8th and 12th Houses in Astrology

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8th and 12th Houses In Astrology

13 OCTOBER 2013

* In astrology 8 house and its connections indicates sudden loss, ill

health, problems, pain. and gains in expected way

* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 1 & 8, then dejection and
depression of mind would be there.
* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 1 & 6, and then the person
would fall prey to sudden diseases.
* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 1, 6 & 8, then a part of body
or organ of a person would get damaged and would call for subsequent
* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 1, 3, 6, 8&12, (3, 8 & 12 are
related at Stars), then the person would have to face amputations.
* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 1, 6, 8 & 12, and when it
resides in Lagna, then the person would suffer from diseases that may rise
up to Coma stage with the possibility of retrieval.
* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 1, 6, 8 & 12 and Also to
Houses of death 2,7,8 then the person would die, at coma stage itself,
subsequent to diseases.

* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 2, 6 & 11, then unexpected
borrowings would be made.
* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 2, 6, 8 & 11, then the sum of
unexpected borrowings would be high.
* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps (Star lord 2 & (Sub lord 11),
then unexpected monetary income would flow to the person.

* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps (Star lord 11) & Sub lord 2),
then the unexpected monetary income to a person would be immense.
* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 3, 5, 2 & 11, then the client
will gain through lottery.
* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 2, 7 & 12, then personal
belongings would be stolen.
* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 3, 8 & 12, then personal
belongings would be lost.
* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 2, 8 & 12, then money and
properties would get hooked at the hands of others.
* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 2, 5, 8 & 12, then, all of a
sudden, one would have to lose all his money and properties.
* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 1, 8 & 12, then one would be
* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 3, 8 & 12, then troubles out
of documents, Surety, misinformations etc would crop up.
* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 2, 4 & 8, then litigation would
arise from properties.
* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 2, 4 & 11, and also with the
planet Mercury, then profit and gains are through wills and charters.
* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 2, 4 & 11, and also with the
planets Mars and venues and fixed signs, then the unexpected gains
would be in the form of immovable properties like buildings or houses.
* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 2, 4, 11, and also with the
planets Moon an Venus and Watery signs, then the unexpected gains
would be in the form of fertile lands.
* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 2 & 11, and also with the
planet Jupiter, then the unexpected gains are paper currencies.
* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 2 & 11, and also with the
planets Jupiter and venues, then the unexpected gains are gold and
valuable articles.
* If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 4 & 8, then ones vehicle
would get into accidents.

*If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with cusps 1, 4 & 8, then one could get
injuries in accidents.
* If star lord of sub lord of 8th cusp is being the planet Saturn, and also
related with cusps 2 & 11, then one would get money from insurance
* If star lord of sub lord of 8th cusp is being the planet Mars, and also
related with cusps 4 & 11, then one would get unexpected properties.a. If
sub lord of 8th cusp is related with the planets Saturn and Mars, then one
would get machinery, unexpectedly. b. If sub lord of 8th cusp is related
with the planets Mars and Venus, then unexpected gains are immovable
properties. c .If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with planets Venus and Mars
and also with Movable or immovable signs, then one would gain vehicles
unexpectedly. d. If sub lord of 8th cusp is related with the planets Jupiter
or Venus, then one would gain gold or valuable articles. e.If sub
lord of 8 cusp is related with the planet Venus, then one would gain

12th house of the horoscope indicates Loss .

12th would detail the ways of losses incurred by one.

* If sub lord of 12th is related with houses 2, 7 & 12, then one would incur
heavy losses or loose either through his wife or by way of theft.
* If sub lord of 12th is related with houses 1, 5 & 8, then one would incur
heavy losses or loose due to immoral behavior.
* If sub lord of 12th is related with houses 1, 5 & 11, then one would incur
heavy losses or loose by leading a carefree and luxurious life.
* If sub lord of 12th is related with houses 5, 8 & 10, then one would incur
heavy losses or loose in business or Ventures.
* If sub lord of 12th is related with houses 5,9 & 12, then one would
lead carefree life without rendering any kind of labour to incur heavy
losses or and to loose all his belongings.
* If sub lord of 12th is related with houses 5, 10& 9, then one would
throwaway all his belongings to lead a spiritual life.
* If sub lord of 12th is related with houses 3, 5, 8 & 12, then one would
incur heavy losses in business.
* If sub lord of 12th is related with houses 6, 8 & 12, then one would incur
heavy losses while clearing-off debts for subsequent borrowings.

* If sub lord of 12th is related with houses 1, 6 & 12, then one would incur
heavy expenditure or losses in the process of medical treatment.
* If sub lord of 12th is related with houses 2, 7 & 6, then one would incur
heavy expenditure for the medical treatment of life-partner.
* If sub lord of 12th is related with houses 6 & 8, then one would incur
heavy expenditure by way of unnecessary spending of his wife;
* If sub lord of 12th is related with houses 5, 10& 12, then one would incur
heavy expenditure for the medical treatment to the child.
* If sub lord of 12th is related with houses 4, 9 & 11, then one would incur
heavy expenditure for the medical treatment to the mother.
* If sub lord of 12th is related with houses 2, 4 & 9, then one would incur
undue expenditure for the medical treatment to the father.
* If sub lord of 12th is related with houses 4, 6 & 10, then one would incur
undue expenditure for the medical care of in-laws.

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