MGMT Plan 2

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Management Plan

Student achievement at the end of the year is directly related

to the degree to which a teacher establishes good control of the
classroom procedures in the very first week of the school year.
--Harry Wong

Absence / Make-Up Work

The teacher will:

Instruct the absent students seat partner to retrieve an Absent Folder from
the basket and place it on their absent partners desk.
Throughout the day: collect an extra copy of the days work and put it inside
the absent folder.
At the end of the day: place the absent folder in the absent students desk.
(This will go on until the absent student returns or a parent/guardian picks up
missed work.)

When the absent student returns, he or she will:

Take make-up work out of the absent folder and bring it to teacher. (Teacher
will staple the work together and attach a letter to parents/guardians that
includes a completion date.)
Place the make-up work in his or her binder to take home.
Return the absent folder to the designated basket.

The teacher will:

Before students arrive: write out the days agenda on the board, listing each
activity for the day (morning work to dismissal).
Before the first block begins: explain any changes to the schedule or any
special events that will be happening for the day so that students are aware
and know what to expect.

The students will:

Morning: check the agenda in order to know what to do for bell work.
Throughout the day: refer to the agenda if they have any questions
about upcoming activities.

Morning Announcements
The teacher will:

After school-wide announcements: go over the agenda.

Ask students if they have any questions or any announcements of their own to
share with the class. Three minutes will be set aside for this.

Afternoon/Dismissal Announcements
The teacher will:

Provide a recap of the day: discuss things that students did well and things
that the class needs to work on.
Discuss homework and prepare students for the next school day.
Go over any upcoming events.
Ask students if they have any questions, announcements of their own, or
special thoughts about the days activities. They have three minutes to do this.
Have students say, Today was a great day!

Assignments/Paperwork Management
Passing Out Papers
The student assigned with the Paper Giver job will:

Get papers from teacher and will pass out one paper to each student, keeping
one for himself or herself.
If multiple copies/assignments need to be handed out, choose another
student to assist.
Once all students have the assignment, place additional copies in the Extras
Folder that corresponds to the subject.

Collecting and Turning In Papers

The student assigned with the Paper Collector job will:

Walk around the classroom to collect students work, making sure that they
have received work from every student.

Turn in collected work to the proper basket, e.g., if the papers are completed
math worksheets, the student should place those papers in the basket labeled
Math Inbox.
Note: this procedure does not apply for tests, essays, or other big assignments
that would require students to turn in their work individually as they finish.

Assessment (Grading and Feedback)

The teacher will:

Record grades in both paper and electronic format.

Keep all grades private and confidential.
Provide timely and appropriate feedback: words of encouragement,
stickers/comments on papers, and guidance on corrections needed.
Keep parents/guardians involved and updated: post grades quickly to the
online database that can be accessed by parents, guardians, and students;
email parents/guardians about exceptional or poor grades; request
conferences as needed.

Assisting Students Who Need Help

The students will:

During teacher instructional time: raise his or her hand and wait to be called
During group work or centers: first, ask a teammate or shoulder partner;
second, raise hand for teacher assistance.
During independent work: place his or her Stoplight Desk Tent on the red I
dont get it. side. Once the student has received help from the teacher, they
will move their desk tent back to the green I got it side.

Attendance / Lunch Count

The students will:

When students enter in the morning, they will walk to the board and select
their lunch choice. The students selection will count as their attendance too.

Attention Getters
When students are being too loud, there are fun ways to help get the
students attention.

The teacher will:

The teacher will say, macaroni and cheese.

The students will stop look at the teacher and repeat, everybody freeze!
The students will stay quiet and wait for teachers instruction.

Restroom and Water Fountain Breaks

Everyone must try to go to the restroom and take at least a small drink of water from
the fountain.
The students will:

Line up on the restroom wall and enter quickly and quietly.

When a stall becomes available, the first person at the front of each line will
enter and use restroom.
Thoroughly wash hands with one squirt of soap.
Dry hands with one napkin.
Throw it away in the trash can.
Return to designated square space in the hallway.
Sit quietly until the rest of the students are done.

Returning to the room

The students will:

Stop at the door and wait for the teacher to reach the front of the line.
Wait for teacher to direct them to their desks or on the carpet.
Stay in their line order when entering the room and will discretely find their
way to their seats.

Beginning-of-Day Routine
The students will:

Upon entering the classroom, the teacher will greet each student with a
friendly good morning!
Immediately walk to their cubby or lockers, put away their backpack, take out
their folder, and return to their assigned seat.
Take out any notes, lunch money, homework, etc. from the folder in which the
teacher will come around and collect.

After checking their folder for any notes, turn in their folder into the
designated folder bucket.
Sit at desk and quietly work on their seat work, located on the agenda.

The students will:

Walk in with a tardy slip, if not, report to office to get tardy slip.
Enter quickly, quietly, and put away all materials.
Take out folder and turn in to the folder bin.
The tardy slip and any notes that need to be turned in to the teacher will be
submitted to the teacher mailbox that is located at the student center.
Silently check the agenda located on the board and begin morning work.

Behavior Management
The teacher will:

Give or take away points from the entire class or specific students. Points add
up to privileges that are listed in the Rewards/Incentives section.
Place a small reminder stop sign, labeled Please stop what youre doing and
make a better choice, on individual students desks. Students may move
these to the inside of their desk and discretely return to the stack next to the
pencil sharpener during transition times. Students understand that this is a
warning, and if their behavior does not improve, they will have to move down
a notch on their mini clip chart. This is for minimally disruptive behavior. For
worse offenses, the teacher will utilize students Mini Clip Charts.

Students move their clip either up or down, depending on whether their

behavior is positive or negative. Mini Clip Charts are clothespins attached to
popsicle sticks that students keep either on top of or inside their desks
(student choice). The popsicle stick has four colors: blue, super choices;
green, ready to learn; orange, warning; and red parent contact.
Students who have been placed on warning or parent contact will be written
on a list for teacher to keep track.

Carpet-Time Procedures
Students will shine when on the carpet.

Communication: Between Home and School

Teacher will:

Keep class webpage up-to-date.

Send home a weekly classroom newsletter.
On Fridays, parents will be given a report on students behavior and grades
during the week.
Email: Encourage parents to email with any questions, comments, or
concerns they may have. Check email daily and respond promptly.
Voicemail: In order to not disrupt instruction time, encourage parents to leave
a voicemail. Voicemail will be checked at the end of the day. Return calls in a
timely manner.


Correcting Work
Whole-Class Corrections:
The students will:

Receive a correcting pen from the supply officer.

Put all other writing utensils away.
Listen to the teacher give the correct answer.
Mark the answer as correct or incorrect (red check for correct and red X for
At the end, the student will return their correcting pen to the supply officer
when they come around to collect them.
Students should not correct other students work.

Teachers desk area:

The teachers desk area will be off limits. In order to prevent students from
touching or grabbing anything on the desk, there will be tape placed around
the teachers desk. A student is not to pass the taped line. The only time a
student will be allowed at the teachers desk is by permission of the teacher.

Students Desk / Cubby Area

Students desk and cubby area should be clean at all times in order to find
materials in a timely manner.
The students desk should only hold their folder, eraser, books, and school
box. Place pencils, markers, and other supplies in the school box.
Name tag is neat and attached to desk.
All papers, folders, and other supplies are placed neatly inside the desk.

Cubby areas will hold students backpacks, jackets, snacks, work, etc.
Place backpack and jacket on cubby hanger. There should not be any jackets
or backpacks on the floor.
All other belongings such as snacks, work, etc. will be located
above backpack.
Every cubby will have name tag placed inside.

At the end of the day:

The students will:

Check their desk and cubby to make sure everything they need is in their
backpack and that it is clean and ready for the next day.
Look over loose papers and decide if they stay or go home.
Papers that stay need to be put in their work notebook.
Papers to go home need to be put inside the Left at Home pocket of their
take-home folder.

If students have tables instead of desks the materials will all be located in the
student center and not inside their desk.

Place items found that are not yours in the Lost and Found box or throw it

Pick up any trash on the floor.

Eating and Drinking in Class: Snack Time, Parties, and

Special Occasions
The students will:

Sanitize hands.
Be expected to eat healthy snacks (e.g., not candy bar).
Eat and drink quietly and use appropriate table manners.
Not be allowed to share food or drink.
Throw away trash and wipe off desk.

Emergency Procedures
The teacher will:

Teach students procedures and practice routines for different situations.

Post evacuation routes.

Fire Drill
The students will:

Stop what they are doing and walk to the door quickly.
Line up quietly with line leader in front.
Follow hall procedures.
Follow teacher outside. Once outside may talk quietly.
Once notified, line leader will lead class back in while following hall
Go to seat and wait for teacher instruction.


Weather Drill

Stop what they are doing and line up quietly and quickly.
Follow teacher instructions and move to the assigned safe zone.
Stay quiet.
When notified, line leader will take class back to class.
If bad enough to warrant an early dismissal, follow teacher instructions on
dismissal procedure (e.g., parent sign out, gym pick-up, and so on).

Lockdown Drill
The teacher will:

Lock the door.

Cover windows and turn off lights.

The students will:

Stop what they are doing, move to back wall.

Remain quiet.

End of Day / Dismissal Procedures

The students will:

Listen quietly to announcements.

Clean off desk.
Collect their mail and put things in proper place (e.g., take-home binder or
Place things in their backpack (e.g., lunchbox, take-home folder).
Pick up around desk.
Line up and wait quietly to be dismissed.


Finishing Work Early

The students will:

Work on unfinished assignments.

Look at the agenda on the board and find enrichment activities planned for
the subject and begin them.
If there are no enrichment activities planned then read library book quietly.

Group Work

The students will:

Actively participate in group work every day. During this time, students
will be put into groups depending on the learning structure. This may
include table groups, numbering off, alphabetically, birthdays, mix and
freeze, etc.
During group time, students are expected to use their low inside voice and
listen to all instructions.
All students will have a role in the group work. Students will either decide
on how to distribute responsibilities or the teacher will have this planned
out in advance.
Students will split into the designated meeting area. A timer will be located
on the smart board so students can be aware of how much time is left. If

students need assistance, they will raise their hand to get teachers

Hall Procedures

The students will:

H-Hands at your sides.

A-All eyes forward.
L-Lips zipped.
L-Low speed.


Homework Policies
The teacher will:

Assign any new homework on the Friday before it will be due.

Grade homework according to district / school policy.
Send out an email and post homework assignments to class webpage and
have printable copies available on the site.

The students will:

Place new homework in his or her take-home binder on Fridays.

Work on assignments at home throughout the week.
Communicate to the teacher if he or she is having trouble with any of the
homework assignments.
Turn homework in on Fridays (as part of the morning routine).

The students will:

All students will have a classroom job.

Jobs will be changed every 6 weeks.

Computers: turn on computers in the morning and off at the end of day. Make
sure that all iPads are accounted for and in the appropriate place.
Librarian: keeps the library cleaned, and organized.
Door Holder: holds door for class throughout the school building and will be the
line caboose, turning off the lights after everyone is out of the classroom.
Line Leader: lead the line and make sure that the class follows the HALL
Mailperson: fill student mailboxes with handouts and letters home.
Messenger: deliver messages and or documents to other teachers.
Paper Collector: collect papers after instructional/work time and turn papers in
to the appropriate collection basket.
Paper Giver: pass out all assignments for the day.
Pencil Sharpener: at the end of the day, sharpen pencils in the used canister
and return them to the sharp canister.
Supply Officer: pass out needed supplies to each student or group of students.
Teachers Assistant: helps the teacher at any time with special tasks throughout
the day.

At the end of the week, if they do not have an x, they will be rewarded.

Movement in Classroom
The students will:

Be encouraged to stay in their seats or assigned meeting place to prevent any

disorder or injuries from happening in the classroom.
During transitions, when music starts to play, clean up and move to the next

No name assignments
The students will:


Have a container at the student center filled with highlighters. The container
should have a label that reads, Stop! Is your name on your paper? Highlight
your name with a highlighter then turn it in.
Students will highlight their name every time they turn in their paper. This
will help students recognize if they wrote their name on their paper.
If a student forgets to write their name their paper will go to the no name
board and be displayed at the student center for them to claim.
The student has 3 days to claim their paper. If they do not, it will go in the

The students will:

Raise hand for permission to go to the nurse and give a legitimate reason
for going.

Pencils will always be located in the student center. They will be placed in two
separate containers, dull (not sharp) and sharp. Broken or dull pencils that

need sharpening will be placed in the not sharp container and the ready to use
pencils will be in the sharp container. The classroom helper is in charge of
sharpening pencils and will be allowed to sharpen all pencils in the morning, during
breaks, and at the end of the day. If a student breaks their pencil during class they
Quietly signal teacher the hand signal.
Walk to the student center, place it in the not sharp container.
Pick up another from the sharp container and return to seat.
When sharp pencils are ever low, the pencil helper will be in charge of
grabbing more pencils to put in the container.

Rewards and Incentives

The students will:

Good Behavior: Receive points, to be redeemed for extra time at recess, lunch
with the teacher, or other special rewards.
Completed Homework: be given a raffle ticket. Students may choose which
prize theyd like to put their raffle ticket against. Raffles are drawn monthly.
Outstanding Behavior: get to write in the class newsletter or be highlighted in
the Brag Book section. (No student will be allowed to appear/write twice


before every student has been given a chance to be highlighted in the

Excellent Team Work: be able to draft a reward certificate for Outstanding
Classmate. The class will have an award ceremony where students will be
able to honor their chosen classmate and say a little bit about why they chose
him or her for the award. Students can dress up if they like, and
parents/guardians will be invited.

The students will:

Share and take turns.

Listen when others are speaking.
Follow directions the first time.
Work quietly and do not disturb others.
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Raise your hand.
Be respectful.
Be kind.
Do your best.

Test Taking
The students will;

Clear your desk except for a pencil.

Wait for instruction.
Eyes on own paper.
Remain quiet.



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