 5. MEMBERSUIP 1 the individuals adopting the Memorandum of Association, and such other persons and bodies as the Council shall admit to membership shall be members of the “Community” 2 The Council may admit to corporate membership of the "Community" any company or incorporated or unincorporated association or body of persons whose principal aims are similar or related to the objects of the "Community's 3. The Council may admit to individual membership of the "Community" any individual or company or incorporated or unincorporated association or body of persons interested in advising or assisting in the promotion of the objects of the "Community's 4, Every member shall further to the best of their ability, the objects, interests and influence of the "Community" and shall observe all regulations of the "Community" made pursuant to the powers in that behalf hereinafter contained; 5, The membership of the "Community" shall consist of Registered members, Associate members, Subscribers, and lionorary Fellows. 6. REGISTERED MEMBE an entrant to the register must be person of good standing and hold: L An accredited graduate or postgraduate professional qualification in a psychological science, pharmacological or sociological equivalent; 2,No person shall be entered on the register until he or she has signed an undertaking to abide by the Code of Professional Ethics, to accept the authority of the Council to adjudicate on the fulfilment of this undertaking, and to abide by other regulations with regard to the form and keeping of the register as may be made from time to time; 3, All registered members are required to undertake continued personal and professional development under the relevant guidelines set up by "Community's" Council; 4, Any person who wilfully uses the designation registered member of the “Community”, when he or she is not included on the register, or, 5. uses any title or description which falsely implies that he or she is on the 5 register, shall be liable to be challenged by the Council; 6 Any member of the "Community" who makes a false declaration or misreprecentation for the purpose of obtaining registered member status is liable to sanction by the Council. 7. ASSOCTATE MEMBERS 1 Application for Associate membership shall be made to the Council; 2. An applicant for Associate membership shall be a Graduate of a recognised college and shall in addition satisfy the Council that he/she is professionally competent and has at least four years experience. or an equivalent period part- ‘time, of working in the area of psychology: 3. An application for Associate membership shall be signed by two Associate members or Registered members who may be required to attest that the applicant meets the requirements for Associate membership, 4, The Council may admit to Associate membership such eligible applicants as it deems fit, 8. SUBSCRIBERS ithe Council may admit individuals, at its discretion, wherever resident, with an interest in Subscribing, 2, Subscribers to the "Community" shall not take part in the governing of the “Community”: 3. Application for Subscribership shall be made to the Council: 4, Persons who are deemed eligible for membership are not eligible for Subseribership of the "Community's 5. The Council may, at its discretion, remove any individual from the list of Subscribers. 9. HONORARY PELLOWS L The Council may invite a person to accept an Ionorary Fellowship if in its opinion he or she has made an outstanding contribution to the area of consciousness research, including through outstanding contribution or service to the "Community". 10. MAINTAINING 1. BGI 1 The Council shall maintain a register to include the names and addresses of Members of the "Community" who are registered members and such additional information as it considers appropriate and in the public interest. 2 The Register shall be limited to members of the "Community". 3. The Register may be published by the Council who shall determine what provision is appropriate for distribution and public access to the Register. 4, The Register shall be maintained by such officials as the Council may appoint to carry out the task. 5 The Council shall make regulations with respect to the form and keeping of the Register and the making of entries and alterations. 6. The Couneil shall prescribe such fees for registration as it considers appropriate. 7. The Council may remove a person from the Register for good reason. 11 BEES. 1 Members shall pay such fees as may be prescribed from time to time by the “Community” and shall cease to be members if their fees are three months overdue. The Secretary shall draw this provision of the Articles to the attention of a member whose fee is two months overdue, but failure to do so shall not nullify the effect of this Article. Such notification shall be deemed to have been received if issued in a manner agreed by the Council: 2, Subscribers shall pay such fees as may be prescribed from time to time by the "Community", and shall cease to be Subscribers if their fees are three months overdue. 12 CESSATION OF MENBERSUIP 1. A member or Subscriber of the "Community" shall cease to be a member or Subscriber: 2. if by one month's notice in writing to the Secretary such member or Subscriber resigns, 3.4f he/she becomes of unsound mind or is declared a bankrupt or makes a composition with his/her creditors; 4, f he/she is excluded from membership or Subscribership by the Council or; 5. if the "Community" goes into liquidation or passes a resolution for winding up 6 Any member or Subscriber may be excluded from the "Community" by a Resolution of a majority of at least three-fourths of the members of the Council present and voting at a meeting of the Council specially convened for this purpose. Such member or Subscriber shall have seven clear days notice sent to him/her of the Council meeting and of the grounds of the proposed exclusion and he/she shall be entitled to attend the meeting and be heard in its defence (or, if a body corporate or an unincorporated association, to appoint a representative to attend the meeting and be heard in its defence), but shall not be present at the voting or take further part in the proceedings otherwise than as the Council shall permit. 14, GENERAL ASSEMBLY a. The general assembly of members shall convene every other year in the month of November and the date thereof shall be set forth by the Council; b, An extraordinary general assembly of members may be convened by the Council either when it deems this expedient or when at least 8 of the regular members request this from the Council in writing, while clearly including the purpose thereo: ¢, The regular members shall be notified of the convening of the general assembly by post newsletter, signed by the Chairman and the Secretary four weeks prior to the date of the assembly; 4. The agenda of the General Assembly shall be as follows: Elections of Chairman of the General Assembly or the Extraordinary General Assembly, ie. Chairman, Secretary and one member; L The report of the Council and the acceptance of the minutes; 2 2. The report of the treasurer and the acceptance of the report; 3. The election of a new Council; 4, The election of auditors on behalf of the "Community's Miscellaneous issues; . A quorum shall be reached in any assembly in which 51% of the regular members thereof are present. In a contrary case it shall be postponed for half an hour after which the assembly shall be considered in quorum if the sum of the members present and of those who voted by brief is 21 or more. Resolutions shall be made by majority, by raising hands or in certain cases, upon decision of the assembly, by secret vote. The resolutions shall be entered in the minutes and signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Assembly. 15. Gouned: Management or Governing Bod a. The administration and the management of the "Community's" property shall be trusted, Ist upon the General Assembly and 2nd, the members of the Council. the Council shall be responsible for all the activities of the "Community". It is the duty of the Council to care that the financial affairs of the "Community" are in a good state, Otherwise, the Council must call an extraordinary general assembly in order to decide on the measures to be taken. b. The Council shall consist of 7 members elected by the general assembly for a period of two years. The members of the Council who leave may be re-elected. within one week from the date of their notification regarding the convening of the General Assembly (see article 1!) the regular members are entitled to recommend in writing to the Chairman of the "Community", the names of the nominees for the Council, the complete list with the nominees shall be sent to the regular members of the “Community” two weeks prior to the date of the Assembly. ‘The General Assembly elects the Chairman, the Secretary and the Treasurer, as well as two other members of the Council. The Chairman is entitled to be elected for two consecutive periods only, (ie. in total four years). This ex-Chairman is then disqualified from holding this position for the next 2 years only. liowever, during this 2-year period, he/she may put him/nerself forward for another position within the Council. c. In the case of death, a long-lasting sickness or resignation of a member of the Council, the place of this member may be substituted temporarily or until the next assembly. The number of members of the Council elected in such a way may not exceed three within the same year. 4. The Council shall convene every three months or when two of the members request this and there is a quorum when at least four of the members thereof are present. Resolutions, when there is no unanimity are made by majority. In case of a tie, the Chairman has a double vote. Resolutions must be entered in the minutes and signed by the members present. Urgent resolutions may also be made by telephone but then should be confirmed in the next assembly. If a member is constantly absent from the meetings without a serious reason, then the Council upon joint decision thereof, may request the resignation of such member. Every member of the Council who is absent for more four consecutive months automatically ceases to be member of the Council. The Council appoints a substitute thereof pursuant to the provisions of article 15 of the Articles of Association. ¢. The Chairman, the Secretary and the Treasurer, simultaneously with the 8 election thereof, automatically form the "Minor Council Office" which handles serious issues of the "Community", which are urgent, due to the fact that it is very difficult for the Council to convene in short periods and in extraordinary cases because the members of the "Community" as well as of the Council are absent. The decisions of the "Minor Council Office" are subject to ratification by the Council in the next regular assembly thereof. Decisions of both bodies shall be taken by simple majority as provided by paragraph c of article 15 of the Articles of Association. 16. TUE GHATRMAN 1 The members of the Council shall elect the Chairman-Elect every two years from among their number. The Chairman-Elect shall be automatically appointed Chairman on the retirement from office of the outgoing Chairman. 2No person may be Chairman for a consecutive period of more than two years. 3 he Chairman shall chair meetings of the Council If at any meeting of the Council the Chairman is not present within five minutes after the time appointed for holding the meeting, the Chairman-Elect shall take the chair. If neither the Chairman nor the Chairman-Elect is present within five minutes after the time appointed for the holding of the meeting, those members who are present: may choose one of their number to chair. 4, The Chairman may, with the approval of Council, award not more than two Citations annually. This Gitation shall be in the form of an award and shall be awarded to those who, in the opinion of the Chairman, have made a substantial, significant and ongoing contribution to the practice, application or understanding of consciousness. Those entitled to this award shall be from amongst those not eligible for membership of the "Community’. 1?. DUE SECRETARY 1 The Secretary shall administer the entire correspondence of the "Community’, keep all the minutes of the assemblies, sort out the various documents, place these in the relevant book and assume the maintenance of the file 2. The Secretary may accept an assistant who shall assist, represent and substitute the Secretary depending on the case. 3. The Secretary on expiration of his/her term of office shall be eligible for re-election. 18, TUB TREASURER 1 The Treasurer shall manage the accounts of the "Community" and in particular, the Fund, the Log Book, the General as well as the Book on Revenue, Expenses, the Budget, the Balance Sheet and inventory. 2 Accounts shall be closed at the end of the month proceeding the date of the neneral Assembly. 3. The Treasurer collects on behalf of the "Community" in particular, the contributions, the donations, and the bequests either in kind or in cash. ‘4, He or she shall conclude all payments on behalf of the "Community" and proceed to the balancing of the Budget pursuant to the resolutions of the eral Assembly and Council. 5. The Treasurer shall prepare the Balance sheet and Budget and submit these firstly to the Council for the approval of the members thereof. 9 6, The Treasurer shall enter in a special book, all the donations and bequests granted to the Community. 7. lle shall deposit all monies on behalf of the "Community" in the Bank except for a small amount for the necessary small expenses, which do not exceed the account of 20 pounds. 8, Upon approval of the Council he or she may withdraw monies from the Bank. Cheques shall be signed by the Treasurer and the Chairman or in case the latter is absent by the Secretary. 19. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS DURATION - DISSOLUTION OF THE "COMMUNITY" ‘The duration of the "Community" is infinite however; it must dissolve if the number of members is decreased to 6. In case of dissolution of the "Community", for any reason whatsoever, the entire property thereof as well as the books, the papers and the documents, shall be provisionally transferred to the Chairman, for a maximum period of six months and if in the meantime a new "Community" has not been formed, the entire property shall be donated as said in Article 4, 35. The winding up shall be materialised by the Council. 20. AMMENDMENT OF THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION ‘The General Assembly shall be entitled to proceed to amendments of the Articles of Association if 75% of the regular members present vote in favour of these and if in advance the recommended amendments have been duly submitted before the Chairman who shall forward these to the regular members along with the notification of the Ceneral Assembly (see Article 14. ‘the present Articles of Association have been approved by the General Assembly. Kiltomagh, 51 January 1962. DTEE Ez GIAIRMAN - Mr Malcolm Cassin SECRETARY - Ms Sylvia Jennings TREASURER - Mx Dermot Bannion ORDINARY MEMBER - Mr Thomas A. Clarke ORDINARY MEMBER - Mrs Noreen Shannon 10

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