Matthew Welcome Packet

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Vocabulary Selection Worksheet© Instructions: List up to 5-10 item: c s for each category. Include only those items that your student or child currently enjoys (or dislikes for final category). Things your student/child likes to eat ChgloTaPe ChIP CPLTES OPES Davros 1e Str-wherty Bove Forbille Cheese EGG ARPS Things your student/child likes to drink Gg Meron JUICE AMIE cope JuICE Be “water ‘Activities your studenUchild likes (watching television, spinning, sitting in a special chair, squeezes) Wet Chr te/evi Si MAtchi9 the Res, Paint Social games your student/chilé likes (Peek-a-boo, chase, tickles, Pook a boo CheSe+ bichled: etc.) : JumP Places your student/child likes to Z Re ate, Li Wk Siw SS What your student/child chooses to /do during free time He PIOY the ifod he Plays the +oYS he Plays the Abc People your studentichild recognizes and enjoys being with WMoMdad) bi9 broth and the char? tems, activities your student/child DOES NOT like Re dont WikS the tedy bears he dont liks e dent liks Cars tha do nois Copyright, 2002, by Pyramid Educational Products, Inc. May be reproduced ‘Appendix D: Vocabulary Selection 381 Tun Over ——? 7s Communication Dictionary Information Form SchooVsite Speech Provider HOW I COMMUNICATE When rm happy, 1 UIE Sow many er Od _7 late These things make me happy Wi amit When I want attention, 1 PUD w 0, kis hé 1 request things or actions by : Tsay “no by [NY mol Says lean ee uP the boxs Lsay "yes" bilge VE, Om Says #> turn the fi Help me choose by_dyeShin UP. When I'm unhappy, SCrem SOW Aud Ohd DT hi eC the i These things make me unheppy hECOUSC NY Mom donwopis fo Bye rh When I'm hungry or thirsty, 1 SY +00 Mny_mom 40 Wie me she 44ina5 I Wwayr, mmetQ Play the blocks On) the dominoes I.don't like or am allergic to Wren tmiirea1 SJeCP OL fee! Mminuts Ahd_y wayk uP When I'm uncomfortable or in pain, 1 la Sea Whent'm bore Sit i the ChOer And ho Nots SPECIAL FACTS ABOUT ME Medical Alerts. Da Sensory Alenss QU Best Positioning Allergies Peg: Other DU. Citywide Speech Services * District 75 * New York City Department of Eduction THE PRAGMATICS PROFILE Q of Everyday Communication Skilis in Pre-School Children \t Chite's name. Mathew eae 1. Attention Directing 8) To Self How does (child's name) usually get your attention? Examples: By cing. By wgang atyou. By vocal By caiog ar eo Mummy} ing tice ‘Watch b) To Events, Objects, Other People ifyou and (chikt's name) were going slong the street or walking in @ perk. ‘and (he/she) saw something interesting, what would (child's name) be likely to do? pomp: Pont Pan Point and tur to look at you. 1 © Hazel Dewart and Susie Summers, 1895 THE PRAGMATICS PROFILE of Everyday Communication Skills in Pre-School Childre! crits name Meck, 2. Requesting a) Request for Object tf you were in the kitchen and (child’s name) saw something (he/she) wanted to eat that was out of reach, how would (he/she) let you know? Examples: By crying. By reaching out and pointing to it. By pointing and making pleading noise: By pulling you over to it or pushing your hand towards it. By looking or pointing at it and saying its name—— By pointing and saying something tke “I want that b) Request for Action How does (child's name) let you know it (he/she) wants to be picked up? Examples: Looks up at you. Puts arms up to Says ‘up, any. ve Says tm ted, “My legs ache” ) Request for Assistance If (child's name) needs your help, for example, if (he/she) was on a toy on wheels and got stuck, or needed straps undone to get out of the buggy, what is (he/she) likely to do? Exampbes: 6 Ike pr on at ee wert Call for: Sey someting ie ‘tuck’ or ‘cat do 2 © Hazel Dewart and Susie Summers, 1985

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