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San Pablo Colleges

Hermanos St., San Pablo City, 4000

Laguna, Philippines
Graduate School

Amparo Christine Recon-Panganiban

Student No.: 099435

Chapter 2- Conflicting Function and Processes in Education


Conflicting functions of education


Socialization : Learning to be productive members of society and the

passing on of culture.
Students learn the rights and wrongs values and roles of the society into
which it is born. Educational system socialize students to become members f
society however, students may have different experiences in the school system
depending on their social class racial or ethnic background, neighbourhood in
which they live.


Transmission of Culture
Different groups of students are taught different norms, skills,
values, and knowledge and therefore acquire different set of skills and
knowledge base.


Social Control and Personal Development

Discipline differs by social class racial-ethnic group and sex.


Selecting Training and Placement of Individual in Society

Some policies such as testing give the appearance of equality yet
some students were selected for higher tracks. The access that some
students may have to technology will also influence their chances to
compete in the future.


Change and Innovation

This is expected to happen as technology changes the way the work is


Importance of Processes in Educational systems

Processes are the action part of systems. They link the system parts and
the system and environment


The Function of Socialization:

Who gets ahead the process?

1. The early childhood education controversy. Controversies surround who

should provide early care and the long-term results of early care. Research
finds that there are some long-term positive effects of programs on poor
children, especially if the efforts continue, and no deleterious effects of early
childhood education on other children.
2. Role of the media in socialization. Controversies surround the role of media in
education or entertaining, and the possible negative results of television
watching. Excessive TV watching lowers achievement, and TV violence may
increase aggression. Suicide rates go up after shows concerning suicide have
aired. There is clear evidence regarding the effect of parental involvement in
TV decisions and the positive effects of educational TV for children. Recent
industry ratings and V-chips
3. Political socialization. Schools play a role in teaching children their political
roles in society.

The Function of Cultural Transmission and Process of Passing On Culture

Concern has risen over poor skills of students, as shown by low
standardized test scores and cultural illiteracy. Some advocate much
stricter core curricula to correct deficiencies. What to teach and who
should decide are also controversial questions especially in heterogeneous
societies. Three areas re also use to exemplify the controversies: drugs and
sex education, creationism versus secularism, and censorship of textbooks.


The Function of Social control and Personal Development: Preparing the

Individual for Society

Two issues that point to the attempt by schools to maintain social control
are discipline and students rights. Controversies center on what type of
discipline to use and on whether students have the same rights under the
law as adults such as free speech and freedom from search and seizure.


The Function of Selection and Allocation: The Sorting Process

How individuals are placed in society is the key controversy here. Because
testing is used extensively for placement in schooling and jobs, the
fairness of this procedure is discussed. (This function is discussed further
in Chapter 1.)


The Function of Change and Innovation: The Process of Looking to the Future
Who has access to the technological training necessary to advance in
society is one issue raised here. To the extent that certain students have
more access than others. They may have an edge in future placements.

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