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Strategy Memo Management Communications


Dana Donnley, Director of Employee Communication at Whirlpool Corporation

Antnio Chagas, Employee Communication Manager at Whirlpool Corporation
8 March 2013
Evaluating strategies for Implementation of a New Employee Wellness Program

This memo recommends the conception of a new program based on the previous one. The
major improvements that will bring are related with the increase of the level of detail of the
exams, the inclusion of the employees spouse and improvement of confidentiality, an old

The Whirlpool Employee Wellness Program (EWP) has been a continuous success. Between
2009 and 2010, it is estimated to generated savings or cost avoidance of $6m and $7m,
respectively (IBI/NBCH Health and Productivty Forum, 2011)
This was a major driver for being one of the most admired companies and one of the best
places to work (Awards and Recognition, 2013).

In order to continue to grow, the program needs some adjustments and requires changes on
its concept. This new approach is the opportunity to rethink the programs strategy. First of all,
the new program will be more labour intensive. This means that it will require more staff
(nurses and support staff) and increase the attending hours so that spouses can come to the
centre after work. This has to be done prior to the launch of the program for the structure to
be prepared.
Another important topic is the intensity of the exams. Since there is already some level of
acceptance for the program, the employees should have the option to perform a much wider
range of exams. This could be beneficial on two aspects:
(1) it competes with other wellness programs
(2) A higher level of analysis also contributes for the validity and effectiveness of the
Confidentiality is paramount. As before, it represents a critical path of this program. The new
program will need to continue to tackle this issue by reinforcing its focus on improving
customers trust.
It is expected that spouses participation will contribute to a larger impact on the program. By
including the spouses, the company is also creating a strong character around the importance
of the family wellbeing as a part of the employers performance.

Strategy Memo Management Communications

Another important aspect is the letter that is going to be sent to the employees. It should be
very clear on the description, advantages and benefits. It should be written in a simple and
succinct way, so that everyone can immediately understand its purpose.
Finally, the audience can be segmented by the communication.
In conclusion, the strategy of the memo should focus on the creation of a new program,
instead of promoting an improvement on the existing one. The announcement of a new
program will create more visibility and will boost the participation of the employees.

1. Make sure that the infrastructure is prepared to deal with more customers. Hire more
nurses and staff, extended attending hours
2. New statements for the EWP.
a. Persuasive
b. Direct language
c. English American (since it is an American company)
d. Definition of a spouse keeping in mind sensitive issues with homosexual
couples that are not married
e. Cleary state the purpose, reasons and benefits.
f. Include a signature in the end
3. Internal press release to announce the changes and the improvements of the new
4. Follow up in the week after the release. Contact employees to get feedback regarding
the launch of the new program.
5. Send a letter to employee families (addressed to both husband and wife)
6. In terms of actions to increase trust of confidentiality we have to:
a. Immediately after the exam, nurses will send the file directly to the patients
home in an envelope marked Strictly Private and Confidential or in
alternative through an electronic email or even a link only accessed through
b. If problem is found, nurses will contact the employee directly by phone to
discuss options and the necessary medical advisement.
c. Somehow we receive a feedback from the last program that the company
doctors have been too involve so in this case their role will be less present
for a more private process.
7. The segmentation is required as follow:
a. Employees that have previously participate and do not have any
confidentiality issues.
b. Employees that did not participate in the last year
c. Spouses receptiveness in participate


Strategy Memo Management Communications

Short time (immediately):

o Hire more staff and prepare the centre for more volume of attendees and
dividing the program into phases in order.
o Release the internal press release.
Median time (one month):
o Target participation, especially with receptiveness of the spouses (if targets
meet the participation).
o Implement the first phase of the program (only to employees in the Head
Long time (two months):
o If a target increased of participation is not realized, send letters to the
employers families to increase awareness.
o Implement the second phase of the program (to employees outside the Head

Awards and Recognition, 2013. Whirlpool Corporation. [Online]
Available at:
[Acessed at 6 Mar 2013].
IBI/NBCH Health and Productivty Forum, 2011. Whirlpool Corporations Journey to a Culture of
Health. [Online]
Available at:
[Acessed at 6 Mar 2013].

Strategy Memo Management Communications

March 8th, 2013

Mr. Ryan P. McCarthy
786 Elliott Street
Seattle, WA 91277-3011
Subject: The New Wellness Program 2013
Dear Mr. McCarthy,
As you are aware, every year you receive an invitation letter to perform a series of
mini-physicals to check on your general health condition. This check-up is part of our
Wellness Program, a universal, free and voluntary scheme, designed to improve the
wellbeing of our employees.
This year, were proud to announce that were launching a new and improved
Wellness program.
First, weve decided to include the option of more extensive exams. We that believe by
doing so, youll benefit of a full check-up entirely free.
Second, we know that the health of those who are close to you is equally important.
Therefore, and from now on, your spouse will also benefit from our companys
Wellness program.
Finally, in order to improve our program further, we have decided to extend the
attending hours until late after work (until 7pm).
What isnt new, is our concern about confidentiality, but even that will have a renew
attention. From now on, all the volunteers will receive a Strictly Private and
Confidential letter with the results. Other formats are also available (email or
telephone). Our nurses will work with absolute enclosure regarding your medical
results. As always, youll receive the original, and no copies will be made.
We believe that, these changes will better serve our employees and families.
Because remember, its your health that were talking about!
Please contact me at your earliest convenience if youve any questions.
Best regards,
Dana Donnley, Director of Employee Communication of Whirlpool Corporation

Whirlpool Corporation

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