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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate:

Pattie Pollan

Date: June 30, 2016

Grade and Topic:

3rd grade Facts About Our Planet Earth.

Mentor Teacher:

Dr. Claire Knowles


Length of Lesson:

1 hour 50 minutes

University of Memphis IDT 3600


This lesson plan is part of a unit plan covering the identification and comparing of the major components of the
solar system.

Given access to a computer with an internet browser, students will conduct research using Google search engine
in order to find answers to eleven questions that have been assigned by my self. They will then use Google Docs
to create a document in which they will type out the answers to the questions in an organized manner, i.e.,
numbered from 1-11. This will be done on a portrait orientation. Each question is worth 9 points. To receive an
A, a student must correctly answer 10/11 questions. A matching quiz in the form of a handout will be given after
students have passed in their printed Google Doc. The matching quiz will include all of the previous questions
with answers. Students are required to match the correct answer to the corresponding question. The grading
scale will be the same as the previous grading scale. All questions are worth 9 points. A student must get 10/11
questions correct in order to receive and A. These two grades will be combined for a total of 200 points.
Students who receive 164 points total will have mastered this concept by earning an A or B average.
The goal of this lesson is to teach students fun and interesting facts about our planet Earth, which is a part of
our solar system. Another goal of this lesson is to get students acclimated to using Google Docs.
Tennessee Common Core Standard GLE 0307.6.1. Identify and compare the major components of the
solar system.
ISTE Standard: Research and Information Fluency, Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and
use information.

Computer, Internet browser, Google Docs, Google Search Engine, Pencil, Paper, and Handout.

Technology will be integrated in order to teach students how to do their own research and how to create a
document in Google Docs.
Key concepts for this lesson: Learning how to do individual research on the internet, learning how to create a
Google Doc and save it, and learning concepts about our planet Earth.
This lesson builds upon previous lessons in which students have learned how to navigate an internet browser,
i.e., Mozilla Firefox.
I will build upon this lesson in future lessons by having students do more of their own research and create other
Google Docs.
I will prepare different assessment forms for diverse learners since they may not be at the same academic level
as my other students. One of these may include differentiated instruction.


Introduction: In order to get students motivated for this lesson I will tell them in advance that they will receive
ten minutes of free time at the end of the day if they stay on task and finish the assignment.
Step 1: Explain the lesson to the students and prepare them for what we are about to do. (3 minutes)
Step 2: Have students turn on computer and open internet browser. Students are familiar with this step.
(2 minutes)
Step 3: Pass out list of prepared questions. (1 minute)
Step 4: Instruct students to navigate to in order to begin research. (1 minute)
Step 5: Students will research to find answers to listed questions and write down their answers on a sheet
of paper as they go. (30-35 minutes)
Step 6: Instruct students to navigate to (2 minutes)
Step 7: Students will create a Google account. I will be using an overhead computer screen projection so
that I may help navigate students through this process. (10 minutes)
Step 8: Instruct students to navigate to and click on Blank to
open a blank document. (2 minutes)
Step 9: Students will list the answers they found through their research. The answers will be numbered
1-11 and each answer will begin on a new line. They will use Times New Romans 12pt font. (25
Step 10: Instruct students to Save As their document so that they will not lose their work. This will
teach them how to give a meaningful name to their work; a name that will correspond with the
assignment at hand. I will be using computer screen overhead projection in order to help navigate them
through this process. (5 minutes)
Step 11: Students will print off their Google Doc and turn it in. (5 minutes)
Step 12: I will pass out the handout (matching quiz) and students will complete and then turn in. (20
Throughout this lesson I will periodically ask, If anyone needs any help, please dont be afraid to ask.
Also, I will periodically walk around the room to check and make sure everyone is on task and at the
correct stage of procedure.
For students with different learning needs and for students who cannot complete the steps due to lack of
comprehension, I will give extra help, time, and attention.
Closure: To close this lesson, I will walk around the room to make sure students have met all requirements and
I will enthusiastically congratulate the students on their completion of their first Google Doc.

To assess the students work, I will be giving two grades. One for the completed Google Doc and one for the
matching quiz. There are 11 concepts on each of these assignments. Each correct concept per assignment will be
awarded 9 points for a total of 100 points per assignment. To receive an A on either assignment, a student can
only get one concept incorrect per assignment. The two assignments will be averaged together for a total of 200
points. If a student receives an A or B average (164 points or higher), then he or she has mastered the goal of the
Students who did not master the objective/goal of this lesson will be given an opportunity on another
date to re-take the matching quiz and to edit their saved Google Doc in order to correct any mistakes.

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