April 2015 FOIL Docs From BPD Monthly Housing Unit Reports BMHA

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Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner

Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner
Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief

Prepared By:
Date Prepared:06/05/2014
Report Dates:05/01/2014 to 05/31/2014

Total Arrests for Period

Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations






13 6





Traffic Misdemeanor


Traffic Misdemeanor


Total Tickets Issued For Period

Traffic Infraction

Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property

Traffic Infraction

Parking Tags


Parking Tags


City Ordinance


City .Ordinance


Total Weapons Recovered

Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property

Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted:
In addition to the above statistics generated by the members of the Buffalo Police Department's Housing
Unit, a total of(93) vehicles were impounded, (75) of which were from in and around th BMHA properties.
All vehicles were impounded in conjunction with involvement with suspended/revoked operator's license,
suspended/revoked vehicle registration, narcotics or weapons possession, unauthorized use, driving while
intoxicated, or with warranted subjects. The officers did seize a total of$932, of which $357 were from in
and around BMHA properties. Monies seized were done so using United States Federal Government
guidelines for asset forfeiture. Furthermore, the monies were taken in relation to narcotics sales/possession.
During this reporting period, Chief Kevin Brinkworth and Captain Patrick Roberts did attend a BMHA
Executive Staff meeting at 300 Perry. The members in attendance, including Ms. Dawn Sanders-Garrett
discussed various topics concerning the management as well as the residents. Some topics covered were,
bicycle patrols, building walk-throughs, car break-ins near Marine Drive, violence in Shaffer Village, the
fact the BMHA residents are are part of a much larger community, as well as a variety of other items. All
parties worked together to put plans in place to assist management and residents.
Captain Roberts was in receipt of actionable intelligence provided by director of security Paul Kihl.
Captain Roberts did use information to direct patrols by the officers in the areas most needed. Capt Robe1is
in contact with Elaine Garbe in regards to various issues in Perry. Officers continue high visibility patrols
in BMHA properties throughout the reporting period and effect most law enforcement interdiction in and
around the properties.
The members of the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit performed the following specific functions
within the various BMHA properties:
5/01 Officers did effect arrest of an individual in Donovan .Drive and charged him with false personation
and narcotics possession.
5/02 Officer Krug monitored camera system specific to narcotics activity in Shaffer Village and did relay
information to Housing Unit officers. This resulted in arrest for narcotics possession and trespassing.

Officers assisted C District on stabbing call in Donovan Drive.

5/03 Performed walk ups of Perry High Rises leading to arrest for trespass, child endangerment, and an
outstanding warrent. Made narcotics arrests in Lakeview and Shaffer Village. Narcotics arrest in Kelly
5/04 Addressed resident complaints in various BMHA properties. Order Protection in Jasper Parrish,
Narcotics arrest in Douglas Towers, Narcotics arrest in Lakeview.
5/05 Increased patrols in Ken/Langfield as well as Lakeview upon order from Chief Brinkworth. Officers
did make arrest across street of Carolina Villa Apts and did recovered a loaded .45 caliber semi-auto
handgun. Various arrests in Shaffer Village as a result of narcotics/trespass interdiction.
5/06 Used camera system in attempt to identify individual who placed a handgun in a tote at 145 Fulton.
Working with A District detectives and investigation is ongoing.
05/07 Vehicle and traffic interdiction at Donovan Drive led to car stop and recovery of a loaded pistol grip
shotgun and associated arrest.
5/08 Narcotics interdiction of Donovan Drive led to marihuana possession atTest. Lakeview area patrols
netted narcotics possession arrest.
5/09 Officers focused on vehicle and traffic patrols in the larger properties of the BMHA. Officers issued a
total of (17) vehicle and traffic summons and (2) vehicle aJ?.-d traffic misdemeanors.
5/10 Used camera system within Housing Unit office to attempt to identify car larceny suspect from rear of
124 Fulton. Owner stated that he chased suspect away the previous night. Trespass arrest effected at Perry.
Officers did also continue to monitor suspicious activity with use of cameras placed in Shaffer Village.
Will use intel gathered for future interdiction.
5111 Patrolled various properties leading to warrant arrest in Donovar1 Drive, prostitution and patronizing
in Lakevie, and stolen property in Shaffer Village. Additionally, narcotics anest in Jasper Parish.

5/12 Officers addressed narcotics complaints in Shaffer Village and Lakeview leading to narcotics arrests.
Douglass, Jasper Parish, Perry, and Geary also witnessed narcotics arrests by Housing Unit officers.
5/13 Conducted walk through of Shaffer Village property followed by a vehicle and traffic checkpoint in
front on Ontario St. Actions led to a misdemeanor arrest, (3) vehicle and traffic Misdemeanors, (21) v/t
summons and (6) impounds. Various narcotics arrests in area of Lakeview, Langfie1d, and Kowal.
5/14 Did effect (2) warranf arrests as result of interdiction in Shaffer Village and did recover a loaded .40
Caliber semi-auto handgun in Langfield along with arrest of subject who had possession.
5/15 Narcotics interdiction of Lakeview led to two heroin possession arrests. Various v/t summons (13)
issued in areas of additional BMHA properties.
5/16 Officers did concentrate patrols in Ken/Langfield and Donovan Drive in response to residents
concerns. High number of car stops and high visibility helped achieve objective.
5/17 High visibility patrols led to various arrests including narcotics in Msgr. Geary, narcotics and wanant
in Kelly Gardens, and trespass, warrant and v/t in Lasalle.
5/18 Conducted late night walkthroughs of Perry to put damper on complaints of trespass. (4) warrant
arrests in Schwabb Terrace, and a warrant in Msgr. Geary. Tazer recovered with arrest in Lakeview. Large
number of summons issued (26), as well as (2) vehicles impounded.
5/ 19 Residents continue to complain of drug activity in Shaffer Village and officers did conduct walk
through in response. Officers did make two trespass arrests as a result. A felony warrant subject was taken
to custody in Msgr Geary area.
5/20 Quality oflife issues addressed in Perry by means of walkthroughs to deter alcohol/drug use in halls.
(7) city ordinance summons issued. Warrant arrest also effect in Perry as a result as well.
5/22 Officers monitored camera system in Shaffer Village in response to recent shots fired. Plan increased
patrols, both foot and vehicle as a result.



Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner

Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner
Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief

Prepared By:
Date Prepared:OS/07/2014
Report Dates:04/01/2014 to 04/30/2014

Total Arrests for Period

Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations











Traffic Misdemeanor


Traffic Misdemeanor


Total Tickets Issued For Period

Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property

Traffic Infraction


Traffic Infraction


Parking Tags


Parking Tags


City Ordinance

City Ordinance

~\ \~

Total Weapons Recovered

Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property

Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted:
In addition to the above generated statistics by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit, a total of
(84) vehicles were impounded, (64) of which were from in and around Buffalo Municipal Housing
Association (BMHA) properities. All vehicles were impounded incident to association with
suspended/revoked vehicle registration, suspended/revoked operator's license, narcotics sales/possession,
and arrest of warranted subjects.
The Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit did also seize a total of$2,486.00, all of which was from
in and around the BMHA properties. All monies were recovered in connection with narcotics
possession/sales, and were seized using United States Federal Government guidlines for asset forfeiture.
Despite unseasonably cold temperatures, the officers continue to perform with a high level of diligence
and their presence is felt in the areas within and surrounding BMHA properties. The level of cooperation
with the management of the various complexes is defmitely paying dividends. The officers are responding
to management and citizen complaints swiftly, leading to arrest and eviction of those allowing criminal
behavior to take place in their residence. Officers continue walk through of various properties on a daily
basis which is paying dividends in keeping activity down and leading to arrests as well.
What follows are specific actions taken by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit during this
reporting period:
04/0 1 In response to resident complaints, officers did perform walk throughs of the high rises at
Commodore Perry.
04/02 Addressed resident complaints at 180 Jefferson(Frederick Douglass), 305 Perry, and 124
Fulton(Cornmodore Perry). Resulted in narcotics arrest in Perry. Narcotics anest in Lakeview and UUMV
at Msgr Geary.
04/03 Worked with management at Msgr Geary on drug and loitering issues. Conducted walk through of
high rise. Officers located a rape suspect in Shaffer Village and is investigating with Sex Offense Squad.

04/04 Officers did conduct vehicle and traffic checkpoint at Langfield and Edison in the Ken/Langfield
complex. Did issue various summonses and did impound (2) vehicles. Officers did spot flames coming
from a neighboring street and did drag an unconscious individual from a burning building, saving his life.
04/05 Officers patrolling area of Kelly Gardens did recover a stolen rental vehicle and did recover narcotics
as well, leading to two arrests. Worked with a C.I. which led to recovery of a loaded handgun.
04/06 Vehicle and Traffic interdiction ofvarious properties led to (5) vehicle impounds and the issuance of
(44) summonses.
04/07 Conducted walkthroughs of various buildings within Shaffer Village. Strong odor of marihuana
burning in hall of 98 Isabelle. Lt monitored camera system with Housing Offices for future narcotics
04/08 Increased patrols ofMsgr Geary and 450 Jefferson due to resident concerns. Effected DWI arrest in
Donovan Drive, and (2) narcotics arrests in Lakeview.
04/09 Narcotics activity in Lakeview led to increased patrols and anest for large amount of prescription
pills (hydrocodone).
04/ 10 Focused on some illegal parking issues in Shaffer Village issuing various tags. Effected arrest for
armed robbery in Jasper Parish area, and two narcotics arrests in Ken/Langfield.

04/ 11 Used can1eras in Housing offices to moniter suspicious activity in Perry leading to two trespassing
arrests in 305 Perry. Two narcotics arrests in Lakeview.
04/12 Officers did conduct joint vehicle and traffic checkpoint with Strike Force on Perry. This provided
high visibility patrols. Did also conduct walk ups of Perry specific to 7th floor at 305, site of various
complaints of narcotics activity and trespassing.
04/13 Did conduct v/t checkpoint with S.F. on Oakmont leading to various impounds and summons issued.
Performed drive throughs and suspicious person checks of Shaffer Village, Perry, and Donovan Drive. Two
individuals shot on Hempstead, BMHA cameras did capture some of the activity which was shared withE

District Detective Jerry Guilian. Park and walk performed by P.O. Agee in Langfield.
04/14 V/T stop on Edison did lead to arrest for False Personation, Menacing, and weapons possession. (31)
v/t summons issued by officers in total.
04/15 Called upon to assist SWAT led to recovery ofhandgun. Various summons issued within various
BMHA properties as well as one impounded vehicle.
04/17 Officers did disperse a large group of males gambling in Perry... did have a foot pursuit with one of
the individuals and did recover drugs along with the suspect. (3) narcotics arrests in Shaffer Village.
04118 Officers effected a traffic stop on Ontario/Laird, site of Shaffer Village and did recover a large
amount of powder cocaine and in excess of $1000. Did perform walkthroughs of Perry high rises.
04/19 Cameras in Housing Unit used to monitor suspicious activity. Officers did effect arrest for violation
of a court order of protection in Ken/Langfield. Walked Perry High Rises in response to camera
04/20 Officers conducted narcotics interdiction in both Shaffer Village and Ken/Langfield netting trespass
and narcotics related arrests. As part ofv/t interdiction, Plate reader picked up (6) suspended registrations
in BMHA areas leadig to (4) impounded vehicles.
04/21 Warmest day of month. Many residents and visitors out in Pen-y possibly as a result of female being
jwnped at SPark/Louisiana earlier in the day. Many large female suspects hanging around but witnesses
lmcooperative. Officers remained in area to calm situation and did impound (2) suspended vehicles while
04/23 Conducted walkthroughs of Donovan Drive, Ken!Langfield, and Lasalle to show high visibility. Did
impound two vehicles and issue (19) summons as part of V /T interdiction.
04/24 Camera room alerted officers to suspicious activity in courtyard of Shaffer Village. Officers
conducted walk through as a result to disperse individuals ... (29) summons issued as officers continue to
enforce v/t in and around BMHA properties.


04/25 BMHA cameras used by Lt Russo to assist Homicide in suspicious death at Shaffer Village. Footage
of dice game located and no assault shown as had been rumored. Coroner reported cause of death as heart
disease. Assistance ofBMHA cameras invaluable. Narcotics arrest at LBJ.
04/27 walk ups in Perry led to (4) arrests for Trespass and Obstruction. One pound of marihuana recovered
and statement taken from suspect admitting possession. Working with Perry management to get conviction
of female allowing dealing to go on in her apt.
04/29 Heavy patrols of Lakeview, Jasper Parish, and Shaffer Village led to (6) impounded vehicles and
(13) summons issued.
04/30 Officers did have a foot chase from 42 Collins Walk leading to arrest. (location of previous shots
fired call). (24) summons issued and (2) vehicles impounded as result ofv/t enforcement.

* For statistical purposes numbers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within one half of one mile ofB.M.H.A.



Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner

Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner
Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief

Prepared By.

Date Prepared: 04/05/2014

Report Dates:03/01/2014 to 03/31/2014

Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations

Total Arrests for Period











Traffic Misdemeanor


Traffic Misdemeanor


Total Tickets Issued For Period

Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property

Traffic Infraction


Traffic Infraction


Parking Tags


Parking Tags


City Ordinance


City Ordinance


Total Weapons Recovered

Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property

Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted:
In addition to the above numbers generated by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit, the officers
impounded a total of(91) vehicles, (63) of which were from in and around the BMHA properties. All
vehicles were impounded in relation to involvement with suspended/revoked operator's license,
suspended/revoked vehicle registration, narcotics/weapons possession, or along with warranted subjects.
A total of$6,437.00 was seized by Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit officers, $4?860.00 of
which was from in and around BMHA properties. All mohies were seized in relation to narcotic
possession/sales and the seizures were effected using United States Federal Government Asset Forfeiture
Captain Roberts remained in contact with various BMHA managers as well as the security liason for the
BMHA, Paul K.ihl. Would like to point out that BMHA managers have been keeping officers informed of
ongoings by means of e-mailing Capt. Roberts with concerns. This provides valuable probable cause and
reasonable suspicious intelligence for officers to utilize. What follows is a representation of the "above
base-line" law enforcement patrol provided by the Housing Unit to the BMHA and it's properties. They are
specific actions taken by the unit as a result of directed patrol or in response to specific complaints by
management or residents.
3/01 Narcotics interdiction in area of Lakeview, specifically at scattered site on 7th St., led to recovery of
(18) bags ofheroin, seizure of more than $3200.00, and an anest ofthe subject.
3/02 V/T laws were aggresively targeted around the city's larger complexes leading to (3) vehicle
impounds, (22) V/T summons, and (6) V/T Misdemeanors.
3/03 Officers executed target patrols of Perry, including walk thru's of high rises, leading to (3) narcotics
possession arrests.
3/04 Targeted patrols of Shaffer Village, Jasper Parish, and Lasalle. Felony narcotics arrest at Shaffer,
trespass and narcotics arrest at Perry/Louisiana.

3/05 Narcotics interdiction in Jasper Parish led to two arrests, one for narcotics and one for false
personation. Warranted subject picked up in Shaffer Village.
3/07 Housing officers performed a joint vehicle and traffic checkpoint along with Strike Force on Jefferson
Ave in area of various BMHA properties. Officers did provide high visibility to residents and issued
summons where directed.
3/08 Narcotics interdiction of Lakeview and Donovan Drive led to Marihuana and Cocaine possession
3/09 Officers conducted walk thru's of LBJ and Perry as a result of concerns put forth by residents. Lt
Strobele did monitor camera system installed within BPD Housing offices to assist officers in targeted foot
3/10 Park and walk conducted in Donovan Drive. This led to marihuana possession arrest. Officers did
effect arrest of warranted subject in Lakeview.
3/11 Blizzard conditions. Conducted walk ups of Perry High Rises. Arrest of criminal impersonator in
Jasper Parrish. Trespass arrest in Shaffer Village, Narcotics arrest in Msgr. Geary.
n~tted as a result of narcotics
interdiction in Lakeview. Loaded revolver recovered and intel gathered to assist Homicide Unit. Used
camera system to view Perry, Shaffer Village and Ken/Langfield.

3/12 Continued blizzard conditions. Various narcotics related atTests

3/ 13 Various suspicious person checks in Donovan Drive . . Obstructing arrest at Kowal, and narcotics
investigation in Lakeview area led to arrest and additional intel.
3/15 Camera room spotted narcotics dealing at site of Donovan Drive with suspect walking from comer of
E Ferry and Ernst toward Donovan. Officers did lose suspect but will continue to identify subject. A1rests
effected in Ken/Langfield, Lakeview, and Shaffer Village.
3/16 St Patrick's Parade Day. Large amount of partying in downtown area. Patrolled major BMHA

properties later in evening. Issued various summons.

3/17 Assisted camera room with narcotics dealing on E. Ferry next to Donovan Drive. Officers located
suspect and foot chase ensued. Recovered (40) vials of marihuana and related cash along with the arrest.
3/18 Investigated narcotics complaint in Kowal given to officers by manager, patrolled as a result and plan
future interdiction. Assault and trespass arrest in Perry and a UUV arrest in Donovan Drive.
3/19 Robbery arrest in Jasper Parrish area, Trespass arrest netted after walk thru of Shaffer Village, and
walk ups of Perry led to two marihuana arrests.
3/20 Lt Russo used camera system to help identify a shooting suspect in area of Shaffer Village. Two
felony and (10) misdemeanors around housing properties, to include Perry, Kowal, Shaffer Village, and in
area of Lakeview.
3/21 Sweeps of Shaffer Village as result of gang activity and gun call. Four narcotics arrests on housing
property, to include Donovan, Kowal, and Lakeview.
3/22 As result of complaint of shots around Shaffer Village, increased patrols to calm resident fears. Four
arrests in Lakeview area for narcotics, DWI arrest in area of Schwab Terrace.
3/23 Lt Strobele used camera system to observe activity in Ken/Langfield, Donovan, Stuyvesant, and LBJ
to check for trespassers. Plan future walk thrus as a result.
3/24 Narcotics interdiction of area surrounding Lakeview. Marihuana cuTest in Ken/Langfield. Walk
through Perry high rises and LBJ.
3/25 Continued walk ups of Perry as a result of resident concerns. Felony narcotics recovered in Lakeview.
3/26 Officers responded to manager forwarded information in 305 Perry. Four arrests effected as a result.
Squatters had taken over apt 7C and were forcing resident to allow them to stay there were they could deal

3/27 Narcotics arrests as a result of interdiction in Lakeview and Donovan. Arrest of warranted subject in
3/28 Conducted joint V/T checkpoint at Jefferson and Howard (site of Douglass Towers) along with Strike
Force. Various impounds and summons issued as a result.
3/29 Safety checkpoint on Rother in front of Kowal. This led to arrest of convicted shooter who was
smoking marihuana as he passed by. (4) vehicles impounded on front and rear of building and various
summons issued.
3/30 Officers recovered loaded .357 caliber revolver along with arrest. Info shared with Homicide
regarding a murder and location of more handguns. (26) summons issued by officers in areas surrounding
various BMHA properties.
3/31 Responded to complaints of individuals loitering in hallways of 279, 305 Perry as well as 124 Fulton.
Conducted foot patrols as a result. Narcotics interdiction in area of Lakeview led to various arrests
possession arrests and cash seizure.

* For statistical purposes numbers attributed to B .M .H .A . property are to be considered within one half of one mile ofB .M.H.A.




Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner

Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner
Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief

Prepared By:

Date Prepared: 03/02/2014

Report Dates:02/0l/2014 to 02/28/2014

Total Arrests for Period

Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations











Traffic Misdemeanor


Traffic Misdemeanor


Total Tickets Issued For Period

Traffic Infraction

Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property

Traffic Infraction

Parking Tags


Parking Tags


City Ordinance


City Ordinance

Total Weapons Recovered

Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property

Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted:

In addition to the above numbers generated by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit, a total of
(67) vehicles were impounded, (51) of which were from in and around the BMHA properties. All vehicles
were impounded in relation to involvement with suspended/revoked operator's license, suspended/revoked
vehicle registration, driving while intoxicated/ability impaired, stolen vehicle, or narcotics/weapons
The Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit did also confiscate a total of $26,249.00, of which
$4,337.00 was from in and around BMHA properties. All monies were seized using United States Federal
Government asset forfeiture guidelines. In each case the money was seized in relation to narcotics
possession/sales or possession of counterfeit copy-righted material.
During this reporting period, various Housing officers, i~cluding Lt Brian Strobele and P.O. Sean
McCabe, testified at the Sean Austin robbery and murder trial. Key evidence in the cab driver's murder trial
was video obtained by the camera system installed within the Housing Unit's offices. Lt Strobele was able
to successfully locate pertinent video which was used throughout the legal process against the serial armed
robber. The defendant was convicted on (7) counts of armed robbery, and (1) count ofmurder in the 2nd
degree, in large part to officers assigned to this unit. The convicted murderer did enter the cab at
Commodore Perry, as the video shows, before murdering the cabbie with armed robbery as his motive, and
leaving him dead on our city's east side.
During tllis repotiing period, Captain Patrick Robetis did converse with members of the Executive Staff
at the BMHA to include Mr. David Rodriguez and Mr. Modesto Candeleria regarding various matters
related to the day to day operations of the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit. Among issues
discussed was preparing the unit for upcoming bicycle patrols as the temperatures increase this spring.
Captain Roberts did also speak with various BMHA managers, to include Maureen Brinkworth and Yolanda
Rodriguez, with regards to specific issues in the various buildings that they mat1age, and a plan to combat
the issues was developed. More specific information on those plans appears in the following daily
perfomance bullet points.
The following specific actions were taken by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit:

2_\ '\ M

02/01 Lt Strobele did utilize the camera system at the Housing office to monitor suspicious activity at
Shaffer Village. Information gathered led to arrest for trespass/narcotics possession, as well as an
outstanding arrest warrant.
02/02 Super Bowl Sunday. Officers did effect (6) misdemeanor arrests, (1) felony arrest, issue (3)
summons for unclassified misdemeanor's, and impound (1) vehicle on this Sunday afternoon.
02/03 Officers gained entry to 78 Isabelle to assist with a major gas leak. A C.I. tip resulted in (2) narcotics
arrests in Lakeview. Large number of arrests in area of smaller units to include Elmhurst and Kelly
02/04 Did moniter camera system at 279/305 Perry and 124 Fulton, did detect suspicious behavior. Large
number of individuals without key being "buzzed" in.to buildings. Did stop individuals and inquire as to
their right to be there. Most know nobody in buildings. Leads us to believe narcotics traffic is on rise. Plan
02/05 Concentrated efforts on vehicle and traffic stops in and around the BMHA properties. Led to (15) v/t
summons, (8) v.t.m. summons being issued.
02/06 Narcotics interdiction in Lakeview led to felony narcotics arrest and seizure of in excess of $3 ,000 in

02/08 Utilized cmera system within Housing Unit to monitor activity in various BMHA locations to plan
for future interdictions. Did locate suspect which was de-briefed by Det. Craig Leone and transported to
Homicide for further discussion.
02/09 Monitored cameras specific to Commodore Perry. Did conduct walk-ups of high rises therein as a
result. Domestic arrest effected in Perry by Housing officers .
02/10 Addressed resident complaints in Lakeview and Shaffer Village leading to arrests for narcotics
possession in each instance. Effected two more domestic arrests in association with child endangerment at
312 Pen-y.

02/11 Monitored video surveillance equipment and used information gather to concuct sweep of Shaffer
Village. Resulted in (6) trespass arrests and recovery of(2) illegal handguns, one of which was loaded.
Worked with D District to secure vacant apartment where individual was discovered deceased.
02/12 Conducted walk ups of Perry and Douglass. Conducted walk thru ofKen/Langfield, Donovan,
Lasalle dispersing trespassers. Effected arrests for Narcotics and Trespass related to those patrols.
02/13 Officers did assist in high profile UUMV with 11 yr old asleep in back seat. Assisted with recovery
of vehicle and child unharmed at E. Delavan/Roebling. Officers did issue various summons in relation to
activities within the BMHA properties. Narcotics arrest after interdiction in Lakeview area.
02/14 Officers patrolling corridor near Douglass and Willert did effect arrest on V/T where several ounces
of Marihuana and in excess of$7,000.00 was recovered and seized.
02/15 Lt did use camera system to assist officers in directed patrol. Officers performing suspicious person
check in area of Ken/Langfield did effect a warrant arrest at 226 Edison.
02/16 Continued to use camera system leading to arrests at Frederick Douglass for Marihuana Possession
and a warrant arrest in Langfield.
02/ 1 7 Camera systems were not functioning but acted on earlier intelligence gathered with regard to

narcotics activity at 124 Fulton. Provided high visibility patrols of building as a result. Two felony
narcotics arrests on stop of individual in area of Monsignor Geary. Narcotics arrest in Lakeview.
02/ 18 Arrest for DWI at 279 Perry. Officers were conducted walk through of high rise when Captain
Roberts observed suspicious individual operating vehicle in impaired state. Wife of suspect interfered and
was arrested as well. Individual was resident of 279 Perry. Weapon possession and narcotics arrests
effected in Shaffer Village.
02/19 Conducted walk ups ofLBJ in response to complaints provided to Lt Nichols by residents. (3)
individuals anested for trespass as a result.



02/20 Extremely cold temperatures. Patrolled various BMHA properties leading to mostly v.t stops. (4)
vehicles impounded along with various summons issued.
02/21 Officers combined with D District officers to patrol LBJ and did effect arrest for crack cocaine
possession on 8th floor, apt 809. Info from residents is that a weapon is present in the apt but none
recovered at this time.
02/22 Focused on v/t within housing areas netting (24) traffic misdemeanors and (40) summons issued. (3)
vehicles impounded as well.
02/23 Narcotics interdiction at Donovan Drive led to marihuana arrest. Did recover a load .357 caliber
revolver in area of Kowal. Narcotics arrest in Lakeview as well.
02/24 Warrant sweep of Douglass Towers led to arrest of individual on warrant with charges ofBurglary
and Grand Larceny, Cocain Possession. Arrests in Lakeview, Shaffer Village. Conducted walk ups ofLBJ
as well.
02/25 Park and walk at LBJ. Anests at Shaffer Village and Lakeview on Obstructing charges, Trespass,
and narcotics possession.
02/26 Worked with BPD camera room regarding vehicle associated with narcotics in Donovan Drive.
Arrests for narcotics in areas surrounding Msgr Geary, Lakeview, and Shaffer Village. Conducted walk ups

of Perry and LBJ.

02/27 Walked Perry high rises. Worked with SOS dets regards kiddie porn fow1d on phone of individual
arrested by Housing officers. Large number of summons issued as well as (5) vehicles impounded by unit.
02/28 Freezing temps in single digits. Patrolled all larger properties resulting in various traffic stops.
Individual in Willert area speeding and passenger of vehicle found to be on outstanding warrant. Attempted
to conceal his identity to avoid detection of warrant.



Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner

Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner
Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief

Prepared By: r &&td

1 s

Date Prepared: 02/09/2014

Report Dates:01/01/2014 to 0113112014

Total Arrests for Period

Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations













Traffic Misdemeanor


Traffic Misdemeanor


Total Tickets Issued For Period

Traffic Infraction

Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property

Traffic Infraction

Parking Tags


Parking Tags


City Ordinance

City Ordinance

Total Weapons Recovered

Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property

Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted:
In addition to the above generated statistics from the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit, a total of
(63) vehicles were impounded, (55) of which were from areas in and around BMHA properties. All
vehicles were impounded incident to involvement with suspended/revoked operator's license,
suspended/revoked vehicle registration, or incident to arrest for narcotics possession/sales, weapons
possession, and warranted subjects within.
During the January 2014 reporting period, members of the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit
did seize a total of$32,638.00, ofwhich $6879.00 were from in and around BMHA properties. All the
monies were seized in relation to involvement with narcotics possession/sales as well as counterfeited
property. United States Federal Government guidelines for asset forfeiture were applied in each case where
cash was seized by the officers assigned to the Housing Unit.
Captain Patrick Roberts and Chief Kevin Brinkworth did meet with members of the BMHA executive
staff, to include Dawn Sanders and David Rodriguez. Among the topics discussed was the manner in which
the unit is responding to specific resident complaints, at LBJ in particular. I did inform the executive staff
of significant anests which did occur on the 8th floor and that there does appear to be credence to resident
complaints. A discussion was had with regard to the possil?ility of adding support through private security
at certain locations and certain times. We concluded that some targeted security, through the use of actual
police officers, as opposed to security guards, may very well be effective. We also discussed the use of more
day-time patrols and the use ofK-9 to assist in verifying the presence of narcotics.
Captain Patick Roberts did periodically meet with Paul Kihl to discuss various matters from crime issues
to building upkeep and found the meetings to be very productive.
The members of the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit did take the following specific actions
during the January 2014 reporting period:
01/01 Provided additional patrols in and around 245 Elmwood to resident concerns after recent homicide.
Effected arrest of narcotics suspect at 220 Jefferson.

01/02 Agressively pursued V/T violators netting (32) summons issued and conducted narcotics interdiction
netting two arrests in Lakevies.
0 1/03 Officers did conduct walkups of Perry and Douglass to provide visibility and discourage trespassing.
Did effect (3) arrests for trespass and narcotics possession in Lakeview.
01/04 Conducted narc. interdictions in Lakeview and Langfield making arrests where appropriate. Walk
throughs were conducted by officers at Lasalle, Jasper Parrish and Shaffer Village. Activity netted narcotics
and trespass arrests.
01105 Used BMHA camera system to assist D District attempt to identify shooting suspect in the Shaffer
Village area. Effected narcotics arrests at Schwab and did seize cash related to same in amount of
01/06 Lt Strobele did monitor camera system specific to 279 and 305 Perry as well as 124 Fulton to plan
for future narcotics interdiction. Reports that 279 and 305 Perry heavily trafficked by individuals not
possessing fob keys.
01/07 Blizzard conditions did limit effective vehicle patrols but officers did continue to walk Perry in
ongoing effort to provide high visibility.
01/08 Improving weather allowed officers to apply narcotics interdiction to Ken/Langfield and Shaffer

Village. Tactic effective in netting various narcotics related arrests.

01109 (14) summons and (3) VTM issued as a result of traffic enforcement in BMHA properties. Narcotics
arrest effected in area of Lakeview.
0 Ill 0 V/T detail during daytime in Lasalle netted large number of summons issued. Conducted walk ups of
Shaffer Village and through court yards as well. Did effect anest for domestic violence as a result. Two
narcotics anests in Lakeview as well.
01/11 Resident complaints of daytime narcotics activity in Lasalle called for increased patrols leading to (2)
narcotics/trespass atTests. Narcotics arrests in Shaffer Village as well.

01112 Camera surveillance of Donovan Drive for future interdiction. Conducted walk ups of Perry and
Frederick Douglass. Issued (19) summons and had vehicle impound from within BMHA property.
01/13 Officers did issue (50) summons and impound (4) vehicles. Did assist in raids netting loading
handgun and seizure of more than $25,000.00. Utilized extra manpower to conduct park and walk of
Shaffer Village. Unknown suspect fled as a result and ducked into unknown apt.
01/15 DWI arrest along with narcotics possession after vehicle fled from Housing officers in area of
01/16 Agressive V/T patrols in area of Lakeview did net (19) summons issued and (2) arrests for narcotics
01117 Patrolled BMHA properties in C/E to include Ken-Langfield and Donovan Drive. (6) v/t
misdemeanors as a result.
01/18 BMHA camera system utilized to help identify homicide suspect in Shaffer Village area. Narcotics
arrests effected in Schwab Terrace and Perry ... Warrant arrest in Lakeview.
01/19 Felony narcotics arrest as well as warrant arrest in Donovan Drive area. Two narcotics arrests in
Lakeview area.

01120 Serious stabbing at apt. within 124 Fulton. Lt Strobele did utilize BMHA camera system to identify
suspect and suspect vehicle. Lt Strobele did assist A District officers in locating and arresting stabbing
01/21 Conducted walk ups and walkthroughs of Lakeview. Arrests made in Lasalle (warrant), Shaffer
Village (indecent exposure), AD Price (UUMV), and Lakeview (trespass and heroin possession)
01/22 Walk ups of 112 and 116 Isabelle showed probable narcotics activity. Strong smell of marihuana in
hallways. Various narcotics atTests in Lakeview area. Rep'ort ofheavy narcotics activity on Center Lane
during 1-5 pm.

01/23 Capt Roberts, Lt Strobele and Housing officers did respond to resident complaints of
trespass/narcotics activity on 8th floor ofLBJ... did respond and effect (3) arrests. Did inform manager
Yolanda Rodriguez who plans eviction procedings.
01/24 Officers did respond to resident complaints of illegal activity on 4th floor of 180 Jefferson ... Lt
Strobele did accompany officers and did identify one apartment where there is some concern. An individual
claims to be caring for a resident with alzheimer's disease. ~anager notified of development.
01/25 Concentrated efforts around Lakeview area netting (20) summons issued, (2) impounded vehicles
and various narcotics related arrests.
01/26 Patrolled Lasalle in effort to locate suspect wanted by SOS. Did locate subject leading to arrest.
Impounded (5) vehicles being operated illegally in and around BMHA properties.
01/27 Concentrated patrols in Langfield, Donovan Drive, and Perry. Did assist narcotics and SWAT with
various search warrants.
01128 Utilized BMHA camera system to observe illegal activity at 279 Perry. Two arrests for trespass were
effected and both non-residents admitted to being in building to purchase heroin and crack cocaine.
Individuals cooperating with police.
01/29 FUliher surveillance conducted as a result of previous days activity. 279 & 305 Pen-y and 124 Fulton
observed leading to various arrests for crack, marihuana possession, as well as trespass by non-residents.
01131 Arrests in Douglass and Lakeview for obstruction and narcotics/warrant. Used BMHA camera
system to act on C.I. tip oflarge narcotics drop off in Shaffer Village ... .plan future interdiction.



Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner

Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner
Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief

Prepared B y :
Date Prepared:01/05/2014
Report Dates:12/01/2013 to 12/31/2013

Total Arrests for Period

Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations











Traffic Misdemeanor


Traffic Misdemeanor


Total Tickets Issued For Period

Traffic Infraction

Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property

Traffic Infraction

Parking Tags


Parking Tags


City Ordinance

City Ordinance

Total Weapons Recovered

Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property

Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted:
In addition to the above statistics generated by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit, a total of (55)
vehicles were impounded, (52) of which were from in and around the BMHA properties. All vehicles were
impounded subject to the involvement with suspended/revoked operator's license, suspended/revoked
vehicle registration, narcotics sales and possession, alcohol involvement, and weapons possession. A total
of $972.00 was seized in conjunction with narcotics possession. Monies were seized in conjunction with
United States Federal Govenment regulations regarding asset forfeiture.
Throughout the reporting period Captain Patrick Roberts did maintain contact with Paul Kihl in regards
to resident complaints and current crime trends. He did also maintain contact with Mr. David Rodriguez,
counsel for the Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority.
Major event occurring in this reporting period was the discovery of an apparant murder victim at
Stuyvesant at 245 Elmwood Ave. The discovery was made on Sunday 12/29/2013. Currently members of
the Housing Unit are assisting Buffalo Police Department Homicide detectives with a review of video
surveillance and have increased patrols as a result. Lt Brian Strobele has met with residents and individuals
acting as security at Stuyvesant in an attempt to obtain information re: potential witnesses.
The following specific actions were taken by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit:
12/01 Officers did coordinate efforts at narcotics interdiction in lower west side to include Lakeview
resulting in various narcotics related arrests.
12/02 Officers did assist Homicide detectives by reviewing the camera surveillance system installed within
the BMHA Housing Unit offices. A review of footage from the Ken/Langfield was the targeted action.
Concentrated patrols in Ken/Langfield and Donovan. Did effect narcotics arrest therein.
12/03 Officers did respond to tenant concerns of loitering, loud music, and narcotics in LBJ and Douglas by
conducting walk- through of each building. Large number of narcotics anests effected in area surrounding

12/04 Officers did conduct walk through of Shaffer Village and Perry high rises as a result of resident
concerns. Lt did utilize camera system to assist in this endeavor.
12/05 Officers did conduct daytime patrols of various smaller BMHA properties as a result of resident
concerns. Did respond to car jacking on Isabelle near BMHA property and are cooridinating with D Dist
detectives with surveillance video.
12/06 Officers dealt with quality of life issues such as loud music and illegal parking in Perry and Donovan
Drive. Conducted walk through of Douglas Towers.
12/07 Officers did effect (3) arrests for individual posssessing narcotics/loitering atE Ferry/Ernst. Corner
is located next to Donovan and video shows that individuals engaging in this behavior are walking in to and
out of Donovan.
12/09 Officers focused efforts on vehicle and traffic offenses within the BMHA properties, issuing (23)
summons' and impounding (2) vehicles.
12/10 Narcotics interdiction in Donovan netted (3) arrests at 975 E. Ferry. Officers did coordinate with
Buffalo Police camera room to effect arrests.
12/11 Officers did receive request from Homicide to locate individuals. The first individual was quickly

located and the 2nd was identified through review of video surveillance system which is located within
Housing Police office. Officers concentrated on v/t offenses and did issue (15) sununonses.
12/12 Daytime detail focused on the largest (6) BMHA properties ... Efforts included walk through of Perry
and Douglas and officers effected (9) arrests rangkng from suspended operators to narcotics possession.
12/13 Walk through of Marine Drive and DWI i1,1terdiction in area of Schwab property. Slick weather
caused officers to concentrate on v/t offenses around BMHA properties.
12/14 Officers did review article 35 ofNYS Penal Law with Willian1 Dunford ... Terrible weather did cause
officers to focus on vehicle and traffic netting (92) summons issued and (3) vehicle impounds.

12/15 Officers patrolling area surrounding Lakeview did come across trespasser on 7th and did become
engaged in violent struggle with suspect, effecting arrest of same. Individual is known to cause havoc in
area surrounding Lakeview property.
12/16 Housing officers did utilize plate reader to recover stolen vehicle with forged stickers and did address
v/t related issues in area of Ken/Langfield.
12/17 Officers did work with NYS parole officers to attempt to locate violators within BMHA properties.
Did conduct walk up of Perry High Rise and did use camera system to conduct surveillance of courtyards.
12/18 DWI interdiction in area of Schwab did net arrest for driving while intoxicated. Continued high
visibility patrols of major BMHA properties.
12119 Narcotics interdiction of Shaffer Village did net arrest for pass. of a controlled substance.
12/20 Officers did participate in daytime raids in the Ken/Langfield properties. Officers did assist SWAT in
this endeavor. Large number of arrests as long as the recovery of two loaded firearms. Afternoon hours
were spent on narcotics interdiction within Lakeview and Shaffer Village.
12/21 Shooting on Grider at illegal speak-easy. Suspects did run toward Donovan Drive. Lt Strobele did
view camera system in attempt to assist E Det.

12/22 V/T interdiction focusing on Perry/Donovan/Langfield netting (23) summons, (1) VTM, and (3)
parking tags.
12/23 Officers did focus on suspicious person checks within BMHA properties. VT shown a primiy during
this holiday season.
12/26 Illegal Parking interdiction ofBMHA properties did net tickets for (16).
12/27 Walk ups conducted in Perry and Douglass. (30) supunons issued and (20) parking tags in v/t

12/28 Robbery warrant suspect arrested on BMHA property is cooperating with Homicide. Assisted on
violent domestic at 279 Perry which did lead to arrest.
12/29 Officers participated in raids on west side recovering AK-47 and loaded pistol. H410 recovered
jacket discarded by shooting suspect and did submit same for evidence.
12/30 Vehicle stop did net (3) arrests along with a loaded shotgun. (28) summons issued from v/t
interdiction. Walk through of Shaffer Village to include 11f Isabelle in response to resident complaints of
narcotics activity.
12/31 Officers did effect arrest of resident of BMHA property on Oakmont. Individual in possession of
loaded .25 cal semi-auto handgun. Summons and impounds effected in area of Lakeview as officers
remained in area to assist with First Night festivities.

* For statistical purposes numbers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within one half of one mile ofB.M.H.A.



Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner

Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner
Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief

Prepared By: 7

I I I 23 321 ib

Date Prepared: 12/02/2013

Report Dates:11101/2013 to 11/30/2013

Total Arrests for Period

Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations












Traffic Misdemeanor


Traffic Misdemeanor


Total Tickets Issued For Period

Traffic Infraction

Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property

Traffic Infraction

Parking Tags


Parking Tags


City Ordinance


City Ordinance


Total Weapons Recovered

Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property

Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted:
In addition to the above numbers which were generated by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit,
a total of(86) vehicles were impounded, (74) of which were from in and around the Buffalo Municipal
Housing Authority (BMHA) properties. All vehicles were impounded incident to the involvement with
suspended/revoked operator's license, suspended/revoked vehicle registration, or in relation to
narcotics/illegal handguns.
The Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit did also seize a total of$3 ,695.00. $1,443 .00 ofthat total
was seized from in and around BMHA properties. All monies were seized in accordance with United States
Federal Government guidelines for asset forfeiture and due to the involvement with illegal narcotics
The Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit did also recover two illegal handguns during this
reporting period. While Captain Roberts an-d P.O. William Macy were patrolling the area around the
Lakeview BMHA properties, a short vehicle pursuit ensued, resulting in two felony arrests and the recovery
of an illegal, loaded .357 caliber revolver. Housing officers Patrick Crowley and William Rezabek did
collaborate with Strike Force officers, leading to the recovery of a shotgun and a bullet-proof vest.
Captain Roberts did speak with BMHA counsel David Rodriguez re: various topics . Did request keys
for Shaffer Village and Frederick Douglass to assist in Narcotics/Trespassing interdiction.
The following specific actions were taken by the Buffalo Police Departrnent'sHousing Unit officers during
the 1 ovember 2013 reporting period:

* 11101

Officers conducted walk through of Peny Housing Development High Rises resulting in a trespass
arrest of non-resident.

* 11/02 In addition to other duties the officers did vigorously enforce illegal parking within all BMHA
properties, issuing ( 17) tags for illegal parking.

* 11103

Called upon to assist various units with variety of issues related to funeral for suspected gang

member. Did use balance of time issuing summons around various BMHA properties.

* 11104 Officers addressed narcotics complaints specific to Lakeview area. Various narcotics arrests
resulted in addition to (16) summons issued and (3) vehicle impound.
* 11/05

Narcotics interdiction in Shaffer Village property led to various arrests for warranted subjects and
narcotics possession of non-residents.

* 11/06 illegal Handgun, stolen from Bradford, Pa. recovered with (2) arrests in Lakeview area. Additional
stolen property recovered as well. Officers did issue (23) parking tags and ( 14) summonses as well.
* 11108 Vehicle and Traffic interdiction led to (7) impounded vehicles, (29) summons issued, and (1 0)
vehicle and traffic misdemeanors enforced.
* 11/09

Officers did assist arson investigators in locating suspect in Donovan Drive. Assisted ADI with
young child in Shaffer Village. VIT interdiction led to impound of (6) vehicles.

* 11/10 Sweeps of Donovan and Douglas led to arrests for .marihuana possession, false personation and
warrants. Similar effort in Perry led to narcotics possession as well.

* 11111

Officers conducted walk through of Ken/Langfield, Donovan, and Perry High-rises. Resulting
arrests were for wan-ants, marihuana possession, false personation. Felony narcotics recovered with arrest
in Shaffer Village.

* 11112

H410 did attend a tenant council meeting at Perry to address various complaints. Did walk
high-rises as well. Narcotics interdiction of Lakeview yielded various arrests, impounds, and sununons

* 11113 Officers received police intel from camera room re: narcotics sales atE Ferry/Ernst. Corner is
adjacent to Donovan Drive. Plan future interdiction. Heavily patrolled Shaffer Village and Jasper Parish.
* 11/14 Officers received training at academy. Lt Strobele did camera system located within Housing Unit
to gather intel for future narcotics/trespassing interdiction.

* 11115 Officers did assist arson investigators in detaining two individual suspects from an investigation at
Donovan Drive. One of suspects was arrested for narcotics.

* 11/16 Narcotics recovered resulting in one arrest in Commodore Perry. Various narcotics related arrested
occurred as a result of high visibility patrols in Lakeview area. Info. forwarded to narcotics unit.

* 11/17

Vehicle and traffic interdiction of Ken/Langfield did net (I 0) summons, (?)Misdemeanor v/t, and
an impound.

* 11/20 More info re: narcotics sales atE Ferry/Ernst. Officers increased patrols in area of Donovan Drive
as a result. Various narcotics arrests around Lakeview.
* 11121

Arrest for narcotics as a result of previous night's intelligence. Arrest atE Ferry/Ernst.

* 11122

Responded to citizen's complaint re: drug activity within 112 Isabelle. Officers did respond and
did arrest two trespassers with narcotics possession.

* 11/23 Officers conducted walk-throughs of Marine Drive and Lasalle. Continued to follow up on
narcotics complaints within Jasper, Shaffer, and Douglass. Did gather intel. for future interdiction. Arrests
of warranted subjects on Hempstead in Ken/Langfield.
* 11124 Increased number of officers allowed us to focus on some smaller locations. (9) impounds, and
(30) sununons issued as a result. Various narcotics arrests resulted as well.
* 11125

V/T interdiction of various properties led to (6) impounded vehicles and (25) sununons issued.

* 11126

Narcotics interdiction in Donovan Drive led to two arrests for possession. Individual charged with
narcotics possession in Lakeview area as well.

* 11/27 Arrest for narcotics in Lakeview, Burglary and stolen prope1ty in Perry. Did conduct walk-ups of

I\ \ I \


* 11/28 Arrest of convicted murderer in Commodore Perry for n~cotics possession and assault.
* 11/29 Thanksgiving. Did patrol various BMHA properties.
* 11130 Busy weekend involving (3) homicides. Officers did assist various units as a result. Large number
of summons issued, vehicle impounds, and various arrests in and around BMHA properties .

. *For statistical purposes numbers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within one half of one mile ofB.M.H.A.



Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner

Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner
Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief

Prepared B y :
Date Prepared: 11/01/2013
Report Dates:l0/01/2013 to 10/31/2013

Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations

Total Arrests for Period












Traffic Misdemeanor


Traffic Misdemeanor


Total Tickets Issued For Period

Traffic Infraction

Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property

Traffic Infraction

Parking Tags


Parking Tags


City Ordinance


City Ordinance


which are nearly impossible to reach with patrol vehicles. Discussed plan to put in a driveway area on
Ontario so that officers may enter more efficiently to patrol the inside for the nearly constant drug activity.
The following specific actions were taken by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit:
10/01 Performed various suspicious person checks in the Ken/Langfield focusing on trespassers and did
make a narcotics possession arrest therein.
10/02 Effected (4) arrests for narcotics possession at Hertel and Jasper Parish.
10/03 Detail officers assigned to high visibility patrols of Donovan Drive and Ken/Langfield resulting in
various VT and an impound. Did effect arrest of (3) individuals in Lakeview area for narcotics possession.
10/04 Conducted walk-ups of both Perry and Marine Drive apartment complexes. Areas sunounding
Lakeview and LBJ netted narcotics arrests.
10/05 Concetrated patrols in Shaffer Village due to resident's concerns re: guns on Center Lane. Patrols
did net (2) narcotics arrests therein.
10/06 Conducted a vehicle and traffic checkpoint in Langfield. Said activity provided high visibility and
did produce large number of summons and VT misdemeanors issued. (4) vehicles impounded as well.
10/07 Conducted walk ups of Frederick Douglass. Did check roof access as well. Captain Roberts did
speak with Paul Kihl with regards to need for additional entry keys for Housing officers.
10/08 Narcotics interdiction at Donovan Drive did lead to marihuana possession arrest of a non resident.
10/10 Lt Strobele did utilize camera system within the Housing Unit offices to monitor narcotics activity in
PetTy, Langfield. Using intelligence for future narcotics initiative.
10111 Vehicle and traffic iniative in Ken/Langfield led to large number of summons issued (34) and (4)

10/12 Vehicle pursuit in Lakeview area did net arrest of non-resident. Resulted from narcotics iniative in
10/13 Conducted joint vehicle and traffic checkpoint along with Strike Force in front ofthe Donovan Drive
complex. Iniative netted arrest for violation of order of protection. (5) Misdemeanor traffic arrests, and (3)
10114 High visibility patrols in Lakeview, Schwab led to productive law enforcement day. (1) felony, (6)
misdemeanor, (1) violation, (6) VTM, and (24) VT.
10/15 Utilized additional manpower due to full platoon situation to conduct high visibility walk thru's of
courtyards in Langfield, Jasper and Shaffer as well walk ups of Perry and Douglas.
10/16 Conduct walk thru of Shaffer Village. Narcotics arrest in Langfield and Perry.
10/17 Walk ups of Perry and walk thru of Donovan by officers. Increased presence of Donovan ~ue to
previous night shooting at community center.
10/18 (2) Narcotics arrest with warrant in Perry. One for felony crack cocaine possession. Non residents
both. Trespass and narcotics arrest in Shaffer Village.
10/ 19 Walk ups of Marine, Perry, and Douglass. (2) narcotics arrests in Lakeview along with V/T
enforcement throughout BMHA properties.

10/20 Followed up on resident complaints ofloitering within Shaffer Village. Actions led to (3) arrests for
trespass, narcotics, forgery and false personation.
10/21 Effected two arrests at Msgr. Geary apartments for criminal personation and outstanding warrants.
Walk thrus of Lakeview.
10/22 Several Park-n-Walks in Langfield as well as increased vehicle and traffic enforcement led to (41)
summons issued, (4) traffic misdemeanors, and (4) impounds. (20) tags issued as well.

10/23 DWI arrest in Commodore Perry after officers did notice motorist strike a curb while attempting a
turn. Conducted walk thrus of Ken/Langfield.
10/24 Walk thrus of Douglass Towers due to resident concerns. Lt did use camera system to gather intel.
10/25 Narcotics interdiction in Langfield led to lengthy foot chase and eventual apprehension of suspect.
(3) vehicle impounds and (19) summons issued as well.
10/26 VT initiative to show presence at larger complexes led to (36) summons. Conducted target patrols of
Lasalle, Jasper, and Shaffer Village.
10/27 Narcotics arrest in Lakeview. Housing officers met with detectives from narcotics unit to discuss
plans to combat narcotics trafficking around lower west side and Lakeview.
10/28 Arrest for weapons possession in Shaffer Village, Sweep of Ken/Langfield. (40) summons issued,
(5) arrests and (14) traffic misdemeanors.
10/29 Walk thrus of Ken/Langfield and Shaffer Village. Large cash seizure and solid enforcement of all
applicable laws.
10/30 Conducted vehicle and traffic check point on Suffolk at Langfield property. Walkups ofPerry netted
anest of trespasser with a warrant. Heavy enforcement day with additional manpower led to (69) summons

issued and (8) impounds as well as (23) arrests.

10/31 Halloween. High visibility patrols and walk thru of Perry led to trespass arrest.

*For statistical purposes nun1bers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within one half of one mile ofB.M.H.A.



Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner

Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner
Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief

Prepared By:4i
Date Prepared: 10/08/2013
Report Dates:09/01/2013 to 09/30/2013

Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations

Total Arrests for Period












Traffic Misdemeanor


Traffic Misdemeanor


Total Tickets Issued For Period

Traffic Infraction

:rotal Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property

Traffic Infraction

Parking Tags


Parking Tags


City Ordinance


City Ordinance


Total Weapons Recovered

Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property

Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted:
The Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit did impound (92) vehicles, (67) of which were in and
around the BMHA properties. All vehicles were impounded incident to their involvement with
suspended/revoked operator's license, suspended/revoked vehicle registration, arrests related to
narcotics/weapons possession, and those related to warranted subjects. The Housing Unit did seize $371.00
from individuals for their involvement with narcotics distribution as well.

In addition to the above generated statistics by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit, the following
specific actions were perfonned as well:
09/01 Assigned officers to the "Perry Days" festival. Did provide high visibility to ensure festival goers
ability to enjoy day.
09/02 Provided continual presence in Ken/Langfield leading to arrest of warranted person, a felony V /T
subject, narcotics arrest, and additional summons issued as well as vehicle impounds.
09/03 Combined with the Strike Force Unit to perform a vehicle and traffic checkpoint at
Suffolk/Oakmont, site ofKen!Langfield BMHA property. (79) summons issued, (7) impounded vehicles.
09/04 Performed sweep of the Shaffer Village leading to arrest of individual from 1 South Lane. Need for
sweep pinpointed after designation by "clean sweep" team.
09/05 Narcotics interdiction in Lakeview led to various arrests. Felony VT arrest at Schwab Terrace.
09/06 Coordinated with Buffalo Police Can1era room utilizing same to monitor activity in Shaffer Village.
Did conduct walk through as a result. Conducted walk through of Jasper Parish as well. Lruge number of
summons issued (49).

09/07 Conducted walk-ups of Perry and Douglass Tower High Rises.

09/08 Arrest of warranted subject in Lasalle complex. V/T interdiction in BMHA properties led to (23)
summons and an impound.
09/10 VT interdiction in BMHA properties, (1 00) summons issued, (7) impounds.
09/11 Officers did receive information from camera room re: activity in Shaffer Village at Center Lane and
West Lane. Did conduct walk through as a result and disperse groups congregating.
09/12 Narcotics interdiction in Lakeview led to two arrests. Officers did attend Gangstar Meeting and did
share information with D District officers regarding narcotics activity in Shaffer Village/Jasper Parrish.
09/13 Narcotics sweep of Jasper Parish led to arrest. Did make (4) arrests for a gang assault in Jasper
Parish. Issued (23) summons and impounded (1) vehicle around BMHA properties.
09/14 Worked with BFD arson investigators to identify subject who resides in Donovan Drive. Incident
captured on BMHA cameras. Officers did locate witness/resident. Narcotics arrest in Lakeview.
09/15 Narcotics interdiction in Lakeview led to two arrests. Continued aggressive VT interdiction
throughout BMHA properties leading to (22) summons issued and (2) impound.
09/16 Responded to resident complaints about illegal parking in handicapped and did issue (34) parking
tags. Did walk high rises in Douglass and Perry. (47)sumrnons issued additionally.
09/17 Capt Roberts did effect arrest ofwatTanted subject in Perry. VT interdiction in Ken/Langfield and
Lakeview area led to various arrests and summons issued.
09/19 Narcotics arrest in Ken/:Langfield, Did utilize camera system within BMHA offices to Monitor
Perry and Ken/Langfield to obtain intelligence for future sweeps.
09/20 Conducted walk ups ofPeny and Douglass leading to two arrests, one a warranted subject and one a

09/21 Conducted detail of east side BMHA properties leading to various arrests. ( 10) Misdemeanor
summons issued along with (3) impounds.
09/23 Officers did conduct walkthroughs of Shaffer Village, Jasper Parish, and Ken/Langfield. Narcotis
arrests in Lakeview.
09/24 Traffic enforcement in Ken/Langfield led to more than (40) combined summons. Narcotics arrest in
Lakeview. Surrounding area badly effected by individuals selling heroin.
09/25 Narcotics and VT interdiction of Ken/Langfield led to arrest and (27) summons issued. Large of
indigent residients hanging around Shaffer Village. Residents who appear to have nothing to do all day.
09/26 Juvenile groups dispersed in Jasper Village and Ken/Langfield. Activity centers around youths
playing basketball at end of Jasper. While children play, teens seem to engage in illegal behavior on outside
of group.
09/28 Officers conducted sweeps of Jasper Village, and Shaffer Village which did lead to arrest for
criminal Trespass. Traffic stop from nearby Donovan led to arrest with (6) outstanding warrants.
09/30 Walk Through ofLBJ as a result of resident concerns. Continued Narcotics interdiction ofLakeview
and Shaffer Village leading to various arrests.

* For statistical purposes nwnbers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within one half of one mile ofB.M.H.A.



Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner

Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner
Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief

Prepared B y : - s
Date Prepared: 09/04/2013
Report Dates:08/01/2013 to 08/31/2013

Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations

Total Arrests for Period












Traffic Misdemeanor


Traffic Misdemeanor


Total Tickets Issued For Period

Traffic Infraction

Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property

Traffic Infraction

Parking Tags


Parking Tags


City Ordinance


City Ordinance


Total Weapons Recovered

Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property

Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted:
In addition to the above statistics generated by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit, there were
(129) vehicles impounded, (118) of which were from in and around the general vicinity of the Buffalo
Municipal Housing Authority (Hereafter referred to as BMHA) properties. All the vehicles were
impounded incident to their involvement with suspended/revoked operator's license, suspended/revoked
vehicle registration, or incident to arrest for narcotics,weapons, D.W.I., or warranted persons.
Officers from the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit did seize a total of$4336.00, all of which
was taken from in and around BMHA properties. The monies were seized following United States Federal
Government guidelines for asset forfeiture and seizure. All monies were taken in conjunction with their
involvement with the sale and use of illegal narcotics and associated paraphenalia.

The following specific actions were taken by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit:
8/01 Officers did concentrate patrols in the Ken/Langfield area to provide high visibility. Did impound (4)
vheicles and issue (23) summons, (2) V /T Misdemeanors.
8/02 Officers did vafidd saspttioas pi!iD'iUWft!Sks and gang interdiction in Ken/Langfield and Donovan
Drive leading to various arrests for narcotics.
8/03 National Night Out festivities were celebrated in various BMHA developments. Chief Brinkworth
and Captain Roberts did meet with Executive Director Dawn Sanders and her assistant in charge of family
services, Stanley Fernandez while at Ken/Langfield. Did meet with residents as well along with other
officers. Did stop by Commodore Perry and Frederick Douglass to check on residents as well who were
enjoying festivities. Earlier in day Housing officers did respond to man shot at Ontario/Chadduck and did
recover vehicle used over in LaSalle. Did effect arrest of associated person for criminal trespass ... known
8/04 Narcotics and DWI interdiction petformed in area of Frederick Douglass led to arrests for associated

8/05 Vehicle and Traffic as well


8/06 Narcotics interdiction in area of Shaffer Village.

mostly narcotics related.

Ken Langfield led to various arrests.

erw""' and V/T led to (9) misdemeanor arrests,

8/07 Did conduct a joint vehicle and traffic checkpoint along with the Strike Force in front of the Donovan
Drive leading to (6) VTM, (66) summons issued, and (9) impounds. Lasalle and Jasper Parrish did also
yield various arrests.
8/08 Another VIT checkpoint was conducted in front Donovan Drive due to rash of nearby violence leading
to ( 10) impounded vehicles, (71) summons issued and various arrests.
8/10 Captain Roberts, Lt Strobele did lead checkpoint on Rother in front of Kowal Housing Development
which did lead to various impounds, arrests for narcotics and warranted persons, and summons issued.
8/11 Provided high visibility through gang interdiction in various developments (Shaffer, Jasper, Donovan,
Ken-Langfield) due to recent violence in surrounding districts.
8/12 Various arrests in Lakeview area as heroin trafficking continues to be issue. Arrest for felony
aggrivated operation in front of Frederick Douglas.

8/13 Conducted joint checkpoint with Strike Force at Suffolk/Hempstead leading to (29) summons issued
and (2) vehicle impounds.

perform checkpoint at Lockwood/Hopkins leading to various arrests, impounds, and (30) summons issued.

Shaffer Village.
8/16 Conducted ~ 1 k theq!e~Of Pfi!t9 Mtas in I~cn Langn~~l.. Arrests of two individuals in Langfeild

following dispute. Two drug arrests in Shaffer Village.

8117 Checkpoint conducted in area of Douglass Towers leading to (51) summons, (17)VTM, (12)
impounds and various arrests.
8/18 Stopped vehicle passing Jefferson/Peckham which had been named in string of larcenies on east side.
Did effect arrest and recover stolen property... performedjoint check point in area ofKen-Langfield leading
to impounds, summons issued.
8/19 Narcotics interdiction v/t enforcement in area of Lakeview led (30) summons issu~d .


search warrants and did make arrest for Rape 1st in Lasalle complex,
arrest in Donovan, Warrant subject in Langfield.

8/22 Narcotics arrest in Lakeview area lead to recovery of(l40) bags of heroin by Lt Strobele/Capt
Roberts. Officers did perforlTIIlwal~~JtM~~~.,.-Pfi~~elltew~,-no~ms!'I'"I!Rifll!ll!!~'t'm'n!!'fPI!Iif111818t8/23 Assisted traffic enforcement in Jasper for installation of radio tower. Did coordinate with Paul Kihl to
accomplish feat.
8/24 Narcotics interdiction in Shaffer Village and Lakeview led to various arrests ... tip to Housing officers
led to recovery of loaded handgun on 53 Crossman.

8/26 Joint checkpoint at Suffolk/Oakmont with Strike Force led to (20) summons, (5) VTM, (3) impounds.
8/27 Traffic stop at 370 Edison led to (3) arrests and a loaded handgun recovered. Area ofKen-Langfield.
8/28 Warranted subjects checks in Shaffer, Donovan, Ken-Langfield, led to two a!Tests.
8/29 Assisted with
lage and did gather intel re: drug activity. Did liit!!ll!lr2ilimlliiWilirl.~system to moniter said activity. Capt Roberts did recover shotgun in Lakeview area. Did assist car stop in

area and recover large amount of Crystal Meth.

amount of narcotics and associated arrest due to efforts.


*For statistical purposes numbers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within one half of one mile ofB.M.H.A.
property .




Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner

Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner
Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief


Date Prepared:08/02/20 13
Report Dates:07/01/2013 to 07/31/2013

Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations

Total Arrests for Period













Traffic Misdemeanor


Traffic Misdemeanor


Total Tickets Issued For Period

Traffic Infraction

Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property

Traffic Infraction

Parking Tags


Parking Tags


City Ordinance


City Ordinance


Total Weapons Recovered

Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property

Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted:
In addition to the above generated statistical law enforcement numbers, the Buffalo Police Department's
Housing Unit performed many functions. The officers assigned did impound (152) vehicles, (123) of which
were from in and around the BMHA properties. All of the impounded vehicles were taken subsequent to
the involvement with the suspended/revoked operator's license, suspended/revoked vehicle registration, or
incident to arrest of warranted subjects, those in possession of narcotics, alcohol related offenses, and
weapons related charges.
Members of the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit did also seize $9,971.50, all of which did
occur in and around the BMHA properties. All monies were seized in relation to the involvement with
narcotics trafficking. United States Federal Government asset forfeiture gu.idelines were utilized by the
officers in each case.
The members of the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit _did also perform the following specific
acts during the reporting period of July 2013:
7/01 * Narcotics interdiction in Lakeview led to arrest
outstanding felony cases in D District.

ofilll.-111--=- which wrapped several

~ r,i.l'RC....~~~
,_ raids in area of Donovan Drive area leading to recovery of large amount of
crack cocaine.

Gang interdiction in Pen-y, Langfield, and Donovan Drive led to several arrests.


Drunken driving interdiction in various BMHA properties led to (2) arrests for DWI.

7/05 * High visibility patrols

Riverside Park festival.

o~ Jasper

Parish, Shaffer Village due to large number of people in area for

Conducted joint vehicle and traffic checkpoint with the Strike Force at Hertel/Military/Jasper Parish

leading to large number of summons issued, vehicle impounds, and various arrests.

7/07 * Narcotics interdiction of Lakeview and surrounding neighborhood and high visibility patrol of
Ken/Langfield and Donovan Drive due to recent shootings on east side.
7/08 * Conducted joint vehicle and traffic checkpoint with the Strike Force at Donovan Drive leading to
large number of summons issued, vehicle impounds, and various arrests .
7/09- * Focus on increased presence of patrols in Ken/Langfield due to recent homicide victim being found
at 5 Sun. .
7/10 * Began dedicated ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ws~o~r~d~~~~~~m~-!C!Rf~~mer
Derenda. Detail ran daily for period of (3) weeks. Did recover one loaded handgun with arrest associated on
Bailey Ave. by Housing detail car.

Intel gathering along with SSTF in Ken/Langfield.

7/12 * Assisted Homicide by utilizing camera surveillance system within Housing Unit to assist with
homicide in Ken/Langfield. High visibility patrol in Jasper Parish due to gang problem.

Narcotics interdiction of Ken/Langfield leading to various anests.

7/14 * Traffic interdiction ofKen/Langfield led to issuance of(19) summons, (2) Misd. summons, (2)
parking tags, and (3) impounded vehicles.
7/15 * Utilized camera system to identify larceny suspect in Peny. Did get in foot pursuit with warranted
subject in Perry, using K-9 to assist in the apprehension.
7/16 * Narcotics interdiction ofKen/Langfield. Ftt' ai~ t+m:r'szuf"Shaffer Village led to several narcotics
related arrests.

Executive staff for BMHA ~




a confidential ip-1jn fm BMHA residents.

Domestic violence interdiction by detail car led to felony arrest in Ken!Langfield.

7/20 * Vehicle traffic interdiction of all large properties led to (41) summons issued, (3) VTM, and (5)
impounded vehicles.
7/21 * Conducted joint vehicle and traffic checkpoint with the Strike Force in front of Donovan Drive
complex led to issuance of (34) summons, (2) VTM, and (5) impounded vehicles.

7/23 * Sweeps of Ken/Langfield and Shaffer Village led to various arrests and large number of summons
7/24 * Detail assigned to Ken/Langfield. Conducted check point along with Strike Force leading to
numerous summons issued and vehicle impounds. Did arrest bank robbery suspect through joint effort of
Housing Unit/SF/SSTF.

High visibility patrols on east side BMHA properties did continue to suppress gang violence.

7/26 * Conducted various checkpoints around east side to include Langfield and Edison led to issuance of
(58) summons, (7) VTM issued, (11) parking tags, and (9) impounded vehicles.

Utilized video smveillance in the Perry for narcotics dealing, suspect identified.

7/28 * Assisted in recovery ofvehicle used in armed robbery did recover $1000.00 in cash from robbery.
Arrests in Shaffer and Perry for Trespass/Narcotics.
7/29 * Conducted vehicle and traffic checkpoint at Donovan Drive along with SF. Narcotics interdiction
in Shaffer Village led to various narcotics related arrests.



7/30 * Followed up on resident complaints in Lakeview. Did effect arrest of burglary suspect in area of
Lakeview and did recover property. Assisted Narcotics unit with various raids.
7/31 * Focused on Ken/Langfield and area surrounding Donovan Drive apts. Led to issuance of (12)
summones, (2) impounded vehicles, (8) misd. arrests, (2) felony arrests.

*For statistical purposes numbers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within one half of one mile ofB.M.H.A.




Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner

Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner
Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief

Prepared By:
Date Prepared:07/02/2013
Report Dates:06/0l /2013 to 06/30/2013

Total Arrests for Period

Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations












Traffic Misdemeanor


Traffic Misdemeanor


Total Tickets Issued For Period

Traffic Infraction

Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property

Traffic Infraction

Parking Tags


Parking Tags


City Ordinance


City Ordinance


Total Weapons Recovered


Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property

Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted:
In addition to the above generated law enforcement numbers attributed to the Buffalo Police
Department's Housing Unit, there were also (62) vehicles impounded, (39) of which were from in and
around B.M.H.A. properties. All vehicles were impounded incident to involvement with
suspended/revoked vehicle registrations, suspended/revoked operator's license, or arrest for narcotics,
weapons possession, or warranted subjects. The Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit did also seize
$13,798 ofwhich $1180 was from in and around B.M.H.A. property. All monies were seized using United
States Federal Government asset forfeiture guidelines. Monies were seized subject to involvement with
narcotics trafficking.
The following specific actions were taken by the Buffalo Police Depatiment's Housing Unit:

6/01 Narcotics interdiction in LaSalle. Specifically assisted with "controlled buys" along with the BPD
Narcotics Unit. Cracked down on illegal parking in all the cities larger Housing properties issuing (26) tags.
6/02 Utilized camera system within Housing Unit to monitor narcotics activity in Perry, Langfield, Shaffer
Village. Narcotics interdiction of Shaffer led to felony arrest for Crack Cocaine poss. in Shaffer Village.
6104 Did work with M 0mu!er D(wueiJilsalidnk;wot tlP'OV ith regard to narcotics activity in Lasalle. Did effect
arrest at 60 Blum as a result. Obtained valuablea:Barcgtjq jpte 1 or t MlMJtftgsr..and did share with . arcotics

6/05 Gathered intel. re: narcotics activity in Lakeview and Lasalle for future targeting. cuuctacted walk:
J]non81lii af "kasalle.

6 ,.. ~
. Le-u V' ' Clll.\.- ....1-'.., v......
.;, . . . -;;~
arrest for possession of same in Langfield.

, -~ . . ., . .."'


6/07 Collaborated with SSTF on intel in Shaffer Village.



Did recover one loaded shotgun along

interdiction in Perry led to arrest for possession.

6/09 Narcotics and warranted subjects interdiction of Lakeview and Shaffer Village led to various
possession arrests as well as detection arid arrest of various warranted subjects.
6/11 ~effY Pejeets uere flFtma~' ieeas!' (6) total arrests for narcotics and possession of stolen property
within Commodore Perry.
6/12 Conducted traffic checkpoint within Ken/Langfield in conjunction Strike Force Unit. Housing cars
did operate at Suffolk and Oakmont leading to various summons and vehicle impounds.
6/13 Obtained weapon and narcotics information in Shaffer Village. Did surveillance as a result. Gathered
intel re: narcotics activity at 53 Jasper Parrish.
6/14 Arrest at 53 Jasper Parish as result of previous day's intelligence.
6/15 Gathered further intel from management at Lasalle an~ as a result, H410 did effe<*-eee arrest for
..,tfeSpd33,""/t charges as well as possession of Narcotics paraphenalia.
6/16 Narcgti:eB interdj ctjop ofi tl4@8 :lour ard PerQ' to m:elub wa!lw zp" This led to various narcotics
anests. Maintained strong presence in Langfield due to recent homicide.
6/17 Did patrol area of Juneteenth festival in area of Schwab Terr. Did also patrol Donovan Drive leading
to two arrests for narcotics therein.
6/18 Conducted narcotics interdiction in Lakeview and Shaffer leading to (5) arrests for possession.
6/19 Continued gathering intel re: narcotics Lasalle. Did recover cash in excess of $10,000 from illegal
Dominican for A.G. office.
6/20 Conducted traffic checkpoint within Ken/Langfield in conjunction with a mini-sweep coordinated by
Mayor's clean sweep program. Led to felony arTest, (39) summons issued and (6) impounded vehicles.

6,q"l Momtot cameras fOI t'eny and Bhaffsr

Shaffer leading to various arrests.

Vi~~ -

Did conduct narcotics interdiction at Lakeview and

6/22 Various arrests in Lakeview for narcotics. Mhilg imllhl~ in larger properties led to issuance of (14)
parking violations.

Narcotics interdiction in Shaffer Village led to (4)

arrests for possession. Passed on dealer info. to Narcotics.

6/25 H!e!Spbhd6fltu tCimr t cowpledn1 s~ Shaffer Village of gangs and narcotics. Provided presence. While
H410 patrolled area ofDonovan and Kelly Gardens did hear gun shots. Did assist in recovery of vehicle
used in nearby homicide and apprehension of (3) subjects.
area of Frederick Douglass and Willert Park leading
6/26 Conducted ft.~-Mie-~l'ft-mto~mi~m~oft\
to various summons issued and vehicle impounds.

6/27 Gang interdiction of Donovan Drive area. Did locate individual with intel. of narcotics, weapons, and
money counterfeiting in area.
6/28 Gathered narcotic intel in Lakeview area. Susp persons checks in Lasalle, Ken/Langfield/ and
6/30 Lakeview narcotics and illegal parking interdiction led to various arrests and parking tickets issued.

*For statistical purposes numbers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within one half of one mile ofB.M.H.A.




Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner

Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner
Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief

Date Prepared: 06/09/2013
Report Dates:05/01/2013 to 05/31/2013

Total Arrests for Period

Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations











Traffic Misdemeanor


Traffic Misdemeanor


Total Tickets Issued For Period

Traffic Infraction

Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property

Traffic Infraction

Parking Tags


Parking Tags


City Ordinance


City Ordinance


Total Weapons Recovered

Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property

Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted:
In addition to the above numbers generated by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit, there also a
total of (73) vehicles impounded, (46) which were from in and around the BMHA properties. All vehicles
were impounded incident to involvement with suspended/revoked operator's license and suspended /revoked
vehicle registration or in relation to arrests for narcotics, weapons, or warranted subjects.
The Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit did also seize a total of$7,426.00 ofwhich $1,549.00
were from in and around the BMHA properties. All funds were seized in relation to involvement with
narcotics sales and were taken using the guidelines set forth by the United States Federal Government Asset
Forfeiture Laws.
The following individuals were arrested and charged with possessing illegal loaded handguns:

The Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit did also perfom1 the following specific functions during the
month of May, 2013:

5/3 .S w~'fi'P

of Pei]ihs for warranted subjects. Did locate an Edward Dozier, wanted on material witness
warrant. Was needed to testify in trial for murder of cab driver.

* 5/4 Narcotics interdiction of Ken/Langfield. Did locate Ford Expedition wanted in previous week's
shooting and did recover marihuana.


Uf:ilii!!e8 eameFfl syot~m within Housing Unit to assist A District Det. in investigation of stabbing in
Commodore Perry.

* 5/7 .In re3peB:oe to msideat eetl"tplflli~i~rttktct e:aUt: ttpe-efPcay ;~J?l!.hni~lass t&\ltlciS. Did make
two narcotics arrests as a result and did recover stash of marihuana as a result of a tip from a resident.

5/8 Narcotics interdiction in Lakeview led to narcotics arrests.

* 5/9 Conducted -~~iiaWRM~~W and did disperse gangs. Did warn individuals of a return to
arrest those non compliant.

5/10 V /T and narcotics interdiction of Lakeview/Shaffer Village/] as per Parish.

* 5/l3 V/T interdiction providing presence at Langfield/Donovan!Willert Park.

5/14 Narcotics arrests in Perry/Langfield/Lakeview.

W /15 Har cotics interdiction at Shaffer Village. TItili~<iHl eamere: s;stem within Housing Unit to monitor
areas around Frederick Douglass.

5116 Nftrsstiss iaterdi ction of Commodore

5117 V/T interdiction ofPen-y and Donovan led to (29) sununons and (6) impounded vehicles.

5/20 Operated a joint v/t checkpoint with Strike Force o_n Jefferson between Douglass and Willert Pruk.


want-ups df LBJ.



* 5/21 Concentrated efforts in South Buffalo specific to Slater Courts and Mullen Manor.



.,..ebecks in Pi~' 88 w8H.>

*...g{!i Whlk tntfiaofKen/Langfield did discover illegal dice game. Led to foot chase into unknown apts.
Did use camera in attempt to fmd out. V/T stop in Langfield did net recovery of(6) lbs of marihuana.

* 5/25 Lt Russo and Capt Roberts did meet with M. Br~orth of the BMHA management with regards
to narcotics complaints in Lasalle. Officers did use offices at Lasalle to conduct surveillance for future

5/26 Narcotics interdiction of Lakeview netted various arrests.

* 5/27 Lt and Captain did patrol Shaffer Village to address ongoing issues. (14) summons issued.
* 5/28 Narcotics and v/t interdiction of Langfield led to arrests and summons.
* 5/29 Again worked with Maureen Brinkworth with info. from Lasalle. Did assist with arrest on Blum as
a result.

1 :'39 i'wp

!llllili ss

&;becks in Lakeview.

* 5/31 Assisted Narcotics and C.I. with controlled buys in Lasalle as result of meetings with mgmt. Plan
future raids.

*For statistical purposes numbers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within one half of one niile ofB.M.H.A.



Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner

Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner
Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief

Prepared By:
Date Prepared:OS/04/2013
Report Dates:04/01/2013 to 04/30/2013

Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations

Total Arrests for Period













Traffic Misdemeanor


Traffic Misdemeanor


Total Tickets Issued For Period

Traffic Infraction

Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property

Traffic Infraction

Parking Tags


Parking Tags


City Ordinance

City Ordinance

Total Weapons Recovered

Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property

Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted:
In addition to the above statistics generated by the members of the Buffalo Police Department's Housing
Unit, there were a total of (97) vehicles impounded, (57) of which were from in and around BMHA
properties. All vehicles were impounded in association with their relation to susp/revoked operators,
susp/revoked vehicle registrations, narcotics related, and warranted persons.
The Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit did also seize $3200.00 from persons arrested in relation
to narcotics possession. All seizures were in accordance with Federal Government standards as they pertain
to seizing cash and property.
On April 5, 2013 the et'ir'ffi!~W~~Pft'tmlm#~-~~nitsem~~Offf:e'M~mlmil~~.,.atidsr:Uil
Arrests were made, including that of a
, who 1s
the reputed leader of a major narcotics distribution ring. He is currently facing Federal Indictments for
narcotics/weapons trafficking and is the subject of homicide investigations. 'WTf
~~wm~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~cm========:a~~J)~ecasesagain~ ~llllllll.,
would not have been as strong, and he would not have been able to have been taking down as quickly. This
is according to FBI Special Agent James Jancewicz of the Safe Streets Task Force.

The following are special concerns addressed by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit:

4/ 1

4/2 Developed intel re: narcotics in Lakeview and a homicide. Shared info. with appropriate units.

Tarcotics interdiction in area of Scwab Terrace leading to narcotics arrests.

* 4/3 Performed a
Ken/Langfield with great sucess.

ith Strike Force Unit at Suffolk/Oakmont in front of

d and

* 4/4 Officers assisted Narcotics unit with raid at 98 Isabelle resulting in arrests, seizure of $1500, and a
quantity of heroin packaged for sale.

4/6 Narcotics interdiction in Donovan Drive led to arrest of two individuals smoking marihuana.

* 4/8 Narcotics interdiction in Shaffer Village led to various arrests.

warranted subject.


to arrest of

Did respond quickly and did

identify several individuals suspected for future interdiction. Made various narcotics arrests in Shaffer

* 4/10 Narcotics interdiction in area of Schwab, Lakeview, led to anests. Stolen car arrest in Donovan.
where applicable.

4114 Narcotics interdiction at Donovan Drive led to an ruTest.

* 47'15 ~{8t 'vitA Iw;eatigatat Paul I<1lt1 to discuss secmity titftM:ers relating te all
Continue to keep open dialogue with regards to issues.



4/16 Conducted narcotics interdiction ofLakeview leading to ruTest.

High Rises.

* 4/17

O~ntin]] ed

with w alk..d.Gm1;ui g f Pe!Ty an dJ? el!lg~. Officers did later effect arrest of an individual
with a loaded .25 cal semi-auto handgun.

* 4/18
residents. Patrolled all larger properties leading to arrests/summons issuances. Later did arrest an
individual with a loaded .380 cal semi-auto handgun.
"'* aU:2:}brcutics SWCCf!""'f Shaffer village leading to various arrests.
* ~/2Q

Cai;}t emdLt mutttiored camera tli"f'eny/Douglass/Ken Lan:fied for intel for future narcotics and
trespassing interdiction.
*. 4/21 Conducted a V/T interdiction ofKen!Langfield which did net various summons issued and


* 4/22 Conducted a j$nt.cbe"kpo.i.m with the 8ttike Fmec at Suffolk and Oakmont netted large number of
summons and (7) impounds.

4/23 Performe~ Village and Jasper. Did issue numerous summons and net
impounds within.

4/24 Assisted management with vacant apt. checks in Donovan Drive.

4/25 Narcotics interdiction of Lakeview and Donovan netted several arrests for possession.

* 4/26 ._....,~~mlr"''t~~IIO fDouglass and Perry. v/t interdiction oflarger properies netted (18)
summons issued.



Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner

Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner
Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief

Prepared By:
Date Prepared: 04/03/2013
Report Dates:03/01/2013 to 03/31/2013

Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations

Total Arrests for Period











Traffic Misdemeanor


Traffic Misdemeanor


Total Tickets Issued For Period

Traffic Infraction

Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property

Traffic Infraction

Parking Tags


Parking Tags

City Ordinance

City Ordinance


Total Weapons Recovered

Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property


Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted:

In addition to the above generated numbers by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit, a total of
(85) vehicles were impounded, (51) having been from in and around the B.M.H.A. properties. All vehicles
were impounded subject to the involvement with weapons possession, narcotics possession, warranted
persons, suspended/revoked operator's and/or suspended/revoked vehicle registrations.
A total of $6360.00 was seized by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit, $5300.00 of which
was seized from arrests in and around the B.M.H.A. properties. All monies were seized in relation to
narcotics sales and were taken in compliance with United States Federal Government seizure/forfeiture
The following individuals were arrested with illegal handguns by the Buffalo Police Department's
Housing Unit:

iiEE~;a loaded
a loaded
Jr, a loaded .38 cal S & W revolver.
with a loaded .40 cal.
loaded sawed off .22 cal rifle.
et. al. with a loaded .45 cal assault rifle.
with a loaded .380 cal Hi-Point.

The following specific actions were taken by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit:
311 Conducted drug interdiction in Shaffer Village in response to citizen complaints making various arrests
for same. Engaged in foot pursuit leading to injury of officer.

3/2 Drug activity in Shaffer Village, "'mHFU1~dt=l9eill~. .RJ:l!ml,._~tr,esulting in various arrests and
narcotics seizures. Numerous summons issued as well.
and did effect
arrests and recover evidence related. ~ '- ~ ,

(Jl~1t"f'Cf<f\\b.N I 0~ ~~

3/4 officers attended training for \rtisl@3~ and Domestic Violence.

well ~!'!'m3Prr'f'~~,..~~~~
Housing Unit.


special agent James Jancewicz of the F.B.I.

3/6 Responded to Shaffer Village re: 061iiiZbati-.~~ift!!JI~mf.~M-m:~i'~!'Rmilm..lMk~l!ti~~g

property leading to impound of (2) minibikes from 118 Isabelle.


3/8 Assisted.S...S LF conducting interviews at 312 Perry with regard to ongoing narcotics investigation in
Perry. Also did pull video from B.M.H.A. cameras related to earlier rumed robbery and murder of
cab-driver. Assisted Homicide with this investigation.
3/9 Officers were assigned to CIE Districts in response to unrest and shootings. Did locate subject linked
who had


to homicide and individual did give full statement to homicide unit.

3/11 Capt Roberts met with Paul Kihl director of BMHA security to discuss matters related all BMHA
properties. Proposed plans for future action.
3112 Officers conducted narcotics interdiction ofKen/Lru1gfield leading to various ~ests and vehicle
3/13 Took informant to Narcotics who had information re: narcotics trafficking. Search warrant was
obtained and narcotics recovered.

BMHA properties. Gained intel from C.I. which led to search warrant where a .38 cal handgun/$4000.00,
and a large amount of narcotics were recovered.
3/19 Conducted narcotics interdictions ofPerry and Douglass resulting in various arrests. Also ~RW~Mil..
~~~~~Wft!ffit:liitilllii~~-and did recover a loaded assault rifle.
3/20 <
mdacted&Z?\l Perry to include 124 Fulton and 305 Perry leading to arrests for marihuana
possession, warr~~ossession and money seizure. Did

accomplish this matter.

3/25 Conducted drug interdiction in Jasper Parish and Shaffer Village resulting in various narcotics arrests.
Did assist C District and Homicide in investigation at 124 Ruhland.
3/27 Met with Mr. David Rodriguez of the BMHA Executive staffte"t'l~~:'"'l'fl~!!!fleiMaiil~~-.w~.aQfll.
fftmems. Director of security Paul Kihl was also in attendance. Officers worked with SSTF in Perry where
munerous arrests were made along with the seizure of a large amount of cocaine.
3/29 Officers obtained intel from C.I. with regards to a handgun leading foot chase and recovery of a loaded
.38 cal handgun.



Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner

Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner
.Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief

Prepared By:~
Date Prepared: 03/02/2013
Report Dates:02/ 10/2013 to 02/28/2013

Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations

Total Arrests for Period










Traffic Misdemeanor


Traffic Misdemeanor


Total Tickets Issued For Period

Traffic Infraction

Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property

Traffic Infraction

Parking Tags


Parking Tags


City Ordinance

City Ordinance

Total Weapons Recovered

Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property

Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted:

In addition to the above numbers generated by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit, there was
taken from in and around the B.M.H.A.
also a total of
properties. All vehicles were impounded incident to arrest for narcotics or in relation to suspended/revoked
operator's license or suspended/revoked vehicle registration.
The Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit did seize a total of$3,376.00 and $1,645.00 ofthat from
was from in and around the B.M.H.A. properties. All moo.i.e:a llli Jie lliilie@ l!!li sg tse Ve8eriil gMiektines es
tbe.}l pertain tg the fppds related tg namoticll fl~i@R Mtd sales. Associated narcotics were Heroin,
Cocaine, and Marihuana.
The following specific actions were taken by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit and are
included in the following Captain's Summary:

'thin the Housing Unit offices to assist the A/District in an armed

robbery investigation. Lt. Strobele/Lt Russo were able to isolate video showing not only the armed robbery,
but their faces and their direction of flight. The A/District Detectives were able to use this information to
identify a suspect in a string of similar robberies.

n the Housing Unit offices.which did lead to (3) separate narcotics

arrests in the Perry Housing Complex.

2/15 Captain Roberts ciM!I~-P~ili&l.ai..-..i.lili1is*Wili~lialliilllli:ii~~~~adilili~~--.W.~~.W.~~

the Frederick Douglass community center.
to various Mi81!A!IIJ'fa

at 449 Military. Did ....,_WIIkiiiWII.w.i.iit~-twithin Housing Unit office to moniter activity in Ken!Langfield. Were able to I.D. suspect a suspect who
did run and discard items on property.

2/21 .Jkrftliiiiect


Walk-rtrwaghs hi Perry courtyards and h1gh-nses. Narcotics mterdich on iii ~l"evism...

w vartous aneM~



2/24 N,arcotics interdiction in Lakeyi ew led to arrests Issued (7) traffi c jnfi.a ctj on summ ons and Cl )
J.Wcliiu;sif:ies fl'lisEL sWiRmQns in " aFi9us Ja .M.H.A. properties.
hb&S>8" e:it~i?ij' with mderJ.a' diPnissal from afiemggp
presence. Provided high visibility patrols in Ken!Langfield.

:A:eoistcei &tifffat Lmmgan field

liDMWI80.-~-e1m~~ with



* M 6-anttta system within Housing Unit utilized to moniter narcotics activity leading to arrest.
Narcotics interdiction in Donovan Drive and Willert Park led to arrests.

W 8 Narcotics jnten;lictigr...ip Frederick Douglass Towere led to an arrest. V/T interdiction in various
B.M.H.A. prope1ties led to (3) ~fti-.ls impounds, (1 1) traffic infraction spmm oa!H33aee, E-!~..llnclassified
misd. summons issued, and ~s .



Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner

Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner
Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief

Prepared By:
Date Prepared:02/10/2013
Report Dates:Ol/26/2013 to 02/09/2013

Total Arrests for Period

Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations










Traffic Misdemeanor


Traffic Misdemeanor


Total Tickets Issued For Period

Traffic Infraction

Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property

Traffic Infraction

Parking Tags


Parking Tags


City Ordinance

City Ordinance

Total Weapons Recovered

Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property

Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted:
In addition to the above numbers generated by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit, t+tc Unit efi&n

All vehicles
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ e

The Housing Unit did also seize $9,366.00 under the Federal government's asset seizure policy,
$3 ,900.00 of which was from B.M.H.A. property.
a'm~~ - Narcotics associated were Marihuana, Opiates(pain killers and
heroin), Cocaine (crack and powder), and Crystal Meth-Amphetimine.
The Housing Unit did also recover (5) loaded handguns during the reporting period:
1. Loaded .357Sig Sigsauer semi-auto pistol with (1) rurest.
2. Loaded .32 cal. handgun with (1) arrest.
3. Loaded 30/30 rifle with (2) arrests.
4. Loaded .32 cal. handgun with (4) arrests.
5. Loaded, defaced .22 cal. handgun with (2) arrests.
Captain's Sununary:


interdiction in Shaffer Village.

1/3 1 Performed "sweep" of Shaffer Village netting narcotics arrest.

2/5 Captain Roberts and Special Agent James Jancewicz did co-present a Gang-Awareness meeting at
Douglass Community center for B.M.H.A. staff with facilitation by Mr.Stanley Fernandez.

2/6 Narcotics interdiction of Lakeview led to Marihuana possession anest.

* For statistical purposes numbers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within one half of one mile of B.M.H.A.



Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner

Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner
Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief

Prepared By:
Date Prepared: 01126/2013
Report Dates:01/ 11 /2013 to 01 /25/2013

Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations

Total Arrests for Period










Traffic Misdemeanor


Traffic Misdemeanor


Total Tickets Issued For Period

Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property

Traffic Infraction


Traffic Infraction


Parking Tags


Parking Tags


City Ordinance

City Ordinance

Total Weapons Recovered

Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property

Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted:
During this reporting period the 8'ntm'm-1~~-rn~mrmH~m5'~1'1g'rWt!.a.1~~i.al~~81W*'!WI=i1that
reported law enforcement statistics generated by the Housing Unit, ~et!!~~~~~eM181di11118118oiMY!~me&,..
. All of the impounded vehicles were ....!WMWB1ctQ~a
Reasons for impound were S\t@lptudcd Opetatdr S"
The Housing Unit did perform a tmf:He roaclbloek/thcckpeint on Langfield between Eggert and Edison.
This was a(318(!)Htpli~hed with the tt:!:!i~tturcc ofthe Buffalo Potiee"Dcpt's Strike Fmoee-Unit. Uais
collaboration ofthe units to

n a B.M.H.A. property
demonstrated an above base-line level of service.
On January 17, 2013 Captain Patrick Roberts did meet at 476 Louisiana, the office of Stanley Fernandez,
the Deputy Director of Family Support Services for the B.M.H.A. Additional attendees at the meeting were
B.M.H.A. Investigator Paul Kihl, and F.B.I Special Agent James Jancewicz. The
The purpose of these planned
presentations will be to
Future dates and locations of the presentations were discussed as well as the format for the meetings. Capt
Roberts did follow up with Stanley Fernandez and the first planned meeting is Feb. 5, 2013 to be held at the
Martha Mitchell Community Center for the Ken-Langfield staff.
The Housing Unit did also effect the--m: r~f (3) separate individuals who each were in possession of
loaded firearms. All three firearms were loaded revolvers, (2) of which were .38 cal and (1) of which was a
.357 Magnum. In two ofthe cases the individuals did fight violently in an attempt to free themselves from
apprehension. One individual had twice been convicted of weapons possession in the past and claims to be
the target of a future "hit" and claims his "best friend" had been murdered two weeks previous by the same
individual. This violent struggle took place on Newburgh near East Delavan, less than 112 mile from the
Ken-Langfield Property.

response, the Lieutenants having directed their officers to increase visibility. ~B:,m~Rii~MIMi.
The cooperation between between the Housing Unit
and the B.M.H.A.'s Mike Lewis is credited with netting this information, contraband, and arrests which
should s;!!'\!~~mo"'m'mT=mf~~!ffi!~~~enfefei!!Hft~


*For statistical purposes numbers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within one half of one mile ofB.M.H.A.



Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner

Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner
Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief

Prepared By:
Date Prepared:01/17/2013
Report Dates:12/27/2012 to 01/10/2013

Total Arrests for Period

Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations










Traffic Misdemeanor


Traffic Misdemeanor


Total Tickets Issued For Period

Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property

Traffic Infraction


Traffic Infraction


Parking Tags


Parking Tags


City Ordinance

City Ordinance

Total Weapons Recovered

Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property

Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted:

As evidenced by the above compiled statistics, The Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit continues
to focus it's efforts to the areas in and around the B.M.H.A. properties. In all areas of regulation the officer's
~. This illustrates an above
baseline amount of service that would be delivered had the Housing Unit not have been dedicated to the
B.M.H.A. properties. Left to routine patrol, the Districts would not be able to dedicate or concentrate
efforts in this manner.
One area where this is evidenced is that~S'f'~'lie~~~~~mnde~~he.olW.it.~~~otYhia.fii.M!ep:M
,mdaimJ~~r;Nl~l!ll'\1!EPJrofl~Y All of these vehicles were impounded in association witutli~~~~
o er
s. Statistically, (3)
out of (4) of all vehicles impounded were in the targeted areas, demonstrating an above baseline level of
service. District personal would not be able to provide this level of dedication and service.
Many of the above impounds were made possible by the use of department authorized
roadblocks/checkpoints. During this reporting period roadblocks were carried out at Suffolk and Oakmont
near the Langfield Homes, Best and Fillmore near Schwab Homes, Hertel and Jasper Parish, and on E.
Ferry in fi.ont of Donovan Drive Complex. These were completed with the assistance of the Strike Force
Unit which is comprised of officers from the B.P.D ., E.C.S.D., and the New York State Police. These
roadblocks are an above baseline service to the B.M.H.A. as the Districts do not have the time or manpower
to carry out such endeavors.
A significant anest was made by the Unit as
neighboring the Donovan Drive complex, was
as(!. fugitive from Denver,
on weapons and
dangerous drugs charges. The individual did attempt to hide his identity from officers as he did not wish to
be detected and returned to face the charges.
Officers debrief each arrest on drug related charges and attempt to obtain info. regarding drug sales on
B.M.H.A. properties. This practice consistanly nets results as evidenced above. It is my belief that the
blatant drug/weapons activity is being suppressed by the officers vigorous vehicle and traffic enforcement.



Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner

Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner
Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief

Prepared By: Date Prepared: 01/3 0/2013

Report Dates:05/01/2012 to 05/31/2012

Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations

Total Arrests for Period












Traffic Misdemeanor


Traffic Misdemeanor

Total Tickets Issued For Period

Traffic Infraction

Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property

Traffic Infraction

Parking Tags

Parking Tags

City Ordinance

City Ordinance

Total Weapons Recovered

Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property

Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted:
* During reporting period (16) vehicles were impounded, (4) of which were in and around B.M.H.A.
* Said impounds were incident to arrests for weapons, narcotics, apprehension of warranted suspects.

511 assisted Narcotics Units on buys in Shaffer Village in response to resident complaints.

Worked with Manager at Donovan, Elaine Garbe to address complaints of burglary of "vacants".

517 Followed up on intel of drug activity in Lakeview leading to several arrests.

* Assisted C/District on Large fight of 100 or more persons in Donovan Drive Complex.

* 5/13 2nd half of tour of duty did concentrate efforts in Schwab complex searching for suspects in
C/District investigation of (5) persons shot.

5/15 Located missing (4) yr old child missing from Langfield Complex.

,_IIRIII!;,. Spent beginning of tour in Shaffer Village Complex on gang interdiction.

due to shooting on Oakmont.

Did move to Langfield

* 5/18 Due to recent shootings officers did patrol east side projects and did recover handgun and
associated arrest on Genessee St, within 112 mile of complexes.

officers did recover bullet-proof vest from garbage tote

E.Delavan/Courtland near neighboring Ken/Langfield four arrests with loaded weapon.

5/19 Officers arrested suspect shooting down the street from Donovan Drive on E. Ferry

* Netted arrest with loaded .25 cal within 1/4 mile ofLangfield.
* instituted burglary interdiction sweep in Jasper Parrish.

5/26 investigated managers complaint at Donovan Drive of drug/weapons ... did disperse "squatters" and
secured premisis.

gained intel. from C.I. with regards to drug activity at 1802 Kenmore Ave., apt C And D in Lasalle

Complex, plan fu~ return to moniter.

*For statistical purposes numbers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within one half of one mile ofB.M.H.A.

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