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Samuel Wood

EDU 220
Cooperative Lesson Plan


Description of Class
A class of 24 11th graders, included in the total are 2 learning disabled, 1 gifted, and 2
English language learners.


U.S. History: knowledge of the northern, middle, southern, and back country English


The students will identify specific cultural aspect of the different colonies. The class
will be broken up into four groups in a jigsaw cooperative method. Each group will
be assigned one of the colonies. This will be preparation for a class discussion and
quiz. The students will need to participate in the discussion and score 80% on the
future quiz to demonstrate mastery.


1. The teacher will explain to the students that today you all will prepare to represent
an English colony. Then, divide the students into four groups of six. The groups
should be as equal in ability as possible. The student need to know that they are
to identify cultural aspect of their assigned colony and prepare to discuss them as
a group for a later class.
2. Review sheets with terms will be provided. Each group will get their colonies
key terms that the class has been introduced to in previous lessons. The key terms
will lack any explanation. The groups will need to research through textbooks or
internet capable devices.
3. The teacher will give examples of researching the key terms and demonstrate how
to associate them with the English colonies.
4. The teacher will move from one group to another to ensure that they can properly
find the appropriate information.
5. The teacher will move from one group to another to identify any struggling
groups. Once identified, the teacher will lead the group in the right direction.



Materials needed for this lesson are the pre-prepared key terms, textbook, and internet
capable device.

Grouping Structure
The class will be divided into 4 groups of 6 using a jigsaw cooperative method.


The teacher will be allowed to read and help with notes for the learning disabled and
English language learners.


6. The teacher will give feedback to the groups as he/she navigates the classroom.
The teacher needs to ensure that the information gathered for the future discussion
is correct, the quiz scores will depend on the accuracy of the discussion.
7. The students will take a copy of their discussion topics home to study. They will
need to allocate some time to prepare for the discussion scheduled for the next

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