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System Identification

Control Engineering B.Sc., 3rd year

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

Lecturer: Lucian Busoniu

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Part III
Mathematical Background:
Statistics and Linear Regression

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression


So far, we have been dealing with transient analysis of step- and

impulse-response models. This mostly involved familiar concepts
related to linear systems and their time-domain responses.
The upcoming methods for system identification require additional
tools: basics of probability theory and statistics; and linear regression,
which involves solving linear systems.

In this part we redefine some notation (e.g. x, A) to have a different meaning

than in the rest of the course.

Probability & Statistics

Table of contents

Concepts of probability theory and statistics

Linear regression

Linear regression

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Probability: Formal definition

Preliminary concepts:
Outcome , taking possible values in the sample space ,
Event A, defined as a subset of , A (with some extra
technical conditions on valid events)
A probability measure P is a function mapping possible events into
probability values in [0, 1], satisfying the conditions:
0 P(A) 1 (valid probabilities)
P() = 1 (the entire sample space must have probability 1)
If events A1 , . . . , Am are disjoint, then
P(A1 A2 Am ) = P(A1 ) + P(A2 ) + + P(Am ). This must
hold even as m .
Much of this section follows Chapter 5 of the SysID lecture notes at Uppsala
University, by K. Pelckmans.

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Probability: Example
Consider as an example the precipitation on a given day, and to make
the definitions precise let h denote precipitation in mm.
Sample set: e.g. = {dry (p = 0), drizzle (0 < p 2), rain (2 <
p 10), downpour (p > 10)}, with the outcomes taking any of
these values.
Event A: any one of the outcomes, e.g. A = {drizzle}, and in
addition any union of outcomes, such as
A = {drizzle} {rain} {downpour}; call A = wet.
Then, one example of probability measure is P({dry}) = 0.5,
P({drizzle}) = 0.2, P({rain}) = 0.2, P({downpour}) = 0.1, and we
use condition 3 to generate the probabilities of combined events; e.g.
P(wet) = 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.1 = 0.5. Note that conditions 1 and 2
(P() = 1) are satisfied.

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Probability: Independence
The joint probability of two events A and B is defined as
P(A, B) := P(A B).
Two events A and B are called independent if P(A, B) = P(A)P(B).
The event of rolling a 6 with a dice is independent of the event of
getting a 6 at the previous roll (or, indeed, any other value and
any previous roll).
The event of rolling two consecutive 6-s, however, is not
independent of the previous roll!
(Incidentally, failing to understand the first example leads to the
so-called gamblers fallacy. Having just had a long sequence of
bador goodgames at the casino, means nothing for the next game.
Take this into account the next time youre in Vegas!)

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Random variable

A random variable is a function X : X defined on the sample set
, taking values in some arbitrary space X .
Intuitively, random variables associate interesting quantities to the
outcomes. A specific (deterministic) value of X is denoted x. Such a
value is called a realization of X .
The probability of X taking value x is the probability of all outcomes
leading to x:
P(X = x) = P({ | X () = x })
where the first, shorter notation is used for convenience.

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Random variable: Example

An urn contains 10 colored balls numbered from 1 to 10; the first 2

balls are white, the others 8 are black. The sample space is
= {1, . . . , 10}. Balls are drawn from the urn following a uniform
distribution, corresponding to P({i}) = 1/10, i.
The random variable is the color of the ball,
X : {white, black}, defined by X (1) = X (2) = white,
X (3) = = X (10) = black.
The probability of drawing a white ball is
P(X = white) = P({1, 2}) = 1/5.

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Discrete random variable

If set X is discrete, then so is the random variable. Two possibilities:
X contains a finite number n of elements
X contains infinitely many elements that can be indexed by
natural numbers 0, 1, 2, . . . (mathematical term: countable).
In this case, a sufficient representation of the probability distribution is
the PMF:
The probability mass function (PMF) of X is the list of the probabilities
of all individual values p(x0 ), p(x1 ), . . . .
Example: Ball color is a discrete random variable, with finitely many
(two) values, and its PMF is p(white) = 1/5, p(black) = 4/5.

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Continuous random variable: Motivation

In the weather example, we wish to characterize the precise quantity
of precipitation h [0, ). Assume each value h has equal
probability. (For completeness, take sample space = [0, ) so that
random variable H is the identity, H() = ).
But there are continuously, infinitely many values in [0, ), so P(h)
must be 0 for any h! (Otherwise, since the probabilities are equal,
P([0, )) and condition 1 of the probability definition does not
hold.) So, we cannot define a meaningful PMF.

For the mathematically inclined: the same may appear true for infinitely many
discrete values, but there we can get around the problem by using sequences
and limits. That no longer helps when the values are continuous
mathematical term: uncountable.

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Continuous random variable: CDF and PDF

Meaningful probabilities can only be defined for continuous subsets.
The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a continuous random
variable X : R is:
F (x) := P(X x) = P({ | X () x })
From the CDF, define the probability density function (PDF):
f (x) :=

dF (x)

The PDF is the correspondent to the PMF from the discrete case.
For any set ZP X , P(X Z ) = xZ f (x) (in the discrete case,
P(X Z ) = xZ P(x)).

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Example: Gaussian

(x )2
fG (x) =
2 2
2 2

Parameters (their meaning is clarified later):

the mean
2 the variance
The Gaussian distribution arises very often in nature: e.g., distribution
of male heights in a human population. It is also called the normal
distribution, and denoted N (, 2 ).

Probability & Statistics

Table of contents

Concepts of probability theory and statistics

Mathematical foundations
Practical use in system identification

Linear regression

Linear regression

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Practical probabilities

In engineering, we usually consider numerical random variables and

often work directly with their PMF p(x) or PDF f (x).
The underlying sample space , outcomes , and events A are
almost never made explicit.

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Expected value
E {X } = R xX
f (x)x

for discrete random variables

for continuous random variables

Intuition: the average of all values, weighted by their probability; the

value expected beforehand given the probability distribution.
The expected value is also called mean, or expectation.
For a fair dice with X the value of a face,
E {X } = 16 1 + 16 2 + . . . + 16 6 = 7/2.
If X is distributed with PDF f (x) = fG (x), Gaussian, then
E {X } = .

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Expected value of a function

Consider a function g : X R, depending on some random variable

X . Then g(X ) is itself a random variable, and:
p(x)g(x) if discrete
E {g(X )} = R xX
if continuous

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression


Var {X } = E (X E {X })2 = E X 2 (E {X })2
Intuition: the spread of the random values around the expectation.
p(x)(x E {X })2 if discrete
Var {X } = R xX
f (x)(x E {X })2
if continuous
p(x)x 2 (E {X })2 if discrete
= R xX
f (x)x 2 (E {X })2
if continuous
For a fair dice, Var {X } = 16 12 + 16 22 + . . . + 16 62 (7/2)2 = 35/12.
If X is distributed with PDF f (x) = fG (x), Gaussian, then
Var {X } = 2 .

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression


We will generically denote E {X } = and Var {X } = 2 .

Quantity = Var {X } is called standard deviation.

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression


Cov {X , Y } = E {(X E {X })(Y E {Y })} = E {(X X )(Y Y )}
where X , Y denote the means (expected values) of the two random
Intuition: how much the two variables change together (positive if
they change in the same way, negative if they change in opposite
Remark: Var {X } = Cov {X , X }.

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Uncorrelated variables
Random variables X and Y are uncorrelated if Cov {X , Y } = 0.
Otherwise, they are correlated.
The education level of a person is correlated with their income.
Hair color may be uncorrelated with income (at least in an ideal
If X and Y are independent, they are uncorrelated.
But the reverse is not necessarily true!

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Vectors of random variables


Consider a vector X = [X1 , . . . , XN ] where each Xi is a continuous,

real random variable. This vector has a joint PDF f (x), with x RN .
Expected value and covariance matrix of X :


E {X } := [E {X1 } , . . . , E {XN }] = [1 , . . . , N ] , denoted RN

Cov {X1 , X1 } Cov {X1 , X2 } Cov {X1 , XN }

Cov {X2 , X1 } Cov {X2 , X2 } Cov {X2 , XN }

Cov {X } :=

Cov {XN , X1 } Cov {XN , X2 } Cov {XN , XN }

= E (X )(X )
, denoted RN,N

Remarks: Cov {Xi , Xi } = Var {Xi }. Also, Cov Xi , Xj = Cov Xj , Xi ,
so matrix is symmetrical.

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Example: Multivariate Gaussian (normal)

PDF of a vector X with a Gaussian joint distribution can be written:

f (x) =




exp (x )1 (x )

parameterized by the vector mean and covariance matrix

(assumed positive definite, so det() > 0 and 1 exists).

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Stochastic process
A stochastic process X is a sequence of random variables
X = (X1 , . . . , Xk , . . . , XN ).
It is in fact just a vector of random variables, with the additional
structure that the index in the vector has the meaning of time step k.
In system identification, signals (e.g., inputs, outputs) will often be
stochastic processes evolving over discrete time steps k .

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Zero-mean white noise

The stochastic process X is zero-mean white noise if: k, E {Xk } = 0
(zero-mean), and k, k 0 6= k , Cov {Xk , Xk 0 } = 0 (the values at different
steps are uncorrelated). In addition, the variance Var {Xk } must be
finite k.
Stated concisely using vector notation: mean E {X } = 0 RN and
covariance matrix = Cov {X } is diagonal (with positive finite
elements on the diagonal).
In system identification, noise processes (such as zero-mean white
noise) often affect signal measurements.

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Stationary process

Signal values at different time steps can be correlated (e.g. when

they are the output of some dynamic system). Nevertheless, signals
are usually required to be stationary, in the sense:
The stochastic process X is stationary if k , E {Xk } = , and k , k 0 , ,
Cov {Xk , Xk+ } = Cov {Xk 0 , Xk 0 + }.
The mean is the same at every step, whereas the covariance
depends on only the relative positions of time steps, not their
absolute positions. Often this is because the dynamics of the system
generating the signal are invariant in time.

Probability & Statistics

Table of contents

Concepts of probability theory and statistics

Linear regression
Regression problem and solution
Analysis and discussion

Linear regression

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Regression problem
Problem elements:
A collection of known samples y (k) R, indexed by
k = 1, . . . , N: y is the regressed variable.
For each k, a known vector (k) Rn : contains the regressors
i (k ), i = 1, . . . , n.
An unknown parameter vector Rn .
Objective: identify the behavior of the regressed variable from the
data, using the linear model:
y(k) = > (k )
Linear regression is classical and very common, e.g. it was used by
Gauss to compute the orbits of the planets in 1809.

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Regression problem: Two interpretations


k is a time variable, and we wish to model the time series y(k).

k is just a data index, and (k ) = (x(k )) where x is an input of
some unknown function g. Then y (k) is the corresponding
output (possibly corrupted by noise), and the goal is to identify a
model of g from the data.
This problem is also called function approximation, or supervised

unknown g(x)


Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Function approximation: Basis functions

For function approximation, the regressors i (x) in:


(x(k)) = [1 (x(k)), 2 (x(k)), . . . , n (x(k ))]

are also called basis functions.

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Example 1: Polynomial model

Suitable for time series modeling.

y(k) = 1 + 2 k + 3 k 2 + . . . + n k n1


= 1 k k 2 . . . k n1
. . .
= > (k )

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Example 2: Gaussian basis functions

Suitable for function approximation.
Radial Gaussian basis functions are similar in shape, but not in
meaning, with the Gaussian distribution:

(x ci )2
i (x) = exp



= exp

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Example 3: Interpolation
Suitable for function approximation.
d-dimensional grid of points in the input space.
Linear interpolation between the points.
Equivalent with pyramidal basis functions (triangular in 1-dim)

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Linear system
Writing the model for each of the N data points, we get a linear
system of equations:
y (1) = 1 (1)1 + 2 (1)2 + . . . n (1)n
y (2) = 1 (2)1 + 2 (2)2 + . . . n (2)n

y (N) = 1 (N)1 + 2 (N)2 + . . . n (N)n

This system can be written in a matrix form:

y (1)
1 (1) 2 (1) . . .
y (2)

1 (2) 2 (2) . . .
.. =



n (1)

n (2)

. . .
n (N)

Y =
with newly introduced variables Y RN and RNn .

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Least-squares problem
If N = n, the system can be solved with equality.
In practice, it is a good idea to use N > n, due e.g. to noise and
disturbances. In this case, the system can no longer be solved with
equality, but only in an approximate sense.
Error at k : (k ) = y(k) > (k ),
error vector = [(1), (2), . . . , (N)] .
Objective function to be minimized:

V () =

(k )2 = >

Least-squares problem
Find the parameter vector b that minimizes the objective function:
b = arg min V ()

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Formal solution

After applying some linear algebra:

b = (> )1 > Y
The optimal objective value is
V () = 12 [Y > Y Y > (> )1 > Y ].
Matrix > must be invertible. This boils down to a good choice
of the model (order n, regressors ) and having informative data.

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Alternative expression

> =


(k)> (k ), > Y =



> (k )y (k )


So the solution can be written:

b =


#1 "

(k) (k)




k =1

Advantage: matrix of size N n no longer has to be computed,

only smaller matrices and vectors of size n are required.
Remark: In practice both these inversion-based techniques perform
poorly from a numerical point of view. We discuss later how to solve
the system in practice (with Matlab).

Probability & Statistics

Table of contents

Concepts of probability theory and statistics

Linear regression
Regression problem and solution
Analysis and discussion

Linear regression

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Analytical example: Estimating a scalar

y(k ) = b = 1 b = (k)
where (k) = 1k, = b.
For all N data points:
y(1) = (1) = 1 b

y (N) = (N) = 1 b
In matrix form:

.. ..
. = .
y (N)

Y =

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Analytical example: Estimating a scalar (continued)

b = (> )1 > Y


= 1 1 ..

= N 1 1

1 ..
y (N)

y (1)

1 ...

(y (1) + . . . + y (N))

Intuition: Estimate is the average of all measurements, filtering out

the noise.

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Example: Approximating the banana function

Function g(x1 , x2 ) = (1 x1 )2 + 100[(x2 + 1.5) x12 ]2 , called

Rosenbrocks banana function (unknown to the algorithm).
Approximation data: 200 input points (x1 , x2 ), randomly
distributed over the space [2, 2] [2, 2]; plus corresponding
outputs y = g(x1 , x2 ).
Validation data: a uniform grid of 31 31 points over
[2, 2] [2, 2] with their corresponding outputs.

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Banana function: Results with radial basis functions

Recall radial basis functions:

Results with 6 6 RBFs, with

centers on an equidistant grid and
width equal to the distance
between two centers:

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Banana function: Results with interpolation

Recall pyramidal basis functions

from interpolation:

Results with a 6 6 interpolation

grid (corresponding to 6 6 basis

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Sidenote for project: Nonlinear regression

In general, the model can be nonlinear in the parameters:
y(k) = h(x(k ); )
(where we considered the function approximation case)
For example, a neural network has such a nonlinear structure:
Neurons with possibly nonlinear activation functions
Interconnected by weighted links
On multiple levels

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Banana function: Results with neural net

Due to the better flexibility of the neural network, the results are better
than with linear regression.

Probability & Statistics

Table of contents

Concepts of probability theory and statistics

Linear regression
Regression problem and solution
Analysis and discussion

Linear regression

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Geometrical interpretation

The space of all measurement vectors Y is an N-dimensional,

linear/vector space.
Denote the ith column of matrix by i , i = 1, . . . , n. Note
i = [i (1), . . . , i (N)] .
Then, the space of solutions representable by the regressors is
an n-dimensional subspace spanned by vectors 1 , . . . , n . A
solution is achieved by choosing some parameter
Pn values
1 , . . . , n and taking the linear combination i=1 i i .
b is the projection of the
The least-squares solution Y
measurement vector Y on this subspace.

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Theoretical analysis: Assumptions

There exists a true parameter vector 0 so that the data satisfy:

y (k) = > (k)0 + e(k )

The stochastic process e(k) is zero-mean white noise, with

variance 2 at every step.

Intuition: The assumptions say that the true function can be

represented by the chosen model, up to some errors that are
well-behaved in a statistical sense.
Remark: The new errors e(k ) have different meaning from (k )

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Theoretical analysis: Guarantees


The solution b of the least-squares

n o problem is an unbiased
estimate of 0 . This means: E b = 0 where the expectation is
with respect to the probability distribution of the data.
The covariance matrix of the solution is:
n o
Cov b = 2 (> )1

Intuition: Part 1 says that the solution makes (statistical) sense, while
Part 2 can be interpreted as measuring the confidence in the solution.
E.g., smaller errors e(k) have smaller variance 2 , which means the
covariances are smaller i.e. better confidence that b is close to the
true value 0 .
Remark: 2 is unknown, but can be estimated as
b is available).
expression for V ()

2V ()

(recall that the

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Model choice
Assume that given a model size n, we have a way to generate
regressors (k ) that make the model more expressive (e.g., basis
functions on a finer grid). Then we expect the objective function to
behave as follows:

So we can grow n incrementally and stop when there are no

significant improvements in V .
Remark: However, in real life with noisy data, increasing n too much
can lead to overfitting: good performance on the training data, but
poor performance on unseen (e.g., validation) data.

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Solving the linear system

The theoretical solution formulas do not perform well numerically in

practice. Better algorithms exist, such as so-called orthogonal
In most cases, MATLAB is competent in choosing a good algorithm. If
is stored in variable PHI and Y in Y, then the command to solve the
linear system is:
theta = PHI \ Y;
Better control of the algorithm is obtained by using function
linsolve instead of matrix left division (backslash).

Probability & Statistics

Linear regression

Multivariable case

Regressed variable y(k ) Rm , m-dimensional.

Regressor vector (k ) = Rnm , an n m matrix.
The parameter vector remains the same, Rn .
The model can be written with the same equation y(k ) = > (k),
which now has a vector meaning.

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