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Cortnie Slark

Technology Integration Action Plan

According to Edutopia, technology integration is the use of technology
resources in daily classroom practices, and in the management of a school. With
this action plan I will be finding different types of technology resources that I would
like to learn more about and possibly use in a STEM classroom. The plan consists of
two weeks, and four resources that I will later be creating projects to show the
evidence of my learning and research. With all projects I will write up a paragraph
about what I learned and how I navigated through the new technology.
For Week 2:
1. Resource: Kidblog
I would Introduce Kidblog to students at the beginning of a writing unit so that
they have a place to publish their writing. The class will have their own blog and
the students can read their peers work as well as comment on it. The teacher
can use this site also to monitor the students writing and activity within the blog.
For my project I will create a blog along with some published work of my
students to show the interaction that the students can have with other students
published work, as well as how the teacher can monitor the students activity.
Technology: computers, either in the classroom or in the library
2. Resource: Popplet
I would have students create a Popplet on a topic that they have learned in a
certain subject. They can use Popplet graphic organizers to show the
relationships between two different things, or just to show different facts about a
certain topic. This is a good resource for them to use to learn and think visually.
For my project I will be creating a fact graphic organizer on the characteristics of
a meal worm in each stage of its lifecycle.

Popplet (app or website)

Computer or tablet/iPad

For Week 3:
1. Students will be introduced to Puppet Pals and will be creating a story or
show on the books plot line that they have been reading in language arts.
This is a creative way for the students to retell a story and show their
comprehensive skills. For my project I will be retelling the story of The Three
Little Pigs. This app allows you to create the story using your own voice along
with other aspects such as picking your characters and background.

Puppet Pals app

Tablet or iPad

2. Have students engage in the student-response tool called Nearpod. This is an

app that allows teachers to show a presentation that is embedded with
quizzes and polls. The students respond to these quizzes and polls from their
devices. For my project I will be creating a presentation that is embedded
with quizzes and polls and then will have help from other family members or
classmates to go through the presentation so that I can see how the teacher
can see the results.

Computers, tablets or iPads

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