Edu-280 LP Single Parenting

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Samuel Wood

EDU 280
Lesson Plan Single Parenting


Description of Class: The class is made up of 27 students. 17 of the students are

female and 10 students are male. The students are a diverse group, representing many
different ethnicities and cultures.


Subject/Skill: Single parenting


Objective(s): The students should become familiar with the different definitions for
single parent and some statistics for the issue. In addition the students will discuss
the topic in order to gain awareness into what being a single parent and being raised
in a single parent household is like.


1. The students will view the different definitions and some statistics from a Power
2. The students will be introduced to some of the risk factors for children in single
parent household (Power Point). After there will be a small discussion to see if
any other risk factors exist.
3. The students will be introduced to some of the stereotypes surrounding single
parents (Power Point). After there will be a small discussion to see if any other
stereotypes exist.
4. The remainder of the lesson will consist of an open discussion that may include
questions, responses to questions, sharing of an experience, and anything relevant
to the topic.


Materials: Power Point, individual student worksheets, Elmo, and whiteboard


Expected outcomes: Many students will have some experience on the topic of single
parenting and all will leave with a better grasp of the subject.


Assessment: Participation is required, every student should contribute to the

discussions in some capacity. Students will fill out the provided worksheet during the

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