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Then, play the same throwing game, but instead of saying your name, say the
name of the person who threw the ball to you - start by asking one student to
throw the ball to you and as you catch it say their name. Then throw to another
student and they should say your name as they catch it. If anyone gets a name
wrong (or can't remember) they have to sit down for 3 throws. By the end of
the activity everyone should have a good idea of everyone else's names!


Good at the beginning of class to wake everyone up! Call out commands such as:
Attention, salute, march in place...stop, sit down, stand up, walk in a circle, clap your
hands...stop, run in place...stop, jumping jacks...stop, swim in place....stop, etc. At first students
will copy you but later they should be able to do the commands without you. (Submitted by
Tania Bibbo).

Silent Ball

If the Ss are being loud and off task play this game with them. It really works and
they love to play it. Have all the Ss stand up and give one student a ball (make sure it is soft).
Have the students toss the ball to each other without saying a word. Any student who drops the
ball or talks must sit down. (Submitted by Samantha Marchessault)

Good-bye activities
For older students (7 and older): Play "Stand on one leg questions": Get
everyone to stand on one leg. Ask each student in turn a question (either from
the warm-up questions or a review question from the lesson). If they get the
question right they can sit down. If they get it wrong they must remain
standing on one leg until the turn comes around to them again. This should be
fun and quick - hopefully your students will all be sitting down soon enough!

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